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tv   [untitled]    April 24, 2011 4:30pm-5:00pm PDT

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we have a commitment on behalf of us to work very hard at that. i think that is job one for us. second of all, i will say, fixing our long-term financial priorities here in city hall, i think we talked about that earlier. one of the things that shocked me coming into city hall and during the campaign cycle, we do have a one-year outlook. in my opinion, what we need to be doing in city hall, which i know mayor lee is also focused on, is planning for the long-term future of our city. i was born and raised here and my children are being raised here and i want to focus on what it's going to mean for them over the long haul. that's the second generic priority. second, we need to focus on what we can do to continue to operate and make sure our business community and a community that's going to continue to create an economic cycle long-term here in san francisco that's going to sustain us in terms of taxes and ancillary revenues, how do we make it a better environment for them to operate in? i was proud to be with mayor lee
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today when we signed the mid market tenderloin tax legislation today, it was labeled the twitter debate. yesterday i introduced for the first time, we are the only major city in the united states that tabblingses stock options. i introduced a bill to eliminate that. we continue to keep that cycle of technology, other companies that are here today, that they continue to be here tomorrow and then next -- the next facebook, next twitter starting today in san francisco continues to be here and provides long-term jobs for our city. what we heard the other day at the first meeting of our technology council which mayor lee convened, i thought it was a major idea, a long time coming in san francisco, facebook was looking to come here a number of years ago but took one look one afternoon and said, no and continued to stay in palo alto. so we have a golden opportunity in san francisco to create a vision for the long-term future
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of our city and i will tell you that's what i'm focused on. >> i'll give you a sneak preview tomorrow, consistent with supervidsor farrell's direction and christine you're looking at me like i shouldn't say this, but i'm going to say it anyway, we're announcing mozilla is moving in to san francisco. the excitement we talked about work the mid market, although they're moving in probably along embarcadero but they're coming in to establish a headquarters. mozila -- mozilla is a major player, companies are starting to pay attention. we're creating a different dialogue. you get to hear it before it gets announced.
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you're privileged to talk with the mayor tonight, that's because you've been a wonderful audience for us. i know you're great citizens, i heard the emotion around this project, i was violent because i don't know that much about it. we'll be talking with the supervisor about making the best decision process around that. >> juanita, you're up and i know there was a question around pension but you're welcome to ask it. ok. then patricia. we are running a little bit over. patricia, you're in the hole here. and juanita, why don't you go ahead. >> we want to thank you all for your service, your leadership, your creativity. i've just come back home to san francisco after 40 years in the washington, d.c. area and i'm happy to be back home in district two. i just took the neighborhood
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emergency response team training basic course and i want you to know that the san francisco fire department is just fantastic, the civic engagement, we had the annual nert training at mcconnel high school on saturday, just fantastic. my question in terms of emergencies is, what is the budget response if we do have, not if, but when we do have, you know, the potential major earthquake. thank you. >> all right. so. first of all, when i started in 1989, i was working for art agnos. when that earthquake hit, the reason why i know this place, because i was here at the marina. i was here helping. that was my first experience. i'll never forget it. it was my first year working for the city when that earthquake
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hit. so i have this whole thought throughout my career and as city administrator i had the privilege of working with gavin newsom and he sent me to new orleans to look at what they were doing and what failed and what they didn't do. as a result of that, we produced the very first recovery plan, not just response, but recovery plan for the city after a disaster. and since i've been mayor, all these events that have occurred, new zealand, japan with the tsunami and earthquake, even the tornadoes in north carolina that have occurred, we've been watching and studying all of the best practices of all the cities and counties throughout the country and measuring our own systems against it. and we have been doing better and better. we have a special program linked
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with harvard to study all the disasters in the country and get the best practices so we can incorporate them here. we are on the cutting edge with having the city's first recovery plan. we're not talking to you anymore about just being here within 72 hours. that's our mantra, of course, but i want all of you here to make sure, those of you who weren't here in 1989, or have been here, please make sure you take care of yourself the first 72 hours. get a family plan together. that's what nert and the others are about. we'll do our part in responding with the best of police and fire and public safety officials but you're on your own the first 72 hours before we get there. make sure you do that. but this city is great and one of the reasons why i came to work here, i get to care about you beyond that 72 hours. i want all of you to stay in this city after the big one hits. i don't want you leaving. i don't want you thinking you've been aen -- abandoned by
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government. that's what happened in katrina, what happened in new orleans. people left because they didn't have a message to say, stay and rebuild. that's why we have priorities in our budget, we have priorities in our 10-year capital plan, we are putting serious money in the building of our new general hospital. that will be built before the big earthquake hits. it's already under construction. we have so many of our public facilities that have been seismically reinforced. now we have our second phase. by next year, we're going to take another shot at putting together a very credible bond program that raises money so that people who live in the soft story buildings can have a mechanism, because it's too expensive to correct them on your own, we've got to have government help with a bond program that allows a low interest loan to be able to use for people who own these very
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intensely occupied buildings that are soft story buildings. all our engineers who predicted the earthquake said our next most vulnerable are those who live in the soft story buildings, that's the kind of buildings that collapsed here in the marina, with the lick faction. they have a large garage space or commercial spaces that have very little foundation, they all will fall down. we've got to take care of that. we have a will the of priorities. on the finance side, the exciting part of the recovery plan, we get to send ben rosen feld, our controller, the first 24 hours of his job is to fly out to new york and say we're recovering. we're recovering right within the first indication of the shake. after the police and after the fire and after our public health officials are saving livesering we are going to get the economy up and running. we already have programs that are going to work immediately with fema. it won't take months. we're working on programs, we
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prefill out fema forms. we're not going to wait months for that. we've got to do it faster and better. if our economy is down and the bay area economy is down, that will affect the whole of the united states economy. we know that. so that's why we're putting our data centers in safe places, we're consolidating them away from our city into places that don't have this kind of shaking and every time we have little jolts, it reminds everybody, you've got to do more. so we are ready with a great response from nert from all our practices that we've been doing and the agencies have been doing but we're going beyond response. we've got plans with our human resources agency to call back workers, we've got priorities on there, we carry our badges and we're finding out gaps. you heard the other day that we didn't get our password for our computer systems up. we corrected that already. we corrected that months ago after we found that out. we're not going -- and the whole reason why we expose some of
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this stuff is to find out for ourselves what we're doing wrong and what we're doing right. i'm not afraid of making mistakes right now. i'd rather know about our shortcomings now than when the big one hits. we want you to be in this city, having the confidence that you're going to stay here, live here, and work here after the big one hits. there's no reason why you ought to be afraid of being in the city. we're going to take the fear out of the earthquake. and the only way you take the fear out they have earthquake is you plan for it and preplan for it and plan to recover. that's the only way to take the fear out of the earthquake. yeah, we're going to have challenges. it's 65% and growing the next one will hit. but we're going to take that fear out by good, solid planning and that's why i want to get back to the city administrate's job after this so we can do more planning with you and give you confidence we're doing everything we can to recover lrd, before we even have a shake, we're going to recover. recovery means you've got the
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confidence to stay here, you've got the belief we're taking care of business and we'll be up and running after that quake. >> thank you for this forum. i really appreciate that. and you've already talked a bit about pension reform so i -- that was my original question but i'd like to go a little deeper with that, because the reason that we're in this problem to begin with is that contracts were signed where maybe incentives were to keep the union people on the side of politicians and not cause problems for voting and the politics and all of that. so in the reforms that you're working on, are you addressing the issues around kind of, in the negotiations as they go forward having, you know, the taxpayers represented rather
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then the politicians represented at the bargaining tables to keep everybody happy in the unions rather than, you know, the public at large? >> that's a great question. so the city's contracting -- excuse me. the city's negotiation process for labor contracts takes place under rules set out -- set forth in the charter. and in san francisco, it happens to be the last remaining jurisdiction that has interest arbitration for disputes that arise through the contract negotiation process. we always have the specter or the factor that if we don't come to an agreement with the union that a third party will decide that dispute. we've had during the negotiations when they open up and fill, i've had numerous
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experiences in our current jobs and previous jobs for the city, opening those contracts up, going through, creating opening proposals, exchanging proposals, trying to reach agreement, in good years, within the small amounts that the great wagners allow us to spend when we have money and in the bad years, we've gotten millions and millions of dollars back from labor. in the 2009, labor gave back 2% in wages and in the last year, they agreed to a nearly 5% give back each year for two years. that contract was a give-back of $230 million to the city. we've worked in large part very well with labor as we've gone through these crises. they also gave back in the 2003 era for about 7.5% for two
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years. so we're proud of our work in that. but we've got a long way to go. in addition to the reforms that we're working on under the auspices of mayor lee, we have contracts, we have 27 contracts open next year and as we keep looking for efficiencies, we're going to be looking at every single premium in those contracts and see are we getting value or are we not getting value? do other jurisdictions pay this? do we need to reward the driver of a particular vehicle? in some cases the answer is yes. we have premiums that do make sense. we have a premium for somebody who is going to have to go up and do underwater diving which is a totally different set of duties than somebody else in that classification who may be running a lawn mower or something. some of them do make sense but some of the them we have to look, are we getting value for
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that? we'll do that with each and every contract. certainly the fact that you all are interested in pressing your supervisors to make intelligent decisions about proving those contracts, this is putting appropriate pressure on the workers, my staff, myself, to make sure that that process works. >> patricia, hold on. i want to say, this is going to be the last question and we will thank everyone for coming after this, but if you do have additional questions or want to write them down, we have comment cards in the back, please fill them out, i will read them, we'll bring ethem to mayor lee, so please feel free to continue to write them down in the back if you want. with that, patricia? >> i'm going to try to do a little bit of an overview. real fast. you talked about -- one lady talked about the number of
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people putting in a pothole. 14 people put in a three by three pothole on jeff street and i think this is a place that you can look to see where you can repair it. my question is, going into fleet week, we used to have wonderful, wonderful, wonderful situation where people from all other the city came and it was a real melting pot and it worked fabulously. then all of a sudden, park and rec starts bringing in outside food from outside of the city and serving it during fleet week and it has hurt our merchants. the first year a third went down. the second year another quarter went down of our profits from fleet week. then they started serving alcohol. we still have a good weekend but
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it isn't the weekend we used to have. i would like to ask, number one, if that can be -- if we can work on having our own merchants and our own restaurants in our area, and city restaurants, supply food for fleet week? and number two, is going back to the social service prasms, i've worked in social service for years. i have my own little student work program now. i'm seeing the health department not doing oversight on these programs. and one of the programs i reported four rapes a year ago. not one thing was even looked into. i looked into prostitution. not one thing was looked into about these programs. our city money are going down the drain on a lot of social service programs. mayor lee, i've asked for a
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meeting with you on this issue by the way, and i would like to ask the question on both issues, what are you going to do to help our small businesses, number one, number two, how are you going to do oversight of the social service programs that are not being looked at, and number three, lombard street has not been paved for 23 years. the state says it's the city, the city says it's the state. we have america's cup coming up. can we please pave that street before somebody gets hurt? thank you. >> thanks, patricia. >> i would never duck a question but i'm going to duck this one, because i actually don't with -- -- we're not responsible for management of fleet week, it's done on a city 46 wide basis
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through the mayor's office. sorry. but i think the point, the underlying premise of the question is very reasonable and we do work closely with the event sort of management and the event producers of fleet week which is that, and this goes to mayor lee's push for local hiring on construction projects, we want to take care of our own within the city and we want to give preference and priority to small businesses and give them the opportunities to be the vendors and to provide the food and beveraged a events and it is something that in the some of the events we do manage, we do actually do, right now we're working with outside lands coming this august 12, 13, and 14, buy your tickets soon, where the event producer is prioritizing the use of local vendors. so it's a totally fair and valid point. i will -- i don't know who provides the food and the
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alcohol at fleet week but it's something i'll pass on and speaking of special events, this saturday, ex-travel dwan sa in golden gate park. this is a big spring carnival no parking problems in the marina for this, you get to go someplace else, food, rides, stuff for kids, barbecue, 11:00 to 3:00 this saturday in gelleden gate park, sharon meadow. >> we will look into the issue on your question about the vendors and do some research and work with supervisor pharrell's office. i'm with the health department. i live here in district two. all the questions and topics we've been discussing have been interesting to me. on the subject of, if you have
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information on things that have happened with any program the health department is running, i'm going to leave you my card, please send me whatever you have. i promise it will be looked into. we rely heavily on community-based organizations to provide the majority of our behavioral health services and substance abuse services and it's a very, obviously significant problem in the city and it's a major issue for us to deal with from a public health standpoint. every one of our contracts are monitored. every one of our contracts has outcomes they're required to meet. we take it very seriously. if there are issues with a particular program that we're funding for whatever reason, i need to know more -- i need to know specifics to look into it. >> everybody, including you and all of you are invited as well
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as your whole northern station is invited, first of all on september 27, there's a marina community association meeting. on maye 2 is my meeting and it's based on crime. my annual meeting. and we are retiring, giving a little retirement party for john gallagher who grew up in this neighborhood, one of the finest permit officers ever and it's going to be fun. the third one is the cal hall association on the fourth of march. n.c.a. is here. mine is at the palace. the other is at the st. francis. we would like you all to come and hear and discuss all our issues. a lot of them overlap and you can hear different angles and how things are happening. thank you.
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>> i think we're wrapping up. patricia, i'll have ed riskin look at the 14-person pothole, maybe it was a sinkhole, not a pothole but get me specifics and i'll have him followup on it. ok. and i just want to say that i am a very big proponent of local hire and that obviously extends to local businesses and if you don't see me on certain weekends at judy's cafe or squat and gobble, i'm at the ice cream store a lot, i need to diversify up to chestnut street. it's been a pleasure. my pleasure coming out here. i learn new things every time i do these town halls. you've been wonderful. and please, again, work with us.
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i'm trying to rebuild trust in government and the only way i can do that is if we follow through on all the things you asked us to do and we'll be back. thank you very much. >> thank you guys for coming. i want to thank everyone up here on stage, particularly mayor lee, thank you for sharing your time, if you have followup questions, i'll stick around you know how to contact me, i look forward to working with you guys.
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>> good evening, and welcome to the 31st annual mfac awards.
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[applause] hello, everyone. i am your mc tonight for the good government awards, and i'm so excited tonight. we have such great winners, exciting guests. first, i want to quickly acknowledge some of our fabulous officials in the house. we have supervisors chu, elsbernd, wiener, mar, mirkarimi, chiu, former supervisor alioto-pier, our treasurer, the mayor's chief of staff, and our controller. let's give them a round of applause. [applause] the mfac awards have become sort
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of like the oscars of city hall, and you're going to have a great show tonight. before we get to that, i want to think -- take a quick moment to thank the folks that really make it possible. we go to a lot of events and see a lot of folks who sponsor these, and i can tell you it is amazing who is always the first folks to step up when it is time to support something really valuable. i want to take a few minutes to thank all the folks who made tonight possible, who are providing an excellent open bar in the back and all the great food you are eating tonight. first, i want to thank jack, dick blum with blum capital, pg&e, the johnson company, and we have an anonymous donor, and i know pam brewster know something about that, so give her a big round of applause. those are our donors tonight. give them a round of applause.


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