tv Boom Bust RT September 3, 2020 4:30am-5:01am EDT
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demick or was it already on the horizon and what more can the country do after injecting more than $200000000000.00 in stimulus measures earlier this year. well there are several things capitalism is amongst people just lament wherever it is sent over the rise why the economic ups and downs of the average every 47 years an economic downturn or there are occasional outliers who don't have that average or here's the lesson of history if you don't have it every 4 to 7 years when you finally get it it tends to be a do g.b. crowd regretted it related imbalances or strand it would like the name of the pirates that's very popular around the world where we have an economic system that knows it is unstable no old it needs to prepare for it knows it needs to take care of the mess of the people at the bottom of the most or it's true you didn't do most of those things imagining the good times would last forever and i'll be in a sense having to face the music and it's really convenient to blame the pandemic
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or best only part of the story now jeffrey obviously you've been very critical of lockdown measures while on the show in the past are we going to continue to see these demick dire economic news out of nations throughout the world due to the handling of the pandemic. yes and the only thing not prosperous that the professor just said is that is not a cause of code but everything else he said was ridiculous i'm sorry this is caused by the lockdown this is a manmade disaster and as much as i enjoyed the prayer for the prime minister if he would get his boots off the neck of the people of australia and that also goes for dan andrews the appalling outrageous policies that he's perpetuated to melbourne in which police are arresting people for even disagreeing with him this is what needs to end you want to soften the blow the read of the as this catastrophic economic times in australia and the lockdowns there was no recession in the cards this is
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a completely caused by outrageous discussed in government policies and that includes the internal controls on migration from east to west the people of australia need our prayers right now to end this oppression now professor wolf obviously disagrees with you have a i want to give you an opportunity to respond there. well you know this is one way of debating a words like that i'm not going to send it out i'll read that to him all i can tell you is when you blame the government policy only old or new question why that pollack the why did they do that what are the courses in with this that make a politician aid in this way they are not resources they are his response there what else is going on in the society as anyone else the inequality in australia is off the chart the gap between what capital takes on and what labor takes on every
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getting worst and worst of it is fixed on that are crystal clear that's part of the problem of an economy when it becomes an equal in this way that that dates the pandemic makes the whole situation worse and governs in fact much of what is happening now when the convenience of blaming the pandemic or even more are the notion that it's not the pandemic but the particular policies being followed that somehow above all and makes the issue of economics and all the fundamental forces at work disappear so you can leave it with the blaming of the particular politician which really we ought to have outgrown long ago they're now jeffrey i'm going to i'm going to move on to another little piece of information here out of the united states federal reserve governor brainer that said tuesday the fed will need to actually take more action in coming months to fight the impact of the crow virus pandemic mentioning hitting inflation goals and what full and and at their full employment in your opinion jeffrey can the fed do anymore as they've interviewed in
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the economy so much recently. no. the fed has nothing to do here to fix this economy what you need is an end to the restrictions and the lock downs in the end the travel bans and everything else which are perpetuating themselves in the us the us right now has one of the most highest rating rankings on the stringency index out of oxford university bested only by places like australia so we need to end this and there's nothing the fed can do i mean except tread paper which is going to create more distortions and trouble believe generated inflation once the recovery happens if it does happen so no the fed cannot to do this the fed has no magic magic tool to make the economy recover again i'll repeat this is a manmade recession you don't need karl marx to explain what's going on the world
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economy what you need is george orwell now i want to i want to move to a little bit of positive news out of the united states obviously we go back and forth on those points all day here but the institute for supply management announced today that u.s. manufacturing activity had actually surged to its highest level in more than 16 years for the month of august professor wolf if this is a sign of recovery here in the united states or are we just seeing the sector make up for those last time that we had in the 1st months of the shut out. yeah they took a number of steps the private enterprises to prepare and to get through a difficult time and they that became the chicken in july that difficult time were and never proved to be a mistake and what you're seeing in august in a bit of a blurb about this when they made some decisions given the failure of the government to continue the stimulus the extra $600.00 for unemployment given the loonie an egyptian crisis that everyone is worried about i think you'll see very
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quickly in september and october on the return to the opposite kind of situation we are not i would in this country most economists left right and center except for a certain extremes all who live in the world understand that and they are reacting to this that this thing with that current norm very nice we are want out of the woods not a long shot and jeffrey i want to give you the final word here we got about 45 seconds left where do you stand in the u.s. economy obviously i know you want to lift the lockdown to move forward but what else are you saying and. i agree actually. far from being out of the woods i'm afraid that we're going to be dealing with in the coming months if not years that shoots liquidation and every sector with the exception of high technology and big business which is tremendously tragic lost more than 100000 small going as businesses and i don't think real estate in big
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cities is even begun to respond to the mass exodus that we're seeing driven by these these agreed just policies so it's very hard economic times ahead and yes you're going to see some positive numbers from time to time but you know as i said back in march if if all else is ended right now then we could have recovered but we're so far past that it's. we've got very difficult economic times ahead a very different economic ideals here from jeffrey tucker editorial director at the american institute for economic research and host of economic update professor rich well thank you both for that expert analysis. and as we see the strain the copen 18 pandemic is taking on economies let's take another look at the trends and spread of the virus with our correspondent side ted injured so i will we wednesday what is the outlook when it comes to vaccine development i know you've
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been following that so brand right now the number globally is approaching 26000000 actually now we're over 26000000 confirmed deaths over 864000 70 percent of that $26000000.00 have been recovered now the u.s. which is a report of the worst cold in $1000.00 break over $6200000.00 cases and over 189000 deaths and the u.s. reported a little over 43000 cases on tuesday now they're pushing the 7 day average of new cases around a little over 42000 now that's up point 6 percent compared to a week ago but that's not bad since the average weekly growth has been around 10 to 15 percent increase so this is promising and then to get back to your earlier question i want to take a look at where we are right now redeveloping a quote in $1000.00 vaccine so manufacturers are now testing 3 covert vaccines
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on large scale trials and each study is the zine to enroll $30000.00 participants in the u.s. now the 1st one is a british drug maker astra zeneca developed at oxford university is already in phase 3 trials in the united kingdom now they use the 1st us volunteers were vaccinated today at the university of wisconsin school of medicine and astra zeneca . plans to add 50 participants each day after september 7th now astra zeneca also has the backing of us federal government and they're working with the u.s. government to produce billions of dollars says the vaccine once or authorize or i should say once it's approved now rivals. and pfizer by you and tech now these 2 their collaboration between the 2 they're also in face 3 trials and like seneca they also have u.s.
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federal funding now the only difference between these 3 is that astra zeneca has already has participants but both modernity and pfizer by and take there's still just in the process of unrolling their stated goals of $30000.00 volunteers each so even though both companies have trials and rolled in other countries they need to have those 30000 volunteers here in the u.s. in order for it to be approved for use now that could change of course because in the trial of this size researchers say they'll know if a vaccine is effective after a few as many as $150.00 to $175.00 infections about additional into the u.s. both china and russia say they're going to start releasing vaccines before completing their late stage clinical trials brant so sorry there was actually some research published today regarding corticosteroids q tell us about that. so corticosteroids there are a class of drugs that are inflammation in the body and they're all often prescribed
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to patients that have. their very wily use you'll see there was inhalers you see a lot of patients with asthma walking around with now and because of the so this quarter this steroids i should say because it decreases inflammation in the airways of your lungs and prevents asthma flare ups researchers soon realized that it could also help cope in 1000 patients with acute respiratory distress but you know steroids have already been widely used to treat very sick over 1000 patients for months now now the only difference this time is that researchers is that this research study actually say is now officially published in the journal of the american medical association and has also been approved by the world health organization w.h.o. and also their major significance of this study is that it states their weights don't offer any major side effects when used and called in 1000 patients so a lot of the other medications out there been saying that could treat goban 1000
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medication in the past but does have side effects this one doesn't therefore so therefore this study but doesn't really change anything since steroids have already been used for these patients but now that it has the seal of approval from w.h.o. that could give a lot of poorer nations access to these they would that would treat kovan 1000 patients so that is pretty significant brant are 2 correspondent major for keeping us up to date. tensions over the completion of the north stream to pipeline continue to mount as german chancellor angela merkel voiced her support for the project completion this comes as germany tested samples taken from russian opposition leader alexina valmiki germany the german government spokesperson stephan cyber stated in a volley was the victim of an attack with a chemical nerve agent in russia but last week. gyude that the issue should not be linked to the fate of the pipeline but i don't think it's appropriate to link this
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business operated project north stream to gas pipeline with the namely question our opinion is the north strain to should be completely innocent project that is run by the russian the european industries to link this project a name is inappropriate and we are also against the term tauriel sanctions that the united states of america has imposed. the north stream to is the pipeline carrying natural gas from russia to europe across the baltic sea to date 93.5 percent of the project is complete work pause following u.s. sanctions on a swiss biplane company. time now for a quick break but hang here because when we return amid the new normal of home delivery in the times of coal that amazon has won approval to blaze a new trail in the sector later on we're going to take a look at the new age of aerial delivery and what this could mean for the future of home shopping as we go to break here are the numbers of the close.
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during the vietnam war u.s. forces. there was a secret war. and for years the american people did not know. how much it is especially. country per capita. human history millions of unexploded bombs still in danger lives in this small agricultural country. even today kids in laos full victims of bombs. drops decades ago is the u.s. making amends for that tragedy and what help to the people need in that little land
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sounds of russian citizens left their country to join the terrorists often bringing wives and children with them. when he is not c.s.i. the bell idea isn't just on you will be the same as and you have no. more new to the. hundreds of children and widows were held captive all disappeared. as a black. teens. back in russia those children's families wait them search for the. same wrong. old rules just. to me you get to shape
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out these days you can stick out to it and engage with equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. trade and investment to become magic spells to conject economic development. most people think about trade they think about goods and services being exchanged between countries and the in fast chapter of a trade agreement is about something very different but what when investment leads to toxic manufacturing that destroys sacred sites old ruins the environment. that means local communities that are being poisoned if they object if they do anything that the company feels is interrupting their profits they can discern. the
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nationals are taking on the whole nation philip morris is trying to use i.s.t.'s to stop oregon by implementing new tobacco regulations aimed at cutting domestic smoking rates a french company sued egypt because egypt to raise its minimum wage democratic choice of a trump corporate. joint says we try to find one of the 2. welcome
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back earlier this week there was some big news for amazon if the company has one f.a. approval to deliver packages by drone. it's a big step for the e-commerce giant who has been working on the concept of drone delivery for years as long ago as 2013 amazon c.e.o. jeff bezos had said that the drones would be flying to customers homes within 5 years now these drones are self piloting fully electric and can carry 5 pounds of goods and are designed to deliver items in 30 minutes by dropping them in a backyard but this latest step toward the future is certainly raises many questions so joining us now to answer some of those questions is boom bust co-host and investigative journalist ben swan and mike israel president and c.e.o. of air views now mike i actually want to start with you on this i appreciate you
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coming on today to talk about this now this is a huge milestone for not only the e-commerce industry but also for the drone industry but will this concept actually work. i think this is a big step amazon actually was through 3rd company that is going to local rules for drone delivery. will be your $100.00 screen you're going. to slow i think it's important to keep in mind that. goes ahead here not so much the technology the technology. is actually. is there i think you know that they're working on making it. there's still some major regulatory hurdles the approval that amazon other folks have gotten is quite restrictive there are actually proved under the f.a.a. rules as under the same rules that charge carriers get their certifications and
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they had to get some exemptions from that. it's very restrictive the terms of. population density where they could deliver the 5 pound limitation think that's going to take a while and i think the bigger issue ultimately is just going to be the economics you know and this won't. fully expected drollery is going to think it's a question of how how much are. congress is going to going to reshape the screws as when it is competing against. other forms of delivery that are cases much more right now ben this all sounds good but there there have to be some drawbacks i mean obviously mike just mentioned some but what kind of hurdles are we looking at when it comes to drone delivery. yeah michael brown of some important points there but i think there's a some others as well i mean listen drone delivery sounds amazing the idea that you
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can get something ordered to you in 30 minutes is terrific the problem is obviously weather plays a huge factor in that we don't know exactly how drones will respond to certain kinds of weather and heavy storms the other question would be the issue of people interfering with them we know that even as it is right now there are people who like to try to shoot down drones with that become an issue where people are trying to to knock the drones out of the sky or shoot them out of the sky and then of course you also have the issue of where as michael said where do you actually place those drones in terms of landing if you're in an area that's an apartment complex that's much harder to do right now amazon says they'll put them in people's back yards will drop your package off or what if you don't have a backyard or what if again you know the problem the problem we have with something called porch pirates who essentially go and steal your amazon packages off your front porch with a drone flies over your backyard lands and drops or drops a package back there that might tip off the pirates as well so i think there's a lot of kind of issues that you have to look at in terms of will this actually work not just as an idea but in the actual concept and the execution of it when it
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becomes one of those concerns that the next fad you know we spend a lot of time working our way to certain technologies and then a lot of times what happens is what the technologies are enacted nobody cares anymore because they didn't quite work the way that we had planned but mike i want to ask you this if amazon came to the program off the ground if you will how much of an advantage does it give amazon over any threat of a competitor like something like wal-mart. but they could certainly. be able to do you know. if you want something you'll have a drug under. 30 minutes. that's going to be compelling for certain sure centers of the population for certain patients. i have no doubt of that but in terms of it's going to be delivering groceries on a regular basis i change are some fundamental. rules here in terms of the economics and just the fact that you know things players fundamentally fundamentally we. are
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free and history is huge but here is just a tiny percentage of straight because cases it's just for cheaper so they're not a. train or a truck or some combination and for most things. there certainly will give them an advantage when it comes to you know their customers that want something right and it seems like you know i think the big concern that i have too is if you think about this if it were to work and they were to roll this out at a large scale are we going to be spending our lives with just constant drone noise where hundreds of them are flying over cities at all times to crazy to think about now ben while this all sounds very convenient there have been some concerns about privacy what are those yeah there are concerns by the way i want to make that exact same point brant which is that if this were to actually come to fruition you might have literally thousands of drones hovering all the time and flying around while as a result of even just that concept senator ed markey of massachusetts is
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a democrat he has not introduced a bill saying he wants very specific regulations as to what data is being collected and what information is being collected by those drones because if you have drones flying overhead they're collecting information about not only what products are going now but where they're being dropped off and and all that kind of thing he wants to know whether or not there is even security in place to protect consumers who again are going to be watched and monitored in some cases by drones boom bust cosyn by an investigative journalist ben swan and mike israel president and c.e.o. of. views thank you both for the excellent analysis here. and finally finally see sports and gambling company drafting announce on wednesday n.b.a. legend michael jordan will join its board as a special advisor and will take an undisclosed equity stake in the firm now according to draft the 6 time champion will provide strategic and creative advice in the field of product development and marketing the n.b.a. legend has been long known for his gambling exploits in the 2020 documentary the
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last dance which followed jordan's final season with the chicago bulls well he said he didn't quite have a gambling problem but more of a competition problem which may be easy to say when you're worth nearly $2000000000.00 on the news drafting stock price spiked as much as 6 per cent adding nearly $800000000.00 to its market cap which was already at more than $13000000000.00 at tuesday's close and that's it for this time he's catching the bus on demand on the brand new portable t.v.'s which is available on smartphones or tablets google play in the apple app store by searching portable t.v. you can also download it on newer models samsung smart t.v.'s as well as roku devices or simply check it out at portable t.v. we'll see you next time. i.
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she stressed to make sure that the british and the bill of the. us to. stop question was to you she didn't taste the face to face so i pushed. you which book i thought which was enough and now look what you've seen in a response you took a moment of me at portrush i. want to talk to you sort of through my it's your bone structure be. it the mist was a word support or. put into the spirit of this interview but you believe that it's a studio actually a personal belief or should stop and spin. is
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your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being that. direct. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or in maybe in the shallows. throughout its history jon just with the self-proclaimed islamic state terrorist group of recruiting up 230000 following us from all over the world to find fault.
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what well if you're in. sounds of russian citizens left their country to join the terrorists often bringing wives and children with them. the money is not going to be done. on you you see me as and you could no. more new to the moon hundreds of children and widows were held captive all disappeared. were lost. back in russia those children families wait them search for. joining me every thursday on the alex simon short and i'll be speaking to us of the
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world of politics or business i'm show business i'll see you there. let's go to lambaste perlin for failing to provide any evidence for germany's claim russian opposition figure and he was poisoned with a chemical nerve agent. if there was any do you know we would work with that there is no danger out there only statements amounting to megaphone diplomacy the u.s. says that it won't take part in an international co-operative effort to develop a covert vaccine because it's led by the world health organization. and washington is impose sanctions on senior officials of the international criminal court after it started probing alleged u.s. war atrocities.
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