tv The Big Picture RT March 5, 2021 10:00pm-10:31pm EST
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the soldiers themselves. thousands of women in the british army suffer harassment and abuse from within their own ranks that's according to testimony is being heard by parliament. and make a complaint. to you would have a tree in front of you you think simply a mistake makes our woman feel. like she was going. to leave locks a shipment of covert shots meant for australia and what some are calling vaccine nationalism canberra is now demanding the e.u. commission rick reconsider the move. texans lash out at joe biden after he labels the decision to relax coronavirus restrictions in the state as neanderthal thinking . the democrats and the girl in their food on the next 2
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people in this country telling them what to do and the debt and the texas governor hits back calling the president's new immigration policy of neanderthal approach to the issue that says a study shows that biden's plans could lead to a drastic increase in america's migrant population. as your world news headlines for this hour i'll be back with more in just about an hour and i hope to see you then. usually when ace scam buster stephen jay jay wiseman is here he's warning us about the latest way the wiseguys are out to rip you off but this time he has good news that the federal trade commission has refunded $483000000.00 to scam victims in 20. wendy and steve will be here
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in just a few minutes to talk about your recourse how you can reach out to uncle sam if you have been scammed but 1st reports in the washington post and elsewhere warn that while we are watching t.v. t.v. is watching us and it's noting what we watch so they can sell that information to people who want to sell stuff to us and worse let's ask our legal and media analyst lionel lionel media dot com lie are smart t.v. is getting a little too smart. no we're getting a little too dumb and go low ball but by the way holland this is all moot this is academic nobody cares about this if you were to say you know they're watching you there is because most people today were born in captivity 8 to say it i was referring before i did research before before this incredible show and by the way
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your music could be a little more ominous play a little more a few near real eternity eerie because that's it. but already it is a thera men but when in 2008 i was looking back comcast was announcing that they were going to put cameras in cable boxes for get and before that remember my rule if you read about is 5 years old at least by cable cameras in your cable box forget your t.v. now here's what they said and here's what they say now to say how huge getting it all wrong we're trying to find better ways to service the customer we want to see if you're watching what you're watching how many people are watching and by the way if there's ambient noise of let's say dogs barking we might use a new some kibble. here and there it so this is been going on i say since the mid ninety's this is this is so small our past obvious but
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remember and this is the most important how and if you don't like this don't buy it . and you will tell you if you don't if you want to go back to you zenith crank up the motorola go ahead with the rabbit ears you don't need to do this government's not doing this or are they if this is merely crucial so good luck good good luck trying to explain its place you know especially to young kids today which is redundant kids are young but imagine explaining this to them that their their privacy is being compromised i don't care just give me the gadget yeah that the horses out of the bar but with so many of us spending so much time on home and watching so much more t.v. the threat is amplified and as santa was loading his sleigh with all those deeply discounted big flat screen t.v.'s the f.b.i. is portland office advised know exactly what features your t.v.
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has and how to control those features do a basic internet search with your model number in the words microphone camera and privacy don't depend on the default security settings change passwords if you can and know how to turn off the microphones cameras and collection of personal information of possible if you can't turn them off consider whether you're willing to take the risk of as lionel says buying that model or using that service if you can't turn off a camera but want to a simple piece of black tape over the camera eye is a back to basics option checked the manufacturers ability to update your device with security patches can they do this have they done it in the past check the privacy policy for the t.v. manufacturers and the streaming services you use confirm what data they collect how
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they store that data and what they do with it and why even at that point it's too late correct do you think my dear and noble friend do you think that that camera. is where they say the camera is do you think do you believe that this thing with the green or the red light that that set that if you cover that up nobody said well there might be another axillary portal we don't call it the camera per se but it doesn't really pick up faces i'm going to tell you something right now that your going to mark this we're going to fly in the old days a radio flag that jerry anyway flag this one i'm telling you right now we're going to be talking very very soon about your computer or laptop or your particular function whether it's facebook or ever being able to pick up your thoughts through
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to let pathy i want everyone watching right now the millions worldwide to ask themselves this question have you ever been watching something your laptop is open you haven't said anything you haven't anything you thought some and lo and behold out of nowhere comes an ad for whatever it is you're looking for now you may think that is completely nuts what you're saying now i said in the ninety's they called me a crazy conspiracy theorist versus vatican pythonic or be able to order the future but i am telling you right now kelefa theat darpa and others are working on ways to figure out what you are thinking by virtue of the tape they're putting on your vocal box because a micro vocalisations because when people are thinking something to actually saying to themselves a regular mouse not moving this is 25 years behind so believe me
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every single thing you do look at me how i'm lie your holliston how everything you do is being part of some huge mega database that is being called and put together in and generated. everything you are going to be on a 247 real time world view pen optic on every place you go everything you're looking at everything you biometrics from thumb prints to. everything you aggregate thing you'd give everything. and you know it's true this is it's true and it's happened gradually enough that we suddenly find ourselves in the middle of the real life truman show as we have warned here in the past if you have a l e x a or should i say. you know who or is she's listening all the time otherwise how would she know you said her name thank you legal and media analyst lionel thank you
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sir. now another scam alert from the author of a stack of books and if you can only read one make it identity theft alert 10 rules you must follow to protect yourself from america's number one crime attorney bentley university professor and your guardian at scam aside dot com stephen jay jay wiseman usually you're here to warn us about the wiseguys but i was encouraged to read your report that the federal trade commission has refunded 480 $3000000.00 to scam victims in 2020 steve how can those watching and listening report ripoffs to the f.t.c. . yeah and this is you know it's great to actually come here with some good news for you you have to see a refund and as you indicated about $483000000.00 to scam victims and this came
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from 50 cases a lot of the times when the f.t.c. investigates and judicially prosecute cases against scammers they're not able to get money from them but sometimes they are and in this case 300000000 of it came from western union now western union as we know is used for wiring money and unfortunately we're out while they were a knowledgeable purchase a pin and a lot of scams they kind of close their eyes to western union being used to send money to romance scammers and lottery scammers and grandparents scammers and these scams all around the world and certainly in this country so what happens is generally speaking the f.t.c. will get a list of the people who are scam to from the scammers themselves or as part of their investigation and send you a check all of this year they are also using pay pal but you can also contact the
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f.t.c. and see what they do have a refund program frankly the easiest way it's a bit self-serving but on the front page of scam aside dot com there's a half where it says f.t.c. scam refunds click in there and it will tell you what to do and how to get your information in there but of course we know the scammers are going to be taking advantage of this too so you may get an e-mail or a text message or a phone call about your refund from a particular scam all you have to do is give your social security number or a credit card number or provide a small fee in order to be eligible all of that is licensed the f.t.c. is never going to be asking for your social security number they're not going to be asking for your credit card number they are not asking for any these in order to get your money. stephen jay jay wiseman scam aside dot com thanks again for stepping into the big picture. coming up just how it is uncle sam
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squandering our hard earned tax dollars lately it's debatable when we come back the big picture on our t. america. there is a myth metabolife small molecule that out bodies may come. from it and make less of it as we get older this is one of the things i work on is golden age. and because we have less of it we become more prone to infection and the crazy thing is that could 19 to sars could be to one of its ways of attacking the body is
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to deplete the body even more of that chemical which we need to fight infections. american voters here is country 1st founder illinois republican congressman adam kinzinger. the party that always spoke of a brighter tomorrow it no longer does talks about a dark future instead hope has given way to fear outrage has replaced opportunity and worst of all our deep convictions are ignored and they've been replaced by poisonous conspiracies and lives this is not the republican road and now we
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know exactly where this new and dangerous road leads leads to insurrection an armed attack on congress. have we just seen mitt romney's 2024 running mate let's ask a couple of my brothers from the talk radio family on the left progressive talker john elliott and reliably right we have our team is it the press host steve malzberg gentlemen welcome. even before january 6 and even before mitch mcconnell trashed donald trump after his 2nd impeachment acquittal republican senators were retiring and several republican house members were already tweeting disturbing messages and social media john in your view who is winning this civil war now
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painfully under way in the republican party yes you're absolutely right it is painfully under way and before january 6th and i look at what kissinger had to say and i think that that's probably spot on from a lot of middle of the road conservatives conservatives in the republican party which used to stand for lower taxes less regulation and a lot more free enterprise when sure we want conservative judges i mean that was their montreal and acts the way it was up until the time of donald trump and he has in my opinion radicalized the republican party and he's created a fissure and i thought that at the last impeachment after january 6th that they would vote to convict simply because that would allow them to rid donald trump from running again and that would open it up for 2024 for the rubio's on the cottons and the scots and the nikki haley's evidently that didn't happen and so he has i think
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increased his firm grip on that and i think it is a divided party where does it go from here i think that's almost a who knows i think that happens over the next year or 2 we'll see what happens in 2022 but when you see basically mainstream conservative senators deciding to spend more time with their family and their and their bank accounts then that's give me an indication that they don't particularly see a bright future where there's going to be a lot of give and take and a lot of friendliness on both sides. steve which republican party do you see emerging and could you see a 3rd party happening by 2024. well 1st of all i have to address a few things up until 2016 lower taxes conservative judges i think we had a huge tax cut under donald trump and i think mitch mcconnell was able to appoint a a a significant number of conservative judges on the federal bench not to mention 2
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on the u.s. supreme court so i'm not sure what you're looking at after 2016 as far as conservative senators retiring to be with their family mike enzi is 77 years old. the more alexander is 80 and pat roberts the 3rd of the 3 who decided not to seek reelection is 84 so yeah these old gentlemen have earned the right to stay with their family. is there a possibility for a 3rd a 3rd party emerging yeah i guess there is it would be bad for the republicans but you know what there's also a possibility of a 3rd party emerging in the democratic party you know bill clinton flew the confederate flag over the arkansas state house beside confederate flag day into law are we going to take bill clinton's name off of everything but barack obama was against gay marriage i mean you this is not the democrat party of years past
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there were it more of a civil war than the republicans are or who about those old men steve mentioned by the way on november 1202114 democrat and 20 republican u.s. senate seats are up for grabs and 3 of those republican seats are being vacated by retirement borough of north carolina portman of ohio toomey of pennsylvania none of them are over 65 in all 3 have expressed exasperate sion with the anger and the partisan paralysis in congress ted cruz doesn't need any voters until 2024. or and trump denied reports that she will challenge marco rubio so he can exhale but does it matter does january 6th tell us that americans faith in congress has eroded or was that moment just the climax of a trump era now passed how about it john well i think 1st of all to what steve said
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yes lower taxes and and conservative thinking conservative judges and i think they put 3 on the supreme court not 2 and that was with mitch mcconnell mitch mcconnell was the one who shepherded those 3 through as opposed to trump he tossed the ball up in the air mcconnell got it and he ran with it as far as elder statesman chuck grassley who if you told him to act as a g. di you know he's still not sure that he's going to run again i mean what is. somewhere between $89.10 so who knows what he's going to do still since pretty sharp but he's going to be in mid ninety's by the time his term would run around out after fire after he after he runs as far as january 6th i don't think that was the last gasp i think that was actually the beginning of the flag waving and i don't really think that taking bill clinton's name off anything to like taking ronald reagan's name off the airport in washington d.c.
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accomplishes a lot i think the conservatives and the alignment with the stars and bars on the confederate flag which we see on trucks down here quite a bit in florida i think that stands for something a whole lot different than frolicking with monica lewinsky. steve nothing to do with monica lewinsky what does that have to where does monica lewinsky come into it at city sun confederate flag day into law i know the guy measuring the legs better that they have. i'm saying confederate as i was i'm a crab's want to get rid of is a lot different than taking bill clinton's name on it cause it's republicans when they fly it's different than when democrats who form the kate that i see i see what you're saying i don't see any democrat he's waving confederate flags or hoisting them on the flag pole so it's just an observation really if earth the state of as i was about to say yes. the to. the tone with which alternative
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facts like these are flying around washington d.c. and here on the cable news channels and certainly on talk radio is so shrill is there no appetite on the right for this unity that president biden speaks of where is the unity and by the way i think i agree with 31 democrats in congress who signed the letter you talk about chuck grassley is 109 but joe biden i'm good as an executive order no one will look over to. watch me state 3030 had to have a crash 31 democrats 30 got 31 democrats signed a letter they don't want him to have total control of the nuclear option how's that for their own party not trusting their democratic president because he's too old and too feeble let's talk about that instead of mocking chuck grassley is age let's talk about reality of the last again. save all afterward yeah reality or no
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appetite on the right. as opposed to unity 32 executive orders. where is unity john you can have a go ahead ok as far as unity goes there isn't any but what biden is doing even a slow speaking guy who i've never heard raises voice and he's been doing the same thing and he studies and i hope steve is not making fun of his of his physical disability i'm sure who's not it never know what he's going to say so i think that biden said ok here's an olive branch and if you don't like it we're going to put through the $1.00 trillion dollar covert aid bill and we're going to do it with reconciliation and of course the republicans are going to go out of their mind on that perhaps forgetting that those massive tax cuts that steve just referred to were put through by mitch mcconnell guess what reconciliation so it's
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a game that both sides play and the one who has the most toys gets to play the most with them and that's the way politics works sure is and as to the president's style on you tube search president eisenhower not a great speaker but he got a lot done during those happy days postwar short on time but i must ask you both the same question and i'll need quick answers both of the a john then steve 2 things that you think this administration should put on the front burner we know about the pandemic what else steve i thought you said start with john ok i'll start i'm sorry and he should i didn't do that ok i'll be happy to go to things that you put on the front burner is all of america both parties should be very happy that baseball is back and 2nd of all they can all agree that everyone hates ted cruz. i think that they should reconsider
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reconsider what biden did by destroying the definition of the sexes and allowing transgender males to compete in women's sports he's alienated every soccer mom was a daughter who wants to play any sport in high school or does play any sport nice school it's a travesty and it's a it's a slight against women steve is talking about having let me look into the girls wet restroom and bathroom and change room when he was in high school. ok and neither of us said neither of us said infrastructure. you know that that's right because we need it and i think everybody knows we need it the bridges the highways we need airports we need a fax i remember when obama did infrastructure and you had to build the sign to make a sign that it cost $5000000.00 when democrats do things they do it for the unions when we do things going for last we do it 1st class and as far as infrastructure
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1000000000 dollars side now yes 5000000 dollar signs seen by 100000000 people i think that's a pretty good bargain steve you know well that you know you. infrastructure is spelled j o o b s and by the way i want to thank our talk radio brother paul wayland in texas who posted this picture on facebook and if you're listening to this is a podcast i'll describe paul's photo it's a billboard that says either you matter don't give up or your own matter give up. our national conversation. has become a. test speech on l.a.'s a sea of miles per thank you 1st stepping into the big picture. how is uncle sam's spending our tax dollars lately not well according to nonprofit nonpartisan
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watchdog group real clear politics we frequently report investigations they post at open the books dot com which now features what they're calling their waste of the day items deemed dubious and they launched this new alert by spotlighting nearly $43000000.00 in improvements over 12 years to the airport on martha's vineyard which they call a top destination for east coast money the elites and hollywood moguls the obama's are david letterman's neighbor there is a member of the t.v. sitcom wings that comically little airport where that show is set was on then tuck it which is just east of martha's vineyard and indulge me a personal perspective because i live on the island just to the west of the vineyard block island and no names but one of my neighbors is an oscar winning actor but short changing airport and maintenance would punish my neighbors
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who are schoolteachers and other middle class small town working folks air transport is a lifeline to people who live on an island and we don't even get the big jets that make up some of the $40000.00 plus flights that land on martha's vineyard we will follow these reports from real clear politics and you should too but america's infrastructure has been duct taped too long there's plenty of fat to cut elsewhere let's keep our airports safe and that is the big picture we'll be back with another show then time next week i want to set your d.v.r. direct t.v. channel 321 dash 28 and 0 are live stream is it youtube dot com slash r t america and. if you haven't yet you must download our portable t.v. it's in google play or the app store or. t.v.
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during the vietnam war u.s. forces also bomb to neighboring laos there was a secret war. and for years the american people did not know. how much it is officially. country per capita in all human history millions of unexploded bombs still in danger lives in this small agricultural country. even today kids in laos full victims of bombs dropped decades ago it is the us making amends for the tragedy in laos will help to the people need in the too little land of my.
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teens as many will still a few are healthy and to talk about this i'm joined by david sinclair of national genetics and co-director of a call as center for biology of aging at howard medical school. david sinclair professor of genetics and co-director of the ball ask glenn center for the biology of aging at harvard medical school great to have you with us one more time maybe not been wanting to talk to you always but especially ever since to carve it out great look the president of aging cast me the focus of your work for a long time and as has been done it showed old age dramatically increase.
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