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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 16, 2022 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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the missiles that hit the territory of poland were fired by ukrainian troops. such a statement, citing american sources, was published today by foreign media. earlier, the russian ministry of defense also indicated that moscow had nothing to do with the wreckage of missiles, no strikes were made abroad. in the morning the ukrainian army shelled one of the villages of the luhansk people's republic with american aess missiles from heavy artillery; razdolnoye in istanbul is investigating a series of explosions in a car in the tourist area of ​​​​fatih the day before , due to an incident in a parking lot, six cars burned down .
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in moscow, municipal services are clearing streets and courtyards from fallen snow. roads are treated with reagents. forecasters promise variable cloudiness and slight frost in the capital today and other topics the ministry of defense rejected insinuations polish media, uh, and officials of the country, and the alleged fall of russian missiles near the village of shivodov, i quote no strikes. russian means of destruction were not applied to targets near the ukrainian-polish state border, published by polish ones. media wreckage has nothing to do with russian weapons in our defense establishment. they emphasized the accusations against russia are provocations in order to escalate the situation, the incident in poland is nothing more than an attempt to provoke a direct military clash between russia and nato, this was stated by dmitry polyansky, first deputy permanent representative of russia to the un. according to him, the facts all clearly indicate non-
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involvement. it is not moscow's involvement, as the diplomat emphasized. another fact, immediately the hysteria of the kiev regime and calls to punish russia with readiness, seized long ago by those already distraught from russophobia. poles and this is how the first deputy head, and the international committee of the federation council, vladimir, commented on the situation. i think that this is a complete embarrassment for both polyakov and ukrainians in the first place. i think that the peak of tension has really been passed, because even the nato countries, including the united states of america , have admitted that this missile that fell on the territory of poland was not launched from the territory of the russian federation and this simply could not be, but we know the moment from the ukrainian air defense not the first year, i still remember in the early nineties, when by mistake not far from the teachings of ukrainian about the civil aircraft, one of the russian
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airlines that flew from israel to russia , was shot down many people died, well, by chance, are they another provocation training that ukraine can start if it realizes that it is really losing to russia and can no longer, uh, resist us pulling nato into a confrontation in a confrontation with our country. this kind of provocation can happen at any moment. you just need to be prepared for this, and of course, this incident requires the most thorough disassembly. uh, here are the international experts. russia has nothing to do with the incident with the fall of the rocket said this turkish president recep tayyipardogan. he noted that some european countries discussed the students and came to the conclusion that moscow has nothing to do with what happened. according to the turkish leader , a
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detailed investigation is necessary. officials told the media meanwhile leader immediately g7 held an emergency meeting. in bali, in connection with the incident, together with nato representatives, they announced their support for poland in the investigation of this incident after the meeting. joe biden, answering reporters' questions . he doubted that the missiles were launched from russia is unlikely. in terms of the trajectory that it was launched from russia, we will see everything. after biden's statement, france called for maximum caution in establishing the origin of the rocket that fell in eastern poland, this was stated by the french media with reference to the elysee palace. i'll add the earlier american secretary of state. anthony brinkin discussed with polish and ukrainian colleagues this incident, while president andrzej and duda noted so far there is no evidence who was involved in the launch, and he also
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added nothing indicates that missiles hit the country. may repeat. in the oryol region, it eliminates the consequences of a drone strike on an oil plant, the attack occurred early in the morning, according to local residents. the explosion was strong and the windows rattled in the houses. our correspondent vsevolod trifonov will tell us what the situation is now, he is joining us, and that’s all welcome, if affected and what is known about the consequences of this attack. hello alexandra, according to preliminary data, there are no victims so far. uh, yes, you rightly said the windows with the locals were shaking. we talked, they also said that the alarm in the cars had worked. that is, the entire area was completely e-signaled. what else is known? hmm one we were told what cotton looked like? yes, indeed, it happened somewhere from four to five, as reported by the governor of the oryol region andrei klychkov. uh, social
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networks, and hmm it looked like an explosion, as if a hmm a lot of cylinders, a from under the car. uh, they exploded at once. and now you see a cylinder behind me, and in which, apparently, a drone hit and , uh, according to preliminary data, again, it is empty, and hmm, the explosion was uh, quite large and uh, a hole in the cylinder, but also of significant size. and now an operational service is working on the spot, and hmm to the base on p. naturally, let us not let us watch it all from the outside, but due to circumstances, local residents calmly go to work. uh someone to study, but no panic. no, we are now fixing all the information. we are working on the spot. and later, of course, we’ll tell you everything alexandra thank you about the consequences of a drone attack on not
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all bases in the oryol region. our correspondent vsevolod trifonov told us about the situation in donbass . they fired at the settlement with rockets from american highmors from rocket systems and heavy artillery, practically without a stop situation and shelled the territory of the dpr at night, a missile attack was carried out on volnovakha , six arrivals were recorded. in addition, again under fire, donetsk makeevka and hay and razdolnoye , here is how four civilians were injured during the last 48 shellings. now i will take a long break, and then we will talk about the weather. tele2 presents the content of the subscriptions is an illusion offer. it does not take into account individual preference. welcome to the real world. we at tele2 are giving away
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a second techno smartphone as a gift only for megafon subscribers in the central regions of russia , the consequences of snowfalls on the capital road are being eliminated nevertheless on roads, still record a large number of accidents in the morning in the area of ​​​​the third transport ring and the enthusiasts highway, there were two accidents involving two trucks, traffic in this area is difficult today in the capital region , clear weather will prevail, and tomorrow according to forecasts. winter will show itself in all its glory will be another snowfall. in russia, a polish civilian was caught red-handed while receiving a bribe of 20,000 euros, according to the fsb, for this money, an employee of
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an international organization by a diplomatic university was supposed to help entrepreneurs get away from customs payments for the import of a consignment of alcohol. in the course of operational-search activities , it was established that an employee of an international financial organization has a diplomatic status of a citizen. in poland, the box-nayder eva, for an illegal monetary reward, produced false shipping documents for submission to the customs authorities of the russian federation in order to organize a channel for smuggling alcoholic beverages on the territory of russia as a result of the activities carried out by employees the fsb of russia has identified a logistics complex used by members of the criminal group, where smuggling of alcoholic products in the amount of more than 2 million us dollars was discovered and seized. this doctor caused damage to the federal budget in the amount of more than 173 million rubles. god snyder
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could have been caught red-handed while receiving a bribe on an especially large scale. the russian foreign ministry declared a citizen of poland a person. with the ministry of internal affairs, intelligence officers, and it was established where the warehouse is located with a large consignment and contraband alcohol cost forty, alcohol exceeds $2 million three residents of moscow were detained according to investigators , two citizens illegally moved a contraband consignment of alcohol across the customs border of the customs union transportation was carried out on the basis of fictitious shipping documents, part of the goods, the attackers handed over the rest of the consignment to an accomplice for sale placed for storage in one from warehouse complexes on the territory of the moscow region, donald trump is going to lead the united states again, this was reported in the federal electoral
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commissions. where he applied, as a candidate, the elections are scheduled for 24 years. anna voronina will tell whether the promises of the billionaire or the herbs still hope to make america great for this speech, trump's opponents prepared in advance , for example, they ordered a plane and a banner with the inscription donald you lost again. but by the time he appeared in the sky, the forty-fifth president of the united states had not even appeared on the stage, not to mention the sensational statement to make america once again glorified and great. today i announce nominating himself as a presidential candidate, it can be called sensational with a stretch , because about saving america and, of course, about making it again, the great trump said, either in one speech or in another, for the last year he did not directly speak about his desire to run again, but every now and then hinted we will make america powerful again we will make america rich again.
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we will make america strong again. we will make america proud again, we will make america safe again, and we will make america again. great expected trump's nomination his political opponents, on the eve of the speech, began to develop a new anti-trump campaign again attributed to him responsibility for the storming of the capitol on january 6 , 2021 and actively discussed his refusal to appear before the special committee of the house of representatives to testify as a witness pulled out for an interview by his vice president mike pence to discuss how angry he was at that moment with trump, including he apologized for putting your wife and your daughter in danger of your life not so verbose, but in general yes david he did it in my understanding there were sudden experts who told how the former president profited from the government, allegedly earned almost $ 2 billion raised questions about a
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potential conflict of interest, pointing out that foreign representatives from boats from china, malaysia, saudi arabia, turkey, stayed at his hotel a year near trump's presidency. in washington spent over 750,000 dollars there, even the former head of the intelligence committee woke up. adam schiff, who led the trump impeachment in 2019 trump abused his power to carry out political revenge, such as using the justice department to prosecute his enemies. now his former chief of staff has confirmed yet another abuse of the irs order to check the bad things that are written about him. it's not just dangerous or wrong. it is also potentially criminal. well, as a cherry on the cake, they decided to push trump's foreheads against the same-party member desantis, the governor of florida. in the battle for the place of candidates republican president. we are trying to publish a caricature, and then we launched a series of memes. but the desantis did not even declare a desire to
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cheat, apparently, the goal of this hype is simply to weaken the enemy in the democrats and divide the supporters of the republicans into two camps, because the position of the ruling party of their president is impossible. call it strong. i'm not at all surprised by the high gas prices in the us, especially as we become energy dependent. we were independent when trump was in office. we were fine, but now we're addicted, what biden did not like that, he flipped everything we had in place. trump, on the other hand, sets himself the task of not just returning everything to its place. now, to his famous slogan, a few words have been added to make america great again, it is not enough; it needs to be made prosperous again and again, and it infuriates voronin. an organ on the moscow exchange is now worth about sixty and a half rubles euro 602 rubles per dollar. and actually 80 kopecks. moscow exchange index
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226 points rts 1.10049 points. now let's move on. our broadcast will continue studio. well, after that we will continue to talk about the main events of this day. i am an entrepreneur, but now my business especially needs support, so i opened an account with sberbank, become sberbusiness customers and save with useful services for 0 rubles forever savings business with us every second entrepreneur on buy bushido instant coffee for only 399 rubles. will offer a service solution i will find and buy back to her purchases free maintenance and
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to receive a special program. she is learning to play with us. i'm cool diana my friend naked hearts creates a free system of services for special children of their families. you can support the work of the foundation. help us help more. jeffrey sachs is a man who participated in shock therapy in the nineties in russia suddenly he comes for us. i think that ukraine would have acted wiser if it had declared, we want neutrality is strange, but listen, in the current military conflict, nato wants to establish its presence in the entire black sea region. i think it's very dangerous. we say that we are saving ukraine, but we are not saving it,
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because ukraine is being destroyed as a result of this proxy war. they call it strategic dominance. in all parts of the world. i don't think one polar world is the place to be so an interview with an american economist jersey sex on the air is an american method.
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on the air, fifth studio hello, i'm anton podkovenko discussing the situation at the front line of ria novosti with reference to the people's militia of luhansk the people's republic reports that kiev
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is throwing its main forces precisely in the luhansk direction, since it considers it a priority for all the latest information. we will find out from opti-laudinov the commander of the special forces ahmad deputy, the commander of the second army corps of the people's militia of the luhansk people's republic, is now going on a video link with the fifth studio from you , ioannovich. hello good afternoon. good afternoon, it's not. tell us, please, tell us, please, what is happening in the luhansk direction. how much power did he accumulate? kyiv mode? what are these forces? well, of course. uh, how we prepare. all of us, what will we answer. anton well, i probably disagree a little with what they said. probably my colleagues that they are going to inflict the main blow on our directions. well, the question is about the forces and means that have been accumulated in order to transfer here.
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we must understand that, uh, means uh, the forces that they had, aimed at attacking. let's say, the kherson section, as soon as our forces were released, we also stretched them over those sections that we consider the most important, and the enemy forces released from this sector from kherson. he just threw them at the crossroads, it turns out also at the site, which they consider the most important. well, to our site, too, uh, enough of you, of course, serious forces are being transferred, but i see absolutely nothing in this. we are actually ready for this transfer and have been for a long time, therefore, uh. i don't think it could change. eh, anyway, seriously, you know some state. uh, a section of the front line. yes, the enemy is doing very
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a serious effort in the direction of the matchmaker, which means, uh, there, he is trying, uh, to seize important sections of the road is another. well, work on schedule. how it was done and how it is done. uh, i think that in any case, we will also wash these forces , along the entire front line, the most serious areas where he chooses, we will destroy them, as they say. uh, inflicting, as on the previous forces that were thrown here. moreover , we will say to a very serious composition in the same way to decide the gender of the destruction of these. and withdraw and forfeit the enemy of these also released forces, so nothing supernatural is happening there uh, i want to note that this war is just beginning our friends. tv viewers. they must be prepared for the fact that this war is just beginning. she
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's not finished yet. nobody is going to put up with anyone. there, to conclude some treaties of agreement, because the west already has no such task, no matter how, to sign any kind of peace treaty, to make sure that russia remains intact, their task is to throw here at least the entire notebook, and this is about three million people and make russia break up and cease to exist, as a state and an island means love for god and the preservation of religion, therefore, we are just starting the whole point. we must be ready to fight for this, but we will definitely defeat the issue. that is, if we return to the tactical situation, that is, it turns out in the luhansk direction. this is not some kind of main yes fist, but this is some kind of tactical movement after the situation in kherson, respectively, in connection with the situation in kherson,
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ukrainian forces, as it were, are redeploying and producing units, and we are ready, we know how to answer them. i understand correctly, and we are already going through locations with this. see our site, it turns out the most prepared. it means that for them the site, the other in the opposite direction, is more important. their main task is to cut off the land route to the crimea, and today they will make every effort to deliver this blow in this direction, our sector, of course, he also received significant reinforcements on our plot. eh, they have nothing to catch. what do they say they don't want to do? here they know that this is, uh, a swindling defense here, and there are enough forces and means that are ready. this means that the arrival of these forces and means that were listened to there, therefore, when someone says that our
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section is the main one now after kherson, then i think that this is wrong, in my opinion and opinion. most of the experienced military means that the main area is now zaporozhye, because from the other side they will try to cut overland route in the crimea precisely. please tell me, aha, we are waiting, on the contrary. yeah, tell me, please, if we talk about, uh, large-scale missile strikes that russia inflicts on the energy structure of ukraine. just the day before , there was again a very, uh, large-scale attack. please tell me how this affects the front line here. uh, maybe they have a communication failure, maybe they're out of ammunition. here, please tell us what you know. well, look at the interruption in communication, well, we are at the forefront they must understand that at the forefront , they cannot have a communication interruption, because there is no communication here anyway, and everyone is an adversary. we all
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succeed. we are sitting on a diesel generator. that's all. uh, well, the bottom line is what the nato bloc, uh, sends here every day. even on the internet we can look at a huge amount, which means weapons technology. it's all calm . e is on its own territory and is unloaded from trains. so, that is, with the echelon today, it should be noted that not the most important thing, probably, is part of these uh missile strikes, which are applied precisely by the russian side on the infrastructure of ukraine and consists in the fact that it would be necessary to kill some kind of uh section of the railway there in order to be able to use it. bring those, the composition, so that the main goal does not reach. i think it lies in the fact that they ca n’t form a subdivision normally on the spot, which
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means they can’t do it so that the support of the population remains with these fascists at the same level at which it was earlier today, the population of ukraine is already slowly starts to wake up understand that this is a war. in any case, they understand that it will not end with the victory of ukraine, because it will be fought to the last ukrainian and by the end of this war, ukraine will no longer have men as such. that is, this question is unambiguous. not only that, there will be no man. ukraine is now completely involved in this war more, which they are testing, sending their professional soldiers here, that is, this bloc for this, which will continue to continue. well , on the territory of ukraine, he should first of all receive a blow in such a way that


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