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tv   Today  NBC  May 13, 2016 7:00am-10:01am EDT

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the low 70s. but that's as showers come down. keep the umbrella close. >> congratulations to all the graduates at villanova. >> indeed. good morning. breaking news. an alleged gunman on the loose in new hampshire. two police officers shot. schools closed. neighborhoods on lockdown. we'll go live to the scene. who is it? the "washington post" releases audience from an interview recorded more than 25 years ago. the man on the line claiming to be a publicist working for donald trump. is it actually trump himself? >> he's living with marla, and he's got three other girlfriends. >> the man brags about trump's business success, his dating life and divorce. is the presumptive republican nominee pretending to be someone else to manipulate the press? we'll ask him about it when he joins us live. breaking overnight. the obama administration issuing a sweeping directive today. ordering the nation's public schools to allow transgender
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students to use the bathroom of their choice. so what happens if some schools say no? and screening nightmare. thousands of checked bags pile up in the parking lot of the phoenix airport after missing their flights. the tsa blaming it on an unprecedented glitch. this as the agency's chief gets an ear full on capitol hill. >> you cannot trade. you cannot retain. you cannot administrate. >> how are they going to fix it? today, friday, may 13th, 2016. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. good morning, everyone. welcome to "today" on a friday morning. friday the 13th, yes. boy, we have a busy morning. . let's get to it. beginning with breaking news. a massive search underway in
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manchester, new hampshire, for an alleged gunman. victoria warren from our affiliate joins us now. what can you tell us? >> there is an intense man hunt that has been going on, and police this morning are looking for a suspect they consider armed and dangerous. telling everyone to be on the lookout for a white man wearing a green trench coat, carrying a black backpack with long hair. they believe this man is responsible for shooting two manchester police officers overnight in two separate incidents. the first one around 2:00 in the morning, police were called out for reports of an officer that had been shot. then a short time later, nearly a mile away, a second manchester police officer was also shot. both of those officers rushed to the hospital, injured. the great news, we got an update a while ago, they're expected to be okay. they have shut down schools in these neighborhoods today, and they told folks who live in the neighborhoods to stay inside.
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don't go out. try and just keep those doors and windows locked while they consider to search for the suspect. a man they consider to be armed and dangerous. we are live this morning in manchester, new hampshire. now back to you. >> victoria warren, whdh, thanks very much. breaking political news overnight. a recording reportedly from donald trump's past that has surfaced this moment. we'll talk to donald trump live in a moment. first, peter alexander with the latest. good morning. >> hey, good morning. this is donald trump like you have never heard him before. the republican party's presumptive nominee, who has masterfully utilized the media to capitalize his campaign, caught on tape years ago, pretending to be his own publici publicist. all designed to inflate his own image. >> reporter: the voice may sound familiar. >> he's doing tremendously well financially. >> reporter: the audio recording obtained by the "washington
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post," capturing a 1991 conversation between a "people" magazine reporter and a man claiming to be john miller, trump's publicist. >> what is your name again? >> john miller. >> what is your position? >> i'm handling pr because he gets a lot of it. >> reporter: the voice sounds almost unmistakingly like trump himself. boasting that celebrities like madonna wanted to date trump. >> she wanted to go out with him. the people you write about really are -- they just call, actresses, to see if they can go out with him. >> reporter: bragging about having three other girlfriends while living with marla. and explains why he dumped marla for france's future first lady. >> he didn't want to make a commitment. >> reporter: in 1991, it was verified that the voice was trump's. trump admitting it was a joke gone awry. trump routinely called reporters
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for decades, pretending to be someone else, while planting stories about himself. the former "people" magazine reporter telling the "post," the calls said something about the control he wanted to keep with the news cycle flowing with this story. i can't believe he thought he'd get away with it. the "post" says trump didn't respond to their request for comment on the article. this come s on the heels of trump's meeting with paul ryan. >> it'll be a little process burks it'll come along prech, p sure. >> reporter: ryan, complimentary. >> trump and i have differences, and we talked about the differences today. i believe we're planting the seeds to get ourselves unified. >> reporter: no indication an endorsement is coming any time soon. meanwhile, the secret service says it'll investigate comments made by trump's former butler, calling for president obama to be killed. he reportedly work frd trued fo
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for 30 years. saying the president should have been shot as an enemy agent in his first term. he's standing by his comments with nbc news. >> i think he should be hung next to hillary clinton, and i think it should be public. i think it should be televised. >> reporter: he says he never discussed his thoughts with trump. the trump campaign provided nbc news with following statement. senecal does not work at mar-a-la go and hasn't in many years. we condemn those statements. >> the "people" magazine recorder plrecord -- reporter played the recording for marla. she burst into tears. also this morning, the wall street journal is reporting that former president bill clinton's foundation dolled out $2 million to a power company that's partly owned by julie mcmahon, about
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whom the journal says questions have been raised whether she is a frequent visitor to the clinton's home. mcmahon denied having any intimate relationship with clinton. they're simply family friends. clinton says there are foundation participants who he considers friends. secretary clinton did not respond to the "journal's" request for comments. >> peter alexander, thank you. as we mentioned, we'll be talking to donald trump when he joins us live in a moment. lots to talk about this morning. let's bring in mark halperin and steve kornacki. let's start with the "washington post," apparently conversations recorded 25 years ago. john miller, assuming it is now trump. what do we make of it? >> it's not the first time it's been reported that donald trump could do this. he could have hired a publicist,
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but he was hands-on about his image. the context of this campaign, it'll raise the question, is donald trump the right person to be president? >> honesty and temperament. >> and seriousness. the clintons will say, this is not a serious person,s a and th job is too important. >> meanwhile, the wall street journal has an explosive story, alleging the clinton foundation gave this money to a for profit corporation, run by someone reported to be a close friend of president clinton's. is this a problem for them? >> the company had a lot of primary investors, including this woman, as well as other officials. this co-mingles a lot of things republicans want to highlight. the clinton foundation, maybe intermingling personal and financial commitments. and the relationship to president clinton, described as a close friend. it'll get scrutiny from republicans today. >> there was a meeting on capitol hill yesterday we want
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to talk about, as well, between donald trump and speaker of the house paul ryan. no endorsement from speaker ryan coming out of the meeting, although he did say, it's the start of a pathway to reconciliati reconciliation, which sounds a little like a 12-step program. what came out of that meeting? >> a lot of people say republicans are working through a lot of steps here, in terms of accepting trump as the nominee. it sounds like though, paul ryan is now on course to endorse donald trump. i think two things are driving that. one is the pressure from members around him. he's only speaker of the house because republican members of the house let him serve as speaker of the house. want him to serve as speaker of the house. you're seeing more enthusiasm for trump among the members. some want to get together. another reason, a competitive race in swing states. the more you see polls like that, the more from the bottom up, the appetite in the republican party is going to be, let's stop fighting with ourselves. we have a chance to beat hillary clinton. we need to be united. >> the question for clinton is
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how she'll handle donald trump. do you think clinton world settled on an approach, how to take him on? they can't feel great about the battleground polls that show a tighter race than the democrats expected. >> donald trump's meeting yesterday, his phone call with lindsey graham, it was one of his biggest critics. trump is more quickly, than i thought he'd do, and the democrats thought, is consolidating support amongst republicans. the clinton need to try to damage his reputation. they are by saying he is an unserious person. >> there's also a risk in that for donald trump. he's just run an entire campaign on saying, i am the outsider to those people who are now starting to embrace him. couldn't that hurt him with the base he's developed? >> that's the interesting thing. one of the reasons you didn't get an endorsement from paul ryan is he's testing donald trump. can he play the game of politics in a more conventional way? you put the bland statement out. don't talk about it at the rallies and take a shot at him. that's been trump's stock and trade. i think ryan is having him ease
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off. >> you can do it, it just takes political dexterity, and that's what trump has shown this week. >> a lot to chew over. we're waiting for donald trump, planning to call in in a moment. we'll bring it to you when we get it. other news, controversial announcement from the white house today. the obama administration directing schools all across this country to allow transgender students to use bathrooms and locker rooms consistent with their gender identity. nbc's ron allen is at the white house with more on this. what can you tell us? >> good morning. president obama has been an outspoken advocate for transgender rights. this morning, he's getting more deeply involved in the locker room and bathroom issue. his administration planning to issue a sweeping directive that'll impact every public school and student in america. >> reporter: transgender students must be allowed to use bathrooms that match their gender identity. schools that don't comply risk the loss of federal aide.
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that comes from the departments of justice and education to public schools nationwide. the letter first reported by the "new york times" says educators have an obligation to provide equal access to all students under title 9, including everything from restrooms to locker rooms. officials say the guidelines are an attempt to clarify civil rights protection for transgender students, an issue that left educate skpeors and p frustrated. students in missouri walked out in protest when a transgender student used the girls' bathroom. parents were upset there was not a clear policy on the issue. >> there is no rule set forth. i think we can all agree that changing in the locker room or going to the restroom are private activities. >> reporter: the new guidelines come days after the justice department and the state of north carolina sued each other over a state law restricting access to public restrooms. a law that attorney general loretta lynch says discriminates against a transgender community. >> we stand with you, and we'll
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do everything we can to protect you going forward. please know that history is on your side. >> it's important to point out the administration's directive is not a legal requirement. the impact is because of the threat of cutting off billions of dollars of money that schools rely on. the president's critics saying this is another example of his administration dealing with matters that should be decided by states and local communities. >> ron allen, thank you very much. donald trump is with us on the phone. mr. trump, good morning to you. >> morning. >> not sure if you have been made aware of this "washington post" report that's out this morning, but they have obtained a recording with a voice of someone that they say is, in fact, you. someone who is pretending to be a pr person. this is from 25 years ago. let me play a portion of the tape for you. >> how are you? >> what's your name again? >> john miller. >> what is your position? >> i'm handling pr because he gets so much of it. >> on this tape, the person on it talks about his dating
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exploits, goes on about his divorce, things like that. the simple question this morning, are you aware of the tape? is it you? >> no, i don't think it -- i don't know anything about it. you're telling me about it for the first time and doesn't sound like my voice at all. i have many, many people trying to imitate my voice. you can imagine that. this sounds like one of the many scams. doesn't sound like me. >> the "post" says you acknowledged a couple decades ago that, in fact, it was you, but it was a joke. >> i don't think it was me. it doesn't sound like me. i don't know even what they're talking about. have no idea. >> the "post" says this is what you did routinely. you'd call reporters and plant stories and say you were either john miller or john baron. in fact, it was you on the phone. is that something you did with regularity? >> no, and it was not me on the phone. it doesn't sound like me on the phone. i'll tell you that. it was not me on the phone. when was this, 25 years ago? >> in the early '90s. >> wow. you mean you are going so low as
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to talk about something that took place 25 years ago, about whether or not i made a phone call? i guess you're saying under a presumed name. >> yes, under a presumed name. >> okay. the answer is no. let's get on to more current subjects. i know it's wonderful for your listeners, but we have more important things to discuss. >> this meeting you had with speaker ryan yesterday on capitol hill, you had said, i think, a week ago when he didn't endorse you, it was a mistake and he'd change his 3450i7mind. he still hasn't endorsed you, though he says you're on the path of reconciliation. were you disappointed there was no endorsement coming out of the meeting? >> no. i know it's a process. i was a little surprised but not that surprised. we did, a yos you know, get endorsed by many, many people. senators and congressmen. we got endorsements yesterday. i think it'll come. if it doesn't come, i'll go my separate way. i think i'll win the election because hillary clinton is a disaster on the assumption she
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gets it, on the assumptions she's allowed to run. >> speaker ryan said after the meeting there are clearly issues on which you two disagree. we know one of those is on the ban of muslims. he is not for it. you have said you are. in recent days, you've called it more of a suggestion than a proposal. i'd like you to clarify that for me. i think millions of people who voted for you across the country during the primary process felt as if you were actually proposing that. are you softening your stance? >> i'm not the president right now, so anything i suggest is really a suggestion. if i were president, i'd put in legislation and do what i have to do. >> but would you -- >> i'm telling you, i'm looking at it strongly. we have an islamic -- we have really a problem with radical islamic terrorism, and we have a president that doesn't want to use the term. he refuses to use the term. even though there are so many problems. he refuses to use it with the world trade center. >> are you softening your stance and using subtle differences in words, simply to be more
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moderate, to try to attract people like speaker ryan, to get an endorsement? >> no, but i'm always flexible onni issues. i think you have to be that way. i'm not softening my stance. we have a major problem, and we have to look at the problem. we have to solve the problem. we have a president that doesn't even talk about the problem. he won't use the words. he won't call it by its right name. >> on another topic, the president this morning directed all public schools to allow transgender students to use the public restroom that matches their gender identity. is this something you agree with? >> i'd leave that up to the states. that and other things, frankly. let the states decide. it's much better as a local issue. i don't think it is a federal issue, where the federal government gets involved. i see what is happening. it's a big situation. you know what? everybody has to be protected. i feel strongly about that. you're talking about a tiny, tiny group of the population. with that being said, everybody has to be protected.
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i would leave it up to the states. >> let me end on something quickly, mr. trump. we had former vice president dan quayle on the show and asked who you should consider as a running mate. he said, senator rob portman of ohio. is he on your short list? >> i was with him yesterday in the group. we were with the whole group of senators. frankly, it was great. we had a tremendous talk. i had a great talk with rob. a great talk with all of them. many of them supported me after the meeting. >> is he on your short list? >> i'm not going to say who is on the list, and i have a list of five or six. possibly expanding. i'll make the decision by the convention and probably announce it during the convention, which will be a very exciting convention. i have to tell you. >> okay. >> rob portman is a good man. no question about it. >> mr. trump, thanks for your call. >> thank you very much. let's get a check of the weather. mr. roker is back from his
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adventure out west. >> had a good time with my pal matt. >> it was. we could use the rain in the northeast. we have a frontal system, two fronts, both generating the risk of strong storms from norfolk to charleston. joplin, 10 million people at risk. damaging winds and hail. as the one front pushes through, airport delays from new york to washington. a second system this evening, chicago to st. louis, bringing rain. saturday, more showers and thunderstorms pushing through into saturday evening. then finally clearing off as we move on into sunday. cooler air coming in behind that. we're going to get to your local i'm there for bessie. i'm there for ray. ted loved baseball. dr. phil likes to watch football. renne, who wants sloppy joe on the menu every day. rosie's my best friend. evelyn likes to dance. harriett wants her fried shrimp as well. alice anne likes vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup and rainbow sprinkles.
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they give me so much back. i can't even imagine how i could possibly give them what they give me. good morning. i'm meteorologist bill henley. grab an umbrella. clouds are here, showers and a chance of thunderstorms on the way. low 70s for university city, sum iren -- somerton. we could see late-day sunshine in spots like the lehigh valley. cooler with temperatures in the 60s at the shore. low 70s for wilmington. shower and thunderstorm later this afternoon for lewes, delaware. have a great day. thanks. you guys are twins. bonding experience in new mexico. coming up, a substantial settlement reached reached in t malpractice lawsuit tied to joan rivers' death.
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we'll hear from her daughter. is fast food ever looking as good as it does in the commercials? jeff rossen and his team ordered it to find out. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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and try the micro-sculpting cream you love... with lightweight spf 30 nbc 10 news starts now. good morning, i'm vai sikahema. just before 7:30. as you can see behind me, center city, hazy, foggy a little bit. let's check in with bill henley who has the first alert forecast. >> the clouds stay with us through the day. eventually we'll start getting rain out of them. the temperatures are running warmer this morning than yesterday. 64 degrees in the lehigh valley with these, did see some sunshine to start with. that sunshine is on hole. by this afternoon we'll be looking at a chance of showers and thunderstorms. in fact, everybody's got a chance to use an umbrella during the day today. into the lower 70s for new jersey, the lehigh valley and delaware at the shore. a little bit cooler, 66 degrees. those storms roll through philadelphia this afternoon. vai? >> thank you, bill.
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let's get a check on the morning rush with jessica boyington. >> we're watching an accident scene right now on 95 headed southbound right around the betsy ross bridge. we have lane restrictions here. they keep moving the camera in and out. may be difficult to focus. it is blocking off some of the left-hand lanes, right behind these signs. happening now, police are searching for three armed men in a home invasion. this is in northeast philadelphia. robbers tied up a family in that home and took some money early this morning. no one was hurt. today it is graduation time at villanova university. the commencement will be held indoors at the pavilion because of a stormy forecast. another update coming up in 25 minutes. we'll see you at the top of the hour.
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7:30 now. it's friday the 13th. it's going to be a great day. we have a great crowd out there. feeling lucky. >> it's early. >> exactly. let's get a check of the headli headlines. following their meeting on capitol hill, donald trump and house speaker ryan say they're committed to working together. ryan told reporters that seeds were planted to unify the republican party, but he left that meeting without endorsing donald trump. this morning, the "washington post" released audio from a 1991 recording between a reporter and a man who claims to be a publicist for donald trump. the person brags about trump's celebrity and dating relationships. the "post" is claiming the man is actually trump himself.
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we asked trump about it when he joined us earlier this morning. >> it doesn't sound like my voice at all. i have many, many people that are trying to imitate my voice. you can imagine that. this sounds like one of the scams, one of the many scams. doesn't sound like me. >> "washington post" claims at the time, trump admitted it was him on the phone, but called it a joke gone awry. the u.s. navy fired the commander of the ten american soldiers who wandered into iranian waters. they were captured and briefly detained. the navy said it lost confidence in the commander. new developments in the malpractice case of joan rivers. joe fryer has the latest on this. morning. >> good morning. rivers' family reached a settlement with the doctors and clinic where the comedian suffered fatal complications. details of the deal are confidential, including how much money will family will get. rivers' daughter melissa says she's turning her focus to
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safety at outpatient clinics. >> can we talk? >> reporter: in the legal world, this was a sprint. representative for joan rivers' family says their civil suit in new york city was settled before depositions took place. >> it was a lightning fast settlement, suggesting the doctors had a lot to answer for. >> reporter: rivers said, i'm able to put the legal aspects of my mother's death behind me and ensure that those culpable are taking responsibility. >> it's hard if you're attractive. you don't have to worry. >> reporter: she suffered brain damage during a routine throat procedure at the clinic. she died at 81. >> in my opinion, it was 100% preventab preventable. >> reporter: melissa spoke with matt last year after filing the suit, which alleged missteps.
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among them, a physician took photos of rivers while she was ste da sedated on the operating table, and doctors waited 12 minutes to call 911. >> it won't bring her back, but i want the answers. the only way to get the answers is by filing. >> reporter: in a statement, the clinic says, the parties agreed to settle the case to avoid protracted litigation. we remain committed to providing quality, compassionate health care services that meet the needs of the community. melissa rivers says moving forward, my focus will be to ensure that no one ever has to go through what my mother, cooper and i went through. >> what went on in that clinic was so unacceptable for any patient. i figure, worst case scenario, at least a conversation is starting about the regulations that govern the outpatient medical facilities. >> in an effort to prevent this from happening again, melissa
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plans to meet with lawmakers to discuss how to improve regulations and safety standards. >> joe, thank you. >> i had the chance to speak with melissa on the phone last night. she said the discovery process of this case was emotional. as part of the process, she got to learn what her mom's last words were. she says, those will remain personal. she is satisfied the doctors in the clinic have accepted responsibility for what happened to her mother. >> sounds like that was important to her. >> joe, thanks again. now, to a startling sight at the airport out in phoenix. take a look. a screening system problem caused more than 3,000 checked bags to miss their flights. it's the latest black eye for the tsa and comes as the agency warns that the long lines we've seen at airport security checkpoints recently may get worse. tom costello is at reagan national airport. tom, good morning to you. >> good morning. the tsa now says 35% of their people quit within the first year on the job.
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more than 100 people walk off the job every single week. even as they try to staff up, they've got a tsunami of travelers coming right now. they say this summer is going to be very rough. >> reporter: with summer fast approaching, congress is turning up the heat on the tsa. record numbers of passengers now mean those long lines could get even worse. >> i think we have to agree, it's not acceptable. >> reporter: the tsa chief got an earful of bipartisan frustration from lawmakers on thursday. >> you cannot recruit, you cannot train, you cannot retain, and you cannot administrate. >> reporter: the problem, says admiral peter nefenger. >> we're seeing more people move through the system than ever. >> reporter: be prepared for this. >> everyone, look at your boarding passes. >> reporter: checkpoint choke points. >> i would have liked to have had a cup of coffee, but i'm going to stand in this line. >> reporter: a record 2.2
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million passengers are traveling every day. volume up 7% nationwide. 14% in seattle. up 15% in atlanta. meanwhile, the tsa doesn't have enough screeners. 117 walk off the job each week. more than 6,000 officers a year. as they struggle with demanding passengers, stress, the low pay. another problem, tsa processing delays led to a baggage backup. luggage stacked up outside. passengers made their flights without their bags. the problem is so bad, the airlines trying to pressure the tsa, are encouraging passengers to tweet out their frustrating moments with #i hate the wait. in atlanta, screening lines closed. this simple tweet from a laguardia flyer. cmon, tsa. >> you need to treat every day of the summer like it's a holiday travel season. it'll be busy. >> it's going to be busy. let's get back to what happened
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in phoenix. the pictures are unbelievable. 3,000 bags missed their flights. in other words, people left without their bags. they had to truck those bags to tucson and san diego and fly them out of there because they couldn't check them for explosives at the phoenix airport. the tsa thinks the problem is fixed and thanks everybody for their patience. patience is wearing thin. >> tom costello, thank you very much. >> summer is just beginning, too. let's get a check of the weather from mr. roker. frequent flyer. >> it's bad when you get home from your trip before your luggage. >> not the plan. >> very bad. let's show you what we have as far as temperatures are concerned. cooling is coming in. it's mild in the northeast. t temperatures, 10 to 20 degrees below normal, from grand rapids to rapid city today. saturday, the great lakes gets involved. all the way into the northeast. by next week, we'll finally
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start to see temperatures starting to moderate. it is going to be a chilly weekend from rapid city all the way to new york city that's w.ha good morning. i'm meteorologist bill henley. grab an umbrella. clouds are here, showers and a chance of thunderstorms on the way.ç low 70s for university city, somerton and chestnut hill, 69 degrees this afternoon. the showers most likely to move through later this morning and early this afternoon in the suburbs and lehigh valley. we could see late-day sunshine in those spots. the storms head to new jersey, the shore, a little bit cooler with temperatures in the 60s. low 70s for wilmington and shower and thunderstorm later this afternoon for lewes, delaware. have a great day. >> get the latest weather on weather channel on cable. online. >> al, thanks very much. coming > coming up, from mo sporting events to the presidential race. why have things become so long these days? on rossen reports, a fast food reality check. do the burgers and fries we
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mmmm mmmmm mmmm (laughter) mmmm, mmm, mmm mmmm, mmm mmm, mmm! mmmm, mmmm mmmm. yoplait. one-up your cup. add a few simple ingredients for a snack the whole family will love. mmmm. we're back now at 7: 43. this morning on rossen reports, more of our special series, as seen on tv. >> this morning, does fast food really look like what we see in the flashy commercials? jeff rossen ate his way across town to find out. you're a giver. >> you fast food junkies or not? >> i like it. >> no.
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>> i could have guessed that. could have guessed both of those. some of the best story ideas come from you at home. we got this one right from our rossen report e-mail. lee from north carolina writing, for some fun, try comparing fast food photos with the products as they actually are sold. ed from california chiming in with another e-mail. please do an expose on what we actually get. you spoke, and i'm listening. this morning, we are about to find out. >> you can't get cheesiness like this. >> reporter: the commercials are mouth watering. >> a delicious case deburger. >> reporter: this user asking, where is the chicken? #fast food fail. another saying, i was expecting more than just a shell. others posting side by side images of a beautiful burger from the chain's website, and the burger that ended up in their bag. so what will we get? i hit some of the country's
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biggest fast food chains. let's start at taco bell. you can't miss the commercials for their quesalupe. >> it'll be bigger than everything. >> looks pretty close. it's pretty filled up. in the commercial, when you break it in half, the cheese comes out. we'll see. yeah, look at that. cheesy. way to be, taco bell. if you'll excuse me. >> reporter: good news at burger king with their latest creation. >> this is the angriest whopper ever. >> this looks like the picture. the ingredients are coming out, vibrant. i'm impressed. >> reporter: but hold on to your buns. >> thank you. >> reporter: at mcdonald's, i order the classic big mac. >> while it is massive. >> reporter: the bun is so big, the meat juicy, perfectly melted cheese and sauce dripping down. let's see what's in our bag. >> doesn't quite look like the commercial, does it? much flatter. in the commercial, the meat is
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coming out from inside the bun. even if you look at the meat, look at that. it's shrivelled up and looks dry. certainly doesn't look like the commercial. not to me. >> reporter: mcdonald's telling nbc news, whether it is a photo shoot or what we serve customers, we use all the same tasty, quality ingredients in our big mac. the biggest letdown of the day, subway. meatball marinara. here's the commercial. and the reality. >> this looks nothing like the commercial. look at that. you can't even see the meatballs when you're holding the sandwich. in the commercial, the meatballs are so big, they're popping out of the sandwich. here, no. let's see what this looks like when you open the sandwich up. i don't know. pretty small, little meatballs. >> reporter: subway telling us they have many satisfied customers and the hand crafted sandwiches include the same amount of ingredients that you see in photos and commercials. but acknowledging, for images and commercials, the sandwiches
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are made differently, with the ingredients placed at the open edge of the sandwich and not spread throughout. at the end of the day, our results were mixed. but as for the taste -- >> that's what i'm talking about. >> gained four pounds, and it was well worth it. we are getting breaks news in the fast food world. mcdonald's announcing it is testing fresh beef at several of its locations in dallas, texas. the company says it is too early to say whether the fresh beef could replace the frozen patties nationwide. by the way, at all the chains, if you ask them to remain it, they'll probably remain it for you. i don't know if it'll look better, but they'll remake zbit >> the meatball sandwich looked good in the commercial. favorite concerts on the plaza before we unveil this summer's all-star li
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spring is here at lowe's! so hurry in now for great deals like bonnie's herbs and veggies, 4 for $10. plus save 5% every day when you use your lowe's consumer credit card. don't miss out on spring's best savings at lowe's. mid-90's showstopper... you're right. it's time to set this bird free. ♪ hot blooded, check it and see...♪ ♪ got a fever of 103... feelin' hungry? how 'bout a donut? ♪ i'm hot blooded..i'm hot blooded! ♪ whether it's 30-years old or 30-days old, carmax will appraise it in as little as 30 minutes. and then your only concern will be
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how to spend the cash. rad. tamwith wholesome,air smoothing care. new whole blends by garnier. blending our best into new smoothing haircare. paraben-free formulas enriched with coconut oil & cocoa butter extracts. whole blends protects from humidity. for hair that's irresistibly smooth and full of shine. whole blends is true smoothing. new garnier whole blends coconut oil & cocoa butter. wholesome loving care blended for naturally beautiful hair. find your blend. unless you have allergies. flonase is the first and only nasal spray approved to relieve both itchy, watery eyes and congestion. no other nasal allergy spray can say that. go ahead, embrace those beautiful moments. flonase changes everything. ii can't believe it's made with real, simple ingredients.ter. i can't believe... we're on a whale. i can't believe my role isn't bigger.
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real ingredients. unbelievable taste. enjoy i can't believe it's not butter! i'm terrible at golf. he is. people say i'm getting better. no one's ever said that. but i'd like to keep being terrible at golf for as long as i can. he's just happier when he's playing. but he's terrible. for the strength and energy to keep doing what you love, try new ensure enlive. only patented ensure enlive has hmb, plus 20 grams of protein to help rebuild muscle. and its clinically proven formula helps you stay you. oh. nice shot. new ensure enlive. always be you. it's me? alright emma, i know it's not your favorite but it's time for your medicine, okay? you ready? one, two, three. [ both ] ♪ emma, emma bo-bemma ♪ banana-fana-fo-femma ♪ fee-fi-fo-femma ♪ em-ma very good sweety, how do you feel? good.
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yeah? you did a really good job, okay? [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson & johnson. [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, world saleilton is on honors members save up to 25% on brands like hampton, doubletree, hilton garden inn, and waldorf astoria so stop clicking around. book direct at now that's satisfaction. 7:51. always a fun time of year, we look ahead to another great summer of concerts on "today". carson has more on that. >> you know this, more than 20 years, we featured some of music's biggest names, as a part of our concert series. th coming up, we'll reveal our star-studded lineup. it's awesome. first, we wanted to take a look at our favorites around here. matt, we'll start with you. >> for the music, we had springsteen on the plaza. for the most, ricky martin. >> yes, that was another big one. >> savannah, that was your
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favorite, wasn't it? >> i wasn't even here, but i remember watching it on tv. it was amazing. i think we were all in love with ricky martin after that. >> i mean, that was when he won grammy song of the year. nothing bigger in music. >> al? >> santana, he blew it away and was terrific out on the plaza. >> one of the greats. tamron? >> for the music, bruno mar mar 2011. for the moment, it was lady gaga. it was pouring rain, and she had on like 200-foot tall heels and killed it. the bruno mars thing, we were all dancing and it was good. >> i found a series of photos here. savannah, obviously, and our stage manager. almost every concert the past two years, you've done this pose. looking forward to seeing this pose this summer. >> we do. this is our performance art project. we do it every year.
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he's right over there, embarrassed. might have read about him in "men's health," but that's another story. >> you won't recognize him because his shirt is on. >> google it. >> we are going to reveal the list soon, and it's great. we have that coming up in a we have that coming up in a little bit. (ricky gervais) verizon is the number one network in america. i know what you're thinking, they all claim stuff like that. yeah, but some of them stretch the truth. one said they were the fastest. we checked, it was fastest in kansas city and a few other places. verizon is consistently fast across the country. you wouldn't want to hear from the bloke who packs your parachute, "it's good over kansas." do you know what i mean? so that's, you know... anywhere else, splat. only verizon is the #1 network for consistently fast speeds. and now if you buy a samsung galaxy s7 edge you get one free.
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if you've gone to extremes to escapetry clarispray.ergies. new, from the makers of claritin. with the #1 prescribed ingredient. and nothing is more effective at relieving your sneezing, runny nose and nasal congestion. return to the world with clarispray. thank you so much. did you say honey? hey, try some? you know i'm always looking for real honey for honey nut cheerios. well you've come to the right place. mind if i have another taste? not at all mmm part of a complete breakfast dmade with the perfect balance of raspberry ice cream, luscious raspberry sauce, and belgian chocolate. discover magnum chocolate pleasure. i to the acidity in any never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. it never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. he told me to use pronamel. it's going to help protect the enamel in your teeth.
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it allows me to continue to drink my coffee, and it was a real easy switch to make.
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nbc 10 news starts now. good morning, i'm vai sikahema. just before 8:00. i just asked bill when the rain is moving in. he says, don't worry, it's coming. let's get our forecast from nbc 10 first alert meteorologist bill henley. bill? >> the clouds have taken over. we saw some sunshine. might see a few spots of sunshine in new jersey, mainly cloudy for philadelphia, the suburbs and the lehigh valley. 61 degrees right now in philadelphia. we're getting a mild start, not going to see the huge warmup like we enjoyed yesterday afternoon because the temperatures are going to be brought down with some showers this afternoon. right now, clouds over philadelphia, look to the south, you can see scattered showers moving through delaware and into south jersey. but the main event, that line of showers and a potential for thunderstorms this afternoon. >> all right, thank you, bill. let's get a check of the morning rush with jessica boyington. how's it looking? >> vai, we're still seeing slow speeds on 95 around the betsy
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ross bridge. we had an accident scene that was pretty active right in this area here, headed southbound. you can see some of the delay trickling through. the accident pretty much cleared out of the way. as for mass transit, new jersey transit, atlantic city rail service, it's suspended in between philly and pennsauken because the delair bridge is stuck in the upright position. buses will replace the service right now. philadelphia is hosting college rowing teams from all over the country for the annual dad vail regatta on the schuylkill river. organizers expect 3,300 rowers from 2,500 colleges and universities to be in town along with an estimated 25,000 spectators. we'll get our first look at the winners of saturday's $429 million powerball jackpot. eight people will share the winnings from a ticket bought at this store in trenton. lottery officials will introduce them at 3:00 this afternoon in lawrenceville. see it live on the nbc 10 app.
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make your day supreme with dunkin's new bacon supreme omelet breakfast sandwich, loaded with peppers, onions, and potatoes and topped with two slices of cherrywood-smoked bacon and cheese
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all on a freshly baked croissant. america runs on dunkin'. ♪ i'm gonna stand by you 8:00 on "today". coming up, giving back. the u.s. army sergeant who handed her invictus games gold medal back to prince harry. >> the only way i had to thank them was by giving them a medal. hopefully that means enough. plus, sending the wrong message. >> i think it's totally unnecessary. >> i don't think it is age appropriate. >> controversy erupts after a magazine aimed at tween girls features a spread on the best swimsuits for their body types. the publisher forced to respond with a body image backlash. ♪ talk to me, baby hollywood trifecta. we'll catch up with george clooney, julia roberts and jodie
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foster at the cannes film festival, where they talk about their new movie and the dance moves seen in it. >> julia has seen the dance moves over the years. >> the revolution. >> i said, this is probably going to be a career ender. >> today, friday, may 13th, 2016. >> this is a way to spend my birthday, at "today"! >> from alabama. >> good morning, georgia. >> sandy turns 70. ♪ hands clap ♪ i can make your hands clap >> we're the blondes and brunettes and here to tackle alzheimer's. >> class of 2016. >> all the way from oklahoma. >> and i said yes! ♪ i can make your hands clap back at 8:00 on a friday
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morning. yes, it is friday the 13th. we don't care. we have a great crowd of people out on the plaza. [ cheers and applause ] >> we have a special person on our plaza. katie couric is here. we'll tell you why she's stopped by this morning. oh, look, we brought a copy of her book to sign. >> i think that is the "today" show book. >> yes. >> oh, look at that. >> wow. >> look at you. >> look the same. >> she's going to share the reason she's stopping by. she produced a ed and hosted a documentary about guns in this country. first, we have a big announcement. with the help from our partner citi, our all-star lineup for the plaza concerts this summer. >> announcer: this summer, fill your mornings with music. and the city with sound.
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the citi concert series on "today" kicks off with puff daddy and the family. dierks bentley. fifth harmony. nick jonas. luke bryan. meghan trainor. ma ma macula more and ryan lewis. charlie puth. ♪ one call away >> celine dion. ♪ keep playing the song >> blake shelton. ♪ we're gonna live forever >> the band perry live from rio. dnce. alicia keys. and jessica simpson returns to the "today" stage. your beats live on the plaza. this summer, wake up to the citi
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concert series, only on "today." >> we're very excited by that lineup. excellent, excellent lineup. something for everybody. we're going to be enhancing the fan experience with an interactive calendar. you'll sign up for fan passes and get to know the artists. plus, more ways to enjoy that in the citi concert series. if you need more or want to eview the lineup, head to lineup. really excited about it. >> carson's stamp of approval. >> love it. let's get a check of the morning's top stories. tamron is in for natalie. >> this morning, donald trump is denying a report that he once posed as someone else to brag about himself to the media. trump spoke with us earlier on "today". nbc national correspondent peter alexander is in washington with more on this. good morning. >> good morning. this morning, it's donald trump, but sounds like it, like you've never heard him before. the republican party's
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presumptive nominee who used the media to boost his own campaign. caught on tape decades ago pretending to be his publicist. bragging about dating exploits, all designed to inflate his image. >> living with marla and has three other images. >> reporter: 1991, a familiar sounding voice called into "people" magazine, claiming to be donald trump's publicist. >> what is your name again? >> john miller. >> what's your position? >> handling pr because he gets so much of it. >> reporter: in the 25-year-old audio recording obtained by the "washington post," a voice almost unmistakingly like trump, talks about adventures with madonna and france's first lady. >> actresses, people that you write about just call to see if they can go out with him. >> reporter: when then-girlfriend marla maples later identified the voice as trump, the tycoon told "people" magazine it was a joke gone
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awry. this morning, he denied the voice was him. >> it was not me on the phone. the answer is no. let's get on to more current subjects. >> the "washington post" reports when the "people" magazine reporter played the recorder to marla, who confirmed it was trump, she burst into tears as she herd hard him deny a ring h gave her implied any intent to marry her. >> peter, thank you. in a new series powered by "dateline," called on assignm t assignment, we're bringing stories from the field around the world. this week, nbc news' richard engel tracks down the identities of americans who left this country to fight for one of its most dangerous enemies. he is here with a preview of what he learned about the newest isis fighters in syria. richa richard, good morning. this is fascinating. >> normally, i've been following the isis story from the middle east or sometimes from europe. but we obtained thousands of
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documents, personnel files, from the isis registry. among those, many, many names, we found 15 americans, people who left this country to join isis. so we assembled a team. some of them are dead. some are still alive, actively with the organization. we spent weeks trying to investigate and figure out who these people are who left this country to join isis. >> reporter: we assembled a team, rented a motel room and got to work. we asked retired fbi agent to join us. >> unfortunately, we do have a problem. >> look at it. >> american citizens or american residents going and joining isis. >> reporter: we quickly learned details about some of these young men. >> i know this one. we did a story on him. he's dead. >> reporter: douglas mcarthur mccain from minnesota was killed fighting for isis in 2014.
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authorities believe another minnesotan is alive in syria. we wanted to know more about how these 15 young men became so radicalized. the agent suggested we start with their families. >> there is no way your kid will change from a normal person to a jihadi suicide bomber or -- >> without anybody noticing. >> and no one noticed a difference. >> reporter: we tracked down relatives of some of the men on the list. >> can i talk to you for a minute? you don't want to talk to me? he clearly didn't want to speak. get lost, was what he said. he said he was going to call the police. >> we're going to reveal the names of all 15 of these people coming up later this week on that "dateline" program you mentioned. some people we found weren't even on the list. we uncovered an isis cell that formed here within one family. they all traveled over to syria together.
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consistently, found that the fbi either knew about them, didn't know about it, didn't follow up adequately. these are all people who managed to leave the country. one case, the fbi had a specific tip about one of the individuals, but he still managed to leave the country. >> so many questions, including whether or not this is an intelligence failure. you'll have some of the answers. you can see more of richard's report "on assignment," sunday at 7:00/6:00 central here on nbc. up next, a remarkable woman we told you about on wednesday. we'll hear from the army sergeant who had a special reason for giving her invictus games gold medal back to prince harry. also, the performance that had one unsuspecting audience making a hasty exit. a magazine under fire for helping girls as olay regenerist renews from within... plumping surface cells for a dramatic transformation
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without the need for fillers. your concert tee might show your age... your skin never will. olay regenerist, olay. ageless. and try the micro-sculpting cream you love now with lightweight spf 30. flea bites can mean misery for your cat. advantage® ii monthly topical kills fleas through contact. fleas do not have to bite your cat to die. advantage® ii. fight the misery of biting fleas.
8:11 am
that urges us....ce of a... to shake things ups why should damaged hair silence that voice? new dove regenerative nourishment... ...with red algae complex in a formula that nourishes to regenerate for strong and... ...healthy looking hair. is soh, she better not be.ld? our claim runs straight down to the glut'n free stuffin'.
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it's gluten. there's gold in them thar shells. liquid gold. ♪ ♪ give extra. get extra. jane loves to treat herself. so she loves new light & fit crunch. greek nonfat yogurt with delicious toppings like chocolate and almonds. now that's a treat! light & fit crunch. feel free to enjoy. world saleilton is on honors members save up to 25% on brands like hampton, doubletree, hilton garden inn, and waldorf astoria
8:13 am
so stop clicking around. book direct at now that's satisfaction. it's all about getting to the dunkin' quicker. man: i smell dunkin'. ♪ delicious dunkin' donuts coffee. pick some up where you buy groceries. try our k-cup pods today. america runs on dunkin'.
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we're back at 8:15. prince harry's invictus games wrapped up last night. the team captain holding the flag over to canada, who will host next year's event. >> tamron has another highlight. we talked about this on thursday. >> why not talk about it more? it's not every day that prince harry is the one being charmed. that's exactly what happened this week when he met u.s. army sergeant elizabeth marks. >> elizabeth marks in lane four is way out in front. >> reporter: in the swimming pool at the invictus games, sergeant elizabeth marks isn't just outstanding. >> marks is storming home. >> reporter: she stands out, winning an astonishing four gold medals. one for each event she competed? >> elizabeth marks. >> reporter: she's only taking home three. she gave back the one awarded by prince heart by, asking him to deliver it to the men and women who saved her life two years ago at britain's hospital.
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>> the only way i had to thank them was by giving them a medal, and hopefully that means enough. >> reporter: even among the many remarkable men and women competing at the invictus games, the 25-year-old army medic is a marvel. serving in iraq in 2010, marks sustained a serious hip injury, losing all feeling in her left leg. rehabilitation in a swimming pool uncovered a talent she never shoe she hknew she had. >> i found the pool and it led to a career. >> reporter: she became a record-breaking swimmer, leading her to the 2014 invictus games. then another agonizing setback. >> i landed for the games, and bega became immediately ill. >> reporter: an illness made her so sick, doctors put her in an induced coma. marks doesn't remember much from the week, but with remarkable courage, she battled back. grateful to her doctors and nurses. >> someday, i'd love to go and shake their hands. for now, i'll have to have the medal to say thank you for me.
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>> reporter: marks is happily married. some who watched her with a prince charming this week thought they saw a gleam in his eye and a fascination with her leg-linked th eed tattoo. marks says it's a link between fellow soldiers. >> he knows what it is like to serve for his country. >> reporter: after competing against what she calls humble heros, a shoutout from prince harry at the closing ceremonies. >> what is the force that has marks return to the games after nearly dying two years ago, to compete at the highest level, in a sport that renders her blind and faint? invictus. >> reporter: marks says the games are about much more than medals. >> all these people are beautiful and wonderful. their hearts will drive me to push as hard as i can. >> we haven't seen the last of sergeant marks. she's now setting her sights on the par limb pialympic games in.
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you love how she says swimming is her alternate career. >> love it. let's get a check of the weather from al. >> all right. it has been met along the northeast corridor. not as wet as washington, d.c. it has been a dreary month for them. month and a half. over 15 inches -- or 15 days in april. then we move right into may. they have had 15 consecutive days of rain. got a break yesterday. this is the longest rainy stretch in d.c. in 78 years. guess what? there's more rain coming over the next several days. as you look at the weekend outlook, the northeast and new england looking at sunshine. gulf coast. more rain in the pacific northwest. also through texas and the southwest. on sunday, at least dry in the mid-atlantic states, gulf coast. wet weather from texas all the way to the pacific northwest. that's what's going on around the country. joo good morning pp i'm
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meteorologist hen hen pp grab an umbrella pp clouds are here pp showers and a chance of thunderstorms pp 69 degrees this arch /* afternoon /- /* /- pp. >> leefl could see some late day sunz in those spots pp storms head to new jersey rks the shore cool er with temperatures in the 0e6 z low 0e7 z for wimt pp shower and thunderstorm this afternoon pp have a great day pp >> that's your latest weather. it's fun. >> yeah. how about time for trending. we we have a special guest. didn't you used to be over here? >> yes, i know. >> i don't know what's happening. >> hi, katie. >> how are you? >> hi. >> i get to do trending. >> i know. we'll see how this works. >> i watch the show. then you get to do pop start. >> good girl. >> there you go. >> it's a play on pop tart. >> i never thought of that. i see what you did.
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>> here's how we do this. we bring up topics, talk about them and blow through time. you're used to this. the no-tipping trend is sweeping restaurants across the country. apparently, the idea says tipping complicates things for the customers and the servers. the "new york times" says the trend isn't catching on. one example, joe's crab shack. it was the nation's first major restaurant chain to do away with tips. now, only six months into the experiment, the seafood chain is bringing them back. customers disliked the change. they want to inspire good service by tipping people. also, this is interesting, they don't trust management to pass on the money to employees. >> bingo. >> that is the problem. >> do you like it? >> i don't trust management on the money. it gets a lot of publicity, you know. i think people are spectacle. >> i just resist change. i've been tipping my whole life. i don't want to change it. >> if you ever worked in a
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service industry, you understand the importance of that. if someone brings something, you want to say thank you. >> if they've done a great job, reward them. >> i have a waitress for 11 days. only job i ever quit. hardest job. >> i was a waitress and ran after someone in the parking lot, gave them a quarter and said, i don't need your money. >> then you work with matt lauer. >> coming to know you, i'm shocked at that. >> stunning development. >> i think it's insulting. you're a big tipper, i know. >> i think these people work so hard. >> i always try to leave a big tip, too. >> yeah. > . >> seabiscuit in the eighth. >> i didn't get that one. anyway, a columnist in the wall street journal has an interesting piece. the plague of things too long. like the segment we just did. >> ouch.
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>> wow. >> too many of us go on forever and americans don't know when to stop. here are his targets. presidential elections. >> yes. >> baseball games, root canals, commencement ceremonies, health manuels, guitar solos and movies. >> movies. >> i would add bridesmaid's toasts can go on. guilty, yes. >> the commencement address thing though, they do. >> 20 minutes out of almost every movie i've seen in the last two years. >> for commencement, a lot of schools now are saying to the speaker, you have like seven minutes. >> it's hard to get really good advice. i read the column and he lost me. instructions for his sinus rinse was too long. >> i thought the rinsing took too long. >> that's another tip. last item. you have a great singing voice.
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>> awe, really? that's so nice. >> let's talk about opera. a movie moving in story part of a art form. not everyone impressed by it. ♪ >> that is katie in that outfit. penguins running for the hills. not exactly impressed by nick allen's impassioned song. penguins aren't opera fans. >> they dress fancy. >> funny. >> every once in a while in trending -- >> exactly. >> -- you get a key line. >> a broken clock. >> you got that one. >> explaining everything. >> name flinging here. >> savannah translator.
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what? >> get excited. >> time for pop start. sharon and ozzy. sharon and ozzy osborne reuniting days after sharon announced the couple split. what brought them back together? business. sharon is ozzy's manager and introduced him on thursday during a press conference. that led to this really awkward moment. ozzy walking up behind sharon, behind hug, never a good hug, by the way. she wasn't exactly in the hugging mood. later, sharon would explain by saying, this is what i do. in a separate interview, ozzy said, he hopes sharon continues to run his career. next up, keith urban and nicole kidman staging their own version of carpool cakaraoke. ♪ woman try to get to you, baby ♪ >> the couple singing keith's new song with carrie underwood, "the fighter."
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this version of the song is already a hit. racking up nearly 18 million views. >> you love that. >> i think it was really cute, actually. they seem shuper happy. i wonder, was that to promote keith's album, and they mouthed it? >> seemed like it. >> it was cute, i have to say. right? >> they look so happy. >> katie couric, everybody. thanks for being here. pop start, that'll do it. >> katie couric. >> thank you. [ applause ] >> couth you akeith urban says ahead, more can katie. plus, jodie foster, george clooney and julia roberts. first, your local news. >> there go the penguins.
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good morning. i'm vai sikahema. just about 8:30. let's check in with bill henley and the first forecast. >> we're seeing plenty ever clouds and now a few showers. is this a live view from cape may. that's a little bit of rain on the camera lens, just a few showers moving through the cape may area, scattered light showers in cape may and southern delaware. kent county and cumberland county in new jersey. dry in philadelphia. but to the west those are the showers and thunderstorms that will be arriving as the day goes on. most likely this afternoon for those storms so grab an umbrella if you're heading out the door. >> right in the middle of the rush. let's check in with traffic with jessica boyington. >> schuylkill expressway seeing
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delays eastbound. right around montgomery drive a 23 minute trip headed eastbound. slow go right here from the blue route to vine. to the city a little bit slow because of traffic diverted off of kelly drive. kelly drive is closed until tomorrow around 6:00 p.m. happening now police are searching for the three armed men with a home invasion in northeast philadelphia. the robbers tied up a family and took some money early this morning. no one was hurt. today the atlantic city boardwalk comic congets und get way. that runs through sunday. get the latest news and weather at the nbc 10 app. now back to the "today" show. we'll see you at the top of the hour.
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it is 8:30 now. friday the 13th. beautiful day out on the plaza. one week from now, we'll be gearing up for our first summer concert of the season from puff daddy and the family. earlier, we announced we have an epic lineup. check it out at lineup. coming up, we're going to talk more with our friend katie couric. she is diving into the hot-button topic of guns in america with a new and powerful documentary. plus, the "biggest loser" host bop harper speaks out about controversy. why so many dieters gain it back and what you can do about it.
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seemingly all of hollywood on a field trip in cannes, keir simmons sat down with "money monster" stars, george clooney, julia roberts and jodie foster. i saw a picture of george clooney's wife on the red carpet last night. unbelievable. i mean, i know fantastic but she's amazing, too. let's get a check of the weather from al. >> let's show you what we have going on. we are looking at some strong storms starting off the week. sunday, we have a risk of storms from texas to the plains. as we move on into monday, we are looking at that shift down to the south. strong storms in texas, oklahoma, maybe even a tornado or two. even moving on into tuesday, we're looking at storms from texas to north carolina. some of them could be very severe. we're going to be watching that, as well. where are you from? >> chicago. >> what's your name? >> kristin. >> katie. >> thanks for coming. we have katie inside, too. that worked out nicely. that'shat's going on around w
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good morning. i'm meteorologist bill henley. grab an umbrella, clouds are here, showers and a chance of thunderstorms on the way. low 70 for university city, somerton and chestnut hill 69 degrees. showers moving through later this morning and early this afternoon suburbs and lehigh valley. could see some late day sunshine in those spots. then the storms head to new jersey, the shore, little bit cooler with temperatures in the 60s. low 70s for wilmington and shower and thunderstorm later this afternoon for delaware. have a great day. >> announcer: 100 years o years national parks today is sponsored by camping world. get one-stop shopping for everything rv at your nearby camping world rv super center. >> we have a special announcement. this week, we got to explore the beautiful outdoors with our series 100 years of national parks today. as part of the celebration, we ran a photo contest for a chance to win a brand-new freedom elite
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rv, courtesy of our sponsor, camping world. time to announce the winner. congratulations go out to margaret from chads ford, pennsylvania. this is the photo. that's death valley national park. special appearance by margaret's sons. want a recap of our national parks tour and learn how to find your park, check out matt? >> al, thank you very much. katie couric is here to talk about a powerful new documentary called "under the gun." it examines both sides of the gun safety debate in this country and explores the drastic rise in mass shootings and daily gun violence across the united states. katie, good morning. nice to see you. >> thank you for having me. >> headlines, there are always headlines, what do we do about guns following mass shootings, violence in cities like chicago and other cities. the frustration a lot of people
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have is the talk and the headlines fade quickly. >> that's true. >> why did you decide to do this now? >> i couldn't understand the disconnect between the fact that 90% of the public really favors universal background checks. after sandy hook, everyone thought, this was the watershed moment. something would be done. i couldn't understand the disconnect between public opinion and our elected officials. i wanted to uncover why nothing was happening on this issue. >> and people tend to think of this as an either/or debate. black and white. >> for us or against us. >> exactly. which has been said by the head of the nra. you try to examine the middle ground. 74% of members of the nra are for universal background checks. >> it was shocking. we talked to members outside their convention in nashville, and most said they favor -- i think there was one person who disagreed with it -- but they all said they favor universal
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background checks. we said if you're on the terror watch list in the country, it's legal to buy a gun. they were shocked by that. not only that, but the nra representsowners. there's this silent majority. i think it's hopeful because there are a lot of common ground. >> you talk about personal stories in this. you tell the story of phillips, who lost their daughter jesse in the aurora theater shooting. what did you learn about them? >> they are amazing people. i think this film has so much heart. i know you watched it, matt. we do embed with all these families who have lost loved ones. they lost their adorable daughter jessi, 24 years old, in aurora, colorado. they were gun owners and are gun owners. >> right. >> and they belong to the nra. they just never thought about this. their views on guns, they became advocates and really experts. they've really evolved.
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>> there is a very common expression out there that says the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. yet, they asked their daughter's boyfriend, who was there, if he'd had a gun at the time, would it have made a difference? >> i thought it was one of the most impactful moments of the film. one of the first things they asked him -- because he had a concealed carry permit. because he traveled from texas to colorado -- >> couldn't fly with it. >> yeah, he didn't have his gun. one of the first things they asked is, would it have made a difference if you had had your gun? he said, absolutely not. there was so much chaos. they were trapped. more innocent people would have died. so this is the argument that's perpetrated by the gun lobby. most public health experts and gun safety experts say, it's just a spacious argument. >> we worked together here ten years. we covered so many of these stories. i remember your coverage of columbin
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columbine. >> right. >> was it difficult to separate what was deeply personal to you from the professional? >> no, not really. matt, i went in with an open mind. yes, columbine was devastating. of course, that interview with matthew scholes and craig scott, i'll never forget it. it was one of the most meaningful conversations i've had in my career. it was so raw. it was the morning after. i've actually kept up with craig scott. i saw him the other day for a glass of wine because he was here in new york. you know, i really -- i wanted to have an open mind. i wanted to under the psyche of gun owners in this country and what they were afraid of. they're very fearful of confiscation, which has been gemmed up by the gun lobby. when gun sales go down, the gun lobby has become a marketing arm for the gun manufacturers. they don't speak for their members. >> the supreme court ruled out confiscation. you have a right under the second amendment to have a gun. >> even justice scalia said it
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wasn't unlimited. >> thank you for bringing attention to it. >> thank you for bringing me on the show. >> it airs may 19th. coming up, bob harper on why keeping weight off is to difficult. first on a friday morning, this is "today" on nbc.
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we're back at 8:40. losing weight is hard enough. we know that. for some, keeping it off can be a bigger challenge. a recent study found that after examining the weight gain of 14 contestants from "the biggest loser." bob harper is now the show's host. good morning. >> good morning. >> i read this article with interest. i can't imagine that you read it with a lot of interest, as well. >> i thought it was super interesting. i think that losing weight is the easiest part. it's keeping it off. i think that's what the whole study was and the whole report was.
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>> we know that. keeping weight off is hard to do. >> yeah. >> i thought what was disturbing and upsetting was this notion after having gone through the process of losing all this weight, that their metabolisms were slower. they were, in some ways, bodies were more conditioned to put the weight back on, had they never dieted at all. >> you make up a really good point. our bodies want to be the weight we've been for such a long time. that's why it's a battle. if you've been overweight for a long period of time, your body is going to fight you tooth and nail to get back. that's why you have to be so diligent. you have to watch every single thing that you are doing. no matter if you've lost weight on "the biggest loser," weight watchers, jenny craig. however you lost the weight. >> i guess it's a reminder that you have to stay vigilant. >> that's right. you have to stay vigilant. you have to think about what you're doing every single day. think about what you've lost weight. you cut out the carbs, the sugar. you can never go back to that kind of lifestyle again.
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you have to change every single thing you're doing. you have to think about it every single day. >> yeah. let's talk about something called intermittent fasting. let's go over here. this is something that you personally have been trying. how does it work? >> i actually love it. i mean, i've been doing it a while now. you think about people that say their me labtitabolism sloed dw. if you skip one meal, you offset it immediately. >> i thought you had to eat to keep the metabolism going. >> studies are always changing. studies now are saying that, like, your body will start to have to work on its own fat, rely on its own fat that's existing on the body to start burning. >> how does -- it says, skip one meal a day, and fast for a certain period. >> think about when you go to bed at night. hopefully you're getting eight hours of sleep, right? count that as part of your fasting. >> okay. >> then skip the first meal maybe. go into your two, two and a half
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meals a day. that's what i normally do. >> this means skipping breakfast. i thought we weren't supposed to do that. >> i'm not a breakfast eater anymore. i like to eat. if i'll have two meals, i'm going to have two, big, substantial meals. >> our next board. i would think, my meal will consist of pizza and ice cream. would not that be recommended? >> i wouldn't want you to do that. pizza and ice cream is not going to help you to lose weight. though you don't need to lose any weight. focus on getting a lot of vegetables, good fats, and then get your protein. people are obsessed with, am i getting enough protein? if you're having a chicken breast, you'll be good to go. focus on your vegetables. >> i don't see carbs on the list. >> starchy carbs, sugar, shouldn't be a part of the diet. >> thank you. the magazine for girls under fire for a controversial swimsuit spread. more on that. first, this is "today" on
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we're back at 8:46. a magazine geared to 8 to 13-year-old girls is at the center of controversy this morning. >> hoda has that story. >> finding the best swimsuit for your body type is a standard magazine article. when it's aimed at young girls, it becomes a problem. >> reporter: as warmer days draw near, a popular magazine already feeling the heat. "discovery girls" now in deep trouble for sending a message many feel drifted from the shallow end. >> is this for children? >> it's not age appropriate. >> i think it's totally unnecessary to categorize young girls and body types. >> reporter: splashed on the pages of a magazine priding itself on building the confidence of young girls, a spread entitled "what swimsuit best suits you," seemingly
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encouraging girls to evaluate their bodies and decide how best to hide their flaws. descriptions like, curvy on top. straight up and down. rounder in the middle. unleashing waves of criticism online. with one twitter user sarcastically saying, hey, why not include diet tips and surgical options with this? your readers are 9, after all. tick-tock. another tweet reading, i'm sure there is an article somewhere for boys on their swimsuit choices, right? such a fail. >> when girls see images that tell them that they need to look a certain way or hide areas of their bodies to feel valuable, they get the message that something might be wrong with their bodies. >> reporter: in a statement to nbc news, the magazine's founder and ceo said, quote, we want to make it clear that "discovery girls" does not promote nor supportintended to show every body shape was acceptable, not that they should be ashamed of the shape they
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have. >> if i was you -- >> reporter: one celebrity saying, me, too, when it comes to experiencing the pressures to look thin. this week, meghan trainor pulling the plug on her new mudic video when she noticed producers air brushed her waste. >> i'm so sick of it. i'm over it. i took it down. >> any time high-profile people get involved in the body image conversation, it creates a springboard for parents and teachers and mentors to talk to kids about body image. >> reporter: a little star power to perhaps get everyone on the same page. >> the founder and ce o issued n apology on facebook, agreeing with the angry readers. saying, quote, it's hard for me to believe an article so contrary to our magazine's mission could have been published on our pages. seems to have gone through a lot of hands before it was printed. i have a lot of people, i think, upset about it, including folks
tv-commercial tv-commercial
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at the magazine. and meghan trainor will be hosting with me today. >> i saw that. >> i'll ask her about it. it's a good one. >> hoda, thank you. ahead, julia roberts, george clooney and jodie faoster talkig about movies and friendships. keir is live with that. first, this is "toda pat y"toomey started his careers an investment banker. then, a wall street wheeler-dealer overseeing stock trades in new york, london and tokyo. next, toomey moved to hong kong to work with wealthy chinese investors. in the senate, it's no surprise toomey's been siding with wall street. voting to allow banks to continue making the risky investments that wrecked our economy. afscme people is responsible for the content of this ad.
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we are back at 8:50 with our
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continuing series "it's tough to be keir simmons." >> he's been on that beach forever. >> that's the life. >> he had a chance to talk to just justin timberla eberlaktimberlak and someone else. keir? >> hard work by the beach here. this is so cool. three of hollywood's biggest stars. george clooney, julia roberts, jodie foster, kidding around with each other. talking politics. last night, they were on the red carpet. get this, julia roberts, who wasn't wearing any shoes, is here in cannes for the first time. jodie foster has not been here for 40 years. >> reporter: george clooney walking the red carpet with wife amal, who needed a little wardrobe rescue. that's the swav george we know. we had unexpected moves in his latest movie. dance movie. >> just started dancing like an
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idiot. julia has seen those dance moves over the years. >> i've seen the evolution of the revolution. >> i said, this is going to be probably a career ender. >> you, in part, are responsible for this? >> i have witnessed it. that's why my eyesight is bad. i've seen it too many times. >> you stare at it, you'll go blind. >> erasing my memory. >> without risk, no reward. >> reporter: the tense thriller "money monster," directed by jodie foster, clooney plays a financial anchor man taken hostage on live television. >> cut the feed. >> cut the camera turn the cam >> put it up. >> reporter: reuniting on screen with close friend julia roberts. >> there is a weird chemistry going on, a little voodoo between them that nobody else understands. >> i think so. >> spells get passed between each other. >> cake take it off.
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>> reporter: the clooney is forced to wear an explosive vest by british rising star jack o'connell. >> i'm not the real criminal here. >> reporter: he lost his dead mother's money on stocks. >> this guy is a terrorist, who you end up feeling sympathy for. >> i mean, it'd be right to say that he does resort to terror. whether or not i believe he's a terrorist, i'm not sure. i think the only option this kid felt like he had was to do something very extreme. not that i'd recommend anyone try that. i just think -- >> one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. >> reporter: "money monster" has a message for wall street. >> i think americans are filled with rage because they worked hard, took care of their moms, they saved and they have nothing to show for it. >> anyone who can get out, get
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out right now. >> do you feel like the power of your voice, people listen -- >> i didn't mean to laugh. >> me? >> yes, you. >> you're julia roberts. >> can i have that little piece of film? thanks. >> i just listen. every time you speak, i just listen. >> do not look up. do not make eye contact. just go. >> think about your children and the kind of world this really reflects, do you worry about what they are growing up into? >> i think as parents, you're constantly worried. you can't be paralyzed by the fear of anything. >> maybe they'll be world changers. >> we're right now being run by people who are selling fear as this great thing. it's things that matter to you. the risk of that is you piss
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people off. that's my right, you know. i'm allowed to do that as a citizen. >> your right to piss people off? >> sure. i mean, that is the right, you know. that's the deal. i'm well aware of it, so it's okay. >> reporter: and it appears, to dance any way he likes. >> we should have a battle. >> we have time, right? >> yes, we'll do it. >> spandex. >> yes, you have to have spandex. nothing like a 55-year-old guy in spandex. >> you know, it was just so fascinating, hearing the three of them talk about politics. you could watch them figuring out what they wanted to say together. what they were comfortable saying. surprisingly, george clooney, guys, didn't dance on the red carpet last night. you'll have to watch the mustov to see that. >> show us what the moves look like. >> go ahead, keir.
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>> didn't fall for it. >> no, i'm not going to do it. >> thank you, keir. >> clooney's boat behind you though. earlier, it was fun catching up with katie couric. watch her documentary this sunday, "under the gun." next month, it'll be on amazon and itunes, video on demand. good morning. i'm vai sikahema. just before 9:00 a.m. bill henley has been fixated on the weather radar so let's check in with bill and find out what it looks like today. >> looks like we'll be wet during the day today. right now it's dry in wilmington but the showers that will be moving in are quickly moving through pennsylvania and a few scattered showers in new jersey.
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not an all day rainfall but the rain showers this afternoon could come with thunder and lightning and another round of it tomorrow afternoon. then we finally dry out but cool down, a breezy day sunday with high temperatures near 60 degrees. thank you, bill. going has been busy looking at her weather cameras. >> we're seeing a really quiet friday. we didn't see much of a delay in a lot of places this morning. on the schuylkill expressway 95 a little bit of delay into the center city. towards philadelphia no big problems or delays. a little bit coming over the area bridges. watch for the dad vale regatta. kelly drive is closed. happening now police are searching for three armed men after a home invasion in northeast philadelphia. the robbers tied up a family and took some money early this morning. the winners of saturday's $429 million powerball jackpot will
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be introduced this afternoon in lawrenceville, mercer county. lottery officials say eight people will share the winnings from the ticket bought at a trenton store. we'll stream the winners news conference live on our nbc 10 mobil app at 3:00. i'm vai sikahema. we'll have another weather update four in 25 minutes. get the latest news and weather with the nbc 10 app. now back to the "today" show. have a great day we'll see you in another half hour. our kicks.
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you don't think i love your shoes? >> i am here with thirst and howl and the thirds, new band. i struggle with the definition of casual friday. i walk out of my dressing room, and you guys look like you're going to hang out at the white house. >> i have jeans on. >> i have a tie on. >> yeah. >> this is completely casual. >> this is your definition of casual friday? >> no. >> yes. >> he wakes up like this. >> no, i wear jeans, button downs and pumas. >> i have a t-shirt. >> i'm not wearing that. >> i don't have a casual -- i'm either a t-shirt, workout shirts or suit and tie. >> no one thought to call me. >> i did not. >> it's why i gave you my denim shirt. >> okay.
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>> there it is. >> anyway -- >> i'll show you how hard it was for me. where are my shoes? >> you were in this fancy dress five minutes ago. >> i was. i changed because it was so difficult to decide what to wear on casual friday. i raided my closet. >> air force ones. >> do any of them match? >> just one foot. one foot hall is what they used to call me. this is casual. can you please go hashtag to the take. what is the battle? what is defined as casual? >> that rolls off the tongue. >> that's going to take 140 characters so you can do nothing else. >> this, ladies and gentlemen, that's casual. >> we had one e-mail. al and i said, we'll drop the tie. >> this is how we look. >> guys, i thought casual friday meant like, hey, jeans, denim, sneakers. >> no. >> it does in real life but not
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tv life. >> these are almost sneakers. >> sweet. >> your jacket was woven from -- >> this is a couch. this is from a couch. i put sleeves on a couch and showed up. >> your fancy couch looks like y'all are going to the yacht party after work. i'm serving the drinks. >> on the side it says raymore and flanagan. >> i'll apologize to the audience. i thought casual friday meant hanging out with friends casual friday. >> it's okay. >> dollar friday. >> i thought you were trying to get something out of your teeth. >> that's what the help does, which is what i am today. who did casual friday best? the guys or the girl. >> you did, by a long shot. we're not arguing that. >> it's not a battle. >> you said you respect our audience too much to -- oh, here we go, fancy pants. go on.
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>> i'm casual. >> any excuse to strut. >> it's a casual walk. >> i feel intimidated though. even saying casual. >> i guess when you spend most of your work wear in tight pants -- >> or less sometimes. thanks for pointing that out. >> any chance i can. anyway, if you want to participate in the battle, that's fine. if not -- >> it's going to trend worldwide. that's a great one. what else is going on? >> willie, we have friday the 13th. >> moving things along. >> are you superstitious? did you know there is an official name? >> wait a minute, i thought it was different. >> friday the 13th. fear of friday the 13th. >> look at the prompter, which is how i live my life. >> anyway, coming up, we're going to play a game, testing
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your smarts about friday the 13th. jason's last name. >> i'm not good at these. >> that's too easy. that's a layup. >> we'll get to friday the 13th stuff later. i don't know, yjohn, you cae invictus games. you said it moved you immediately. >> i stepped foot in the orlando invictus games and realized i was already going to be involved next year in toronto. what it stands for is terrific. it gives people who have competitive dna in their nature a chance to fuel the competitive fire. it's something to train for every year. it provides an unreal system of support for these heros and their families to come together. over 500 athletes from over 14 countries. i can't say thank you much to the invictus games and all of its supporters for putting on a
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first class experience for all the heros that participated. it was unreal. >> for people who don't know, it's active duty and veteran military from around the world who have been injured in some way. >> yup. >> they get to participate in basically paralympic-style games. >> in talking with the competitors, the wounded warriors, it gave them so much life and hope, something to drive for. it is extremely important when in their situation. like i said, the games themselves brings this community together. so they can share their experiences with each other. it's difficult for me to relate to something like that. when someone is there who has gone through it, with the same competitive drive and will to success, you get a bunch of positive, competitive people together, and it was great. >> you were on the rugby team? >> i was the coach of the wheelchair rugby team. i didn't want to participate because i didn't want to take a spot on the floor from somebody. i wanted people to do what they do. i was a loud mouth.
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>> they're tougher than you, so you wouldn't have been able to -- >> i didn't want to be shown up, as well. i'd be promptly put in my place. >> what's amazing is the inspiration that these people provide. >> i got to present the above and beyond award to the team that didn't know the game, learned it via skype, made it to the invictus games and got a bronze medal. inspiration is what it is all about. invictus, it's what it's about. >> amazing. concert series, summer is around the corner. next friday, when was the last time sean diddy combs went out in concert? >> a long time. they have a concert coming up in brooklyn that's sold out. one better than that. >> free on our plaza starting next friday. we have puff daddy and the family. later this summer, celine dion. >> which i cannot wait. >> i know. jessica simpson.
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just a few of the many stars that will be in our plaza. >> i guess puff daddy and the family, so kind of like a throwback. >> favorite of this group, and we've seen the list. you and i share a favorite, alicia keys. >> beautiful. >> love her. ♪ new york >> this song, every time i hear it -- >> i know. >> willie, what's your favorite? >> i derks be-- dierks bentley. i just interviewed him. a great guy, great sound in country music. the list is incredible. >> i went with puff daddy. it reminds me of my college life. if lil kim shows up, i might faint. >> is she coming? >> there is a chance.
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she's puff daddy and the family. you'll have to scoop me up off the floor. >> starting friday. >> casual friday. >> the other reason i didn't take off the jacket is i'm wearing suspenders and that looks goofy. >> on casual friday, one thinks suspenders. >> i don't wear the suspenders, you'll see something more than casual. >> you'll see john cena's "trainwreck." we've got showers making their way from upstate new york. we also are looking at the slight risk of severe weather from norfolk to charleston. rockford to kansas city. two fronts pushing through. the first one moves through this afternoon. may cause airport delays from new york to washington, philadelphia. second system brings thunderstorms from chicago to st. louis. saturday, that pushes east. finally moves offshore by sunday. that's what'going on around s good morning. i'm meteorologist bill henley. grab an umbrella, clouds are here, showers and a chance of thunderstorms on the way.
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low 70 for university city, somerton and chestnut hill 69 degrees. showers moving through later this morning and early this afternoon suburbs and lehigh valley. could see some late day sunshine in those spots. then the storms head to new jersey, the shore, little bit cooler with temperatures in the 60s. low 70s for wilmington and shower and thunderstorm later this afternoon for delaware. have a great day. >> that's yourour latest weathe. oh, my golly. >> what's he doing? which one of my co-hosts is really superstitious? >> don't do that. it's so bad. >> i'll test their luck in a friday the 13th game that will be lots of fun. >> i need salt to throw over my shoulder. >> after these messages. >> you wicked man. d man. that is until one of you clips a food truck, ruining your perfect record. yeah. now you would think your insurance company would cut you some slack, right?
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no. your insurance rates go through the roof... your perfect record doesn't get you anything. anything. perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. ifor all the wrong reasons.gical you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin®. because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. try zyrtec®. muddle no more®. at hillshire farm, spice is the spice of life. that's why our craftsmen season every sausage perfectly. so you can coax out great flavor effortlessly. hillshire farm. because it's worth doing right. quilted northern works their bathroom experience. just like they forgot conductor randy, who sees all and forgets nothing. at least he's not constable bob.
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jane loves to treat herself. so she loves new light & fit crunch. greek nonfat yogurt with delicious toppings like chocolate and almonds. now that's a treat! light & fit crunch. feel free to enjoy. i smbut ended up nowhere.a lot now i use this. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. thank you so much. did you say honey? hey, try some? you know i'm always looking for real honey for honey nut cheerios. well you've come to the right place. mind if i have another taste? not at all mmm part of a complete breakfast does your makeup remover every kiss-proof,ff? cry-proof, stay-proof look? neutrogena® makeup remover does. it erases 99% of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. need any more proof than that?
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neutrogena. i'm lika small boxer. ring. you don't expect much... and then, wham! i hit 'em with huge creamy goodness! alright round two! bring it, girlfriend! rich, creamy, 100% natural cheese. mini babybel. snack a little bigger. oudairy or artificial flavors., so we invented a word that means that. shmorange! and it rhymes with the color of our bottle. hey, baby, make it your first word! (baby babble) not even close. reach for the orange, it's 100% shmorange! our vitamins contain no gluten, dairy or artificial flavors. so we invented a word that means that. shmorange! and it rhymes with the color of our bottle. to help spread the word, we made t-shirts! reach for the orange, it's 100% shmorange! that music. >> friday the 13th. superstitious among us, we want
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to put everyone to the test. one at a time. my friends will be taking turns into the circle of superstition. >> i'll do it now. >> answer a question about "friday t friday the 13th. if you get it right, you get lucky. >> different show. >> casual friday. >> mr. cena is going first. >> ready to go. i do well at these quiz games. >> true or false, there is at least one friday the 13th in every year. >> that is true. >> you are absolutely correct. >> thank you. >> lucky horseshoe. >> thank you. right on. thank you very much. >> number two, willie. >> why don't you go first? i get the true or false question. >> willie, you'll get this lucky rabbit's foot, which isn't really a rabbit's foot. if it's wrong, you spill some salt. this pop star bucks the 13 trend and considers it her lucky number. so much so, it shows up in her
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twitter handle. name the pop star. >> taylor swift. >> absolutely correct. >> how did you know that? >> he has a daughter. >> i have an 8-year-old daughter. >> tamron hall. >> i'm in the house. i'm bad at quizzes. i flunk every one i play. >> i picked this one for you. it's easy. you get it right, you get this lucky wishbone chew toy. >> i get a dog treat? >> i mean, i got horseshoes. >> if you get it wrong, you get this oversized penny, tails up. >> that was bizarre. >> we're on tv right now. >> which of these was not a sequel in the "friday the 13th" movie franchise? friday the 13th the new blood. friday the 13th jason takes manhattan. friday the 13th jason's revenge. >> the new blood? >> oh, no. sorry! >> oh, my gosh. >> friday the 13th jason's
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revenge. >> pick it up. >> i have to pick it up? >> how do i reverse this? >> there you go. >> can we google? >> take these. >> cena, back in the circle of superstiti superstition. if you get it right, you win a box of lucky charms. get it wrong, you brush your teeth with the broom. >> that means you're going to jail, by the way. >> black cat zboiis going acros. let's see the cat again. very cute. chihuahua or a cat? anyway, it was on friday the 13th of 1937 that this chicago gangster was indicted on a charge of income tax invasion. >> so easy. >> name him. >> you don't know? >> he's joking. >> what do you mean? >> you know who it is. >> what? >> it's al capone. they're not after your lucky charms. >> i'm doing this to show off
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the casual friday trend. >> trash talking. >> willie, you're back up. >> authentic four-leaf clover. get it wrong, you walk under the ladder that alex is on. >> back to friday the 13th. what famous actor meets his demise in the original friday the 13th? johnny depp. kevin bacon. matt dillon? >> johnny depp. >> kevin bacon. that's what they told me. walk under the ladder. >> okay. >> tamron? >> i'm not good with quizzes. >> if you get this right, you get the andrew luck jersey. if you get it wrong, you have to break a mirror. what famous quarterback wore 13, first to throw for 5,000 yards in a season? you should get this. >> joe montana. dan marino. >> dan marino. >> break a mirror. >> i said dan marino. >> you said joe montana first.
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>> here you go. >> oh, my gosh! >> come on. i said dan marino. i mean, montana. >> while tamron loses -- oh, there you go. >> oh, man. that's huge. >> i got seven years. >> i'm going to jail, but you have seven years. up next, what julia roberts wasn't wear on the red carpet. these! what are those? that had heads turning on the french riviera. pop fix is next. vo: across america,
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people are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes with non-insulin victoza®. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar. but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza®. he said victoza® works differently than pills. and comes in a pen. victoza® is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it's taken once a day, any time. victoza® is not for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight. victoza® works with your body to lower blood sugar in 3 ways: in the stomach, the liver, and the pancreas. vo: victoza® is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza® has not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza® is not insulin. do not take victoza® if you have a personal or family history
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of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza® or any of its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include itching, rash, or difficulty breathing. tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza®, including inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis). stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back, with or without vomiting. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn't giving you the control you need ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza®. it's covered by most health plans.
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flip your way through your last 9 shows with the tap of a button. change the way you experience tv. xfinity x1. casual friday style. it's party time for a little pop fix. ready? my casual friends, it's just us. it looks like kylie jenner and tyga are going their separate ways. the reality star and the rapper who have been dating off and on since 2014, they've decided to call it quits. how interesting is this?accordi their relationship before the met gala last week, which is why they walked the red carpet separately. this is not the first time they've gone splitville. the pair broke up back in november 2015 on tyga's 26th birthday before reuniting. tyga spoke with e news about how
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he's doing about the breakup. saying, i'm good, ya know. another day, working hard and trying to get to the next level and achieving big things and evolve. we wish them both the best as they move forward. tyga, for review, has a 3-year-old son with his former girlfriend, blac chyna, who is currently engaged to kylie's brother, rob kardashian. got it? rob and chyna have a baby on the way. the red carpet for the cannes film festival seems to be as crazy as ever. george and amal were there to promote george's new movie "money monster." amal gave me life, as you like to say, on twitter, looks stunning in the yellow dress. narrowly managed a wardrobe malfunction when she almost tripped on the train. it was a handful walking up the daunting steps, requiring not one but two people to jump in. george and one of the delegates from the festival, nice enough to lend a hand. julia roberts had a wardrobe
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malfunction of a different kinds. dressed to the nines, she kicked off her shoes before climbing the staircase. george didn't notice until julia said, luckily for us, what happens in cannes ends up in pop fix. keith urban posted an adorable video on his facebook page yesterday. the grammy winner and his lovely wife nicole kidman had a sing along to his new duet with carrie underwood, called "the fighter." ♪ woman try to get to you, baby ♪ >> spontaneous. it is cute but not spontaneous. let's be honest. it was adorable and nice to know we're not the only ones who like to sing in the car. that is awesome. the dirty truth about the disgusting germs in your bedroom
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and bathroom. we're continuing our series to get us to clean up over the weekend. after your local news and weather. weather. w? yeah! that sounds great! could they guess what it was? very rich and smooth. really creamy. i keep touching my face. so what had we used? what?! wait! just water was added to this? my skin definitely feels much more radiant. that sense of having like smooth dewy skin only dove has 1/4 moisturizing cream for smoother, more radiant skin. dove, your daily beauty treatment for radiant skin. ...another anti-wrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair works... one week.
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with the... fastest retinol formula. visibly reduce wrinkles. neutrogena®. we are following break news, sky force 10 is over a section of philadelphia. one alarm fire broke out in a warehouse on fraly street. we're make calls to get more information. no reports of any injuries. we'll keep you posted today on our nbc 10 app. now let's check your forecast for this friday with nbc 10 first alert meteorologist bill henley. >> this friday the 13th starting off with clouds and a few scattered light showers. few rain drops in cape may. those light showers are moving through cape may in atlantic city. already starting to dry out temporarily in delaware, no showers just yet in philadelphia. look to the west, a line of storms, the potential for storms as we head into the late morning and afternoon hours. that's going to keep our temperatures from climbing too
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much today, low 70s this afternoon. another round of storms you can see with the seven day set for tomorrow. >> if you're getting ready to head out let's check the roads. jessica boyington, what are your seeing? >> watching 95. nothing major going on here around cottman avenue even in the center of the work zone active right here and no big delays. southbound from wood i have convenient to vine street expressway we're in the green. dad vale regatta is going on this weekend. kelly drive is closed between strawberry mansion drive until tomorrow. it's the annual dad vale regatta on the schuylkill river. an estimated 25,000 spectators all over the next few days. graduation day at villanova university. commencement will be held indoors because of the stormy forecast. i'm tracy davidson. we'll have another update in 25 minutes. you can always stay updated
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throughout the day on news and weather especially with the rain with the nbc 10 app.
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taking a look at the headlines. the obama administration is telling public school systems nationwide that transgender students must be allowed to use bathrooms and locker rooms consistent with their chosen gender identity. those that don't risk losing federal aide. officials say the guidelines are to clear up confusion about what schools are required to do to protect the civil rights of transgender students. a glitch that left travelers without luggage has been fixed according to officials at phoenix airport. the system used to screen checked bags for explosives went down on thursday. 3,000 bags were stored in a parking lot in 90 degree heat until they were trucked to other airports to be screened and flown out. the glitch came on the same day the tsa was criticized by
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members of congress over long lines and executive bonuses. hobby lobby is recalling popular items that could put babies at risk. pieces on the little wishes summer plush pacifier holders can detach and pose a choking hazard. it was in whale and octopus shaped. also, recalling rattles shaped like fish because the seams can come apart to expose the stuffing, which can lead to choking. if you're in the market for a home this spring, goods news. long-term mortgage rates have fall ten to a three-year low according to freddie mac. the 30-year fixed rate dropped to 3.57%. the average rate on a 15-year fixed rate mortgage is 2.81%. angst moments for thrill seekers at bush guach gardens i
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tampa. passengers trapped 200 feet up for an hour. no injuries to report. there's no word on what caused the ride to malfunction, but thankfully, everybody is okay. let's check in with al for the weather. hey, al. >> announcer: "today"'s weather is brought to you by disney's "ali "alice through the looking glass," in theaters may 7th. >> you noticed the who did casual friday best. >> it's rigged. all my tweets from my people on the internet say i nailed it. >> is that rigged? can we have a controversy? >> anyway, let's show what we have going on for your weekend. look at this, warm, wet weather in the northeast and on into northern new england. we have showers from texas on into the southwest. and we're looking at more rain in the pacific northwest. on sunday, sunday, we're looking -- >> al roker rigged the vote. he just went online and voted 79
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times for you guys. >> no, i only voted four times. >> you're like chicago. people dead voting. >> vote early and vote often. texas to the pacific northwest, you'll be wet. sunshine in southern california where it should be. that's what's going on aroun the countrd y. good morning. i'm meteorologist bill henley. grab an umbrella, clouds are here, showers and a chance of thunderstorms on the way. low 70 for university city, somerton and chestnut hill 69 degrees. showers moving through later this morning and early this afternoon suburbs and lehigh valley. could see some late day sunshine in those spots. then the storms head to new jersey, the shore, little bit cooler with temperatures in the 60s. low 70s for wilmington and shower and thunderstorm later this afternoon for delaware. have a great day. >> that's your latest weather. >> nicely done on the rigging. appreciate your work. part two of our series, how
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often should you clean? you may want to stop eating the breakfast for a couple minutes. >> this can make you queasy. the not so obvious places whe p the germs are hiding. here with the dirty truth is megan murphy, executive editor of "good housekeeping" magazine. >> good morning. >> how are you? >> good. let's start in the bedroom. how often should you clean your pillows and comforter? >> i think every three months, but i have no idea. >> once a week? >> once a month. >> the idea is actually you want to do it regularly. you can throw it in the wash every month. the test with the pillow. you know you need to clean your pillow when you fold it in half and it doesn't bounce back immediately. this is a new pillow, so it is good to go. you can put this in the dryer. use tennis balls to help it fluff and tumble. let's move to the bathroom, shall we? >> yeah. >> tumble. >> how often do you think you need to clean the shower? >> at least weekly. >> every week? >> daily. >> it's a daily kind of thing.
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>> who cleans the shower every day? >> why would somebody say every week? ridiculous. >> that's a crazy answer. you're going to get the cleaner out every day. you don't want the mildew buildup. every two weeks, do a deep clean. but get into the daily routine. how about the shower curtain? how often do you need to deal with the shower curtain? >> get a new one. >> saving money here. >> monthly. >> little daily maintenance. always fully extend it. if it is folded like an accordion, the water will stay in and mold builds up. shower liner can be watched. even if vinyl. throw it in the washing machine. throw it in the dryer. only for five minutes. hang it back up. i like a cloth liner for a full dryer cycle. >> what about the shower head?
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>> i said every six months. >> once a month. >> about every month. if you have hard water, you're going to see that buildup. >> right. >> then you're going to do it more frequently. take a toothbrush, a little bit of vinegar. >> i have a toothbrush. >> is this the one you use to brush your teeth? >> doesn't matter. >> take vinegar and scrub it. if you have the buildup, i have hard water so i have that problem, take a bag and fill it with vinegar. don't distill it. rubber band it. if the shower head comes off, great. if not, put it around the head. do it overnight. >> let's go to the kitchen. >> this is a little bit of a trick quick question. you want to lick the spatula clean when making brownies, right? >> i don't lick it clean. >> the head pops off. clean it, let it dry and put it back together so it's not a home for mildew and bacteria. i want to get to this.
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how often do you do the fridge? there is a vent in the back that people don't know to clean. >> never. >> you want to vacuum it every six months. use the attachment and vacuum it out. if you notice temperature changes in the fridge, the food is freezing, the ice cream is melting in the freezer, that means the coils -- >> look in the back. looks like there are small animals back there. it's fuzzy. >> takes a quick minute and it'll save you from the repairman. >> thank you so much. more cleaning tips on coming up next, one of my favorite road trip recipes, barbecue chicken sliders. tasty at any temp, even if your fridge isn't working. after these messages. so i asked about adding once-daily namenda xr to her current treatment for moderate to severe alzheimer's. it works differently. when added to another alzheimer's treatment, it may improve overall function and cognition. and may slow the worsening of symptoms for a while.
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...keeps skin healthy looking and soft. aveeno® naturally beautiful results. new layers to our famous lasagna. with three new irresistible dishes like chicken parmigiana lasagna. and seafood lovers lasagna. all with our unlimited salad and breadsticks. and all starting at $11.99. olive garden. ♪ it's time to get seriously silly, people. ♪ join red nose day to do some serious good to help fight kids' poverty. ♪ it's simple: just get your red nose, only at walgreens, and get your silly on, seriously. walgreens. at the corner of happy and healthy. general mills is removing artificial flavors and colors from our cereals.
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natural cheese off-the-block, 100% real. sargento, we're real cheese people. the perfect brow new brow drama pomade crayon from maybelline new york. our 1st creamy, pigmented wax crayon sculpts and tames as it colors, in one easy swipe. maybelline's new brow drama pomade make it happen maybelline new york i get out of work and i go to the store, and somebody's, smellin' around, "mmm! i smell cookies." i say, "oh no, you just smell me. i just got out of work. that's honey bunches of oats, that's all." and now in delicious chocolate. this morning on today food, we're wrapping up a week of pack and go foods. this is something my mom made, a version of this. fried chicken at a picnic or barbecue was something she
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always brought. i'm making it portable. barbecue chicken sliders. taste just as good as room temperature as hot. and we're doing a pasta salad, as well. little lighter, if you want that. >> we're already eating, by the way. >> here's our grid for the salad. you can use any pasta. cook it according to the package. add three tablespoons of olive oil. this looks like ricotta but it's a hard ricotta cheese. if you can't find it, use feta is a and it'll be the same. lemon vest. du -- zest and dump it in there. cucumber and tomatoes. dump it in. little salt and pepper. add lemon juice. you're basically going to toss this. it is simplicity unto itself. that's it, boom. >> wow. >> in fact, if you want to make sure it stays fresh, bring the individual items and do it
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there. >> mix it there. >> here's the chicken sliders. i like dark meat chicken. boneless chicken thighs with the skin off. i like the skin on, but anyway. >> me, too. >> tickle pickles and all that. marinate your cut-up chicken chunks. pour in buttermilk. >> john cena has not said a word. >> tabasco, sriracha, whatever. let it sit four hours in the kit sche -- kitchen or overnight. flour, salt, and i'm using hot smoked paprika for a little spice and smokiness. >> you guys are dressed for a barbecue, on top of that. >> absolutely. first, dip it in the flour. then your going to dip it in this egg wash. basically, it's about six eggs. you're going to dip it back in the flour again.
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make sure it's nice a coated. >> so you get the crispiness. >> now you're going to line these up. then you're going to put them in a hot pot. >> what oil do you use? >> canola oil. don't put too many in at once because it drops the temperature. don't crowd it. you're going to let this cook for about seven minutes. as it does, i'll put one more in there. let it keep cooking. you want it about 350 degrees. temperature will keep you honest. i like the sweet buns. nice sweet buns, baby. put them on. kind of remind me of john cena, actually, in "trainwreck." >> appreciate it. >> also, i like the bread and butter pickle. >> your favorite sauce is? >> i just like barbecue sauce. >> sweet or tangy?
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>> i'm a sweet guy. there you have it. you have your salad, you have everything you need. >> one of mine is already gone, and they are good. >> i love it. >> and it's so portable for you. >> and so picnicy. you can go with your friends on a casual friday. >> casual friday. >> take your tie off and enjoy. for all of our pack up and go recipes, head to also, a "today" food club standout, emily from scranton, p.a., made these. >> oh, laur! >> a drive-by from matt lauer. next, zach woods plays the adorable jared on "silicon valley." he used to wrestle. we'll find out what happens when he comes face-to-face with mr. wrestle himself, john cena. >> are you going to wrestle? >> i'll show you. >> after these messages.
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[ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, at hillshire farm, spice is the spice of life. that's why our craftsmen season every sausage perfectly. so you can coax out great flavor effortlessly. hillshire farm. because it's worth doing right. see me. see me. don't stare at me. see me. see me. see me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. i'm not contagious. see me to know that... ...i won't stop until i find what works. discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75% skin clearance at 3 months. while the majority saw 90% clearance. do not use if you are allergic to cosentyx. before starting, you should be tested for tuberculosis.
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an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur... ...tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms... ...such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. see me. see me. see me. on my way. find clear skin... and a clearer path forward. for a different kind of medicine, ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. is caringing because covering heals faster. for a bandage that moves with you and stays on all day, cover with a band-aid brand flexible fabric adhesive bandage.
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you may know zach woods best from the show "the office," where he was gabe lewis. his character dated erin, played by our good buddy ellie kemper. >> zach is bringing the laughs on "silicon valley." he plays jared, who helps run the pied piper tech start up. >> thank you for having me. >> you told our producer in the pre-interview you did a little wrestling back in your day. john cena would like to hear more about your career. >> you know, a group of my friends used to have boxing matches in a drainage ditch near my house. >> no, no, man, street fighting. >> this is amazing. >> i was so intimidated by the idea of being punched or punching that i would only fight people who were significantly smaller than me or people who were my size, but they could only hit me in the body and i could hit them in the face. i still lost 90% of the time. >> drainage ditch fight club.
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we'll talk about that another day. incredible. >> zach, your character, jared, is the guy who kind of -- the nerdy guy who brings everybody together. you said your mom is the inspiration for this character. >> yeah. >> how does she feel about this? how does that happen? >> well, the character is kind of this self-sacrificing character, who is always giving up his own personal comfort for other people. i feel like my mom, and many moms, are prone to do that. that's what was based on my mom. my mom likes the character. she's less nerdy than jared, thankfully. yeah, i think she's pleased. if not, she does a good job of matching her resentment. >> because she's a mom. >> another way she's self-sacrificing. >> it's what they do. season three, get people caught up if they haven't yet. also picked up for season four. congratulations. >> thank you very much. >> where is pied piper right now? >> pied piper, the company, is run initially by richard
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hendricks, the ceo. now, he's fighting his way to try to get control of his own company again. they're working for jack barker, a corporate, conventional business man. >> as a tall drink of water, willie is, too, you're taking dance classes to be comfortable moving your body. do you have any moves? it's casual friday. >> all i can do is a paralyzed, ten tentative stance. then a terrified rocking back and forth. >> this is like "hitch." >> that's casual, by the way. that's casual. >> wow. >> have you not seen the show? >> i haven't watched it. i don't like seeing myself. it's like hearing your voice on an answering machine. from what i hear, it's a good show. >> you should watch it. >> yeah, i never will.
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>> people seem to be enjoig yin it. zach, a little bit of everything. you can catch "silicon valley" on sunday nights on hbo. back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc.
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tamron decided not to run through the finish line, finish the job. >> that's not true. >> she went back to her formal wear. >> it's a foul. >> according to the hashtag battle, can we show the results? really? >> i think the internet is broken. 68%, and that's with al roker going on -- >> it's okay. we feel comfortable. >> i feel like, john, you should come back again and we'll try casual friday again. i will dress you guys. >> he'll coming pat batoomey started his careers an investment banker. then, a wall street wheeler-dealer overseeing stock trades in new york, london and tokyo.
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next, toomey moved to hong kong to work with wealthy chinese investors. in the senate, it's no surprise toomey's been siding with wall street. voting to allow banks to continue making the risky investments that wrecked our economy. afscme people is responsible for the content of this ad. we're following breaking news right now. sky force 10 flew over philadelphia where there was a one alarm fire that broke out at a warehouse on fraly street. no reports of an injury. we'll keep you updated on nbc 10 mobil app. good morning. i'm tracy davidson. let's get you updated with this morning's forecast with bill henley. >> lots of clouds and getting ready for showers. that main event the line of showers could produce thunderstorms in our area later today, that's this afternoon.
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already seeing sprinkles in lancaster county and skifrting past western burks county. west jersey getting light rainfall. these are the first showers of the day. thunderstorms more likely this afternoon. and thunderstorm threat returns again later tomorrow afternoon. now let's check the roads. first alert traffic reporter jessica boyington has that. >> we're watching the vine street expressway. good through center city. right around 24th street maybe a little bit of a delay heading westbound towards the schuylkill but no problems coming off the schuylkill heading towards 95. only big delays is around kelly drive. the dad vale regatta haskelly drive closed. we have this breaking news. temple university has confirmed that former school president died last nightggcr a long illness. r ago. we'll continue to follow that story on air and on and our nbc app.
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i'm tracy davidson. we'll have another update in 25 minutes. see you then.
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from nbc news, this is "today," with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. ♪ i thank god every day that i woke up feeling this way ♪ >> try day friday. kathie lee is off. can we go back to that video one more time? ♪ if i was you i'd wanna be me too ♪ >> that is meghan trainor, grammy winner. i thought she was going to be hosting with me. i know she was just quickly getting dressed. but i heard a rumor that she might be --


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