tv San Francisco Government Television SFGTV May 29, 2016 2:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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2016, i'm katie tang to my right is supervisor cowen and to my left is supervisor eric mar and from thank you herb and phil jackson mr. clerk, any announcements? >> thank you please silence all electronic devices. >> thank you mr. clerk, call item one. >> a hearing appointing one member term ending to the planned council one seat and one applicant. >> kelly hopefully hear come up and give us a presentation that would be great. >> so i'm applying to be on c pack identify worked in san francisco after graduate school
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and worked in early education as a teacher and i'm applying to be on this my son a in kindergarten fishing today and. >> congratulations. >> thank you. we have been using aftercare i'm a full-time mom and using this it is interesting to see the needs of school age i've been focused on ages zero to 4 to represent my district and represent parents who need children aftercare this opportunity is a perfect blend what i do as a mom and as an experienced teacher and director so i think it is so much that be done for childcare i love bringing attention and san francisco and support the
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teachers and the kids spend time in aftercare and the teachers should have the care and the pay and all of that so that's what i did voice i'd like to bring to the committee. >> thank you sxhavr. >> i wanted to add pa ms. datson registered from c pack and she's an early education leader see not only because she understands from k through 8 and experiencing a charter and also she has a tremendous experience not only in the early caregiver center with the jewish community center but san francisco state university and early care and alameda and other great organizations by being an entering richmond parents she
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understands the urgent care i strongly recommended her with many outside the that speak the best praise to her us. >> thank you supervisor mar we need training in aftercare especially i know this is c pack but in general for school programs care identify heard the providers or organizations for at the school is maybe changing the curriculum or doing something we're not getting the support for the children for homework and so forth i appreciate you recognize that. >> so colleagues seeing no other questions or comments opening up for public comment so anyone want to speak on item one please step forward seeing none, public comment is closed and colleagues, can we get a motion.
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>> i move kelly datson for the district 1 for the childcare and planning. >> second by supervisor cowen without objection congratulations. >> thank you mr. clerk item 2. >> a hearing to confirm the controllers of james ending to the local homelessness cooperating board one seat one applicant. >> thank you. is james here welcome. >> good morning supervisor tang and supervisor mar and supervisor cowen my name is james no one has called me that i've been involved in public health for over 40 years in san francisco i'm currently an organization consultant and serve on a number of boards and part of my role to help high fellow board members understand the roles of governments and get
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us out of the nonprofit and do the work of governance my homeless activities when i worked at the hate asbury and in the spring young folks come in with no place informing and working with the young folks around there we didn't define homeless but transient youth i'm the person that is the lead for art that helped to help the folks get outburst of camp agnus in the early 90s i currently sits the board of directors and the founder of a number of organizations in san francisco and including the african-american heel alliance and the organizations so my experience goes wide and deep i'm also a former cliniction working with families and a license therapist
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i don't know what else to say i think you have some of my information but doing stuff for 40 years in san francisco you have a lot of experience to speak i'll stop and be prepared to we are any questions. >> thank you and, yes we see your extensive community involvement and work histories in the application do you talk a little bit about what you hope to achieve on the homeless board or what they can do more. >> i've gone to one meeting and reviewed the materials i think i bring the experience of a wide swath of with what health looks like looks like in san francisco mental health and the substance abuse and san franciscans who are homeless and the impact on our city as well i think that it is important to recognize our relationship to the new department and to work with that department to
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determine what are the best policies for addressing san francisco police commission is it be revolved i don't know see but we can influence policy and be available for our citizens to address homelessness and supervisor mar. >> i wanted to ask you come highly recommended you mentioned camp agnus my understanding is agnus create a overall master plan for homelessness with strongest exit strategy and unfortunate camp agnus was alongside a comprehensive plan with the coalition of homelessness from others hoped to develop in some ways a credit for the navigation center and
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the other dpits for homelessness come from that master plan that mayor agnus took the leadership and claim the credit everyone pitting their heads together to come up with a long-term plan i was wondering what about comprehensive process from i think i moved here about 5 or 6 years before that i doesn't experience the agnus administration. >> looking at the needs of funding and short term and he long-term plan. >> when they were developing that plan i worked in the department of public health i got pulled out of the department of health to be what i call the contractor for developing the actual exit bob and mayor agnus designed it and mary cia and a
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lot of folks were at the table but i was the person that mayor agnus pulled out department of health to do that the reason he pulled me out was that during the 1989 loma prieta earthquake we responded by the drug and management facilities on moscone center and presidio we were or more for putting many men on the ship that president bush ordered he saw the work and pulled me out of the healthy health department to open up what we call north and south thank you thank you supervisor cowen. >> thank you very much so jimmy i want to have you coming out of retirement or an extension of a retirement.
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>> i have a friend said i'm gainfully unemployed i perpetrate from the department of health and want to went to a nonprofit for 4 years and then retired again, i fundamentally building if you have the skill sets to give it to the community. >> i wanted to say thank you, jim i didn't and look forward to supporting you here today in the future whatever your future is. >> thank you so seeing none, questions or comments opening up for public comment for the member if none. >> hi, i'm helen executive director of mental health advising citizens advisory committee i'm hournld to say a few words when i came to the board it was not long after that
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he was in the position of deputy director of public health department and sharing i was one of my board members worked for a week-long conferences at berkley for holidays in the medical profession one of the things have a public health project to complete with all he was doing and the position he volunteered to go with me to be one of the judges i got to know jimmy not that he didn't have enough to do it was profound he knew with the public health department needs and went to judge and then over the years identify worked with him in different displacements from the public health department he understood the mental health needs not a stepchild under his leadership and the leadership in the southeast sector to bring to other attention of the
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department of health i could go on i'm grateful for him for not retiring everything he steps into he brings success thank you. >> thank you very much next speaker please. >> jimmy, jimmy cooperating making which are you coming back jimmy when are you cowboy to the homeless court reporting stormy stormy bring back that sunny day stormy bring back that sunny day and here comes the night are here comes the night please make it turn out right.
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>> thanks. >> thank you, very much. seeing none, public comment is closed can i have a motion? >> from the committee. >> i'd like to move to make a move to accept and move with the positive recommendation james to the local homeless court reporting board. >> from we'll take a second from supervisor eric mar and without objection congratulations item 3. >> item 3 a hearing to consider appointing one member to the fuels board one seat and one applicant. >> thank you ellis our applicant joseph lee. >> good morning and thank you for your consideration so i'm joe or joseph michael my mom calls me when i did things wrong
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give you a little bit of background i'll an attorney for almost 10 years started out in private practice in san diego and moved to san francisco about 6 and a half years ago started working with the youth department of labor so i'm a trial attorney with the department of labor and general practice is protecting workers rights for overtime to protect their retirement benefits it is really awarding work but now i've been there for 6 nature years i feel comfortable to look for other ways to give back to the community for the last 6 to 8 months looking for opportunity in the city and recently joined the board of nonprofit in visitacion valley school programs support for the elementary schools and middle school and look at positions in
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the city including the san francisco board of appeals and i love about my current job to be presented with a case and look at it rules and regulations and come to conclusions and i think i'd like to apply those same skills to what i'll do with the assessment board of appeals and more involved in real estate after getting property in district 10 i'm becoming for engaged in the issue everyday and i know it would be an opportunity to really like to have it on the board of appeals. >> thank you for the presentation i did like you went through the different sort of appeals you have to find your day job for me, i'm looking for someone who will be able to approach issues and cases fairly as you know being an attorney and given
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>> thank you supervisor mar. >> to review thousands of pages of documents and legal documents focus a little bit on how thai relevant to the assessment board of appeals with our 9 years ever experience and i'll talk about that case is an example of the kind of work as an attorney could be relevant often receive cases that was the large cable company we had had thousands of documents not only you know deciding as a government attorney you have to decide it is appropriate to
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bring a case not only what you should or could but interview individuals and make denominators so the fact that the facts politically them to regulations and probably i imagine with those matters the records can be dense and pulling through that to identify the relevant issues is something i do on a daily basis. >> it tofu for your form seven hundred you noted the short-term rental i wonder if you're registered there are 12 hundred people registered and getting 13 thousand people to register there are concerns i'm wondering if you went through the city. >> i'm not rentals as a business person i'll go to the
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office after this meeting i have done the change i just recently moved to potrero hill. >> i'm fine with that. >> thank you supervisor cowen. >> welcome to the neighborhood i'm your neighborhood sheryl hill do you have you attended the assessment board of appeals meetings to you au not yet the opportunity. >> how do you know you want to be part. >> reading the available materials i think it is interesting opportunity and i think that you know with the kind of work i do i think that i'm always looking for you know a new opportunity to present with new cases and analyze them and you know the nice parts of my job we dead on arrival with 25 cases with lower cases and a wide variety so i think that i just know mime temperament is
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something that is appealing to me. >> can you describe our leadership style. >> it is inclusive i don't try to be approaching any cases with an agenda more about hearing everyone out and learning why people will have a position they would and once we've try to come to a consensus and move on move forward with that consensus and once a plan is formed i think the issues of style is persistence that carries it through once we come up with a plan it is not enough but the execution identify had to learn in the government we can have a lot of great ideas it is the execution. >> thank you. i'm happy to support you today. >> thank you very much before
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that we will go to public comment on item 3 anyone wish to comment on item number 3 please step forward. >> i found pie appeals bill on potrero hill and go forth with all your will the moon stood still on potrero hill and i know now the seat you'll fill. >> thank you very much seeing none, public comment is closed on item 3 colleagues can i have a motion? >> >> i'd like to move joseph michael on the assessment board of appeals thank you without objection and congratulations. >> item 4. >> item 4 is the hearing to
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consider poind two members for the pedestrian safety advisory committee two seats and two applicants our two applicants are howard and one howard is here correct me if i am wrong if you come come forward and make a presentation. >> good morning, supervisors. i'm howard and i'm pleased to come before you i don't know how many times i was on the original pedestrian safety task committee and actually before that we formed an ad hoc pedestrian safety task force and went to the supervisors and wrote an ordinance creating and i'm proud of the one part that says everyone is a pedestrian to be part of their commute for any trip i think that kind of sets the stage on the other side i'm
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disappointed that even though we have gone wholeheartedly into vision zero the numbers don't show is it leaves us a lot of work to do in the committee i hope we can do more and reach out out to make it clear to you supervisors and the mta and the public how much has provisions have to be made to make pedestrian safety like in the neighborhood of supervisor tang and getting the boarding oimdz not just shove people because they stand in the way with that note and i would like to say a word about howard bloomberg but if you have any questions. >> thank you very much i know we're all familiar with our work on pea vacant. >> supervisor mar thank you, thank you howard for being a
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champion with the good government advocate and decades of work and great your rejoining the committee. >> thank you. >> all right. and also just to confirm for seat 6 we need someone from the transit or transportation organization i believe you're a sierra club member. >> yes. >> great and then so i guess colleagues no other questions or comments you know, i went through mr. bloombergs application and retired but served since 2013 as has an engineering background to i think both are repoimentdz i'll be fine with moving forward with both applicant but at this time open up for public comment. >> you michael and after
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midnight in the fuel moonlight like you do midnight walking midnight safety remember for you and walking at midnight out in the full moonlight and wanted safe like you do you wanted safety for you and i want you to walk safely as you can best as you can safe for all the women children and men we we wanted safe in this place make it safety now. >> thank you seeing no other members of the public. >> sure come on forgot, sir. >> i want to from the district
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a little bit south and east of me and done a good job with lowering the speed limit and push it hard for more data this should help us we need every member we're close to not getting forms too often and coming before the supervisors soon to get our membership lists changed to get a better chance at reform. >> thank you very much anyone wish to comment 4 seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues so i'll move howard bloomberg for seat one and howard for the pedestrian safety committee >> thank you without objection item 5. >> item 4 a hearing to consider one member to the
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mental health board one seat and two applicants. >> our applicant are richard and marilyn start in the were up here on the agenda. >> speak directly into the microphone. >> my name is richard i seek appointment to the mental health board because my adapted african-american 22-year-old son a par no idea schizophrenic and homeless on the streets of san francisco identi identify run out of things to
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help he didn't trust me to give him money and buy him a cell phone he won't sign a release to get him started to apply for ssi and an important way i can help my son by serving on the mental health board by helping people like my son give you a little bit of background i'm retire i'm a vietnam era vet with a long career working in mental health identify worked in residential treatment for disturbed adolescent boys and worked on boards the last ten years of my employment i was a director of
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community employment for dream catchers empowerment network and napa and me and my staff were au countered by the state department seven hundred rehabilitation to help people with disabilities mostly mental find and keep a job identify worked and in the process identify worked with a lot of young men very much like any son but older and more stable i'm and licensed career are facilitator and go to weekly groups of meetings i'm a playwrite and powerful an m a from san francisco state university and been a poet in the schools a adjudicator and
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thank you for this possible opportunity to serve thank you thank you such fewer presentation colleagues seeing questions or comments we'll hear from the next applicant. >> come on up thank you. >> hello supervisors my name is a marilyn i'm a native san franciscan still residing here and i'm very passionate will the city a parental or parented of one daughter 35 yshldz at the age of 17 she attempted to take here life and the diagnoses of interpretation and anxiety together she and i have been through many mental health
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treatments and identify learned that trauma and mental health issues are co-occurring that makes me a stronger o strong sport supporter and an advocate for services. >> what to accept as a consumer and recognize the services are not adequate the reality and magnitude of my daughters condition changed both of our lives forever took me back to school i was first in the council and they did finally got a market-rate housing degree in mental health and i spent nearly 10 years as an intern and volunteer first, as as au addiction person in mental health and able to see the
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responsibility of the miscellaneous care system and the great vulnerability of clients in a different way the importance of being a client to be where they're at became more clear to me and i am committed and remain committed to client compassionate care i don't take the responsibilities of the providers lightly to serve support and connect with the populations that are tragedy margin in his my own daughter struggles with her issues i continue to support her in navigating the system and the roadblocks she's a responsible member and i think i see her structural and the mental health concerns are real and continue i also continue to support
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families with dually diagnosed children with health groups and in addition, i have over thirty years of public service which i manage the department of motorist vehicles a tough job i do understand how things work in government and perhaps most importantly i understand how they don't work i am undaunted by this. >> i want to be appointed to the mental health board i want to be part of a collective and pro-active solutions and want to contribute to the wellness of our society and the wonderful city my city my hope to learn more about available services to vacant for integrated treatment and to chances public outreach i want to help the providers and
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customers maximize the services they provide so that families can get the help and support they need i'm offering my time and education and experience and service to the community to build relationships within the community and give something back to the community that has helped me and taught me and now invites me to advocate for compassionate care thank you for your time. >> thank you very much for your presentation and actually to both applicants for sharing touching stories that is difficult to talk about that pubically we appreciate it. >> colleagues to we have any comments or questions from the applicants? no okay. thank you very much and so i think at this time we will i think we understand your sense of purpose and mission we'll go to public comment now on item 5
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>> hi helen executive director of the mental health advisory committee i have been in this position since 1999 and one of those days i'll count how many incredible board members and continuing am astonished by the amazing people that are willing to serve it is really astonishing i'm sorry to bring two extracoronally people i have good news supervisor eric mar has an open family seat as well as you look at those two amazing candidates it is possible to have both of them participate and join the mental health board thank you. >> thank you very much anyone wish to comment on item number 5 seeing none, public comment is closed
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sxhavr. >> that's great news for me, i hope we can appoint both i want to say that i thank you both for telling me your stories of our children and family members and how challenging i've gone through similar issues and support for other family members to the various city and county departments but especially county based for the arts based whether it is writing poetry or theatre work you talked about i think it so important as well as in supporting people with their illness but especially allowing creativity and allowing people i wanted to say i'm supportive of both and whichever person again get appointed to seat 13 i'm recommending we appoint you to the seat i believe i make the recommendation for i want to
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thank you you both excuse me - >> many broke through the chair. >> you don't make a recommendation you just appoint your choice. >> okay. >> no questions supervisor mar thank you and for our compassionate position and support for your family members. >> thank you supervisor mar i'll add both applicants are incredible and work on the mental health board for me personally i appreciated ms. moscone background with the experience with her daughter and going to city college and getting her certification on drug and alcohol for years of volunteering at the hate asbury treatment and waldon house and 360 just everything she's done
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to really educate - as a consumer herself as well as her daughter i mean both are great my person to appoint ms. moscone to seat 13. >> supervisor cowen. >> i too will be supporting ms. moscone for seat 13. >> i'll say i'll be supportive and will be appointing the gentleman to the seat that i appoint. >> great if we can get a second motion. >> i with a positive recommendation to the full board. >> we'll take that without objection. >> congratulations item 6. >> hearing to consider 3 members terms ending 2017 to the balboa park 3 seats and 5
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applicants. >> so our applicants are (calling names) looks like we only have a few attending if you're here please come on up and state your name and present our presentation. >> thank you. >> hello, i'm brent i think i'm seat number 4 for the educator, teacher education seat and well in san francisco i went to city college and always went to balboa park and now live nearby and drive by on my way to work usually downtown it is so convenient and not worry about parking what i bring to this a classroom teacher so i've been through well different stakeholders and interests and able to bring this
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together and get everyone's answer. >> where do you teach. >> park side. >> i call it the mid eflt studies department. >> all right. and maybe i can elaborate what you want to serve on this committee what you hope to accomplish there. >> it is an interesting station balboa park reminds me with a lot of going on with the busses and streetcars and it is heavily put together to make it more safe for people and just like divided berlin. >> can you elaborate on something the ideas to bring to
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the committee how you want to capitol hill the area. >> it should be more colorful and things going on instead of just commuters but in between neighborhoods either on inigleside or cayuga and kind of crucial that more it is more efficient to the community. >> and do you ride actually eye balboa park station to get to the school you teach at in bernal heights. >> no actually, i take my son and come back on the highway. >> i understand. >> supervisor cowen. >> i'm sorry, go ahead. >> i understand if you want to continue. >> we'll have bumper cars we use it heavy and supervisor cowen can you describe our involvement from the cac. >> very little i read about that but can contribute. >> the reason - and you'll have to explain more than that you have to know what your
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stepping into. >> i'm not an expert by very busy that's why i have not been reaching how. >> how will you balance with the responsibility of being a cac member. >> i can compartment lists easily and . >> do you have an idea how much time commitment is able to be serving on the cac. >> i imagine quite a bit a full-time job i have other meetings and - >> so i understand that you're a teacher and for a school in bernal heights but the specifics the connections to the neighborhood other than living in the neighborhood do you do any other teaching or educating. >> informally i help u.s. out
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that sometimes. >> in what. >> in the excelsior and actually help out quite a bit with my sons classes thank you catch up everything tomorrow i guess. >> thank you supervisor eric mar i was going to mention 3 decades of writing transit there is a disability person in the household the two pta memberships and involvement but especially kind of the riding of the use of that station and riding of muni is important you know that important part to this advisory committee and wanting to make the station for a liveable community no one else for those ryder's but some ways improve the neighborhood is i - appreciate that in your approach to make it a brt choice being a
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teacher is one of the hardest things being a parent and teacher is equally hard i have nothing but proposes to give to you for teaching middle schoolers and having children tremendous for people within our city thank you for wanting to serve on this body. >> thank you sxhavr i echo those one of the things cory want to clarify our city attorney is not here the requirements for seat 43 person must represent students and faculty and other schools isn't neighborhood served by the balboa park station i want to clarify whether the qualifications with met in this case given that the gentleman is
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a teacher in bernal heights i know you live in the area but again, i want to clarify whether this retirement is met i don't know if mr. clerk or call the city attorney's office. >> i'll refer to the balboa park station and this qualification is met. >> this kwfks is met well, that clarifies things at this time oh, supervisor cowen. >> i'm going to not be supporting you today largely because you've not done our adolescence to understand the focus of the cac and the time commitment i'm refrain from supporting you for the seat for i recognition you're the only applicant but i'd like for you
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to do our due diligence so your better informed taking on tuesday. >> supervisor mar. >> yeah. if you were appoint you will be conceding gwen that was involved but i'd like to move that we approve you for the vacant seat 4 i appreciate the enthusiasm and the different experiences to the seat i will move we appoint brent for seat 4. >> we'll do that after public comment and hearing from the other applicants thank you so at this time any other applicants want to come forward thank you. >> hello supervisor mar and supervisor cowen i'm louis sorry i don't speak i observe i work for ocean avenue association and i'm well aware and going to the
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meetings to barn cac for a while and go to the balboa reservoirs cac i live in the area and a native san franciscan my family's home across the street from the city college tennis courts i moved 3 blocks away from the bart station i take the balboa bart that's my main mode of transportation so much easier i take the muni depending on where i'm going in the city the reason why api i've been going to the meeting meeting members and dan weaver is my executive director a small business program manager and born and raised - the the
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reason why you get a group of people different backwards closets arises but out of that is opportunity to learn if one another and also to solve problems i believe that's it for now. >> supervisor mar. >> i'm reading seat 2 a bart rider. >> can you talk about your bart. >> it is the most convenient way to get around in san francisco it is faster muni and like the civic center if i'm going to powell i take bart and not worry about parking the tickets are $70 and convenient near my home no big deal. >> supervisor cowen what do you think about the new
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bart seats. >> i grew up and tell people in 5 i remembered muni bart and how bad it was so it is getting a lot better i may not witness but i take my family balboa bart station is the busiest it is like a transient hub but you can i believe that getting to bart the geneva carbarn is a big thing they're going to be developing housing i building there is so much potential but like some issues with how m line how it tremendous or dumps the pedestrians out into the street and they have to jay what can i'm well aware of that and
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that's it. >> i guess my final question what high school. >> burdening academic high school where wilson they used to be - >> some of us still call that wilson. >> i do call it wilson that was a great year you have two school conflicts but great people. >> thank you supervisor mar. >> just a question so supervisor avalos and i and the justice authority divided divided the area it is very, very dangerous in some key spots i'm wondering if you can talk a little bit about safety and the dangers of the are areas. >> as i said where the ended the line it dumps people on the street and plus if you're walking if city college towards
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balboa bart station the onramp to daily city cars sdwoo stop for pedestrians they have people jaywalking and people cross in the balboa bart station towards ocean people jaywalk and walk along the tracks because the way how - to a 28020th century to downtown to ocean avenue the cars don't stop for pedestrians and how an off ramp from 50 miles and sometimes don't see the people that's why a lot of people jaywalk and go the near itself intersection and moving through the k so they move from one side to the next yeah. >> thank you, very much. >> all right. any other
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applicants that are here i don't think so unless our city attorney john gibner, deputy city attorney wants to apply opening it up for public comment seeing none, public comment is closed another so again, a cough of other applicants for seat 7 i couldn't tell if anyone had background in land use or housing group that are representing based on their applications to at this time i'm not prepared to move forward with seat 7. >> supervisor cowen. >> actually, i'm in agreement with you once you review the applications not compelling evidence that will lead us to believe that they satisfy the basic requirements for the seat for seat 7. >> okay. and at this time
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sir, have you gone to any meeting have are they having quorum issues. >> at this time i actually came into this meeting occurring with supervisor cowen for the seat 4 position but given that we believe or at least per the clerk the requirement is met for seat 4 i'm willing to send forth brent only because the cac means a lot to supervisor campos and have a quorum present so i really hope if we appoint you sir, you truly understand the issues more deeply how the community structure works and how to contribute to this advisory committee so at this time i don't know if we have a motion from the committee members on the
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appointments. >> i'll move we appoint louis to seat 2 and brent to seat 4. >> why not take them separately a motion on louis seat 2 with a positive recommendation and for brent i'll second that motion a roll call vote. >> on the motion so seat 4. >> supervisor mar supervisor cowen no supervisor tang we have two i's with supervisor cowen in decency this is confirmed congratulations and again we'll reserve seat 4 for another time so thank you and mr. clerk, any other business before us?
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with the opened contracting center visitors can get opportunity at the new state of the arc facility and attend workshops and receive one-on-one technical assistance and learner what you need to become a primary contractor or what information to be a subcontractor and a created bed public commission it will help people to assist people to compete for and performance open city contract a lot of small businesses do have the resources to loblth the opportunity so one of the things we wanted to do was provide ways to access contract >> access to the plans spiefkz
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and a data place basis ease contracting opportunity and funding or capital training. this is and other documents that needs to be submitted. to compete is a technical skill that it takes to win a scheduling for a popular to you can win a professional services job or how to put together a quote it's all those technical pieces. looking at the contracting assistance center is our touch point with we get the people to come and see the planning specks and later than about projects earlier is he get training so you're ready to go arrest hello engineering it has all the tools that a contractor small or large can come here.
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i can't say enough about the center it's a blessing. we do business all over the country and world and a place like the contractor center to identify the business in san francisco >> the reality is you need training and that's what the center is here to train and make you better qualified to go work with the city and county and to be successful at the end. >> that will give people the competitive edge e edge at receiving contracts with the city. >> we have krafshth services here that help you find out where you need to get the skills forbidding. >> i mean local businesses
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participation in city projects is a winning factor it helms help the business their local businesses they're paying savings and a property tax and payroll tax and normally adhere san franciscans so their bowing goods and services in san francisco it really helps the economy of san francisco grow so its not only a benefit to the project but to the city. the contractors center is 5 thomas melon circle in the bayview area open 8:30 to 5 welcom
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