tv News RT August 3, 2020 6:00am-6:31am EDT
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well that's true no. points your thirst for action. in the headlines this monday in europe braces for a 2nd wave of the coronavirus with a number of countries reporting spikes and millions being placed once again under tight restrictions. also with the u.s. presidential race intensifying polling suggests joe biden and donald trump are neck and neck in 2 key states as a new online campaign 16 unite opposition to trump oust him from the white house in november. and india plans to abolish primary school teaching and english and get reaction from an indian m.p. who supports the move.
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yeah i definitely would like to stand on the legs. you're watching r t international thanks for joining us this hour for a live news update. fears of a 2nd wave of the pandemic have seen parts of europe tightening restrictions again spikes and cases have been recorded in france germany and a number of other countries on the continent earlier my colleague neil harvey spoke with our correspondents in paris and berlin. francis seymour towns and cities announce where or when wearing a mask will be a blink a treat in public as it aims to take in the cases of couldn't a virus that be who wanted to hear from monday the city of lelie the new the heart of fronts has said that wearing a mask is going to make it free now in the city's pedestrian areas and also in the
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city's cogs that follows decisions for example in new orleans which has decided that if you go to the open air market in that city you will have to wear a mask and in to us hot spots such as beyond it and some olive they've said that within the city you will have to wear a mask if you are over the age of 11 and that follows an announcement by the french health minister who said that the decision could be taken locally to limit the circulation of caveat 19 the prefectures canal by decree extend the obligation to wear masks to open public places this decision can be made locally depending on the spread of the epidemic in each territory front's is being seeing an upsurge in the number of positive could be 19 cases being announced most worryingly health experts say that the uptake is between those aged 20 and 30 with a 54 percent increase now meanwhile there is work underway to create it could be 90
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vaccine all the pressure to create one fast many countries saying that they will have some thing that they can grow relax by to 2020 but the key new is actually warning that even if there is a good 90 vaccine that is ready there are many hurdles to face because its members face an issue with the lack of certain. certainly see it that it is needed to rule out that vaccine that includes a lack of swing just like masks and old so. a lot of white. who had 9000 vaccines once developed may count without syringe is and other items and there could be shortages of those member states who were asked to comment on their preparedness regarding the availability of supplies for immunization for example syringes alcohol wipes people now all of this comes as the latest figures show that
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across europe more than 210000 people said to have died with their deaths being linked to coping 19. from france of to germany now our correspondent peter oliver is in berlin and peter's understand the been even the demonstrations against measures that have been brought in to in theory tackle the virus tell us more on such as a around $15.00 to $20000.00 people were out on the streets of berlin protesting against them on the tree wearing of masks and of the coronavirus prevention measures there also saw him amongst the crowd who were denying the existence of thought of the covert 19 virus no masks worn at these demonstrations no social distancing it here too and health officials here in germany a furious record numbers of new covert 1000 infections wild why it is crazy to demonstrate against hygiene rules at such a time the deliberate violation of distance rules and mask wearing is not only
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administrative offense but poses a danger to the health and life of others or the protesters say they have a right to free speech in a right to demonstrate the german government sound city officials in berlin say they have a right also to be responsible in these times. yes demonstrations must be possible during the pandemic but not like these distance hygiene rules and masks so if to protect us all these demonstrations how the against having to follow safety requirements which evidently were not followed so that shouldn't have been held 15220000 isn't representative of the whole of the population of germany but it is a significant number and certainly significant enough to warrant comment from some of germany's closest european partners today the us to be free of masks in the idea of freedom does not make people laugh skeery well over 130 protesters
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were detained by police dozens of officers reported being injured with 3 of those requiring hospital attention there's also a number of reports of journalists who were there being threatened by protesters who clearly didn't want anybody there reporting on or covering this demonstration ultimately though this isn't a good look for a country that has scored pretty much choice not top of the class world wide when it comes to dealing with the initial impact of covert 19. amid concerns about president donald trump handling of the coronavirus crisis some u.s. voters are turning to his democratic rival joe biden polling suggests the 2 candidates are not neck and neck and 2 key states north carolina and georgia are killed markman looks now at a new online campaign aimed at uniting opposition to trump ahead of november's
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presidential election. if your man for the white house lacks a little bit of that x. factor and has been playing it safe hiding in his bunker for months then perhaps what you need to spark his bid for the presidency is a catchy slogan something to stir up the emotions of the undecided something to rally the troops how about settle for biden sounds like a joke right settle for biden dot org they describe themselves as a grassroots group of former elizabeth warren and bernie sanders supporters who recognize joe biden's flaws but now our nation will out survive former years of donald trump so maybe it's not the most dynamic of slogans but can you blame those who came up with this when they admit they are not the biggest fans of their candidate they just prefer him over another 4 years of turbulent trump and they think they might be on to winner and there's merchandize who would have ever thought that settle for would be popular campaign terminology introducing the settle for biden teacher this 100 percent cotton t.
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shirt will let people know that you'll vote for an old out of touch democrat in november but you won't be happy about settle for biden because it could be worse it could be better but could be worse now of course republicans have jumped in on this to make satire but joe biden does not seem to get the joke and most importantly. i. i'm not sure. now that is unlike all the voters all over twitter seem to be admitting that they are voting for joe biden out of necessity not enthusiasm was running errands in my settled for biden show today walking out of a store a guy said to meet joe biden i shrugged and said yeah i agree and then walked away there was much to argue but he's better than trump get in loser we're going to
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enact some middling reforms to quash social unrest well continuing to perpetuate a racist and classist system that disproportionately benefits and protects the wealthy. settle for biden but jokes aside the only thing you need to know about this joe biden campaign is that his own motto seems to go against this very concept this is the united states of america we don't settle we as fire let's get to work the united states presents itself as the democratic ideals of the world where free and fair elections reflect the popular will however nowadays it seems that voting isn't so much about backing the candidate you want as it is about stopping the one that you don't look up and r.t. new york. chadwick more a journalist and commentator says the upcoming election is about voting for or against. no one wants to vote for this band but of course they will it's the ads i
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try to vote you've got this is zombie candidate joe biden and he is a zombie candidate who is just sort of suck walk into the presumptive nomination and they're going to hope that he doesn't debate we're going to hope that they can always base with as much as possible they're going to show about the v.p. as much as they can hopefully she will be able to get some excitement but as of now they are certainly providing quite a point again pain and it's tricky a chord with a lot of the liberals because it's so true so it's very irritating it's making them so angry because they all realize that yes we are merely settling for to buy as much. and it's the anyone but trump vote and this is who the overlords of the d.n.c. would like well then they're just going to bite the bullet sort of speak and vote for. india is on its way to abolishing primary school teaching and english
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prime minister narendra modi's cabinet has approved reforms which urge schools to teach and local native languages of education while they see the changes that we've brought in the education policy will further develop india's languages he will increase the knowledge and unity in the. english was 1st introduced to india in the 17th century as a result of trade with britain and remained a 2nd official language along with hindi and many years after its colonial past been widely used in business and politics today about 11 percent of the indian population speaks english the opposition congress party as well as people online to express their concern over the change arguing it will put a strain a lower class communities who won't be able to afford private tutors for english as well as rob children of a chance to find work in other parts of india as well as higher education abroad. but supporters of the move argue it will bring unity and by erasing colonial ties
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to the past we spoke to dr vanessa haas harbored a president of the indian council for cultural relations and a member of parliament he says it's time to promote regional languages people who speak english and people who post cannot speak english they did serve some don't look for. social have lead off word discrimination between them and we would like to destroy that reputation and but it's defunding getline with this we didn't equate well english is important everybody should be able to speak good english because english is something which is widely spoken all over the world but that doesn't mean that it should happen at the cost of the devil it meant the freedom of language just after all we do the languages to bother to fight it it beats you flew don't be our divisional that nobody else is going but we are decent in the russia for example there are several languages but people speak in that i hear their preferred to speak in the russian audience for i was depressed or to speak in
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french similarly what is wrong if india would prefer to speak out of each of the languages we would like to read bill's dependence on english reads any believes it cannot be elitist and definitely would like to stand on all legs and devil up i want to read a language just victims but i ain't in the spirit of. wallowing in the modern world more news coming your way after this short break.
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oh the. old. welcome back a trove of recently undisclosed court papers has revealed that a row british special forces unit may have been responsible for the murder of more than 33 civilians in afghanistan back in 2011 now a judge is demanding that the defense secretary testify as to why this evidence was not used earlier and high court proceedings. for more on this we go live to our shaadi edwards dosti in london sean what exactly has been revealed in these documents. well i'm here at the high court in london while the trial is set to continue into allegations of crimes against humanity committed by a rogue s.a.'s unit of the british army in the patients of afghanistan they're accused of executing innocent civilians now according to the folks a q sions accusations around thank you 3 civilians were killed 11 at night missions
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in afghanistan's villages it's being described as assassinations against innocent civilians by afghan specialist forces and all of this information has been revealed by a cache of secret documents that came to light and were obtained by the sunday times it's all part of a why dick case from this group buy stuff for a yahoo is bringing this fight to try and get an independent investigation into the killings of his relatives.
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in 2014 the allegations of this quadruple murder was passed on to the investigation into the branch of the royal military police but at the time it wasn't deemed serious or important enough to investigate further despite the soldiers involved claimed this collective amnesia back could also be interpreted as a agreement to a pact of silence and even at the time the s.a.'s soldiers they pull this information forward and those higher up in the ranks the commanders raise eyebrows about this so-called evidence that people that were 'd killed were in possession of a k 47 and even grenades. this was not necessarily about degrees of restraint but rather a deliberate policy among the current s.a.'s unit to engage in kill fighting aged males on target even when they did not pose a threat. given those in come on so that they did not pose
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a threat nor were they are engaging in combat activity nor were they in possession of these weapons that they were described as being as such no one of this has a pattern of clearly having impossible odds according to these documents and so all of that brings into question allegations of now war crimes of course the united nations definition of war crimes based on the geneva conventions and international humanitarian law describes intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population as such or against individual civilians not taking direct part in hostilities now the former director of the prosecutions he's even said that there is a case now to be answered for when it comes to walk crimes. it is bad enough for systematically murder. but this is compounded. and government officials deliberately investigates . suspected of war crimes and then trying to conceal the evidence. well for years
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the ministry of defense here in britain refused to comment on these allegations but now in light of this cache of secret documents coming to light they're now saying that there is potentially a case to be rocky. this is not new evidence and this is still recall cases already been independently investigated by the royal military police these documents were considered despite of the independent investigations which concluded there was insufficient evidence to refer the case for prosecution. well there is interesting in this evidence has been withheld from the legal proceedings prior to the one that continues but prompting the judge to even demand that there's a full explanation from ben wallace who is the defense secretary here in the united kingdom but unsurprisingly then given this a cache of secret documents it all raises further questions about whether or not there is a case of war crimes to be answered for during the occupation in afghanistan. are
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to sharia edwards does she bring us that report from london thank you. for more on this because live now to peace campaigner russell winning how incriminating is the fact that the government appears to have withheld important evidence in this case you certainly doesn't look good does it this is a case of british troops we were told on a legitimate exercise in afghanistan for our protection and that was the message we keep hearing was no rule those many many years of occupation and now we hear actually they could have been systematically murdering civilians now that would be absolutely terrible but to then find out that our own government perhaps knew about it perhaps was covering it up is just absolutely unforgivable and is just the latest in a stream of disasters that occurred in the occupation of afghanistan. what kind of explanation do you expect to hear from the defense secretary if any well i don't
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expect to hear any what i expect will happen is there no make some claim of national security they'll make some reference to the fantastic job so-called our troops are doing in afghanistan they will possibly blame it on some kind of post-traumatic stress syndrome which we've heard before in these similar cases but actually what we should have is a full public inquiry to look at the documents under exacted we need to know not only what the existing defense secretary knew and has or has not covered up but defense secretaries before him and prime ministers before him this must go all the way back to tony blair and the. their kind of mood that he was setting when we continuously went and invaded these countries it's not just afghanistan of course this kind of thing was probably happening in iraq as well for all we know it might be happening around the world today the secrecy that undergoes these military
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exercises is the biggest problem and it's about time that the disinfectant of sunlight was brought in on them is it possible that this was some sort of rogue unit what could have possibly been the purpose behind these killing of. well it might have been a rogue unit but that would be bad enough wouldn't it if there were people higher up the chain of command who suspected this was going on that covered it up that's terrible if they didn't know about it then they're incompetent so either way it doesn't look great there is no excuse for systematically killing 33 unarmed civilian men of fighting age we may actually never know the true circumstances of what happened your correspondent just said there seems to be some kind of pact of silence and these things are very difficult to get throw but it is important that we leave no stone unturned in finding out the truth because we owe it not just to the people who died bagley to the british public who have been supporting our troops in many different ways regardless of what we think about
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their invasion of iraq and afghanistan none of us want to see our troops in harm's way none of us want to see anyone in harm's way frankly so that is why it's so important that we get to the bottom of this case once and for all. if enough attention is brought to it do you think this case has the potential to impact the work of u.k. forces deployed in afghanistan now and if so in what way. well i hope that there would be some kind of systematic review of policies of how these units are given the oversight by their commanding officers of the rules of engagement that they've given perhaps we need all troops to go through some kind of you know basic level of rules of engagement if someone does not fire at you 1st you should not fire at them you shouldn't make up the fact after the event that they had a weapon when they didn't these are basic things i'm no soldier but i understand these rules of engagement soldiers need to be taught and perhaps i hope what it
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will bring to the public's attention is the fact that there are still british troops in afghanistan we still don't really know what they're doing we still don't really know why they're there and it's about time that they came home back to their families back to their communities and it's about time that we looked at different ways of making peace around the world you don't make peace by invading by occupying them by bombing you make peace by dialogue and by building cooperation together we've been speaking with peace campaigner russell winning russell thank you for your time and your comments. with israel gripped by protests against its prime minister benjamin netanyahu himself is accusing the media of fanning the flames on saturday netanyahu took to social media posting a mean attacking to israeli t.v. channels and comparing them to the north korean media he repeated that comparison the next day i keep saying the media bias against him and of turning a blind eye to violence by protesters he also said the demonstrations were an
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attempt to travel on democracy. the anti-government protests in israel have resulted in clashes with the police on saturday thousands gathered in front of the prime minister's residence in jerusalem demanding the resignation of netanyahu the protesters are angry about alleged corruption and the government's handling of the coronavirus crisis israel is seeing a spike in cases with the total number exceeding $70000.00. it seems to me this was the 1st you know ok. from bali these are democracies and they're dangerous because we're being emitted in our right the process i think is a scenario in every normal country whoever pharaoh's goes room and gives a chance to somebody else. netanyahu is now on trial over corruption allegations
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these include favors to media outlets in exchange for positive coverage and receiving gifts from businessmen this is seen the prime minister charged with bribery fraud and breach of trust that you know who himself denies all the allegations and calls the process an attempt to depose him political commentator amir oren says the pm is trying to mobilize his supporters. they're trying to. mobilize their political base the one 3rd or less of these rallies and still hold on permits and yells belief and yell portraying himself as a courageous rebellious dissidents rather than the longest serving prime minister now facing a double crisis of his corruption trial and the mismanagement of the coronavirus are condemning so yes there are angry crowds chanting to go home and rather than face them he has
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blamed the media when the media resists and when what you see on television and on the websites are true portrayals of angry israelis unemployed eking out their existence he turns around and tries to blame television press and the news sites. that's a global news wrap up for this hour for further details on all those stories and more head to our web site r.t. dot com. the world is driven by dreamers shaped by our own personal those words.
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i am sure it out here and you're watching another lockdown edition of going underground coming up on the show as u.s. security forces prepared to retreat from portland after accusations of gassing beating and kidnapping protestors is the war against racial capitalism far from over we ask longtime protest organizer vice chair of the oregon democrats black caucus gregory but healthy how does nasa launches its historic perseverance rover to mars to look for signs of life is it the end of us a gemini in a rocking the secrets of the universe after chinese attempts to make history on the red planet we ask alan stern who is leading the 1st ever mission to explore pluto about how high the stakes are when it comes to space all this more coming up in this lockdown edition of going underground but 1st let's go to portland to gregory
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mchale he's the vice chair of the oregon democrats black caucus gregory what on earth is going on in portland we're seeing images all over the internet of tear gas of warfare not seen even in even in countries where are the u.n. is imposed sanctions on. yet it's really appalling to see in the streets of berlin it's right downtown in the heart of our city every night appears to look like a war zone we have troops in camouflage at least point here gas and flash bangs and it's absolute chaos there in town portland and it's hard to see in a city that i love so much now you know the chad wars the boss of the department of homeland security says you're all violent and i care so on the streets of poland apparently they're using george w. bush's 2002 homeland security act 200 to not change under president obama that allows the federal secure.
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