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tv   [untitled]    June 27, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for like sleep you think you understand it and then you live something else here see some other part of it and realize that everything is ok. i'm charging bloggers a big picture. says. let's not forget that we are in a parked car right here. i think rather be the one well. we never got the book says they're keeping safe get ready for freedom.
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for. fear. ok it's time for a new credit i read it might help a little time i respond to my brilliance and engaging viewer comments from facebook twitter and you to got them to say i do. listen i first want to respond if you were
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a comment on our story on the new smartphone app which would allow you to record police officers there cox said on you tube why do people feel such a need to record cops why can't people mind their own business i have to say here i think this commenter kind of misses the point recording police isn't about minding our own business or even getting into anyone else's it's not safeguarding our rights holding those in positions of power accountable and it's the police's role to keep us safe by routinely invading our privacy but it's up to us to make sure that they're doing that and a proper and legal manner and haricots people feel the need to record cops because they do routinely and i mean very often to abuse their power so all police might have the guns the people of the cameras and they should be able to use them and i want to respond to a comment in our story about david which raises testimony on the use of torture and special exceptions or should quote reopen the dialogue but make be said on you tube hey betray us that you alexander is
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a professional interrogator who used non-coercive interrogation methods to gain information to help capture some high ranking members of al qaeda in afghanistan he also gave a very strong argument for why not only torture does not work but it isn't destructive to reliable intelligence wanted to start listening to actual interrogators instead of jack bauer what we're going to say there agree i think of this cussed thing that betrays would bring up this hypothetical ticking time bomb scenario when it's been proven time and time again that it isn't about the time it's about the information when you torture and more than likely to get bad information period end of story now we've interviewed xander here on the show before and i agree with ben there are leaders that would do much better listening to him and to jack bauer and all the producers of twenty four now finally in response to my claim that i was perhaps a computer created permanent just like the japanese pop star that was exposed as the slave keyboard is said on youtube. your joke will probably backfire
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a lot of people will think that your computer generated the general masses of people are pretty stupid and you know what my viewers are not the general masses they know i'm real or at least they think they do but have no responses for you next week. well president obama has stepped into the deficit debate last thursday john boehner eric counter they just walked out on a weeks of negotiations led by vice president joe biden saying that tax cuts are one hundred percent off the table so today the president hosted harry reid and mitch mcconnell the white house in separate meetings on the deadline to raise the country's debt limit is now only a little more than a month away so can the president lead the way to get them to come to an agreement and maybe put a few of those tax cuts on the table or does it really not even matter at the end of the day the american people the american workers already lost the battle to the rich in corporate or to discuss this with me is the baker co-director of the center for economic and policy research thanks so much for being here tonight it's
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actually i think you meant tax increases being on the table and the nobody said the tax cuts attacks against excuse me excuse me increases of course thank you for correcting me. what first of all what was your reaction last thursday when after weeks of these supposed negotiations that have been going on suddenly bantering cantor decided just walk away you know this is theater i mean there are people who say they're basically been running around saying no new taxes ever so they have to show us we walked out we want property taxes at the end of the day are they going to come back or is mcconnell going to have a deal that some tax increases if they have a deal it will have some tax increases or maybe they're going to pass it off to mcconnell going to come back with their arms twisted and go it will do it the other alternative is there is no deal we get to you know their august second or they're about to be circular geithner says you know look we have payments coming up in two days three days no money in the bank i can't make them and then you see a huge panic of wall street jamie dimon from j.p. morgan and lloyd blankfein from goldman sachs start calling the painter and saying
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you guys get your troops out there and you fix this and they're going to do it so it's going to be one of the other will see it see what i don't feel like it's going to be the second object or the latter of the two because we know how many people out there in the republican. ready actually want to us to default on our debt i feel like this is just something that's being sad to pretend like they're really catering to some things voters but really it's only a few of the tea partiers out there all the republicans who are in that business are going to listen to those calls for wall street i think it's worth going to bury wall street i mean that's the thing you know it's going to be a bad story if we're going to fall for me i've been since a few times people saying it became a four night it became the thought but the point is the front line the shock troops are j.p. morgan goldman sachs citi group they're going to be gone we're still going to be here we're going to be through some real tough times produce not be here wall street will be dead they're not going to let that happen but i'm wondering if something is happening to america where we've gone to the point where wall street
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one never really be down where you can say that it's the american worker that at this point is dad you know michel it was i didn't say that the americans have just become obsolete and i believe we can talk about this in terms of taxes in terms of corporations and global globalization corporations going elsewhere to find workers and let's face it i just don't think that anyone's ever going to do anything to really hurt wall street they can go on without us and flourish without us before they will be hurt but the point here is that's i don't think it's going to have no you've already shown here and that's exactly right but it's really unfortunate for the central american people it's a huge distraction we should be talking about getting the economy going again about creating jobs for twenty five million people unemployed or underemployed left the workforce altogether this should be problem number one the news is this huge mess that we're just ignoring instead we have people running around with chickens heads cut off talking about the deficit the deficit the debt that's nonsense the problem is that we have an economy with a massive amount of unemployment underemployment so what do we do about it we have
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to figure figure out a way to get the public the workers back in the ballgame and say look the problem is on employment don't give us the stuff about the debt and deficit that's nonsense that the financial markets are willing to buy our debt this is really funny because we have always. saying they're experts in financial markets and everything and the actual markets are saying they're willing to buy a long term u.s. treasury bonds three percent interest that's incredibly low they are obviously worried that we can't pay our bills for you know this crazy default stuff so we have to say the priority is creating jobs we know how to do that you spend money it's not hard people work for money that's how you do it but then how do we get republicans to stop with this tax cuts for completely off the table scenario in the logic which i think most americans are tax increases the things that the that sounds good to most of them right nobody wants tax increases nobody wants tax taxes to be raised and they really do think that companies are going to start hiring and if you look at it nobody's hiring right now they are holding on to the money
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they're all keeping billions of dollars in offshore accounts and it's is really scaring the american worker what the problem is the media's been playing along with this so they all do this he should he said she said no the idea that somehow corporations won't be hiring if they have to pay higher taxes because a protectionist common law is people live in the ninety's it wasn't that long ago we were creating three million jobs a year and access were higher than they are today i mean this is just total nonsense for no bother to look at but the media feel no obligation to do no matter how crazy whatever the republicans is they go that's one side and then they go to president obama it's the other side jobs are even left out of the picture i think that's interesting that you mention that you because obama had a council on on jobs and competitiveness in new york and robert wall president said that the media has been painting a bleaker picture of the economy than we really have so now suddenly it's the media's fault for exactly people that maybe things aren't perfect maybe this is the view from from bankers you know we know the economy very well we're creating almost
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no jobs i mean we should be creating jobs at the rate of three or four hundred thousand a month i mean we saw that in prior recoveries from deep recessions the economy i mean you tens of millions of people that do not have jobs that should be. front and center in the media every day is that an absolute disaster it's more like if we had cancer and then said we're talking about yellow cutting your finger i mean that's what the deficit is the cancer is the massive unemployment do you think the media does a good job at least talking about jobs and i don't think they even do a good job of talking about that and so that's what i mean is it going to be who really runs the show here right it's the people that are on the president's council on jobs and competitiveness that are painting the picture and trying to tell everyone that it's all ok and the media's overexaggerating it and that americans are doing just fine you know well that's a joke and you know unfortunately media reporting has been you know almost a joke in many cases and you know unfortunately the work outside i mean there are some good reporters you know the mainstream media you know i know many of them some
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of them are governments in new york times generally being better reporting that elsewhere but you know people have to do their work for other sources and you know most people know the economy's bad they don't need someone to tell them they're you know they're going to their family some of their family does have a job but you turn it around i mean if it's better it's much much harder terrace how do you feel about the fact that even wall street is now coming out of some big layoffs at least for wall street because everyone always thinks oh this is the this is the part of the economy that bounce back very quickly wall street is untouchable and now goldman sachs is about to lay off a thousand people and just hire those people or excuse me hire their replacements and singapore i mean spirit use i mean we need the financial sector to be more efficient and we have extra people employed there it's waste i mean there is some truth when they say ok we downsize this factory that it did make it more efficient if you could do a few other work for those people who do wonderful in this case fine you know if goldman sachs could do all the training they need to do and they could do with a thousand fewer people fancy what is the efficiency part of the problem is now i
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know you're always iranians are not always heard you know it's bad also we can always find things for people to do for can find things for people to do but shorten the work week how do you find things for people to do though in a world that is so globalized where you can find cheaper labor in other countries where you could argue that it's become so. mechanize over the value of the dollar it will be cheaper and you heard some who heard that when the value of the dollar well you get retailers like wal-mart will be unhappy because they've established supply lines to try to wall street will be unhappy because their dollars don't go as far as china and other countries so they'll be hurt so most the country to actually benefit now very quickly just what i'm wondering if we go back to these deficit talks right now shouldn't the president also know that he should be focusing on jobs why is he stepping in and deciding to take charge and to lead the way there well he's could help create this theater i mean he should have from the beginning said he got a stimulus package that was good he just said we know it's not enough as it tries to hold them back and we're going to have to come back and get more instead the whole debate to be shifted to the deficit so he knows better but this is the
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charade that he's place as it was going to have to come up with some specifics and some members of he's the one that's involved but i'm sure the house specific numbers and i'm sure we will see some specific numbers come out i just wonder i feel like everyone else has been a little too scared to even be here in that direction we just keep hearing that there are negotiations going on that. they were having numbers in the negotiations will see the numbers one when they have a deal yet you know no one ever wants to publicize it right we'll see when they have a deal if they come up with the idea or like you said it's going to come down to the wire there do you think so much for joining us tonight a surveyor. also to come tonight he's been married to a furry guys and a candidate for president says that he wants from the friend that marriage after new york approves marriage and equality for gays are why not fight for time segments and then ahead in happy hour outside as chris wallace is under fire for calling a presidential candidate a flake plus the g.s.a. is under fire again after a ninety five year old cancer patient escort for a mover and they'll die for getting a strange atmosphere. into
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that only military mechanisms to do the work to bring justice or accountability. i have every right to know what my government should do if you want to know why i pay taxes. but i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so silly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else here's some other part of it and realize that everything is ok you don't. charge the big fish.
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let's not forget that we have an apartheid museum right now. i think the beautiful and funny well. we have the government says the bird keep him safe get ready because of the freedom .
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artists are denied school time award and it goes to newt gingrich so the g.o.p. presidential candidate who has a very long good chance of winning the nomination is still making an ass out of himself on the campaign trail newt was asked about new york lawmakers voting friday night to give gay couples of marriage equality a new set of the u.s. is quote drifting towards a terrible model by not limiting marriage to members of the opposite sex such words of wisdom from a man he's
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a married three times and he went on to say i believe that marriage is between a man and a woman i think that's what marriage ought to be and i would like to find ways to defend that view as legitimately and as affectively as possible he at that new believes that marriage is between a one man and one woman now let's for new he believes marriage is between one man and one woman followed by a different woman and then a third woman ok sibylla been under a rock newt's tie the knot three times so gingrich's first marriage was the jackie valley back in one thousand sixty two she was his former high school geometry teacher and her. years older than him in the spring of one nine hundred eighty eight gingrich left badly after having an affair with marianne and then months after his first divorce he married mary but that marriage didn't last long either in fact in the mid ninety's he had an affair with calista visit who is now his wife and she was twenty three years his junior and a staffer for the house of representatives calista is the wife who's been getting all this bad press for allegedly causing most of his campaign staff to resign
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because of her demands i know newt's love life is confusing and has more sex allies than racing prime time so now earlier this year new would have to address his cheating ways and hope of winning over other conservatives and here's what he had to say. there's no question the times of my life partially driven by. passionately i felt about this country. that i work for too hard and the things that happen in my life that were not approved. and you get that new cheated because he loved his country so much that is still one of the best and there is a politician has ever tried to use that excuse but here's my two cents on it i don't really care how many times newt's been married he is free to marry anyone that he wants and as many people as he wants and gay people should be allowed to do the exact same thing with a divorce rate over fifty percent in the us three problems are doing so well marriage why not let the couples give it
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a try is that of protesting gay marriage and trying to pass laws banning it how about we start protesting something like war just an idea and offer a stupid comments on gay marriage we are giving it tonight still time award newt gingrich for again it being on the wrong side of history. ok it's time for happy hour on this monday evening and joining me tonight is derek thompson's and your other r.p. atlantic anarky correspondent christine friends out thanks for joining me guys first tartars what do you think about the fact that gay marriage is finally legal in the state of new york i think it's about damn time i think it's actually wonderful and it's too bad that there's no state west of new york besides i would it has the same law i mean i really i'm very i'm from california and i'm ashamed of my home state of california i think california will be next i think it's really
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exciting and i think just what the republicans are kind of got on board with this i think we're seeing a shift in what's going to be expects of all of the hot as of you on this issue where there was research coming out of california that showed that gay marriage actually good for the economy marriage is an eight billion eighty billion dollar industry in this country with three million ceremonies in. here. just got a few comments from should be good news coming out if you are going to try to cash cash. i was working on a reporter in california when it was legal remember it was legal for four seven months or something. and i did tons of economic stories of all the hotels that got booked and all the wedding planners in the restaurants and things got that got you so it really doesn't was it's really kind of i just think you know i think for people like us from our generation this is really it's such a non-issue i mean it's a very important civil rights issue in the sense that we all think that everybody should be able to. marry if they love somebody no matter what their sex is but i just can't get over the fact that it's still such a big deal for older americans and i really do think that they're on the wrong side
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of history that hopefully one day i'll be able to look back and laugh or think it was crazy about the fact that it even took so long which has a habit of being correct about all sorts of social issues they do has an article of kids in the year twenty eighty looking back and saying how in god's name did it take so long for grandparents to legalize gay marriage and i really do kind of like you need a lot about civil rights and i guarantee grandparents and i think for me exactly that kind of issue i think we're going to look back and be sort of ashamed of the fact that it took this long to do it also we were saying that maryland is next but the thing i wonder about california is you know it's not like there it was the lawmakers the decided this is a referendum this is a ballot and i think the ballot measure excuse me i think that a lot of times that that's why nothing happened because we saw the mormon church in california lobbying very actively spending millions of dollars against it do you think that if it was up to elected officials crazier from california to that they would actually just vote of course i think that just because again i was i was working there at the time i think that the wording was very confusing to people
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that felt like they were for marriage rights for everybody had to vote no because they were voting no against the ban so i think that and there was a lot of you know not getting along on gay rights advocates in california in terms of getting this done the right way. but they thought that they had it in the bag in the beginning and then realized the very end oh my gosh we could lose this which they did in fact lose it i think it was bad campaigning i think that if it came around for a vote another time that it would pass. but you're right is there is a difference between lawmakers deciding and voters decided let's move on to something that's not as happy this story just really makes me sad for you've all heard of the of the granny at the t.s.a. we have a news clip of all explain it more for you. for the woman says security agents asked her ninety five year old mother who was in a wheelchair to remove her diaper so they could complete a full search in the northwest florida regional airport last weekend jean weber's.
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she's ninety five she has leukemia apparently had soiled her diaper and didn't have any extra thing about this story so. you have to strike a balance between your golfing freedom and security and i think that once you start taking the day present for ninety five year old women that you came here you sort of you've lost the war the war is about preserving freedom the words of a serving america if you're risking their duty right if there is can get ninety five year old grandmother to smuggle utensils on a plane some look. will lose that small battle there's a bigger battle when i used to travel a lot and i would take off my shoes and take off my belt and you know basically strip down just to go through security i always used to say some of it is nothing right now because you know this is one way in which he won't let americans now basically have to strip down just in order to travel a lot and of course no longer with us but i think this is another thing that those who are against this country and against our freedom this is a victory for them to see these kind of things happen it is i just saw this and i
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was just this is it disturbing i mean we've obviously seen a lot of these we do the t.s.a. the don't touch my junk stories and some of them are ocular funny like the baby that had to be gross would use think is absolutely ludicrous and stupid but this is just sad and i agree this is this is when you think that we're losing because you know if you're going to take away as soon as i mean to smuggle a bomb in their grandmother's diaper that's when everything changes that you would like to that's not going to happen and he's got a good point but you know ninety five year old grandmother is going to have a bomb in a diaper i mean this is one of those things where i think we should let it go because the fact that yes he probably did this is going to create a backlash that might keep them from doing things that are some reason they're defending and they are all bored with their actions on this let's move on to something else the supreme court ruled that. for his ban on selling violent video games to minors was actually unconstitutional and they overturned it and we talk about violent video games it's usually stuff where there's a lot of blood sex involved here's a little example for you. that
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i mean wasn't even really about bloody to just kind of but what do you think let me just a right they said look this isn't literature but it's also not pornography and it's not pornography it's not obscenity vender is no there's no reason for us to allow the states. prohibit people from from buying it i always side with the supreme court when it comes to the first amendment and more protection rather than less i think this is one of those laws that it just once again favors families with parents who are actually involved in their children's lives they will not be affected by this because they sort of have more of involvement in what their children buy at the store they go with their children to the store you know when there's these kids with sort of which there are many in this country who their parents aren't around to see what they're buying and see what they're getting at the store and they're going to come home and find their kids playing video game
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what the effects of that are again that's not a big debate as to whether there's any scientific evidence or not which the supreme court said that there was an ok this last one here for starters chris wallace has not been having a good couple of weeks right first jon stewart just demolished and made a complete idiot because he actually watch south park to prepare for the interview against a comedy central host and then of course you have michele bachmann who is now a g.o.p. presidential candidate on and he asked the question that's not getting a lot of flak. but you will feel like. well i think that would be insulting to say something like that because i'm a serious person but do you recognize that now that you're in the spotlight in the way that you were before that you have to be careful to not say what some regard as he thinks i asked her about her history controversial comments some would say gaffes but i found myself saying at the end are you like which is
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a comment that some people make about or. she seemed to be a little perturbed at that but. yeah the really frustrating thing about is you want to say god chris wallace is just such a jerk and would do that to anybody else you know about whatever you can call it sexist he's not going to call herman cain a flake and it's still a bad statement but i have regarding michele bachmann gaffes let's just show you one last little clip of what she said today but what i want to know was obviously it's from waterloo iowa was yes he came to see this and i have to. john wayne gacy a serial killer there but she has the same spirit as the many thoughts closing thoughts if you get if you're going to get mad on television about someone calling you a flake you've got to back it up and you can record up for me to get out immediately within x. twelve hours unfortunately chris wallace had a good question why does not make you a flake and i think chris wallace should not have apologized he says he messed up because so many viewers wrote in and told him she shouldn't have asked that he doesn't really feel bad because she gave a good answer but you know apologized rather he wasn't going to apologize so you
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know like everyone else they were lied to when he was reporting i thought thank you guys i think the knives are thanks for tuning in make three come back tomorrow coming up next is adam versus. i was just thinking about my future before the foreign companies came i dreamed of owning a tram cabin factory. but we have less garbage now. some visitors who come here make fun of me. figure out garbage boy i'm
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not bad like people say think. i'm a good person. it's just the people don't see me. but i feel it was time people like me as. i feel people will start to appreciate us. morning.


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