tv [untitled] February 27, 2014 10:30pm-11:01pm EST
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well give me your take my take a lot of our phone lines are now open so if you want to share an opinion make a comment ask a question live on the air and ornate suite it was called to a tonight show for twenty one thirty four if you're outside the united states add a one for the number of international viewers and as i mentioned with is still with me as progressive commentator sweet so let's go to our first video question of the night christopher in california. if you are to you. marcus you know the peace free speech t v your approach good work you go through do. you think. elected a black president or do you think you're looking at ninety year because a berm or a move to you you go into wars you promise to. be going through
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a force like corporate. you know stuff that can be incurred if you should. you know. thank you christopher i think that we elected but we we we elected after american and we elected and idea with regard to guantanamo president obama from the first day he went in office has been trying to close it and congress has been you know congress has to appropriate the money he can't he can't ask a soldier or sailor or anybody else to do anything if there's not funding for it and congress has built into the military appropriations bill for five six years the road out literally a sentence that says no money from this appropriation can be used to close guantanamo so they have barred him by law from doing that so he's wanted to as to campaign finance reform you know he's called for that but the supreme court blew that up with citizens united. and i think i would like to see him as
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a more outspoken advocate for an amendment to the constitution that would clearly say that money is not speech and production that's protected by the first amendment the corporations are protected by the fourteenth amendment this is not to be you know totally in the bag for obama i use these to drop the ball or. if. i have some problems with some of the things that he's done but i think overall nate can you imagine what would have happened if mitt romney or or even worse john mccain had been elected i mean we see i think we would have already been at war with iran at this point i think you know progressive obviously have a complicated relationship with president obama as you said there are some things that we are unhappy about what he's done you know we talked in the show earlier about the transpacific partnership i was really pushing hard for this free trade deal that could damage the middle class america but i think it's also important for people to remember that after the expansive executive powers of the bush years obama has drawn back on some of those aspects of the imperial presidency obviously
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the drone war is one area where he says expanded that well actually builds it on the books he's the number of drone strikes from one hundred thousand dollars he had to radically get down i think i think he's responding to public pressure. let's go to karl from minnesota who left us a message on our ratline explaining where the pipes for the keystone pipeline would be manufactured if that pipeline here in the united states is approved. they have been manufactured they were manufactured in canada and you see and there's a bunch of them a whole field of them just outside gas going north dakota i have a pictures of them on my web site spin times got us a little talk to you later thanks by. thanks for the call carl one of our producers want to carl's website and here's the picture he posted with a caption that reads pipes for the seventeen hundred mile keystone x.l. pipeline lie at the ready in a field in gas going north dakota so you know they're there ready to go let's pick
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up our callers and see the rich in los angeles say rich you want to talk about search warrants. each on tuesday the supreme court ruled in a los angeles case that police officers may enter and search your home without a warrant as long as one occupant consents even if the other resident has previously objected right now the court at previous e held that such protections were at the very core of the fourth amendment and it bans on unreasonable searches and seizures not only that tom in two thousand and six the court had ruled in a georgia case that a husband standing in the doorway could block police from searching his home even if it's restrained wife consented right even if she was standing behind him. you know i mean when is this nightmare going to end with disappearing court we have in
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this court and and you know. it's it's it's room and thanks a lot for the call that we have in the supreme court the most right wing court i think we've seen since the walker court since the one nine hundred twenty s. . you know when this is locked the court was knocking down child labor laws and you know the progressive era legislation oh yeah i mean this is this is this is mind boggling and and not only that they're proud of the union schoolin thomas going off to dinner with the koch brothers and fancy about some and thomas' wife making a hundred grand and he forgot to mention it by the way it's a federal crime excuse me yeah and what's interesting about the ride this roberts court is you know i know school league. and alito and clarence thomas get a lot of attention from progressives because they're sort of easy to hate figures but john roberts is a brilliant scholar i mean not disagree with him but he's clearly got a plan for the united states and it's working i mean the health care decision that
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everybody celebrated because it upheld the supreme court's mandate also placed severe limits on the federal government's ability to do things a state that's not talking about the medicaid expansion so they've got a plan for the united states and using the power of the supreme court they pretty has no cheney has throughout his career i mean you know as might happen tonio talks about it reza two thousand dollars an hour or so stocking corporate lawyer before he went into the supreme court he has always ruled against the defendant in favor of the police against the average person in favor of the corporation and against the the citizen and in favor of the power of government and so i would say you know anybody out there who considers themselves or a small government conservative look out for john roberts and his court because these guys are all about. how robber in philadelphia hey robert you want to talk about climate change in the us if you know at the top that. you want to restrict anyone from. everything because you want to have
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a opinion that. guard hired cheney and i don't see how you like democracy. you need the op ed that we talked about last night robert was how since the a.p. has hired an editor who does who doesn't book writers excuse me since reuters has has hired an editor who doesn't believe in climate change that reuters coverage of climate change is basically collapsed writers as a corporation. and a news organization and what i and i was not calling for the government to involve itself at all i was simply telling people hey you know maybe you shouldn't take so much put so much credibility in the reporting this corporation did you misunderstand what i said or did i say it badly. well you can probably know where you can publish anything that. could be tricky. robert you know thanks for the call but i was not saying that my apologies if you took it that way but that was not my intent. nate any thoughts on this yeah i mean i think that take race really spoke
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to a much broader problem with how the press talks about climate change and there's this sense of false balance that somehow because some fringe wackos still don't think climate change is manmade we need to mention it in every single article article about climate change says this reuters coverage there has a new editor analogous to take over as editor in chief so any possible in seattle you want to call about. zero year are what were the only news they threw their words they. probably had a question or way go i read the out away or do you oh dear radiation are you thinking of coming through very poor. while in vancouver you beggarly see is apparently where it's been measured by some volunteers there's no official government word from either the canadian or the united states government but the ice is going to always really shocked are there all the detection devices so what
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problem. or i want to do. you have a weary old if you are going out i haven't seen that i don't know of any specifics pavol thanks for the call i you know we're just going to have to keep an eye on this thing this is this is this is a b. of d. and it's was the kind of thing we got here with comet yeah i mean i think i mean i think it's but it's particularly disturbing about this huge this issue is there's no real major focus on it from the government you know it's not just there's no focus is that after it was no sooner they closed the united states govern actually turned off some of the radiation monitors we have on the west coast and that says to me that there's more to it than what they're telling yeah. and in philadelphia pennsylvania you want to talk about conservatives. i got a real simple question how come the conservatives keep screaming we need less government less government business less government in international business but
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they keep breaking new rules against individuals with a law in arizona that was going to allow companies to reject people from doing business where mcfate thought they were gay yeah to keep saying we want less government less government they keep breaking more rules against individuals yeah john i think that thanks for the call lizz winstead on this program said you know conservatives want a government is big enough to get inside her uterus and it's like you know this big government of the social issues the real the real point here i think nate is what. what thomas frank wrote about what's the matter with kansas that concerns that conservatives advance big government agendas on social issues to to bring their base into but to bring in you know people who are afraid of gays or afraid of people of color afraid of you know fill in the blank you know want to king out of their guns or don't like abortion or or. you know just hate women
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but. their real agenda the real agenda of conservatives and republicans is to empower corporations and rich people but they can't say that and so you know they talk small government and that's really code for that but the big government stuff is is the just to bring people into vote for yeah i mean i think that's been the always been the engender of hierarchical mass movements throughout history they want to create this false sense of populism and then use that populism to make people act against their own interests and that's what the modern republican party does to a large degree and i think it's pretty cynical of them to do that frank in chicago just a half a minute left quick comment. here in europe your good feeling very very good do you really want soldiers returning from overseas they're not working. there. apparently yeah welcome to conservative world to thank you for the call but welcome to conservative world i mean the conservatives back in seventeen eighty seven were
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putting forward that proposition that effect i think hamilton might have been among the only landholders should be allowed to vote but you know nowadays you've got these other ones something you're going burke. it's time for americans to revisit the burke pain debates you know. thanks so much for banks to see and that's it for your take my take live thanks for all your calls if we didn't get to your calls that i was try back next week or the week after and keep the video questions coming it's easy just grab your phone pointed at yourself and record your question or comment e-mail it to us at your take by take at g.-mail dot com coming up today the obama administration unbuilt its proposal for nutrition labels which the administration says will help families make more health conscious food choices but the nutrition labels do not go far enough in tonight's daily take i'll tell you what else should be labeled on the foods that we.
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there's the media leave us so we leave that maybe. by the same motion securely place your party there's a bill. for shoes that no one is asking with the guests that you deserve answers from it's all on politics only on our t.v. . please it was a. very hard to take the plunge again long here is a plug hat in that sack with the perfect hair plugs let's call it.
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they did rather. than starforce at. six nations in the finish line of the marathon. bombing but. many on the left are tackling this explosive. when the obama supporters back to the phones obama mr miller never it's always like. for tonight's politically correct that i'm correcting bill o'reilly on his show last night o'reilly made it pretty clear that he's not ready for a woman president check it out. there's got to be some downside to having
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a woman president right something something that may not fit with that office correct. i'm going to say nobel. apparently riley isn't familiar with the wide range of research that's been done on women in political office multiple studies have found a strong relationship between an increasing number of women in government and declining levels of government corruption and there is a positive effect on government when women break into the so-called old boys' club other studies have found that women are more likely to bring the people into the governing process and are more likely to push for government transparency similarly women are more likely to reach out to groups that have traditionally less influence in the government and policy making process are also more likely to drive for diplomatic solutions to issues rather than taking aggressive actions and according to a twenty seven study by researchers at the university of chicago women in congress consistently outperform their male counterparts parts on several measures of job
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performance researchers said the two fundamental jobs of congressional representatives are constituency service that includes bringing home federal projects as well as other direct work with constituents and legislating which means writing bills and shepherding them in through the law making process evidence shows that the women on congress outperform men on both levels so finding diplomatic solutions to problems to making government more inclusive and transparent it's clear that women can be as good as if not better than political leaders than men so i think it's possible the bill was just you know trying to set that up and. shouting out to women but if not that's why bill o'reilly has been politically correct. it's thursday let's get geeky on our pampered pooch is it our feline friends first
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if you have a cat you probably noticed how that furry feline can do some pretty crazy things especially at night and sometimes it looks like they're staring at things that aren't there well according to new research they might be seeing things that are there but that you can't see a new study suggests that cats dogs and some other mammals have u.v. vision which means they can see ultraviolet light a range of light the your in my eyes human eyes can't see light is made up of a variety of colors visible light which humans can see or goes from red to violet and beyond that is ultraviolet light scientists have known for a while that a variety of animals bats to insects can see ultraviolet light wavelengths for cats and dogs never fit into that equation until now and in other pet related news it turns out the dogs are a lot more in tune with their owner's feelings and emotions than was previously thought researchers in hungary have found that
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a dog's brain reacts to voices the same way a human brain does and there are iraqi reacts to emotionally charged sounds and tonalities in a way similar to humans after extensive training researchers gave eleven dogs m.r.i. scans to see how their brains reacted to vary in various voices and sounds they did the same thing with a group of twenty two human study participants the researchers played over two hundred different sounds to both the dogs and the people who whistle sounds car sounds nature sounds and humans and the researchers found that a similar region of the brain located within the temporal lobe of the brain reacted in both the dogs and the humans brains when they heard human voices and sounds both the dogs and people also reacted similarly to emotional sounds like crying or laughing. so the next time your dog or cat starts looking their cat starts looking frantically across the room looks like empty space there may be more there than meets the eye and when it comes to your playful pooch next time we come to you
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prying it might when you're crying it might not just be a coincidence. just. it's the good the bad of the very very diggle mostly ugly the good senator elizabeth warren during a speech at georgetown university yesterday the massachusetts senator made a passionate plea to lawmakers in washington to consider the civilian toll of our actions abroad she said the failure to make civilian casualties a full and robust part of our national conversation of the use of force is dangerous it's dangerous because of the impression that it gives the world about
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our country and dangerous because of how it affects the decisions that we make as a country. we couldn't agree more it's good to see the senator warren has the same clear sighted views on foreign policy as she does on domestic and economic policy. the bad david ralston last year the republican georgia speaker of the house authored an ethics reform law that he said would prevent lobbyists from making gifts to state lawmakers sounds like a great idea right. now it appears the rolston didn't really believe in its own law or think progress has taken advantage of a loophole in that very same law to help state legislators get free trips out of the american legislative exchange council you know alec baldwin's critics are now saying that his ethics reform bill has. just a way to deflect corruption away attention away from his own corruption or hypocrite. the very very ugly very castor and daniels dulls are
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the two midland texas police officers have been suspended for three days without pay for holding a contest to see who could steal the most science from local homeless people seriously very dissociated press the contest went on for two weeks and only ended with officer hester's truck was searched for the missing the item up on a routine traffic stop it's part of their suspension hastur and seller says there have been reminded reminded by the middle and police department that they should respect individual rights and human dignity you know because it's so easy to forget such things about that is for fear of that.
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it's time to get serious about what's in the food we eat today the obama administration rolled out a new proposed nutrition facts label to replace the current nutrition labeling on foods and it doesn't go anywhere near far enough in new proposed labeling would display calories in a larger and bolder type would include calories like avoid too much and get enough and for the first time would include an added sugars category there's a health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius had to say about the new labels simple changes to food labels can make a big difference in fact more than half of consumers who rely on those labels for guidance to propose changes captured the most up to date science in a way that's easy to read and understand. the new labeling is supposed to reflect the changes in nutrition science that have occurred since food labeling and nutrition facts were first rolled out two decades ago all fats were the focus back
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in the eighty's nutritionists today are concerned more with overall calorie intake and added sugars they've added that to the label now added sugars speaking about the new labels first lady michelle obama said that our guiding principle here is very simple you as a parent and a consumer should be able to walk into your local grocery store pick up an item off the shelf and be able to tell whether it's good for your family. mrs obama is absolutely right we have the right to know what's in the food we eat and if it's actually healthy for us but to achieve that goal we need to go beyond the new nutrition facts label and start labeling all of the important things that are in the foods that we eat and that starts with labeling all genetically modified foods out in california there's a renewed effort to label g.m.o. foods california state senator norine evans has introduced a new g.m.o. food labeling bill in that state it would mandate that all genetically engineered foods the label for bill would also allow foods that only contains some genetically
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engineered greens to be labeled produced with genetic engineering or partially produced with genetic engineering while big agriculture may not want you or me to know about genetically modified foods an overwhelming majority ninety three percent of americans according to a recent new york times poll an overwhelming majority of us want to know what foods contain genetically modified organisms and there's a good reason for that despite what companies like monsanto are going to try to tell you g.m.a. g.m.o. foods may have some problems as the institute for responsible technology points so even before the f.d.a. decided to let g.m.o. foods go unlabeled the f.d.a. a's own scientists were warning the g.m.o. foods could create unpredictable hard to detect side effects including allergies
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toxins new diseases and nutritional problems and the american academy of environmental medicine recently reported that numerous studies on g.m.o. food consumption in animals have shown possible serious health risks associated with genetically modified foods for example mice that have been fed genetically modified corn for an extended period of time a few were in smaller babies. rodents have been fed genetically modified corn and soy and shown signs of toxicity in their immune systems stomach linings of rats fed medically modified potatoes have shown excessive cell growth which can be an early indicator of cancer in india thousands of buffalo sheep and goats have died after eating genetically modified cotton plants and in germany. twelve cows died suddenly after grazing on genetically modified corn. it's pretty clear
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that there are still a lot of questions out there about g.m.o. foods as a result the american people you me i think all of us who eat right we deserve to know which foods out our grocery store shelves are chock full of genetically modified ingredients but we shouldn't stop there. we should also be able to know what countries our foods come from with country of origin labeling and if they contain any residual pesticides herbicides or other lab made or potentially toxic chemicals and in the case of meat poultry and dairy products we should be able to know if synthetic hormones are present and if antibiotics were used at the farms where they came from. it's great that americans are going to have a better understanding of how nutritious or not nutritious our food is but if we're serious about being able to walk into the local grocery store as mrs obama said pick up an item off the shelf and be able to tell whether it's good for your family and we must know about everything that's in the food we eat. and that's the way it
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do democrats and republicans have an unbreakable lock on the u.s. political system and activists five time presidential candidate ralph nader is with me to discuss the possibility of a third party surge on this edition of politicking. politicking coming up later in the show a number of the g.o.p. establishment squares off against a key player in the tea party movement we're going to take a look at what's happening inside the republican party and how it might affect the twenty sixteen presidential race but now joining me from washington the five time candidate for president are ralph nader we go back to hunt.
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