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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  October 16, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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you can do in the comfort of yyur oon home.tomorrow on pox45 mooning (("in the lockeroom afterwards we didn't knnow but he was worried about it.")) injuries for two key ravens' defenders.ww've got fan reection to the devastating news. gtting ready... for ound two.the intense preparations by president obama and mitt romney... before tonighh's high-stakes debate. illary clinton is peaking put about the deadll atttckss at the americaa consulate in for thh white house. taking... 3 3 p,3 tuesday, octtoer 16th.
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3 it is noo offfcial... two keyy pefenders for the baltimore raaens are out for the season. season.lardarius webb and ray game thissyyar.megan gilliland is ivv from m & ttbank stadiim ith reaction. good morning guyy,sundaa's win ravensslost two key players on thhir defense... one of them... really the face of thh franchise.linebackkr ray lewis is out for the year. so is cornerracc lardarius webb.webb orr n acl... while 37-year old lewis suufered a comppete tear of is triceps muscle in his riggt were opinn it was only a partial tear... but an m---i reveeled the worst. 31:27ray in the lockeroom afterwards we dddnnt know, but he was worried about ii he ggessbacc to hissfaith, he
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gone. fans aae reacting to this news as on our acebook page... doug smith writess you are the we know our presence on the hope it is a complete recoveryy recovery.walt brown says- we every positn, get well ray, see you in the superbowl suuprbowlthere is questions as to whether suuday's ggme against the cowboyy will be likely haal of fame word from lewis on thht... and harbbught declined commenttit was his 17th eason with the n- f-l. with lewis out... dannell
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ellerbe will sttp in.hear ffrm him coming up next half hour. llvv from m & t bank staaiumm i'm megan gilliland, fox45 mmrning nees. a teenage boy is recovering it happened just after sevee - o'clock last night on wharton court... right off of east monuuent treet.the vvctim is &pexpecced toobe o-k.police don't hhve a suspect or motive in the hooting. last night's shooting camm on the heels of a violent weekend responded to eiiht separrte sho pizza delivvry river... allng with a high schooler. 19-year-old ta-shawna jones... a tuddnt at harbor city high... died.officers are now asking for your heep to solve (anthony guglielmi)"we need tte commmnity to help us hold people accountable.. so its coming ffrward.. with information iientifying people are a problem and reelly nnw - bridggng the gap and working witt detectives bringing them to justicc."
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justice."so far... police have made an arrest in just one of the shooting cases from over thh weekend. mourning the loss of a - ccildren.... klled in a fire last week. towiig companiis atherd at theefamily's burned out home on denwooo avenue for a vigil and funnraiser..orkers at "knockouu" tooing contacted asking or ddnations to help surriving family membbrs with funeral costs and other expenses.lasttniggt, thee ppesented the donations to he pamily. (ms. blanks/victim's aughterr &p"it was amazing to see that w had so much upport from people thht don't even know family." driver)"really, i... standing ii front of this house, i feel ttat's all i keep thinking about is my kids never waking up.. never making it out theii " happened on thursday...ire - firefighters say the victimm fllor.right now, investigators are still working to determine what caused the firee.
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3 in this orning's waste watch... the dispute over new city phone system takes learned that compproller joan pratt filed lawsuit... seeking to block the mayor from moving forward with a plan to upgradd city phones. &pphones.the mayor'ssoffice oof comptroller were both competing plans to upgrade the pratt has accused mayor steehanie of thh work to one biddiig.the suit ... filed on alleggs that the mayor "thwartee the city's charter" ... essentially ignoring city's own inspector general found the deals to be maintains that her office did 02:47:29"i can't really speakk on the claims. i will say i don't intend to sppnddany taxpayer money in furtheraace of the lawsuit and i'm sure &pwe're goiig to get this resold
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resolved"the comptroller and mayor have not personally met to discuss their differences... but members of so far, hey've been unable to reacc a comppomise. it's our duty toohold eeected officcals an do that by jooiing ourrfox45 waste watch.if you have a story about government wastee.. ccll our hotline...410-662-1456 webbitt ffx baltimore dot com &ppnd cliik on waste watch. 3 debate prep hhs been more like debate seclusion for president stayee behind closed dooos ass they hunkered down, preparing for tonight's hhgh stakes second presidential debate. "hello, hello! i brought some food!"after jokinggthat hii debate prep was a "drag" last time around, president obama assured supporters aa a
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campaignnoffice over the weekend n virginia he's hitting thh books."i'm gonnn do my ork. everybody's so seeious!"mitt romney was only seen briefly during his preparations... heading in and &pout of chhrrh on sunday. in romney's sparring sessions... ohio ssnator rob portman is oncc again playing the &pppeeident...whill advisee peter flaaerty has the roleeof portman indicated suuday, the campaiin is getting ready to rumble."i think president obama is going to come outtswinging. i think he's going to have to compensate for a poor first debate and iithink hat will be ccnsistent with what thhy've been doing this whole campaign."over at obamm debate time adviser anita dunn s g - playyng crowwey... while kerry ii once again staading pnnfor romney.the preeident' ttam vows he will ap up hhs performancc."i think he's going to be aggressive ii of wherr we should go as a ccuntty."that could be a risky move and perhaas alienate some in the aadience ii this debate's town hall style format... perhaps explaining
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why annobama aideenowwsays the president will be "firm but &pthey're prepared for all &pvarrables."the president can change his tactics. he can't change his reeord.""i think mitttromney's perrormance was indded, magiccl and the latest cnn poll of polls 3 showing the race is neck and in the three key swing states of florida... here romney may have a ssight edge.ooio... where the president ay be inches aaead.and virginii.. where it's almost a tie.a dead even battleground maa puts a preeium on traditiinally democratic states like pisconsin... home turf of romney's running mate paul ryan.... "we haven't dddicated our electoral voters sinne 1984 to the republican nominee. it isstime wwechanged the second f ttree debatts will bb in a town hall format.
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tonight... and will beeheld at aftee some mmjor backlash... k. pizza hut is putting the would've had people asking "saussge or pepperoni?"... at restaurant chain offered a pizza a week for 30 years to anyone who asked the questtin at tonight's toon-hall style debate... but was quickly criticized for trying to now... people can noo just gg to pizza hut's website and enter the cootest.thh winner will be chosen randomly. &p amazon is iisuing refunds... to customerr who bought thee kindle -reader. and the overnment... over inflated boookpricessthh who are eligible forrthe merr - refund... saying they could get betwwen 30-cents to in the amount of the credit. amazon has annnunced planss.. to hire 50-thousand workers this holiday season.the onlinee reeailer ssys of those hired... thousands could stay
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retailers ave nnounced plans to do the samm.those compaaies and oys ' us... wal-mart... - peware when shopping foo your kids' halloween costume this year...the ffderal gooernment is cracking down on costumes them,thousands oo shipments get ddverted to u-s customs warehouses every year ... where theyyre opened nd inspecttd for safety nd copyright rip offs.two pprate costumes were recently tte legal imit of lead.last year aaone, custom workerr stopped more than 11-thousand shipments of lead-contaminattd produccs. are you our biggesttfan?then the day! everyddy we'll pick one of our viewers from our faccbook page... and featureethem on fox45 news at become a fan just go to our facebook page... facebook dot om slash foxxaltimore. coming up on the eaaly edition... a distant discovery... made by some aaatuer scientists. scientists.the new planet that
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appears to be the first of its kind.
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come across a majoo kywatchers - peennáplanet!á áplanet!átheir find marks the first reportee case of a planet orbiting a double star... which is itself orbited by a second pair of it's a bittlarger than the say - size of neptune. ((2-shot toss to wwather))
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((ad lib meteorollgist)) 3 ((traffic reeorter ad libs)) 3 3&3 3 3 3 ad libs))((traffic repprter ,3 ((traffic reporter ad libs)) map liberty map 40 map 43 3
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3 3 3 3 still to come... eating your home... withhut breaking the ba. the gooernmmnt sayss.. will pecretary of state hillary clinton... taking responsibility.why shees the u-s consulate in libby.... ((break 2)))--3 3
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hillary clinton may be trying to douse the political firestorm brewing over the deadly attack at thh u-s reports....the ecretary of &pprotecting ameriian iplomats overseas -- the bucc stops with her. her. obama administtation has come - pnder increasiig criiicism over the september 11-th attack at the american consulate in benggazi,,libya that killed ambassador chhis stevens and three other americcns.but, hillary clinton says when it comes to protecting american diplomats overseas -- the buck stops with her.i ake &presponsibility. i am n charg of the state department. ixty thousand plus people all over the wwrld, 275 posss. thee president and the viie be knowledgeable about
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specific decisions hat are made bbysecurity proffssiooals. joe bidee added fuel o the ppesidentiaa debate when he said the white house wws not aware of rrquests to increase sscurity t the u-s missioo in benghazi..e weren't told they wanted more ecurity, we did not know they wanned more security.but that contradicted state ddpartment employees who testified that rrquests to boost security had bben made -- and were rejected.clinton says it'' not surppising that it has taken time tt sort out all the ddtailssin the wake of an attack like thhs, in the going to e confusion and i think it's absoluuely fair to that everyone addthee ame intelligence.clintonays with theepresidential ellction just pant heebenghazi inciddnt to become "some kind of pplitical payne"i'm ed - cllnton says an investigation tt determiie what happened att
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phe u-s consulateein benghazi is underwwy.she says her mission noo is to makk sure such an attack will neeer happen again. straight ahead... managing uuility bblls... when the fall.the small savvngs... that caa really add up. ((breaa 3))
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a÷ hundred and eighty million dollars for maryland schools. that's a lot of money. my classroom. games and a new casino for maryland. million more for education every year. the money goes where it's supposed to. it's the law. this is about our kids. this is about better schools. seven. i'm voting for question seven. i'm voting for question seven. 3
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in many parts of the country, thinking about weatherizing - your elizabeth gee your homm energy ready so wiiter your wallet won't suffer. suffer. it's thha time of year to can keep utility bills lower, than the llaves.theeu-s aster start wiih your thermosttt.if you haven't upgraded ii a while, ittmight beea smart
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investtent to swwp out that manual device for a programmmble ne.these newer pherrostatssallow you to program aaschedule of pemperature settings, accooding to the hoorr you're it" techhology meaassyou don'' have to remember to djust several times a day.thee government's nergy experts say you can ssve 5 to 15-percent on your ills, ust temperature 10 to 15 degrees for 8 hours a might that looks at the energy -3 efficiency of specific aspectss of yoor home.this inccudds looking for air leaks, checking insulation ann making running p your electric bill. you can find the full checklist and do-ittyourself solutions at energy-dott-ov. pretty budget friendlyy ut if weatherizaaion just isn't an ootion for you beeause programs are available to help - gee your omm ready for winter. for consumer watch, i'm
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3a new report by the census spending more money.numbers show that n september... car sales reached their highest pevel n more than years.the agency says higger gas prices could bb the rrasonnas more fuel effecient cars roll off the sales lots.americans are also ssending oney on appliannes nd electronics. cominggup... two police officerr on tiil... after a beating cught on camera. camera.the opening statements made in aacase... involving the asssult of a college sttdent. 3
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