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tv   News  RT  October 3, 2020 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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thinks. we should ask. sorry we have to leave you can't be like this all day. party reports from the. air strikes destroyed a hospital and residential buildings to the peace between armenia and azerbaijan up the territories are now into their 7th day. as every town just outside the disputed area of the main conflict bombed residents. they support their own country's military operations. and ready to. track as soon as possible. to karabakh computer offline. donald trump is moved to a military hospital as a precautionary measure after testing positive for drugs in the virus speculation
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runs wild about the implications of his infection the 2020 presidential race. and emanuel micron unveils plans to counter it in the midst separatism with a new law defending secular values critics so it is a desperate bid to mask his failings during the pond. either thanks for joining us this is r.t. international. will start with a deadly standoff between armenia and azerbaijan on europe's southern border with asia correspondent who's in the nagorno-karabakh conflict says 3 explosions have just been heard earlier during the night time bombing raid a hospital in the region's capital and there are unconfirmed reports of casualties who was treating soldiers who since been evacuated from the area several residential bill. it's enough to strike. donna for thoughts from missing out on the
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city would witness one of the worst bombings of the planet the city which is the capital of nagorno-karabakh the disputed region here right behind the hospital it was bombed literally just minutes before we arrived here we actually had to had to hide in a bomb shelter and right after that we're right it's all dark but it's all done because they wanted to be so delicate because well this is this is a matter of defense they make it more like me all of our. every day when we have to leave we're being told that this right here right here we see ambulances rushing. it has been like this all day all day who is being told the levels the end like a very large round of being cool 'd things are better at least this is what the
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defense ministry of armenia is telling us we're. going to get in and get in the way . this is the epicenter of one of the explosions that has bassett's to tonic air tonight this could be a shock now it seems like it has been devastated just. shattered glass something to heal because shattered glass windows are broken in fact look at this you just managed to. pull it off there are boxes of there are boxes of stuff this is something that i'm not even sure if it used to be it was sold here on the floor of . the manager just put in the back it will take you to actually treat i give you i can even go and grab this looks it's something that looks like a do you order and. well now it's easy come easy go it's like a. well to form
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a road is all this is worth the portrait of it. from the point of those people live all to the loss of 8 years to live. talk a lot of it really did damage their is good most significant and. there's one thing that i have to tell you there was no reason for example john to head this place. residents of the building you just saw run for cover or into the basement stewing the raid they told us what the experience was like. to go mark we have all that homeowners all vomit in a cloud of smoke at the moment and their windows have been shot at i managed to climb down yeah well of course i was in my room i was going to take when there was a loud bang it wasn't there there was one massive impact i somehow survival doris retard their hinges and window shattered there isn't much left of the house. really people were killed and wounded although we don't know the exact numbers they were
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taken away i guess the number is around 5 to 7 people. do you care about conflict is one of several border disputes still unresolved since the collapse of the soviet union the enclave populated mainly by armenians broke away from azerbaijan in 1908 but the area has not been widely recognized as being a sovereign state is there a leader says 19 azerbaijanis have been killed in the conflict zone with 60 civilians injured and on friday the conflict spilled beyond the confines of the disputed territory when a bordering is there every town was bombed by john's capital people have been showing support for their own military campaign local journalists marfa thought the reports from back these peace includes images of military strikes. going to go and meet the wrong. you'll see a few. police want to score goals for our time ask you for one song.
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and people are getting fined if they are late and you've got to go on the special line permission residents are quite enthusiastic people out there waiting for the full time. to say that. no one would seek a thing or. negotiation process so my support of the army you can see the national flags that day hang on i'll find that out for just. thank you the cards. let's listen to some of them will be asked for a since it's been a since. i'm originally from carol i'm ready to go down by wiring i have been to areas where the fighting is if they call me i'm ready to go to ruin bush for the simple to say much i think we will win the land back as soon as possible and he will go to karabakh and put a flag there he's the only our people and soldiers can take our land back people
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are not chinese if i look he feels motivated and wants to help our troops are going to have a negative attitude to going where young people go into the war their minds must surrender not only hold on us. when they service the mobilization and consequences they. stated. 1000 young people. came to the. service. it's pretty decide to join the army or something because i think national t.v. or congress and online media. outlets where we can see that absolute majority of the coverage. the worst possible chance for. donald trump has been moved to the want to read hospital as a precautionary measure after testing positive for corona virus president says he's
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doing ok and shared the video thanking supporters. a lot of thing everybody for the tremendous support i wouldn't you want to really hospital i think i'm doing very well are we going to make sure of the things we're the 1st lady is doing. so we're there you very much very appreciated i will never forget the. white house doctors say that the president is experiencing mild symptoms including a low grade fever he doesn't need oxygen support but has started antiviral therapy a number of people close to trump of also recently tested positive white house says the president will carry on in his role although many of his political opponents are hoping he won't get more pain explains. talk of an october surprise a game changing event that comes right before a us election has been pretty common in the united states for the past several decades well this year's october surprise is here it came in the form of a positive coded 19 test for donald trump and the 1st lady the nation is in shock
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the white house knew that hope except tested positive and the president had been in close contact with her yet he proceeded to still travel yesterday. he is not able to fully perform his his duties as commander in chief we were seeing people without masks regularly we're seeing people stopping to not socially distancing they stop taking temperatures for people who are regular visitors to the white house and we have seen that it has ended up in the worst case scenario for the white house donald trump got tested after it was confirmed that his staffer hope ics had been infected the results came in and it was pretty clear at that point that the campaign is now curving in a new direction now let's not forget that donald trump actually downplayed the coded 19 threat and even mocked joe biden for being more cautious looks like by april you know in theory when it gets a little warmer miraculously goes away hope that's true we have a very much good to go right here the united states is lowest in
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numerous categories were lower than the world that they wanted me to come out and screw the fearful of dying with. we did it just the right way now we're weeks away from a vaccine we're doing therapeutics already fewer people are dying when they get sick far fewer people are dying we've done a great. democrats jumped on donald trump's diagnosis to once again call him out for miss handling the crisis going into crowds unmasked and all the rest the sort of a brazen invitation for something like this to happen though they have not done so in the postes. administration must now full of the science and recommended health person in order to not put additional people at risk and they must be completely transparent some of the reactions have gotten rather ugly it's been against my moral identity to tweet this for the past 4 years but i hope he dies the 2nd
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scheduled debate intended for the discussion of foreign policy remains up in the air even if donald trump doesn't get too badly sick he'll still be under quarantine now let us not forget that donald trump is 74 years old and overweight he's in a high risk group for home cove it can be lethal but i want to really trust the information coming out of the white house you have no idea how sick you 74 years old he's overweight he's not high risk. and he may become a severely 'd ill the few goes into intensive care the way force johnson did in april that could lead to a constitutional question as to who actually will run the white house and the constitutional mechanism 6 lamely slow extremely inefficient and. maybe faulty in design it's hard to believe nancy pelosi taking over the white house but of the gods but they are the law says may very well happen she does situation as unprecedented the u.s.
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is now trying to a period of extreme turmoil things were already struggling a lot of stuff as they were and now they are doubly so. over a dozen campaign rallies have now been cancelled so how will the public react will there be sympathy for donald trump now that he's been infected or will this be seen as further confirmation of the democrats' argument that he lacks clear judgment only the voters can answer that question. r.t. new york. french president is proposing a new law to fund rather cool islam on so-called religious separatism and the new micro made the announcement in a speech on friday claiming that islam is in crisis. disparagingly what is your conclusion islam is a religion that is in crisis today all over the world injuries don't just see it in you don't you lose a deep crisis that is linked to tensions between fundamentalists each of them already civically between religious and political projects that says we have seen
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it lead to radicalism even in countries where islam is the majority religion would you measure the law targets what it calls enemies of friends islam is separatists and terrorists restricts foreign financing of mosques and religious schools ratchets up surveillance of groups and individuals suspected of separatism provoke some negative reaction so french politicians mccrum didn't speak of separatism and republican cohesion he spoke only of obsessive weight stigmatizing muslims is his only way of hiding his calamitous management of the health and social crisis revolting we were expecting a speech on separatism by the poor has become singular and mr mccraw speech was exclusively devoted to islam and islam islam as if the republic was threatened only by the excesses of a tiny minority micron evokes the degradation of life and working class neighborhoods and the organization of islam but his proposals still to disperse a fight are only on islam and nothing else it's not just believe but also citizens
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who want equal rights or the law comes in the midst of a social crisis in france a recent poll found 40 percent of french was and put their faith above the laws of the republic mostly think like that are under 25 years old pressure list are no better dead he says that my policy is part of his reelection campaign. what way but you have it's clear that emanuel macross trying to toughen his stance when it comes to defending the values of the republic he's trying to please the traditional rate which believes that this is a priority and thinks that it's an issue that needs addressing and to some extent he's trying to please supporters of the national rally who are also very keen on this topic and it cannot be ruled out that this law against islamic separatism is part of his election strategy and in the end with 18 months to go before the end of his presidential term such tactics are justified. france's president also drawn criticism this week for his perceived meddling in lebanon's crisis it's one of
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a number of international situations he's got himself involved in prompting accusations of over ambition in paris picks up the story. initial over 3 years on the world stage from says president not call has apparently become the go to man ladies and gentlemen my 1st missy each he said france is back france is back at the core of for europe. it's up to you to write your history but the role of frances to be in a friendship by your side from syria to libya wrong to the sun hell mccaughan has fingers in many pies high profile interventions have kept the international media fixated on him but as bold as they have been many of his cause celeb are seemingly in tractable this week alone he's been asked to mediate in belarus called for a cease fire in conjunction with russian president putin between as
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a by shon and armenia and made his feelings over recent well known developments in lebanon for all his efforts how much success has he achieved we have a president who is a sort of suck big. time he proposed meet you surely each time you proposed going for answer something that i doubt but . no one success until now on the result for example we were active on leave and use there is no result we were active and there was no result we want to be active in belarus for the moment of course no result lebanon is a particularly sought issue when corn arrived in beirut in the days following those deadly blasts he hoped to instigate change he made pulled the morons he wanted an interim government appointed fresh elections and an audit of the national bank we
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need a new political initiative and i'm here to bring her good because. if your plan an international initiative to bring money out directly to people and he broke the mold reaching out and holding talks with hezbollah that now backfired. we welcome president book ron as a friend who loves lebanon and wants to help lebanon get out of its crisis but there is no authorization for the french president or anyone else to be guarding georgia must of been on for some experts his intervention smacked of hypocrisy i definitely don't think that he can get to succeed in lebanon and not least because france doesn't control lebanon but also because his position on lebanon is contradictory with his other stated. positions for example when he went
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to algeria a few years ago he said that colonialism was a crime against humanity well if it was a crime against humanity then it surely wrong today for the french president to try to. to control the government of lebanon from paris last year as france hosted the g. 7 summit not call got the nod to negotiate with iran as tensions between the gulf state and the u.s. looked ready to spiral out of control he pulled out all of the stops even flying the iranian foreign minister to the summit to hold talks u.s. president trump though appeared to be less enthusiastic about the situation is the president the british you know force of the iranian foreign minister you. know needless to say despite mackerels best efforts the u.s. and iran remain polar opposites no one macro has been busy trying to fix up the world he's also found himself into hot water there was
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a spat with the brazilian president his bromance with trump crashed and burned and he called nato br. dead and then there is his relationship with turkey's president usual love let me remind you of my statement last year on nato being brain dead i think this is the best example of it when 2 nato members are confronted with the situation we are seeing and denouncing it it's intolerable. the turkey has drilling practices in the exclusive economic zone of cyprus that are today on acceptable and it is multiplying provocations that represent the dignity of a great state no one can dispute that not corn has been. undertaking he wants to make sure that france holds on to its international clout but for all his efforts some might be left wondering if he has perhaps more than he can chew
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charlotte r.t. paris a lonely british widower has been overwhelmed by new friendships from around the world after he put a poster in his window during lockdown and will be meeting him after the break. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe from. isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being led. by. what is true what's his face.
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in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. for a mate in the shallowness. join me every thursday on the alec simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you than. welcome back a lonely widower in the u.k. put up a poster in his window saying he was looking for friends to surprise he was seated overwhelming response but also an unpleasant reaction from neighbors and it was dashed he spoke with him we spent probably one on the half hours sometimes 2
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eating. drinking conversing and that was a neat thing it was in the cage and. and now i don't have that. with us. tony williams lost his wife to cancer cheering the cave at 19 locked down after 3 decades together but as is increasingly common for the older generation the loneliness that came with losing a longtime partner was devastating after my lovely wife died i found not only of her loss the loveliest person i've ever met. but i was on my own i was in an area i had no friends or family i was absolutely isolated put a couple of versions in the local paper but i didn't get in taters i had some cards printed a sort of introduction to myself although i distributed 29 nobody
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phone back the next thing was i had a poster printed put it up in my window had trouble is very few people walked past my window more than a 1000000 older people like tony can go for over a month without speaking to anyone a situation only worsened by lockdown but the media took up tony's cause and he was inundated with support the lovely thing was. not so much the quantity the quality the lovely messages from all over the world a heartbreaking tale with a heartwarming ending not quite as many have found before him media fame can take a dark turn with an inevitable public backlash that backlash came from tony's neighbors who told me they were his friends and there for him in his time of grief they claimed the media circus was all a sham and the apparent rift with the people who call themselves his friends has ironically made tony more lonely than ever and some of them showing real anger
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about this to my face and some don't talk to me and i can't do anything about that this week i've decided to go for those 2 things in this 1st of all the awful associations with moving here you're becoming ill joe going into hospital and then coming home and coming home to die i can't think of this place except in those terms but also because people have misunderstood my motivation so that's another reason for moving away it seems tony and his neighbors have differing ideas of what true friendship looks like i was looking for something. called friendship. real friendship now a friend to me is some of the you would immediately think of to go down the pub or to go on holiday with or if you're a mountain earring you'd want them on the end of the rope because your life depends
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on it that is a friend some do you trust implicitly child adult stash d r t u k is time share it's not just the older generations that can feel isolated during lockdown so says the mayor of middlesbrough who has rejected new restrictions in the u.k. we spoke to him. government announced took extraordinary short notice they certainly didn't communicate with us at all a range of measures to try and protect people from these measures went way beyond what was necessary and they're actually going to stifle all kinds of problems and of course thousands potentially thousands of job losses because damage mental health and the going to break down some of the elements of society that are really important cherished health doesn't necessarily just means physical health it means mental health and mental health is severely impacted when you cannot even stand in your garden and have a coffee to meet with from a neighbor because that's what's coming your mental health suffers when you lose
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your job or your partner does or your parents by the way physical health will suffer with these new rules 2 people will not go out they will not interact they will not mix so a lot of people get a lot less exercise. and the new restrictions also affect liverpool warrington hartlepool they include a ban on people from different households mixing indoors interacting outdoors isn't banned but also in the by and only essential travel is allowed and that the stance on the measures those been heavily criticised the community sexy brand it is words irresponsible and disappointing and one of the most colleagues on the town council called the reckless is andy preston again he insists he thinking the pandemic seriously. so i'm not soft on coal but i want to control it but we have to find a way of allowing life to go on mental health to be ok and physical health to be ok what we do know from our local experts is that 80 percent fact just don't reach
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a percent of all coked infections that happening within the home so we agreed with the government that it temporary restriction on socialising or was a really good idea but categorically that should not spill out to your garden similarly we want to make sure that our venue is a very well run and we want to make sure that people could meet for a bite to eat a cup of tea maybe even a beer in a safe well run environment in a socially just setting none of those 3 environments none of those 3 things are intrinsically risky so we feel that the government is important some of it goes way beyond what was necessary. julian assange and his extradition trial hearings have concluded in london the judge announced that the final verdict will be given in early january after 4 weeks of evidence hearings the wiki leaks editors health has busily deteriorated is arrested back in april 29000 after the u.s. demanded his extradition stateside the faces criminal charges for leaking secret
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documents detail the u.s. war crimes in the middle east critics say that his trial has been unfair and that the conviction would pose a threat to journalists freedoms around the world and he's going underground spoke to water and filmmaker john pilger is a preview. it is the most important political trial of the century but if it goes hippies sent to the united states if his extradited he'll find a way to take his own life the whole hearing shouldn't have happened the only way he can speak to his lawyers is to get down on his knees it's been 10 years of incarceration of one kind or another there hasn't. and you process in this court that has been due revenge a son of his own trial for journalism he gave us too much truth told us about war crimes he told us about how governments law as american jurisdiction
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can cross any ocean and reach into any country any journalist if they get away with this if they send a sondre across the atlantic it point be the last time it will be the beginning who will be next. ok thanks thing without international you up to date i'll be term with more on our top stories in half an hour. oh you know it is this is. what i know. now
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because it's. meet ups you know and you know what you know. peoples who post because. nothing's down it's because. i love to these guys because it's beats me how can i not sit down it's because i didn't need to be happy i wasn't down because he meets me option i did not do that because he needs to be popular and i sit down because it makes me happy. yeah. i am. and i think. i am. and this is a story from going to.


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