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tv   Cross Talk  RT  May 3, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

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we know that you guys believe that religious freedom in their organization is under the trait. so as i said to us was part of the principle of religious liberty, but just purchase the plane. and therefore the us needs to correct the role in its own society. you know, i told the latest updates to your stories going up online. uh, that's all website all to you dot com. telegram odyssey god and rumble the mean time the the hello and welcome to cross talk. we're all things are considered. i'm peter live out. western relates endlessly declare,
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they are virtuous because of their so called values. the assault on the palestinians destroys the midst of their virtues and reveals they have no values at all. you know, this is the case when they say, i believe in free speech, but the prospect in palestine, i'm joined by my guess, lionel in new york. he is a legal in media analyst in the kitchen or we have robert by tina. he is a journalist, as well as author of settler colonialism in palestine and cashmere. and until then we crossed to mohammed mirandi, who's a professor at the university of doran, cried filming cross cypress, and effect. that means you can tell me anytime you want. and i always appreciate why don't let me go to it for you 1st here. you're our resident in the fishbowl. so you're, but your opinion is very valuable to us. the us house passed a bill that would conflate criticism of israel with anti semitism. i thought when you became a member of congress who took an oath to the constitution or i might getting
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something wrong. this is the constitution of the united states, and i hold it up and people say, there you go again. i'm up to peter. i don't even know how to tell you that this week i'm finding myself aligning with people that i swore i would never agree with . as of the time of day, jerry nod larry now adler with jerry now. adler, who was i might congress person who, who is devoid of any even scintilla of reality is as a jew or a member is saying, anti semitism is a violent or excuse me, probations against the thought the for the age of the bed you semitism is against the notion of a breeze please. it's unconstitutional. i just heard you're not gonna believe this from the n y p, the police counter intelligence unit. a woman say that she's concerned
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about i d is being discussed on campuses that deal with terrorism and get this people wearing scarves, head oh, and bands associated with terrorism. really good. is this a co fee? yeah, i think he what is happening? one minute we have the n y, p d or resting, no one for anything. now we're talking about id ation. thought and it's one last thing. it's not the thought police. i worry about. it's the 5 digit land to use. because if you watch fox news, oh my god, and because what, what country am i live? well, yeah, exactly. mohammed and so then again, you know, there were, uh, the rules based order. uh, they liked to echo, but look what they did to the students at the university of california, los angeles. they allowed vigilantes to come in and clear those students using
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extreme force. and from what i understand, the police were either not there, or they just watched professor, as you know, what is amazing is that the united states and it's western allies. they don't seem to recognize that the world has changed. people see what's going on in new york, on campus at columbia university. they see what's going on in u. c. l. a while people in the united states are in the east coast may be a sleep. people in asia are watching the video video and he's crush the protesters. so the united states and the europeans, not only are they violating all of the principles that they pretend to support, and not only is this rule base order, very different from what we are told that was supposed to be to be. but the united
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states and europeans are destroying their own soft power. they've already destroyed it yet, but they are dirt their main street, making sure that nothings left well, it certainly is the same robbery as we were captivated and rightfully so. what was going on with these anti war anti genocide? what's called? it's called them what they should be called. okay. pro test. we had the slaughter continue in cost is always very interesting. was it? all we see is the use of force without any legitimate backing to it whatsoever. what is real is that is doing is genocidal. and what the police are doing in the united states and breaking the law on so many different levels. and then you have the prime minister of israel, coordinating, it seems like official them in the united states, the what the, what to do about a crushing defense against his country and his regime. you can't get it. you can't make this stuff up. robert know you can't and it's kind of shocking to think that
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in the year 2024 people are arrested for opposing genocide. and this idea of the the ad type is real participants visual. be able to submit a, this is this is and has for a long time, because even before it's been called a 5 and last, the professors are afraid to talk about in your class. if they're talking about a colonialism, maybe the tongue. busy canadian colonialism, certainly, or quoted as ned states and if they ask their students, can you give us an example of colonialism if they say yes is. busy palestine, they can get in trouble for that. it makes students feel uncomfortable. well, if you're in university, you're going to get comfortable. sometimes it just comes with the territory because you're gonna be learning different things of being exposed to different ideas. so being uncomfortable, it's not criminal. then as you mentioned, benjamin netanyahu tell gunite it states that they have just to, to squash these or crush these, these protests who is the leader of any other country,
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let alone one that's been declared. and a part that we're seeing by, by several very respect, was human rights organizations to tell you, lighted states how to deal with campus protests. this is actually, this is bizarre, this is unreal. it's likely fall down some, some rabbit holes somewhere. yeah. and we, and we have in the haven't learn any of the important lessons of the last 75 years last a 100 years. when it comes to international relations. we have the genocide conventions because a genocide was committed line. oh, you're a lawyer here, attorneys inside the bite and ministration or the us to cut off is real. also a group of 90 lawyers including 20, within the administration say israel's actions do not comply with us and international law. mean these are lawyers within the administration. okay. it's, it's, they shouldn't be shocked by people being demonstrating against their own lawyers. no, it's wrong. line. i'll even though we're, we're just starting with
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a something to be still a couple of things out here as he does the same people gentlemen who, who, who, and i was one of the who said, why are you arresting j 6 protestors? many of these people were just standing there or they were part of, of washington tour or the said, hey, what's all this noise next week? you know, there, there are there crowd and thrown into an underground. go log for the, for god knows how long. and they argued against this, we have jill stein yet, who is in the dictionary next to meek and passive and hard? i'm not horrible isn't intellectually, but just the nicest. she's just standing there being cooperate, why? the police? and they said, well, she shouldn't have been there. then this is the best part, the media will focus on these. lona techs who come forward. there was a woman who stood before a self appointed spokesperson, an expert, the media relations complaining about the fact that her food service cards had been
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discontinued and that they can't get certain bottled water when they are get this protesting against car ready. terrific. a did starvation in gaza and this woman is arguing about she didn't get the right flora gay, the water. i mean, this is ok. this is in said and there is also can common to lead peaceful, virility or discussions never discussed. never mentioned by anybody in mainstream media can scrap to joe's a palestinian talking without any problems. nobody talks about. yeah, it would be, you know, how many the interesting thing is is that it seems to me that again, these protests are, need to be covered. we're discussing them right now. but there is an offense of being organized against profit. and i think with this passage of this legislation, but center will go along with it. you know, of course, this is just proforma,
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but they, they want to shut down any discussion and debate when that invasion starts. i feel it in my bones. go ahead, mom and but what are they going to do when it does start? and when the genocide intensifies, when uh, the daily footage that we see on our cell phones gets worse. and when this riley machine will also fail on the ground, as it has already failed and causes a city in the north and elsewhere, what will happen in the united states? well, the students and other students remain quiet or well, the anger and discontent grow. and regardless of what happens in, in the united states, what will the rest of the world do? what will the people in the global south, through what, what ordinary people in europe do? how will they respond to this? when they see on the one hand the united states is crushing descent when it's sending funds to u. c. l a to beat and fat. are these students who as drew a guest,
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right? the point that we're just protesting, genocide, they're not doing anything but they're not even protesting against the the, the u. s. regime, they're protesting about what another regime is doing to, you know, to, to wipe out the power sending people. so what, what is going to happen when the attack on the roof? i begin to is only going to make things worse for washington is going to make things worse for london. in fact, what, what do people in the global south think when they think when they look at china and the united states? so they see freedom versus authoritarianism. when they look at iran or mosque out tap, ron or mosque out, do they see that the united states as free and tap ron and moscow? as authoritarian, they don't see it that way. any more. why? because the capability of the western media to enforce this narrative across the
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world has collapsed. right now when i speak. i recently, i had a, an interview with piers morgan. and the reaction was hostile towards him. not towards me because people are seeing through the this narrative. so the united states is demolishing its empire. it's already been doing so. but this is, i think the last day it's, it's really interesting. how did you bring that up here as morgan because he had on the professor mirror show him or, and i never so i, i, i've never seen in my life a host embarrassed himself by his own stupidity and a double down and a triple out. it was just amazing that he even put it on youtube, that he was so humiliated. but that's what, that's what happens when you, you support the powers that be and you don't interrogate troop. okay? that's i, i think that's what foreshadowing what we're going to see. more of gentlemen, i have to jump in here. we're going to go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on powers by state bar to
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the, the the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the the, in the 1870s, the colonial expansion of the british empire and the nile valley increased. the british decided to get complete control over sudan. however, the deeply religious people of that country did not want to obey 4 laws. the unceremonious intervention of british officials led to people's discontent. it spokesman was the theologians. mohammed also thought the frog blamed himself the marty. the design began to gather an army against the invaders. by 1884, most of the sudanese cities were in the hands of the modern great britain decided to intervene directly. but the troops of ahmad gave the invaders
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a drubbing in $1885.00. the rebels, the capital car to the feet of britain was totaled only by the very end of the 19th century. after the death of ahmad, the british were able to regain their control of sudan. unable to defeat the living body, the british took revenge on the dead one. these remains were drawn out of the mazda liam, and thrown away into the nile. odds had was brought to england as a trophy. however, the victory of the modest revolt became the 1st successful action of the peoples of africa against the colonial oppression, and remained a dark stain on the reputation of the british empire. the
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the, the, the welcome back, the cross back where all things are considered. i'm peter lavelle combined. you were discussing policy the right, let's go to robert here. robert. it's very interesting. they, in the waiting times it comes to is real. it's always an exception. it's different uh they, it's a special case, etc. but actually if you look at what's going on a minute, nothing. yeah. whose campaign against the,
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obviously the people of gaza but also targeting him us. this is just another example of a forest regime change that started in the former yugoslavia and went all to the middle east and now they're trying to do it in, in gaza. but roberts, i'd like to point out, it never works and never works. house the way you expected to, and they're trying. and again, these people have no learning curve and professor mirandi is absolutely right there . they're soft power of abilities are dissipating or it's gone. go ahead, robert. yes, it, it never works because the united states, other western governments forget that people in different countries have loyalty to their countries. they have a way that they want their, their governments to run. they don't want to be forced into some kind of a form of government that is not to their liking. one example going back a while is, is iran with united states and 1953, i believe, was over through the government of iran and installed the doodle shop. and he will
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for doing 30 years. i believe it was until the people of iran rivers over to him and install a government to their liking. now any government has problems, any government issues, they're going to be some people that disagree with certain government policies. doesn't mean the one over to the government and they tell me doesn't mean that they want a government forced by the united states to be, to be installed in their, in their nation. and when we talked about the uh forthcoming rasa innovation, which is going to be just so brutal and so bloody at how the, this new ball repressing descent is going to play out in the people who are protesting. know that they're following all the rules. that the government sets for their, their protest, the purchase is worth it's, it's an exercise in futility. so if in the university campuses, people are, they have to 2 days, notice that they're gonna have a protest. they have to be in one certain area and stay there. well, they know that's a waste of time. they might just will not bother. they're going to take action.
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that is going to get them publicity and get what i'm well, i mean a rubber today. i agree with you, i mean, if the authorities aren't going to play by the rules and why should the student say this is what we're just sending into the abyss right now. line. oh, you know, you love words, you know, again, this whole phrase um, but from the river to the sea, palestine will be free. well, who has the right to determine what that means? because when i say it, when i think about it, i think about everyone being free, the palestinians, jews, secular, people, all people being equal from the river to the sea. but i can get into a lot of trouble. i probably have already gotten myself into trouble by saying that, but i will not allow someone to tell me what my words mean. go headlines. tell you a couple of things to do. this is you, you, you talked about great words. i go back to the words of our senator daniel patrick moynihan, who brought above flexi nice, mediately, beloved occasion. one time, which is the action of estimating is worthless,
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which is what i feel i'm doing. what i'm trying to explain to people what's going on at least hear me give an example. there was a senator who said, because there was a talk, a bite and bringing folks over from gaza to the united states. oh no, no, no, we can do that way. my wife. well, because their home, my supporter and their id all day and night. so i asked, and somebody said, you know, you're right about that because if there's one thing we got to get to the bottom of, it's all the fun to know, cartels in gaza because what are you talking about as a whole lot again, right now next they talk about ideology, i said, why wouldn't anybody interested in the as all battalion and right sector and neo nazis and ukraine. you. so just stick with your program. i'll go along with you, but you can change the rules in mid stream and then expect to, and by the way, i sound like the most unpatriotic only in america. could you pull this off where
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you could say the most blatantly loaded chris, hypocritical nonsense, and nobody will call you out because we don't know because remember in in here how much gaza is real, but it's this, it's just gumbo of term. what does managed to a village line or it's it's of liberalism, ok and it's toxic and it can kill you and it's certainly kills a lot of people around the world mohammed. one of the interesting things for me is that, you know, when they mention in the media, when they talk about israel, well, let's be more specific. this is design is presume it is run by a zionist ideology and people that adhere to it. okay. and what we have is design ization of the west. okay. a willingly allowing themselves to be colonized by these ideas. yes. and it is, it is just trying the rest the west. and but what is what is happening now
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is because of the sheer boot town that 2 of this right of your machine, people are waking up to this fact. the reason why they're passing this law is speak is because they're desperate. and i think it shows how this ravings and designed this lobby, which by the way, is there more christian scientists, as we all know, then jewish scientists and the many scientists who are secular. so this is, has nothing to do with do days. and many jews are completely against this genocide, and this really regime in the same is true with chris christians and others. but there's really what she doesn't care about the united states. it doesn't care. i oh yeah, she is willing to sacrifice the credit ability and the image of the united states for its own sake. there's really prime minister says crushed defense and a crushed is that there's really redeem calls on the united states to silence
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these pick. these young people and these people will be side of what does that have? as i said earlier, it destroys the united states image abroad. but it also destroys the image of the united states for the younger generation. young americans who were taught to believe that this was the land of the free and the home of the brave. now they are waking up to a reality, which is almost takes the exact opposite of what they were told. yeah. yeah, there was because they didn't realize that they are brave, but they're there uh, govern by cowards. that's what they are coward. so okay, it's interesting, robert used to be up until october 7th is if that should be the center of everything. it was, it was an important day, but there's a long history before. but before october 7th, at least for the western world, particularly americans that are intentionally unimed and educated about this is a, remember the phrase, it's complicated that was always it of, oh just because it's been going on along to its complement. that's no longer the
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case. people are being educated, they're educating themself. it is easy to do that. and this is what the leads were afraid of. they were afraid of the truth. yes, they are. the fact the idea that this is complicated is just a minute the tournament perpetuated by us government officials and, and the, the very obedient media for decades. it isn't complicated at all. it involves international law and basic human rights laws and rights that are in trying in united nations. step united states has signed onto and united states has violated records violate its own laws. lady law, for example, which says that a military aid cannot be given to a country that doesn't reach a certain minimal standard of human rights as here it is real, comes nowhere near close to that. there are other domestic laws that it, it violates is a bit complicated about this. this is not a religious issue. it is not the jews versus muslims at all. it is an issue of
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colonialism, of one very dominant nation, repressing a nation with no army. the navy, no military whatsoever, and the dominant nation is supported by the most powerful nation on the planet. there is nothing equal about the, the conflict. it's not a war. it's not, it's simply a genocide. it's been a slow going genocide for decades. this is real, has attempted with some success to erase palestine by stealing land just. busy as a member of power steering and killing many thousands of them over the over the decades. so there's nothing complicated about this and that narrative. it's finally finally a being switched and being recognized for what it is, which is just a major lie. and it's not holding water anymore, you know, line one of the big problems about getting to controlling this narrative. what, what's going on in god's, in, in the right to protest is that there's a lot of american jews involved in these protests here. and they just have a hard time explaining that away model. oh,
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absolutely. and. and again, many people believe that there is this monolithic organizational. yeah, that you, you, you, you, you become a member of the club and this is your articles of faith. i gotta tell you this one, this is the best part about this. you're talking about people that i'm listening to . i, i thought i was hallucinating. i'm listening to michael moore the other night. i'm thinking, oh my god, he'd make sense. let me tell you what's gonna happen in about 6 months. there's gonna be the election and donald trump's going to win this thing and if he ever thank anybody, he'll say, i wanna say joe biden. i want to think this ridiculousness because gentlemen, what's happening right now is people, especially in new york, are seeing, hey, that's what the police look like. they're respective of what they're doing, whether right or wrong. but people are saying, you know, we have been so bereft of this notion of law and order. and gavin newsome in california the governor who was supposedly up till just recently going to be the
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last and it could be the replacement. the candidate california is tumbling into the sea is daily then within tone is a cut pastor of feet and people are now saying, what does this sound like, peter? we always go back towards out to 9068 order law and order next in chicago. look at what people doing is you idiots. you so, so i don't know why. oh, i wish i could be that optimistic. well, i'm going to finish up the program with my home and here is that we have this unit party here. we have republicans and we have democrats here in there on the wrong these leaders are on the wrong side of history and i think that's what there's a class. it will be a societal clash against the leads and got one minute go ahead. so i think that's a really important point. i think both of you are correct in the sense that trump will probably be elected. but i think increasingly people across the board are going to see that trump will be no different than biden. and that is going to
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create even further at this illusion meant among americans. they will see increasingly that the united states is not a democracy. it's one a despotic regime with 2 factions which agree on almost everything, almost every for exactly. well, unfortunately the, you know, this is a way if it's the election is going to be determined by donors and it probably will be, we're gonna find yourselves exactly in the same dreadful place gentlemen, that's all the time we have one to, thanks my guess is in kitchen or new york and into that. and of course i want to thank our viewers for watching us here in our dean. so you next time, remember across the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the the in the headlines here on off the international must go says ukraine is being used by the west to wage an open. ready or against russia, adopted the british foreign secretary said p f has the right to strike the russian targets with u. k. supplied weapons. as us already is crack down on campus. protests of rush, the country iran steps and offers scholarships to any students expelled over that support for gaza, for the nation supreme leader lashing out this behavior and the american government


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