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tv   Redacted Tonight  RT  July 20, 2018 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT

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right in your book the date. yes last last year like last so what did you know that we didn't know then because it sounds like an absolutely perfect idol for the moment in the current news cycle go ahead well rush is a scapegoat united states for a long long time you know we can go as far back certainly as nine hundred seventeen but certainly after or two we had you know what was known as the cold war which. centered upon the vilification of russia to justify the u.s. . benchers abroad and we are in a new cold war now and we were it was an it. and it seems to be only intensified even though the soviet union collapsed in one thousand nine hundred one the us has developed by russian energy that it's not ok brian what do you know what i find
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really interesting and it's a saga that's been going on here is that it seems to me that i'm very very often the united states and its western allies particularly nato they project all of their own sins upon russia ok meddling in other people's election well we could spend an entire month on a daily basis going through all of the meddling that the united states and its allies have been involved in for the last few decades and it would still be a cursory review i mean it seems to me that russia places other the op is the negative of what we want to see in ourselves go ahead. absolutely i mean if you if you go through and people have gone through the record of the united states not just interfering in other elections including rushes in one thousand nine hundred six there's that famous time a year writing of boris yeltsin with the american flag and it says yanks to the rescue because america flooded moscow with american advisors and millions of dollars to make sure their candidate or as yeltsin won otherwise the communist
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party in russia would have actually been the winner but it's not just interference if the us doesn't like the results of elections after they've tried to influence them then they overthrow the government this is what happened with the democratically elected government of mohammad most day in iran it dared to nationalize the anglo iranian oil company now known as b.p. so of course the u.s. overthrew it and imposed on iran the shah the monarch you can't get more or less democratic government there's a long history of this the united states the media presentation here is so incredible you had donald trump going to europe meeting with the nato countries demanding that they spend one hundred thirty two billion dollars more get for really a confrontational position against russia and then he gets to russia i mean to helsinki and meets with putin and the american media says this is the surrender some end or some and acting as if you know here's
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a united states spend seven hundred eighty billion dollars on war every year russia spent sixty billion and yet russia's on the march you know early and rideable and russia's offense spending is on decline right now ok it's not being increased here early does the united states need brushes an enemy is this the because you do justify all of these expenditures ok i mean brian is a logic lee looking at it but logic good politics don't always parlay ok i need a sensually we need an enemy justifies is here montenegro. it is good it is adding value added to nato defense ok montenegro's army is smaller than the new york police force ok but we need an enemy here is that would russia's purposes because it's really easy to paint russia is as an enemies because because it really demands stubbornly its sovereignty go ahead. and i agree pete peter i mean we mean
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we mean let's face it it's the fence industry we need an enemy. nato is searching for a new mission i mean really it's a good defense grouping but you know should russia be included in that as well and and what's the real mission the mission has is is not there i don't think there's any fear for russia invading into any part of europe. but. but it you know you need a bogeyman you need and you need a threat to justify defense expenditures i mean why dives and how are you know cited the be aware of the defense industry and they all do great things they do some you know positive researchers a lot of people employed but you know to grow business you need more threats and so i think it is in some ways it's a it's a business that. the rocket you know a central that's what it is war in iraq conflict is iraq and then
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a lot of people make money from it you know dan the world cup just ended here in russia and moscow is one of the major centers for the for the matches and i purposely went into the center of town almost every single day and ran into people some people recognized me and. in a cafe people would ask me questions or direction or some we get into a conversation and i purposely said what are you most surprised about and the reaction was almost universal people were exasperated i had no idea this place was like this because in the u.k. they tell us a completely different story they even told us it could be dangerous to come here and in the reaction was anger anger that you know what the hell were they telling us go ahead dan. yeah you know i mean that vilification of russia is frankly mind boggling here's a country that right after nine eleven was a first world leader call president bush and send his condolences he offered help
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in the war on terror and the war on terror terror russia is actually flying of very constructive role. in the middle east even israel is finding russia the. partner in the middle east. this vilification has no. i'll need that. and as you pointed out what appears to be greatly resent it in the political halls of the united states is that russia has got back on its feet yeah and it is a country that is livable and it is a country that people are happy in and that's why they have a very high approval rating for their president and i think that is why or surprised when they go there and it's not some kind of a hellhole yeah that's what we're you know and i should point out to our viewers that russia is the second country after the united states destination for
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immigrants russia is number two in the world people do want to come here though i suppose you would never hear that on c.n.n. brian you know another thing is here it's russia is a reliable enemy but it's also one of the only bipartisan issue that you get america's divided political class it really works ok it brings people together all right and i think that that's also its purpose ok is that and it's also a justification for the democrats why they lost the election because they still can't come to terms with that they were remain in denial go ahead brian well there's another issue that there's a bipartisan support in there too are closely linked which is the absolute support for the military industrial complex and the intelligence agencies so both the democrats and republicans routinely and almost unanimously support these gargantuan increases in the u.s. military budget again it was in eighty two billion dollars increasingly increase
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this year that's more than russia's entire military budget that was supported by the democrats and the republicans so they come together on this issue and in russia as our other guys have said is an essential part of the expansion of the u.s. military machine because what are we going to why are we going to spend a trillion dollars a year on wars are going to be. it's grenada is it going to be against little tiny countries you need a major power sort of enemy and then the national security strategy that was unveiled in january and trump himself came out to do it maybe because first of his narcissism he came out to announce it unlike previous presidents it says that the main priority for the u.s. military in the coming decade in decades is not islamic terrorism it's not terrorism at all it's for major power confrontation with russia and china that's budgeting that's budgeting and military contingency planning now to do that you
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have to really paint the adversary as an adversary so it's an article of faith there's a new religion in washington d.c. which is called i hate religion i hate russia russia is the enemy and we almost. genuflect at the altar of this new religious icon and that's the way you can take the american people's money heart yearned tax dollars which could be used for housing and health care and the education the things human beings need and shovel it over to the defense contractors you have to explain to them that it's an absolute national imperative to do that in order to carry out this looting of the national budget and that's what we're witnessing rather than he let me go to let me go to earl before we go to the break you manufactured consent this is what be in its most recent incarnation it's manufactured consent and and and i want to talk about the intelligence committee in the second half of the program but the liberal
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media loves it and they perpetrated go ahead girl thirty seconds. if it is manufactured consent then it and i believe it's probably orchestrated some somewhere in the dark corners as well i mean what we have here we have mccarthyism two point zero even if you shake that ambassador's hand at a reception yeah hero who you're her you're sure putin or that you know not yet meeting you know you know the lady that was just arrested because she was you know she had she had some kind of agenda here i mean b. because she's not a foreign agent well hell half of washington should be a foreign agent under the under those strictures here ok i'm sorry let me let me jump in here we're going to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on was a phobia state with r.t. .
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seventy four design submissions. stem cells links. to join judges. and eight hundred sixty nonstop days of. russian w.b. h.m.p. . and a russian. show you how. the crimea bridge was built. witnessed the construction of a unique to transcode injury that will help the cause of crimea. we're told there was a wall of google for more snow you know quite a bit but it's clear. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s.
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has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes happen he did. eighty five percent of the global wealth he longs to be ultra rich eight point six percent market saw a thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred three per circuit first second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building a two point one billion dollar a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only number you need to remember is one one business show you can't afford to miss the one and only boom box. tomorrow there may not be any kind of i'm maybe bacteria life and may not be anything intelligent but i think it's probably the most intelligent life out there
9:43 pm
and certainly from now we can we can send off a robot to interact with some other species out there. it's hard to imagine the decades after the war a nazi don't it was still active and rich in the nineteen seventies critelli head as the chair of its board a man convicted of mass murder and slavery at auschwitz a german company going until it develops a little mind a drug that was promoted as completely safe even during pregnancy and it turned out to have terrible side effects what has happened to my baby is anything but. you know she said she's just cut short arms many so they don't mind victims i have to this day received no compensation they never apologized for the suffering that i did not only want the money i want the root.
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they came to snatch your camera. roughly once the show and some will leave for the . future own cool videos and some of them with a rope and string it. down more on string i don't roughly don't t.v. . welcome back to cross talk where all things are considered i'm peterbilt to remind you we're discussing rousseau phobia. ok let's go back to dan and i think also part of what brian was saying this new religion as it were that's so bipartisan in the in the liberal media loves to propagate is that why should i think we should question the intelligence community i think that's a really important thing to do i mean again if you go back and look at the history of their behavior which i mean bay of pigs that mean their involvement in vietnam
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all the issues surrounding nine eleven i mean there's a lot i mean and then you listen to peter struck ok i mean all the more reason to be very skeptical what's going on behind the closed doors in the in the deep state here i mean i don't understand it's gotten to the point where questioning anything now you end up being ostracized and demonized say the you know the lit the left wasn't always that way go ahead and you know i mean her for many years the left understood the cia was this pretty diabolical and that was engaged in regime change you brought murdering world leaders the cia lied us into the war with iraq in two thousand and three.


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