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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 6, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about... money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, recipe in general , here’s how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change, evolution occurs in any structure, you were a psychiatrist in the recent past, a famous scientist.
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look into his head, look in the app or on the website. china and the european union should be partners and deepen strategic cooperation, as stated by chinese president shizen ping at a trilateral meeting in paris. today he is holding talks with french president emman macron and the head of the european commission, ursula fondern. but the meeting participants have different views on partnership, and the trade balance is not in europe’s favor. he will talk about the economic background of the visit.
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konstantin, greetings, as far as china is concerned is europe important as a partner today? yuri, hello, well, the european union is the main sales market for china, the third export partner, so in principle there is mutual interest. the first visit of the president of the people's republic of china to france in 5 years attracted the attention of the press even before it began. this is not just a bilateral meeting with the leader of one of the world's leading economies; key issues are being resolved at it - china's relations with the european union in general. by the way, a lot of contradictions have accumulated recently, and in many ways this is a consequence of the existing trade imbalance. goods from the eu primarily go to the us and uk markets, and china is the number three partner for european exports. despite the fact that for china itself, the eu countries are the main sales market. chinese products account for 20%, that is , a fifth of imports to europe; in this parameter, the eastern partner is noticeably ahead of the united states, and this despite... the existing
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restrictions that europe has already introduced. over the past year, trade with the european union has fallen very noticeably, primarily due to the fact that the european union began to limit supplies of chinese goods. even despite these restrictions, there still remains a huge trade deficit between the european union and china of almost 300, 320 billion dollars, roughly speaking, since china sells more to the european union than it buys. as for the most acute contradictions, europe has recently been dissatisfied with the overstocking of the market with chinese electric vehicles. in response to this, beijing is studying the issue of introducing duties on some alcoholic drinks from europe, in particular on french cognac. and this is just the tip of the iceberg. list of products that beijing has a lot, but brussels has little, it is huge. european analysts call this overproduction and, naturally, blame china. production may become a new
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challenge, since the production of solar panels in china is 2 and a half times higher than global demand, the capabilities of automobile production reach 50 million cars with domestic consumption of 23 million. europe is currently the last open market for cars and other goods. 3 years ago, more than three container ships arrived here for every one sent, this year the balance will already be at four to one. as for france, with which sidini began his european journey. china, for comparison, russia had 240 billion last year, the figure is growing year by year, despite the fact that , unlike europe, our exports are higher than imports. experts agree that for emmanuel macron, the current visit of the chinese leader is an opportunity to redistribute investment flows amid problems with france’s main competitor, germany. the main exporter is germany.
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china will advance its interests during visit, beijing has long shown that it is committed to cooperation in which both sides benefit. at this stage the only question is. how ready europeans are emotionally and psychologically to accept a multipolar world. if there are more questions than answers regarding negotiations with paris, then sidzenpin’s two other european visits to belgrade and budapest give analysts more hope. trade between china and
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serbia grew by almost a quarter last year. as aleksandar vucic stated, in the next 10 years countries expect to double these figures are thanks to the free trade agreement. with hungary. china's trade turnover figures have decreased slightly, but there are big plans. hungary considers the chinese belt and road initiative important; within its framework, funds are being invested in the construction of a railway line between budapest and belgrade. it will reduce travel time between the two cities from 8 to 3 hours. it is expected that by the year twenty-six it will become part of a high-speed highway for the delivery of goods, which will stretch across central and southern europe to a greek port perey. trading problem. balance today arises among many of china's partners, by the way, except for russia, the question is how to answer this, should we fight it, as chinese folk wisdom says, dripping water always pierces a stone? yes, konstantin, thank you for your detailed and interesting
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story, konstantin churikov spoke about the trade imbalance between the eu and china. next on our broadcast is an interview with philosopher alexander dugin, which he gave to tucker carlson. the conversation turned out to be not even about politics, but... the white house lies in the danger of its idea of this is in our joint project with the youtube channel carlson tv. alexander dugin is a sixty-two-year-old russian philosopher. he lived all his life in moscow. in his youth he was an anti-soviet dissident. was killed in moscow, her car was blown up.
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in august 2022, his only daughter us intelligence claims that the murder was committed by the ukrainian government, we believe our intelligence, but what is curious, and again alexander... does not hold a military position, he is not an adviser to vladimir putin, he is a writer who writes about global ideas, but the biden administration has banned his books in the united states, you can't buy them on amazon, books are banned in the united states because they discuss too dangerous ideas, he is very often described in the english-language press as far-right, well, that it's up to you to decide, but we want to talk to him about these ideas of his, ideas so dangerous that... because of them, his only daughter was killed, and his books were banned in the usa, so we are glad to welcome him here . mr. dugin, thank you for coming. thank you for inviting me, and welcome to moscow. yes of course thank you. at first we spoke off the record, i was just curious to talk to you, and what
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you said was so interesting that we installed a couple of cameras and decided to record everything. my question to you is, what do you think is happening in english-speaking countries, such as the united states, canada? great britain, new zealand, australia, it looks like all these countries have decided to destroy themselves, some kind of great turmoil. their behavior seems quite self-destructive, why do you think this is happening? well, i can express that, express how i see it, which will take some time, it all started with individualism. dualism is a misunderstanding of human nature, human nature. when you tie individualism, tie it to man, to human nature, then you cut it off from its relationship with everything else. you
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have a very specific philosophical idea of ​​such a subject as an individual. it all started with the protestant reform in the anglo-saxon world. in front of which i walked nominalism, nominalists believed that there are no ideas, there are only separate individual things, so the individual, he still was. is a key idea that has been placed at the center of liberal ideology, and liberalism is, in my opinion, a historical, cultural, political and philosophical process to free the individual from any kind of collective identification, from the collective from the collective, standing above the individual. and it started with the rejection of the catholic church, as a manifestation
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collectivism, renunciation of the empire, the western empire, as a manifestation of collectivism. after this there was a rejection of the national state, as a manifestation of collectivism in favor of a purely secular society. after that, in the 20th century there was this great war between liberalism, communism and fascism and liberalism. apart from liberalism, there were no more ideologies left, and liberalism was the liberation of all these individuals from any kind of collective affiliation, there were only two collective identifiers left, from which it was necessary free yourself, gender identification, because... this is a collective identification, you belong to a group of either men or women, yes, because you are not on your own. so,
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the liberation of gender, which led to transgender people, to lgbt people and new forms of sexual individualism. gender became, it became optional, and this was not a deviation from liberalism, it was... a necessary step in the further advancement of this liberal ideology, the last step, which still remains unfinished, is liberation from identifying yourself as a person, the person will become an option, while we choose, you in the west, choose the gender of your choice, the last step of liberalism, the manifestation of liberalism will be that... the person will become an option, so that you can choose
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to express your individuality, to be human or not to be human, it has a name: transhumanism, posthumanism, singularity, artificial intelligence, klaus schwab, kurtswai and harari openly declare that all this inevitably awaits humanity in the future, so we have essentially arrived. the last stop of this historical train, we boarded it five centuries ago, and now we are approaching the last station, this is how i see it all, and the elements, the various phases of all this are cutting off your connection with the past, you are no longer a protestant, you are now a secularist an atheist and a materialist, you are no longer a nation state, which... by the way, helped liberals get rid of empires, and now the nation state itself has become an obstacle,
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you need to free yourself from the nation state. after all, the concept of family destroyed in favor of individualism. and the last thing is the floor, which has already almost been stepped over. sex is optional in gender politics. and there's only one step left to complete. this process of liberalization, this rejection of human identification as something imposed, to be free from being human, to be able to choose to be or not to be human, this is the political ideological agenda of tomorrow, this is how i see the anglo-saxon the world you asked about, i believe you are in at the forefront of this whole process, which
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began with anglo-saxon emperism, nominalism, protestantism, and now you, the anglo-saxons, are at the forefront of the process, since you are more committed to liberalism than any other european country, what you are talking about is obviously happening, and it is terrible , but that’s not how i imagine it... slavery, yes, when i was growing up, we understood liberalism as the right of the individual to have freedom of conscience, to say what he thinks, to protect himself from the state, which is the opposite of ethicism, totalitarianism, the embodied state which you yourself fought against in opposing the soviet union, and i believe that most americans see it that way,
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what, what is the difference, a very interesting question. i believe that the problem is in two different definitions of liberalism, there is old liberalism, classical liberalism, and new liberalism, classical liberalism was on the side of democracy, which was understood as the rule of the majority, as consensus, as individual freedoms, which in some way should not violate freedom others, and now us, we have the next station, a new one: and for the new liberalism, now it is not the power of the majority, the power of minorities, it is no longer about individual freedoms, but about vokeism, so you must become so individual that you must criticize not only the state, but also the individual, but also
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the old understanding of the individual, and in order to move further in this direction, they now propose to free themselves from individuality. i once spoke to francis fokuyama on television. and he said that democracy used to mean power majority. and now it is the power of minorities over the majority, because the majority can choose hitler or putin, so we need to be very careful with the majority. so the majority must be brought under control, and the minorities must rule the majority, and this is no longer democracy, this is totalitarianism, so now we are no longer about individual freedoms, but about instructions to be wok, to be modern, to be progressive, to be progressive or not , it is no longer your
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right to be progressive, to follow this agenda... you are free to be left-liberal, but you are no longer free to be right-liberal, you must be left-liberal, and this is now your duty, this is your attitude, throughout its history liberalism has fought against any kind of attitude, and now it has become totalitarian, obligatory , and not... free, as he was, as he was before, you think that this was all inevitable, that this was how it should have happened, i believe, i see some logic in this, i believe that all this is not is some kind of deviation from the basics, you you start with one thing, you want to free
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the individual, but when you reach the moment of realization of your desire, then... you begin to move even further, and you begin to free yourself from the old definition of the individual in favor of more progressive concepts, it seems to me that you you can’t stop there, so if you say: well, i prefer the old liberalism, then they, the progressives, will say: it was not the old liberalism, it was fascism.
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such bans are not particularly liberal, but i wonder when the level is reached where an individual can no longer free himself from anything else, when he is no longer even a person, then what should be the next step, but this has already been repeatedly shown in films, in many american films, i think almost all the science fiction of the century.. . was a reality in 1920, so there is nothing more realistic than science fiction, and if you look at...
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a person, a human being, as a kind of rational animal, then with the current level of technology, you can already produce them, you can create them. rational animals, you can design and combine them. and artificial intelligence, strong artificial intelligence, neural networks, plus huge databases, he will become the overlord. a world that can not only manipulate reality, but create it, since reality is just pictures, feelings, sensations, so i
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believe that post-humanist futurism is not only a very realistic description of a probable and very possible future, but it is also political manifesto, it's something like... an announcement about their desires, because the fact is that in films there is no, there is no description of the beautiful traditionalism of the future, i don’t know a single film about the future in the west that talks about a return to traditional life, to prosperity, to families with many children, the future is portrayed quite , quite dark and gloomy, and if... you, if, if you start portraying everything, and especially the future, as so gloomy, then that gloomy future will eventually
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come. the very fact that we are shown that we have no other options, there is either a matrix or artificial intelligence, or some, some terminator, so the options are already out of bounds. a person, and, in my opinion, this is no longer some kind of fantasy, this is some kind of political orientation and it is already easy for us to imagine, since we have already seen these films, which present one way or another, this is the most progressive agenda. i didn’t ask you any questions about russia and russian politics, and i don’t intend to. "i'm so interested to know your vision of countries in which you do not live, we learn a lot about those who look from the outside,
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my final question is this: how do you explain this phenomenon, when for more than 70 years a group of people, liberals in the west in the united states, essentially defended the soviet system and stalinism, and many personally took part in stalinism, spied for stalin, supported him.. " media, but in 2000, they adored boris yeltsen because he was a drunkard, but in 2000 the power in your country changed and russia became enemy number one for them. as a result, after 80 years of supporting russia, they began to hate russia, what was it all about, what changed? well, i think that firstly, putin, a traditionalist leader, when putin came to... then from the very beginning he began, began to remove our country, russia, from
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international influence, which began to contradict the global progressivist agenda, and these people who supported the soviet union, they were progressives, they are progressives now, and these people felt that...
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she of a world that actually has very little in common with the ideals of progressivism, so i believe that they just found out who this is putin, we understood who putin really is , what kind of leader he is, he is a political leader who protects our traditional values, and just recently... putin signed a decree on the fundamentals of policy for the protection of traditional values, and i would call this a turning point moment, but observers from the progressive camp in the west understood all this, understood it at the beginning of his reign, understood it correctly, correctly, so this is not just ordinary hatred, this is not mood swings, this is not just hatred.
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everything is more serious, yes, it is at the level of metaphysics, because if your main goal, main task is the destruction of traditional values, traditional family, traditional state, traditional relationships, traditional beliefs, someone who has nuclear weapons, which, by the way, is quite a serious argument, someone with nuclear weapons stands up to defend the traditional values ​​that you want.
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states, since we believe in the free exchange of ideas, we are liberals after all, so we appreciate your time, thank you, mr. dugin, thank you.
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the goal is to check the readiness of personnel and equipment in russia, there will be exercises of units of non-strategic nuclear forces, who will be involved and where the maneuvers will take place, they will hit civilians...


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