tv CBS This Morning CBS November 7, 2015 8:00am-10:00am EST
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. >> ben carson's presidential campaign goes on defense. >> carson is ranting at the media after questions about his past. >> next week it will be my kindergarten teach who are said i pea ed in his pant s s. two police officers charged with murder for the shooting death of a 16-year-old boy. >> he was belted in that car seat. he was killed. that's compelling. >> more evidence that the russian plane crash in egypt was caused by a bomb.
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sources say the sound of an explosion can be heard on the cockpit voice recorder. >> the coast guard is searching for a man who fell off a royal caribbean cruise ship. >> the entire episode is caught on camera. >> a florida sheriffs deputy unloads his weapon at the suspect. >> the man made famous by the serial pods cast. a judge reopened post conviction proceedings. >> all that. >> hi -- oh my gosh. sorry. we just can kissed on camera. and i liked it. [ laughter ] >> for lebron. >> oh unselfish play from -- >> on "cbs this morning
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>> -- used the term namage. >> thank you for that. plus since 2002 we've had our very own azkaban. and welcome to the weekend everyone. we've got a great show for you. including a trip to the auction block where tattoo art has become a must have for collectors. some incredible prices being paid for these works. >> and one of america's bloes beloved chefs and a true advocate for the city of new orleans. john besh will join us later. >> and she even made the president's summer play list. brandy carlisle is a tour deforce effort that tops folk and rock charts. she'll perform in our saturday session.
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just 72 hours after a police pursuit ended in gunfire, two louisiana law enforcement officers are under arrest, charged with murder in the death of a six-year-old autistic boy. the boy's father was wounded when the officers opened fire on the car in which he and his son were riding. david begno in marksville with the latest. >> reporter: those two police officers will wake up in jail this morning where they are being held we're told without bail. the head of the louisiana state police has watched the video and said it is one of the most disturbing things he's ever seen. six-year-old jeremy died in the front seat of his father's vehicle with his dad at the wheel. they were shot by marksville police officers. the officers surrendered friday night and were charged with second-degree murder for the death of jeremy and the
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of his father. >> did you intend to kill that father and son? >> neither officer said a word. a law enforcement source tells cbs the officers will not tell state police investigators why they wanted to pull over mr. few on tuesday night starting a police pursuit that ended in gunfire. >> it is exceptionally rare in case of an officer involved shooting for an arrest to happen within 72 hours. how key to these arrests was that video? >> that video was incredible. as the father. much less as a state police i looked at that stap and i said this is incredibly disturbing. >> cbs news has learned this was a third officer who recorded the shooting with a body camera back up. according to our source that officer told investigators christopher few was not acting
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in a threatening manner towards police. >> initially there was a report that christopher few had a warrant out for his arrest. turns out there is no warrant. he had no gun in a vehicle. what was that man doing to warrant that traffic stop? investigation tells us that. we have to look at everyone involved and we'll get to that part of that. but what we learned from the first night. what we heard from an hour after that was that they were trying to effect arrest warrant on a traffic stop. not factual. not factual. >> initially, the two officers now charged with a crime claim christopher few tried to reverse his vehicle and ram it into one of their police cars. this is the report car reportedly hit. the damage appears very minor. >> are christopher someone who deserves blame here. >> we don't know why they were
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>> fired a total of 18 shots at fire and son. mr. few survived and is listed in serious condition. young jeremy was shot five times in the head and chest. >> he didn't suffer. he didn't suffer. and his dad was near him. but he did not suffer. >> the two law enforcement officers arrested usually work for the marksville city police department. but on the night of the shooting they were working for the city marshals office. they are probe ing whether one of the officers has a personal feud with christopher few and may have sought revenge with gunfire. >> thanks david. now to the investigation of a crash of a russian jet liner one week ago today in egypt's sinai peninsula that killed 224 people. the crash possibly cause bade bomb on board has triggered a major pullback of airline
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service to the region. >> and this morning there are robert reports that a rocket came within 1,000 feet of a plane caring tourists to sharm el sheikh in august. the british government said it was not a targeted attack. thousands of tourists are still stranded in sharm el sheikh. >> reporter: british government >> reporter: british government and airline officials said the plane was never in any danger and passengers had no idea that it happened. shortcomings mounts egypt has gone on the defensive. security has been stepped up at sharm el sheikh airport but it will take more than patdowns seizing kids toys and sniffing gels to repair the damage to egypt's image. the foreign minister said that the call for coordination on security went unheeded and intelligence on the crash was not being shared. reports quoting unnamed british officials said poor checks were shown on those entering the premises.
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lax security and british intelligence reporting with britain's ban on flights earlier this week. that led to the monumental task of getting of tourists home which has been complicated by the announcement that 80,000 russians in egypt may need to be russia has cancelled flights sheikh. that did not mean they were buying into the bomb theory, but the caution. if there's a reason to cancel it's better not to fly he said. wreckage has been sent to moscow to be analyzed for traces of explosives. adding to evidence gathered by u.s. and british officials of possible terrorist involvement, leaks close to the investigation of the black box flight recorders said there were indications of an explosion on board. >> thank you, allen pizzey. while investigators work to the jet, concern has spread from
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including this one. >> reporter: everything brought aboard a jet will be subject to extra screening, from checked and carry on luggage to catering and other items loaded on the planes. homeland security will conduct an airport assessment of passenger and baggage screening procedures at ten airports across the middle east and russia. vladimir putin ordered the suspension of all flights between his country and egypt. an anti-terrorism meeting in moscow, russian officials revealed they had taken samples that will be tested for traces of explosives that forensic analysis can help confirm evidence that is pointing to the possibility of a bomb. the u.s. has satellite images that show heat flashes at the time that the plane went down. although it's not clear if they were from a bomb explosion or mechanical failure. and u.s. and british intelligence have intercepted chatter from crisis, talking
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verified the chatter. but if isis did get a bomb on board it's a game changer. >> if they're active and that does raise significant concerns because of their capabilities, their wide geographic distribution, you're talking about dozens of airports that they might have access to do infiltrate one of the operatives or the bribe an employee. >> reporter: the russian government is tight lipped but we have learned it has requested support from the fbi. for "cbs this morning saturday," jeff pegues, washington. and president obama has denied permission for the keystone xl pipeline. in announcing the decision on friday, he said the 1100 mile pipeline from canada to the u.s. gulf coast would undermine
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change. juliana goldman has more. >> reporter: good morning. well, the president's announcement ends a drawn out process that turned into one of the biggest environmental flash points of obama's presidency. the proposed pipeline required a permit to cross the u.s./canadian border but rejecting it is to address climate change and making it a major focus of his last year in office. president obama said arguments on both sides of the keystone debate were overblown. >> this pipeline would neither be a silver bullet for the economy as was promised by some, nor be express lane to climate change proclaimed by others. >> reporter: but he acknowledged that approving the pipeline and perpetuating america's relines on fossil fuels would hurt chances to secure a climate next month.
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it's too late. the time to act is now. >> reporter: over the seven-year review period the pipeline took on a symbolic fight over climate change and aligning the canadian leaders with u.s. unions and even republicans. >> this will raise prices for america. not lower prices. >> reporter: the decision immediately made its way into the 2016 campaign with gop presidential candidates criticizing the administration. >> i believe in the working class, the blue -- that's where i grew up. and they got the shaft. >> hillary clinton will tie herself in knots with all the different positions she had. >> reporter: two weeks ago hillary clinton said the pipe line should be rejected. the keystone can be rejected if the next president invites transcanada to reapply for a permit. >> thank you. and now to the latest twist in the multicandidate race for the republican presidential nomination.
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tied in the latest polls but as nancy course reports, carson was forced to correct parts of his personal story, including a claim he turned down the scholarship to the u.s. military academy at west point. carson told the west point tale in his autobiography and dozens of times since. i was offered a full scholarship to west point and repeated the very words with charlie rose last night. >> i was offered a scholarship to west point and i got to go to the congressional medal dinners but decided the pathway was medicine. >> reporter: the story was meant to illustrate his rise from neurosurgeon. the trouble is that the u.s. military academy does not offer scholarships. tuition is free in exchange for you now acknowledge you didn't get an offer because you didn't apply? >> well, i think that's a matter of semantics.
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can get you into west point and that's not a nonoffer. >> do you think that you have been choosing your words on this issue improperly? >> i don't think so, no. people who would like to try to characterize it that way because they want to, you know, try to character assassinate someone. >> do you think i'm a pathological liar like cnn does? >> reporter: carson is under scrutiny for his claim that he overcame a quote pathological >> the stabbing -- attempted stabbing incident occurred when i was 13 or 14. the -- what's another incident? give me another one. >> the punching -- >> trying to hit my mother in the head with a hammer, that was around the same time. as the stabbing incident. reached out the carson's childhood friends none could
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prompting this reaction from >> this is first time in the history of the world where politicians are running on the basis that he tried to stab and >> reporter: carson addressed the controversy in in. people in the neighborhood who knew me, well, you obviously incident. what a bunch of garbage. >> reporter: carson once said and wide. but now he says only his victims would have seen it. inconsistencies is that his him in the public eye in the first place. and let him to seek the presidency. i'm nancy cords in washington. pabo. a bumpy week for ben carson. he's standing his ground though. what impact if any on his campaign so far?
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>> his supporters don't like him because of a specific policy. they like him because of his biography. it a not the biography that the media has given to them. so he's fighting back and saying that reporters are twisting my words, it's unfair. so he's having a fighting chance, but this is giving an opportunity for his opponents. his opponents have seen him rise and now they have an opportunity to sort of challenge him in the more legitimate way than they have before. >> what's interesting about the narrative, he sort of wanted to look more rugged. like he was more violent. do you think there's a difference that it was written about in a book versus him being in the middle of a debate and saying something like this? >> it's harder to walk away and say i never said that. it's harder to say i never uttered the words. >> he used the exact same charlie rose. >> meanwhile, donald trump is hosting "saturday night live." >> yes. >> what impact do you think that
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quirky as it is? >> there will be a lot of quotable moments a lot of cringe worthy moments and democrats are secretly happy that he has more time to be more controversial. if you're a republican, and you want your party to win, and you think donald trump may not be the best person, you are just waiting for those 90 minutes to go by and hope that people can focus their attention somewhere else. >> you mentioned the other candidates. christie and huckabee, we know that fox business has decided they won't be part of the candidates for next week's debate. what guided the decision and was it correct? >> they have relied on polling decision, and there's a debate about what polls are you recognizing what is the methodology about it? what it's coming down to on the bigger scale, you have people who have held office, they're
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you have people who never held office on the center stage. discontent with government. if you're part of government you're part of the problem and you're being pushed aside. >> but you're pushed off the main stage, what does that mean for your candidacy? get the spotlight when you're tage, but as we have uh-uh united if you can put gas in the another day. >> it's been a fascinating week. thank you. that's plenty more politics tomorrow morning on ""face the nation"" tomorrow morning. the guests are donald trump and ben carson. and also kristin gillibrand, and
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you can watch it on saturday november 14. a texas state judge is listed in stable condition after she was shot in her driveway last night. austin police say they're interviewing witnesses to the shooting of a judge. a suspect remains at large. it's unclear if it was related to her work and her injuries not not believed to be life threatening. lightning sparked fire that burned for three months is out. it consumed almost 238 square miles in the sequoia and sierra national forest. 3,000 battled the blaze. the headlines, a hand shake for the ages. for first time since 1949, the presidents of china and taiwan met today in singapore and called each other brothers. the two leaders then held each other's hands for 80 seconds before meeting privately for about an hour. they called for mutual respect for each other's systems in what marked the first top level
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contact between the country -- two countries since they were divided by civil war 66 years ago. the "san francisco chronicle" reports california wildlife officials are delaying the start of commercial crab fishing season indefinitely. the concern centers on protecting the public from the naturally occurring toxin in the crab. the commercial crab industry in california is a key part of the state's economy netting $60 million a year. a lot of fishermen from alaska come for this. and it's part of people's celebrations. the church of latter day saints is sharpening the stance against same-sex marriage under new changes announced friday. same-sex mormon couples will face excommunication hearings. their children will be allowed to join the church once they turn 18 and leave home. the divisions come as mormon leaders have called for tolerance in recent months following the supreme court decision to legalize same-sex marriage.
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reports a baltimore man's story is headed back to court after questions were raised in the podcast whether the man received a fair trial. a judge is granting the request to introduce evidence in the case. said is serving a life sentence for the killing of his girlfriend. "the washington post" said mexican comedians are faking fun of donald trump in a few play. the satire called the sons of trump features men wearing wigs and taking pot shots at the super rich. there are references to the candidate's promise of building a wall between the u.s. and mexico. the play is expected to hit texas after its good morning. happy weekend. i'm meteorologist pamela gardner. we have clouds dominating the forecast but you'll notice temperatures will be much cooler. only highs in the upper 50s and lower 60s. we hit the high temperature early today and continue to fall into the 50s.
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even cooler for sunday with 50s. coming up. disturbing photo in an nfl star's domestic violence. and whether his team should drop him. >> and later he's virtually the least important actor in the new james bond movie but one of the most important roles. the hollywood producer who's inserted himself into bond movies for more than 50 years. you are watching "cbs this
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woman: i'm here to fight h.i.v. and pandemics to come. man: to keep boston harbor safe and clean. man: because this is where robotics is happening. man: to help every student find their true words. woman: here to express myself. woman: here because math is the language of the future. man: to change the world through music. man: here to unlock the adhesion power of the gecko. -man: here for the commonwealth. -woman: and the common good. -man: umass.
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. good saturday morning, everyone. i'm kerry connolly. a father and son are being credited with saving the lives of two men chuck and sam brown heard cries for help in quincy bay. so they used a neighbor's kayak and paddled out to pull two men out of the water and then rushed them to the hospital. both men were treated for hypothermia and shock, but they are expected to be okay. pamela's here now with a look at our forecast. >> great weekend for us. mainly dry. there is a brief chance for a sprinkle or shower passing by the cape and islands. other than that the clouds dominate the forecast. you see temperatures are a bit on the cooler side compared to
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not experiencing the 70s today. we have 59 degrees in boston and maybe gaining a degree or two to 60 falling back to 58 degrees by 3:00. gusts up to 25 miles per hour times 53 degrees by later tonight. then overnight, a low 41, many areas reaching the upper 30s, mid-30s for some. the wind picks up overnight as well by sunday. much cooler, drier, tons of sun, 51. >> we'll see you good enin 30
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year veteran and like you heard. >> should have stayed awake. >> now to our top story. greg hardy facing new rounds of outrage when photos emerge when. the nfl suspended hardy from the dallas cowboys for ten games. >> he got it reduced to four games but now hardy could face repercussions. >> on the field, 6'5", 280 pound defensive end greg hardy can take down the toughest opponents. off the field he was convicted of beating ex-girlfriend nicole holder. friday, the website dead spin obtained dozens of photos of
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holder after the alleged assault. >> the photos tell us that nicole holder sustained significant injuries in the incident, which hardy's reputation throughout the entire process would have you believe wasn't exactly the case. >> the nfl has faced criticism over its handling of domestic violence on the part of players. including its response to the tmc sports video showing ravens' ray rice. unlike rice, who lost his career hardy got a new contract with the cowboys. >> it would have been much harder to spin the idea that she was the attacker and greg hardy had very little culpability in it had this all been public. >> here is what hardy said after this suspension was over. >> i'm sorry i couldn't be here
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>> -- working through this back to this point? >> it's been the most awesome period of my life, man. i'm a -- i'm a dallas cowboy. >> hardy appears to have changed his behavior not at all. and if he was committing these criminal acts on this night it would lead you to believe that behavior. >> the nfl said it sued to gain access to the photos last year which led to hardy's suspension. for "cbs this morning saturday," dallas. >> dallas cowboys owner jerry jones issued a statement friday, it said, while we did not have access to the photos we are and are aware of the serious nature of this incident.
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we do not condone domestic up next, medical news in our morning rounds, including an important new study that will ease concerns for women diagnosed with cancer while pregnant. >> plus doctors john lepuke and holly phillips why low calorie food posted in restaurants may not be helping you lose weight. if you struggle with type 2 diabetes, you're certainly not alone. fortunately, many have
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>> reporter: a former nurse who now works at a healthy policy foundation. five years ago when diagnosed with a rare form of breast homework. >> what did you find? >> it is the worst form of breast canser to get. nobody sur fives it. >> when the doctors discuss your treatment plan, do they ask what you want? >> one doctor was perfection. she said we can try to hold back the cancer but, you know, not do things that are unnecessary. i went to another doctor. and this other doctor wanted the do the complete opposite kind of care, wanted to throw everything at the cancer even though it wasn't going to change the outcome.
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treatments that eased pain. >> i really wanted to focus on living the best possible quality of life. >> dr. meyer advances a medicine that focuses on quality of life. >> at the out set it is very they can expect. the natural history of the disease course, the time frame. >> now that medicare will reimburse doctors for care planning and end of life discussions there should be more time for those discussions. >> without those conversations somebody else is making all of the decisions for us. >> and for you that was less aggressive care. for somebody else it might be more aggressive care. >> right. it is whatever it is that that person is hoping to do for their own health. >> the cancer has spread but berman is continuing to work and
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possibly can. >> this decision seems so important. >> it is so important. and we are not having these kind of discussions enough these days. that people do much better. and there is even evidence suggesting they live longer. we have to do better. >> a new study may provide comfort to pregnant women diagnosed with cancer. talk about who hugely life changing events at once. >> yeah. very much so. pregnant women diagnosed with cancer are basically dealt a double whammy. they have to feel concern about the cancer itself but there are also concerns that treating the
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we looked at 129 children who's without. and what they found encouraging is their overall health us the same, development the same and cardiac rhythm the same. and the study has limittions. of course it couldn't look at every possible type of cancer or treatment but overall the results were very encouraging. >> what does this mean for pregnant women who may get a cancer diagnosis? >> no matter what this is a very tough and scary situation to be in. it is early. if you have something that occurs one in a thousand and we're only looking at a hundred and some babies we may not have enough. it's reassuring that you can have that normal development but we need a lot more information. >> finally a few years
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affordable care act will require big restaurant chains to put menus. we even talked about this in new 2008. >> the hope was it was going to work. you put the calories up. several hundred calories. so they did a study and compared just before and after the regulation went into effect. and they did find that 9% of customers said they use the labels to influence their choices to order fewer calories. however -- and this is very clever. they looked at the receipts when they came out. they calculated there was no difference in the amount of calories and no difference in the nutritional value of anything they were eating. >> wow. >> so customers are actually looking at the information. but it is not changing behavior? >> it's both.
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when labels first came out, about half of customers looked at the calorie count. now it is dropping down to only about 37% that bother to look. and as john mentioned, just a few people actually changed their choices based on the counts themselves. but there is sort of a silver lining here. in that the restaurants that had to post calorie counts offered lower calorie fare. on average their standard meal was 120 calories less than at restaurants that didn't have to post the calorie counts. >> so maybe more directed at the restaurants than the customers. >> indirectly the customers benefit. >> aside from doing a skull with cross bones, how do you make it more effective? >> well t authors in the discussion said first of all you may i have to admit the this doesn't work so well and may have to try other approaches. also came up with the idea how much exercise you need do to burn off that must haven you
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calories you should have in a day. well maybe put up a stop sign next to something that may not be so good for you. i can't imagine a restaurant listing something and then a little -- like the skull and. >> i like the idea of saying this must haven equals a three mile run. that would work for me. dr. john la p pook and dr.s holly phipps.
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i never really gave much thought to the acidity in any foods. never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. it never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. he told me to use pronamel. it's going to help protect the enamel in your teeth. it allows me to continue to drink my coffee, r and it was a real easy tswitch to make. with glade. now easy to lift! half the weight, smells great. find the litter that works best for you. every home, every cat. there's a tidy cats for that. dove wants you to unleash the beauty of your curls. that's why we created this system deeply
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inspired by a real man, victor boot who ran a vast empire until u.s. agents took him down in 2008. >> a look into the boot's rags to riches story and a betail about the man behind the myth. >> involvement with arms dealing was the inspiration for the film "lord of war" starring nicolas cage. >> grading to -- $20 million worth of weapons. >> they call him the merchant of death. >> one of the most dangerous men on the face of the earth. >> the film now available online is titled the notorious mr. boot. and we're joined by directors tony gerber and maxime.
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and on "60 minutes," u.s. officials said he was one of the most dangerous men on the face of the earth. is that a fair portrayal of this man? >>, not really. there was a bunch of movies made about him and in reality for about 20, 25 years he was making a movie of his own life. he was just an active home video maker. so our film is made out of up to 200 hours of his own home movies. >> it is so interesting because it is really two parallel stories. you hear about him in the media and you see he's kind of a goof ball. seems as if he had no sense of himself and how others perceived him. >> the gulf between the myth and the real man is enormous. and we both came to this legend of victor boot, hearing all the rumors and the notoriety.
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is that he's never photographed and a belgian photographer was threatened with death who tried to take a picture of him. and then we discover he's been shooting his own home movies very publicly the last 20 years. and not hiding anything. and the two theories who this man was just did not gel. >> he's now serving time in prison and got taken down in a dea operation in bangkok. what led to his downfall? >> i think he was convinced of his own good luck. and he was out of business for a while and his old friend came out of nowhere and presented a business opportunity and he went for it. and he was kind of morally blind in the same way all businessmen tend to be morally blind. >> how did hid wife help you in terms of getting all of that home footage he shot over two decades?
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>> she's been a tireless defendant and campaigner, protesting his innocence. and for us, discovering this trove of 200 hours of home movies existed. we thought oh my god we found hitler's secret diaries. and you look through and they're birthday parties, and ponies and clowns and ski trips and carolina care kroek. >> we began to find things that created much more complexity and depth and understanding of this man. >> you mentioned that in the film or the documentary we hear from dea operatives and trafficking experts. it seems as though there was also an industry.
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but why did he capture so much attention and get the nickname is this. >> i think he made a great story and one of the things we try to explore in the the film is ultimately the arms manufacturers are the real merchants of death and they are the people responsible for it. it is a huge industry and we're trying to to figure are why attaching note oriety to certain figures so is so advantageous for governments. >> how would you describe him? >> he's present and affable and focused on details and min shah. we both came in expecting this merchant of death character. it felt like you were going to meet are anthony hopkins in silence of the lambs. the fear and paraphernaliaia noia was tremendous around him in prison.
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>> thank you very much. the notorious mr. into the now available on itunes, digital video on demand and at the west. bout -o-u-t dotcom. >> the man who's made a cameo in nearly every bond film for 50 years. this guy. how he was able to pull it off. multiple sclerosis? this is tecfidera. tecfidera is not an injection. it's a pill for relapsing ms that has the power to cut relapses in half. imagine what you could do p tecfidera may cause serious side effects, p pml, which is a rare brain infection that usually leads to death p
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tell your doctor if you have any side effect that bothers you or does not go away. stop toe tucking... toenail fungus. about kerydin. coming up next a scare at the pearl harbor memorial. what led the site to shut down a few days. >> plus the college football season is heating up and one of the biggest games we'll see this
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you all about it. next. for the rest, stick around. you are watching "cbs this morning saturday." . >> good saturday morning, everyone. parents and police are on alert assaulted her. it happened yesterday morning on gavin way, the 11-year-old says the man grabbed her behind. as he walked away, the girl says the man apologized. >> beautiful temperatures and cooler compared to the last several days. clicking into the lower 60s later today, but in the 50s for now. right around 60 for a lot of folks. 60 degrees at 1:00 falling back to the 50s. 58 degrees by 5:00.
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sunset 4:30 p.m. nice and early. a breeze from the west, gusts up to 25 miles per hour at times. overnight tonight, breezy, partly cloudy and a lot of suburbs dipping in the mid and upper 30s. it's going to be so windy, we don't anticipate much frost development. sunday, 51, cool, crisp and clear. tons of sunshine for the patriots game for the afternoon and perfect weather for it. more sun on tuesday. >> thanks, pamela. we'll see you again in 30 for
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welcome to "cbs this morning saturday." i'm anthony mason. >> and a vinita fair. a strange new thing is happening in halls around the country. they have been invaded by video games. why that could be a good thing. >> and tattoos, not on your body but on your wall. inside the first of its kind auction for tattoo art. that's ahead. we begin with breaking news overnight. two law enforcement officers in louisiana are in custody charged
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six-year-old autistic boy. jeremy my mardis died in the front seat of his father's vehicle when the officers opened fire on tuesday father, much less head of state police i look at that and i say this is incredibly disturbing. >> the officers will not tell state police investigators why they tried to pull over the father's call starting the pursuit that ended in gunfire. they are investigating whether one of the officers had a personal feud with the boy's father. >> now to the investigation into the crash of the russian jet
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liner over egypt. 224 people on board on reports what may have been a bombing. latest. >> reporter: with evidence mounting of possible terrorist involvement new information is also coming from those checking the data recorders. they say they have had explosion on board. all that put the egyptians on the defensive. foreign intelligence services had not shared information about terrorism before the incident and they were not sharing investigation. that's prompted even more countries to begin pulling out that you are nationals. today the russians sent 49 planes to egypt to extract some 49,000 of their nationals from the country. that is going to cause even more chaos here in sharm el shake
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overcrowded and tons of baggage is piled up because airlines refuse to carry baggage on the flights. following the crash of that raising air security precautions. they will focus on commercial flights bound for the united states from some middle east cities. homeland security will also conduct an airport assessment of passenger and baggage screening procedures at about 10 airports. >> the national park service is reopening a portion of the pearl harbor memorial in hawaii after determining the dock there is safe. visits were suspended to the u.s.s. arizona memorial on thursday when officials noticed bolts connecting the dock to the memorial were stressed.
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sailors and marines killed in 1941. and last night the cavaliers star took a pass for a dunk in the second quarter against philadelphia. that was field goal number 9,000 in his career. he's fifth active player to reach the mark. he's the 20th player in nba history to score that many two-pointers. >> in sports, how about this for a college football match up? lsu at alabama. tonight the undefeated lsu tigers and the crimson tide face off in tuscaloosa in a game you can see right here on cbs. >> one player to keep an eye on is lsu running back leonard fournette who has 15 touchdowns already this season and strong front runner for the heisman. we recently asked him about
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living in the city after hurricane katrina. day, five nights. just trying to survive. it was cold. wet. dead bodies in the water. witnesses that with my own eyes and understanding now that what i went through made me who i am and can't never forget where i come from. >> you can see more of that feature during our pre game coverage at 2:30 and here with more is cbs sports studio analyst brian jones -- it is going to get loud. >> yes it is. >> brian good morning. >> good morning. how are y'all? still fired up? >> leonard fournette is like that radio bull. again. but you got another one on the other side in derek henry as well. in alabama. two dynamite running back, and
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one is going to give. >> are you surprised a running back is in such big discussion for the heisman? >> i am not. usually it is the quarterback but these guys are so much different as far as being talented and possessing everything you want in that running back. power, speed, run between and outside the tackles. great to see running backs now back in the forefront. let's not forget about ezekiel elliot as well. so there are a number of backs vying for that big trophy. >> alabama 7-1, lsu 7-0. so alabama's playoff hopes could ride on this game. >> andless less miles has not defeated alabama for a while. and -- i like lsu in this game. ball.
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they lead the conference in interceptions and sacks but they have trouble on third down. i think lsu's defense, especially my new favorite lewis neil, number 92 watch him at defensive end. i like the linebackers. it is going to come down to turnovers and special teams. lsu has allowed a punt return and a kick return for a score this year. >> seems like alabama has been there the last two or three. either in the championships or as the con ternsd. >> oh yeah. the model of consistency, there is a reason they defeated lsu four straight times because they always find a way to win and ground it out. and they have been spectacular no way is this going to be easy for either team. but let's say lsu loses a close ball game. alabama is in the rankings at
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four with one loss. so lsu, how far do they fall if that they happen to lose a close one? >> let's talk about these rankings? >> do we have to? i don't like them not. it's too early. who cares right here at the beginning of the november where you're ranked. if you don't like where you yore -- i just think it's too premature. >> much ado about nothing. >> it is. gives us something to talk about. i got a lot to talk about. >> -- saying they are sitting at five 8-0. there was a flukish win the muff put at the end. and i know that oregon win
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films than sean connerry, roger moore and timothy dalton combined. >> plus with more ceremony of all things keep america's orchestras from going broke? maybe. we'll see what that's all about. you're watching "cbs this morning saturday." if your bladder is calling the shots... may have a medical condition called overactive bladder or oab. you've got to be kidding me. i've had enough! ask your doctor aboutp symptoms of urgency, frequency, and leakage. myrbetriq is the first and only myrbetriq (mirabegron) may tell your doctor right away if bladder or have a weak urine stream. myrbetriq may cause serious if you experience swelling of the face, lips, throat or tongue... p...or difficulty breathing, stop taking myrbetriq and tell your doctor right away. myrbetriq may affect or be affected by other medications. before taking myrbetriq, tell your doctor if you have liver or kidney problems.
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wilson's 16th cameo in a bond movie. first in 1964 as a soldier attempting to rob fort knox in the film gold finger. wilson got his break on summer break work are for his stepfather, the original producer of the bond franchise. wilson continued to appear in movies like the "spy who loved me" and moon raker. and after a brief career in law he would become a regular co-produce over bond films along ith his stepsister. he even wrote the screen play for five bond movies. "octopussy." he's played roles from a nasa technician to a casino employee. >> why did you come?
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>> wilson, who appears with his son, says greg and i are inspectors. us. >> in some sense he's the most powerful guy on the set, he never got to pick which role he wanted. so it is sort of a tradition, where can we insert him. down sizing because of the drind dwindling attendance. but certain twists are helping more fill the halls and sell more tickets. >> a recent symphony orchestra saw a dressed up crowd with some dressed in costume. fans were there to experience music from their favorite video game, the legend of zelda, organized in a symphony. >> zelda so a game to me that is probably the most important
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>> while working with opera star, he came up with the idea of losing live classical music and video game rituals. >> when did you know, okay, this is going to click. >> i kind of now after the first time i did it in 2004. it was a instant success. a virtual riot at the box office. now we're really at an all time high. >> paul says most of the shows on this international tour have been sold out. including this one. 010 orchestras have filed for bankruptcy and many have had to down size.
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>> symphony orchestras have to take a look at what the audience demands. if they are not serving the audience in the community, frankly they are not relevant. >> ceo of the mann center in philadelphia. up to 6,000 fans have flocked to the pop culture offerings. double that of the average classical performance. >> in you really want to hear great symphony orchestras, your interest may be video games. >> it is actually very deep and very complex, colorful. very rich. >> the musicians performing are classically trained. including conductor. she says video game soundtracks may not be traditional sound tracks but deserve respect. >> story telling to the music. how is that different from other symphonies?
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stylistically it is different. but humanly it is the same thing. we're telling stories. we are touching hearts. >> and opening up a symphony orchestra to a new generation of fans like caleb prior. the 19-year-old said he's never been to a classical movie performance but owns over 400 songs from the zelda games. >> did you ever think that you would be at a symphony to hear video game music. >> no i didn't. and whenever i got the opportunity to do this i was superexcited and i'm absolutely loving the fact that i'm here right now. >> it is that enthusiasm from the non traditional crowd that strikes a cord with the musicians on stage. >> they clap and cheer and they get on their feet. and i think the orchestras for the most part are stunned. musicians. i think get the recognition that
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they have always gotten but in a different way. in a very spontaneous free way. >> is this a new trend? or is it just a fad? >> no it is not a fad. gaming is here to stay. and as long as there is gaming there are fans that love the music and that means fans who will come to the concerts. >> new fans to come to the seats and tune up the excitement at traditional concert halls all around the country. >> what a great idea. i think it is the one thing that could get my 15-year-old son to a symphony. up next, a finite auction featuring tattoos. that's right. morning saturday". that your driveway isn't just connected to your street but to the ends of the earth. from coastal highways to roller-coaster hills to the street that
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from all kinds of peoples from execs to the girl next door. and now the world of fine art. michele miller has the story. >> reporter: often misunderstood. tattoos have been used as culturally traditions all over the world. brought stateside by swells of servicemen post world war ii. they came to signify rebellion, a badge of courage, and everything in between. >> when i came up the only people who wore tattoos were people who lived on the other side of the tracks or in the navy. >> now they are getting the attention of sophisticated art dealers and executives like president of this auction house. >> i wasn't really familiar with the notion of tattoo art on anything other than the body. when i went to view the material for the first time i saw a nice coffee table looking book featuring the work of one artist. >> that was the famous work of
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this man. he called and asked for a copy. >> they called back and said which do you want? there are ten of them. so it makes it very very clear that there are enormous follow followings that these people have. >> over 1,000 pieces of original tattoo art from solute of the world's most prominent artists are going on the the auction block. the collection belong to the late fashion designer peter -- who founded the tattoo clothing line "yellow man." the collection include works from bob roberts, legendary skisz artist phillip lou and the notorious horioshi the third. >> this is the top of the game. this artist, yes. >> tattoo historian and author
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>> i think this auction is so history historic. because we've never seen this level of interest by both the art world and the general public. >> there are now tv shows. >> three of the country's best artists have joined forces. >> and conventions dedicated to getting inked. its become so popular that according to a 2012 survey, one in five u.s. adults has a tattoo. >> i tattoo everyone from police officers, teachers, doctors. i've even tattooed priests before. >> christian is a tattoo artist. hoe not only inks clients. he as an art gallery for his work. >> i've had people that were art collects not have had in tattoo and vice versa. and i'm starting to see those two things crossover. >> even with the increase in popularity, it is still uncertain who will be bidding in this auction? >> who are your customers?
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>> you know, i get asked that a lot, who is going to be the big buyer in this or that auction? and the answer is you never know. it is always a surprise. >> another surprise, the price. >> four to six thousand. >> there are works here we think are going to bring much more than that. much more. >> how much more? >> there are a number in the tens of thousands. 30, 40, 50,000 we think. i bet 50% of the work will get sold to people who don't have tattoos, probably never had interest in it but see the excitement, the beauty in some of these works. so. >> so you are saying you're starting something. >> we're starting something, baby. something big. >> i'm michelle miller in new york. >> i can see it getting that price. 50,000? it's not outrageous. the auction will be held next friday and saturday here in new york and online. go to our website at cbs this for more
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>> i'm not in the market for a tattoo. >> coming up next. a louisiana native with a dozen restaurants across the country. can good saturday morning, everybody. a gymnastics coach has been accused of sexually assaulting one of his young athletes. hooksett, new hampshire police say cameron beaden assaulted a child at u is. a ninja challenge. the gym says he was trying to help a falling child and says kids are never left alone with instructors. a setback for aaron hernandez and his defense team. a judge rejected a request to throw out evidence from an suv the night they say he shot and killed two men. they also denied a request to drop a witness intimidation charge against hernandez. pamela's here now with our weekend forecast. >> slightly cooler temperatures
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today. we have highs in the lower 60s and close to the high for the day. 59 degrees in boston. not going to warm up too much. partly sunny skies the rest of the day. the wind from the west gusting up to 25 mile-per-hours. by tonight, it's going to feel more like fall. breezy but 30s in many of the suburbs. seven-day forecast, sunny 51. we stay dry for the start to the week. have a great day, everybody. we'll see you good enin 30 for another update. if you could see your cough, it's just a cough. you'd see how often you cough all day and so would everyone else.
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chef john besh is native son of southern l.a. and dedicated to culinary riches and tradition. he trained in france and germany and then put down roots in new orleans. became its most steadfast ambassador, never more so than after hurricane katrina in 2005. >> one of the most respected and celebrated chefs in america today. he has 12 restaurant, including
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august, luke, dominica and shia. the author of four cookbooks including his latest "besh big recipes." we are thrilled to welcome john besh to the dish. good morning. >> thanks for having me. and look at this. >> look at this spread. >> we actually brought new orleans up here to the big apple. >> everything here is from your cook book. which you call the anti chef cookbook. >> this is really the foods i grew up on and taught me who i am and where i come are from. that is what i love about food. >> talk about this. because it is new orleans. >>. -- perfect for this time of day. really should have have it on the rocks. we'll just have it straight like this. and then we have some oysters on the half shell. this is oyster season. i don't care which coast you
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perfect right now. cocktail sauce and the other sauces. shrimp. everything. cuisine. so we have rice with every male and then a brown butter fig tart. my picture of heaven. what would you like to cook? and country food, the food from my home and what i try to raise my boys on. >> you have been interested in food since you were a kid. but things got serious when your father was in an accident and you were nine and you started cooking for him. >> right. i realized i loved to cook and food meant happiness to me as a child. my father went through a two year convalescence after being hit by a drunk driver while biking. and i would make these outlandish omelets and shrimp creole and it would make him so
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happy. so that to me was my true calling to become a cook. >> how did you get from there to going into service? >> the son of the great santini. i wanted to be like my dad. decided to join the marine corps. and absolutely loved it. we're about to celebrate our 240th birthday. >> did you work in the mess hall. >> i escaped all mess hall duty. i was just happy to serve my country. which you will find you have a lot of people that just truly want to give and that is what drew me to it. >> it is not just serving your country. i feel like you are really like we said the brand ambassador for new orleans. how has that relationship changed? seems like everyone says new orleans and then think food and shortly within that conversation it is your name. >> i'm just blessed to be from there.
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one would know who john besh is that is the truth. new orleans is much bigger that an culinary trend. bigger than a chef. for me to be a steward of this great tradition of cuisine is really important. >> when you were a key figure leading after katrina through food and other areas and it really has come back. the whole food scene there. >> the food scene has come back 50% larger than prior to the hurricane. and that's incredibly. it is really testament to the entire country. because what i truly think happened is that people came from all over to help us out. and they went back home with this message of new orleans. new orleans isn't just a drunken bourbon street mess. it is a city full of beautiful people, expressed by its food and music. none of it canned. it is all like from the heart and from the soul. so to me all of those people that came to help us out went back home and spread that
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message that new orleans is a special place. >> as i hand you this dish and get your signature, we want to ask if you could have this meal with any person past or present who would that person be? i'd love to have this meal, well besides you. >> good answer. >> i think pope francis. what >> i have to say the hair is just as beautiful in real life. thank you so much. for more on john besh, head to our up next, one of the most captivating young performers in music, brandy carlyle, beloved
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janet? cough if you can hear me. don't even think about it. i took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. yeah...but what about mike? it works on his cough too. cough! it works on his cough too. mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs for 12 hours. let's end this. this morning in our saturday session, brand brandi car y
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>> her latest album "the fire watcher's daughter." her highest selling and best reviewed yet. we spoke with her about her career and her secret weapon brandi carlile has been singing on stage since she was eight years old. was there something you remember you making you want to be in a musician. >> yeah my mom sang in a band and had the band over for practices. >> and you just liked being around it. >> yeah. everything about it. the instruments the people playing the instruments the turmoil that surround people who play instruments.
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>> i took pretty serious turn in my late teens play a downtown market. >> an early break came when an opening act for the dave matthews band got sick and they got the call to fill? >> we were sound checking and dave came up in a golf cart and grabbed our cd. made a couple of phone calls and got us connected with some guys who put us in a lot of gigs. >> that is a pretty big step. >> yeah it was really generous of him. i always have that in the back of my mind. trying to remember to give other people a leg up whenever there is an opportunity. >> although the band bears s s brandi's tame name, her twin brothers are equal partners. >> they're magical. super handsome, amazing singers. they wrote such cool songs.
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>> they first got together to sing as the friend's house. >> and that is when i knew we had to be a band. do you know the sound of a closing door >> you can here the magic on a new album "the eye." >> it is like a cat -- i like groups. as the good feeling to me. >> the band's newest member, 17 month old evangeli. carlile ears cathleen sheppard. >> house's that changed for you? >> there is this e element of it changed everything for me. i want or the proud of everything. >> would you like her to do this? >> yeah. if she'd like to i would love
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>> and she doesn't seem to be like the center of attention. like i do. >> um-hmm. were you always that way? >> yeah. yeah. i was always like that. >> you liked being on the stage. >> yeah. but not in a goofy way. but i have always liked to have the floor, for sure. it is something i'm working on. >> and now taking our floor with a track from her latest album, here is brandi carlile, this is "wherever is your heart. i think it's time we found a way back home you lose so many things you love as you go grow i missed the days when i was just a kid my fear became my shadow i swear it did
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i call home home and though your feet may take your far from me i know wherever is your heart i call home you made me feel like i was always falling always falling down without a place to land somewhere in the distance i heard you calling oh it hurts so bad to let go of your hand wherever is your heart i call home wherever is your heart i call home and though your feet may take your far from me i know
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oh god forgive my mind oh god forgive my mind when i come home when i come home oh god forgive my mind there's a road that's long and winding it hollers home i'm calling home oh god forgive my mind oh god forgive my mind when i come home, when i come home oh god forgive my mind oh god forgive my mind when i come home when i come home. wherever is your heart i call home wherever is your heart i call home and though your feet may take your far from me i know wherever is your heart i call home wherever is your heart
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wherever is your heart i call home and though your feet may take your far from me i know wherever is your heart i call home brandy carlile. don't go away. brandi and the twins will perform "the eye" when we come back. on "cbs this morning saturday." if you struggle with type 2 diabetes, you're certainly not alone. fortunately, many have found a different kind of medicine that lowers blood sugar.
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to see a dear old friend go down in the worn out place again you do know the sound of a closing door have you heard that sound more before do you wonder if she knows you anymore? i wrapped your love around me like a chain but i never was afraid that it would die you can cans in a hurricane but only physical you're standing in the eye where did you learn to walk
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away from everything you love did you think the bottle would ever ease your pain did you think that love's a foolish game did you find someone else to take the blame i wrapped your love around me like a chain but never was afraid that it would die you can dance in a hurricane but only if you're standing in the eye you can dance in a hurricane
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but only if you're standing in the eye you can dance in a hurricane but only if you're standing in the eye [ applause ] more music from brandy when we come back. morning saturday." tant. from the makers of one a day fifty-plus. new one a day proactive sixty-five plus. with high potency vitamin b12...
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regret." there's a hole in my pocket where my dreams fell through from a sidewalk in the city to good saturday morning, everyone. checking a developing story. there has been an arrest at curry college in milton. police tell wbz a student was arrested for having a gun in a dorm room. there was also ammunition found in the room. the student has not been identified but has been suspended. we'll have more information four as soon as it becomes available. a weymouth father and son are being credited with saving the lives of two men. chuck and sam brown heard the cries for help in quincy bay, so they used a neighbor's kayak and paddled out to the water to pull two men out and rushed them to the hospital. both are treated for hypothermia and shock but are expected to be okay. pamela's here now with a weekend.
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>> we're slightly cooler compared to yesterday. yesterday we had a high of 73 in boston, now 61 degrees. we're pretty much matching the high temps for the day. we cool off to 58 degrees by 3:00 p.m. partly sunny skies. the wind picks up from the west. still breezy overnight tonight. partly cloudy, 41 with many spots in the mid-30s in the suburbs. sunday, fall feel, crisp, cool feel, 51 degrees. loving it. have a great day, everybody. we'll see you again tomorrow morning. (ingrid) i take pride in getting things done. but when it came to medicare, i was glad i could get a little help. (vo) ingrid and robert called anthem blue cross and blue shield and found an affordable new
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