tv Politicking RT August 23, 2019 5:30pm-6:01pm EDT
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you can really have an impact on your state like i cut taxes $21.00 times because i want to get rid of the label tax that juice it's which the state used to have and that worked and business confidence returned so employment went up and the unemployment rate went down and i cut spending because i hate deficit spending and that also helped get confidence from the employers and as we say the government level the best social program anybody ever invented is a job and so that's very rewarding bill you know you're up against it's. well i know that i'm up against a president who's very popular among the 50 state republican parties very very popular but the reason why is that those are the trump organizations and each of the 50 states after the election he put in his people. so it's not surprising that he should have 99 to one popularity among the trump organizations in the various
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states i think the challenge for me is to expand the electorate that's going to vote in the republican primaries so i'll be concentrating on the 20 states that permit crossover voting where democrats and unaffiliated independent voters can automatically vote in the republican primary and i'll be trying to persuade unaffiliated and independents in all 50 states to come vote in the republican primary because if they're not satisfied with the performance of president trump they really get to vote against him twice if they want to and you vote for me or any of the other people who may join me in the republican primary is a vote taken right away from mr trump so it's it's really in a way a vote against trump and then they can vote for whoever they want in the final you reasons is said that donald trump is a rhino a republican in name only lean mean in name only he's on the well i just i want to
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give him a tickle larry because people call me a rhino busy republican in name only because i'm pro-choice on the question of abortion well that didn't used to be a litmus taste test issue 2 thirds of the republican party in new hampshire to this day is pro-choice so i'm not going to confess error and say i'm knocked out on that one when i say mr trump is a republican in name only i mean he's not an economic conservative look at these deficits he's added 9 trillion dollars to the deficit already it went up another $800000000000.00 yesterday he doesn't believe in free trade which is a staple of republican thinking and the international area i think most republicans always stood for a robust and gauge middle. around the world at least in terms of soft power and diplomacy and mr trump honestly and i don't think he would be insulted by this he's
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an isolationist he's the real thing when you ask what's an isolationist he wants to pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist except when somebody or some country may be useful to him for purposes of bullying those are all out of the republican mainstream how do you give them such a big base and you apply the yeah i think he was very entertaining i mean i remember watching the debates in 2016 and jumping up and say wait a minute trump was right about that his style was perfect for a 12 person debate you know he has the back and forth of reality t.v. frankly i've got it too to a certain extent i spend a lot of time on the stage i've probably had 20 debates. in governor and senate races and other races so you know i can counterpunch in a debate with the best so if i get in the ring with him it might be might be quite
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interesting oh ok let's school do current things you know says one of the tongue we always say soon recessions of and i'm not so pessimistic as other people are mean i think we may have a dip in the 2nd quarter of next year that would be after the new hampshire primary so i'm not putting any eggs in that basket in terms of rooting for recession you know as i said like to see as full employment as we can get i think that's good for social cohesion and everybody feeling good about being an american and i think that's a major responsibility of the president united states you know reagan did it i don't really remember eisenhower but he was famous for doing it and i think mr trump likes to so division among the ranks and said everybody's teeth on edge he thinks that the resentment and fear of others suits. it is political purposes and it's kind of the opposite of the way i want to go i actually have some sympathy for
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all the talk about income inequality i do think the rich are probably a bit too rich and the poor are probably a bit too poor and we should we should take steps to even that out that's not to say everyone has to make the same amount of money just we should even it out a bit in the interest of social social. unanimity social cohesion getting down to the tough but you call donald trump a ranging racist not just early races regional races did you don't you think this is when the footage denounced no no no and i would not have declared my candidacy for president in 2017 right after he got into office the point i like to make is we know a lot more about down trump now than when he came into office even after that inaugural speech that was very filled with foreboding. but now we know beyond any doubt that he's you know he's
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a stranger to the truth he tells the head of national intelligence file a phony document to make this investigation go away he tells his own lawyer you know lawyer about this ambassador's lie about this and when they all said i can't do that that would be a lie or something false he said i don't get it what's your point just go ahead lie about it maybe that'll make the investigation go away that's not what we historically associated with the behavior of a sitting president of the united states. prison terms as to the american jewish people who voted for the democrats either would have a total ankle knowledge will greet disloyalty one of the a make of that one yeah i i don't get that i mean i know there's you know people who are very anti semitic who have said that in the past and he just picked it up from somewhere i think the president has kind of tour red syndrome you know where
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you blurt out the wrong thing all the time you don't even know you said it why does he say the wrong thing a lot how does he then maintain i don't see his popularity when people still say you know he can win again oh i think he can win i think he can win i think the reason he's so popular is that people absorbed in the 2016 election that he was politically incorrect and they love that and i love that i'm about as politically incorrect as it gets and he also you know was running against hillary clinton who somehow developed an image as someone who would preach to people if she got elected so he looked kind of refreshing by way of contrast i'll tell you i was sent to crash the democratic convention in the 16th. michael which i did and i got trapped inside the big hall busy there behind locked doors for an hour and
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a half and i had to watch this parade of identity politics 30 seconds one after the other i'm a left handed upside down polka dotted monkey wrench and so you know i got to be for hillary clinton and so to you it just was not persuasive politics do you frankly have to win new hampshire. well my aim is to try to win new hampshire because it's hospitable terrain for me it's right next door i've spent a lot of time there i've campaigned for statewide officials i've owned property and helped raise my kids partly in new hampshire feel right at home there i mean when they say i'm a new england republican yeah guilty as charged i'm a new england republican and i don't have to explain to people in new hampshire what that means it's also the state whose motto is live free or die and that's kind of my motto as well you will recall larry that at the republican convention in 102
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when bush 41 was president i gave my political philosophy in one sense i want the government out of your pocketbook and out of your bedroom and that goes down pretty well in new hampshire so i think you know a good showing like pat buchanan got or gene mccarthy got would go a long way towards proving that trump does not have a 97 percent hold on republicans that something much nearer to earth a victory i think might knock him out what happened he doing already. i give even say nixon to to the republican party of the new york herald tribune yeah i think that mr trump by 1st force of personality has. he's cultivated his own personality and his own very unusual style to carve out a niche for himself i personally think that if for some reason he disappeared
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or dropped out or simply isn't reelected in 2020 i'm one of those who thinks it will be like he was never there because right now we've got a lot of perfectly decent republicans in washington d.c. and i know a lot of these people and worked with them over the years and they're more than decent they're very good public servants they are keeping their mouth shut they are just whistling past the graveyard maybe all this maybe all this will pass and if he does pass from the scene one way or the other. and by that i mean either failing to get reelected or getting defeated in the primaries for the general. i think you're going to see a return to what warren harding would have called normalcy. the vanillas and wells are guessing right they will have more politicking after the break.
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rush and. in a world of big partisan new laws and conspiracy it's time to wait to dig deeper to hit the store. worries that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door. and shouting past each other it's target for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks.
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to ignore middle of the room signal. to the real news group. this is the poseidon adventure mixed with the titanic in one colossal all sinking of the global economy right now we've got dollar drama starring what the ghost of paul newman on the bridge of the titanic watching as they engineer a colossal failure. of the global economy. welcome back we're talking with bill weld former 2 term governor of massachusetts ransome vice president of the libertarian ticket in torrey 16 he's now running for
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the republican presidential nomination for me joins us from boston. y.d. is think of the pleasures of the back dos. on gun control in the area of. a pre-check which seems 95 the cinema of america is 4 and 3 jack why don't we know the n.r.a. route yeah i think we got it we can't do nothing about all these mass shootings i myself think that the red flag laws that give coworkers are a family member the right to petition a judge to get the gun away from someone who they think is dangerous but subject to the judge's approval so due process i think that's the way to go i don't think universal background checks and registration of firearms i don't think that's the way to go and i'll tell you why partly because of exposure to libertarian views
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i see a self-defense aspect in ownership of firearms so the last thing i want is the federal government to license everybody's firearm and have them have to come in and show their shotgun or rifle to the police chief every year because after a couple years the guy's going to say see you later and they're going to say your gun is staying with us and if you look down through history that's a recipe for the government taking away the guns like in germany in russia in uganda and so many examples not only in the 20th century but back through history since the invention of gunpowder and it can be a complete disaster and frankly i think that's one reason why the 2nd amendment is in our constitution did you support the democratic nominee. you know i'm not i'm trying not to think about the democrats i know
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a bunch of them personally they're perfectly nice people obviously i don't subscribe to a lot of the stuff on the democratic side like guaranteeing. everyone a basic income irrespective of whether they're willing to work which is quote unquote in the green new deal. so and everything being free and no such thing as creating jobs in the public sector they all come from the government where does that stuff come from and i hope none of those people think they are going to get elected president in the united states of america because they're not this is a right of center country not far right but it's definitely not a not a way left country so i'm told and republican congressman joe walsh says that trump is an unfit con man and he apologizes for the role he played in putting him in the white house he also says that the republicans don't stand up to the president right now they're going to get wiped out in 2020 years that you buy that oh i've said
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exactly the same thing when when mr trump was being such a racist i said look the elected republicans in washington have a decision to make and they think it's a political decision but it's not a political decision it's a marvel decision and unless they express fully disavow mr trump's outrageous racism they are going to get decimated in the 2020 elections and i wanted them to hear that loud and clear and i really welcome representative joe walsh getting into this race i hope that my old friend mark sanford will get in the race as well my old friend john k. sic i understand that former senator jeff flake who i think the world of love his book conscience of a conservative i understand that he's you know having a lot of well wishers these weeks and i think would be great if he got in i'll tell you one reason why if there's 5 of us and not one of us the networks can't very
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well say well we're not going to have republican primary debates we're only going to have democratic primary. bates i'd like to see anybody try to make that position stick so i hope these guys get it and then i think at least a couple of more on the point of getting in right now right now the networks saying it's just you and trump they're not going to run debates well mr trump has said he's not going to he's not going to debate bill weld or anybody else so i think that would include even if it's all busy 5 of us he's going to say he's not going to debate he doesn't want to have an election and he makes no bones about that they tried to stop the 1st in the nation primary in new hampshire they actually proposed that trump and his people proposed that let's not have this 1st in the nation primary you can imagine how that went over in new hampshire like a lead balloon because people in their hands aren't stupid they know that about 25 percent of their national clout comes from having the 1st of the nation primary so
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now mr trump is fall into his 1st fallback position he was up in new hampshire on the 15th for a rally and he said well i guess you can have your primary but you don't have any choice you have to vote for me and if you you know he he says he's joking when he says wouldn't it be great if we didn't have election didn't have to have elections at the same time you know the republican national committee which is joined with his campaign is trying to get people not to have primaries not even the have caucuses just have a vote of the state committee. and you know there's some precedent for that occasionally but not organized on the national level so. i i don't think mr trump wants to mix it up with anybody that's why he has one word slogans like hoax and wall so he doesn't really have to discuss anything frankly is knowledge base is a little shallow to get deeply into a debate you use 70 something like right i am and
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so is donald trump so joe biden and bernie sanders and mr mcconnell. is there were a generational shift in american policy by the with a wall over 70 you look the best oh great well that's terrific. i'm actually tied i'm tied with mr trump for being the youngest of those efforts. do you do we have a generational shift in american politics sure i mean i can't get enough a talking to pete but a judge by the way he's a real long cool drink of water he's 37 years old. and you know he's a very impressive guy very very smart guy and measured old beyond his years but it's wonderful having people like him involved involved in the mix at the same time i don't think i would you know kick everyone over 70 out of out of the mix you know 70 is it may not be the new 50 but it's the new 60 and people wouldn't have thought
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twice about 60 in the old days to let so little bit about bringing up the tech giants many believe that that should happen and you're a lawyer a former hill staffer a former government you know how the government works how could government break up the tech giants well they could break them up with any trust cases but i don't favor that i think putting the government in charge of all that and having them make the decisions i honestly would rather have the market make those decisions now if the tech giants are engaging in predatory behavior on consumers and violating their privacy in ways that violate either federal trade commission rules or any trust rules that's different that's an unforced meant measure but it's not setting out to break decide whether you know this tech giant should be in 5 pieces and that tech giant should be in 3 pieces i frankly doubt the government has the the
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information and understanding. to to do that successfully i'd rather rely on the internet as it is than let the government's nose into the tent using this as a media the general media bias against conservatives. well certainly not on fox news i think the media is a lot closer to hewing a straight line a centrist line than most other people think you know me i came up as a corruption prosecutor so i always viewed the press as my allies because we all want to tear down the temple walls we wanted more information to expose so-called victimless crimes like like public corruption which happens behind closed doors so i've always liked the media and you know when i hear president trump say a free press is the enemy of the people i just think i got to get that guy out of
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there that's not the 1st amendment that's not the united states you know it is can't even turn the question about your home state of massachusetts silly 8 year old representative joe's kinley the 3rd reportedly is winning a primary call a challenge to so many 3 year old incumbent markey bill democrats of course what do you make of that well i know them both i like them both but you talk about a new generation joe kennedy is in that new generation i think he should make the race i've known him you know practically since the day he was born i've seen him grow up he's got good judgment he's not a wild lied wild eyed lefty at all so i'd like to see him you know have a shot at it doesn't mean necessarily wins but ed markey is certainly had a distinguished career not taking anything away from him but i'd love to see joe kennedy in that race if when you more well is not the republican nominee.
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what do you intend to do. i might sit it out larry you know i'm not going to go picky choosy among democrats it's just too far away and i've got enough on my hands on the republican side but i have said that i would not on any account support mr trump in the final i just think he's he doesn't know how to run a railroad as a result of which no one has confidence in us or our word as a nation around the world we just we we can't have that and he is beset by fears and demons and that's why you see these wild swerves and swings in his his behavior and you know i wish him well on his return to the private sector and i don't think he's going to have any trouble making a lot of money when he gets back there but i don't see him as president of united
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states how well financed you probably medium now but the thing about winning the new hampshire primary is it requires maybe $10000000.00 in advertising it doesn't require $50000000.00 or $100000000.00 and that will be well within grasp i suppose and you win new hampshire. what does that do everything. well i think you'd see a stampede of other people coming in but i will tell you this i'm not going to be you know roll over and play dead just because someone with a better name recognition than i have gets into the race not if they've been introducing down trump for the previous 2 years as the greatest thing since sliced bread and the most consummate wonderful politician in america because if they have been i'm going to play those tapes back and i won't need to put too much money behind those tapes in terms of 32nd ads bill it was great talking to you good line to some much larry great governor william weld we thank him for his time today and
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we thank you for joining us on this edition of politics a remember you can join the conversation on my facebook page or tweet me at kings things and don't forget to use the politics that's all for this edition of politicking. terrorists in russia and like this. you know world a big part of the lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig
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deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching top. hawk's. aeroflot russian airlines.
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give me my best couple gets lithium he said. just that hamas. is not one time i'm old but i'm also the most companies you know so i've been a kid who says it is. not emotional when i meet. his compass he must get almost home pianist came in nobody goes from didn't you know to speak to c.b.c. just put oh you little i'm sure. the most common number liquidity the most amount of consuls you see live in the little. i don't like kind of the most beautiful. look it is he kills him medical that alfie kohn thing always stay in this bundle of them in the book that i've come to tell you a list. of so to go so no men because he.
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and his community there are people who believe that it's ok to suffer actual food on my table it's really hard there are no jobs and you see that i've got kids. and as a parent. i can come up with lots of arguments there's a lot of conflict in the game between the 2 most of the conflict i would say revolves around money and most of them money is made to close $1.00 on each other does he know each other is good business the state of california alone makes $6000000000.00 a year off to prison complex just to get some point in your life where. you don't care about your so your care might anything.
6:00 pm
like a. lot of your putin has ordered a symmetrical response to the latest u.s. missile test that says russia warms the un security council of a new arms race if action is not taken. this ollie's 0 chance about america's real intentions writs of the existing limits it's now free to deploy previously for that missiles anywhere in the world. conservative activists in the us celebrate offer a call to greece to reconsider a case accusing global tech giants like google and facebook of conservative bias. and australian beacon couple whose child was severely malnourished after being placed out of you can die of escaped jail but handed community service instead we did bite me assure you.
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