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tv   The Alex Salmond Show  RT  August 30, 2018 2:30am-3:01am EDT

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this is the last place for the terrorists so from all points of view this abscess should be removed of course what everybody's fearful of is escalation given the us russian military buildup in the region everyone has a gun pointed at each other and given that this is it the final act of the syrian war the urge to shoot might just be overwhelming. russia's embassy in the u.s. says it hopes washington will act to ensure chemical weapons are not used by terrorists in syria as a fitting a responsible member of the u.n. security council but here is what the state department think of russia's warnings the russians are claiming now and this one other groups are struck by the chemical weapons and planning an attack and you know i think that's more false flag type reporting term going to be this is enough for for you to try to put the blame they try to put the onus on other groups and we don't buy into that. of course live now
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to michael maloof who's a former pentagon official michael thanks for being with us here on our international is always a pleasure so what do you make of this denial by the u.s. that a chemical attack could be staged by terrorists in syria despite militants having already used chemical weapons numerous times in the past. well your point's well taken they have used it in the past they have that capability and it is a last ditch hold for them so it cannot be ruled out and you know how quickly the state department spokeswoman was quick to turn off the question and to interrupt the question they may be that they are getting caught at something. as they have in the past it's not it's not beyond the realm of possibility that the u.s. is trying to get assad out although it's really too late. but
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they're going to continue trying and and even though donald trump wants to. get the u.s. out of syria there are elements within the u.s. government that don't want that to happen there's there's the trump foreign policy and then there's the trump administration foreign policy and never the twain shall meet so you know god forbid that this doesn't actually happen but let's assume that there is another incident if you go down the rabbit hole with me just a bit what are the chances that the u.s. will take your time and investigate first rather than rushing to launch an attack against the syrian government. well if history is any precedent they won't bother they didn't they didn't investigate the last the last episode before they launched. a missile attack into syria and there's no reason to suspect that they will this time either the whole idea is to embarrass moscow and to intimidate the assad government and that is the modus operandi of the us government
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at this point it's and it's very unfortunate that the even though moscow the last time that there was an episode called even on the un for. an investigation i believe i recall correctly the u.s. actually turned that down so this is. it's we're at a very precarious time and this is the last vestige of major opposition in the western part of syria so anything can happen at any time as there is a very volatile situation and the rebels are not going to give up they're not going to they're not going to stop and try to negotiate and any kind of peace so it's to their benefit to try and raise the publics international sit with the there have been a victim once again in order to try and turn this war around in their favor and
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it's fortunately is is something that we've seen before and it's not with and it's not without the possibility that they would try that again so sergey lavrov says that the u.s. threats against damascus are aimed at preventing terrorists from being expelled and that political games are counterproductive what's your take. well i think he's right i mean where are they going to go where where will these rebels go they. they probably will seek out vestiges of cells of isis. it's a possibility that they could go in that direction in order to escape any kind of capture so in order to fight again another day and that's always a possibility but in libya is is a stronghold for the for the rebels it is the last vestige and there are quite a few of them so it's going to be hard for them to dissipate like that very easily
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because the government has basically surrounded them at this point but it is that's why they're going to try and get external assistance by staging a potential chemical attack and blame and have it blamed on the assad government i mean we've seen this movie before all right michael maloof a former pentagon official with us here on arch international as always thanks for being with us thank you. i mean while civilians are fleeing the area through humanitarian corridors set up by the syrian government and russia. and i asked them then why did they get a minute since we're holding and since hostages it was cold in our county ten
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minutes here in tasmania close in summer this humanitarian courage will is off salvation. again i am from it in the conditions were dire there the militants don't let anyone go we escaped with just the clothes on our backs. french president has built himself as the main opponent to hardline anti migrant policies being advocated by leaders and italy and hungary high ranking politicians from both countries have united to fight existing e.u. migration policies and found to take power into their own hands in the next elections for the european parliament artificial dubinsky reports now from the french capital. we're seeing clear signs developing as we head towards the european elections in twenty nineteen but what we're seeing is the big divisions between the
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leaders of e.u. nations where the money will not go the president of france declaring today that he would be in opposition to the leaders of italy aren't hungry if that's what they wanted and he would stand up against their policies. just because it is indeed clear that today there is a strong opposition between nationalists and progressives and i will not give anything away to nationalists and to those who deliver this hate speech and so if they wanted to see me as their main opponent they are right well that's what a president to say oh after that meeting on tuesday between the leader of hungary viktor orban and the deputy prime minister of italy mattel yourself we need now they met yesterday in a phone did very well one of the issues that they were discussing was the migration crisis to the single europe over the last year and that she said that they would look to work together to solve that crisis. so the current situation is like that
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there are two sides one is led by matter on who is supporting migration we are on the other side trying to stop illegal immigration this issue is strongly debated in some of the european people's party and we want all aligned to be accepted. we're asking for collaboration first of all from the large countries the countries that share a border with us like friends the first person who should show his sensitivity and solidarity is the french president by reopening the border at ventimiglia and he can do so even tomorrow morning well the two you have not always seen a hundred percent ites an eye on the issue of migration we know that much a selfie need in italy has talked about italy burdening too much of the responsibility of the migrants and wants them to be dispersed across europe whereas what we've seen from hungary's prime minister viktor orban as well as leaders of countries such as poland and the czech republic is
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a point blank refusal to take any more likely end of the two have come together because they believe that they can form the best and main opposition to the current status quo in the european union quest look at some of the figures now of the migration crisis in two thousand and eighteen the figures show that so far around eighty two thousand migrants have come to europe across land from the sea in addition to that fifteenth fifteen hundred people are feared to be missing or have died in the crossing in the mediterranean.
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this migration crisis continues to cause a huge rift in europe and it looks like it's once again going to be one of the biggest platforms coups in division in europe as we head to the elections just in eight months time the question is which side is going to win out we spoke to writer and political commentator john bricmont who feels and time immigrant sentiment is becoming more and more popular within the. we michael should be worried about that saladin is far more popular in india and my colleagues in trance and of course all banging hungary's in the mud i mean old opposed to that in the election sure that well expect a large block of. the beauties to get like did you see in france the high. i mean not the fact that the very the republicans are already taking the opportunity of having a varied and i imagine discourse which is
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a bitter because because the family friends is not really right it's easy to deal with them but not fans it is not feasible because descendants of mine and that's a different question but that he's on my guns are not that many it's a few hundred years younger there but the right is going to jump on that and i expect them to make it einstein and he with the x. national front of me just now that i'm in the national gathering or something like that for some among us in that and. then they will probably win against michael on the left is not going to lean and that's what they expect. donald trump has accused google of by as the u.s. president claims only negative coverage about him is being promoted and he has vowed to take action he's also one for facebook and twitter are quote taking advantage of our people. google search results for trump news shows only the viewing reporting of fake news media in other words they have it rigged for me and others so that almost all stories and news is bad fake c.n.n.
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is prominent republican conservative and fair media is shuts out illegal ninety six percent of results on trump used for national left wing media very dangerous google and others is a pressing voices of conservatives and hiding information in news that is good they are controlling what we can on cannot see this is a very serious situation will be addressed we asked of the white house for comment but they have yet to give us a response but trump's tweets have still tried to plenty of media attention it is not the first time a tech giant search system has come under fire as well much research and studies have shown google can alter search results for its users moreover google itself admitted automatic algorithms can sometimes have issues since they are created by inherently biased humans google has addressed trump's accusations claiming there is no political agenda to its search engine and its results are not biased towards any
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political ideology legal and media analyst lionel believes that the most crucial part in this case will be when the tech giants have to answer in court. there's different ways it's interesting the methodology it deal ranking shelving eye shadow banding algorithm. if i have a library and i put your book and a part of the library that nobody ever knows about in the basement that nobody has access to but i say oh it's here in the library we have it nobody's ever seen it nobody has access to it you know we're getting into again a new world the law always lags behind technology nobody drafters of our constitution the bill of rights never imagined that we would have this but it was going to be interesting to see is how the courts deal with this and how the international community does this and or these organizations so great and so large
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and so rob the naggy and in their colossal size that that trade agreements or trade considerations can be implemented it's going to be fascinating to see. the budget plans of a large u.s. government broadcasting agency have revealed washington wants to create fake cuban social media accounts to more effectively spread anti-government views these are the plans of the broadcasting board of governors which is an independent government agency has access to markets in one hundred countries and reaches at least two hundred twenty six million people worldwide cable mopp and works closer at how the u.s. is doing exactly what it accuses others of doing. imagine a government utilizing social media to sow discontent and on rast in another country the us media would be outraged they would never stand for it the russian government exploited social media platforms paid social media users or trolls russian backed operatives continue to infiltrate and manipulate social media to
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hijack the national conversation well according to the congressional budget request of the broadcasting board of governors a us government communications outlet apparently the us federal government is doing just that they are setting up a facebook account purporting to be native cuban accounts they even openly admit that they're doing it in fiscal year twenty eighteen the u.s. office of cuba broadcasting is establishing on island digital teams to create non-branded local facebook accounts to disseminate information native pages increase the chances of appearing on cuban facebook uses news feeds the same strategy will be replicated on other preferred social media networks so almost exactly what russia is being accused of doing is being openly done by the us government so where's the outrage if this is something that is unacceptable why is the us government doing it openly without even much secrecy we can say that the us has always had double standards its in its foreign policy the us has intervened in
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other people's elections can at least a hundred other countries a foreign power finances political groups in the united states that are going to run in elections that is illegal in the united states if the united states does that in one hundred of the countries in the world facebook has recently been on a crusade to close down accounts that are deemed to be inauthentic hundreds of russian and iranian accounts have been shut down we've removed six hundred fifty two pages groups and accounts for coordinated you know authentic behavior that originated in iran and targeted people across multiple internet services in the middle east late in america. and the us we reached out to facebook to find out if they would apply the same treatment to networks owned by the b b g we will let you know if they give us a response the broadcasting board of governors twenty eighteen to twenty twenty two strategic plan continues now on bush's roadmap to refine and expand the reach and impact of u.s.
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international media in support of american strategic interests so what exactly are these strategic interests well take a look at these latest headlines from t.v. mart see an outlet owned by the broadcasting board of governors. expert calls out failing or a galatians of the cuban private sector. for activist groups unite in miami to protest against the latin american dictatorships remember how russia is accused of selling discontent for american society by pushing controversial issues that's what the usa is doing to the small island the problem is very few cubans have regular access to the internet so now the state department is creating a task force for the purpose of expanding cubans access to information i.e. the information that washington wants cubans to hear but we want people to have broad access to information and cuba is no exception to that cuba has a low internet penetration rate is certainly not
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a secret while they have opened up a little bit not to the level that they should have it is preposterous to claim that studying and issues such as internet access is an open and transparent manner the cuban government has called this to be a subversive act we disagree with that we think that that is ridiculous that there's a new level of u.s. intervention to try to try and undermine the cuban revolution and overthrow the cuban government and it's this social penetration and fake media social media and penetrating cuba's internet that's the same thing that the united states is doing all around the world in russia. in eastern europe and latin america africa the middle east. and asia the usa has been working to topple governments opposed detractors and support its allies for well over a century meddling is nothing new for washington d.c. mop and artsy new york. we has to broadcasting board of governors for comment on
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their budget plans but separately the agency's representative described the project as stalled saying quote it's nothing nefarious. doesn't for us on the back about thirty one minutes with four more nukes stay with us start the international. join me every thursday on the alex simon chill and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics or business i'm show business i'll see you then. food and trump you know it's all about detente and getting along with greatest ally and friend russia you know playing it good for the kids and you know he opened up but there's other things and there's a wildly proceed here in the first half i'll just see what but don't want to.
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i'm after times when you're watching going underground while we're away we're screening some of your favorite episodes of this season coming up on this show we speak to grammy award winning artist jimmy cliff about wars funded by colonialism from vietnam to afghanistan as well as bob marley in a welding factory and the hostile environment i began long before to raise them a good mexico be the next venezuela we speak to founder and chairman of the mexican chamber of commerce of great britain even to tilley about what president elect andres manuel lopez obrador means for the world plus is brics it no surprise given the e.u. policy on the jailing of democratically elected politicians on the day
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a new spanish pm peder sanchez meets his catalonian counterpart we get the take of a spanish m.e.p. on the european parliament's committee on foreign affairs jordi so all this and more coming up at today's going underground but first on this day in one nine hundred sixty two singer bob dylan recorded the song that would make him a star blow in the wind he introduced it by saying it was no protest song later though he said that the greatest protest song ever written was by someone we speak to today we caught up with the grammy award winning artist and film star known for you can get it if you really want tabi they come many rivers to cross i can see clearly now and countless others jimmy cliff speaks to us at a hotel in west london jimmy are touring across europe across the. world the big talk here across the world obviously trumps america but here is after the injustice of the wars there is migration. that the moment the european union is cutting down on migrants what is behind us all refugees sub-zero universe does not
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exactly have not actually about this kind of a way gratian oh yeah but refugees was triggered by the migration situation that was going on in you know some of the places a cold you know naked across seeing coming home to italy come from libya come over and so that touch me and. you know as i'm touched by it i express it refugee situation has been going on for quite a while so why i mention. jesus christ went to egypt for refuge is because the fundamental christianity. and all the more to stick religions for that matter your government is well yeah i'm honored to sequel
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asians you know that came out of aber missive they all in their holy books they write about. egypt as a bad place and yet they are to go there if i heard that. one ghetto in london is a bad place in my son or daughter is in a bad way i'm not going to send my son daughter there but. if it's a good place and my son or daughter needs refuge i send them there so it contradicts what they're saying about egypt being a bad place absolutely not wasn't with the scandal where the prime minister caused a scandal i think even though is the windrush scandal about the deportation of men women and children of africa arabian descent who came in the in the forty's
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fifty's to build the health service and so it came as a shock to the elites in this is that something like that could happen and they've they've lost many of the children in the system there with the word about the windrush scandal yet while the majority of the people are void of the knowledge of what went on in those days before and they came no one dark teaches children about it is not something that is inconclusive in the school system and all of that so if one wants to know about social justice for real one has to do some research and so you know that is not not is not right just right what was it like when you first visited britain from to record they wanted to send them back where you would be are we talking about when you first came to london nineteen sixty five sixty five yeah they wanted to send
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back because. you know the red tape situation passport and you don't have that and you do that and so fortunately or unfortunately their current record company that invited me they were there and you know. they can pull strings so sit our call up that one guy's my friend and i can you know that's our new system or so they could call up somebody and say hey this person is all right he's coming here but when i came out i wanted to go back and replay it. too far be too cold in this was want to look around i love my wall son did you make of this what i come for you i want to go back however i stayed in.
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a moment of things i again the wealth of knowledge used to see that in this story that you helped discover boboli and you're in a welding shop in your acre let's clarify that story is a true this is straight let's make it straight i don't discover them in a welding shop they were both working in a welding shop together and guess what they could came to me and they are dish and him and. he got to some record so you are for went back to bob where they used to work and some together and. bob bob said this on together and. told bob and bob came down and i auditioned them and he got is first songs recorded just the same you know so i didn't discovered i just was the man.
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no one's heard of bobo in the hood is anyone but anyway today there's a welcome x. jake of a big lives a little fame was in the twenty first century did you get to meet. strangers thing is. now into new york. the they mark a mccausland speak. i was on my way to the boardroom and heard it don't work oh he's gone so. that's it you were you interested in the in that in the bad store rights over the good well as a as it seemed there in the history books well you knew the king. before the villain speech. welcome to. drew sloan i don't know you know the media. artist obvious when promote who they want to promote but when you look
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at lycos to freedom fighters their parts were kind of different you know malcolm was blunt. just get to the point and maybe seek a violence in him you know fight fire with fire maybe he's sick of that was in him after we left the black muslim movement because he wasn't like that when he was in the black muslim movement martin being a fundamentalist religious man he went about it in a different way so. how come i could identify with a lot because even of experience in the united states in the city is different doggedly from jamaica here malcolm street that he grew up on the street in the new rough life of the street. martin was not like that
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wasn't a street man but he was eloquent and he did speak truth as well and this is his cause for justice to. but he went about it different when it comes to the our politics it's a mali's music and in your was people some critics saying molly's music is more explicitly revolutionary your song was used by a former british prime minister who appointed our present prime minister in office what did you make of david cameron using. you can get it if you really want and this is our prime minister who created the conditions for brics it actually leaving the european union. to cameron. to show her sensitive spot in me. when he came to your maker
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and we were talking about. reparation and he said oh that's a long time ago i don't. know what the jews did not say that so long time ago they never make the one forget what happened to that oh why shouldn't we be paid for repairs and. you should you free slaves. and we what what what you got to live on but not a penny so where is the repairs so when mr cameron said that it really touched me deeply in fairness to the authorities in fact there's a maumelle case about kenya going through the government says they lose quite a few of the papers about it and slaves the assets taken from.


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