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tv   News  RT  May 12, 2018 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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donald trump faces a torrent of criticism from leading european politicians. over his decision to poll the u.s. . so a sour soup consider studying the link between immigration crime saying public demand for such a move is growing. rocking the polls parliamentary elections washington worried the main candidates back its policy of country around. the russian company charged part of a trump russia collusion investigation pleads not guilty imports and made prosecutors' efforts to delay.
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live from moscow to the world this is r t international my names you know. your company our top story america's decision to drop. deal with a chorus of criticism in europe many leading media politicians have blasted what they see as a dangerous this stabilizing. germany's der spiegel even some donald trump's altitude to washington's allies with found offensive gesture on germany's foreign minister has weighed well. to preserve the market. agreement. this list and i think it's not right to unilaterally cancel a deal that was agreed upon that was not am likely approved in the un security council that diminishes confidence in the international order. it seems that
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today screening and shouting insulting and pulling it systematically destroying dismantling everything it is already in place is the most of our times the europe needs to create new systems that will defend its interests what do we want to be bustles not what a babe blindly to what americans tell them or do we want us europeans to say that we have an economic interests and we want to have economic relations with iran inside the brain work of a strategic deal with iran which includes the ransom announcing of nuclear weapons within that this is the right way to go and so we continue to do business with iran three days after american made the controversial move the chief inspector of the un's nuclear watchdog announced his resignation then the next day a top nuclear expert of the us state department also walked out neither gave an
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explanation for their decision polly boyko takes a closer look now at the fallout from the president's latest gambit. our u.s. president risking chaos in the middle east and in case you missed it people are surprised again the sun. don't shine campaign by saying that he'd pull out of the nuclear deal with iran but now that he's actually followed through with an election promise he's caught everyone off god for some reason the world is shocked and outraged as if you don't come to read us that says it's bed time sprinkling very dull stool over the middle east and north stirring up storms of their own just a week or two ago was being put forward for the nobel peace prize for insulting north korea into the books and a new start respecting republican president was that when his c.v. so twelve years of torture is to play received in the wilds which powerful nations a level of complexity rarely seen in global affairs as governments came in when but
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the negotiations pressed on relentless trump's view have the alarm on the deal was new and horrible on the plus side he didn't say very very horrible which in trump well they're more or less a compliment saying that there is wiggle room on parole the orange one said while tearing off the iran deal that it didn't bring calm it didn't bring peace there and it never will he did not want to read baseball cap what he wants for a second term because one of the message a u.s. president can sell standing with us on i and egg on my face is europe's big three lead is. the end of hands and spent a lot of political capital trying to keep the deal christ at least one of them kissed him in the end they learned a vital diplomatic less kids as many jigs as you like but the u.s. is going to do what it down well please the europeans and russia and china say they are dedicated to keeping the middle east nuclear free apart from. you know.
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everyone take the news of trucks with drool in their words. come to me for me away the europeans. done leave worded statement to iran an american flag in it. and israel perhaps it is reassuring that nothing really ever changes. when a former u.s. deputy you coordinator for the iran nuclear deal house told r.t. trumps the situation shows a disregard for europe he tells some of these worlds apart how the president's been riding roughshod over his efforts. after all the bonhomie of the meeting after the supposedly improved atmosphere in the merkel meeting and then he actually treated his intention to make this announcement and sort of telegraphed where it was going while foreign secretary boris johnson was actually in washington
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trying to convince vice president pence and secretary of state to continue the negotiations that whether or not he was intending to be rude whether he was trying to send a message this clearly isn't the way allies behave towards one another i think you see the united states disregarding the needs and interests of its allies and europe and other allies are going to have to look at this and decide how to respond in order to protect their own concerns president trump is trying to tear down the accomplishments of his predecessor i think it's pretty clear from his public remarks that he does not understand what was in the way or what is in the g c p a way that also does undermine the position of the united states in the world we are demonstrating that we cannot take yes for an answer and that makes it very very difficult to make credible deals with the united states. to another headline stories this hour swedish authorities could soon bowed to
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public pressure on conducting a study into whether there's a connection between increasing migration and crime levels but leaders are still wary about publishing any data that could reveal links between the two citing the current political climate it can now be noted that the demand in the social debate on obviated information on the relationship between crimes on the one hand and dissent and migration on the other hand is so strong that the all thirty needs to consider the possibilities again. well the last study in sweden on migrants on crime was carried out in two thousand and five two years ago the police decided to m it criminals nationalities in official reports the push for this latest study comes after sixty one areas in sweden were labeled no go zones where it's thought around five thousand known criminals currently live.
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we need to make clear shift in direction we cannot continue in this direction ten more years society needs to do more we need to do more we need to focus on the serious drug. well a member of sweden's democrats party told under a farmer that he thinks leaders aren't being honest enough about the impact of immigration immigrants from these countries to create havoc all around europe and you know it's needs you know you need to start this is cited sweden the media they
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need to. you know protecting them or denying the problems we have with immigration where the information received them from the survey how can it be used productively to solve the problem. well i think that once people realize once they dare it's you i mean it's you know the causes of the problems from especially some kind of immigrant groups then it's much easier in any gives an argument to stop immigration from these countries because in the end. our responsibility is to our citizens and i'm quite sure. you know this survey will be yet another one that will show how the media and the left wing liberals have lied for thirty forty years and about immigration can also say that many people in sweden commit sex crimes but we don't make an issue of their origin yet
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there are of course swedish people who commit six razer crimes in general but the thing is when you have an immigration you need to know how does that immigration affect your country it's better than us if a swede rapes someone. we don't need to import more rapes into the country. the final couple of hours of voting are underway in iraq in the first parliamentary election there since the feet of a slum extinct last year and there's a lot at stake not just for the iraqi people but for the other powers in the region that's right because the of explains. depending on whose side you're on these elections can make or break the middle east not because of oil nor riches though that helps neither is it ideology or jihad ists this is all about friends.
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first of three leading candidates high the. current prime minister the best word to describe him is neutral syria stay out of it iran vs america stay out of it yemen stay out he would be battling to iran but neither will he be a poor in america's efforts to isolate iran. candid number two nobody. former prime minister he makes no attempt to hide his affinity for iran imagine if he gave iran bases in iraq allowed troops and tanks to move from iran to syria the israelis the saudis they will include like that one bit.
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candidates number three trumps nightmare. meeting this guy who's an iraqi himself fought on the side of iran during the iran iraq war enough said i believe the american administration could be the biggest loser from iraqi election we have three camps fighting to when this election die many can only have one strong ally which is that i love about the always. and he is trying to keep that alliance with the united states but whether he is going to win this election i have my own doubts i think that it's that i will have the group that i'll give you are very close to the indian and gating a lot of support but i'm not here so i believe they have. until now so you see the problem here one guy doesn't want to get involved in anything one guy is all buddy
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buddy with iran and the lust is so poor raney and he'll fight you quite literally and even with the weight steeped in its favor america says iran is cheating. worrisome evidence that iran is trying to influence using money the iraqi elections that money is being used to sway candidates to sway votes it's not an insignificant amount of money we believe and we think it's highly and how. it's bad so bad that western states are sending ambassadors to trying to empower and iraqi cleric who's supporters had been killing american troops back in the times of the us intervention he even warned two years ago that americans are a target all forgiven and forgotten you see he doesn't like iran any day that see rooms military general kassim still in my. a look at the t.v.
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and this unhappy is a good day for security in the region i'm looking at. those meetings in saudi arabia will make you very unhappy it all depends on who is side you are on america lost thousands of men in iraq spent a trillion dollars on the war there and to watch it all go to iran that would hurt. almost a year after the opening of the united states special counsel investigation into donald trump's alleged links to russia vice president mike pence say's it's time to bring it to a close. our administrations provided over a million documents we fully cooperated and in the interest of the country i think it's time to wrap it up it comes ahead of the first hearing in a criminal case brought by a special counsel against thirteen russian individuals and three entities they are
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accused of conspiracy to interfere in the u.s. presidential race it was thought all of them were unlikely to ever appear in court but after one company decided to defend itself it turns i'd robert muller's team wasn't quite prepared as jacqueline berger reports. february saw the first real result of miller's investigation finally the russians were being called out directly three companies and thirteen individuals were named and shamed the massive indictment in the robert muller investigation breaking today of thirteen russian special counsel robert most investigation or indicted the russians thirteen russians not only operating overseas operating right here in the united states but given that those targeted are russian nationals with no worries about extradition to the us no one expected the matter to go any further than media headlines but one company named in the indictment concord management and consulting seemingly called ballers bluff by hiring d.c. attorneys who showed up for the arraignment the plea of not guilty or not you think
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muller's office would be happy to finally have their day in court but no they tried to put off the hearing on the grounds that the defendant had been properly served which is amazing as being served is just a way of getting the opposing party to show up to court but given that lawyers for concord have done exactly that the judge ruled against that argument it seems borderline immoral to indict someone unless you can prove he's guilty of the crime they did it for one reason only mother needed some russian like dressing on a salad to make his investigation look good the defense attorneys also demanded massive amounts of documents related to the probe things that hadn't been made public and there's no way miller's doing that just think about it turning over classified information to the people representing a supposedly kremlin link company court investigators from miller's office that they would have been thrilled to see all of the defendants show up like that was never going to happen and went on to ask if the attorneys represented a catering company listed in the indictment as well the aim of which was lost even
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on the judge. ok would you like me to do with now a status hearing on the case is scheduled for may sixteenth and will likely know by then if everyone is ready to put all their chips on the table. washington's. sions appear to have become somewhat of a foreign policy tradition but the latest round of penalties are driving so officials wrong.
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former islamic state fighters are back in canada and that's got em pays asking questions we've got the details after this short break.
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the iran nuclear deal was once seen as a major achievement of american diplomacy but that's no longer the case donald trump's decision to pull out of the deal has reopened a major international problem and left allies betrayed and confused. the world. just approaching twenty minutes into the program welcome back a canadian opposition leader is demanding to know what's being done by dozens of former fighters who have returned to count of them it comes after one of them
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admitted tarring i'd executions in syria and the new york times podcast. and you can do this you're not going to be held accountable and i just kept looking down at his feet i don't want to look at his head and then. i kept thinking we killed them this individual described how he executed individuals by shooting them in the back they had he said that the people he was shooting deserved it and he said i know i won't be held accountable he said that a least twice they former allies will find her who goes by the name of. confessed to taking part in execution style murders of sunni muslim men he said he decided to leave syria after his second killing who left taliban twenty fourteen to join the extremist group when he was seventeen he now lives in toronto much to m.p. surprise this guy is apparently in toronto cadenced disturbed more answers from
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this government up so why aren't they doing something about this dispute over. account of his public safety minister refused to provide details on the former ice all fighters current status but he insists that canadians are safe and that security agencies are doing their job well asunder bruno who's a contributor to geo political monitor dot com thinks western governments policies toward syria have encouraged people into becoming extremists. many western governments have taken a very ambiguous line at best and at worst say france united states great britain have to get red line in antagonizing the syrian regime making it seem like it was ok to go and fight for isis given that you were fighting evil regime. so definitely they should not be surprised of blowback there at least sixty such side it will come back from fighting in syria rather than putting fighters in jail and the sort
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of deep grief after this story and has come out in parliament particularly people conservatives it was taken in certain provinces don't like trudeau will definitely make. this into a bigger story and i'm sure that trudeau probably price will have to explain it for the next election. ditto and between the u.s. and north korea appears to be holding steady america's top diplomat sage washington's willing to help young young achieve economic prosperity if the kim regime gives up its nuclear arsenal north korea takes bald action to quickly denuclearize the united states is prepared to work with north korea to achieve prosperity on the par with our south korean friends. the comments represent a dramatic u.s. policy shift on north korea in the past thirteen years washington has imposed hundreds of trade penalties on the isolated country really hard of those who
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implemented in the past year on sanctions were the only tactic the us on been using to exert pressure on. only the strongest sanctions will enable us to resolve this problem through diplomacy and. if north korea continues its dangerous path we will continue with further pressure that's called the military option the choice is we will have no choice. but totally destroy north korea it would be devastating rocket and should have been handled a long time ago. and although relations now appeared to be moving in the right direction human rights attorney or ex rock into list the u.s. needs to make good on its promises and that words alone are not enough. there's a lot of problems that we face with the credibility of the united states under those circumstances can we make deals whether it's the paris climate deal whether
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it's the around the nuclear deal what's the message are we sending to north korea about the durability of an agreement that we enter with them under such circumstances and so you leave the united states is sinking further and further from international customary legal norms in references to treaties and agreements and. knowledge of them despite the fact that they've been negotiated by multitude of countries so trust has to be rebuilt by experience it's not built by words it's not built by sheets of paper. where by going on to grow and in just a moment and i'm here often violent with all the news making global headlines this sunday may the twelfth this is r.t. .
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and. united states had a tool to use and it's a tax on other countries. economic sanctions are are often just the beginning another thing you like to do is play some military pressure on the countries a talking about. and there has to be an effort to demonize that country and the leader of that country. it's a responsibility for the head. and we need to make rules for the rest. because without us there will be.
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dumb action or times when we're going underground in a week that sees the e.u. china russia and iran ranged against the u.s.a.'s violation of the twenty fifteen
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joint comprehensive plan of action coming up on the show should bring to take the credit for today's elections in iraq we are asking british payload on the about deadly geopolitical areas and whether britain will not go to war with iraq and can you save them as pamelor understand reportedly appeals to kanye west to reach out to donald trump to help wiki leaks founder julian assange launch we speak to journalist and author dr news o.b.i. essay about why everyone on earth needs wiki leaks buses manslaughter investigators reveal new information about an emblem of post twenty zero eight austerity. on the right wing guide to grunfeld britain all the some more coming up in today's going on the ground the first will london support the white helmets group in syria even if washington withdraws support to over. evidence of collusion with islamists that's what one of jeremy corbin's m.p.'s wanted to know that this week's prime minister's questions despite the ever present threat of death from both syrian and
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russian air strikes and in the face of smears and distin from ation the rescue workers of the white helmets have never stopped saving the lives of their fellow syria last week the trumpet ministration froze their u.s. funding with thousands of civilian lives at risk will the prime minister step our pledge the government to plug the funding shortfall that now exists and ensure these heroic rescue workers can continue their work he clearly thinks all the evidence of white helmets collusion with is the mist in syria is this information so will teresa may defy washington's appraisal of the white helmets we do support them we will continue to support them am i right i will find the international development secretary will be looking at the level of that support in the future corbin didn't ask about theresa may allegedly using taxpayers' money to support groups linked to terrorism instead he went all the illiberal in his support for a post works at customs union with the e.u.
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the government says it has two options the foreign service is one is crazy even rogers our former ambassador said that the technological alternative is a fantasy island unicorn model of two options niger of which a workable case for a new customs union with the european union is clear to resume replied by querying corbin's newfound support for te tips of the trade deal which could incidentally derailed train renationalisation i'll tell you right on the agenda what's crazy what's crazy is the leader of the opposition who for years opposed to eat it and now has a policy that would mean they were signing up to. some suggest corbin's lifelong socialist allies have no say in the current labor party as for the scot to . nationalise they queried why boris johnson had no say in washington's decision on the iran nuclear deal because the prime minister of course didn't make any
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reference to sending her foreign secretary to people on fox news as part of his foreign policy initiative pleading with the president to fox news rather than through direct interventionist of their peace because the middle east is in need of stability conflicts are already region in yemen syria and iraq meanwhile the foreign secretary can deliver a forty minute message abroad in the correct manner here and some all the foreign secretary undermines the prime minister and the customs union prime minister can you tell us when the foreign secretary will both agree with that on government's position and if not will she have the backbone to send to the backbench it's britain's foreign secretary appeared to want to resign the earlier in the week but if there is always former home office minister norman baker claimed on wednesday's going underground that the pm acts on orders from the daily mail newspaper nowadays she seems to prefer rupert murdoch's fox news this is absolutely wrong.


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