tv [untitled] September 8, 2014 1:00am-1:31am PDT
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>> call the meeting to order. >> katz. >> brandon. >> here. woo ho. >> here. >> approval of minutes. >> so moved. >> second. >> all in favor, aye. >> minute approved. >> okay, the pledge of allegiance? >> please be advising that the ringing of cell phones and pagers and similar sound prodaoutioning electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting, the chair may order the removal from the meeting
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room any person for the ringing of or use of a cell phone, pager or other similar sound producing electronic device, a member of the public has up to three minutes to make pertinent public comments on each agenda item unless the port commission adopts a shorter period on any item, item five, public comment on items not listed on the agenda? i have comment cards on specific items, is there anyone wishing to speak on any item not the on agenda. >> seeing none, public comment is closed. >> six a, executive director's report. >> good afternoon, commissioners, members of the public, port staff and thank you for joining us today it is a great turn out and i appreciate that. commissioners i have a few things to report on, and beginning item is that the forest city development the developer at the water front site has proposed a ballot measure for the november
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election. for proposition b, this particular measure will increase the height limit at the building limit up to 90 feet. 90 feet is the height that was envisioned during the master planning process, proposition b, a measure to go before the voters if the height are amended on the port property. and forest city has moved forward with the ballot measure for the november elections. the proposed measure also includes, non-binding policies, which will guide the development by and these policies will be working through the regular public process and regulatory process to address the issues of open space and affordable housing and the reuse of the historic structures and the place for the arts and transportation improvements and so that
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measure will go before the voters at the november 4, 2014 election. >> next i would like to report on a very successful contract opportunity workshop that was hosted by metro cruise who is the adooring contractor for the cruise activities at piers 27, 35, and 30, 32, their consultant, is here as well, today, together they posted a opportunity workshop on july 11, of 2014 and invited the local business enterprise contractors to attend the workshop and there were 40 to 50 individuals representing the janitorial and security, and printing and photography and pest control companies, a representative for the commission, rye on young, were in attendance to help the various companies learn how to contract with the city, and offer them, offer to help them
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get set up. so, it was a very successful event. bless you. and commissioner and president katz, thank you very much for your attendance and for your words on behalf of the port's commitment to the lbe, work and i understand that you have encouraged everyone to stand up and get to know each other as part of their own networking and not, and very well received, so thank you for doing that and my thanks to veroinca and others for hosting the event and we look forward to working with the lbes that were in attendance. >> next, also good news, on july 22nd, the san francisco board of supervisors unanimously approved the lease agreement between the port and the orton development ink for the pier 70 historic buildings, and they plan to renovate, 6 of the buildings with more than a quarter of a million square feet of renovated use. and the board also unanimously
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approved the issuance of the city of general obligation bonds for seismic rehabilitation of those same buildings. and so, this moves the orton transaction forward and they are hoping to begin their construction later this calendar year. and which will take about 18 to 24 months. and during construction, we expect to see 250 full time workers and there after, 400 to 500 permanent jobs when the project is completed and leased and so i want to particularly acknowledge jonathan stern and rep and phil williamson and brad benson and elaine forbes for the work in getting this item through and i apologize if i forgot anyone, but very, very great to see this milestone happening after a lot of work on pier 70 over the last 8 years. >> and next is i would like to announce and congratulate bay
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delta maritime on the chrisening of i believe the 6th tug boat, yes, thank you. and on august 2, they chrisened a new maritime tug boat named the delta audry, all of them are named the delta somebody and that is usually a special family member and in this case, it is sean bennett 7-year-old daughter, what a great birthday present for her. and bay and delta, as you may have know have been serving the san francisco bay since 1982, they are a port ten apartment at pier 17 and offer ship assistance and patrol and escort and general towing services throughout the bay area and i am sure that you see them moving vessels of all sizes and configuration around the bay. and we are pleased that they are increasing their investment in the bay and thank you for that. and i would like to invite president katz to say a few
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words and, recognize sean bennett, the president of bay and delta maritime. >> go ahead. >> and stand up. >> yeah. >> so, we are absolutely thrilled that we are here for this come men ration of a new vessel, and particularly pleased that it is named after your daughter, i think that it is a lovely touch and i know that will be something that she will appreciate, more and more as she gets older. so very special. and with that, we would like to present a plaque on behalf of the port. [ applause ] >> so congratulations to bay
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and delta, and thank you for the loyalty to the port and all of the work that you do for us in the bay and i hope that everyone gets a chance to go out for a ride. because it is a great vessel and so a lot of fun, next commissioners as you know we are going to be holding our first off site commission meeting at the end of september, september 23rd, at the south east community facility at 1800 oak dale avenue. and it is a change of location, the commission meeting time is expected to be, its normal time of open session at 3:15 and the meeting will be at the 1800 oak dale avenue, and this is something that the commission thought would be beneficial, and to host more of the meetings out in the community and so this will be the very first one. for those of you who plan to attend, parking is a little challenging and so plan to come early and car pool if you could or better yet take the t line but we look forward to seeing all of you on september 23rd, at the south east community
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facility. and then the very two days later i guess, on september 25th, at noon, after more than a decade, we will be officially opening the james r. herm an cruise terminal, and the new gang way is somewhere in the atlantic and she has been boarded on a vessel after being fa bricated in sweden and sthe will arrive straight to pier 27 and off listing the gang way on to the pier and it will take hours and hours and so i hope that you get a chance to see this because it is going to be cool to see it sort of hanging above the new cruise ship terminal and once that is in place, we will be able to begin, processing the passengers through the new terminal and we have even more good news, which is that on july 30, we received a temporary certificate of
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occupancy and reached the substantial completing on phase two, one day ahead of schedule and i am happy to report and so congratulations to all of the project team which is too numerous to name individually. and on august 18th, next month, the next border of protection, agency will be moving into the new facility, and you may recall that phase two, consisted of building out the facilities for the u.s. border and customs border protection, which includes two jail cells, and i want to warn you to behave ourself, or you might get to see them and a terrific new, grand transportation that will help to alleviate the traffic, and the cruise plaza and the one is in and so we are waiting for the lawn to get cozy before we open that up for use, and the various substructure repairs and equipment and the marine system, and the very own
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maintenance division but very, very interesting and the upgrade to the equipment to accommodate, the changing size and the design of the very large cruise ship and so a lot of major milestones have been met with the respect to the cruise terminal and look forward to officially opening on september 25, at noon and that event will be open to the public as open as we are allowed on to be with the cruise ship in port and so we look forward to seeing everybody there. >> and then also, on september 8, which is a monday, we will be hosting in this building right out there in the second floor, a civic celebration to honor mimi soberg who is the president and the ceo of the delancy street foundation, that is open to the public at 5:30 and monday, september 8th to 8:00 p.m. on the ferry building on the second level and that will recognize all of the tremendous contributions that she has endoed upon all of us
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in this community, for particularly in the central water front. and then, sadly, i wanted to mention that one of our retired employees renee jones who was with the port for 32 years, passed away last month. and renee worked for the port, she graduated from balboa high school and came over to work at the port and she began in october *f 1973 as a temporary clerk and typist and 32 years later she retired from the real estate division as the collection's supervisor and she was a wonderful aunt and god mother and had numerous nieces and nephews and leaves behind her father, her brother and sister and her good friend, patricia jackson and left a great legacy with all of us and she will be greatly missed and so i wanted to take a moment to recognize that she has departed us. so thank you for that. >> and that concludes my report.
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>> any public comment on the executive's director's report? >> seeing none, commissioners reports? >> commissioner? anything to report on? >> and just that the two very brief things. one is that i just want to reiterate the public celebration in honor of dr. mimi, and i hope that you will all be able to join us and attend on september 8th, as the executive director mentioned it is free, and i think that many of you are well aware of how visionary dr. solber g and the street were when they located the facility on the water front and so it is exciting to see what their sort of toe hold here brought forward and now looking at it and seeing the changes and so i think that it was really a very opportune time of the 20th anniversary of having been in that location and then seeing the work that
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has gone up around and how the water front has really thrived, in that time. and so, very visionary, on her part as well as well as just all of the tremendous service to all of us here in the san francisco family. so i hope that you will be able to join us. and just that we don't always acknowledge some of the large and small victories that we have and i wanted to thank some of the staff members on july 17th, we had such a five items at the board of supervisors. and all five went through with tremendous support. from putting forward three items related to the orton development that was mentioned earlier and pier 70 and the approval for the art installation that has gone up and the lights are on at the pier 14. and so that was with megan and
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elaine and brad and jonathan, as or who was with the orton project. and brad was able to get a project through with the hoe down yard that we have worked with for some time and i want to take a moment to thank the staff because you don't always see the important steps so i want to thank all of you for making those happens, and so thank you. >> i think that is it for me. >> item under on the consent calendar, item a. >> okay, public comment. >> seeing none. >> next item. >> okay. >> item 7 arequest authorization to award construction contract no. 2765, pier 35 building & roof repair project, to roebuck construction, inc. in the amount of $2,041,010, and authorization for a contract contingency fund of 10% of the contract amount (or $204,101) for unanticipated contingencies, for a total authorization not to exceed $2,245,111. (resolution no. 14-48) >> and item 7 b,request
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authorization to advertise for competitive bids for construction contract no. 2769, port security fences project, phase iv. (resolution no. 14-49). and item 7 c,request authorization to issue a request for qualifications to establish a pre-qualified pool for multiple contracts to implement an emergency preparedness training program at the port. (resolution no. 14-50). >> so moved. >> second. >> all in favor? >> i am sorry, public comment? >> seeing none. >> all in favor? >> aye. >> opposed? >> all consent items carry. >> okay. >> item 9 a, informational presentation under the 17 year review, 1997 to 2014. >> brad?
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thank you. >> >> good afternoon, president katz, members and commissioners. woo ho and brandon, i'm diano oshimo with the port's planning and development division. we, me, and brad benson, together will be making this presentation on the overview on the water front land use plan. i wanted to thank everyone and welcome the members of the public who have come. and this has been quite an undertaking on the part of the port. and we have only just released
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to the port, it became live yesterday, late last night on the port's website and so we appreciate that, there is a lot of information that we will try and summarize for you today. this is a draft report, and so we recognize the need for people to be able to review and absorb, and we will be looking forward to taking comments through september, and then be able to take stock of the comments and feedbacks if we get back to before we finalize the report. thank you for your patience to everyone actually for the website, access. >> so hopefully, if you have any problems, let us know, it should be available. the project that we have tried to undertake is looking at the full 17 years of the water front plan has been in place and we were required to look at a 5-year time window but we extended it to look at the full array of things that have
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happened on the water front to pride, education for the public, and there are 123 different projects that have been profiled in the report, and while that is a lot, that is not every project, that has happened, but we think that it is reflective of the breadth of the activities that have taken place and it all started after the city's effort to tear down the freeway and replace it with the transportation improvements and both projects were separate, but coordinated in time. and so, what we thought that we could do is just start out with just some images to give you a flavor for what the water front looked like back then in 1997. verses what we enjoy today. and starting from fisherman's wharf, this is one of the more recent accomplishments, but clearly, at pier 43, what we enjoy today and what was
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available for america's cup, was once a dilapidated parking lot that really blocked people's views and the enjoyment of the alkatraz island and i think that we have seen the successes of having the people flock to the northern end of the water front and then continuing down. here is pier 1517, the eastern phase of that pier, which was the parker caught in the warehouse at the time and, it was an operating warehouse, and industrial in nature verses now, the families and children that flock to the water front and enjoy, not just the interactive science museum but all of the access and the views back to the city. pier one, we are all familiar with the port's headquarters, buildings today, and the transformation of that sugar warehouse shed, which prior to the construction was a very important parking resource for the water front. so, it, and i am glad to say that it is a very functional
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change that i think has also benefited the public for as much as those base side conference rooms get used for very public meetings. next door, piers 1 and a half, i don't know that the public understands how decrepid that facility was and it had been condemned and basically left for dead before we put it together in the pier's one and half three five, project opportunity that was improved by san francisco water front partners. and then, moving down, obviously, the brandon street wharf and a new improvement that we are all able to enjoy. there were two prao*ers there, 34, and 36 and both had been condemned are on their way there. and the removal of those piers was part of an arrangement that the port commission and the
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bcds commission set up to be able to focus the major public improvements for the public open space and fill removal in exchange for being able to do the variety of land uses that we now see in the developments today. and then moving south into the southern water front, i think that the herins head park and the various layers of improvements that have taken shape down there. and for taking a spit of land that was just dead fill. and making improvements, and so that it made it publicly accessible and then available for a natural habitat area. creating the environmental education programs, that commissioner brandon was very centrally involved in, with the bay view community. and then bringing it forward to the ecocenter, and there and barely off of the grid facility that furthers the facility programming and then more recently the next park improvement that was put in
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place last year, for the entrance to the herns head park and it sort of shows how the collaborations between the port and the city and the community have been able to bring forth a really valuable resource in the area. the water front land use itself provides the overview for the projects port wide as well as the individual sites that many people have been focusing on the projects recently, and it was required as a result of a ballot initiative that was passed in 1990, proposition h, where the piers were required to be included in the plan, the port commission at the time included all of the port's properties in the plan and didn't thifrpg that it made since to look at only the piers
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per proposition h. the plan identifies acceptable uses for every port facility on a long term basis as well as setting, leasing guidelines for the interim uses that take place in the port facilities. and there was a water front land use, water front plan advisory board that was set up by the mayor and the board of supervisors, and the port commissioners at the time. and they worked to recognize the water front plan, which the port commission, embraced and adopted, with the addition of a water front design and access element. and i think that the importance of that element was really to set the stage for a comprehensive water front open space system. and some, urban design and architect you aral guidelines to guide what the form and the look of development along the water front should take. and historic preservation principals to save and to treasure the historic resources that we had along the water
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front. pier 70, and the embarkadero piers were recognized then and so it is a pleasure to look at what we have been able to do on the new resources. and the water front plan also set out guidelines, and anticipating public, private partnerships as an important vehicle to be able to improve these piers because it was clearer than it is now, that there was a lot of deferred maintenance, and there were very few financing resources, and that the thought was public, private partnerships would bring the changes along and so there was a process for setting out how you work with the community before you have the development projects and then, once you have the development partner, moving forward, since then, in this report, we have counted over 1.6 billion, worth of private and public investment in the
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improvement projects that will summarize here. and there are in addition port leasing and other many maintenance and engineering projects that we have not been able to profile here in addition to that. >> in terms of the policy framework from the water front plan the division of the water front advisory plan was to reunite san francisco with the water front and the foundation points for that were the goals that you see on this slide to really promote, and embrace san francisco's diverse maritime, working water front, to revitalize the port for public enjoyment. to broaden the array of uses and activities that should be offers along the water front to subscribe to the urbanty of san francisco. to expand the public access to transportation access along the water front as part of its
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improvement. and to design and come up with new projects, that are mineful of the history, and to the design of creativity and the urban design and the setting and related a lot with tying how in how it relates to the rest of the city and there was a lot of coordination from the department and from the outset and economic access and trying to make sure that we still in the improvement of the water front to be sure that there are places for blue collar and for families and children, and to have a place to enjoy along the water front. the water front plan, really organizes the 7 and a half miles into five geographic subareas. fisherman's wharf is the northern most and in our report, we have identified the specific projects and also, sumized at a high level, what
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has been happening in each one of these subareas. clearly for the fisherman's wharf the big news for the port was to able to resurrect the commercial fishing degree which was really in a weakened mode at the time that the plan was improved. with the fishing harbor and pier 45, fish processing facilities it created and renewed really the center of fisherman's wharf, which really is what people want to see. and the port's effort since then have really focused a lot on public realm, i think that is represented in the pier 43, as well as the jefferson street and tie lor street to welcome the visitors that come to the wharf and that has spurred a lot of partnerships with the cbd and the tenants to be able to make the investments with the businesses and so that the restaurants and the venue and
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activities interact well with the public realm and we are working with the bcdc to identify further improvements for the fisherman's wharf area and so there is still work to do to change some regulations that will make it easier for the restaurant owners to do seismic up grades and retrofits to their restaurants where they sit on a pile supported decks and so that work has been under way through the bcdc port working through the process which we have briefed you on previously. in the north east water front, and we have quite a bit of improvement just through the director's announcement on opening of the herm an cruise terminal, the plaza, and clearly the explore torium has been a game changer for the north east water front and it is hard to imagine the change if you were not here then, but pier 27 was a news print terminal, when the plan was
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adopted. when a cotton warehouse and we had a foreign trade zone with the semitrucks crossing in 19 and 23, and so what the public has been able to enjoy, with the america's cup and with the permanent developments here with the opening of the cruise terminal, i think that it is something that provides that bridge between the ferry building area and fisherman's wharf that we think has, you know, been a wonderful resource and has attracted so many more people to the water front. and there have been, however, difficulties with the development in the north east water front that is chronicled in this report. and we had the hotel project that went through the long process, almost got to the finish line but, for the lack of public consensus on the design. and that process failed, and there was also a high profile, proposal for piers 27 to 31 by the mills
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