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tv   [untitled]    June 9, 2011 2:00am-2:30am PDT

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stepping up the pressure on libya today to calls on allies to intensify war efforts but moscow insists a peaceful solution is the only option of the talks with the rival sides. russia puts the brakes on their first strike countries want to take action against syria which the kremlin says could lead to the biggest star military intervention. american death row inmates are being lethally injected with animal killing drugs and she rights groups claim is transferred to. our top story in business british major b.p. confirms its arctic alliance with ross have this effectively dead but adds it's
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still going to focus on all exploration outside russia join me for that and more in our business bulletin it's. around the world and around the clock this is out here welcome to the program. similar goals but with a very different methods for bringing stability to libya nato chief is calling on the coalition to get even more active in what is already an intensive campaign and the same time russia is discussing peace with the regime and the rebels with the kremlin's special envoy saying both sides admit war is not the solution from russia isn't it was more. they to continues bombing tripoli we've been hearing heavy strikes overnight as well as during the day this week actually the libyan capital has seen the most intense a fair rate since the beginning of the operation in march with nato targeting
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gadhafi his compound and command and control centers in an attempt to within the embattled colonel and force him out russia actually wants to see it are free to step down most coups envoy has visited libya and has met opposition leaders here and has also mad because after his closest ally and his cousin in cairo and after that mikhail margelov has said that both sides have a mutual understanding that military actions is not an option and this conflict should only be resolved through peaceful means. nato allies are in agreement duffy must go but the scene is that real simply about how to do that the alliance is going to rasmussen and the u.s. defense secretary robert gates are demanding more participation more now from certain members because the reality is that only eight out of twenty eight nations members have joined the air raids meanwhile the country which is not in nato
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sweetness preparing to send its marines to enforce. weapons and cargo and has agreed to extend its presence in this operation in fact the latest murmurs of discontent are coming from the radicals they. want to be sure as they say that they . stayed out of the political process in leaving a case in and national issues well we can see that they to has intensified dramatically its military efforts here in libya wow this campaign this whole operation against gadhafi is getting more and more unpopular among all the sides been involved or the head of france's national party has co go to war in libya isn't that right. but a mission to topple the current regime is some of what we're here for in the past that next up. the level where completely outside international law we should stop talking nonsense it is no longer at all an air exclusion zone we are in
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a mission to bring down a man and a regime and in order to do so. helicopters much more obviously will send an army on the ground so it's no longer it's all about humanitarian issues it's about a civil war in which we seek one side. russia concerned over abuse of the un mandated there be a moscow who is trying to make sure the same mistakes and not repeated elsewhere it's effectively blocking the draft resolution is put forward up he will get what's called on the security council with your aimed at pressuring the syrian regime was very poor and reports it's because the same kind of language is being used which led to the bombing of libya. following two hours of closed door consultations with the u.n. security council members france and britain did not corner enough support that they clearly needed for this resolution that they introduced to be adopted in that
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resolution introduced by britain and france calls for a condemnation against the syrian government for our crackdown on anti-government protesters that has taken place over the past three months the resolution the draft resolution proposed by the u.k. and france as i mentioned also urges countries to not supply weapons to damascus it also calls on syria to comply and to work with the u.n. human rights organization now this is a big effort on the part of these european countries sitra to get the international community to clamp down on syria following three months of unrest but as we've been reporting other countries veto wielding countries such as china and russia have spoken out against adopting any resolutions against syria russian ambassador to the
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united nations the tally churkin says he believes that diplomacy should be used for solving political problems not creating conditions for a new armed conflict the russian envoy said passing more and more and more resolutions puts the international community in a position where it's picking sides within an internal conflict let's take a listen to what he said during an interview with channel russia. concerning interfering in syria three years may lead to an escalation of violence because the media misinterpreted by the destruction of opposition forces who want change of power in damascus such a position will definitely lead to more bloodshed and an exclusion of violence in some quarters that dialogue is needed and we remember that in libya it also started with defending human rights which ended up with a war led by the coalition russia among many other countries believe. that it would not help the situation in the middle east could possibly destabilize syria possibly other countries and in the aftermath of what is taking place in libya
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a resolution being adopted back in march and some criticizing the fact that european and the u.s. overstepped the guidelines that were put out in that resolution russia and other countries are a little bit more reserved on syria choosing a more diplomatic approach in the meantime consultations at the united nations will continue again thursday morning as the u.k. and france continue campaigning for support against this draft for this draft resolution against syria. the united nations as well as of course of action over syria crackdowns on protesters in yemen and bahrain. one correspondent eric margolis says that washington is using the u.n. as a tool to protect its friends and punish its sentiments. i don't think they understand how dangerous the syrian situation is and how a collapse of syrian government couldn't gender group the booty but it's the other
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half of the middle east people you're looking at there seem united states britain and sallow skin worried about human rights in syria but wait a minute western backed governments and well rein and in yemen and not to mention in israel are gunning down some. weird it's coming to western powers about this so it's unclear it will stand it's a lot of people across the muslim world the united nations sympathy at the security council has become as former u.s. secretary of state madeleine albright said an arm of u.s. foreign policy and the u.s. is using it to squeeze the syrians hopefully give you the push of change syria the next targets for the covert so it's very dangerous homeless and this is not right the balance is lost the united nations its foes the. instigator
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so more diplomacy for us the ability to rise natch. well we're keeping your cross the turbulence in the arab world r.t. dot com so far things discovered there as well that let's have a look at that's just a click away full steam ahead of russian designs putting towards getting passengers traveling almost the speed of sound on the ground. and also we remember the birthday of one of the most prominent and innovative russian into the great work out of the. moscow is a pushing ahead with efforts to create a joint european missile defense system with that despite the lukewarm cooperation of the alliance russian officials say they emerged disappointed from the latest
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summit in brussels drawing to a. proposed is being brushed aside by nato which once its own system but one that some loosely coordinated russia's president says nato is approach could lead to a new arms race by twenty twenty souls also refuses to provide legal guarantees that field is not direct against russia nato claims the system is aimed at so-called rogue states what moscow's vince hence minister with a sort of cloth summed up the criminal concerns. from those who are we worried about missile defense elements being placed in europe for twenty twenty this will certainly diminish russia's nuclear defense potential we are openly voicing our concerns to the us and so need to we hope to achieve progress in this respect although we have a feeling that our partners simply do not heroes. so ahead of the program we take
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you want to journey to the meeting point of europe and asia young spoiled republican said to be one of russia's smallest victims but it's a big amount since they change the culture signs of life today as well as many middle. class the u.s. civil war that's still being fought from about wife and many americans that's to do something right one hundred fifteen years on. drug designed as a cure is now being used to kill america's death row as a powerful chemical used to treat epilepsy was also used to put animals to sleep human rights groups say it may subject inmates to a lingering and painful death we're going to report. if you. were. if you would get we don't use the word excuse. from a dog's life to a dog's death prisoners on death row and now being killed with an animal drug tend
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to barbara tools used to put pets to sleep but it's never been tested on human executions this can cause excruciating pain if something goes wrong and because we have no test we cannot guarantee that it will there are so paper at risk of not just being killed or being tortured to death pens a barber tools already been adopted in over twenty states is strictly an anesthetic and is normally just one ingredient in a lethal cocktail but in ohio it's killing alone it is not a painkiller where we know that we will if you add other which have some what we call it and then if it to get over that then you can be sure that there is no pill so the drug is not a painkiller itself that will. produce for a danish company back it's primarily used on humans to treat epilepsy and seizures
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but it's already been used in nine executions the u.s. prisons ran out of the usual pseudonym fired penfield after britain and italy banned exports but denmark can't do that because the new weapons made in america this is long breaks headquarters in copenhagen despite owning a drug and opposing its misuse its protests in the united states have been unsuccessful because the government there sanctions the death penalty and is reluctant to remove painted by itself from the market completely because it says it will do more harm than good our problem is that this product has been for the american market for many years till we are in there is it with a limit where we can just stop the production record for the market because they're actually true. the people who come in to life threatening situations that the distance to him really in business indeed excels fifty million doses of plenty bhardwaj will every year it claims it can't prevent death row using it as
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a killer because of a complicated supply chain but human rights groups don't buy it people are beginning to realize that the statement there's nothing we can get here is a perilous sea benefit is it her industry can do a lot and has a responsibility not to make a guess at the executions reprieve claims lynn break has the power to control who gets the drug since it does with other products but that comes at it cost at the moment blix not budging and neither the u.s. prisons are using a federally approved drug designed to treat people to kill instead i've been it r.t. copenhagen more international headlines for you now. over one hundred militants have attacked a pakistani security check posts in the northwest of the country killing eight soldiers still twelve insurgents were also killed the attack in that was there a star for as the latest u.s. missile strike which killed twenty people there in the region is home to several
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militant groups connected to multiple attacks across the border in afghanistan. the plans for a nuclear plant has suffered terribly perl cuts two of its reactors affected this central control rooms and briefing with radiation data because it sort of says operators says the blackout affects the operation to cool the reactors and is investigating what caused the outages. germany admits that its response to the deadly e. coli outbreak wasn't good enough they will fracture the public health structure for poor coordination but the six people have cell phone dolphin meat and strain and thousands of others have been infected number of new cases is declining but it's still not know where the outbreak began russia random ports of fresh produce from it was a precaution and says it will be lifted until the bacteria source is identified.
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and one of elephants went on a rampage in southern india trapping one person to death they emerged from a forest and charged people vehicles richly being shot with tranquilizers. officials claim human encroachments on the elephants it's not personal so there is such a. time to explore more of the world's largest country now as we take or or russia in crisis. there are explanations today brings us to one of russia's smallest regions the republic of north the search area that's there takes the very heart of the caucuses continents of europe and asia meet over half the area is taken up with national parks and game reserves are this well know it's there peter freshwater springs
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nazis partner with your guide to the capital that afghans. with breathtaking views across five mountain bridges and over fifty legs this land leads to friendly open people and amazing national food. the capital of this republic in russian it means a place that owns because this and indeed it was a former fortress closing the way to the greater caucasian mountains now the first stop that we made for this region was this all south in town with a narrow streets and small houses so typical of this area the city also stands on the biggest reaver in pickle cation region we've read terry and the people that live here call themselves the satisfied with their own language and many of them strictly follow the traditions of their ancestors they try to do so in our very aspect of their daily lives from what to cook to what to wear watch our report to find out more. in this part of the world cooking is not considered
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a real man's job but it is all valid ever wanted to do what you. are dreamt of being involved in the confectionery business for as long as i can remember i always wanted to learn the secrets of a city and national cuisine i wanted to help people through making good food. none of his family supported him in the village home he shared with his mother and five causes he left his home and moved to the city and watched his passion grow into a number of food factories. crew broke out in a city and it means abundance and everything wife develops now we shouldn't forget around sisters and we should follow our traditions that's the most important thing i believe. a certain food is based upon three poise towards some of the secrets that have been handed down through the generations the forest these poised much more than just simple fast food fast people saying have a round shape of this life signifies the universe in the middle it's creator says
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here's for three. pies on the table each one for three elements water and air. living in the mountainous area locals try to use everything the earth gives them for the feeling they use potatoes homemade cheese and even beetroot leaves in wealthy families pies for also made with martin it's not just these tasty treats which have stood the test of time but also family ceremonies and weddings are among the most deeply held and as static traditions on answering this bridal sun is like stepping into a cultural time machine where the spirit of the south koreans through the ages are woven into these delicate counts most prized choose their own wedding dress but here they take customisation to the highest level all girls here learn the intricate skills needed to make almost average inch of detail in those handmade gowns unique and precise following in the traditions of their parents lost women in
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north acetic try to get married or wearing national costume this one for example is a perfect copy of what price two hundred years ago and it looks just as good today detail here is hand made and it takes more than a month to get a dress like this for the big day. skilled craftwork like this runs in the blood of the people in north assassin from trusting freud since used for office workers to lavish costumes for the top stages in russia one of the workshops for some petersburg's prestigious money ski or bryn bali theater is based here in one of the narrow streets of latika class. belongs to the russian conductor give me thirty years and petersburg for two years at the beginning of careers and now we do everything independently and bring the initial cost into the theatre. for
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a region enclosed by a towering mountains north or south he has presence is felt way beyond. it's traditions that translate abroad and delight the travelers who come here when a question of russia close up of past north the sense you. wealth of the u.s. now where many americans are still fighting on very truth and they're so there were one hundred fifty years ago and legacy of civil war divisions are still in evidence this that's more than a sense of us citizens believe in as well mr explains why. it's a war that lives on in the united states. soldiers can be found camped out near the battlefields where forefathers once fought reenacting the civil war one hundred fifty years later and off these fields its legacy still runs through the country the ohio river was once considered an extension of the mason dixon line in the united states dividing north and south
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a division that still remains today. mostly a civil war it was a war in one country we had to come to a confederate states of america you know slaves from there in the south there's still a rebellion against the northern victors version of events and battles rage on in americans minds about what was that state in this conflict then and now there's a lot of people here i think the civil war is still a current and not a historical topic. in this town it's left residents defensive over their right to bear arms. or southerners view the last gasp of the citizenry against a. oppressive government is to revolt. and in the very capital of the nation. the. residents are still fighting the federal government for full voting rights and the representation in congress the residents of the district of columbia have never had the rights that
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are produced or upon everyone else in this country the limits to their rights stem in part from civil war divisions it's definitely part of and before that. people never thought of blacks at all but scholars argue though the war may have ended slavery it was far from ending racism with washington d.c. is a large population of newly freed black citizens at the end of the war to limit their influence political elites push to curb voting rights for everyone residents are still fighting that lie. today. this is fabulous just like not feel so i know you. and the tea party protests that have swept across the u.s. have really energized the rally behind states' rights reminiscent of confederate rhetoric one hundred fifty years ago when you look at philosophically of how they line up and indeed there are even genetic pedigree on sloan level going back to the states that the most these people are from its much more along with the confederacy
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of eight hundred sixty southern vols celebrate civil war state secession while modern day civil rights activists acquitted to celebrating treason and slavery and polls show a divided country more than half of americans believe the civil war is still relevant today only a minority relegated to history while the country remains split over the cards. so while the literal reenactments of the civil war may be the most visible leftover of a war that divided the nation. left over battles are still being fought by many more in a war that lives on today or in mr arty. i'll be back with our top story shortly but first it's the business news with critics here. and welcome to business here and i t thanks for joining me british all major b.p. has confirmed it starts it collides with russia's role snap is effectively dead at
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the same time the company says it has no plans to sell its stake and its russian joint venture tank a b.p. b.p.'s partners in the firm have opposed the proposed deal with ross nafta the company that's going to focus on all exploration outside russia. russia's economy is on the rise but growth remains moderate despite the high oil price g.d.p. grew just four and a half percent in the first quarter and the world bank expects it to slow down slightly in the next couple of years but says it's not a that's nothing to worry about. growth of seventy percent of it was made it based on a very neat historical circumstances and it would stream a global leader for the next three nuclear crises and capital inflows let's do it with me to preserve the past you know we are in a world of much more moderate growth and much more constrained international economic environment and there is a new reality to be normal from which we operate. i think of the markets now
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it continues to rally after opec failed to agree on increasing how close this raised fears of supply shortages take later this year is trading at about one hundred ten one dollars a barrel and branches the wrong one hundred eighteen dollars the solid and euro both the footsie and the dax continue to trade in the black markets are waiting for the european central bank to announce the poles a possible rate increase in july for the euro zone and the bank of england is expected to keep rates on hold as well in frankfurt over shares are up with volkswagen gaining one point eight percent b.m.w. point nine and dime their point this out here in russia markets have reversed early against both of them as it's a trading in the red let's look at some individual shareholders on the bisect war mages raise previous games with a look called trading around point seven percent in the red bucking the trend this proto lizer maker role carly supported by news it's close to acquiring half of its
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belorussian rival bella carly and carmakers somas this also off the company has secured a two point seven billion dollar line of credit for its joint venture with ford. ross is called market is speeding up the association of european businesses says sales jumped around fifty percent in may from a year earlier russia's largest automaker after bouts remains the best seller although foreign brands are accelerating fast sales for general motors rose eighty percent compared to just thirty percent growth. russia's haul of the electricity supplies to bellow rose because the troubled country has not paid a fifteen a fifteen million dollar bill. generate it into rubble reportedly stopped all transmission if the money isn't forthcoming supplies of the baltic countries to not be affected even though is a transit. that's all for now carry with you with headline news
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next we'll talk. more than a month. one of the most extreme environments on the plumbers this is antarctica and people have to be aware that they're far away from civilization sean thomas
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discovers fox makes on started just so special and a trucker for many wildlife in antarctica is close and from the. expedition to the bottom of the earth our team. today violence is once again flared up. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. trying to corporations through today. it's. probably closer. to.


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