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tv   Documentary  RT  May 1, 2018 4:30pm-5:01pm EDT

4:30 pm
you know. it's a comic con about this optics of the hill talking too much for. something you know . not fantasy out of starkey i'm not afghan hike in iraq. if i don't look at how well my mushroom and i were hacking up some time on. how many. right let's run them about going to them at the cost of just one of the not the likes of someone i saw on that one i just googled i'm on i am on the. phone most welcome thoughts on. my fiance just.
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yet i decided not searching. in the sun for the news i live and i have as you can be able to say where the commercial looked really. good initially how it was telling us going to eat a leaky have a selfish desire. for santa most of the. stuff they want this far she. likes yeah look i'm for that and it's fun for me and my wish for things. on a summer find somebody. ask it able to me just out of a sort of in those don't be. the most ready for harvest the most remote myth. about a half of them and then the condition of the fun i walked off the bit madge was just about straight out of shot in the nose not so tall if i must say that she.
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i must raise the fact i'll you mean final conclusion. in or out of them that she's a know is there some sort of in i noticed there. was a global. going on she said that when john mcafee done was thought someone had said i'm just noodling with my office for. one o'clock and it must be me that i might take. one of the police out there to make my fish a bad day today again it can also be. thought of in the saddest but they'd be at the issue will be there to them or put in the good stuff when i must but it's a bit much for the knock on the us is a lower shifts in leadership at watershed with what say you get one ticket than one just looked at it. and looking as it went there was a hand. up. when i
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left that i sat next to. the to call the meeting and when i. come from one of the two. sam it's not the same problem as make. the cut let's cut to the things. i label something and if you didn't ask them to stop with you for the final goodbye they teach you that my father and i love how much just seven of sitting there in the us if we should have so we would have to focus so we must shift more children might call for months i should start them blacks who are something like not kind of stupid it will be just an absolutely fair with us.
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although i am on the book. i said in the last article the tough. love us of the song panic you. wake of the song that when you're in the. state stuff all the political stuff. i said. i got mine down i'm thinking of. somewhere along. the deck near.
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the. start of summer for growth it's not. that they've been locked down in my feast the sun have been up and some down is because i see them day easier to me i shouldn't mind my feet when don't have the heart that may have been if i should have them all those must solution how do you know. i mean to tell a bit of the seattle i'm not jealous are. somebody called give well it's logical. i am a myth. it's to please that now yes because she did but that will be sad never should've been that the bitch of egypt. is that you.
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got a. good time on the clock in your home to mom mom this is not an attempt. on the five feet i'm putting up with jamal here. on the cd but i can. see out of some a lot of. the us other well all summer long. for me none of us have. to list just the good stuff. and we'll deal.
4:37 pm
with the one who climbed up and saw what i just enough called down on the ice sheet and so things are the future of the land and the doctor that will. cause i know who says i'm going to throw them to suddenly wish it would be sure that we share it with a vision i'm sure they're going to think that that's one of the line of some of the finest plays on something such as economic plans that are most welcome by the limousine with a good. look at them and they're just over and the. you know hair a few of them no way in the game assembling a pulse when they sell the haina kolo and pulling the. look. of
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a cool osuna brothers it wasn't going to mess with more butter or. if it mumbled the mafia literature well it should be home sonic on a cd and i'm going after the ocean. i'm home being i had more than one machine at home visit i. think since kind of knock on the stairs a lot i want to put my mother above that. someone about i didn't like racism because of it in the bible which i know so have made me feel an aside or was awful oh if i want to like nick with mark williams solve it with with john mark and him to heck much of it live here with me. god of all the visit he got the. only here. on was that i thought the dumbest shit i saw you had just walked into town last fall to. other months old in good health of the all that i've heard going to have been fairly low
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as compared to how can my and even policies it will but. you know look at us me on one of the. only about most you were there in march one hundred got up but i mean ok that. is good that employment will come to let me know how to. get out of his family and then work that out on him with a few minutes all that and. also the dishes people who want not reading and want the same moment over there was that his son. had to be several a year due to the book that he was allowed most of the floors a muckle it will be that will have. been missing a bit walk or get hold of the ground welcher of the farm is but one hug and then he got half a rope he is not i want. this made. one of. them
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when the so that him of them and i saw that he had written how. sure are now sending out unless. i thought i don't have a day. to the one to look. for. us a couple. on the ship. them either.
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he came. up calling but i'd still be standing in that seat on the senate floor but mature in the feeling that. there's a whole damn good living in their lives was dating someone in the cellar. and
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. it's getting hotter and. you had silicone pumped out of that i mean you must. yeah. you know and then it was all that and more of the music all kind of some shouts and i miss it the you know and i was she. was the one that one has known the slogan for this week is that at least you know that was a single blow and that was sweet where you will be all you need to look like much when you got there in the last one was it a suit. the hard sell you on the idea that dropping bombs brings police to the chickenhawk forcing you to fight the battle of. the new socks for the tell you that the because
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of the public by itself most important today. off the bat doesn't help you on the cool enough to buy their products. big box that we. will watch. in the heart of the swiss alps this is a place probably more secretive than the pentagon more mysterious than the cia and better guarded than for knox swiss customs are here permanently and all the science is controlled by them and they impose the opening times. opposite the possibilities from these all plus the procedures in place of the strictest in all europe must to pieces by artists like pecan so and modigliani i can't boards and sold in the side this warehouse that's where the report comes in it covers a deals which are naturally discreet commercially discreet felt but also discreet
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because they concern fraud for some of those paintings are linked to dark secrets nobody knows how many of these secrets a kept inside the geneva freeport social position that will never obtain an inventory of all the works in the freeport who knows how many there are three hundred three thousand three hundred thousand is it a matter of confidentiality only is it the world's black box of the art business. because i would think. through some allow the fear.
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to keep going to the lunatic and i know you're going to close the language there to create a bit of the you know to the feeling of a little you. know side that you know. yes i mean all that much you know. i let it. go i was wonderful i just. i love you know them. but such i don't see him sad. about that and sad story i don't think it will cut it but i'd be out of it.
4:46 pm
if. he did. to remove the litigious you know fellows. you look at that would tell. the jury want to come to terms in going to be good just the cutest emotion to be done cause i'm not much above the guy that does this i mean obviously get out and
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be done it would have to be months of assault a lot of talk and you don't eat a lot of. punches thrown he said looking for me i'm carving but i'm just him on the soft spot enough to get the feeling of the month looking fuck off from the marsh are phenomenal people so look out for the money so the scum i believe even i cannot think of some of them out of that do the same about them or are these really. little different date. and if six of us who go solving these are. the most up. for class challenge your ammo. being a man you know we know many of you. would listen a lot. more not to such. foolishness because you have the most something out there not believe it to be. mean but even if it is to. the extent there are. those who.
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do it to. get out of the way of the emotion the please. post it wasn't up to the people of the city and do. stuff to downshift yesterday and do for sure nothing but the be at. least. a little with a. pretty. big. you know come. to know that. you don't have an agenda have to get over to a little similar to such. lists
4:49 pm
. to. use up on the i mean if i'm going to think and i'm a hold up ok if you love my phone number this you both will show you what the new york post opened is a massive overhaul of the most old use it or the best kind of the biggest the beat the most you know the most you have been to doesn't hold on most of the. games i'll give you the shush a little. bit. if
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you look at those who. saw the company behind the employee. at the funeral if you look at some of them give them a little scoop is one of them look. good. subtle on the whole muslim got. something going on all of them. here on the morning of book the song and he must have loved them the lot of the old one the a look up to. the south he will fall for
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a. lucky . look odd but it's a band of thieves some band i like the midwest but i found the house more than i ever struck. down by making thomas in a swamp it's not a matter of fact that most of. the time male five come home from san angelo. first love and i'm this it's a band if only i was on my sofa at the end. of the bass and someone looked like an awesome slash your mouth was months of back behind last year and what is your get up pete cahall.
4:52 pm
he. did feel good. to see the. kid on the way still. another man off the lead of the day. and i thought i laid it out there the
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best ships off. and there are no doubt i wish they more and the pump will soon and will you measure back everybody oh yeah i'm sure to not touch i've never heard the concept the subject. that i would. take. the other look with. the little bit of a look without a doubt about. the father. did just that it was somebody in the media as a. sort
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of very little. shot and i saw three hundred in the. ten days and more so. i was going to be here to deliver today if i see. history back i'm still looking. at that. something. i'm tempted. to. talk. to you. on that level but i know that you are wildly out of shape and be that indicate. to
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. you. the sorts of fun daddy's new. chick fil a boy if he had moved cheerleader. the mom ice dad mission in the software to solve the sublime enough to pull him down. below well that might be a deal with the school o'connor and. because she might be out of she. stayed in the head a little bit. in the. world of behind beat us little female but they still be a lot of. order to one of. the heart of.
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the limitless. if you look at the things without. actually. told. me to. thank you. thanks. other arabs have been saying. ok but they didn't. believe from the moment that's a. good number of the one that it was good for the fear that a little bit of that overlooked. sort of let's.
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keep it against the book might tell that to my mind to continue to squeal. i think that's you know there's a bit of a you know anything much about one hundred ninety. five is that that movie is a little bit good article that there are going to be was a spontaneous i mean found have been. given to us as you know the sort of. talent of the i'm sure i don't know measuring not only on the show he did. one of my a couple times you're here to. dismiss them but i have to look at it now but maybe it. was time. to for the. change in one ear and then change it i meant i don't follow those he'll be i can love the. most awful i think i did but i think at the limit the. fact
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that i'm learning to be dead so i hear my thoughts about bin is that i've gotten older i am making the right you. know current going to have to be out there with and i have got it up to you what you know how to help me just adds. both of them. know how. to kill. anything that interrupts free trade interrupts freedom and i think in terms of
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freedom is a reversion back to me a feudal ism and we see that happening right now in the united states and presumably here in canada as wealth and is concentrated in a few or fewer hands grabbing a river of the risk of neil feudalism on the horizon crypto is is the answer in my view and it is an asset class and it is gobbling up market share and the us dollar is doing all three our money is don't.
5:00 pm
tear gas during may day riots in paris police also fired water cannon after mass protests there's a top cards. to tell you one thing. israel's prime minister tries to convince the world that iran cannot be trusted this just days before. the historic nuclear deal. says that negotiations with north korea on denuclearization will go ahead while his security advisor believes what happened in libya should serve as a model.


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