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tv   News  RT  January 1, 2019 8:00am-8:30am EST

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baby boy is rescued from a collapsed apartment block in the russian city of course after spending nearly thirty four hours in the. british police say they're treating a stabbing incident which injured three at a major railway station. culture and heritage weight the latest in a string of international. mystery. spectacular twenty nine.
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th q in moscow it's now four pm here and we got some glimmer of hope. to tell you about breaking news we brought you last hour in fact a baby boy has been pulled alive from the rubble of that collapsed apartment block in the central russian city we got video of this about an hour ago now a building was devastated yesterday of course by a suspected gas explosion in the early hours of monday morning. the baby was found after rescuers heard him crying for medics say that he's in
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a severe condition right now the ten month old boy spent nearly thirty four hours under the rubble and also bear in mind that temperatures in magnitogorsk could fall into minus twenty seven celsius during the night although emergency workers did you special heaters to try and stop any survivors from freezing we spoke to one of the rescuers involved in that operation. using in this a little one of the rescuers had a child crying we stopped all of the machinery to listen in we were saying to keep quiet and the baby was reacting and kept silent we started asking where are you the baby started responding to you we started working there but there was risk of further collapse we were afraid as the baby was asking for help and the rescue operations had been temporarily halted earlier in the day of a theist that additional sections of the building might collapse they have since received though at least eight people died in the disaster and the fate of dozens more remains unknown.
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our correspondent ecostar nobs been speaking to some of those affected by the tragedy. she got out the day before a lot of cats called out all you know the next day he says i left part of the block had fallen down i was sleeping i heard only boom we were at home but we're supposed to have gone there to my mom was supposed to get on that day but it's
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a last moment she got today off a number of. my daughter called me at seven fifteen in the morning and told me that our entrance had been destroyed. when i went down i saw it was in ruins but my wife was rescued by firefighters with a ladder. well for the first time since the beginning of the operation rescue workers have had to make a pause basically they're saying that the risk of the collapse of the building is simply too high right now for them to continue clearing out the rubble so they say they will have to solve this problem first until they get back to what they were doing journalists have been moved even further away from the epicenter of the blast as you can see just for safety reasons really also i talked to some people who used to live in this building and they're saying that even the condition of entrances that are further away from the collapsed part is causing concern for literature and
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political group turns in the evening to check a no fly from the fifth floor to the tenth and will leave on the tenth of a crackhead the period here on this violent we would him sleep in when they were woken by our partners shaking we didn't know what was going on and rushed our child there was a sudden noise as if something has exploded as tight my husband went to see what had happened then returned and said we need to pack because our blog had collapsed back the danger of further destruction of the building was in focus on monday when vladimir putin was here discussing the situation with the ministers and in general with the emergency crews have a listen to the syrian regime would just today we assess the situation in the sixth seventh and eighth entrances as being dangerous all other entrances after visual inspection seem to be ok we need to find out more but there are no apparent dangers . with visual listening isn't enough for an accurate evaluation if you know what i
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mean but really what this halt in the operation means is that the chances of finding survivors under the rubble well it just gets slimmer and slimmer just to remind us still more than thirty people are unaccounted for their fate is unknown. as for those affected by the tragedy well there are hundreds of them we've seen people who have had to skate the bloss taking very little with them so they need the most basic necessities like a toothbrush or toothpaste and really we've seen how the city has come together and how others have been bringing clothes to donate to those in need right now in this sense the operation is going on twenty four seven. on top of the headline news now british police confirmed about an hour ago that they're treating a stabbing attack in
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a major rail hub in manchester in northern england as a terrorist incident three people were injured including a police officer on new year's eve we are treating these as a terrorist investigation which is being led by contra terrorism officers with support from great to manchester police. the suspect was heard shouting allahu akbar while police arrested him officers used a taser pepper spray to subdue the man who's now in custody the three wounded people suffered serious but not life threatening injuries the police officer who was stabbed in the shoulder has now been released from hospital. donald trump used his new year's speech to list what he views as the achievements of his administration he also took the opportunity to praise the deals that he struck but neglected to mention most of the agreements that he broke there is never been an administration and i'm very proud of this that's done more than the trumpet ministration in the first two years of office we made a deal with mexico we made
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a deal with canada we made that deal with south korea and then you look at north korea we're doing really well we moved our embassy to jerusalem in israel. well one of the broken records that wasn't mentioned was the decision by the united states and israel to leave the un's culture and heritage organization after years of bitter wrangling in washington announced its intention to leave us go in october accusing the agency of anti israel bias well now that moves come into force. on the twelfth of october two thousand and seventeen the department of state notified us co-directed general it mean a bulk of the us decision to withdraw from their goodness nation and to seek to establish a permanent observer mission to unesco this decision was not taken lightly and reflects his concerns with mounting. the need for fundamental reform in their going is ation and containing anti israel liason. now at this point though that we can review that in twenty seventeen there was outcry from the united states and israel
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when unesco designated a hebron the city in the west bank designated as a world historical site now there is a contested area in the center of that city to muslims it's the ibrahimi mosque to jews it's the cave of patriarchs and at that point we saw some loud outcry from the united states and from israel now it's important to note that this isn't the first time that we've heard accusations of a pro palestinian bias from the usa and from israel and twenty eleven when the nasco body officially recognized a state of palestine at that point the usa and israel both stopped paying dues to unesco they were then stripped of their voting rights in two thousand and thirteen after having not paid their dues so at this point we see the united states carrying out a policy that its long carried out which is when it doesn't like certain international accords and agreements or international bodies it simply withdraw its review of the
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united states we withdraw from the optional protocol in dispute resolution to the vienna convention on diplomatic relations the united states is officially withdrawing from the un human rights council we will not cooperate with the i.c.c. we will provide no assistance to the i.c.c. baseless politicized claims are brought against us hypocritical bodies and institution unjust prosecution by this illegitimate court the council ceases to be . or they have it's name we will commence a review of all international agreements that may still expose the united states to purported binding jurisdiction dispute resolution in the international court of justice so the united states continues to withdraw from international bodies and international agreements in response to decisions it does not approve of and i'm open that well former u.s. ambassador peter galbraith believes america's withdrawal from international agreements and organizations will eventually be reversed. so this this is entirely
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political step you know everyone has to be pointed out that we already have that is that so many of these institutions the united nations the international court of justice were ones that were created a human rights were created by the united states the united states to lead. and now we withdraw but also this constant from a very good sized ministration are very extreme one one i have to point out that lost the election by three million votes and based on the midterm results is not likely to be around it after twenty twenty five and so very likely these decisions will then be reversed so my advice to the rest of the world is take a deep breath and america will be back. the french president used his new year's eve speech to hit out how to extremist elements in the country. meanings of all see
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we have perience great division and anger broke out anger against injustices against the course of a sometimes in comprehensible globalization against an administrative system that's become too complex and lacking in empathy there was also anger against profound changes that call into question our society's identity and direction this anger has shown me one thing no matter how excessive or overflowing it is we will not quit on the cross message didn't go down well with opposition leaders who called him an imposter and accused him of being out of touch with the french people the authorities in paris were primed to tackle more unrest on new year's eve with twelve thousand police officers on standby in the end very few protesters turned out and those who did were blocked from joining the celebrations in central paris french publisher and author eric montville predicts that the demonstrations will soon if you. with all the blunders the government and the especially the m.p.'s are
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making i don't see any soothing of this to ation this movement it will of course continue into two thousand and nineteen the movement is so popular between seventeen and eighty percent of the french support them all approval movements that it is not excluded that especially in the provinces john d'armes or even policemen who have more in common with the protestors and with the officials in paris could be caught become a sympathetic with their cause and refused to execute orders eminent mccraw embodies what the yellow vests rejects globalization and pro-business policies in a way he cannot really given without stopping did what he is he's lacking leeway he he sorts through to diffuse the crisis in the midst of december by announcing a ten billion euro package of measures which was which which was not so really convincing france was hit by anti-government protests for much of twenty eighteen starting from demonstrations against labor reforms to the latest yellow vest
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protests over fuel taxes a paris correspondent shouted to penske recaps of ads. but let's. take this infamous phrase often a tribute you to marry on twitter has been used to demonstrate new blood livius nurse the selfishness of france's elites which in turn led to the french revolution now the attribution may be misguided but the lesson isn't if you can wall the cries of the social classes or you mock them you do so at your own peril where. the current french president should have seen it long ago as unrest has been bubbling throughout two thousand and eighteen. things started to turn nasty as the french government attempted through a victim and she community that they. pool at the gate.
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it's a protest against expulsion the status of. the talks will be people are just joking but meanwhile the call for dismissing these should should be built this period he must be evacuated will be back during the month that is if the republican leader must be respectful. mayhem first reached paris in spring over a month calls for reform plans all may first violence quickly spilled over and dozens were arrested. but the penny still didn't drop from my call at least spend the summer offering
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advice to all who will listen in raging. the country in the process is to give it to these lutheran people who have lived through transformations in recent years i'm not exactly ghouls who are resistant to. nuts diplomatic he doesn't know how to talk to people he cannot say about all of people all of the nations it's just bad luck on both sides to the foreigners and to the people like french people comes down to. just trying to find you a job by crossing the road. yeah you don't say that people people are really struggling to be easy to sign when you don't have a problem with needing our job that everybody can do it just by working out crossing the street bed it's not real life it's just a very rich get out service just sort of it's not great to say things like that to french people people are in precarious situations i think it's quite ridiculous for
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a president to be so far from reality so by the time he told tension this to claiming the french. had come pocket full of him having to keep the troops on the general shoulder pull told me you can speak freely the only thing we can do is have the right used computer and the country would be different if everyone did the same . staying stuck trying to people in france you don't see people complaining specially in france people that complain all the time we love that it's causing. arrogance i think a little aggressive you know. there is no other word in the good old french spirit of things anger and resentment which the mind often described as the president called the rich really poor without a body seventeen they had had enough. to.
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see these crazy on the streets of greece. pale squashes brute force finally conceded. all of the many close to the cold too late from the yellow best small still don't call me a new role the old the plaintive been expected two thousand the like you and could still see had no room for government if the boy lives in new. paris. take care. it's delicious. new year revellers have been targeted in japan as well to report after the break.
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join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to get a little bit politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you that. seems wrong. just don't call. to say proud this day comes to answer. and engage me equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
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welcome back the authorities in japan say a minivan was deliberately driven revelers in central tokyo just nine minutes into the new year the attack left nine people injured and one of the mist in a critical condition right now it happened in a tourist hot spot known for its fashion and pop culture police have arrested a twenty one year old japanese who drove the wrong way along one way street and eight men aged between nineteen and fifty one a vehicle stopped after crashing into a building the driver fled the scene but police found him in a nearby park about half an hour later local media say the driver told police that he. i intended it to be a terror attack. next to a plot the wouldn't be out of place in the t.v. blockbuster game of thrones has been unfolding in singapore it's been revealed that
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the prime minister's younger brother's been financially supporting a longtime government critic and he picks up the story. the new year to see family and loved ones getting together to enjoy festivities and celebrations right perhaps not so much at the top level of politics in singapore meets the prime minister and his rival brother and sister whose family quarrels a well known in the country recently the leaders brothers been supporting this blogger has found himself in brawls in a scathing battle with the pm it all started off to the blogger posted a seemingly offensive article on facebook it claims the former leader of neighboring malaysia had signed secret deals in exchange for singapore's banks helping to launder money out of malaysia's state coffers because they sure as the singapore and prime minister strongly denies the blogger is now facing defamation charges as the two prepare to fight it out in the courts in times of need you would think you could turn to your family for support but as the prime minister's brother
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is instead helping the bloke pay his hefty legal fees he sent me a message that he has drawn support lo and behold the first one to do so into my account the sibling was of a safe when questioned about the actual amounts donated simply stating it was a meaningful some one pressed further joked it's not one dollar we might not know the amounts but we do know this is a prime example of a lengthy family feud ass's the dispute over this colonial era bungalow more lish after his death the quarrel got so bad it's his brother publicly accused him of misusing his position for personal gain but the prime minister denies putting self interests before good governance. regarding the. continued existence and honks as my reward as prime minister. if i meet a trench magic properties to bolster my struggling after thirteen years as prime
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minister must be in a pretty stark state the people of singapore were also reassured that disputes would distract. more important. over the last week singaporeans have been disturbed and confused by news of the private dispute between my siblings and me i deeply regret that this dispute has affected singapore's reputation and singapore ians confidence in the government. much as i would like to move on and end a most unhappy experience for singapore he ends these baseless accusations against the government cannot be left unanswered they must be and will be dealt with openly and refuted but it's within and identified some in the blackest back pockets and as legal proceedings continue the least siblings will have to put their differences aside if they're to stop the public from speculating on any further family quarrels . twenty nineteen has come and taken the reins around the world people from all walks of life with welcome the new year from local countries in the middle east
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a prosperous europe new year's celebrations hold a very special place in the hearts of russians to hear some of the best moments from around the globe. i. was i. i.
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i. i i. go back to our top story a baby boy has been pulled alive from the rubble of a collapsed apartment block in the central russian city of magnitogorsk the building was devastated by a suspected gas explosion in the early hours of monday morning. her.
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baby was found after rescuers heard him crying medics say he sat in a safe area severe condition the ten month old boy spent nearly thirty four hours under the rubble temperatures unlikely to goals conform to monday's twenty seven celsius during the night but emergency workers used a special heaters in an attempt to stop any survivors from freezing we spoke to one of the responders involved in the rescue operation. using a. little one of the rescuers had a child crying we stopped all of the machinery to listen in we were saying to keep quiet and the baby was reacting and kept silent we started asking where are you the baby started responding so you we started working there but there was risk of further collapse we were afraid as the baby was asking for help. for mockable a welcome bit of news this new year's day happy new year to you from all of us in moscow next we'll meet the residents of a mexican town who specialize in the dangerous trade of one made fireworks.
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superman some can see as you know mr brace. when you go said the. play you must. keep close last year when i was at the motus yes i'm a southerner. in the. midst of
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a most. stylish innocence but i. know you're lucky she will look back at. the paper and look listen can look up the locket opinion. that will tell you this is what she commented look at the question from the funny you know that they could also be even or would you like commenting through the couple of.
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lois when i'm asked and while i may just swallow what i thought was mistrustful. sentimental suppose someone. going to. go up to. the. school so say look good luck up on new york was what he told. us. to start off. in the almost. the stunted. is what the. kids are.
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going to stand. does he. what i mean. it.


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