tv Newscenter 5 at 7 ABC January 21, 2016 7:00pm-7:30pm EST
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philadelphia, new york ll all get a lot of snow. we may or we may not. we could beware -- be where there is heavy stuff, it is a possibility. tomorrow evening, philadelphia will be in it. early saturday morning, new york city. then it will go north to about our area, how far will it get before the precipitation goes another way? we will see. we are taking the conservative approach, even though we are just calling for maybe 1-2 inches in boston, maybe six or more for the coast, if this shifts to the north, the amount could increase. saturday afternoon is the time to watch. there will also be coastal concerned, we will talk about that in a while. heather:
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danger of losing his job. he is accused of sending minor. justice. reporter: we regularly chat, is. he was a family friend in a father figure. and it was during the summer that the 16 team-year-old -- 16-year-old says the conversation took a strange turn. >> if i let him do things to me, he would be willing to buy me things. reporter: then the officer went further. >> he sent to these pictures to me. reporter: he was charged with sending -- to a minor. the das office has confirmed that charges were based on the
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but two years later we have learned a new serious charge is expected to be dropped. they have the deleted facebook messages, but have been unable to uncover the naked photo. >> i think the system screwed up. reporter: this is the victim' s mother, she says the district attorney told her the officer will plead to a lesser charge to avoid a deal time. -- jail time. >> i would rather have him plead one thing. reporter: do you think this is justice? >> not at all. reporter: goldman is due in court friday morning and his them. investigators are monitoring the case and will begin an investigation that will decide if he will keep his job when the criminal case is resolved. he is now on paid administrative
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ed: and ends tonight so controversial practice, sending addictive winning -- women to prison. the both -- the house has voted to make it illegal. we have been granted exclusive access and we found more than 1000 women had been locked up just over five years because they struggled with addiction and they have been committed by a judge. s desk and he says he will sign it. the state is building treatment beds for the women right now. heather: and caught on camera, a store clerk fighting back. using a wooden club to chase off new at 7 newscenter 5' s john clerk. he' brockton. reporter: the robber look like a customer, but when he came up with a bag of chips and a soda,
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he probably did not expect the clerk to be prepared. behind the counter, she had a wooden club and she gave him a good whack. >> oh god, thank god. reporter: maria alves heart races as she watches the surveillance video. >> he point the knife and said give me all the money you have in the cash register. reporter: recounting the terrifying threat as that man came at her with a knife. >> i grab it and then i smack him with this. then i go like this, i don' t want to get into trouble, i don' t want to get into trouble . reporter: that defensive whack clearly stunned the would-be robber who turned to run. >> i have this one, i have this one and i have the knife. reporter: maria is certainly prepared to defend her business and in almost a decade only once before has had to use one of her 2-foot wooden clubs. >> it gives me anxiety. i went home, got no sleep. i wake up and pray and ask god to help me. reporter: finding the man would put her mind at ease and if d
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>> if i see him, i ask him why? then i i can forgive him. , because i don' t want to carry nothing in my heart. reporter: there are four different cameras here, so police have several critical clues tonight as they search for the suspect. heather: a suspect is now in custody after an armed robbery that began in norwood. the suspect was seen getting into a pickup at the central market in nor word. -- norwood. the investigation is ongoing. ed: right now an investigation is underway after narcan was used to save a baby boy in worcester. when police were called to this apartment building on wellington street last tuesday, they found 14-month-old silas bell about to go into cardiac arrest. he was saved after being given narcan, a drug typically used on adults for drug overdoses. investigators are looking into
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it' s the same home where a toddler died in september under mysterious circumstances. heather: live pictures from inside the state house. governor charlie baker less than a half-hour away from giving his first state of the commonwealth address. here are 5 things you need to know about the speech. the governor will talk about the challenges he faced right out of the gate, including a big budget deficit and last winter' s t failures. he will also look ahead, focusing on three key areas, meeting future engery needs. tackling the opioid crisis. and expanding charter schools. newscenter 5' s janet wu is live at the state house. governor baker has spent a good chunk of his political capital this first year dealing with weather related problems, and with fixing the troubled dcf agency. fair to say he now wants to stop putting out fires and put his agenda on the table? reporter: yes, he has a couple
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things on his list that he has not been able to put front and center. one of them is harnessing and growing energy resources, not just solar, but hydro and wind. system. something needs to be done and they are looking for a solution for all of that. and he is facing a $1 billion budget gap. how does he do this? today. reporter: when you talk about where you' ll get additional revenue for the next year? >> i think the revenue agreement between house and senate and administration shows growth with the state tax revenue and we think it will be adequate for us to support the stuff we need. reporter: he is saying no new taxes, is that even possible?
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him address it tonight and i would be surprised if he does say that he will push for a tax hike. the senate president says, is that will be the case, if you will not raise taxes but you want to increase funding for education and transportation, where will you get the money? there will be a lot of level funding and cutting and other areas of the budget. heather: it will be very interesting. that is at the statehouse. you can watch the speech right here on channel 5 or streaming live on our wcvb mobile news apps beginning at 7:30. ed: now taking a look at your economy, after yesterday' s plunge, the dow closing up nearly 116 points today at 15,882. the nasdaq was up almost a point and the s&p 500 was up about , 9.5 points. the most active local stocks, emc was down less than a point. dyax corp. and boston scientific
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heather: the road to the super bowl. patriots are pretending -- preparing for the championship game for the afc against the broncos. ed: the game has been in denver before, but they are hoping for a different result. >> two years ago and the trouble in denver. this is the fifth straight year they are going to the championship game and it will be 10 overall for tom brady which should give him and add--. -- him an edge. experience counts, but is not everything. listen to tom brady. >> malcolm butler did not have experience in the super bowl last year and he won the game. so, it is really, whoever is called upon needs to make the play at that physical or moment and if you make great plays you
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watching in two weeks. >> he has experience across the board. football. reporter: it is probably a good thing that experience does not count for everything, the patriots have the experience of losing in six out of eight trips to denver, so we will see. heather: i do not like that statistic. ed: that is a good point. how much did experience help in super bowl? experience start. ed: bob is on his way to denver. heather: coming up, boston domain -- building. phil lipof giving us a glimpse at the high demand for living in the seaport . reporter: it has been six years
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today in america, the top 1/10 of 1% owns almost as much wealth as the bottom 90% this great country rand our government belong to all of us. wall street, corporate america, p wealthy campaign donors have so much influence tthat the only way p when millions of people begin to stand up p and say loudly and clearly, "enough is enough." i'm bernie sanders,
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building where the sign is located is going up for sale. it will be up to the new owner whether the sign stays or goes. the landmark sign does add significant value to the property. boston university, by the way, is the current owner of the building. ed: boston booming takes us to the seaport tonight one of the , fastest growing neighborhoods in the city. heather: phil lipof sits down with one of the men who was there when it all began to find out the secrets to the seaport' s success. >> i have to admit when we first bought the site i didn' t recognize how strong the views would be. reporter: standing over a model s seaport developer joe fallon shows us , how it all began when all of this was basically a parking lot. but once he started putting up residential buildings and the seaport began to grow exponentially, it didn' t take long. joe says he didn' t want you to just have this incredible view he wanted you to be part of it , so you have these amazing
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this is 12 stories of -- up. there is the back of the city imagine what that looks like at , night and over there the harbor. this is a unit in 22 liberty a building already sold out harbor views from almost every room demand so high for these multi , million dollar units. joe is building another tower right next to the 22. a waiting list already in place so who has that kind of money? >> a lot of the buyers are are coming from the western suburbs a lot of the buyers will make , lateral moves from other buildings in the city who want water views. reporter: mary benoit is the exclusive broker for all of fan pier, good for business companies like ge now moving to the seaport. and all those people need places to eat. >> the food is greek lebanese , mediterranean, northern african, and others.
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months ago right next to the federal courthouse. this is just one of the many new restaurants in the area. a nice mix of residential and commercial a thriving part of boston that continues to boom. reporter: fallon says 60-70% of the seaport is already developed but that still leaves room to but that still leaves room to grow and it is growing. , as for his latest project 50 liberty he says doors open in 2018. >> every time you go there is a new something that is there. heather: it is over the top spectacular. >> can you imagine having coffee there in the morning? >> my order has to do with the atmosphere, it will become will be happening and still the question is out there, will we be impacted greatly in terms of snow or will we escape the brunt of the snow? it is still a close call. blizzard warning for washington
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new jersey and long island, they will have plenty of wind and snow. so far, we do not have much of these warnings and watches, but it could change based on the track of the storm. this includes blizzard watches, warnings and even freezing rain advisories. a really icy mix. there is a potential for 18-24 inches in washington and baltimore. 12-18 in philadelphia and at least 6-12 inches in new york city. i have seen these storms before and i have seen them play out where we narrowly escape the big snow. i have also seen probably an equal number where we get into it just like they do, this could still play out either way. you have to stay up-to-date with the forecast.
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it is ready to go up the coast. that is where you will get snow in washington in the afternoon tomorrow, tomorrow night in philadelphia and on saturday in new york. it will try to go north and run into dry air. where will the cutoff line be? the snow could get in here for a wild. there could be a time where the snow could come down hard for several hours and rapidly accumulate. there is a lot of window to happen. this is the conservative view right now, anywhere could be up to two inches. maybe 1-4 inches north and west. 3-6 inches on the south coast. the thing is, =
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here are the and amounts -- the amount. in the meantime, look at the wind, it could be 60 miles per saturday night. powerful wind on saturday and sunday. and another thing, with the wind being so strong, we need to watch the high tide on saturday night and especially on sunday. it will be moderate coastal flooding, possible. one more thing, clearing on sunday afternoon and nice weather in the early week, but should a given area get heavy snow, it would be heavy wet snow with a win and that could be a problem. but if it stays to the south, everything will be ok. heather: a local family turning their grief into something good. ed: something very good.
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heather: tonight' an update on a story we' ve been following for years. 19-year-old britney gengel of rutland was killed in an earthquake while visiting haiti in 2010. before she died, she told her parents she wanted to open an orphanage there. ed: they did so in her name and the "be like brit" orphanage is now home to 66 children 33 boys and 33 girls. blb also employs 100 haitian employees, and has built over fifty homes. britney gengel would have turned 26-years-old today. so the organization asked that people go blue for brit that day to show their support. if you want to learn more about blb, go to our website,
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heather: talk about turning something into something very special. ed: a look at the stories we' ll be following for you all night when we come back. heather: and remember, we want to know your good news. send us your video and pictures of people making a difference and doing good in your community. share them on the wcvb facebook page or email them to ulocal at and we' ll share them here each night. meet the new, 3rd generation nest learning thermostat. it's proven to save energy. and you could get a $100 rebate from your energy company.
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t she's always stood strong... get the job done. hillary clinton. r ...and spoke out ...went toe to toe with the drug and insurance companies spent millions against her... until eight million ti've never been called a quitter and i won't quit on you. she's got what it takes to do the toughest i'm hillary clinton and
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officer finds a toddler in the middle of the street. how it happened. ed: and bracing for a blizzard, the scramble before the snow starts falling. and preparations here, harvey has been practically living here. harvey: when you see the numbers that they are anticipating for the mid-atlantic and not much here, even the southern part of the congress doesn't regulate wall street... wall street regulates congress.
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most new wealth to the top 1%. and it's held in place by a corrupt political system r where wall street banks and billionaires buy elections. my campaign is funded p by over two and a half million small contributions. rpeople who know you can't level the playing field r by taking more money from wall street. i'm bernie sanders, and i approve this message. join the fight
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