tv [untitled] November 21, 2011 4:30pm-5:00pm PST
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iraq, the project guarantees of the port short-term payments in the form of the base rent, enhance its long-term rates -- lease revenues, and provides new mechanism isn't -- new mechanisms diverges bit in the real-estate assets. the terms of the project transaction documents are now in the final stages of negotiation. in january, staff anticipates the approval, seeking court commissioner approval of the following items. following three items. one, adoption of the findings for the project under the california environmental quality actcqualityeqa. approval of the documents and schematic drawings. in approval of the trust exchange agreement with the state lands commission. prior to returning to you in january, support staff will present the revised project designed to the northeast waterfront advisory group. that is tomorrow evening at pier 1. next week, monday, the port
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staff will have the waterfront designer committee's review of this project. i would like to introduce simon snell group. simon and members of his team have prepared a detailed project presentation highlighting recent design changes. afterwards, sfwp and port staff will be able to respond to any questions you may have. >> good afternoon, commissioners. thank you for having us here today. we do not want to repeat what has already been said. i am here today with mark, who is the architect who is heading up this project. and i am going to go as quickly as possible. some of you commissioners have not seen this project. some of you have seen it so many times you -- i do not want to
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delay you too much in the summary. quickly, a little bit of history. a huge amount of history. this is a diagram showing the 280 embarcadero freeway that thankfully was removed in 1990, with a lot of help from a lot of people who had a lot of passion. and we've then undertook a seven-year study called the world front -- waterfront land use program. this project is, if you like, the outcome of that plan. this diagram here shows the waterfront area, which is the sub-area of the waterfront land use plan. and it shows, in brown, the area that has been under development since 2000. the ballpark was the first major
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project to come out of that effort. and then, to the left of the building, pier 1. then the ferry building itself. in 2003, the project that we developed it appears. in 2006, finished. and, of course, you are familiar with the brown street wharf and various other aspects like the cruise terminal which is under planning right now and the exploratorium, which is under construction. bringing us back to this area. this area is -- in this area on the right hand portion, it is the smaller shape which is sea wall lot 351.
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in 2005, we were looking at the waterfront land use plan, which in course the court to seek ways to combine seawall to351 with digits in golden gateway land. undertook this project, came to the port in 2005, with this idea. at that point, this land -- the adjacent land was still under the purview of redevelopment, that redevelopment has now expired in time. but the waterfront land use plan, urging the exploration of how to combine these sites to maximize it, and reduce housing, retail, recreation, and open space, is what we hear about today. so i am going to rush through this a little bit so we can
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maximize mark's time on the design. but today, in front -- we are in front of you because we have entered into a tentative agreement, subject to your part -- final approval and the impact reports. it is to extend portions of the block. i think that saves 22,000 feet of the 27,000 feet of block 351 removed from the trust, paid for in large amounts of money. and then given back to the port in the form of public open space, so that, in fact, an excess of land, 1,250 square feet, will be given back to the port. there'll be a further 3,500 square feet dedicated to open space on top of that, so we end up with about 29,000 square feet
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of public open space. all-in-all, the area devoted to recreational public open space will be approximately 50% of the land. so here we are today. over the course of -- you had a competition in 2008. you awarded as the exclusive negotiations and agreements, subject to a planning study that was requested by supervisor chu for 18 months during 2009 and the first part of 2010. we undertook scores of meetings, public outrage, a lot of discussions with nabors, stakeholders, club operators, and the land seller. . and we have been -- and we have completed the environmental impact report draft in august. it has been reviewed by city
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planning. i completed the draft in june. public, it was completed in august. the planning department is completing its response and is going to issue the final eir. it was going to be december 1, regrettably, it will now be in a jan.. so today, and wanted to update you and the neighbors and the people here on the refinements that have been made during that environmental review period. and i apologize for all the bullet points, but we have widened the sidewalks of 15 feet. there is a program change here which has enabled us to widen the sidewalks and white in the park in, increase the park. we have added an additional restaurants and retail.
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25,000 feet. we have reprogram the recreation club, and we will get into that later in the presentation. and we have created and reprogrammed the recreation space, a living room, living walls along the embarcadero. we have added a playground in the northern pacific park for children, 4500 square feet. and it is overseen by the brown part to the north, which is a part shall lay. we have added to that, and it has a lot more retail. we have increased the public open space to 29,000 feet in summary, today, we're still proposing 165 housing units. 20,000 feet of restaurant and cafe, which would be consistent
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with the objectives of the trust, even though it will not be under the trust jurisdiction, all of it. a recreation club, which is now -- we would remove four tennis courts after speaking to a lot of the stakeholders in the neighborhood, the club operator, and the ultimate club owner. keep in mind, when we develop this, we actually give the club back to the golden gateway center. so there the final owner of it. the a break, we're pleased to say, they have selected the athletics club. that will be the operator, and the athletics club feels that a large, very dynamic aquatics center is going to more please the majority of residents in the neighborhood. we have increased public open space to 39,000 feet.
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we have 255 public parking spaces proposed. which would serve the waterfront area and satisfy the courts -- port's requirements to meet its obligation to the ferry building. residential parking, we're proposing 165 spaces, and we will have car share, parking, and 81 bicycles basis. it is interesting. we're actually talking about a three city-block long project along the embarcadero. i was trying to think about the last time three city blocks were done in this area, and i think it was when i did embarcadero center in the 1960's. it is a cigna the good part of the waterfront. we have eliminated these along the embarcadero, and we're down to one on washington street. here is to bicycling.
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in summary, the changes to the club, i either we have -- my eyes are going. is that screen bad for everybody else? we have increased the internal part of the club from 7,000 feet to 16,000 feet. we have increased the outdoor pools to buy 50%. you're looking at -- we had a lot of people who wanted to do a mix. a lot of people wanted laps, and a lot of people wanted recreation. at this point, of those lanes are actually 50-yard long, double the length of the 25 yards existing there. double the numbers. so that pool can be actually polls -- turned into eight lanes at 50 yards, or with such a line down the middle, it can be
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separated into recreation, or aerobics, andlaps. over time, the club operator will be working with all of the members to affect this, but this is for today. we're very excited about the green roof. that green rueful be -- rules will be a very significant and environmental impact. it will be compared with the green roofs on the upper floors of the residential beating. it will be owned and maintained by the condominium associations of that we are assured of its quality. to the north, you see the playground and the park and the wider sidewalks, all of which mark will go through with you. there has been a lot of misinformation by people who say that this project is going to take away their club. it will not. we commit that we will ensure that all of the rights of the existing members are preserved.
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there will be no preferential treatment given to the 28 washington purchaser. i am happy to sit down with anybody and explain this further. we will expedite the construction to the greatest extent possible. we will finish the club well ahead of the residential building. and the operators pledged to provide interim facilities. they operate the bay club in the san francisco tennis club, and they will be able to shuttle tennis players to the san francisco tennis club and be able to of ocean -- offer intra facilities during construction. in summary, we are very proud of this project. we have worked on this for six and a half years. we understand that there is an enormous and not -- number stakeholders along the waterfront. we have tried to please everybody.
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you can never please everybody, but we have worked out something with the majority of people who will benefit enormously. we think the port will benefit enormously. i am going to sit down and be quiet while mark runs through the design of the project. and then i will ask that you put up with me one last time to end and summarize it for you. >> thank you, ind. thank you, commissioners, for the opportunity to present this opportunity to you again today. this project is something we are incredibly excited about. part of the extraordinary opportunity this represents relates to the importance of the embarcadero as a civic boulevard. it is in summit " -- the somewhat unfortunate condition of the sea wall lot in the tennis courts, as you can see, there is a two-block long stretch of the embarcadero, which is essentially devoid of
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life at the street level. that is something we're very excited to be a part of changing. what is proposed, as simon has described, is a series of uses stretching from the residential project at the south to open space of the center, and then of course, the club surrounded by a series of public open spaces. i will walk you through this in detail. we're starting at the south end. this is of the corner of the embarcadero and washington. there is a very significant restaurant at the southeast corner of the project. it has indoor/outdoor dining. it has sheltered outdoor dining. we think that will animate the corner tremendously. the overall massing of the project as been broken down in the southern part into a series of very residential scaled, vertical limestone blocks. they're separated by balcony's and articulated at the skyline by a series of stepping roof
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terraces. moving along the embarcadero to the north, this is the central portion of the four, five, and six-story residential building along the embarcadero. almost the entire frontage of the ground floor is given to retail spaces, some of which will be restaurants and other food and beverage uses. stepping to the north further, the space between the residence of project to the south and the recreation club is the jackson commons, which is any connection. through the site, the connection with is currently lost. that connection is animated by the retail to the south and also by a club cafe at the corner of the club, which we see is a very open, classy, indoor/outdoor space. it would not only be for club members. it would be for the public to use, to bring as much life to the street as we can. and to some extent, at ferocity
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to the use of the health club, which is in some ways a private club. you can see here the living rooms on top of the club. this is something that we're very excited about. the club is basically a one- story building, which is set within public open space on both sides. -- on all sides. the roof of the club is almost like a piece of the ground, a piece of the open space, lifted up one-story with ferocity and lively uses the need it. that roof is holding up, creating a kind of natural topography. because it is at a slow, people will be a the see the green roof from a distance. beneath that roof are a series of very pedestrian-scale, human- scale volumes inserted into the building. the one on the left is the living wall. the one on the right is a living wall. at the center, the opaque wall is actually adjacent to a very
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classy area of the club, which is directly aligned to the mid block pedestrian crossing. there is a stair behind that wall so there is a sense of animation. the roof is gently undulating from a low point of about 16 feet of towards the north, and then back down where it shelters the park chalet, which is the restaurant use their of the very northern end of the project. it has its primary engines on the embarcadero. the bottom left side of the drawing. it opens up to a slightly elevated dining terrorists within the pacific park, which would allow people to sit and observe what is going on in the park in the playground a few steps away. we will talk in a lot more detail about the series of open spaces that pete walker seven partners of design. continuing to the north, we're
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looking at the pacific park, the northern third of the project. we will talk about that in more detail later. here is a view from the southeast. this is just north of the ferry building. you can see the tables and chairs on the embarcadero. the massing of the product rises from four stories and steps up to five and then six along the embarcadero. on the drum street side, is steps up from 8 to 11. finally, to 12. we feel that the amassing of the project is an appropriate response to the general condition of the city skyline, which steps down from the financial district to the residential neighborhood that this product is a part of, and then further down to telegraph hill to the north. one of the things that we're very interested in, as well, is finding ways of the residential use can actually enliven and enrich the cities get around it.
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this is a view of the washington street sidewalk, the south side of the sidewalk. the sidewalk is being greatly widened through reconfiguration of the median and traffic lanes. there is a zone on the left for landscape. a continuous strand in need the trees. pedestrian zone on the right. the bronze and glass can that be there is actually the entrance to the residential project, and there is a continuous edge to the street, which steps in height from 6 to 1 to 12 stories. said within that eds on the right side of the drawing is the entrance to public parking and glimpses into what we think will be a very beautiful residential garden, which is private but not completely screen from the public, so there are opportunities to be enriched by that, to see into it, and looking at ways to display art. so an overall view from the
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east, showing the massing of the building as it steps up towards the south and up towards the west, towards the towers of the financial district and beyond. in this view from the north in the air, you can get a sense of the way the green roof, the living room of the club and the pools, really are to date -- articulate the idea that the club is a pavilion within a single open space, rather than dividing open spaces to the north and the south. and a view from the embarcadero, looking back at that green roof, sloping towards us in the front. so the public open spaces are, we believe, an enormous gift to the city. a huge increase in the amount of public open space. their three primary spaces, which their refinements over the past month have allowed us to link much more strongly than they were before. in the middle of that drawing on
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the right as the jackson, and. to the left is the drum is regarded more. to the north is the pacific park. those spaces constitute a linked network of space is reaching all the way back to walton park and then further into the city to jackson square and barbara coast. jackson commons is perhaps the most urban of these. it is a pedestrian way through the project, from west to east and from east to west. it carries the fluid language of the landscaping, which pete walker's firm established at sydney walton. it allows pedestrians passage and use where there are currently none. retail in three places. the cafe and retail space. a larger one to the right. and then the club kept a to the north. opportunities for indoor/outdoor
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seating and retail uses there. and then the club itself to the north, the aquatics center, is screened from the public, but in a way that we think will allow glimpses in and at least a sense of openness while preserving privacy. here is the existing conditions, looking towards the embarcadero on jackson street. a very unfortunate terminus for one of the city's interest in historical streets. and here is the idea what the jackson commons might look like. you get to the four-story portion of the residential project on the right. there is a residential garden below that low screen wall with a flower injury behind it. then a recreational club to the left with the cafe and indoor/outdoor seating. the second of these bases is the drum street garden walk. this is a space which exists currently, linking north to south, but did the dark and narrow. we're looking to significantly lighten up, looking at
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integrating it into the landscaping of the overall project. you can see by shaving the outdoor space of the club at the bottom of that plan, we actually greatly widen the flies in which it can connect the jackson commons. right now, the connection can only be the with the of the sidewalk. it is greatly widened their. hearing is an existing view. and the proposed condition. you can see the greatly enlarged public space there, a greenwald said on stone, providing the club's pool, a jackson commons, and the neighborhood connections. finally, pacific park, it is the northern third of the site. it is directly connected through the walk to the west on the bottom of the drawing, towards sydney walton. it is defined by a language of undulating melons, which aired
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gently sloped to allow people to sit on the grass. it is a strategy that allows more grass to be visible as its slopes up towards you. it is zone the two series of active play areas for children of different sizes. three circles are shown there. about 4500 square feet in total. for the smallest kid in north, a medium kids are in the middle. bigger kids at the bottom. all being looked down on from just a few feet away by perhaps there's parents sitting in the cafe. there would be a very low opened brought in fence on the side of the embarcadero. visually the transparent and preventing kids from running out into the roadway. here is the cross sections and elevations through the park showing the openness of the park, the scale of the trees, and the buildings of the golden gate way, commons, and beyond. the existing conditions in this portion of the site, those of the fences around the tennis
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court. there's some utilities in this area. it is generally dark, and the landscaping is fairly dense. it proposed in view of. you can see out to the bay where you cannot currently. they're plenty of opportunities to occupy the bark and the playground. on the right is the park cafe without proceeding, looking down. -- with its outdoor seating looking down. a look back towards the project, financial district and beyond. the embarcadero center in the distance. the park cafe opening out. i will turn it back over to simon to summarize the project. thank you. >> this is an eye test for everybody. just to summarize quickly, we have had a long partnership with the port. we value our relationship.
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we have worked with terrific members from your staff. we have had long negotiations. and i just want to summarize. there're so many people that we're working with. they have extracted -- if all the commissioners are here, a high price for this. so this is the best use for seawall lot 351, and combining it with the land needs the final objective of the 1997 plan bank. we will produce 165 housing units in a city which desperately needs housing, and we will fund 33 affordable housing units for the city. we will give the above market land payments to the port. the land was originally valued at about $6 million.
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the rfp set up a minimum of $9 million. we will have a net present value payments of about $15 million. more importantly, we have broken the mold, set up a .5% transfer fee, which if you lend that over the length of a normal port 66- year lease, it will generate another $25 million. all-in-all, looking at net present values and long-term benefits for the port, worth about $60 million. in an addition, we will have tax increment financing through the establishment of an ifd district for the port, which we believe will generate $40 million in additional funds for port projects. contrary to some of the claims, not one penny of that is going to us. it is all going to the port, for
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the city to do with it with the jews. the port will have ongoing participation in the sales of those transfer fees that i mentioned. we're talking about $100 million. will money for the port. probably a precedent that can be used for future port projects which will help it out of its financial mess. public space, we showed you there. we will rent that back from the port for $120,000 a year. you are currently getting $60,000 a year. the homeowners association will rins that back. the homeowners association will maintain it. the port will be a member of the homeowners association, so they can control their part. in the port will get participation from the cafe and pacific park, which goes back to state lands.
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