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tv   [untitled]    January 21, 2012 3:30am-4:00am EST

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florence. russians have been fascinated with italian culture for centuries florence is often compared to st petersburg. with its architecture and classical entertainment see consisting of art music and literature it's easy to draw comparisons to the cultural grand jury of russia's former capital. around the major cities in italy today and you definitely hear the chit chat excited recent tourists they devour the social scene here and they're exploring what it has to offer now more than ever before. that i feel him in florence and my children in russia does raise studying the culture of the renascence and the principles of humanism and this city is the essence of such cultures does this. you just are stuck with it it will feel comfortable here but it really doesn't even seem like a foreign country and italians are very frowned like probably in all my life was an interest it's how an arts and russian art nothing else because it's the most maybe
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fancy is the most difficult difficult technique difficult colors. everything else there are dozens of connections between italy and russia dissociation within the field of arts goes back centuries. we arrived at the russian art academy located in a grand building in the center of the city it brings together all levels of all ages and nationalities you can almost feel the creativity as you walk in here. many students have taken sabbaticals to come to florence and learn more about art the school is angled towards classical russian teaching methods and takes individuals back to basics studying the works of old masters. nice work but. classes are taken as part of a full time course we can't or evening classes and
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a whole range of subjects to study from canvas painting to much touring but why come to a russian arts school in florence. peculiar kind of training to be free to play when you can get did you ever see the later. art schools around here it's just very focus of spirit affected it actually i've never planned come to current city where i'm painting i can't do sculpture but i was convinced by the russian method and all the way that they they teach me my dream and improve the scene as i came here and most of the buildings are still authentic show it does give the shuttle program the ideal background for all to make sure. many lines models are used in the conses tools in english russian and italian shouldn't take visual photographs with the aim of recreating the image in sketch form.
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based on consequence additions and values in the modern art world because here is learning about sight size technique. of the training head decide on the basics of technique the use of color and the study of i'm not a made out of portrait most of the changes here offer russia they bring with them a whole range of classical knowledge and experience having trained at various prestigious universities in moscow and st petersburg are being sent to and say help each student find that in the expression whatever stand it about very very the school in france is aware that many other colleges around the world are opening up to contemporary styles and radical new training methods and are not noted to discuss the academies. objective let's meet this week's guest. and as you let me to meet you so tell me about the academy here in florence of
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a here during two years which is to you as a goal of the start of the film school. into a funeral of all the data during ten years doing different kind of water crops and . as i care demand i want to bring a russian academic classic school to share at the european stay with us and of course bring spiritual waters and art which is very important you mentioned european students where you have russian or interest or italians or it's almost an international of the students which is a half from belgium or from italy from you glance from america around the wall can anybody come here or they have to be you know. are not there but you know it's anybody can be here which is normally students just sending their application form together with the walk but after one the year of professor choosing if that student will continue fills the year or second year which is a bit don't have an answer or an exam but they would have exam after one year were
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serious and the tutors are mostly russian teachers that most are russian which is that it's teachers the who are already graduated and russia who is a professional artist but himself the most time of. war in the russia the russian government's academy well many of the art schools around the world they focus now on contemporary arts maybe here the training is more strict with its russian roots moby dick balance because our opinion of where giving plastic foundation school base without foundation a classic school bus you can develop your own style a diverse a school the nonprofessional way. which is that mean that our opinion that we're bringing school in the people at. and the business school will develop their all's . well it's great to meet you and good luck with it thank you there was
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a lot but. so what other cultural links is florence have with russia one of the most celebrated filmmakers of the twentieth century person director undertow kosky lived in france in the one nine hundred eighty s. in the capital of tuscany took on his two last films and sacrifice if you can pronounce as an honest citizen of florence by its authorities took the left italy and nine hundred eighty six and moved to paris where he died the same year now a memorial plate to be seen on the house and via some nicolo but the filmmaker lived and worked. in the beautiful surroundings of florence nestled in the tuscan countryside as a hotel bearing or name the damage of country result is a modern four star hotel then after the famous for some wealthy and influential demetre family from the eighteenth century but then we just had a villa in this part of italy and they definitely chose the location wisely as the views here
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a spectacular and relaxing. about twenty minutes drive from the center of florence the hotel offers a hundred rooms and suites with all modern comforts i'm still ities. how the hotel is there for business and leisure changes that the middle family used to enjoy the surroundings many centuries ago and now our guests can enjoy the same nature and the more festivities to relax. florence is a sensational city the center is an open i'm easy in itself every corner is a photo opportunity no wonder many famous russian figures came to live here. c.s.k. for example chose florence not only because of its inspiring the true so many other foreigners but many because of the library they contain russian periodicals he wrote the idiot here in january one thousand nine hundred sixty nine after
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seventeen months of work. another russian legend spent a considerable length of time in italy was the composer tchaikovsky he came to florence in the year eight hundred seventy eight to write quietly in a villa overlooking the city situated on the beautiful street via the sun leonardo twenty minutes outside the city it has a completely different feel to the center of florence it was stated that tchaikovsky called florence the city of dreams for him it was one of the best locations in the world as he enjoyed the architecture landscapes and soul of the area he said it was one of the most inspirational places to live and to work he wrote the famous first an opera the queen of spades here in italy in eighty ninety and back in russia to celebrate his beloved city he wrote the piece souvenir to florence.
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from the art world in florence or oligarchs and their glamorous shots on the island of capri the prison of russian influence and connections in italy and vice versa isn't it too apparent and not just here but it is closer to many european cities than you think is the love affair with all things european shows no signs of slowing down. the punch of that your bridge is a beautiful mediæval landmark not to be missed as a focal point of the city it represents medieval florence in all its glory and whether you are chinese english american russian the historic landmarks and fantastic cultural world of florence with a long standing. christian italian connections a something everyone should church what an amazing city well unfortunately that's so that's how we have left on this week's program i'll see you again at the same
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time next week until then for me and the rest of the team for now. wealthy british style. market. can. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report on when an uncomfortable question leads to
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a grave accusation bubbles who is more xeno foggy. the president who isn't supposed to hide anything. worth someone asking him why do you make a secret of it when the powers to be suppress the voice of those who think different. when you get experiencing very serious problems off of the saakashvili government came to power in two thousand and three but. that was when the problems began piling up. interviews were now off limits to our journalists they were all from beason up and humiliated in public when the attempt to protect property puts life in real danger that we have been deprived of the only nene's to live in i have the gall to originals of all the papers. then legalized the ownership rights on the basis of companies freedom becomes just a stage prop. lisa
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. lisa. loeb. leeches and discover its beauty. communicate with. becomes very.
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nature can give you. the blood still flowing at a body count growing the arab league are reportedly wants to carry on monitoring in syria the spy being slammed for being totally ineffective. silenced him thrown out iran's english language press t.v. news program gets kicked off british airways for falling foul of broadcasting laws something that channels delta clear act of censorship. romanians want their president protest against corruption and low wages with hundreds of arrests and dozens injured clashes with police. the headlines here in our next sports with kate.
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hello welcome to the live sport in this business saturday and here are the headlines majestic maria sharapova drops just three games in a straight set win over germany. go into the last sixteen of the astray but on the road back more action is full on a good day for patrick create about. while stance to strength defending champion novak djokovic cruises to a straight set win over ailing nikolaus to reach the fourth round. winning way alexander a good record score as the winner as in eight iraqi limping team two one to reach the final of the friendly match world cup tournament in dubai. but first to tennis and world number four maria sharapova has gone through to the fourth round of the australian open with a comprehensive six one six two victory over. the two thousand and eight champion
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and had limited preparation for the first grand slam of the season and has dropped five games in three matches so far than part. going to be before the match so if you could sell for nothing if. you play well enough to win with a comfortable scoreline. so the three time major winner on that space jam is sabrina lisicki who came from a set down to knock out russia because that so about two six six four six two this is the score this one. while it's also the end of the right of it as well the writer who suffered a shock defeat at the hands of fellow russian he got but he never got over that returning five time champion serena williams is looking good against hundreds on. well yes and other russian break a leg up pulled out with a leg injury to set down against second seed patrick of the czech republic the wimbledon champion looks perhaps second major title the chance to leave for
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caroline wozniacki at the top of the world rankings. when i played the first five games. from. our last match when i played bigoted. how i played today and hopefully it will be continuing. well standing in the way next is for what world number one and if out of it the serbian needed just over an hour to outmuscle american value king six three six four she aims to return to the story of a final for the first time since two thousand and eight. is going to be a very tough one i mean produce definitely bring some great. she is one of the heart this. they're going to be great for me and bode. really you know how good you are there and draw my best of her and you know the bad player will win. while on the mend his side reigning champion novak djokovic powered past nicolo the top
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right after a six six one six one victory in just over an hour as the french struggled with a knee injury. taking his situation right now in matter but looking just over my game was was really really well really fantastic going from from serve to the return all the shots going to them out so. i'm happy with the way my first. first week we're here you know. hopefully we can continue the same way. also through is former finalist jo will feed tsonga the frenchman was an easy we're not over portugal's frederico killed after taking all three sets of six to score. on me while fifth seed david ferrer is also straight off to beating quantock not their child at seven five six two six one and four seed andy murray is currently taking on michael audra. football now and snit's top scorer alexander netted the winner as the russian champions beat the iraki limping team two one in the friendly
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match world cup tournament in dubai well just eight minutes in a launch it off of fed in a long cross exam of the cut off to open for the same pieces back side the striker making amends often missing an even earlier chance however a quick counterattack early in the second half saw the rockies beloved mohamad abdalla tough even volleying equaliser. however fifteen minutes later found the winning goal thanks elizabeth chipping in across the persian gulf to knock the ball is a. long ways away finished the six taking a second to get by with a spot in the final this week to. follow elsewhere the transfer saw this continues the call of step as after the manchester city and argentina striker house reportedly rejected him leave to mega rich paris signs among the french league leaders announced on friday that an agreement had been reached the deal fell through at the last minute often both sides failed to finalize terms and reports
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that suggested twenty seven year old tethers will be earning more than ten million dollars a year at p.s.g. while meanwhile italian johns into milan have also targeted the striker of some foxtel to much that is valuation manager with one chain insists tethers should. be able she will go to russia i want to see. where the programme i did for you. it's important now to restart to play because it. is annoying to remember that the employee. is no good for him. there is a punch they have english premier league football on sunday never see man cine city haste in form title rivals top no more second place manchester united travel to arsenal spurs are thirty five points behind united manager harry redknapp has once again down his side's title ambitions. we want to go to and get a result and play well and come away with strength from the game but.
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i've said many times you know six point seven point eight point lead can evaporate very quickly can't they were seen it's only two arms over the years so it's a play for everybody still but it's like everything i keep saying that top four is really where we want to be we want to get champions league football anything above that is a bonus for us. well meanwhile there is a patch in the english premier league this saturday with fourth place chelsea travelling to norah chaney early kick off to have its own post improving but bernie newcastle that this is i guess a full and keep it all welcome bottom side we can in the relegation dogfight side city's i phone once problem wallspace aston villa into midland darby's sunderland place one is eight hundred second bottom bolton face liverpool also looking to get enough. well meanwhile chelsea striker didier drogba has confirmed he will remain at sound the bridge until at least the summer the ivory coast star has scored ninety eight goals in two hundred seventeen games for the police and has been
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strongly linked with a move to chinese side shanghai ocean walk from first contract is set to expire in june and so he's free to talk to other clubs the blues are reportedly offering the thirty three year old a twelve month extension walsh and while reportedly set to give the strike a three year deal is due to play for ivory coast against adani equitorial guinea on the sunday what could be his last africa cup of nations. to the n.b.a. now over a leadership goggle continue their impressive form with a one hundred fourteen to seventy five win in cleveland to inflict the worst ever home defeat on the cavaliers overall superstar derrick rose was missing his third straight game with a strange left big toe box the balls barely missed him as long as it was in front twenty seven twenty six at the end of the first quarter and chicago began to pull away in the second and carlos made this score sixty five. early in the third while in the fourth everything went wrong for the cavs losing the ball and given
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richard hundreds an opportunity for two easy points or chicago winners by thirty nine points to time their fourteenth victory from seventeen games so far stretch in preventing next ice age games against teams who made the playoffs last year. and finally russia's pentathlete are marking one hundred years since the sport came to the country but with the olympics fast approaching those little. time for the best performance of last fall to celebrate. the courts. russia's been a powerhouse this past decade in modern pentathlon the national team winning men's gold at three straight olympic games and dream or save following in the footsteps of sydney gold medal is the cause ski by winning in athens and then again in beijing and the man himself knows that nothing short of flawlessness in each discipline will be enough for a third straight gold. there's not one particular thing to work on as a pentathlete you pretty much have to do well in every discipline if you cannot
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perform at the highest level in every event you will never be able to become an olympic medalist a century of shooting swimming fencing equestrian and cross country is being marked in russia london two thousand and twelve looms large amid celebrations of past accolades and well moyes said if it's top of the european and world championships in two thousand and eleven there are plenty of youngsters hot on the thirty two year old heels only two athletes will go to represent their country this summer a selection process which will definitely challenge the coaching staff. have to make a choice based on who gives us the best chance to win but it will be a tough one after this season. champion and runner up medals going for them. past champions so no doubt the selection process is going to be tough. other competitors such as two thousand and ten world champion sergei korea cannot be ruled out of the qualifying yet another man i know gold this summer the recently
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turned twenty four year old knows exactly who he has to be for the spot if he is to achieve that podium feat. we all know who our opponents will be so the main thing for us is to get selected for the olympic games we've had the first preparation period already starting the second phase of our work now both of them after that will be entering a series of competitions so i'm going to work hard. and hopefully stay injury free that's just an hour or so plenty at stake for russian what is a historic year for the sport in the country and while there's been no shortage of pentathlon glory during the past decade the pressure is greater than ever for the russians to win their fourth straight gold uganda gorski our team. saw from.
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well. science technology innovation all the developments around russia we've got the future covered.
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the official location. called talk from the.
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video. cheesemonger. feeds with the palm of your. machine. with the blood still flowing and a body count growing the arab league reportedly wants to carry on monitoring in syria despite being slammed for being totally ineffective. silenced and throw it out iran's english language press t.v. news program gets kicked off british airways for falling foul of broadcasting law something the channels dubbed the clear act of censorship. remains one their presidents protest against corruption and low wages turn i'll go in with hundreds arrested and dozens injured in clashes with boys.
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what you know if you live from moscow the arab league is reportedly leaning towards prolong its monitoring mission in syria for another month amid widespread accusations it's failed to curb violence the final decision is expected on sunday after the observers report comes under scrutiny at a gathering in cairo r.t. sara first has the details the arab league ministers are going to be meeting to present their findings on what's been happening in syria and to discuss what their next move will be now the arab league mission were here in the country to oversee the implementation of the arab peace but by syria's government that among other things that included the release of the school prisoners and the withdrawal of the government troops and tanks from some of the towns and cities how successful this arab league mission has been it's debatable.


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