tv Meet the Press NBC September 20, 2009 10:00am-11:00am EDT
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proudly brought to you by thane direct. it's the dirty secret of the cleaning industry... all vacuum cleaners begin to lose suction the very first time you use them. dirt can quickly clog filters and motors, forcing dust particles and harmful pollutants back into the air you breathe. well, say good-bye to cleaning the old-fashioned way... and say hello to the all-new h2o vac turbo. this revolution in cleaning is the first and only household vacuum to utilize aqua-force water filtration technology. it's the ultimate, all-in-one, wet vac, dry vac, air-purifying, water filtration vacuum system that never clogs and always features super suction power. unlike all other vacuums, the h2o vac turbo sucks all the dirt and dust into its sealed aqua chamber, literally trapping it underwater so no flying dust particles can clog the motor. plus it traps more than 99.97% of all the unwanted dirt,
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dust and harmfulllergens that other vacuums can spew back into the air. so the h2o vac actually purifies the air that you and your family breathe. the h2o vac is unique because it not only captures the dirt you see, it also suctions the dirt you don't see, giving you a deep-down clean every time. muddy footprints? simple. broken eggs, including the shells? easy. even juice and broken glass. no problem. wet, dry, large or small, the h2o vac really does it all. now, stay tuned to find t how you can gean all-new h2o vac turbo absolute fe. >> joe, what on earth hit this house?! >> whoa! you're right. this is a mess! >> oh, my gosh, it's gonna take hours to clean up this place. look at this! >> hours? uh-uh. how about minutes with my amazing h2o vac? >> oh, come on, joe. there's no one machine that can clean up this entire mess. i mean, look at this place. there's food and garbage everywhere. >> you're about to become very surprised, mimi. >> oh!
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>> look at this-- see the streamers? >> wow! >> gone! >> that is really sucking that up fast! there's all kinds of foil and... oh, my gosh, that's really getting that up quick. >> yup. how about those footprints, the shoes with the mud? >> o.k., let's see. >> would you be able to get that up that quickly with your vacuum cleaner? >> i've never seen dirt come up that quick. that's amazing. >> this is the h2o vac. it's turbo! it's super suction power! >> wow, it really does have a strong suction. >> is that beautiful? what do we have here? >> those are balloons. you're not gonna get those up. >> no problem. watch. >> wow! >> there you go. how about coins? what would they do to your machine? >> oh, my god, they would make my motor sound like it's gonna explode! >> well... >> wow! >> they just disappear! >> that is amazing! >> come on, let's keep cleaning. come here. >> o.k. >> let's go to town on this table. >> so far, so good, joe. >> yup. >> but everybody knows that once a vacuum starts filling up, it loses suction, and i bet you that's about what's gonna happen here. >> don't bet me. you're gonna lose that bet, because the h2o vac never loses its suction. i repeat... >> wow! >> ...the h2o vac never loses its suction.
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look at this: boom, boom, boom, boom, done! >> whoa! [both laugh] >> done! >> all right, that was great, but we still got wet messes. we're gonna have to get a bucket and a mop. let's go. >> no, no, no, forget the bucket and the mop. forget the rags. come on, let's get down close. i want you to see what the h2o vac can do. watch this. dry or wet... >> whoa, that's cool. >> ...the h2o vac will take care of it. metal particles, glass, it doesn't matter. liquid, dry... even nuts and bolts. >> wow... >> look at this, mimi. there you go: no tearing, no clogging, no problem. >> wow, that was so cool, joe! >> you think that's cool? >> yeah. >> wait till you see this. this is 40 pounds of dirt and dust, and you know what? believe it or not, this represents the average amount of dirt in the average family's home over the course of a year! 40 pounds! >> wow... >> we're talking dirt, dust, with chemicals and allergens and dust mites and, yuck, all kinds of nasty stuff. >> who wants their family living in or breathing in that kind of filth? >> nobody does, of course, but you know what? here's the problem: the average vacuum,
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it's got bags and filters and dust cups-- it can't get to all of this, so eventually the average vacuum is gonna clog up, and you know what happens then? they lose their suction! but the h2o vac is different. it's very, very different. in fact, it uses advanced water filtration technology, not a dirty vacuum bag or a dust cup. the h2o vac actually uses good old everyday tap water to trap all the dust, trap all the allergens inside your home. >> well, that is different. i've never heard of a vacuum using water before. um, why use water? >> very good question, and i have the answer. can i show you something here? >> well, yeah, sure. >> here is a glass, right? now i'm gonna take a little tablespoon of this dust and this dirt... now watch. o.k., it's already kicking up. you see that? >> yeah. >> yeah, o.k., there you go. i'm gonna give you the honors. take that straw and ever so slightly blow on that dust. >> oh, wow! >> [laughs] >> thanks! yuck! >> you know what that represents? it shows what happens to most common vacuum cleaners when they get clogged or filled up. see, when the dirt and the dust
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have nowhere else to go, what happens? all those nasty allergens, dirt, dust and filth can escape and spew back out into your home. all right, let's talk about the water filtration technology. here's a glass, another tablespoon of dirt, gonna put it down... watch... stir it into the water. remember, the water in the water filtration system allows you to... [water bubbling...] look at that! it's going nowhere. >> the dust is trapped because wet dust can't fly. >> wet dust can't fly. you got it! [both laugh] and it's all trapped in the aqua chamber which has a grip-tight seal so nothing leaks or spills until you want to empty it. simply pour out the dirty water and throw out any remaining large particles into the trash. the h2o vac also features a special certified hepa filter that trs .97% of all the allergens and dust that the other vacuums can blow back into your air. now combine the water filtration technology with the special certified hepa filter and you've
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got like the one-two punch on the h2o vac. >> air pollution indoors is actually a lot worse than outdoor air pollution. indoor air pollution can cause a lot of health problems. as a doctor, i would recommend the h2o vac to people because so many of the health problems i see every day are caused by indoor air pollution, dusts that are caused by a lot of conventional vacuum cleaners. by using the h2o vac, you're not only avoiding the production of a lot of these new dusts, but you're actually cleaning the air as you're vacuuming. >> i feel that my house is a lot cleaner with the h2o vac because i can see what i've accomplished. you just look at the water and you feel like, wow, i've really cleaned up 'cause it's all in here. it's trapped in the water and i can see it. >> now my dad can come visit us 'cause he's very allergic to dogs. so this will clean the air and get all of the dog hairs off my furniture and my carpets so that he can come and visit me. >> i broke a light bulb one time... and ordinarily that would be a disaster to clean up, but with the h2o vac, i just was
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able to vacuum it right up, which was wonderful. >> to me, the h2o vac is that suction monster that goes through and just zips up everything. it's like magic. >> o.k., joe, what now? we going bowling? >> well, not exactly, but i have a bowling ball here 'cause i want to do a suction test between the h2o vac and a very popular canister vacuum, o.k.? >> o.k. >> you're gonna help me with this. we'll start with the h2o vac. i have a special adapter i've added to it. all right, now watch the bowling ball and watch what the h2o vac can do. i'm not surprised. you shouldn't be either, right? >> right. >> o.k. now i want you take the adapter, put it on yours and lift up the same bowling ball, o.k.? >> try that out. >> lift it up. well, well, well, you lifted it up-- that must mean that that canister vacuum is just as good as the h2o vac, right? >> well, yeah. >> no... [laughs] give me the adapter, 'cause i want to show you something. this is the dirty little secret that the manufacturers of vacuum cleaners don't tell you. when they do this test, they perform it, they perform it with brand-new clean filters, no dirt
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inside of the vacuum. how realistic is that? >> when was the last time that you vacuumed your house with an empty vacuum bag? >> hmm... never. >> exactly, so let's do a real test. why don't you vacuum up this sand, o.k.? >> o.k. >> that's some serious dirt there, o.k.? vacuum up the sand. now the vacuum is getting filled up, now the filter actually has dirt in it, o.k.? >> o.k. >> all right, you ready to use the adapter? >> yeah. >> now let's see what kind of suction you've got. come on. >> [laughs] >> with... >> wow! >> there you go! with dirt in the canister, your vacuum failed. turn that off. [laughs] >> oh, i get it, i get it. >> yeah, now let me try it, o.k.? >> o.k. >> o.k., what i'm gonna do, i'm gonna take it to an extreme measure. with the h2o vac, i'm gonna suck up all this sand. >> right. >> but forget one. let's go two-- i'm gonna double what you did. >> whoa! >> remember, i've got a water filtration system that doesn't allow the airflow to clog,
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o.k.? >> all right. >> you never lose power... and... you... never lose... suction! >> oh, wow! >> look at that! >> oh, my gosh! >> is that great? >> that is so cool! >> and that's with a full amount of dirt-- double the dirt. >> double the dirt. >> that's the test that you never see on tv. >> yeah! >> and now you have. but you know what? the real proof is putting it in the hands of real vacuum users, and that's what we did. we took a little field trip to universal studios to see whatveryday people jus like youeally thght out the h2o vac turbo. ...would y use a regular vacuum on nuts and bolts? >> group: no... >> will your vacuum cleaner pick up glass? >> don't think so. >> can you suck up liquids with the central vac? >> no. >> but can your vacuum do this? >> group: no... >> this isn't gonna get it up, you're saying? >> not gonna get it up. >> you wanna bet? >> how much you wanna bet? >> o.k., we have, we have an official bet. you're saying it will not get it up. go for it. [laughs] >> woman: whoa! >> the egg goes right into a
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water filtration system. >> what would your vacuum be doing right now? >> rr-rr-rr-rr-rr... >> ching-ching-ching-ching... >> [imitates grinding] >> glass! go for it! >> now... >> go for it! >> now, that's all right. >> oh, that's amazing! >> this is what you need. [women laugh] >> woman: oh! >> man: oh, my gosh! >> woman and girl: oh...! woman alone: whoa-ho-ho! >> young man: ♪ h2o is the way to go! ♪ [laughter, cheering] >> announcer: it's the dirty secret of the cleaning industry... all vacuum cleaners begin to lose suction the very first time you use them. dirt quickly clogs their filters and motors, forcing dust particles and harmful pollutants back into the air you breathe. well, say good-bye to cleaning the old-fashioned way... and say hello to the all-new h2o vac turbo, the first major advancement in vacuum technology in 50 years. it's the ultimate, all-in-one, wet vac, dry vac, air-purifying, water filtration vacuum that never clogs and always features
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super suction power. the h2o vac turbo's powerful all-in-one design is the only household vacuum to utilize aqua-force water filtration technology. just add a little tap water and that's all you need to clean your entire house. and unlike most vacuums that rely on filters that can quickly clog, the h2o vac captures all the dust and dirt into its sealed aqua chamber, literally trapping it underwater so there's no flying dust particles to reduce suction power. combined with a certified hepa filter, it traps more than 99.97%f all the unwanted dirt, dust and harmful allergens that other vacuums can spew into the air. so the h2o vac actually purifies the air you and your family breathe. the h2o vac is unique because it not only captures the dirt you see, it also suctions the dirt you don't see, giving you a deep-down clean every time. independent laboratory analysis of these popular and expensive vacuums proves that the h2o vac turbo, compared to other
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leading competitors, has up to three times more suction power-- that's incredible! and it comes with this exclusive one-year replacement warranty. it's the perfect cleaning machine for every surface in your home, easily tackling ground-in mud and dirt. and how 'bout that hard-to-clean, matted pet hair? with the h2o vac, it's all gone in seconds... wow! and look, with just one pass, it easily tackles spilled cereal and milk, smashed eggs in the shell, even shattered glass and grape juice. and if the hose ever needs cleaning, just suction up a little warm water and it's as good as new. the h2o vac is built to last a lifetime, yet it's lightweight and easy enough to maneuver anywhere. and with adjustable suction levels, now you can clean on or around even the most delicate items. to empty the aqua chamber, simply pour out the dirty water and throw the remaining particles into the trash. it's just that easy. and when you're all done, just tap the rapid retraction button and the cord instantly disappears, making storage easy and convenient.
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wet, dry, large or small, the h2o vac really does it all and it comes complete with all these incredible accessories: a lightweight telescopic handle, perfect for those hard-to-reach areas... an adjustable crevice brush for in between and behind cushions... a mini-nozzle for efficient detail cleaning... a bristle brush for upholstery and delicate fabrics... and a squeegee for your wet spills. and talk about versatility: simply attach the hose to the exhaust port and now you've got a powerful blower. we'll even include a set of multi-size nozzles for instantly inflating pool toys, air mattresses and more. we'll also send you this fragrant sampler kit. simply pour it into the aqua chamber to leave your room smelling fresh and inviting. look: professional-grade cleaning systems with the same features as the h2o vac cost $1800, but you won't pay $1800, not 500, not even $300. you make just six payments of only $39.95... but hold on!
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call before the end of the show and we'll drop one payment. now that's just five easy payments of only $39.95. that's less than $200! but wait-- be one of the first 500 callers and we'll give you an additional h2o vac turbo with all the accessories for free. that's right, free! use it for your garage, r.v., or it makes t perfect gift. just pay shipping and handling. this offer comes with our full money-back guarantee from trusted thane direct. if you don't love your h2o vac turbo, return it within 30 days for a complete refund. and when you call, ask how you can get the h20 vac deep clean stain remover kit. it's uniquely designed to work with the h2o vac. no problem!ain? silypr, ush and cu toemove even the wor ground-in stains like magic. incredible! offer won't last long and is not available in any stores. remeerth'swo h2o vac
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tuos, including all e value, for just fi easy paents oonly $39.95. so what are you waitg r? call right n. ll number on youscreen. [♪...] >> o.k., joe, what are we doing in the kitchen? we don't use a vacuum in the kitchen. >> well, most vacuums you would not use in the kitchen, but the h2o vac isn't like most vacuums. you want to have some fun? >> o.k., i'm always up for fun. >> all right, we have two identical messes. we're gonna clean these up. >> oh, joe, this does not look like fun. we got eggs, baby food... what is this, coffee grounds? ooh, even broken glass. >> yup, and two very messy highchairs. >> right, right. >> tell me what you're gon need to clean your side. >> well, first and foremost, gloves-- i gotta get some rubber gloves on here, o.k., before my hands turn into prunes... and
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then i think i'll need lots of paper towels... let's see, uh, some cleaning product here... we've got a sponge... [joe laughing] we got a broom, a dustpan... it takes a lot... you gotta get the stuff off the floor... >> it's only a 30-minute show, mimi. >> all right, all right. [laughs] >> come on. >> what are you gonna use? what am i gonna use? the h2o vac, of course! >> o.k., this doesn't exactly seem like a fair challenge. >> here's what i'll do then. i will let you have a head start, and the one who finishes last buys lunch. >> all right, you're on, but only because i'm really hungry and you're gonna pay. >> go! >> all right. >> go! >> wait a minute! >> start cleaning! >> i'm gonna clean. o.k., o.k. oh, this is really gross. >> o.k., o.k., i'll let you go a little bit more. >> go ahead, bring it on, buddy. >> oh, really? >> yeah, i'm gonna beat you anyways. oh... >> all right, you see those eggs? i'm gonna take care of the eggs just like this. i've got a squeegee on my h2o vac-- watch. >> i'm not really... >> oh, yeah. >> oh, i am really not good with these egg... oh... >> no, you're not. >> oh, look at that... >> watch the h2o vac, dry and wet together-- i can do 'em both. >> oh, i can't even... oh, now i don't think it's fair. [laughs] >> look at that. beautiful!
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>> what do you do with this egg stuff? it's horrible. >> you haven't even gotten to the yogurt and the bread? come on! >> look, i'm trying to get this cleaned up, o.k.? >> all right, and whatever this is... whatever it is, it's gone. nna just be clean, i'm gonna be squeegee clean. >> i can't... just can't get this egg up. it's just a nightmare. >> there we go. all right, i'm done with the countertop, where are you? oh, i shouldn't have asked. i'm going to the highchair. are you gonna join me? >> well, yeah, but i'm not really done with that... >> gone. >> i'm, i'm, uh... >> well, if you're gonna keep up-- this is a race, right? >> all right, all right, alright... >remember, you said you love competition. hey, you're way behind, mimi. you are way behind. >> oh, i know, i know... >> i'm gonna do a little squeegee action right here. can it really clean? there you ... and, mimi, i'm headed for the floor. >> all right, well, i'm just gonna keep up with you, because... >> glass and liquid-- be very careful on the floor. in fact, i'm not even gonna touch the floor. i've got an extension, see? >> you don't even have to bend down and i hate getting on my knees... >> you're right, i don't have to bend down. >> oh, i'm... you know what?
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you better not distract me while i'm trying to t up this glass. i might cut myself. aah... i hate picking up glass. >> you know what else? i'm not using all the paper towels and chemicals you're using. i'm better for the environment. >> i know, i know, i know. don't remind me. it makes me feel really bad. >> hey, and you know what else? i'm done! what's for lunch? [both laugh] thh2o vac not on dp cleans your home, it also cleans the air that you breathe. look, we poured clean water into the h2o vac, then filled this glass chamber with smoke, dust and allergens. watch-- in less than 60 seconds, all the air pollutants are completely gone, trapped inside the aqua chamb. so the h2o vac cleans your floors and the air that you and your family breathe. >>very mom wants a clean floor for their family, especially if you have children crawling around. you want to make sure that floor is spick-and-span, and the h2o vac really gets the job done. >> because of the water, you're trapping all of that dust. you're not getting any odors. it's just clean, fresh air. >> h2o vac is very easy
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to cart around... up and down my stairs, out the back door if i want to. i can even do the patio. >> the h2o vac has replaced my mop, my vacuum, my broom, which is nice. they can all retire now, 'cause all i need is the h2o vac. >> joe: to prove just how powerful and effective the cleaning power of the h2o vac turbo really is, we sent it to intertek laboratories, one of the top independent testing facilities in the country. here, vacuums are industry tested and rigorously evaluated for power and performance. certified technicians compared the suction power of the h2o vac to some of the most popular and top-selling vacuum brands on the market. the final suction power results revealed the h2o vac turbo was 111% more powerful than this leading canister vacuum... 145% more powerful than this top-selling upright... and look at this: an astounding 313% more powerful than this
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extremely popular high-end model-- that's more than three times the suction power which is proof positive. the h2o vac is more powerful with stronger cleaning capabilities than other leading vacuums. and it never, ever loses suction. so pick up the phone now. get your very own h2o vac with this very special offer. >> woman and girl: oh! >> woman: oh! >> man: oh, my gosh! >> woman: oh, that's amazing! >> announcer: introducing the all-new h2o vac turbo, the first major advancement in vacuum technology in 50 years. it's the ultimate, all-in-one, wet vac, dry vac, air-purifying, water filtration vacuum system that never clogs and always features super suction power. the h2o vac turbo's powerful all-in-one design is the only household vacuum to utilize aqua-force water filtration technology. with the h2o vac, you'll never hassle with buying expensive vacuum bags or emptying filthy
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dust cups ever again. just add a little tap water and that's all you need to clean your entire house. and unlike most vacuums that rely on filters that can quickly clog, the h2o vac ptures all the dust and dirt into its sealed aqua chamber, literally trapping it underwater so there's no flying dust particles to reduce suction power. combined with a certified hepa filter, it traps more than 99.97% of all the unwanted dirt, dust and harmful allergens that other vacuums can spew into the air. so the h2o vac actually purifies the air you and your family breathe. the h2o vac is unique because it not only captures the dirt you see, it also suctions the dirt you don't see, giving you a deep-down clean every time. and it comes with this exclusive one-year replacement warranty. it's the perfect cleaning machine for every surface in your home, easily tackling ground-in mud and dirt. and how 'bout that hard-to-clean, matted pet hair? with the h2o vac, it's all gone in seconds... wow! and look, with just one pass,
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it easily tackles spilled cereal and milk, smashed eggs in the shell, even shattered glass and grape juice. and if the hose ever needs cleaning, just suction up a little warm water and it's as good as new. the h2o vac is built to last a lifetime, yet it's lightweight and easy enough to maneuver anywhere. and with adjustable suction levels, now you can clean on or around even the most delicate items. and because the h2o vac provides direct suction into the aqua chamber, you'll never damage the vacuum and you'll never lose your valuable items ever again. to empty the aqua chamber, simply pour out the dirty water and throw the remaining particles into the trash. it's just that easy. and when you're all done, just tap the rapid retraction button and the cord instantly disappears, making storage easy and convenient. wet, dry, large or small, the h2o vac really does it all and it comes complete with all these incredible accessories: a lightweight telescopic handle, perfect for those hard-to-reach
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areas... an adjustable crevice brush for in between and behind cushions... a mini-nozzle for efficient detail cleaning... a bristle brush for upholstery and delicate fabrics... and a squeegee for your wet spills. and talk about versatility: simply attach the hose to the exhaust port and now you've got a powerful blower. we'll even include a set of multi-size nozzles for instantly inflating pool toys, air mattresses and more. we'll also send you this fragrant sampler kit. simply pour it into the aqua chamber to leave your room smelling fresh and inviting. look: professional-grade cleaning systems with the same features as the h2o vac cost $1800, but you won't pay $1800, not 500, not even $300. you make just six payments of only $39.95... but hold on! call before the end of the show and we'll drop one pment. now that's just five easy payments of only $39.95. that's less than $200! but wait-- be one of the first 500 callers and we'll
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give you an additional h2o vac turbo with all the accessories for free. that's right, free! use it for your garage, r.v., or it makes the perfect gift. just pay shipping and handling. this offer comes with our full money-back guarantee from trusted thane dict. if you don't love your h2o vac turbo, return it within 30 days for a complete refund. and when you call, ask how you can get the h20 vac deep clean stain remover kit. it's uniquely designed to work with the h2o vac. no problem!a? simply spray, brush and vacuum to remove even the worst ground-in stains like magi incredible! be sure to also k about our 20oot extension hose for longer reaches and this super slim nozzle attachment for cleaning the tightest places. ailablin any not rember, th's two2o vac tuos, udg all the lu f just five easyes, $600
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payments oonly $.95. what e you waiting for? call rightow. call the number your reen. [♪...] >> with the all-in-one revolutionary cleaning performance of the h2o vac turbo, i can't imagine anyone ever using an ordinary vacuum ever again. the h2o vac turbo doesn't just surface clean your home, it deep cleans your home. in fact, it'll take care of that dirt that you can't see. and to prove it, we hired a professional cleaning team. they came through this house and cleaned it up. they dusted, wiped and vacuumed using their regular cleaners and vacuums. hey, they did a really thorough job in each room of the house... or so they thought.
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wow, you worked hard, ladies! you got me tired watching you. o.k., so obviously, you have cleaned this house thoroughly, right, really clean? >> absolutely. 100%, this house is completely clean. >> if it's 100% clean, then you wouldn't mind if i cleaned the same spots you were just at, only i'm gonna use the h2o vac turbo. i'm not gonna use any vacuum bags. i'm not gonna use regular filters, i'm not gonna use dust cups. here's my filter right here. >> debbie: wow, water? >> joe: water... h2o! see, ladies, i'm not gonna just get this house clean, i'm gonna get this house h2o clean! [♪...] all right, clean team, the moment of truth is here. i am going to show you the dirt that your vacuum cleaners left behind. you ready? >> women: ew! >> debbie: gosh... that is disgusting! i can't believe our vacuums left that behind.
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>> and that's not just dirt. that's pollen, that's animal dander, there's viruses, pollutants... you name it, it's in here. that's because the h2o vac turbo picked up the deep-down dirt that your vacuum left behind. just because it looks clean doesn't mean it is clean. see, with the h2o vac turbo, you'll get aeep-down clean each and every te you e it and not just on all the surfaces but also the air that you and your family breathe. ...well, we're just about out of time, but before we go, just remember one thing: having the clean, healthy home that your family deserves truly is as simple as turning on the faucet, thanks to the revolutionary h2o vac. so what are you waiting for? pick up the phone and call right now. >> oh, it's super suction, all right. [chuckles] >> as long as you've got a 30-day guarantee, how can you go wrong? >> it's lightweight, it cleans the air while it sucks up the dirt and it really works. >> announcer: time is runng out, but remember, if you are one of first 500 callers
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>> announcer: the following is a paid advertisement for the back 2 life 12-minute back pain solution, brought to you by back in five, llc. >> hi, i'm bella shaw and i know something about you. you or someone you know suffers from lower back pain. how do i know that? because studies show that eight out of 10 people in america suffer from back pain at some time in their life. it's the second most neurological ailment in the u.s.-- only headache is more common-- and it's second only to the common cold as a cause of days lost at work. and get this: americans spend at least $50 billion each year on low back pain, but despite all the money we're spending, we're not getting any better. so with everything out there,
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does anything really work? well, just maybe, because there's a new device that has back pain experts in europe jumping up and down with excitement. but is it really the solution we've all been waiting for? well, the answer to that question just may shock you. stay tuned. [♪...] >> announcer: if you or anyone you know suffers from any kind of back pain... if you've tried hot and cold packs, dangerous pain pills and endless expensive visits to the back pain specialist, only to find you're still living with debilitating or nagging back pain, pay close attention, because your life is about to change forever. introducing back 2 life, the 12-minute solution to a lifetime of back pain. the back 2 life is causing a sensation across europe because of the amazing results back pain specialists are finally achieving for their patients. it's so unique, it holds three worldwide patents and is now available in the united states for the very first time. back 2 life features a
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revolutionary technology called continuous passive motion. this breakthrough technique gently relaxes tight muscles, opens compressed vertebrae and naturally aligns the spine to quickly and effectively ease even the most severe back pain or discomfort faster than you've ever dreamed possible. whether you've had chronic pain for the last 20 years, back pain caused by injury, poor posture, lack of exercise or whether, like millions of americans, the demands of everyday life leaves your back stiff and sore, just lie back and relax for 12 minutes and let the breakthrough technology of the back 2 life release the pressure and relieve your pain. there's nothing else like it. it really works. >> back 2 life definitely frees you from pain. >> it worked for me the very first time i used it and it works every time. >> i'm standing here right now 100% free of pain. >> the pain's gone. >> announcer: if you're one of the eight out of 10 people who've resigned yourself to living the rest of your life with continuous back pain, then stay tuned, because the
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12-minute back 2 life is going to give you back your life. so join bella shaw and renowned back pain expert dr. marc darrow as they introduce you to this life-changing device. >> today, we're examining the alarming growth of back pain in america-- what causes it and what we can do about it. recently, the european orthopedic world has been turned upside down by a new device that they're claiming may change the way we treat back pain forever. so with us today is one of the most respected orthopedic pain specialists in the country, dr. marc darrow. dr. darrow is an expert on pain management. he's board certified in physical medicine and rehabilitation. he's an assistant professor at u.c.l.a.'s school of medicine and recently appeared in newsweek magazine. dr. darrow, welcome. good to see you. >> thank you, bella. >> you know, eight out of 10 people suffer from back pain at some time in their life. only headaches are more common. it sounds like an epidemic. what's causing all of this lower back pain? >> we're sitting at desks,
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we're sitting in our cars longer and we're standing for long periods of time. over 50 million people are hunched over their computers all day and there is so much more stress today. >> o.k., but, doctor, we're spending $50 billion a year and nothing seems to be working. >> well, what i want to show you is a breakthrough device that i believe is going to change the way we treat back pain forever. this unique device is called the back 2 life. >> but why is this so different from all the other options we just listed that aren't working so well? >> bella, let me show you. >> o.k. >> the back 2 life is an incredible machine, and here we have lori sitting here. >> hi. >> we'd like to have you scooch your backside as close to the machine as you can and straddle it. that's right, and then put your knees over the kneepads. please push the button. >> bella: oh... that's interesting. so, what are we looking at? >> dr. darrow: well, the first thing you'll notice is that lori is not stretching, she's not exercising.
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the back 2 life machine is doing everything for her. >> i like that, because when i hurt my back, you know, i just didn't want to do all the exercises and stretches 'cause it hurt so much. >> dr. darrow: of course, but this isn't stretching. it's a back and forth, side to side, very gentle motion. it's what we call continuous passive motion. >> bella: o.k., continuous passive motion. now what exactly is that? >> bella, it's the secret to why back 2 life gets such amazing results. but let me first explain what actually causes most back pain. >> o.k. >> now, if we pretend this is your spine, what do we have? we have beautiful vertebrae here, which are the bones that hold the spinal cord. we have discs in between that are like shock absorbers, and in a healthy spine, we have great mobility. we can flex very easily. we can extend very easily. we can rotate and we can go side to side without pain. but what happens when people have back pain? come over here, please. >> o.k. >> and look what happens when we have compression from muscle spasm, which is what
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occurs in daily life. >> o.k. >> we have a compression that takes place and what we really want is we want these discs to open up and the muscles to relax. so, bella, what we need to do is release the pressure to relieve the pain. >> so how do we do that? >> dr. darrow: once your back is tightened, the key to releasing that pressure is to introduce motion deep inside the muscle and between the vertebrae. we've never been able to do that before. you can't do it through ice packs, you can't do it through heat, you can't do it through traction. but with the back 2 life machine, you can. >> that's a pretty bold statement. >> well, this is why it's different. the back 2 life machine creates a gentle movement in the muscles and in your vertebrae which relaxes them for you. it flexes your spine. it actually helps to put your back into alignment. this continuous passive motion creates space between your vertebrae and allows oxygen and blood to flow into the area. and while doing this, it also balances the curvature
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of the lower back. even if your pain is so bad it hurts to actually bend over, the back 2 life machine can still help relieve your pain. it's an amazing machine. >> i went shopping at the market the other day for an hour, no pain, whereas prior to the back 2 life... two minutes, i'm holding onto the shopping cart. it's... just like a miracle to me. >> you go to sit up, the alarm clock goes off and... "oh!" just... soon as your eyes open, you're reminded that your back hurts and that's been the... probably the biggest joy of it is waking up and just sliding out of bed. though it's not something that i think, oh, how much better my back is than it used to be since i'm using the back 2 life, it's that i don't think about my back anymore at all. >> over the past 12 years for my pain for my back, i've done physical therapy, massage, over-the-counter painkillers and prescription painkillers.
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after starting with the back 2 life, i woke up and i realized that i had slept through the night. i was like... that, that's been the best gift, uh, of everything. to have years of pain basically ease away in a week was absolutely incredible. >> i haven't had any problem when i go to get out of my car. i don't have to lean in the same spot all the time. i would go to a mall for an hour and i'd say, "hey, i gotta get to the car... my back's killing me!" now i walk at the mall for exercise. all i know is that it works. >> i always hurt before. i mean, for 20 years, my back has hurt and i've accepted it. and then i was introduced to back 2 life and now, all of a sudden, it just doesn't hurt. after the third day, i had definite relief. i quit taking the aspirin and all pain medication after the third day. the pain's gone. i mean, i don't have the pain or the, the pressure, i think, on my lower back that
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i'm, that i'm used to. >> i couldn't stand for a long period of time, i couldn't sit for a long period of time. uh, i couldn't lift my son at all and i really thought i should not be going through this at 33 years old. i used back 2 life for a week and a half and i had no more back pain. it's just a something as simple as sitting back and relaxing and letting this machine do all the work and then you get these types of results. who can ask for anything better? i'm still kind of in shock to say i don't have pain. i don't have any pain. >> if you or anyone you know suffer from some sort of back pain, you owe it to yourself to try this remarkable machine. and here's the best part: the back 2 life people are so certain that it will work for you, you can try it at home for a full 30 days absolutely risk-free. so what are you waiting for? pick up the phone and try the back 2 life risk-free. i promise you, you'll be
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glad you did. >> announcer: does it hurt to bend over? are you losing endless nights of sleep because of back pain? does your back twinge when you get up in the morning? has standing or walking become a backbreaking battle? are you sitting on the sidelines while everyone else has all the fun? then your life is about to change forever. introducing the back 2 life 12-minute back pain solution. this extraordinary medical breakthrough is causing a sensation across europe because of the amazing results back pain specialists are finally able to achieve for their patients. it's so unique, it holds three worldwide patents and is now available in the united states for the very first time. the amazing back 2 life focuses on the source of your back pain, using a revolutionary new approach. it actually eases your pain naturally while you just lie back and relax. the secret to back 2 life's extraordinary results is a breakthrough technique called continuous passive motion. simply lay back in complete comfort and let the back 2 life gradually and gently ease
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your tight muscles, making them flexible and supple. as your muscles relax, the continuous passive motion opens up compressed vertebrae and releases pressure on sensitive nerve endings. the cartilage becomes flexible again and movement becomes easier. the pain simply melts away. so now, you can comfortably sit, sleep, walk, lift, even enjoy your favorite activities without the fear of excruciating pain. but that's just the beginning. the back 2 life gently and naturally guides your spine into proper and healthy alignment, which can improve posture and help to prevent injury. it releases the pressure to relieve the pain. so whether you're sitting hunched at a computer, if you're on your feet all day, if your back pain comes and goes or even if you've suffered from nagging, aggravating back pain for the last 20 years, you owe it to yourself to try this remarkable machine. the back 2 life can change your life. it's easy to use, adjusts to your height with the push of a button and stores anywhere, making this professional quality
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device ideal for your home. and with its 12-minute automatic shut-off, it does the thinking for you. you could spend thousands of dollars every year on high-tech back support furniture, expensive specialty mattresses, professional massages, endless visits to the back pain specialist and, worst of all, costly pain pills, and still suffer with debilitating or nagging back pain... until now. the back 2 life is currently selling all across europe for over $600, but for this special u.s. introductory offer, you won't pay $600, $500, $400 or $300. in fact, when you call right now, you won't even pay $200. that's right-- call right now and you can receive this remarkable machine for just five easy payments of $39.95. but that's not all. when you call in the next 30 minutes, you'll also receive this trademarked firmapedic pillow. comprised of a special thermal-reactive material, it's specially designed to keep your body in the optimal alignment as you sleep. comparable pillows sell for as much as $99 each, but you'll
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receive this important key to long-lasting back health absolutely free. together, that's over a $700 value, yours today for just five easy payments of $39.95. that's an incredible $500 savings. if the back 2 life doesn't relieve your back pain, no matter how long you've suffered, simply return it for a complete refund of your purchase price and keep the $99 firmapedic pillow as our gift to you. there's no risk. pick up the phone and call the number on your screen right now. ask for priority shipping or, for faster service, visit our website at [♪...] >> i have tried everything for the pain. i've been to chiropractors, i've been to doctors. if there's a solution out there, i've tried it. that's what brought me to the back 2 life. i've used the back 2 life for three weeks now. the first day, i felt relief. by the end of the first week, i slept the first eight-hour
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night that i had slept in over three years in my life. and now that it's three weeks down the road, i can say that for the last six nights, i have slept eight hours without waking up once in the middle of the night in pain, and i feel like a new person right now. i feel like i'm getting quality back to my life from the back 2 life. my hips don't hurt. my back does not hurt. i'm standing here right now, 100% free of pain, and i've been standing here for 20 minutes. it's... that, to me, is, it's more than amazing, it's a miracle, because i really didn't think there was an answer. you feel like jumping up and down and celebrating, and the best part is that you can. [laughs] you can! >> so, doctor, you're telling us the back 2 life can be our first option before opening the medicine cabinet and reaching for all those pain pills? >> bella, in my practice, pain pills are the very last option and here's why. the average person may take quite a few more than this, but let's say it's just four pain pills per day. >> bella: o.k.
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>> doesn't look like much, does it? >> no. >> think about that... four over the course of a year is more than 1500. >> oh, this is unbelievable. that can't be good. >> it isn't. we know that just about every pill that comes out has side effects. the effect is cumulative. we used to think that if someone just took a small amount of pills per day they would be fine. now we find in studies that when people take these pills, every single one of them accumulates in the organs over the years. >> hmm. >> this is dangerous. >> so it is an epidemic in our society. >> it is an epidemic and it's one that we have to change. but guess what? we finally found something that works. >> i could not get through a day, uh, without taking painkillers. so, um, i started using back 2 life and for the last... well, since i've started using it, i have not had to take a painkiller. >> i was taking so many painkillers until i started using the back 2 life machine.
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i had excruciating pain and i was popping the painkillers like they were candy all day long. i was very surprised that the back 2 life worked as quickly as it has. in fact, the first two days, i got a tremendous amount of relief. it has changed my life. >> my doctor prescribed painkillers, prescription painkillers, and i've been taking them for at least 15 years, if not 20, and assumed i would be doing this the rest of my life with the painkillers. and, uh, i was taking six a day, sometimes eight a day and then i was introduced to back 2 life. i would say after the third day, i had definite relief. i quit taking the aspirin and all pain medication after the third day. >> since using back 2 life... true, true statement-- i have not taken any medication at all for my back... zero. >> announcer: introducing the back 2 life 12-minute back pain solution. this extraordinary medical
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breakthrough is causing a sensation across europe because of the amazing results back pain specialists are finally able to achieve for their patients. it's so unique, it holds three worldwide patents and is now available in the united states for the very first time. the back 2 life is currently selling all across europe for over $600, but for this special u.s. introductory offer, you won't pay $600, $500, $400 or $300. in fact, when you call right now, you won't even pay $200. that's right-- call right now and you can receive this remarkable machine for just five easy payments of $39.95. but that's not all. when you call in the next 30 minutes, you'll also receive this trademarked firmapedic pillow. comprised of a special thermal-reactive material, it's specially designed to keep your body in the optimal alignment as you sleep. comparable pillows sell for as much as $99 each, but you'll receive this important key to long-lasting back health absolutely free. together, that's over a $700 value, yours today for just five easy payments of $39.95.
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that's an incredible $500 savings. if the back 2 life doesn't relieve your back pain, no matter how long you've suffered, simply return it for a complete refund of your purchase price and keep the $99 firmapedic pillow as our gift to you. there's no risk. pick up the phone and call the number on your screen right now. ask for priority shipping or, for faster service, visit our website at [♪...] >> it's the worst feeling in the world, feeling that you're gonna be dependent on someone else for the most basic needs, you know, like... you needed someone to help you get out of bed just to go to the restroom or need someone to come and get you out of bed just to go to the dinner table. and it was frustrating. my wife-- it was also, you know, taking a toll on... on my personal life. i have a two-year-old son, uh, who's very lovable. he likes to be carried, he likes to cuddle and, you know, i couldn't do it. he would come... he would
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come over to the bed and then he would caress me and he would ask me, "what's wrong, daddy? why can't you... let's go outside. let's go play." and i'd have to tell him, i go, "son, i can't." you know, "not now, i can't." you know, "daddy's not feeling well." now, two weeks later, i can. i'm able to pick him up, i'm able to hold his weight, i'm able to bring him close to me and... and, play games with him. i went from being bedridden before back 2 life to being able to move, drive, walk. it's amazing. i'm back. i'm back, you know, the old me is back and back 2 life has given me that freedom back. you know, i feel like, i feel like a new man. >> welcome back. we're here with back pain specialist dr. marc darrow discussing the back 2 life, the 12-minute back pain solution that has made headlines all over europe. dr. darrow, the back 2 life seems so simple but i would expect something that works this well to kind of push and pull and stretch and crack and
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all that kind of thing. >> that's what you'd really expect, bella, but the back 2 life device has been specifically designed by back pain experts to minimize the movement of the spine. and that's for a very specific reason. your muscles don't relax by being pushed and pulled dramatically. many of the treatments out there actually make your back worse. the truth is, bella, all you need is this gentle motion for just 12 minutes. it's really effective. it really works. >> bella: so it's very safe and very effective. >> exactly. >> when your lower back hurts, everything hurts, or when your lower back hurts, every move you make or do reminds you of how bad that pain is. typically, when there's a problem in the spine, muscles around that area will automatically lock up, and if you, if there's pressure there, there will be pain constantly. the pressure has to be released from the spinal canal. when using the back 2 life product, there is a back and forth oval motion and the, the pelvic cavity is lifted up
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and then down in a very gentle motion, and this will help stretch the muscles in the lower back. it'll relieve the pressure on the lower lumbar discs that have built... been built up. and the back 2 life product will give relief to any of these cases, whether they're severe to moderate to mild. all the patients that i've worked with, we have noticed either fantastic, uh, extreme results, down to, uh, very good results from the use of this product. >> as an osteopath using manipulation, what i'm usually trying to do is restore motion. the restricted motion leads to extra spasm, leads to pain, so i'm trying to restore the motion. this back 2 life restores motion. it's a constant motion machine. the vast majority of the time, acute back pain is muscular. in back strain, the back 2 life would move the muscle passively, which helps reduce swelling, which helps reduce spasm, therefore helping to reduce
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the pain. what i'm absolutely confident about is that this is safe and that people should gain flexibility, pain relief and mobility and return to their lives, so i'm, i'm sure that it's safe and i'm sure that a lot of people are gonna benefit from this machine. >> i probably evaluate 10 to 12 patients per day just with low back injuries. this product is gonna work for 90-plus percent of patients that come in with low back pain. easy to use and, um, really safe and effective. >> bella, this machine is a real breakthrough. >> well, you know, doctor, i'm not a back expert but, uh, it would seem to me that not all back pain comes from the same source. am i right on that? >> well, you're absolutely correct. there are so many different reasons people have back pain. the back is an extremely complex set of muscles and bones and discs and nerves. so we find that the back 2 life system can get to the source of all of that.
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>> so what you're saying is, without surgery, without painkillers and without visits to the chiropractor, the back 2 life can help relieve nearly every kind of back pain? >> bella, by using this gentle and effective motion, in a short period of time, even if you've had severe back pain for years, you should see remarkable results. >> it's a very gentle motion. it's very subtle and you're almost wondering how could this even work. but it does work. >> back 2 life machine absolutely works. i am living proof of it. >> i am walking proof. i can... and i'm sitting proof that it works. so, i mean, my results have been phenomenal. >> i can say that with, with all conviction and honesty, back 2 life works. >> it's very simple. it works. >> it works. back 2 life works. >> i, i am... i am a believer. [laughs] >> it really is a miracle. >> i'm a skeptic. i'm a physician. i, i look at science and i investigate things and, and i wasn't looking for an easy relief.
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this machine helped me in just the first 12 minutes i used it. >> back 2 life works for me. i'm, you know, i'm a convert, 'cause i was a skeptic at first and, uh, i'm thrilled. >> to have years of pain basically ease away in a week was absolutely incredible. >> back 2 life works. it really works. uh, i... i'd like to see other people who, like myself, have had those limitations... gain the freedom that i have today. you really, really need to try it. it works. >> on behalf of all of the back pain sufferers, we'd like to thank dr. darrow. and if you're one of us, suffering from back pain, and you haven't already called, what are you waiting for? you owe it to yourself to try this incredible machine.
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believe me, the back 2 life works. >> announcer: does it hurt to bend over? are you losing endless nights of sleep because of back pain? does your back twinge when you get up in the morning? has standing or walking become a backbreaking battle? are you sitting on the sidelines while everyone else has all the fun? then your life is about to change forever. introducing the back 2 life 12-minute back pain solution. this extraordinary medical breakthrough is causing a sensation across europe because of the amazing results back pain specialists are finally able to achieve for their patients. it's so unique, it holds three worldwide patents and is now available in the united states for the very first time. the amazing back 2 life focuses on the source of your back pain, using a revolutionary new approach. it actually eases your pain naturally while you just lie back and relax. the secret to back 2 life's extraordinary results is a breakthrough technique called continuous passive motion. simply lay back in complete
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comfort and let the back 2 life gradually and gently ease your tight muscles, making them flexible and supple. as your muscles relax, the continuous passive motion opens up compressed vertebrae and releases pressure on sensitive nerve endings. the cartilage becomes flexible again and movement becomes easier. the pain simply melts away. so now, you can comfortably sit, sleep, walk, lift, even enjoy your favorite activities without the fear of excruciating pain. but that's just the beginning. the back 2 life gently and naturally guides your spine into proper and healthy alignment, which can improve posture and help to prevent injury. it releases the pressure to relieve the pain. so whether you're sitting hunched at a computer, if you're on your feet all day, if your back pain comes and goes or even if you've suffered from nagging, aggravating back pain for the last 20 years, you owe it to yourself to try this remarkable machine. the back 2 life can change your life. it's easy to use, adjusts to your height with the push of
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a button and stores anywhere, making this professional quality device ideal for your home. and with its 12-minute automatic shut-off, it does the thinking for you. you could spend thousands of dollars every year on high-tech back support furniture, expensive specialty mattresses, professional massages, endless visits to the back pain specialist and, worst of all, costly pain pills, and still suffer with debilitating or nagging back pain... until now. the back 2 life is currently selling all across europe for over $600, but for this special u.s. introductory offer, you won't pay $600, $500, $400 or $300. in fact, when you call right now, you won't even pay $200. that's right-- call right now and you can receive this remarkable machine for just five easy payments of $39.95. but that's not all. when you call in the next 30 minutes, you'll also receive this trademarked firmapedic pillow. comprised of a special thermal-reactive material, it's specially designed to keep your body in the optimal alignment as you sleep. comparable pillows sell for as
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much as $99 each, but you'll receive this important key to long-lasting back health absolutely free. together, that's over a $700 value, yours today for just five easy payments of $39.95. that's an incredible $500 savings. if the back 2 life doesn't relieve your back pain, no matter how long you've suffered, simply return it for a complete refund of your purchase price and keep the $99 firmapedic pillow as our gift to you. there's no risk. pick up the phone and call the number on your screen right now. ask for priority shipping or, for faster service, visit our website at [♪...] the preceding was a paid advertisement for the back 2 life 12-minute back pain solution, brought to you by back in five, llc.
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