tv Government Access Programming SFGTV April 5, 2018 5:00am-6:01am PDT
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welcome to our regular board meetings of the board of education. it is tuesday, march 13th. >> roll call, please. (roll call) >> thank you. if you would, please join me for the pledge of allegiance. i pledge a allegiance. >> we got a d on that one. (laughter) >> this is because there is a visitor in our state that makes
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us. section 8 is for the public. item one is approval of board minutes. there are none. members of the public are reminded if they wish to address the board of education, an individual can complete a speaker card prior to the item being called and present it to esther casco. according to the board rules. speaker cards will not be accepted for an item before the board. if you plan to speak on the items on the agenda fill out a form and turn it into esther prior to the item. the superintendent's report. doctor matthews. >> goo good evening, everyone. today is march 13th. this is my report.
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march is national women's history month. during this month, -- we should give that a big round of applause. [applause.] >> during this month we recognize the contributions women have made to history culture and society. in 1987, the u.s. congress designated march as national history month. this gives us the opportunity in schools, workplaces and communities to recognize and celebrate the over ten overlooked achievements of women. nevertheless shimmer assisted. -- she persisted. as we know, women and girls place many challenges in our community, nation and world to strive and they strive to overcome them every day. they confront disproportionate amounts of violence, poverty and they are paid less than men.
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they place barriers to leadership and equality. in countless ways, both overt and subtle, femalevorces and experiences are marginalize. they are paving the way for change including visible leadership. elected office and board rooms and media. we will tip to disrupt gender based inequality and create change. we must foster opportunities for young women to pursue stem pathways and other disciplines where they are under represented. i am proud of the work to promote gender equality and to know we have more to do. i want to thank the women who work diligently for students and family, administrators and thousands of others.
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i thank you all for your contributions. [applause.] on march 7th the san francisco stem career day was held. organized by the science and health education partnership. they introduced 125 high school fresh men and sophomores to tremendous opportunities available in the bay area stem professions. our deputy superintendent of instruction also participated in this event. the day featured site tours, hands on demonstrations and question-and-answer session at local lab facilities and stem workplaces. they enjoyed a catered lunch
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with stem professionals where they had the opportunity to talk with a variety of professionals in the stem field. on march 15th. the national center of excellence in women's health will host the 2018 young women's health and leadership summit. together with love we rise above is the theme. our district will be collaborating with this event, and students are invited to attend and participate. this is a day created by young women for young women in san francisco and will take place at the ucsf national center of women's health. there will be inspirational speakers, entertainment, workshops and free food. the special guest is congresswoman jackie spears. students can register at the wellness center on the site. thank you all. that concludes my report for this evening.
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[applause.] >> we are going to do a little bit of agenda switching here. the next item would be the student delegate report item 4. i will do our recognitions and resolutions for commendation as well as rave first and then allow the student report and then do item f which i which isg up sooner than you think. if you want a speaker card for f do that now. we are moving forward with recognitions. item three. superintendent matthews. >> our first recognition this evening is to recognize cathy fleming the director to
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introduce this item. i am the director of the enrichment fund here. we are here tonight to recognize the contributions of the community advisory committee for the enrichment fund. the peefkak including 14 appointments and three by the superintendent and four students by the student delegates. it sevens as the conduit to inform and receive i put from the stakeholders to assist the superintendent and board of education to effectively allocate the funding. they are community representatives, parents and students and principals. together they offer an
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exceptional opportunity to partner to make the portfolio stronger and more impactful. one of my responsibilities is to facilitate and support the work. it is my honor to support the work this past year. thank you commissioners, superintendent doctor matthews and student delegates for pointments. i would like to thank salvador lopez for assistance to ensure appointments and student participation. thank you goes to the staff. we have stewart, lisa chavez and ann marie gordon. [applause.] >> also for all of your support and moving forward at least week's board meeting they presented the recommendation for next year. later tonight the commissioners will approve the 2018-2019 plan
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which they contributed to the development. let's recognize each member. we have two coul chairs. kadair. [applause.] thank you for your leadership and service. also recognized tonight and not here but may fly this is paul monhay, a co-chair. in addition we have a number of members served four years for our terming out soon. one is our ocof representative.
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[applause.] the other three individuals who serve for four years couldn't be here tonight. bob palazzo, fernando marquez currently out of the country for work and jenny lamb who was co-chair three years. we appreciate their work. this year we have student members who add essential perspectives to the discussions and final recommendations. steven gong. [applause.] and willy shu. [applause.] we also have parents and community members.
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janette yea. corey lee. [applause.] shawn drose. [applause.] and other community members who could not be present tonight. finally the principals who add a much needed perspective what is happening at the school level and these folks that served this past year are moving forward. nicole scott. [applause.] jason hanan. [applause.] and not present we have eric guthert and leannna. thank you for the hard work and now let's take a photo.
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>> thank you all for your service. it is a significant amount of money you guide us in terms where it should go. we will have a deeper conversation later. superintendent, you have another recognition. >> this evening i am proud to celebrate the early education department's 75th anniversary. i was present at the 25th anniversary. i was present as a student at the preschool. the san francisco unified school district early education department was originally created during world war ii as women joined the work force for the first time. first preschool classes were to
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support child care needs of families. services with educational emphasis were provided to meet child care needs. increasing awareness of the value of preschool for the academic and social development. in 2004 those in san francisco voted a preschool for all to increase children's access to preschool and quality. in the past decade a focus on the quality of the experience for 3 and 4 year-old children has led to growth increasing staff and adult and child interaction as well as preparing for children. there is readiness assessment to four-year-olds and all district kindergarten students in the fall. they have made great strides the
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reaching two goals. first, increasing percent of 4 year-old children attending the preschools ready for kindergarten. two, establishing a coherent school operation to sustain the growth and success in early elementary school years. at this time i am proud to call upon the chief of early education to read this commendation into the record. [applause.] >> thanthank you, doctor matthe. i will right. in celebration of the san
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francisco unified school district early education department 75th anniversary. sfufd early education preschool program was established in 1943 by franklin roosevelt to provide the city families with care and education for preschool age children during world war ii, and whereas eed began with four sites. today there are 43 sites that serve over 4,000 students including infants, toddlers, preschool students as well as pk through fifth grade during nonschool hours. over 90% of the student receive completely free or subsidized care based on family income familiar more than 75% speak a language other than english at home. it contains three main goals.
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access and equity. student achievement and calls out the achievement gap as one of the greatest civil rights issues facing the district. whereas, decades of research has shown the early education opportunities can have significant impact on growth and academic achievement in addition other opportunity barriers, the need for impact of this early education investment is paramount. and whereas it is one of the few school districts that continue to invest in early education, therefore, be it resolved the board of education of the san francisco unified school district celebrated the 75th anniversary of early education department and 75 year history of investment in preschool.
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show. during the time of world war ii it came from the mothers having a place in the work force and someplace to have their kids. ♪ ♪ . >> it is a huge development in time. it is so important to capitalize on the opportunities to integrate throughout the day with small group reading, dramatic play. children are using manipulative to count and sort and to do
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patterns, teachers are taking the time to take dictation so that they are hearing in the children's voice this is what it means to be a learner. >> you will make valentines cards for mommy and daddy. >> you want to be engaged with the whole class. how students interact from environment and learn from it. we have an amazing team, great principals, support staff, i am grateful to be part of a district that recognizes and values early education it is aligned in the district and within the community to be champions.
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>> i just want to say a few words. also i will acknowledge folks here. we are fortunate to be a a district. the education starts before the age of 5. i would like to ask you to please take a moment to hold an image of a young child in your mind. a young girl for the history of women's month. it is monday, she is so excited to get to school. she tells you she does not want to be late it is her turn to be the school greeter at the community circle. at school she pulls you over to show you the snap peas the students are growing. she remembers when they were just seeds germ innating in the baggy. you enter the classroom and sign her in. there is a section to sign her name as well. you can see from the previous
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pages of the month how her scribbles turned to shapes and letters that now form her name. there is music in the classroom, and the students are busy in all parts of the room, engaged in various activities. you say good-bye. she skip to where her teacher is showing a small group of students a glass jar with caterpillars. she miles as she look this is the grass. we have a graduate profile which states we want our graduates to be ready to transform the world. as our vision for success states we want the students to graduated with the schools, capacity and disposition for 21est century success. we are committed to develop strong academic knowledge and skills as well as hosts of behaviors that increase curiosity, engagement and full
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potential for learning to prepare for life work and study beyond secondary school years. i want to celebrate all of the teachers and support staff that commit themselves every day to make this vision a reality starting with the students first experience with school. thank you. i would like to call upon all of the folks that work in early education to stand up, please. [applause.] i will give a minute for elaine marry weather to join me. the president of the united educators of san francisco. we want to give you our
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congratulations. it is the people in the classroom who do the workday in and day out. they work magic. these are two of the most dedicated professionals i know. i would like to extend the invitation to visit the early education school. many early educators don't get pats on the back. they are behind the scenes working incredibly hard with great commitment day in and day out. it is through their love that children come to appreciate that school is everything that we want it to be, and something that wasn't spoken about tonight is how important the relationship between our early educators, their role in cementing the strong relationship with the families. that begins in early e educatio. would you like to say anything,
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betty? >> i want to say thank you for being in the house tonight to understand the importance of early child education. i am a veteran teacher who has been around when it was called daycare, nursery, child care, preschool, prekindergarten. child development center, early child education. early care and education. we have evolved over the years, and we understand the importance and value. i am so blessed to have been given the charge to work with so many young children who have uplifted and given me as much as i hope i have given them. [applause.] as an early childhood educators, with 34 years, i am proud today.
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i know how of an investment in children at the early age, you get a big return at the end. our district is one of the premier districts who invest in early childhood education. being at the state and national level, i get a chance to talk to other educators. many of them are losing their pre-ks and their toddler programs. in san francisco we are very fortunate to still be here because i love this district, and i love the early childhood department. thank you. [applause.] >> thank you. thank you so much. we appreciate all you have done in 75 years. that is tremendous. this is a proclamation and not
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accommodation we are voting on this. could i get a motion and second. thank you. i don't have any other speaker cards on this. commissioners, do you have any comments? >> commissioner moffitt. >> i am sorry i can't be there in person. i want to thank the hardworking staff in our early education department. for the very, very important work. oveover the weekend the work of enriching the youngest minds and at the same time identifying trauma as we move towards the approach is invaluable. thank you. >> thank you. commissioner haney. >> congratulations. we should be celebrating early
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educators a lot more. we should do this all of the time. i think as folks said there is far too little recognition. it is the toughest work. it is definitely where we get the greatest return on our investment, which is what a lot of folks said and about the most special part that we make this investment. it is unusual for a school district to do, and i know as a board and district you have our full support and appreciation. somebody said earlier, which made me reflect a bit. not only is this such a critical time to get young people off on the right foot a as far as preparation. it is the first introduction they have. how you interact and partner with families. thank you all for that, and we should be doing this on a
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regular basis and we just appreciate you as a board. thank you. (applause) >> vice president cook. >> i want too echo my colleague's sentiment. i am a native. i can pull the native card about my experiences going to school here. i was at the early education site in the housing developments and it moved up the street to star king after a bus ran into it, an up fortunate accident. i was at the school visiting two weeks ago. it looked a lot smaller. i remember i have such fond memories of mr. george. raise your hand. i see hands raised. people that had an incredible impact on me. i remember them from preschool. to serve at the policy level to
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see it evolve and grow, and folks like nicole scott whose leadership is stellar and we have her as one of my appointees. i want to shout her out. her and everyone else that committed their careers to this critical work, you have my full support. if i can do anything to be of service, please let me know. thank you all for your hard wo work. [applause.] >> i want to thank all of the educators and everybody over the last 75 years that made this program incredible. we are recognizing the peaf earlier and that comes preschool for all and that is a investment that we benefit. we are thinking about kindergarten readiness and
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making that connection between pre-k and k. the investment we have made as a district is incredible. this is where the gap begins. we are making it so the gap doesn't start. as a former preschool teacher, this is a wonderful way to say thank you. i always think when i retire i will go back to teaching preschool. that is where your heart continues to grow. on behalf of the entire board of education, we want to thank you for all you have done over the last 75 years, and we look forward to another 75 years. roll call please. (roll call) congratulations. thank you so much.
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[applause.] >> we are going back to item four. student delegates report. miss minn and mr. ong. >> thank you. we would like to give you an update on the proclamation to be delivered to the record. i am happy to present that with my partner. >> i would like to announce again that the health committee has an ongoing scholarship for students experiencing homelessness. with the money raised we are hosting an sa scholarship for students in transition $500. we want to help provide support for the students in transition going to school and need books and stationary. we would like to thank those who sepped support -- helped support
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the fund raiser and thank you for making this happen. i don't know about everyone else. it is a long week. i am excited to end off with the youth summit. we have exciting workshops and speakers, one is our own superintendent matthews. it is not too late to reserve a spot to come. contact our supervisor and the youth summit will be friday, march 16th, at fort mason center. our next meting will be on -- meeting will be april 9th. it is a public council and anyone is welcome to attend. if you would like a copy of the agenda, please contact the sac supervise sore. that concludes the board record. >> thank you both so much. at this time we are going to
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move up item f so that it is connected to your report. section f is a special order of business 183-13s01. proclamation to protect and save children from gun violence. superintendent matthews i am calling for the intro and reading the proclamation to the record. >> i would like to call the student delegate to read the proclamation into the record. >> 183-13s01. to protect and save children from gun violence. whereas on february 14, 2018, an armed former student killed 14 students and three educators at
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marjory stoneman douglas high school. whereas the surviving students have an example for leadership and action. whereas, the students fro marjoy stoneman douglas high school are behind never again and march 4 our lives movement, whereas the students called for a nationwide march to speak out against violence on march 24, 2018. sfufd wishes to reduce the impact of gun violence on students. in 2014 the board of education passed the resolution offered by commissioner matt haney in support of the prevention of gun violence. support of local policies to control who has access to guns and weapons. whereas, in support of the the preprevention of gun violence we encourage schools to consider
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holding events for both students and families in partnership with community organizations relating to the prevention of gun violence and violence in general as well as the providing immediate and appropriate support for students at risk of self-harm or harming others. and. >> in support of the sandy hook promise say anything. the unified school district which will teach students 6 through 12 to look for warning signs in social media of an individual a threat and to say something to a adult to get help. the incidents of gun violence that occurred in reyears are grounds for action. be it resolved the students of the san francisco unified school district proclaim we stand in solidarity with the students
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over marjory stoneman douglas high school in memory of all of the lives lost to gun violence in the united states. we urge students to inform administration or school staff about concerns regarding the safety of the campus and administrators and staff to i sure they are addressed with urgency. we proclaim that sfufc supports the efforts for on site demonstrations and lobby legislator on the action of gun violence. that is the end of the proclamation. i would extend an offer to any board members that would like to help us co-author this proclamation. >> thank you. you were not going to get anybody to say no. absolutely. thank you for doing that. before we go into discussion, i want to open this for public
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comment. i have two speaker cards. steven lamb and steven gong. who is the other person? i see that is not what i see. okay. my apologies. >> evening. i am steven gong. 2019 of the student association. member of the lowell school council, delegate of the peace kek and one of the organizers spearheading the walkouts tomorrow. this past sunday a met with david who has grown up in the mission. his uncle was shot dead. you always know someone or are near someone with a gun. today i speak on his behalf as
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well as on the behalf of the students of san francisco. by showing sum support you are sending a message to families of america. you are telling voters, activists and allies, that, yes, change is coming. you are telyou are telling teact you care. yoyou areyou are telling me to m ourselves. tomorrow amount 11:30 a.m. we the students at city hall will arm ourselves with speeches, flyers and love, not guns. tomorrow we will stand in solidarity with not just the victims of parkland, but the victims of sandy hook,
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columbine, las vegas and of david's uncle. tomorrow we the students, teachers, staff will hopefully be what the youth of america have called for, and hopefully with your gracious support the students of san francisco unified will be the face of change across this nation. thank you. [applause.] >> good evening board of education commissioners. i am the student council advisory president. on behalf of the students i would say we understand it is doing the best to keep students safe. until the laws change students are running the risk of being harmedded while trying to receive an education. that is not okay. bypassing this proclamation they
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know the district stands with us to change the local, state and federal law. on march 14th students plan demonstrations accrues the district hat 10:00 a.m. -- at 10:00 a.m. we are responding to the calls of marjory stoneman douglas high school students. there will be 17 minutes of silence and demonstrations and speeches. the schools will send student to city hall at 11:30 a.m. we will have both supervisors and commissioners there to help support us. here i would like to really just have an open invite to the commissioners if you would like to speak, come out and support us, we would be happy to have you there. on march 24 and april 20 further marches will happen to prevent gun violence in america. we will not stop until we stop
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gun violence in america and make it so students can get their education without fearing for their safety. thank you. [applause.] >> i need a motion and second please. >> at this time i would like to open this up for my colleagues to make any comments. okay. >> i want to say i was moved by your leadership, and i look forward to joining and participating in some of the actions you guys are taking. thank you for setting an example for not only the students in our district but across the country. thank you. >> i am timly impressed by our student delegates this year and in the past. i will be teaching tomorrow so i
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won't be able to join you. we will have a demonstration at our school. the nra is going to go down and with the leader ship of our youth. you guys are doing exactly what is going to lead to the effort to make this country a safer place. the students should never ever be afraid to go to school. the nra has made our schools more dangerous instead of safer. your organizing and efforts will have lasting impact. i am so proud of you. thank you. >> commissioner haney. >> i think commissioner sanchez said it. the nra has met their match in young people this. is an issue that young people have been the champions on. for you all this is a issue of common sense.
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it doesn't make sense people would be able to purchase ar-15s and walk into schools and just be able to bring about such devastation. i want to also appreciate you all in joining these national efforts. i know that you are speaking for your fellow students in san francisco and join whack is a national -- what is a national movement. i appreciate the invite. we will be there with you as well as people listening and those in the audience tonight. i hope you continue this work and continue this fight and that we can continue to follow you wherever this goes, and to bring about the change that we know is possible under your leadership. there is a tradition in our district of students leading on speaking out against gun violence. that resolution you spoke about which i'm listed as the author of was written by seventh and
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eighth graders at horace mann. i want to thank you for. i do believe that with your leadership we will see change on this so thank you. >> thank you. commissioner murase. >> thank you for bringing this forward. i would love to have my name with the resolution. i hope that everyone will justin to advocate against gun violence and a lack of gun control and we adults have a lot to learn from the students. >> thank you. i, too, am proud of our students. you never cease to amaze us. i think as a policymaker this is an opportunity for us to be a supportive as possible for what you are putting forward.
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please put an end to the gun violence and speak up around what needs to be changed, and if there's anything you can do, it's voting. vote, vote, vote. that's what will scare them. thank you. i appreciate you allowing us to hear the student voice in changing up the agenda. we're going to go back to our agenda items and go to item five, which is a recognition of our valuable employees. superintendent. >> theis evening we have two rave award winners. this rave is honoring all valuable employees. we're going to start with our secretary from the tenderloin community school, and presenting this award will be dr. barbara berman, principal of the school. [applause]. >> okay.
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all right. thank you. it is my great pleasure and honor as tenderloin principal of community school to present this month's distinguished award recipient, alice ly lynn tay. alice is an outstanding school secretary. i nominated alice because she is dedicated, hard working and committed to serving the needs of students and families as well as providing support to school staff. i feel incredibly lucky to be able to work with alice. she is the queen of multitasking, is incredibly organized and keeps all of us at tenderloin on our toes. alice is definitely the glue that holds tenderloin community school together. it's amazing to see alice in action in the morning. it is not uncommon to see her with a phone on each ear while at the same time reading her
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e-mail on her computer and as if that weren't enough, she simultaneously gives students tardy passes as they check in at the office. alice is special because of her work ethic, her patience, her positive, can-do attitude, and most importantly, her compassion twoer compassion towards students, staff, and families. alice, congratulations, and thank you for all that you do for the tenderloin community school, san francisco unified school district and our students and families. thank you, alice. [applause]. >> thank you. [applause].
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>> our next rave award winner is a teacher from the chinese education center, and this award will be presented by the principal of the school, victor tam. [applause]. >> if i may, i'd like to invite candy and all her loved ones to come on up with me. yea. come on all of you. mom and dad, too. come on. good evening, president mendoza
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mcdonald, commissioners of the board and education, deputy superintendent and honored guests. my name is victor tam and i am the principal at the chinese education center. we are one of two schools focused on meeting the needs of newcomer immigrants, students and families. it's my honor and privilege to introduce miss candy lee. candy came as an immigrant who came to the united states as a third grader, and she attended the chinese education center as a student. she went onto cesar chavez elementary school, francisco middle school and june jordan high school. after graduating from sf usd, candy attended smith college in massachusetts and she received her teaching credential in hong kong. four years ago, candy returned, coming full circle to teach at the chinese education center. last year, candy was chosen to
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be a fulbright scholar. she received the prestigious fulbright teaching ard with a, so i believe candy holds the distinction of being one of the sfusd rave awardees who has traveled the furthest to receive this honor because she just came back from taiwan for this. i nominated candy for the rave award because she is above and beyond outstanding. in the service that she provides our students and families, the leadership and mentorship she shares with our staff, the dedication and commitment she holds for our district and cec, and the love and enthusiasm that she brings to teaching and learning each and every day for each and every one of our students. ladies and gentlemen, it is my great honor to present miss
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candy lee. [applause]. >> you're not going to say anything? >> thank you, everybody. it is a great honor to be up here. as mr. tan said, i was a student in csi, and to the student delegates to say, even in taiwan i'm using this gun violence as part of my curriculum to teach not only about the english language abroad but the american culture, and hopefully we can bridge this sort of gap between cultural knowledge and bring this awareness to people around the world, too. so even though i can't be at the march tomorrow, i want to let you know that i am supporting you in spirit, and
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so are my students in taiwan. thank you for the work that you do. [applause]. >> thank you so much, candy. this is also a reminder that this is the last day to do a teacher nomination for the teacher of the year award, so as we're thanking our amazing teachers and thinking how incredible they are and what they do for our children, please remember to nominate a
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teacher. and then, to the student delegates, i will be at roots solace school of the arts tomorrow with the students, and then i will be at city hall for the rally, 10:00. okay. thank you. so our next item is item six. it's our advisory committee reports and reports to board members by board members of the supervisor matthews? >> we have two reports this evening. the first is the biannual report from the council, the bcc. i'd like to present kristina wong to produce the presenters. >> good evening, commissioners. as a bilingual community staff
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presenters, i would like to introduce you to maria lourdes nas nosaram. she is an instructional facilitator appointed by commissioner emily merase, and also myrna vasquez who is an active parent at cleveland and actos and appointed by commissioner sanchez. starting us off is maria lourdes. >> i just want to appreciate the superintendent's office, dr. matthews and everyone, the multipathway departments, and all of the district staff employees for all of the professional development and resources that you have given to the teachers and the community to support english language learners. i also want to thanchs the
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interpretation unthe -- thanks the interpretation unit for translating our minutes and all their assistance in the bcc schools. lastly, i want to thank all will teams that we visited, interviewed, and saw the tireless work that they do every day in their school and their community. lastly, the families that we interviews, we appreciate your feedback, and we took all of the considerations that we're going to be presenting today. we visited eight schools, and as you have it in front of you, and six elementary, one middle school, and one high school. we interviewed -- or we did three things: we interviewed the school team, the -- the families, and
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