tv CBS This Morning CBS September 14, 2016 7:00am-9:00am EDT
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captioning funded by cbs good morning. it is wednesday, september 14th, 2016. welcome to "cbs this morning.? leaked e-mails show general colin powell urging hillary clinton agency campaign to keep her out of her controversy. and donald trump's foundation is now under investigation by the new york attorney general. eric schneiderman will be here in studio 57. a surprise tropical storm forms overnight and slamming parts of florida with torrential rain and heavy wind and brought the state of florida with a threat of flooding. a driver runs down three phoenix police officers in what their chief calls an unprovoked
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we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener." your world in 90 seconds. this is a scandal that involves a multimillion dollar pay for play scheme between the secretary of state and her foundation. >> now trump's foundation comes under investigation. >> the other candidate's foundation took money other people gave to his charity and then bought a six-foot tall painting of himself! >> hillary's campaign is claiming that except for pneumonia, healt healthy. >> i have no view. i hope she gets better. >> tropical storm julia is pounding the southeastern united states and could bring up to 6 inches of rain. >> in arizona, being run over by a driver. >> i thank god we are not planning three funerals right now. >> the anti-doping agency say its records have been hacked and the hack originated in russia. >> university of north carolina football player accused of
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>> this man raped him and the police told him not to sweat it. >> in southern taiwan a super typhoon is bearing down and hundreds have been evacuated. the chicago white sox have set the cutest new world record. over a thousand dogs in attendance! >> they very friendly. >> all that. >> more trouble for ryan lochte. during last night's "dancing with the stars" two protesters rushed the stage. >> it's weird to protest "dancing with the stars." because that is where stars go something wrong! >> and all that matters. >> you should trash talk back. >> talk about his ears! >> the shadow from your ears. is really messing up my putt. >> on "cbs this morning." >> hillary clinton tweeted yesterday like anyone who has ever been home sick from work she is anxious to get back on the campaign trail. yeah, you don'tnd ordinary
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is watch more "price is right." announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota. let's go places! ? welcome to "cbs this morning." charlie rose is on assignment. josh elliott of our streaming network cbs nnchts n is with us colin powell center of the presidential campaign because of a batch of stolen e-mails. cbs news has confirmed the e-mails are from his account and show powell has issues with both major candidates. the retired general powell told an aide donald trump is a national disgrace and an international pariah. >> and said the birther movement was racist if president obama was born here in the united states and powell reacted to a trump prediction by writing 95%
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schsc schiz o fantasy and he criticized clinton for identifying him for her use to have private e-mail on her private e-mail server. nked nancy cordes is in chappaqua, new york. >> these e-mails from powell's g-mail is suspected to having ties to russian intelligence. his e-mails to friends and colleagues and reporters show he was deeply resentful that clinton area hen supporters were comparing her use to a private account as secretary of state to his. the hacked e-mails reveal deep tensions between powell and the clinton campaign. in them, powell says he met with clinton's advisers in august to discuss bearing the e-mail flap.
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two years ago by merely telling everyone honestly what she had done and not tie me into it. i told her staff three times not to try that gambit. i had to throw a minitantrum at a hampton's party to get their attention. he said i told but a speaking gig i lost at a university because she overcharged them and adding everything hrc touches, she kind of screws hubris. her topics were the discussion on capitol hill. a republican-led hearing in the house uncovered few new details but congressman jason chaffetz bows to let go of it. >> if they think i'm letting this go off into the sunset, they are ill-advised. >> reporter: clinton left the campaigning to others as she is
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her husband spoke at two frai fund-raisers last night and president obama made his first solo appearance with her and attacking the crowd with gusto in philadelphia. >> he is not going to let you on his golf course. he wasn't going to let you buy into his condo. now, suddenly, this guy is going to be your champion? >> reporter: the president also took a victory lap, of sorts, in philadelphia, touting a new federal report that shows a household income rose by more than 5% in 2015. a record. the first such increase since 2007. he said this shows that his policies are working, josh, and ed only one candidate is going to continue those policies and that hillary clinton. >> nancy, thank you. the kremlin didn't like what president obama said at yesterday's clinton rally. the president hit trump, in part, praising the russian
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an interview last week. >> they interview and say why do you support this guy? he's a strong guy. look, he has 82% poll rating. i mean, if you control the media and you've taken away everybody's civil liberties and you jail dissidents, that is what happens. >> overnight, a russian government spokesman said that language is, quote, unlikely to help fledgeling fragile attempts to build at least some sort of mutual trust. donald trump faces a second investigation this morning from new york's attorney general. eric schneiderman says his office is now looking at trump's foundation to see if it violated state law. trump's campaign blast that announcement calling schneiderman this. a partisan hack. in the inquiry nothing more than a left wing hit job. major garrett is here with a new
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nominee. >> reporter: trump foundation began in 1987 as a family charity to help worthy causes but a lengthy investigation recently by "the washington post" revealed that trump stopped donate to go his charity eight years ago and made questionable purchases using donor's money and prompted a new york state investigation at the very moment trump hoped to focus on working parents. >> we have been concerned that the trump foundation may have engaged in some impropriety. >> reporter: new york attorney general eric schneiderman, a hillary clinton supporter, is suing trump of alleged fraud at trump university. on tuesday, schneiderman has questions about the gop's nomin nominee's foundation. >> we are looking into the trump foundation to make sure it complies with the laws in new york. >> reporter: "the washington post" says trump's foundation seemed to have repeatedly broken irs rules. at least $25,000 of donor's money was used for a political
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tebow and $20,000 on a six-foot tall painting of trump, himself. president obama seized on the portrait during a rally for clinton in pennsylvania. >> the other candidate's foundation took money other people gave to his charity and then bought a six foot tall painting of himself. >> reporter: word of the inquiry spread hours before trump teamed with daughter ivanka to unveil his plan to help families. >> safe, affordable, high quality child care should not be the luxury of a fortunate few. >> reporter: trump's plan would allow parents to deduct child care expenses from their income tax and create new savings account for care for dependent relatives and guaranteed leave for mothers, but not for fathers. >> my opponent has no child care plan. she never will. >> reporter: clinton does have a child care plan.
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leave for mothers and fathers paid for by higher taxes on the wealthy. now trump's plan is ways reducing ways in the program but its family leave are lower than clinton's. >> thank you, major. next hour, new york attorney general eric schneiderman will be here in studio 57 at the table. we will ask him about the timing of his trump foundation inquiry. susan page is "usa today's" washington bureau chief and with us at the table. welcome back. >> thanks. >> what do you make of this new investio foundation? >> it's never helpful if your candidate's name is in the headline with the word investigation and i think these "the washington post" stories about the trump foundation have been very damaging. that said, eight weeks out from election, i think when the trump campaign says this is a partisan investigation, that is going to resonate with some voters. >> let's talk about the leaked colin powell e-mails. he indicates he has a problem really with both candidates. what is the significance of an endorsement from him when he was on our show on monday, susan, he
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and waiting until after the debates. when you look at that e-mails, he seems to be unhappy with them both. >> he doesn't seem likely to endorse donald trump because he call him a national pariah. he is a republican talking about a republican candidate and these are his private thoughts. he didn't call a press conference to announce this. this is what he apparently really thinks. while he is not happy with hillary clinton, it is impossible to imagine him now endorsing donald trump characterization of trump in these e-mails. and this is important because colin powell is a highly respected figure, very experienced retired general, former secretary of state, and a republican. so when you look at the biggest swing group in this election which are white college educated voters, his views could matter with them. >> he has a lot of credibility on both sides. >> i know that is who president obama in part was reaching out to yesterday in that campaign stop in pennsylvania where he also mentioned this median
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decade. what might it be? >> the most important political news we had yesterday because it means that this recovery, which officially started in 2009 is finally being felt in the families across america, rich families, poor families, middle class families, white families, black families. it's an amazing report. it's the strongest report since they started tracking this measure in 1967. and, you know, we have seen president obama's approval rating ticking up. it's ticking up because i think people are feeling in their own li comes out, that things are getting better for a lot of families in america. >> i know you've written about this. this biggest swing in the electorate this year, what is it and who is that group? >> college educated white voters. since 1952 election when we started looking at this, they have voted for the republican. they are going for hillary clinton now because they are concerned about donald trump, especially on issues of % tolerance and demeanor. and if they go to hillary clinton in the way that we think
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are doing now, it would be the biggest swing if four years for any major demographic group in ours history. >> what battleground states does that matter in? >> is matters in virginia and colorado, basically out of reach for donald trump. it's important in places like pennsylvania and those collar counties around philadelphia. >> susan page, thank you for being here. >> great to be here. >> the first presidential debate is less than two weeks away. the two will meet at hofstra university on monday and the debate will be brought to you central on cbs. i can say we will all be watching. must-see tv. >> get the bowl of popcorn and be ready. three phoenix police officers are recovering from injury after a suspect attacked them with their car. dramatic surveillance video of the seen find the driver ramming the officers. one officer flying in the air there and two were hurt when they were hit and third was injured while capturing the
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the clash. >> reporter: good morning. the three officers were responding to an assault call, but by the time they arrived, those suspects were gone. as they stood in a parking lot, police say that is when the driver moved himself into position and ran them over. surveillance footage shows the driver slamming into the officers standing at a gas station parking lot early tuesday morning. behind the wheel is 44-year-old mark lequan payne. a rook launched into the air and crashes through the store window. >> the video shows the suspect watching the officers, moving his car a couple of spots in the parking lot and then, ultimately running them down. >> reporter: one officer has a broken leg. the one thrown in the air suffered a concussion. he was still able to help bring down payne who was seen fighting with police and was eventually subdued with a taser. >> why did you run into
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counts of attempted first-degree murder. >> this is a violent, cowardly act and certainly unacceptable. our phoenix police officers were targeted. >> reporter: this incident is the latest apparent attack on officers, including the deadly shootings of police in dallas and baton rouge earlier this summer. >> we have all heard about officers being targeted and ambushed in communities across this nation, but this happened here. these officers could easily have been killed and i thank god that we are not planning three >> reporter: payne's criminal history includes an arrest for great assault. now, the officers suspect driver impairment may have been a factor but have not released specifics on that. the incident is still under investigation. >> the picture of him looked very much like driver impairment but, as you said, it's still under investigation. >> very terrifying. >> it was. a rare tropical storm surprised millions in the southeastern united states. tropical storm julia unexpectedly formed last night.
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to form over land in florida since the state have kept records. the slow moving system dropped up to 6 inches of rain in parts of jacksonville. wind gusts of roughly 40 miles an hour of trees. it flooded sidewalks and on the coast downpours eroded beaches and caused dangerous rip currents. tropical storm warnings are in effect and julia is expected to weaken as it moves back offshore but still threatens to flash flooding. samsung announced a recall for a phone galaxy note 7's available first in south korea. new york's public transit agency says passengers and employees should avoid using that type of phones on trains or buses. a samsung phone exploded in the hand of a 6-year-old boy in brooklyn last weekend.
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his home. his mom said it was like fireworks inside the house. the cease-fire in syrian war seems to be holding but two convoys for aleppo are stuck inside the turkish border. u.n. officials say disagreements and security concerns are holding them up. elizabeth palmer and her crew are on the road to aleppo this morning. >> reporter: we are traveling from damascus to aleppo. this road has seen heavy fighting in patches but the day. so far any way, things look very quiet. inside aleppo, people are taking advantage of the law by going outside for the first time without terror. children are in the playgrounds and even hospital beds which have been full of bombing victims for months are, today, lying empty. the one thing people in the
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has not seen aid. the united nations has prepared large convoys of aid but the trucks have not rolled out yet because the u.n. is navigating safe passenger for them. not only for the syrian government and the syrian army and rebel aware of rebel groups whose check poise lie between the people and the aid. >> that is elizabeth palmer. she is oner report from there. for those who don't know what aleppo is or where it is, elizabeth palmer will have much more from there. 250,000 people have been under siege there for years. >> it drives home the message that normalcy in aleppo today. >> the one image that sticks with you we saw the little boy sitting in the ambulance and
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time in a few days, they had no injuries of little children and that was nice to see. >> yes. coming up, why did it take almost seven months to suspend a college football player accused of rape? that is ahead. first, it's time to check your local weather. announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by beyond the scale from weight
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kids in harm's way so more school buses have cameras to catch the drivers who do not stop. >> you don't want any other parent to see the video that you saw? >> i do not wish that on anybody. it's the most horrible thing to watch. >> ahead, the public awareness to raise over school bus safety. the news is back in the
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>> good morning chris mckinnon 7:26. now over to danielle with the forecast and it's going feel like summer is sticking around. >> it is. we will warm up quickly. 66 in boston. 54 in keene and rising into the 80s this afternoon. 88 degrees tomorrow is going to be a feel of fall. and that's going to be ushered in by thunderstorms later today. keep-eye out 4 to 8 p.m. scattered storms moving from northwest to southeast one or two could become strong to severe with localized damaging wind gusts. the feel of fall moves in tomorrow and sticks around to end the week. 70s for the weekend chance of showers and storms by sunday. breana. >> reporter: tough commute on 24 north and doesn't lock like it will recover from messy morning any time soon a couple issues earlier an accident up at 128 a stalled vehicle in the
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disabled struck in stoughton at exit 20. drive times close to an hour at least 45 minutes to get from brockton to 128. severe delays there. chris. >> all right tough ride thanks very much. checking top stories, gloater police chief is under -- gloucester's police chief is under investigation and on paid leave and made headlines with the innovative addiction programs allowing drug addicts to walk in and get treatment without fear of prosecution. lots of questions about what this internal investigation
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v.o.: kelly ayotte says she's on our side, but on our rights, she's squarely with donald trump. trump: planned parenthood should absolutely be defunded. v.o.: ayotte agrees, voting six times to do just that, defund planned parenthood. safe and legal abortion. ayotte: well i certainly think that roe should be overturned... trump: there has to be some form of punishment. matthews: for the woman? trump: yeah, there has to be some form. v.o.: ayotte and trump, wrong for new hampshire women. planned parenthood votes is responsible for the
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? politico is reporting that hillary clinton's campaign staff is concerned that she often refuses to stay properly hydrated. huh. i guess that explains her new campaign logo. >> sources say the real issue is, quote, she won't drink water and you try telling hillary clinton she has challenge accepted. >> secretary clinton, what if i told you there was a nonalcoholic beverage you can get free from any faucet. even sometimes from the sky and packed with nitrogen and it's delicious like a tall glass of unflavored gatorade. ah, water. you need it to live!
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>> can never drink too much water. welcome back to "cbs this morning.? coming up in this half hour, american drivers ignore school bus stop signs. an stemtestimated 13 million ti year. some schooleds are now using cameras to help stop those who put children's lives at risk. medical information released about american female olympians. the athletes are defending their use of approved drugs. why the may have seen this sort of attack coming. time to show you some of the morning's headlines from around the globe. ceo of wells fargo tells "wall street journal" that bad work is not corporate culture caused a scandal at the bank. regulators say employees created phony accounts to keep their jobs and meet aggressive sales goes. the ceo tends to right the ship and has no plans to quit. >> we are sorry. we deeply regret any situation where a customer got a product
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culture, nothing in our values that would support that. the best thing i could do right now is leave this company and leave this company for -- >> the bank, yesterday, said sales targets will be eased and stumpf is scheduled to take questions on capitol hill next week. a software is used to buy tickets in online marketplaces that then can be sold at much higher prices. "hamilton" producer testified at a hearing yesterday and said that banning bots would level the playing field for consumers. business insider reports that chevrolet is upping the ante in the electric cars war. their bolt will get more miles on a single charge and beats tesla by about 20 moles. the bolt is expected to be price much lower than a tesla, over $37,000 before federal tax
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around 70,000 and goes up from there. new york's daily news reports on pilot error being blamed for a delta crash at laguardia airport last year. the plane skidded off a snowy runway and narrowly avoided plunging in the bay. i happened to be at laguardia for another flight. i special to a passenger from the crashed jet who said he could see water from his seat. investigators say the pilot used caused him to lose control. there were no serious injuries. >> i remember that. you just happened to be at the airport that day. >> yeah. it's interesting that they blamed pilot error. it was snowing very hard. i remember we were sort of taxiing for takeoff and you could feel the snow crunching, you could hear it under the wheels of the plane. >> water in one's seat is never comforting. >> the nose had pushed through the fence almost into the bay. a university of north carolina football player is off
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sexual assault. allen artis was suspended yesterday. the aled assault first came to light back in february. the linebacker's accuser, a sophomore, delaney robinson said she had bruises on her neck after the alleged attack. she spoke out yesterday at a news conference. vinita nair shows us how robinson accuses the school of mishandling her case. >> reporter: good morning. seven months after robinson filed her report, the charges against 21-year-old allen artis. instead, her attorney got a judge to issue multiple warrants for misdemeanor charges related to the alleged assault. robinson claims she found herself alone with artis on an on-campus apartment after a night of drinking. >> yes, i was drinking that night on valentine's day. i'm under age and i take responsibility for that. but that does not give anybody the right to violate me.
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robinson's neck was taken after she alleged that university north carolina linebacker artis allen she says raped her. >> i gave a statement. i cooperated with law enforcement and with -- >> reporter: robinson claims the university police treated her like a suspect, while giving artis a very different response. >> they told him, don't sweat it. just keep on living your life and keep on playing football. alleges even the county prosecutor's office declined to take action. >> delaney has given the campus every opportunity to do the right thing, but both have failed to do so. >> reporter: orange county district attorney jim woodall says the investigates led by the university police have remained active from the start. >> as kids, lab results pending and the lead variation has consulted with our office for several months.
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committed to the safety and well-being of our students and takes all allegations about sexuality violence or sexual misconduct extremely seriously. robinson decided to speak out for many reasons. >> the university or any university across the nation is never going to feel the pressure or feel accountable to actually make a distinctive concrete change without people pressing them to do. >> reporter: the player has yet responded to cbs news as request for comment. orange county sheriff says arrangements have been made with his attorney to serve the issued warrants. >> bravo for her to speak out. the fact she said the player was told don't sweat and keep playing football is very disturbing. >> i agree. the world anti-doping agency brings russia for a hack of its medical confidential information regarding female american olympians. the targets included gymnast
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se venus and serena williams and along with, lena delle don ne. >> they are trying to make the athletes look like cheaters but what they have revealed is what is known as therapeutic use visa. the hackers called czar team or fancy bears, said they stand for wanted to expose the dirty method of the u.s. olympic squad. they pointed the finger at dozens of american athletes who regularly used illicit strong drugs in order to win. the anti-world doping agency said hackers led to this criminal act. four-time olympic gold medalist gymnast simone biles responded i
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always followed the rules. venus williams said the drugs revealed were proofed for legitimate medical conditions. travis tiger is the head of the us anti-doping agency. he says each of the athletes exposed got their medications cleared in advance. >> it's, obviously, you know, indirectly, at a minimum, a result of wada exposing the russian sport system and government-run >> reporter: in july, wadda some say helped russian athletes win at the 2014 olympics in sochi. 67 members of the russian tracker and field team were banned from competition in rio. >> mr. putin is either applauding this action or behind it. >> reporter: sports historian and doping expert john hoberman said the aspect could have devastating effects that athletes have the
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>> an already corrupt international sports world is now in even deeper trouble. >> reporter: the international olympic committee has now condemned this attack and they say that these athletes did not violate anti-doping rules. so the big question is was the russian government involved in this? the kremlin emphatically says no. as for the fancy bear hacking group, they promise to release more information in the coming days. >> ben, thank you. look at how already on this different hacking attempts. colin powell's e-mails and this one. this is becoming a big issue. >> a chronic headline. drivers are ignoring school bus stop signs with deadly results. the new push saving young lives by putting security cameras on board. you're watching "cbs this morning." medication... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage.
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thousands of incidents. mark, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the austin independence school district has around 320 buses. nothing remarkable about this one until the stop signs come on, front and back. these signs turn on five mounted cameras like these two which automatically record whether nearby cars come to stop for the kid. all too often, they he don't. when this austin school bus stopped two weeks ago, this truck kept going and plowe he was bruised, but fine. what do you remember about that day? you got off the bus. >> i'm just walking. i see this truck coming. i expect him to stop but he doesn't. and everything just goes into a blur. >> reporter: miles mother saw the video of the collision that night on television. >> it's just your heart drops into your feet, and you just can barely breathe when you're watching that. >> reporter: the very next day in austin, another truck hit a
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amazingly, he was fine. by one estimate, american drivers illegally pass school buses more than 13 million times last year. . on average, eight kids with killed because of ignored stop signs. his daughter abby was killed after getting off her school bus he is pushing state lawmakers to allow school bus cameras to keep students face. >> it's not accident because it's preventible and not a tragedy because we know it's going to happen again. >> reporter: at least 15 states allow cameras to be mounted outside school buses to record motorists illegally passing. austin added those cameras last january. >> we have the bus, stop signs out. >> reporter: every day, school police review video of violators
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the fine is $300. >> that is probably 50 to a hundred there. >> reporter: in four months, they sent citations to 6600 motorists. >> that was a very significant number. it was shocking. >> reporter: why shocking? >> that's a lot of violators in a very short time period. >> reporter: so with school bus cameras here always watching, it's up to drivers to recognize that stop signs really do mean stop. >> that somebody's baby. every one ofse responsibility as a driver to make sure that every one of those kids gets home safely. >> reporter: here in austin, those 6,600 citations generated almost $2 million in fines and money slit 60/40 between the camera company and the school district but there are critics of this. critics who say these cameras are more about making money than finding ways to make kids safe. gayle? >> i don't care if they are
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allentown. about a hundred people claim their times were affected by about ten minutes last weekend. many had hoped to use those times to qualify for the boston marathon. organizers are now working to see if the times can be adjusted. you're a runner at the table, norah. ten minutes is a big deal. >> that is frustrating, indeed. >> are you a runner too, josh? >> adjust the times. new figures show americans are making more money but we are not saving enough. jill schlesingerho morning." except this one, who has an outlet for a face. i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid.
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let's wash it with febreze. for all the things you can't wash, use febreze... ...fabric refresher whoa hey mrs. walker inhales hey, it smells nice in here and try pluggable febreze, with up to 4 times the freshness... one refill. pluggable febreze and fabric refresher... [inhale + exhale mnemonic] ...two more ways to breathe happy i love bread i love ice cream os! i love ramen. anything chocolate chicken tacos, pork tacos. and now that i've learned to manage what i eat, i can still eat the foods i love. every. single. day. members have lost 15% more weight in the first 2 months than on the beyond the scale program than on our previous program and they're still eating the foods they love. that's the genius of this program! join for free and get a free starter kit. hurry, offer ends september 19th. well she loves to say, "well, fantastic!" a lot.
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i'm a fine arts major. nobody really believes that i take notes this way, but they actually make sense to me. i try to balance my studying with the typical college experience. this windows pc is a life saver! being able to pull up different articles to different parts of the screen is so convenient.
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good wednesday morning 7:56. let's check in with danielle for a look at the forecast. >> a little different today. humidity has gone up. 66 in boston 70 in taunton and on the way to 80s. warm out there 88 in boston and approaching front late in the day will bring a threat for thunderstorms generally 3 to 8 p.m. toe keep an eye to comes in a few storms could bestrong to severe an isolated risk but localized damaging wind will be the potential. feel of fall high around 70 and showers and storms come back on sunday. breana. >> reporter: a busy morning check out the backup on eastbound lanes of the pike there's an accident at the prudential tunnel and the backup goes back to the allston brighton tolls and a car
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24 for government center. chris. thanks very much. checking top stories this morning jury selection is set to begin in the death penalty retrial for gary sampson. he pleaded if they to car jabbing and killing two massachusetts men during a week long crime spree back in 2001. the jury dave him the death penalty in 2003 which was overturned by a judge had found a juror lied about her
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narrator: new hampshire, think a minute about kelly ayotte the politician. ayotte claims she's independent, then goes to washington and votes with the koch brothers 90% of the time. she takes millions from wall street and big drug companies, and then votes to put their agenda before everyday families. are. so, think about it: new hampshire can choose the special interests' senator with kelly ayotte... or a people's senator, for a change. i'm maggie hassan
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narrator: "by almost every measure, public charter schools have been a success." "they are models of inspiration." with "impressive results" and "eye-catching educational gains." it's turned my son's life around. narrator: "charter schools amount to hope" for kids all across massachusetts. question 2 will give parents more choices and result in more funding for public education. vote yes on 2.
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? ? i'm coming ? it is wednesday, september 14th, 2016. welcome back to "cbs this morning.? there is more real news ahead, including new questions about donald trump's charitable foundation. new york's democratic attorney general tells us why he is investigating now. first, here's a look at today's "eye opener" at 8:00. his e-mails show that he was deeply resentful that clinton were comparing her use of a private account to his ir. >> it prompted a new york state investigation at the very moment trump hoped to focus on working parents. >> i think when the trump campaign says this is a partisan investigation that is going to resonate with some voters. >> a rare tropical storm surprised millions in the southeastern united states.
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>> three officers were responding to an assault call. that is when the driver moved himself into position and ran them over. >> we are now traveling from damascus to aleppo. this world has seen heavy fighting but the cease-fire is in its second day and so far, any way, things look very quiet. >> nothing remarkable about this one until the stop signs come up. these signs turn on five mounted cameras like these two which automatically record wheth the kid. >> the los angeles rams made their season debut last night on "monday night football"! it is their first game with the l.a. logo back on their helmets and they were promptly shellacked by the 49ers 28-0! i think it's good, though. i tell you. i mean, what is more l.a. than having your premiere tank? >> i'm norah o'donnell with gayle king and josh elliott of cbsn.
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e-mails stone from secretary of state colin powell's account show him urging hillary clinton's campaign to keep him out of her e-mail controversy. powell confirms that the e-mails on the website dc are from the retired general's account. one of them powell wrote the following. she keeps tripping into these character minefield. >> powell also dismissed donald trump'ai would vote for him by 2020 as schizo fantasy. he takes us for idiots and never overcome what i tried to obama with his search for the birth certificate. the whole birther movement was racist. we spoke to powell on monday at the smithsonian national museum of african-american history and culture. >> i never used the term racism in describing anything because you immediately shut down conversation.
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am, no i'm not. what i have said over time there are elements in my party, the republican party that show some level of intolerance that i don't think is worthwhile for the party to demonstrate. >> general powell told us he would not publicly support a candidate until he had seen at least one debate. in a leaked e-mail, he wrote, quote, i would rather not have to vote for her, although she is a friend i respect. he calls hillary clinton, quote, a 70-year person with track record, unbridled ambition, greedy, not transformati transformational. >> donald trump's family foundation is under investigation today. new york attorney general eric schneiderman says his office is looking to see if the donald j. trump foundation violated state law. "the washington post" reported that trump made questionable purchases using donation from other contributors. the trump campaign accuses
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mr. schneiderman is with us. mr. partisan hack, how do you respond to that comment about yourself? >> i asued donald trump for his fraudulent university in august of 2013. >> before he was running? >> if i had come on your show and said he is going to be the republican nominee for president in 2016, you never would have invited me back. my credibility would have been so damaged. it is not so political. i regulate the nonprofits in new york state. i have charities bureau who look at every nonprofi see if they are following the rules. >> what are you looking for in this inquire? >> we started -- and, again, we started communications with him back in june. we didn't have a press conference, no press release, and didn't try to grandstand on this because allegations they had made contributions to political committees which is illegal and there have been allegations they made contributions to charities now that i they have never received the money. so as with any of the other
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regulate, we have been making inquiries and have had very professional accordance with trump's lawyers or trump foundation's lawyers about these problems. >> as a clinton supporter, can you appreciate as a member of the new york leadership council of hillary clinton's, the optics here that this could appear politically motivated? >> yeah, i'm a traffic cop but he is a democrat and he speeds by me, i have to give him a ticket. that simple. charities have to follow the rules. you can't say i gave money to a charity and not give the money forms you file with my office. you can't give money to a political campaign from a charity. i'm just following the rules as i do with any other charity. we never had a press conference, we never did any grandstanding on this. this is just me doing my job. >> is this an inquiry or an investigation? >> i'm not sure. i'm not sure what the distinction is. >> okay. >> it's an investigation in the sense that we have asked for information. but, again --
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contribution to pam bondi? >> that was our initial line of inquiry and other allegations have come forward. >> what allegations? >> whistle-blowers come forward to us all tightly. we don't credit everything that we get. we look into allegations that we get the pam bondi contribution, we started -- >> what is the law? there are allegations that trump has used his foundation to pay for personal expenses, a painting of himself. would that be illegal? >> it might be. under certain they are self-dealing regulations. understand this. there is two-level system of regulation here. the irs regulates at the federal level. they may very well be conducting their own inquiry and i know members of congress have requested they do so. the state of new york falls on charities. we are looking into it as we have an obligation to do. we scrutinize every nonprofit. >> have you scrutinized the clinton foundation? >> absolutely. >> a lot of questions there
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her while she was secretary of state. what are you looking for there? >> the issue that has been raised there is why they haven't been required to disclose donations from foreign governments and the answer is very simply that the new york state attorney general's office has never asked any nonprofit to disclose contributions from foreign governments. historically in new york, the concern was with speexpendituref new york state and about graph and corruption and working through the doctors without borders, others that may receive money from foreign governments, we have never asked anyone to disclose contributions of foreign governments to single out the clinton foundation would be grossly unfair and say we are changing the rules for this one foundation in the middle of the game. >> eric schneiderman, thank you for being here. >> we appreciate it. >> thank you. most americans are not saving at work for retirement. ahead, jill schlesinger is in studio 57 with tips on how to build a nest egg and whether you need to supplement a 401(k) plan
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a new look at the history of hip-hop offers a new perspective on the history of our nation. ahead, the museum exhibit that attracts the pioneers of ground breaking american culture. you're watching "cbs this morning." oh, look... ...another anti-wrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. neutrogena? rapid wrinkle repair works... one week. with the... fastest retinol formula available. it's clinically proven to work on fine lines and... ...even deep wrinkles.
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and for dark spots, rapid tone repair. neutrogena?. "see what's possible." you don't let anything keep you sidelined. that's why you drink ensure. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. for the strength and energy to get back to doing... ...what you love. ensure. always be you. ?"all you need is love" plays? my friends know me so well. they can tell what i'm thinking, just by looking in my eyes. was that i had dry, itchy eyes. i used artificial tears from the moment i woke up... the moment i went to bed. so i finally decided to show my eyes some love,... ...some eyelove. eyelove means having a chat with your eye doctor about your dry eyes because if you're using artificial tears often and still have symptoms, it could be chronic dry eye.
8:11 am
for lower back pain sufferers, the search for relief often leads to places like... this... this... or this. today, there's a new option. introducing drug-free aleve direct therapy. a tens device with high intensity power that uses technology once only available in doctors' offices. its wireless remote lets you control the intensity, and helps you get back to things like... this... and back to being yourself. introducing new aleve direct therapy. find yours in the pain relief aisle. vo: kelly ayotte says she's on our side, but on our rights, she's squarely with donald trump: trump: planned parenthood should absolutely be defunded. vo: ayotte agrees, voting six times to do just that - defund planned parenthood.
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trump: ...there has to be some form of punishment. matthews: for the woman? trump: yeah, there has to be some form. vo: ayotte and trump: wrong for new hampshire women. women vote is responsible for the content of this advertising. with hood, cottage cheese can be... ? hey! ? ...pineapple on a waffle... or cucumber and dill as a dip. with eight delicious flavors of hood cottage cheese, the possibilities are endless. always good. always hood. the possibilities are endless. every time a new charter school opens in massachusetts, it takes funding away from regular public schools in that area. this year alone, charter schools will take more than 400 million dollars away from neighborhood public schools.
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public schools and giving it to charters, let's devote public resources to all of our students... not just a select few. don't lift the cap on charter schools. vote no on question 2. in this morning's eye on money, money grew over the past year but not enough are saving enough. some had less than 25,000 in savings and investment and even 45% said they contribute to the saving retirement plan offered by their company. jill schlesinger joins us at the table to discuss. >> good morning. >> the people not participating in the company's plan, if one is available, should they reconsider? >> absolutely.
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made, hopefully you got a tiny raise last year. take some of that money and use the employer plan. why? it's easy and payroll deduction and comes straight out of your paycheck before you have a chance to spend it. i know the limit is all the way up to 18,000 for individuals and another $6,000 if you're over 50. any amount is really great, especially if you have a company match. >> there are now options for those who do not have employer plans out their disposal. >> what we know is most people who are not putting money away doing it because there is no plan available. the government has this plan that has been around a year or two. no one is really talking about it. it's called the my ira. the cool thing about this it can come out of payroll deduction or bank account or your tax refund. the way it works you can use a tiny amount and maybe ten bucks at each intervention and it can
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like the henry ford retirement. one car, it's black. 1.6% and it's a safe investment and acts like a roth ira. you can save up to 15 grand and roll it into a private plan but a great way to get people interested in retirement and make it available to them. >> if you participate in your employer-sponsored retirement savings, how can you add to that? >> a couple of reasons you might do that. number one, a lot of the plans offered are kind of clunky and bad, especially if you work for maybe what you do is you put in enough money to get the match and then perhaps you would use a regular ira, traditional ira or a roth ira. what is the benefit there? the benefit you got the wide world of investment choices and you have a little more control over it. in the case of a roth, what you would be doing is putting an after-tax dollar into a roth ira and it grows tax deferred.
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you get a contribution and deduction and when you retire you must pay tax on that. >> some people say i'm living paycheck to paycheck. how do you expect me to save from that? >> we look at the survey and they say could you save five or ten bucks? yes. anything helps. habit, habit. >> jill, thank you. many parent struggle to get more than wo they ask kids about schools. psychologist lisa demore is in our green room how to get past those traditional and conversational road blocks. you're watching "cbs this morning." announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by sponsored by voya financial. changing the way you think of retirement.
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l from voya? yeah, val from voya. quick question, what are voya retirement squirrels doing in my house? we're putting away acorns. you know, to show the importance of saving for the future. so you're sort of like a spokes person? no, i'm more like a metaphor. okay, a spokes-metaphor. no, i'm... you're a spokes-metaphor. yeah. ok. see how voya can help you get organized at since the launch of the new dannon whole milk yogurt, an unprecedented natural outburst the country. everything's all right in there? all natural, non gmo ingredients with vitamin d and whole milk. new dannon, natural is back. question, are my teeth yellow? have you tried the tissue test?
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v.o.: kelly ayotte says she's on our side, but on our rights, she's squarely with donald trump. trump: planned parenthood should absolutely be defunded. v.o.: ayotte agrees, voting six times to do just that, defund planned parenthood. and both oppose our right to safe and legal abortion. ayotte: well i certainly think that roe should be overturned... matthews: for the woman? trump: yeah, there has to be some form. v.o.: ayotte and trump, wrong for new hampshire women. planned parenthood votes is responsible for the content of this advertising. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine.
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perennial flop on exchange? what is the best way then to ask our kids about what happened at school? >> i think what we have to remember is that the school day is long. and that we put kids in close quarters with a whole bunch of kid they didn't choose. the adult equivalent of this if we were in all day meetings with a bunch of colleagues and came home and somebody said, how was it? usually, we feel like done. >> like i don't want to talk >> andi i'm going back in tomorrow so we need to lower our expectations about the conversation we are going to have. >> doctor, thank you for being here. >> another thing we can do is we can be more specific. right? it's easier to say how is that group project going or did anything really interesting happen today? >> last night, the fourth grade teachers are saying the kids never worked harder or longer in school say i find go for the good stuff. start with recess and start with
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>> but specifics, exactly. the other thing we can do is we can expect a complaint. kids do what adults do, they come home and unload. the day was long. if you ask, times they say it was hard and yucky and this happened and this happened and we can sometimes then say, did you try this or did you try that? they think, forget it, i wish i had never said anything. it's actually more helpful if we can say, that stinks. >> gayle is the best mom in the mom in the wormld but i love being a mom. i find it's not to ask questions they can give a one-word answer to and something they have to force them to generate some type of conversation. >> exactly. >> i like what you had. how is your day? it's really another way of saying, i love you, i miss you. so true. you just want to engage. >> you want to connect.
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becomes a handy question to grab. i think there is a couple of things we can remember when we want to connect. one is sometimes kids aren't ready right after school. they come in and need to decompress or go to their rooms. sometimes kids will bring up something, observe ften on the bed. >> that tuck-in time i see it just spills out sometimes. >> often we can connect then and much more on their terms. interconvene when you say the complaints? >> the way i think about it for in three categories. things we like, things we can handle and things we don't expect a child to be able to handle. so if a child is complaining about, you know, the kid that sits next to me drives you crazy. we say we can hear you and how can i handle that?
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either! >> wait until you meet their parents! >> i'm just kidding. >> people validate their relate but we are not saying i'm calling the school and make an issue of this. >> got it. you recently were in a ninth grade class and asked the kids for advice. >> i said i'm going to meet with your parents tonight and anything you want me to know? this great girl said here is what i want you to tell my parents. this was out of the blue. she said, tend of the day when i thing i want them to say back is, oh, my god, that stinks! i thought that is right. she is trying to connect and that is the kind of connection you can have. it goes further than we think. >> doctor, thank you so much. great to have you. >> thank you. the key to better sleep may be called what is called your chro chromo type. how changes in our schedule could make us happier.
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good wednesday morning 8:25 i am kate merrill. top stories in a moment but first the forecast with danielle. danielle. >> we are keeping ion to the sky later this afternoon for a potential for thunderstorms. temperatures 65 to 70. warm later on today. 82 to 88 for many of us. around 80 on cape cod and the threat for thunderstorms is from northwest let's keep you on guard 3 to 8 p.m. a couple storms could be on the stronger side isolated localized damaging wend gusts possible. feel of fall comes back tomorrow. sunshine around 70 and start of the weekend looks good but -- good but chance of showers and thunderstorms. >> reporter: southbound lanes of disaim zakim bridge looks like a parking lot due to an accident at o'neill tunnel exit 24. four cars are involved.
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woburn severe delays take an alternate route. >> thanks. checking top stories, gloucester police chief is under investigation this morning on paid leave e made headlines with the innovative addiction program which allows drug addicts to wiewk into the police station and get treatment without fear of prosecution. chief leonard camppanello says doesn't know what the internal investigation is about. townsend police are investigating a possible older man with a long gray beard attacked them not far from the police station he jumped out from a rock and tried to tbrab one and hit one in the back of the neck. searched reviewed video and searched the area and didn't fiend anything. a worcester man due in court accused of pulling a machete on a driver during a road rage incident near two schools. this happened as students were
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? ? and i ? >> a great song for this. ? together in. harmony ? >> 5-week-old panda shows off its cuteness its attempt to roll over. in the end the cub couldn't muster the strength to roll and it remained stuck on its back. >> they are like a stick of butter, the size when they are born. >> josh, this is one we all grab
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>> pandas always look like people in panda costumes. >> i love it. love it. welcome back to "cbs this morning.? coming up this half hour, the best time to eat, the best time to sleep, the best time to have sex, clinical psychologist michael bruce will show us how tweaks in your schedule can change a performance level and lead to a more fulfilling life. >> i feel like that is a good one. music pioneers that went how hip-hop changed america's sound track and its popular culture. time to show you some of the morning's headlines from around the globe. u.s. news and world report report a quarter of medicare patients are using blood pressure medicine incorrectly. they are not taking the medicine as directed. that puts them at increased risk for heart attacks and strokes. 800,000 people are killed by heart disease and stroke in the u.s. each year.
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have high blood pressure. >> "wall street journal" says the maker of epipen gave huge pay packages to its executives. mylian came under fire for doubling the price of epipen to more than $600 the last two years. the journal says the past five years, mylian paid its top five managers nearly 300 million dollars. it outpaced industry rivals several times in size. complex and highly competitive and also recently offered a generic version of epipen. "the washington post" says you should have serious second thoughts if you believe the five second rule. scientists say you could pick up dropped food fast enough to keep germs from passing aboard. bacteria can contaminate instantaneously. >> i do that all the time. pick it up and blow it off.
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>> we hope. britain's "guardian" has a report says by the year 2021 robots have will eliminated 6% of the jobs in this country. the jobs most at risk of a robot take overon truck and taxi drivers and customer service agents. >> do you want to sleep better and become more productive? >> yes. >> yes! >> go ahead. you're not talking to me. >> you need better time, at least according to a clinical specialist michael bruce. his new book "the power of when." uses biology to show how adjusting your daily schedule can make you health care and happier. -- healthier and happier. michael bruce, we are are all in. >> solve our problems! >> i'm here to do that and excited to do it. >> this is a new word, chrono type. >> yes. >> what exactly makes one's chrono type that?
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based on your genetics. we have known about it for a while. an early bird or night owl, people have known those terminologies before. what i discovered there are several chronotype. if you know yours, i can tell you based on a hormone schedule the best time to have sex, eat a cheeseburger and first cup of >> have your cheeseburger after the sex? >> i knew i was going to have a problem with you today. no, kidding. >> so funny. i was thinking the exact same thing! >> gayle and i are on the same wave lengths. >> you have four different chronotypes. what are they? >> a lion, bear, a wolf and a dolphin and all have different characteristics. you can take a very simple quiz. >> only took 45 seconds. can you just give a quick,
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is? >> the lions are my leaders and ceos. my people that like to go from a to b to c and kind of have things very particular order. >> early risers? >> yes. 5:30, 6:00 is where they have a tendency to fall. >> okay. bears? >> bears are people who are the glue of society. they are extroverts and when you go to lunch you want to hang out with a bear. >> gayle king. >> i was a bear. >> norah was a li. i can definitely see that. >> yes. >> and wolves are night owls. i'm actually a wolf. i like to stay up late. i used to like to sleep in but i don't need a tremendous amount of sleep. >> i found i was a reluctant lion but a reformed dolphin with a little wolf in there. >> what is a dolphin? >> a dolphin are my highly intelligent but problem sleepers. these people have obsessive compulsive to them that sometimes they don't get stuff done. >> you said in the past people
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and the how. for you now you are focusing on the when. the when is the key. when is the key to everything? >> it really is. so on if you knew the best time to do any one of the activities during the day whether ask your boss for a raise or have a cup of coffee or have sex, about if knew when was the best time to do that based our chronotype you would reach your ultimate performance. >> you have a whole section here. when is the best time to have sex? >> it depends on you. generally speaking, when we look need to have sex? you need tess testosterone and es estrogen and melotonin. >> what happens at night? >> the levels are all local. the best time to have sex is in the morning. i'm giving everybody the prescription. everybody should try to have sex on saturday mornings and see if it's any better. you might be surprised.
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you think it's important to match your chronotype? >> you don't have to but it works out kind of well. >> you tell a great story as well about a lion, someone who wakes up early and going on a date with someone, though, later in the afternoon and that person is yawning through the date. so they really don't sync up very well. >> so lions and wolves don't go very well together. if you're a lion and early-riser by 8:30 you're done. if you're a wolf that is the time you're ready to get going. >> you can change over time? number one, you can fiddle with your chronotype a little bit using light therapy. you can actually move your sleep cycle if you wanted to. yes, there is a thing that happens across ages, right? with my kids, as i said, they are adolescents and wolves and probably move into a different category depending on what their genetics will tell us.
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move into a lion, dolphin role. >> people wake up earlier? >> because is there a depletion in medicallatonin as we age. >> you have a lot of interesting information. end with the wait thing because that is a personal issue of mine. the worst time to weigh yourself. >> the worst time to weigh yourself on a full stomach at ab day. you want to be consistent. >> 10:00 p.m.? >> probably the worst because you've eat enfood during the day and you probably have a bigger meal with dinner and it's more depressing because you're going to have a higher weight. >> weigh yourself right in the morning. >> right when you get up. >> you say every day? >> i say weigh yourself every day because sometimes people are not consistent with their diet. they don't weigh themselves a week and then a week and two pounds higher than they thought
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now, gosh, i got to go back and work even harder. so be consistent. >> what time should you watch "cbs this morning" based on your chronotype? >> you should watch it when it's on. >> all day long. i think all animals can agree. >> this was a lot of fun. thank you very much. very interesting. the power of when. >> "the power of when" is on sale right now r from the south bronx to the south central. the story of hip-hop >> hip-hop is one of the only true american-made music. it's much more than just music. >> that is ice t on "cbs this morning." i love that.
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v.o.: kelly ayotte says she's on our side, but on our rights, she's squarely with donald trump. trump: planned parenthood should absolutely be defunded. v.o.: ayotte agrees, voting six times to do just that, defund planned parenthood. and both oppose our right to safe and legal abortion. ayotte: well i certainly think that roe should be overturned... trump: there has to be some form of punishment. matthews: for the woman? trump: yeah, there has to be some form. v.o.: ayotte and trump, wrong for new hampshire women. planned parenthood votes is responsible for the
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"cbs this morning" is sponsored by target. >> i love the music. earlier this week, "cbs this morning" brought you the first live look of inside the smithsonian national museum of african-american history and culture. we are still on a high about that. curators have collected 40,000 objects across culture, sports and arts and history. as we approach the museum's opening next week, we have even more stories to share from its
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vladimir duthiers from cbsn is here with the museum's contribution to music. >> reporter: if the music had a sound track it would be as varied as the histories in it. hims and jazz and blue and soul and led to rock 'n' roll. hip-hop draws from all of those styles but never fit a mold and didn't play by the rules but as it turns out that is exactly what america was craving. >> this is a journey into the south. >> hip-hop maniac. >> for me, it just represented everything that was community. >> easy is his name and boys are coming. >> hip-hop is one of the only true american -made music. it's much more than just music.
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it transcends territories and boundaries. >> this is the story how hip-hop changed america's culture but tond how we get here, we have to take you back to where it all began. >> it was 1970s and new york south bronx neighborhood was arguably on the fringe of pop culture. here on these streets, it was graffiti and beat boxing that filled the air and sense of frustratin' people were ready for a change. according to music legend, a local deejay in this building at a party two two record and mixer and sampling only parts of the music and called a breakdown. just like, that hip-hop was born. those beats became backgrounds for a message. >> then, all of a sudden, people figured out, you know, we don't only have to talk about the
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me wonder how i keep on going. i was like, man, you know? then we realized that this beat was a vehicle for just a great street poetry. >> push beat. because i'm close to the edge. i'm trying not to looks my head! >> reporter: hip-hop took off. >> wham now! don't beat to smile. ? swiss army. >> reporter: west coast. >> it's west side so you know i'm a do man. >> reporter: dirty south. >> everybody moves. the band moves. >> reporter: it began to transcend race and class. ? >> we have to understand that there was some eyes and mind
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what we had to do with our music was really explain to white america that we are not mad at you. we are mad at things. and guess what. you're probably mad at the same stuff we are mad at. ? i'm a victim in the street ? >> reporter: i think hip-hop ka the ability to address anything and also listener is just what are we going to use that platform for? ? if you're coming my way you have to be strong strong enough to no hitting a woman is wrong ? >> it's interesting that 30 years later, we are dealing with the same issue. >> reporter: everybody is listening. today's emcees are moguls and yesterday's controversies became commercial successes. you might say hip-hop had made it.
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if you don't like my lyrics push fast forward ? >> it gives you the chance to think. >> rap is the music. hip-hop is the culture. i am always going to be hip-hop. that is what got us out. it got us out, so why turn your back on it? >> reporter: the museum opening will include several musical celebrations and rock group living color and public enemy and the museum opens officially on september 24th as you all know. >> when i was a kid, there was a kid named anthony who came into the school yard and i was in fifth grade. usually we are playing tag and dodge ball. he said listen to this. hib hop hibet, you don't stop. we are like what is that? by the end of that lunch period, we all were singing it and drove our parents crazy! like the kids who probably heard martha for little richard we knew it was something.
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narrator: "by almost every measure, public charter schools have been a success." "they are models of inspiration." with "impressive results" and "eye-catching educational gains." it's turned my son's life around. narrator: "charter schools amount to hope" for kids all across massachusetts. question 2 will give parents more choices and result in more funding for public education. vote yes on 2.
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rugby, you can't block anybody in the sport. this kid doesn't need anybody. 8 years old he is. youth rugby tournament in australia. he like the little league kid that drives the carpool and been shaving since he was 2. look at that. >> wow. he is not even wearing a helmet. everybody else has a helmet on except him! >> he doesn't need it. >> there you go. >> he is very big for his age.
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good morning it's 8:55 i am kate merrill. top stories in a minute but first a check of the wednesday forecast danielle. >> good morning. temperatures 65 to 70 for most us right now. shy of 07 in boston. we are on the way to 80s by later this afternoon. feeling like mid july and mid august. 88 in boston. near 80 on the cape and a threat for thunderstorms but generally from northwest to southeast between 3 and 8 p.m. not everyone will see a storm but there ea risk a few storms could be severe with local eyed damaging wind gusts the primary threat sunshine high of 70 beautiful end to the week and nice start to the weekend too before chance of showers and storms comes back on sunday. could rain again on monday too breana. >> reporter: another accident on the pica third one in the
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brighton tolls. traffic is backed up to the weston state police barracks. it will add 20 minutes to the commute. checking our top stories gloater police chief is under investigation on paid -- gloucester police chief is under investigation and on paid leave. he start at program to allow drug aics to walk in and get treatment without fear of prosecution. he says he does not know what the internal investigation is investigating a possible attempted abduction. three teenage boys said a older man with a long graybeard attacked them not far from the police station yesterday afternoon. they say he jumped out from behind a large rock and tried to grab one and hit one of them on the back of the neck. before running off into the woods. police searched the area and reviewed surveillance video and they didn't find anything. a worcester man due in court accused of pulling a machete on a driver during a
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being dismissed yesterday a driver told a school resource officer at burncoat high school 41-year-old aldo rivera threatened him with a machete and punched him in the face a officer found the mashty under the floor mat where his 13-year- old daughter was sitting. his 17-year-old son was also in the car. next newscast is today at 12. we'll see you have a great
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>> judge tanya: you're drivin' around in a car you didn't pay one dime for. >> she knew i didn't have an income. >> announcer: she's taking her friends for a free ride. >> there was no concrete understanding. >> judge patricia: these people don't wanna gift you a car. >> exactly. >> judge patricia: they want their money back. >> announcer: "hot bench." judge tanya acker. judge larry bakman. judge patricia dimango. three judges. three opinions. one verdict. >> judge patricia: we've reached our decision. >> announcer: in a court of law, it's called a... susan and william samuelson are suing their son's ex-fianc?e, ashlynn boedigheimer, for unpaid loans. >> judge patricia: all right. thank you, everyone. please be seated. >> sonia: your honor, this is case number 91, samuelson versus boedigheimer. >> judge patricia: thank you, sonia. mr. and mrs. samuelson, the defendant, boedigheimer,
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