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tv   Boom Bust  RT  December 2, 2013 9:30pm-10:01pm EST

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the bat. the. what's up everyone i'm abby martin and this is breaking the set so did you guys hear the weird news drone delivery is only five years away from being a reality yes online retail giant amazon just announced its plan for a future as delivery system that could get packages from the store to your doorstep and less than thirty minutes the new unmanned door to door service is called primary and according to amazon c.e.o. jeff bays those the future is now out of my g.p.s. alone this future will consist of thousands if not millions of flying robots darting to the skies deliver goods now look i'm not knocking the technology it's obviously going to be an incredible convenience for customers and it is a greener alternative to giant delivery trucks however does anyone else find this just slightly creepy other than the minority report turn this technology could take
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how can these things be insured as safe and be prevented from crashing into each other let alone the people below and then there's the question of privacy if safeguards aren't legislated now will be for the attack of the drones and we may never get them because once surveillance from above is as commonplace as pizza delivery no one is going to get government surveillance drones a second thought. it was. very hard to take. that back with the terror threat there.
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thirty three point four million people in the world are living with hiv and get this twenty five million of them live in sub-saharan africa those in the region represents seventy percent of all people living with the virus and eighty eight percent of all hiv positive children in the world in order to shed light on these harrowing statistics yesterday marked the twenty fifth annual world aids day an international event that raises awareness about the disease now there's no doubt that in those twenty five years tremendous progress has been made in two thousand and twelve alone about nine point seven million people in developing countries received access to antiretroviral drugs a twenty percent increase from the previous year thanks to this medication last
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june the one million hiv free baby born to a mother with the virus and just today obama pledged that the u.s. would donate five billion dollars to combat aids over the next three years so that the expansion of sex education globally aids is now preventable disease and for those infected with hiv the condition is manageable one problem though these drugs cost a fortune and by big pharma it's estimated that between one thousand nine hundred eighty seven and two thousand and three ten million men women and children died from aids largely because they couldn't afford the medication that would have saved their lives in fact according to the documentary fire in the blood and one south african township patients were told to go home and die because there was nothing more that could be done for them just to give you perspective on the disproportionality of aids deaths consider this ten million people died in sub-saharan africa of aids over the course of only six years. that's fifteen times
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more aids casualties than in america's entire thirty two year history of the disease is hidden genocide as a result of pat monopolies by pharmaceutical companies such as glaxo smith kline and bristol mayer's squid that prevent cheaper generic alternatives of each of the medication from being created now big pharma argues that the industry has to keep these drugs at artificially high prices because research and development is risky and expensive one problem that argument is blatantly false according to medical publisher b.m.j. eighty four percent of worldwide funding for drug discovery comes from government and public sources which is a measly twelve percent about funding put up by the big pharmaceutical giants furthermore the average pharma company spends nineteen times more on marketing and basic research so while we've made enormous strides in the fight against this terrible disease we still have quite a long road ahead but i think the real question is this if pharmaceutical companies
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have the means and they have the money to save lives that are holding these drugs above the heads of those who can't afford them is that a crime you tell me. right now the biggest foreign policy decision in washington is to negotiate with the islamic republic of iran after twenty years of sanctions and thirty years of diplomatic isolation with more negotiations scheduled in six months the issue has not only divided u.s. lawmakers but has sort of tensions with america's closest allies in the region that's right even though this has been a storch diplomatic agreement israeli prime minister netanyahu has already called the negotiations i was storing mistake of the so many pieces on the chessboard it's kind of hard to make sense of who is really benefit in the long run and help me
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break it all. i'm joined by national coordinator for the answer coalition thanks for coming in so negotiations with iran of course are roughly in many factors the prime minister netanyahu saudi arabia is it that the u.s. is actually shifting its policy in the middle east well it's possible that there could be a shift the obama administration is advocating for some way for a change in policy towards iran there is of course as you know both the israeli opposition and massive opposition inside of congress and from the military industrial complex against any such shift but i have to say it is the same sions have taken a huge toll on the iranian people the american government and the european union didn't allow iran to sell oil they froze their bank assets any government any company that wants to do a financial transaction with iran can only do so with the explicit consent of the treasury department so the iranian people have lost eighty percent of their currency their currency has been devalued eighty percent in a west year just imagine if all of our paychecks were depleted by eighty percent people are hungry people are lacking medicine in other words the iranian people are
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negotiating with with a gun to their head they want to change they want to new policy they've never wanted a nuclear weapon they've said we don't have a nuclear weapon the international atomic energy agency says they don't have a nuclear weapon it's the most inspected country in the world they want to change but the u.s. government is holding their cards because it's a power relationship it's a political relationship more than it is the issue of nuclear weapons right about the explain just how devastating these sanctions have really been because i don't think people really realize what they're doing and how it's pretty much been a force negotiation if based on what you just said close allies saudi arabia is also kind of at odds with not only this recently but syria as well what is driving a state that a lot of people see as just kind of a puppet state for the u.s. what's driving their foreign policy and i'm glad you said puppet because the saudi government and the israeli government for the past four decades have been functioning basically as proxies of western power and particularly u.s. power in this resource rich. oil rich and geo strategically important part of the
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world if there is an outbreak of peace another words if there's a historic accommodation of anytime between the u.s. and iran then israel and the saudi arabian government the monarchy the royal family their own role become less important in terms of u.s. calculations as a proxy as a puppet they want to be needed israel gets four billion dollars a year the saudis have been dependent on the u.s. if there's an outbreak of peace then perhaps the guarantee of saudi power and that has been a guaranteed by the american government resents ronald reagan said in the one nine hundred eighty s. there will be no saudi revolution meaning no democracy for the people of saudi arabia because the u.s. considered saudi to be that vital saudi arabia can see the outbreak of peace with iran as something very dangerous for that corrupt really corrupt regime that is fragile and they could be overthrown like all the other monarchs in history indeed and i can't help but bring up this bizarre facet which is that according to go she
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has agreed to not rich uranium hath five percent brian in other words they can not build a nuclear bomb so why is saudi arabia and bibi netanyahu so pissed at this deal if it's not about the bomb what exactly exactly because it is about politics there is no existential threat that iran poses to israel are to saudi arabia the saudis of course fear a secular revolution or an islamic revolution that something they fear the israelis have two to four hundred nuclear weapons they are nuclear armed they unlike around do not allow inspectors into israel that's not the issue of the real issue as it is as i said before that israel gets four billion dollars a year plays a major regional role in the middle east as an extension of western power if there is a peace with iran or some shift then israel's role becomes less important in fact israel can be considered by the us for its own reasons to be an abrasive force. hurting us relations in the middle east. if that were to happen the the israeli project is
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really quite fragile they seem to have a huge military but you know two thirds of their population are first or second generation immigrants they can go back to brooklyn or go to russia or another words leave if in fact the settler regime seems to be going through some sort of major crisis that's a big problem in the israeli ruling class the israeli government knows this. speaking out and. if the u.s. does perceive that as i have that actually the u.s. pursues a better relationship with iran do you think we could see potentially a dangerous axis. between tell of even riyadh while there is right now it's odd and dangerous for a fragile arab monarchy to see its principal alliance with the israeli government but in fact that's what shaken out the a saudi government has carried out a proxy foreign policy until recently when they became independent they tried to overthrow the assad government they teamed up with the us to fund al qaida and other insurgent forces in syria that's collapsing right now the saudis see the wind
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has changed instead of the monarchy becoming the vital partner of the us along with israel suddenly they could be isolated and if they are isolated you know to one third of the people in saudi arabia are migrant laborers there's twelve percent unemployment amongst college graduates that regime can explode it's been eighty years of a theocratic government with no elections time is over ripe for a major change in saudi arabia you know considering how the u.s. has been at the forefront i mean for the last decade fear mongering first about iran and syria and iran i mean it seems like it's been never ending right in line with the red line speech and everything is this a move for real diplomacy and if so why now well i think there's two issues two trends within the u.s. government and there have been for some time but one has been suppressed both trends agree that there should be regime change in iran they'd like to go back to the good old days when they had a puppet the shah of iran who ruled because the cia impose them on. arche to the
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throne for twenty six years but there's two different tactics for how to do it should the u.s. engage which is what the obama administration is trying to do to find moderate elements or what they call moderate elements inside the islamic republic versus the other side that the hard club those who can only use the clenched fist against iran and i think both sides agree that it would be better for us empire and that's what it is not the american people but for the empire to have a puppet government in this very very important country in the middle east thank you so much for breaking out this extremely convoluted situation brian becker national corner for the answer coalition. next you guys i sit down with tom hartman to hear why he thinks america could be on the brink of another economic meltdown the ground.
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or. rostock rules in effect that you can jump in anytime you want. big conflict. over. did you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy trek albus. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of
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our government and across several we've been a hydrogen client handful of transnational corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers one still just i'm job market and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on on the world we go beyond identifying the problem for trucks rational debate and a real discussion that critical issues facing america have done for you know ready to join the movement then welcome to the big picture. i've got a quote for you. that's pretty tough. stay where it's not story. let's get this guy like you with me here about guns instead of working for the people both issues the mainstream media works for each other right on stage and.
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they did rather well. we're. a. couple. if you look at certain us economic factors you might be out of the impression of this country recovering from the two thousand a financial crisis and climate has dropped to seven point three percent the stock market has had record highs and black friday one off without any deaths this year and while it is true that people aren't making or. run on the banks are waiting in bread lines one political commentator argues that we're only divine inevitable and the crash of two thousand and eight was just the beginning is named tom hartman and he's the host of the big picture right here on our t.v. he's also the author of over thirty books the latest in the crash of two thousand and sixteen the plot to destroy america and what we can do to stop it while tom
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joined me earlier to discuss his book and the cycle political and economic crises and first assman breakdown who is behind the plot to destroy america. the plot to destroy america is it's interesting it's like good intentions make good intentions meet predators. started out with a lot of very progressive changes that were happening in the united states and post the last crash of the f.d.r. the new deal and all this kind of stuff and this led in the one nine hundred fifty s. nearly nine hundred fifty s. to people like russell kirk and barry goldwater and william f. buckley to say you know if that middle class gets too big too fast it's going to destabilize the country and a destabilized country is not a good thing i mean this is just a basic tenet of the conservative worldview it's not good or bad it's just you know way in buckley said a conservative is a man of stands athwart but the arc of history of this hand showed in stop and it's true it's true so so you had the liberals who were seeing all this change in the
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kind of thomas jefferson thomas paine fashion and saw thought as a wonderful thing and conservatives who were saying wait a minute if the middle class is too big this could be dangerous this is in the fifty's fifty one fifty two russell kirk wrote a book called the conservative mind that lays this all out predicts this fast forward to the seventy's and now it's actually happening women are demanding rights in the workplace you know the whole bra burning movement ms magazine was published in seventy one african-americans are saying hey what about us you know and they've they've finally gotten civil rights legislation martin luther king has just been assassinated gay people were. commonality stonewalls nine hundred sixty nine young people are saying hell no i won't go to vietnam i mean literally every facet of society except for old rich white guys were in the open rebellion and on the social side so it seems that all those one nine hundred fifty s. predictions about you know if that middle class gets too big this is this ronald
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reagan's reason why college shouldn't be free if that middle class gets too big and too strong and too healthy will start demanding things while they were at the same time business was under assault in one hundred sixty two you had racial carlson publish your book silent spring in one thousand nine hundred sixty five ralph nader had published on safe at any speed the consequence of those two books was a brand new environmental movement and a brand new consumer movement so by nine hundred seventy one when lewis powell set down and wrote a memo to his for a new gene sindoor of the chamber of commerce he opened the memo with the phrase to the effect of american business is under assault as is america itself and he actually meant that and he meant that in a way that wasn't like some evil plotting guy this was the conservatives looking at an america that was changing so rapidly that they were afraid it could turn into the bolshevik revolution and let's talk about your book of course that was the
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subtitle the book but the book is really about the crash of two thousand and sixteen at the bout these economic cycles and political crisis cycles that have happened over centuries really what's behind these cycles and what they have in common. what we see is that we we tend to learn from disasters arnold toynbee is said to have said i think you know how you set it on my program first told me about it. although i have been able to find the original quote but in any case when the last man who remembers the horrors of the last great war the next great war becomes inevitable and it's a way of saying basically when the last person i remember. the lessons of our mistakes is gone or is no longer paid attention to we inevitably reproduce those mistakes particular if there are mistakes that look like hey this this should work you know do we really need banking regulations so for example in one thousand nine hundred nine when phil gramm was proposing that we blow up glass steagall which i mean we had from the george washington administration to the ronald reagan
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administration. or an accident to the f.d.r. administration we had never gone more than fifteen years without a major nationwide banking crisis in the united states never more than fifteen years put in place glass steagall smooth sailing all with the two thousand and six two thousand and seven so when phil gramm in one thousand nine hundred ninety eight nine hundred ninety nine was arguing we don't need glass steagall it's worked so well for the last sixty years if you tried to say that twenty years earlier thirty years or forty years earlier if you had been laughed off the floor of the sun because there were people alive who remembered what happened when harding came into power in one thousand twenty want to be regulated the banks and it led to the to the bubble that crashed in nineteen twenty and let's talk about today and ironically of course one of the clinton administration we saw this massive deregulation the economy why is twenty sixteen the next date i mean obviously we're in this right now but why is that the peak or are right now and and it is both an economic cycle and a political cycle the crash really began into late two thousand and six and those
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people within the bush administration had any sense saw it coming and did everything they could to keep it from happening before the november two thousand a to like they were not successful and i think that's part of why we have president obama rather than president mccain president obama and his staff are looking and the fed they're all looking at the same thing not my watch we don't want to happen on our watch and so they're doing everything they can to try to push that crash back to november twenty sixth and that's why we chose that. title you know betty for the book title. the thing that. obama has that bush didn't and the negative thing that obama hasn't pushed it is bush didn't have the entire democratic party trying to make the crash happen worse and faster and obama has virtually the entire republican party right now trying to make the crash happened worse and faster i want to play a really quick could from a peer joseph the founder of this like i said what about this inevitable collapse
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let's hear what he had to say about it. there's never going to be some epic collapse that's final there's always just going to be reduced reduced. high lifestyle pockets of the planet is just going to keep producing populations to grow mass starvation will continue as it does right now and it's just get smaller and smaller but more and more people die. there isn't really going to be an epic collapse it's going to have more concentric wealth pockets closing in on itself while just more people die in a kind of accept this. new state of reality you could argue that that's what's been happening worldwide for some time and. you know when you look at the population trends i mean in one thousand nine hundred you had one billion people one thousand thirty one f.d.r. was sworn in you had two billion people kennedy came in there's three and you look at the population curve it looks like this and so yeah i don't disagree and are over that on the other hand i think that with a more micro economy like
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a an individual nation state particularly nation were they would become basically the reserve currency the world. there's. there's a motion that is more coherent i feel like. throughout the book of course you do criticize obama a lot but you largely point the blame at the republican opposition forces for his failure to implement real progressive policies during his administration how do you how do you i guess excuses squandering of the supermajority during the first two years in office he had a super majority for thirteen weeks that was how long it took until scott brown was sworn in to replace ted kennedy and then. he had a thirteen week period where he had a filibuster proof senate and that was it out of the entire five years he's been president so the things that he campaigned on the things that were suggested the over two hundred pieces a really genuinely solid progressive legislation answer palosi actually got out of the house of representatives i mean simple stuff that you would think would be no
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brainers like like let's no longer give a tax break to companies that dismantle factories in the united states move them overseas let's stop rewarding them just let it go to neutral they've got filibuster by the republican side so. the thing the f.d.r. had that obama doesn't have is that when f. . came into power the united states had been seen for three years the consequences of a politician who was basically saying. just wait for the job creators they'll figure it all out the billionaires will take care of this everything this is a cycle little round of them be fine and and by the end of three years people knew that it was a lot and they were ready for change and so f.d.r. had this over what not only an overwhelming majority in the house in the senate but i quote in the book at some length through the new york times article at the time about how the the american people were just overwhelming their politicians with you
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know give him what he wants better happen had obama come into office and a year maybe two years later had we hammered seven hundred thousand jobs a month for a year or two and then he became president i think the he very much would have become f.d.r. i don't think. the man or woman makes the office i think that the time is make the person. f.d.r. people people like to lionize him and i suppose to some extent i have in the book but the fact of the matter is that f.d.r. was a wealthy guy from a wealthy family who was the governor of probably the most corrupt state in america new york state and and looked the other way through much of that corruption he was not you know began to corrupt and yet he the times forced him i hear you're saying and i agree to a certain extent but i feel like by projecting kind of this this faith that obama would have been the next step to our i mean really we see him capitulated to the republicans on everything and it's not just because the republicans are forcing him to look at obamacare he completely gave that up before he even went to the
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negotiating table public option off the table i mean there's things like this that really pain is a corporatist let's talk about solutions here because you talk about a matter of realigning our investments does the entire system to be overhauled because i'm looking at the republicans and i'm looking at the democrats and i see two corporate parties backed by corporate interests and i just feel like we were so far gone from the days of f.d.r. well and even. before that we no longer have a constitutionally limited representative done a democratic republic in the united states we have a constitutional monarchy and the monarchs of the supreme court the nine justices of our supreme court have more power the power to strike down laws passed by congress and the power to create policy and law they have more power than do any of the marks of europe they have more power than the queen of england credible and so what they have done is with this with these twin doctrines that corporations are persons and that money is speech they have created a political system now the. pretty much doesn't resemble
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a democracy. and so yeah i think it needs to be rebooted in quick answer your question but the reboot that needs to be made is that we need to either have congress assert their article three section two authority to regulate supreme court and say sorry you guys can't regulate money or we need to amend the constitution to save money is not speech corporations are people and tom lastly you know if we look at history it seems like we're destined to encourage these kind of cyclical booms in is that the best we can do every time we go through one of these cycles every time we go through one of these you know when we wake up it causes people to wake up out of the crash of twenty nine came you know the forty hour work week in the way agner act and unemployment insurance and the whole long list you know out of the crash of the late eighty's ninety's came the whole progressive movement that led to the seventeenth the nineteenth amendments. you know the direct election the women voting out of the crasher eight hundred fifty seven came eighty five to six
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hundred fifty seven came the end of slavery into civil war horribly and there's a big debate about whether that was necessary but that led to the end of slavery out of the crash of seventeen and seventy came the united states of america so out of every one of these crashes has really positive change in not only our country but you can see the same thing all around the world so i'm this is all. mostly a very optimistic book and i think that there's a lot of really good stuff sitting on the table right now that a lot of people are looking at very seriously and saying you know if we just had the political will and when enough people experience enough pain sounds callous to say it that way but this this is how history shows a lot of people get it we wake up and we change things at the absolutely true the crash of two thousand and sixteen thank you so much tom of absolute pleasure to have you on the show. that's our show you guys join me again tomorrow when i break the thought all over again.
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i got a quote for you. it's pretty tough. as they were it's about story. let's get this guy like me here about guns instead of working for the people in the mainstream media for each of the bridegroom speeches. of the dead rather.
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it's a classic. over by the way to show that you know the price is the only industry specifically mention in the constitution which says that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy schreck all books. will. never go i'm sorry and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going and going to on we go beyond identifying to try to fix rational debate a real discussion critical issues facing america by the book go ready to join the movement then welcome to the big picture. the on job market in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight.


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