tv [untitled] August 26, 2011 6:00pm-6:30pm PDT
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>> please staund straight. >> they could not be here because they are dropping off their son in college. i live immediately next door to jean and john. we completely support the design originally proposed by them. turned planning code they could have built 2521 feet into the rear -- 21 feet into the rear yard. now it seems they are being penalized. we understand the planning department said it would have approved additional building in the rear yard. we also understand while the planning department believes the size of the floor does not bother current adjacent neighbors, it could bother future occupants of the homes. we think this speculation is unfair to jean and john.
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the message they seem to be saying is it is very important to accommodate families' needs in this city. this is the kind of attitude that contributes to the city's reputation of making it hard for families in the city. please approve the plans. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good evening. i'm going to go ahead and read this. i live at 458 day street. i was raised in san francisco. i work for the san francisco fire department. i have experienced many families and friend who is have moved out of the city. i truly believe that we need to encourage families to stay in san francisco. the children are our future in so many ways. san francisco, the children growing up will develop a sense of pride and civic duty for our city. jean and john's proposed di sign
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respectant to the block and the homes that surround them. our street is very wide and their ore model fits proportionately to the homes around them. i support the remodel 100%. most of the times you hear neighbors saying the project will be a bad precedent for the neighborhood. i'm here to say that not approving this project will will be a bad precedent for the neighborhood. keep in mind that so many of the homes on our block are ones living above a floor or garage and storage. we understand the planning staff tells owners that it is good public policy for planning to judge any new story one adds based on what weather he thinks it is reasonable for a -- whether he thinks it is reasonable for a family to live in. this sends a message to our whole block. one plan of a new third story, think small. well, thinking small and
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thinking of how to add space for children and parents sometimes conflicts. and the message is that where there is conflict, smallness trumps. that's unfair. neighborhoods should have a little self-determination where a decision by the city is not legally required but rather a guideline. thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> my name is kevin wallace. i live at 400 day. i was on my third floor just an hour ago. i was surprised when i went to the other hearing that there was a neighborhood block pattern they referred to these five houses. i believe our block pattern is up and i think it is 12 or 17 additions. i don't have a setback. most of the other ones don't. i am also the neighbor that
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requested the roof stair tower come off and i didn't really want to ask for it but they have reduced that so these are people that are happy to work with the neighbors. i think the 15-foot setback should be accepted because of the whole block pattern and i'm also a contractor. when i hear the word guideline, i don't hear code. it is not 15 feet. it is a guideline. i think the way they set it back and improve the fronts of the building will be an improvement. they need the room and the extra space upstairs for a nice living quarters and i would like for you to approve the project as designed. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good evening. i am going to -- mary beth
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wallace. i'm going to read a statement on -- by ruth and stuart craig. dear board of appeals. we currently live in the upper peninsula of michigan. >> i'm sorry to interrupt you. i don't think we should be receiving testimony from family members. >> i've read this letter. it is a letter in the packet. i believe that letter is in the packet. it is also not necessary. if it is in the packet and i have read it. i suspect the commissioners have read it. if you would like toest isify as yourself. -- to testify as yourself, that is of course an option. >> well, i would. i would like to say that i really hope that this can -- that their project can go through as planned. we have a very close
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neighborhood. we -- its -- i think that the plans look like they would fit right in with what has been done. we did this in our -- at our house several years ago and it is a great way to keep families together and i hope that it can go through. thank you. >> i have a question. where is your house? >> we're 400 day street on the corner. >> and you added a floor? >> yes. >> and did you a setback? >> it really -- the -- the footprint of the house didn't really change any. >> when you added the top floor. >> we added the top. it didn't go out. >> when you added the top floor was it street side of set back some? >> it is set back some. >> do you know how many feet? that's ok.
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>> 14 inches. >> ok. thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> hi. my name is mary ellen o'connor. my parents purchased the house at 430 day street, two doors up. it is next to the house where the statement was read two minutes ago. many have mentioned many of the houses on the block have a garage level and two floors above it with no setback. this is a nice family. i would like you to let them do what they want so that they can have their home office and their children in separate rooms and their parents come live with them if that is what they so desire to do. i also do not -- i lived in the house as an adult in the 1990's
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because my parents have a little apartment downstairs and i do not agree that they should be required to build out into the backyard because i love standing in the backyard of my parents' house and looking at all the foliagened whatnot in everybody's yard and i think having a floor built out into their backyard would really, really ruin the esthetics of being in a backyard and viewing. we have no desire at this time to add on to our house. i would like you to let them do what they want to do with their house. because it is consistent with what has gone on in the block. i don't have an objection. it is not going to ruin anything about our residence and i agree with what mike and connie sheets said who are next door to me. so i would ask that you let them
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do what they want. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good evening. good evening, commissioners. my name is dominic. live at 433 day street. i have three stories myself. i feel that they have con formed, me and my family, through all the stages of the process, i think that is in design in fitting. this is the outside look and feel and not with the interior. this is not what they need. thank you for hearing this.
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we had a lot of participation and we did not have them by accident. there are families that have been there and are part of the neighborhood. i would ask that we make it possible for them to have their plan approved so that they can stay in the city and i think perhaps we can create a bit of an atmosphere that the city of san francisco is not hostile to families who want to expand houses for growing teenagers so that they each can have living space. thank you. >> thank you, next speaker. >> below, i live at -- this goes on the back of the property. i would like to start by reading a letter from one of the
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neighbors who was not able to make it. we want to express our support for their model. the project would be a bad precedent for the neighborhood. this is not the case. many of the homes are those above the floor and storage and they did not accommodate the modern family. we need to keep the families in the city. we understand that the planning staff tells owners it is good public policy for them to judge any new addition. this sends a message to the whole neighborhood. i would like to transition from the letters and this covers what had to say. i was fortunate when i moved. ivory model that property from two flats to a single-family
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dwelling. fortunately, i did not change the footprint. it stayed the same. i have two children, our respective teenage sons have played together on soccer teams. it would not be possible for us to be in that house without the additional rooms and we certainly support this family doing the same with their property. we really appreciate the extra space. we don't believe that the extension here in any way impacts the neighborhood. >> thank you. next speaker. >> my wife and i live across the street and a little bit up the hill so we can see down into the
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house and one would imagine which we have a line of sight which is the third floor and we have no concerns at all. we can see right through. this is redundant but obviously we support the project. gene and john have been amazing neighbors. we have been there for six years. not only do they organize this in terms of the activities in the neighborhood but also keeping the security watch and the security lists and the kind of safety issues that one always watches for. this is for their family and the rest of the neighborhood. we were both present the planning commission hearing and the outcome was very very close and we were actually quite surprised and we felt a little bit of such activity.
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we felt it was close. we feel like honest mistakes can happen and probably we feel that a mistake was made and the project is not seem to us a egregious in any way. i think the intention of the families are great, the look and feel makes a lot of sense and we have no objection. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> i will read a letter on behalf of the neighborhood could not come and i will speak briefly for myself. this is the letter from mr. richard greenberg. "my husband and i live on day street. we would be at this hearing to support our neighbors but due to the health issues, we were unable to attend. we don't understand why these
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plants have been approved. there are 12 homes on the block that are not set back and it does not change the character of our street. this is a wide street with two- way traffic. we felt that these would fit in and add to the streets character. we are very familiar with the neighborhood of guidelines, we on several properties and businesses which shows setbacks. we don't understand why this city is changing the guidelines. was to put their remodel 100%. i'm a founding member of the farmers' market and an advocate of the clean environment. i am impressed with the
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sustainability features. this is a value i share and one that i wish was more appreciated by the planning department. we have heard that they would have preferred a small light well. this would eliminate the overhang at the front of the new floor. i am sure the department has its reasons. i want to point out that these conflict with the goals of this site. thank you. >> thank you, next speaker. >> good evening. i am here reading a letter on behalf of -- i am a physician.
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we are small business owners here and san francisco. we have been san francisco for 33 years. i have seen homes expanded all around me. this is followed by a three story home and then another two- story home. these homes have grown with the neighborhood. the planning code and the residential design guidelines and work with neighbors to resolve any problems. they already set back the third floor by about 6 feet. they are more than adequate to serve these goals.
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the decision of the planning commission was a very close vote. we ask that to be kept in mind. this could have gone a different way. some of us could have known better. we asked that these designs be given a second chance. thank you. >> thank you. i am a textile designer. i am in yosemite picking up my son. we have been the residence for 23 years and i have raised my son there. we understand the difficulties of raising a family ended mired the efforts that gene and -- are making. the majority of homes are 3 story or hire.
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my next-door neighbor to the east build a third story. these neighbors live above their parents. they built three floors. they have no setbacks. the neighbors to the west are a two-story home and i have a false front. the proposed addition is shorter than my neighbor's home. we are grateful that they are sensitive to the neighborhood. it is critical to keep families here as they are the future of the city and it is important to look at reasonable improvements. the homeless to be remodeled to keep up with the way that family lives are changing. this will improve the features of the families today. it makes the building greener
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and removes all of the -- only a homeowner, not a developer, is the best in the relationship with their neighbors. please support the plans and keep them in the city. >> thank you. >> i will be reading a letter from an neighborhood could not be here. we are thrilled with the proposed design, this will enhance our block. 12 have third stories with no
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set back. one-third have these stories but no set back. these are suited to the way that urban families live today. this building has excess space. let's not call this space for parents to work not -- excess base. this is one of the most important to raising this generation children correctly. please keep in mind that these homes will not attract deliveries, customers or patients, so there will be no impact on our neighborhood. thank you for your support of this project. i have known this for the rest his family for 11 years. they are extremely community- oriented people.
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we have been able to res -- raise our child. thank you. >> thank you. my reading a letter. i am a horticultural instructor. i also sit on the urban forestry council for the city's department of the in marmot. ours is a neighborhood of families and what is proposed is a family sized home. if the city cares about encouraging square footage consistent with this housing, this should be flexible.
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the 15 foot guide line was not meant to be a requirement. in the case of the fact and of the home, it does not make any sense. there is no objection to the proposed plan that i know of. we appreciate the way that they reached out and informed us of their plans. they were considering it of our move and made many changes in response to labor concerns. it appears that they have been very responsive to the planning department concerns. please do the right thing and grant the family this request. >> next speaker, please. >> hello, board of appeals.
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i would like to speak to in my two capacities. my son went to get their and i had to watch on my sons to be best friends love for the east bay -- left for the east bay. some new children entered the class. that is they really dig problem in san francisco. i have also watched the parents who've had the pleasure to meet on several occasions. i know they are extremely close and it is wonderful that they are willing to take them in in their old age and make a bid
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multi generational family. the family is extremely important to them, more than money or more than anything. i am the director of the bayview opera house. gene has volunteered her time to help us with the design and foreign annual report and she would that be able to do that sort of thing if she had an office downtown and she does not because she works in a basement and it is not fancy. this is not extravagant. this is not a huge light well or anything like that. i would like the families to be supported. i want them in the city.
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>> next speaker. i am here to the letter on behalf of -- "i am a nurse practitioner. i have lived in san francisco for 29 years. i am writing to suppose it does support the proposed design. it is critical that the design be approved as proposed because it allowed jean's parents to move into their home. san francisco should support families, especially those who take care of their parents. they are extremely family oriented people who are close to their family and parents. i have known them since i first moved to san francisco. my husband and i lived on a duplex on a street. they are close to the pence.
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they are very involved in their children and grandchildren life. i have met them and seen them visit. i have seen genes parents in the neighborhood. the grandparents come to take care of the children. was the building is designed, to reduce it to one or more places, the size of the first floor is what has allowed them to have enough room for genes parents. i and a stand that the planning department is partially responsible for the oversized building. without a doughnut hole in the middle of the staircase, there would be no room for an elevator. this will allow the grandparents
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to live there indefinitely. they are the type who want to live with three generations of under one roof. that is of value that san francisco should support. they are good neighbors. they are not the type of people that would plan a design that would change the character of their neighborhood. san francisco should do all it can to keep the family in the city. we planned to move to the east bay where the housing is more family friendly. thank you. >> thank you. >> we strongly support this plan. this is been central to the
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