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tv   [untitled]    December 14, 2011 9:00pm-9:30pm EST

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well i'm tom arbonne in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture republicans are given a chance to help the middle class yesterday in the house a clean extension of the payroll tax cut but instead they helped out the big oil and coal barrels so now we're back to square one so why are republicans incapable of doing what's right for the ninety nine percent i asked my panel and some nights alone liberal rumble also karl rove did a number on this country creating a mess that we still haven't gotten to the also put the screws to one governor who's now trying to rebuild his life and expose the truth about bush's brain
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governor don siegelman joins me later to tell his story and later on which scares you most big business or big government i'll give you my answer tonight it's deleted. you need to know this republicans in the house of representatives wasted everyone's time yesterday passing their version of a payroll tax cut extension since republicans can't pass a clean bill to protect one hundred sixty million americans from a half a thousand dollar tax hike they instead attach poison pills to the tax cut extension repealing regulations that keep our water safe from coal polluters fast tracking the environmental ticking timebomb known as the keystone x.l. pipeline after the vote senate majority leader harry reid blasted house republicans saying the bill passed by house republicans tonight is
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a pointless partisan exercise the bill is dead on arrival in the sun it was dead before it got to the senate and in case there was any doubt that the house bill was dead the senate senate minority leader mitch mcconnell blocked a vote on it today which is. considering on monday just two days ago mcconnell said this about the house bill i would suggest that our friends put the political games aside and give the american people the certainty of the jobs that they deserve to take up the house bill has a right here in the senate and senator the president for signature without the adverts and without deal delay so why did he block it today likely because it's loaded with controversial provisions like requiring recipients of unemployment benefits to take mandatory big government drug tests sort of stuff he doesn't want senate republicans to have to go on record supporting so what exactly did republicans do yesterday to help our economy and the middle class far as i can tell absolutely nothing but for more on this let's rumble.
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joining on the panel for tonight's low level rob will have heather ceremony conservative strategist an associate of blueskin solutions is blogging and heather servo dot com and chris allman former staffer at the apartment justice now conservative commentator ok let's get to it and in chris welcome thank you a very have you here as i just mentioned republicans on the house passed this bill to. cut the payroll during extend the payroll tax cut but they loaded with so many poison pills that even their own fellow republicans in the senate wouldn't vote for it why not just pass a clean bill out of the house of representatives. well i think the reason that you do that is because this country is dying for jobs and the keystone pipeline would create hundreds of thousands of jobs for the middle class does not pay for by the government this government will not extending a tax cut which i thought republicans really loved for one hundred sixty million
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people to the tune of a thousand dollars apiece i mean that's a substantial stimulus we have been trying to in the whole idea is trying to create jobs trying to stimulate the economy trying to get a necessary things out of the way and that's what was put into us a clean bill. when we ever have clean bills when you know i want to get something done i know you have to fight you try to find compromise to try to get things done you try to this but i'm just saying let's be realistic there aren't really clean up bills like it's ass out of the house and that the democrats are doing this to us both sides exactly that means ha ha gotcha there's no doubt about that but it seems like the republicans could beat the democrats their own game if they simply gave him a clean bill and said ok fine here you go but a clean bill is going to take more and more money out of the social security trust fund which of course is sacrosanct and so we're actually bank routing social security to provide this payroll tax cut one point and without letting private the private sector create jobs with the pipeline which is obama doesn't want to create private sector job growth only want to create or to have
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a grand you know obvious that pipeline of these two hundred jobs over the next twenty you know well i mean if we were thousand jobs but i agree with you that we shouldn't be cutting the medicare tax i've been opposed to this from the get go i think it's a mistake but you know it has been funded out of the general fund the last time around they just funded the general fund they could do this during the bush administration nobody was talking about hey let's have some wars over they've got to be paid for know they were paid for they weren't even on the budget i mean you know they popped up after obama became president on the budget or let's let's you know get drugs people that was on the budget medicare part d. yeah but it's a very unconservative thing that if the right is already there i'm not telling me i'm conservative i'm ok we'll just we'll just have to leave it at that there's a new flood. news flash to free traders china's commerce ministry announced a slew of brand new tariffs this is fast and trade tariffs on auto american auto manufacturers tariffs of course are taxes that. on a product when it hits foreign countries border imports are exports either one and
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they said that companies like g.m. and ford and even european manufacturers making cars here in the united states for export to china will have to pay tariffs running from twenty two to twenty one and a half percent so the real question in my mind is i mean why are we doing this we had our average tariff in the united states from the time of the george washington administration to the ronald reagan administration was in the mid twenty's to the high twenty's it got as high as around thirty eight percent and been as low as around eighteen percent never below that throughout the entire period of time and from reagan to clinton it was well above ten percent and now it's two percent our average import tariff why don't we go back to protecting american industries that worked so well for two hundred years and by the way i was going to how they're going to china's got the upper hand the relationship tom i mean consider how one could add which china we are so what are you i'm not talking about specifically china i'm saying with the whole rest of the world why are we passing these crazy trade deals you have obama going you know let's have a trade deal with colombia let's have a trade deal with south korea let's have
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a trade deal with panama which by the way their their primary business is secret banking i mean do we really want that you know switzerland in the west in the western hemisphere i don't get it sounds like you're indicting obama i'm. a republican some democrats are all guilty of you have clinton was the biggest one that need to go yeah yeah absolutely ross perot was right in my opinion exactly well there's a lot of times that that happens but i think what the president's are trying to do is to make the products hopefully costs less for american consumers but it doesn't always work as consumers don't have jobs what good does it do i mean we've lost just in the last. the last eleven years we've lost fifty six thousand factories in the last twenty years we've lost one hundred thousand factories as the. jobs its factories and its millions when reagan came into office thirty four percent of our g.d.p. was produced by manufacturing is now eleven percent that's you can't have an industrial nation with well we also didn't have a lot of the things that we have today i phones and different things like that but the but why get more into companies
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a manufacturing united states because it's regulation no tax holiday you were there absolutely are going to do this to make it cheaper overseas study published showed that apple could manufacture all of their products in united states and still be profitable not as profitable but still be profitable and if we change our tariff policies to say when you bring something in from overseas it gets hit with a twenty percent trade tariff they would manufacture things in the united states and they'd be profitable i would go back to this. i mean i think it's worth considering you know i mean the reality is bless you and i mean i mean i think that every i think you know just because we have a you know free trade policy or you know what we think that you know we want the cheapest products i mean that that's the best policy to have and one of the reasons reason to give us pause is if you know we are being taken advantage of yeah you want to go back i was listening and as we saw it's not a public democrat sort of thing no it's not it's not if you're the day i was listening to old tapes of william howard taft teddy roosevelt and woodrow wilson debating tariffs and it's just it's just amazing both parties have been
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a both sides of this issue over and over and over again for two hundred years and it looks like if you're in pennsylvania and you need help from the police are going to be in big trouble republican governor tom corbett who's already slashed nine hundred million bucks out of the state's education budget is now going after the police five percent cut the police department's going to be five hundred cops and they are now saying that you may have to wait up to a day for response to a nine one one call back how it ranges yeah that's not even true because last year their budget was increased ten percent when a lot of the other state agencies in pennsylvania had cuts but the police got a ten percent increase so this year they're going to scale it back by five percent they're still ahead of a lot of the other agencies in pennsylvania and the police the state police are putting out the press releases that say we're not going to answer calls for maybe a day or several days i certainly don't believe it ok i hear they can allocate their resources much better here's the i think the bigger question you know we have twenty five blue states and united states that have actually raised taxes increased
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employment increased spending and seen a decrease in unemployment or an increase in g.d.p. over the last three years we have twenty four blue states that have cut taxes cut spending seen unemployment go up g.d.p. go down those numbers i can lay out demonstrate to you but tom corbett. pennsylvania is the only state in the union that doesn't tax fractures people pulling gas to the ground no tax and he's also the only governor took eight hundred thirty five thousand bucks from the fracking industry i just need us tax these people like the other states to i'm not even talking about absurd taxes just identical to the states next to him and use that to pay for the cops and the teachers. i don't know why doesn't do that i mean but reality is corrupt governor in america you know how you know i think he thinks that trying to create private sector jobs in his state because unfortunately we don't have enough money to pay for the big government that many people want we don't have enough money to pay for the government that we've already promised through social security medicare
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education all these things the governor has to do something he wants private sector job think of that as well i'm sure they're taxed at some level well there's not exposed to pennsylvania so it's a unique situation ok well not a new poll by public policy polling shows and this is this is not i'm not sure this is even a debate topic is more like a discussion topic ron paul is now in second place in iowa ron paul who was like the kind of tolerated joke you know four years ago and four years before that and now of course the libertarians but you know the republicans got to put up with him . but now he's one point behind newt gingrich and newt gingrich you know a lot of people are kind of scratching their head or so you know what's going on with the anybody but romney vote in the denver and i don't think that's true if you see romney's numbers are pretty steady i mean you have these other candidates like go above them no i'm just saying he doesn't isn't basseley much i mean he's there
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he's pretty constant he's definitely a force to contend with and the reality is that it's anybody's race still i mean oh yes i don't think newt has the stamina to make it much longer and ron paul the reason that he is attractive right now is because you know some of his ideas are great ideas. i'm not actually i don't know what i was i'm not saying that one of them would be on record right now but i am just saying that you know a lot of people think we have too big of a government that we're too involved in foreign affairs that you know your abs are terrorists are too low you know things like that that we've gotten ourselves too involved in shuttle years and eight hundred military bases and yet not books enough on domestic affairs and a lot. people that message resonates with them but that does not mean that ron paul is going to be the nominee it's anybody's game or huckabee won iowa you know who knows this traditional bachmann won the straw poll iowa not only do they not have a lot of delegates but because they went so early they're losing half their delegates anyway so he can't win iowa but that just means that he won iowa it
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doesn't mean that he's going to win i mean this is a long process he could win iowa new hampshire and south carolina and not have enough delegates to win them all yeah you know because there's also the republican party the last couple years i don't know how long it's been has changed the way that they allocate delegates so that might there might be some backroom stuff that could be going on that apparently. neuter was or is it romney is doing some trying or trying to corral some delegates in the back as well florida is the only one that's winner take all and the ones that go early lose half their delegates so south carolina new hampshire and iowa are only going to have half their delegates so and then we have the other fifty four states according to obama one of their fifty six. ok. so last question quickfire good is saturday's republican debate mitt romney stepped in it when he proposed a rather lofty bet with rick perry. you've raised that before rick and you say you
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know it was true then don't go to strew now rick i'll tell you what. ten thousand bucks. ten thousand dollars. i'm not in the betting business ok so you know thrown around ten thousand bucks is not exactly the way to connect with average voters so what will mitt romney do to make up for the gaffe and show that he knows what it's like to be in the middle class will be a stop flying around in a private jet and start flying first class or be one of his five houses and join the occupy the hamptons or c. borrow scott brown's pickup truck the only problem however is that his chauffeur doesn't drive a stick shift what he's doing or something else. how does this show he's just an average guy i think he should go to a grocery store and ask what is that thing that didn't work out so well. george herbert walker who maybe will accept it now you know well you know i'm a little concerned because as
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a mormon mormons don't bet so maybe he says trying to get kicked out and then you tell richard you don't know anybody that he burned that we even just committed blasphemy that's you know i didn't realize that ok well my answer is from now on when he goes out of town instead of put his dog in a five star hotel he's going to go back to strap it on the roof of his car and former massachusetts governor mitt romney was in pittsburgh today for a fund raising visit answer some questions about a boston globe report that during a family vacation some twenty four years ago he strapped his dog cage with the dog inside it to the top of his car during a twelve hour road trip you know peta has not been my stand over the years and they're not happy that my dog likes fresh air. i think he's a pick up truck i think it is. thank you both for being with us thank you. after the break a special interview with governor don siegelman i wear he stands in his fight for innocence and the truth.
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what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through it's already been made who can you trust no one who is your own view with the global machinery see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called sessions when nobody dares to ask we do our tea question more.
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all right we have the latest news on the ongoing saga of former alabama governor don siegelman as a democrat siegelman was a political force in alabama he was the only man in history to hold the four top seats in the alabama government government serving as the secretary of state attorney general the lieutenant governor and finally as the governor from one thousand nine hundred nine until two thousand and three then everything went wrong in two thousand and four siegelman was indicted on corruption in two thousand and six he was convicted on those charges and sentenced to seven years in prison but it soon became obvious the siegelman hadn't committed any crimes that instead his only offense was being a democrat and being on the top of a political hit list made up by karl rove ever since siegelman has been fighting for his innocence and trying to expose the truth for more on this story governor
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don siegelman joins me now from our new york studios governor welcome. thank you to you know it's it's fun to listen to you synopsize the story but it might do your listeners some good to know the extent of the rove connection. the person who began the investigation was call rove's client the state attorney general the u.s. attorney who was married to my opponent's campaign manager. was karl rove's best friend and business partner the he forgot to mention that they couldn't beat me fair and square so they stole the election in two thousand and two and the people responsible for that or claim credit was karl rove's partner and a man who went immediately to work for jack avram off. avram off as it made it in his book that he spent twenty million dollars in alabama and that i was his number
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one political target that he had to stop don siegelman. you know there was the conflicts of this jack avram all of money and the political targeting by karl rove that led to my prosecution interestingly it was a republican lawyer who came forward after i had been sent to prison who said she had been on a conference call with the husband of my prosecutor karl rove's best friend and business partner who said that he had spoken to karl and that karl had made arrangements with the department of justice for them to pursue me and it was his wife. the car was best friend's wife who brought charges brought me to trial one month before my election so it doesn't take a genius to figure out that this was a political hit job by karl rove the problem here is really twofold one one
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personal because i still face prison time if i don't get this resolved but. the the other problem is for america in that if if this can happen to me it could also happen to anybody who's watching this show. and more importantly are maybe just as importantly because of the way this was done and the way that the ruling in my case every member of congress and every president every governor and every contributor is now subject to being brought to a grand jury and prosecuted not on the basis of any actual agreement to swap government favor or vote for money but in my case and it's the first case that we know of in the united states where someone was convicted of something that never has been a crime before in america and that is appointed a contributor to
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a board on which he had served through three previous governors he made a contribution to an education lottery foundation we were trying to establish an education lottery to support public education. and there was no evidence of any deal being made but the judge let it go to the jury and let the jury surmise guess. or implied that there was a deal simply because the man gave a contribution and he got an appointment so there's a there's a a big issue legal issue at stake and we are now in the process of appealing the case once again to the united states supreme court and we're also doing some work with a local judge in montgomery who is now ordered the government to finally turn over documents which they said they know that never existed back in two thousand and six when i was brought to trial but they've now admitted that the documents existence
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of the the judgment has ordered the government to turn over to him. all of the documents that they failed to turn over to during the course of the trial it's there's hopes that you know that's a good step governor we just have about two minutes left here did the obama administration excuse me four minutes to the obama administration really go into open court and complain that there is no such thing as a constitutional right not to be framed by an out of control prosecutor i mean that seems to me like the very essence of a by a lation of the fifth through the eighth amendments. well unfortunately it is true when it is distressing of course to those of us who have been supporters of president obama that that he does not take swings at some of these softballs coming in slow motion over the plate in this case there were two men who served twenty five years in prison for a crime that they did not commit it was shown that the government set of.
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convincing a felon that they could that if they reduced is sin it's he would testify against these two these two black men and they were convicted sent to prison for twenty five years they were suing the government and yes the deputy solicitor general under a line of kagan came into the u.s. supreme court july fourth. january fourth two thousand and ten and argued that u.s. citizens do not have a constitutional right not to be framed because it would hamper the enthusiasm of prosecutors to go after after criminals but it obviously does not make good sense and it should not be allowed to continue in the united states it sounds like something that would have you know come out of russia twenty five years ago is it does sound rather strange what can people do who want to learn more about your case gov got don siegelman and and well and or who might want to help out in some way
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particularly putting pressure on for example the justice department well i don't do you know i let me let me plug the web site don siegelman dot com i before e people need to check that out right. well i would appreciate them going to the website but. you know i think the greatest the greatest thing now is for the u.s. supreme court to get this get the last straightened out i'd don't know whether the department of justice will do the things that are necessary to really uncover the truth but what what would be helpful is if the department of justice would turn over to us of the documents that they have accumulated from the aber mof investigation that deal with his trying to defeat me in one nine hundred ninety eight thousand nine hundred ninety nine and two thousand and two thousand and two
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and also any communications that he may have had with the prosecutor in the prosecutor's husband or karl rove we know that there's a lot of documents that exist the the judge has ordered some of those documents to be turned over to him but the department of justice is sitting on a lot of documents relating to my case that they are not sharing with us which would expose at least in part the truth about what actually happened you know well i wish the very best on this i i was over at fox news last i was on fox news last night and ran into karl rove on the way out and it just struck me i mean just seems like this friendly chubby guy who's running around loose and and is a war criminal i mean the banality of evil is just extraordinary. just in in the last twenty thirty seconds here that we have the most important message that you'd like to share with people. well we've got to we've got to change our our system of justice so that these kinds of things don't happen anymore the government should
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not be allowed to bargain with felons and their testimony and frame people so that's a pretty easy one to solve. so that's that would be my message that you know a great start governor don siegelman thanks so much for being with us and once again let me encourage all of our viewers to get over to your web site don siegelman dot it's dot org or dot com or both. either one either one inside before you don siegelman dot org come check it out thank you governor tom thank you so much. crazy alert a penguin a love triangle and that's shared by canada's favorite same sex penguin couple buddy and. just got more crowded after zoo officials broke up the penguin duo putting an end to what many have called brokeback iceberg an affair that's lasted
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over a year but he has officially moved on to mated with a female penguin zouk your age or deemed the breakup of toronto's so-called gay penguins necessary since the penguins are an endangered species and need to mate with two females something tells me rick sora rick santorum is pulling the string here though so far unlike buddy pedro has yet to find a female maid of his own but official says that for lack of trying michelle bachmann bachmann's husband has allegedly reached out to pay their all offering his services. up next there's a new party in town i'll tell you what it is and how it plans to crash the twenty twelve election. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to breakthrough had made who can you trust no one who is you in view with a global missionary see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called sasha's when nobody dares to
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ask we do our tea question more. pepper spray such as burning your eyes right right i mean it's like a derivative of actual pepper it's a food product essentially. this is much stronger than anything you'd see by authors who loses thousands of times i'm stronger than any one of them have the ability to ever put you know.
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welcome back to the big picture i'm sorry but coming up in this half hour donald trump finally jumped the shark the donald canceled his debate and is now once again pretending to run for president but then i don't talk with a legitimate candidate for president and ask a third party run might do more harm than good and mitt romney's protestations notwithstanding corporations are not people front and finally it looks like our lawmakers are catching on to the fact more on the fight against corporate personhood in just a moment and in tonight's daily take big government but conservative is one of the conservatives fear.


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