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tv   Newscenter 5 at Six  ABC  October 7, 2016 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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120-miles-an-hour sending huge sheets of metal flying. pushing big heavy dumpsters into the street even blowing the roof off building. -- off of a building. ben: and further north in st. augustine, a dangerous situation. 20 adults and children who didn't heed the urgent warnings to evacuate are stuck at a bed and breakfast. the storm surge turning the street into a river and the mayor says its too dangerous for emergency crews to operate. we have team coverage, beginning with stormteam 5's harvey leonard. harv? harvey: the emphasis shifts northward. jacksonville, georgia, south carolina, eventually north carolina as well. the storm is used of jacksonville, south of savannah, moving to the north. -- the storm is east of jacksonville. it will move very, very
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55 mile an hour. the eyewall is offshore. it could touch the north and south carolina coast tomorrow. we did not get a report from brunswick, georgia -- probably because the storms are harsh right now. if the storm has not weakened too much, hurricane force winds will just about make it to wanting, north carolina before turning eastward with the storm and the weakening trend. rainfall will be a big, big issue. rainfall amounts will be at least six to 10 inches, over a huge swath, possibly more. that will cause freshwater flooding as well. i will be back to talk about the storm surge and our holiday weekend forecast in a few
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new video out of saint augustine. this is the result of the storm surge. nichole berlie is tracking the damage. reporter: wind gusts surpassing 100 miles per hour. bringing down trees and power lines. storm surge reaching as high as 11 feetnichole ni chole: take a look at tybee island, georgia. there are mandatory evacuation orders.
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miles of coastline in georgia, south carolina remain under the threat of high winds and a dangerous storm surge as the storm pushes north. forecasters say the worst could be yet to come. live from the breaking news desk, nichole berlie, wcvb newscenter 5. maria: thank you. thousands of flights canceled up and travelers at logan forced it to change plans. travelers determined to make it to miami for a caribbean trip. >> it delayed some flights and discontinued flights as well and you have to switch. so, it's really inconvenient. maria: travelers were trying to cope with that inconvenience, saying that their thoughts were
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hurricane for path. ben: military helicopters are helping with the relief effort. people are frantically trying to reach loved ones. jorge quiroga continues her lifetime coverage live in newton tonight. jorge: i was just off a phone call with these saint boniface haiti organization. the death toll there is rising by the hour. watching the devastation from afar, local and are scrambling to reach their loved ones. >> they are calling every 10 minutes. jorge: natasha's many calls usually end like this. >> could not get through. jorge: how does that feel? >> my heart, boom, boom, boom.
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brother and hour before the hurricane tore through her impoverished homeland. entire neighborhoods washed away as the floodwaters received, the death toll rises. over 800 and climbing. these saint boniface haiti foundation runs a small hospital there. >> we are very concerned about patients and people being able to access care and eight after the hurricane. jorge: a ravaged people still rebuilding. her brother is a doctor and she fears the worst. >> the worst part is -- the people here they look up to me and they want me to give them news about their loved ones. and i can't even reach out to mine. jorge: and and wishing wait shared by so many people in this community. president obama asking americans
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will be needed not only now, but in the weeks, months, and years ahead. live a new, jorge quiroga, wcvb newscenter 5. ben: jorge, thank you. you can track the storm in real-time no matter where you are. just download our wcvb mobile news app for your phone or tablet. maria: investigators and orange are releasing new information, hoping that will track down the person who murdered and 95-year-old man and seriously injured his wife. the suspect stole the victims car. thisj couple. juli mcdonald is live at the scene. uli? juli: maria, there were crews working for hours at the crime scene. the damage cannot be undone. there are children and grandchildren grieving for their 95-year-old grandfather as his wife, his widow, recovers in the hospital. those who call the area home our
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hardest working people you would ever want to know. juli: his wife, sunday 5 -- 75-year-old join a fisher, hospitalized with injuries. >> i have a lot of sympathy for them. it definitely hits home with you. i: police have not released a description of any suspects but believe they know what the killers striving. following the murder, the couple's 20 oh three toyota corolla was stolen. the gray station wagon looks similar, with license plate -- m99949. >> they did i interview us.
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juli: the attack happened here wednesday night and the scene was discovered. police arrived here thursday morning. if you have seen a vehicle like the one we just showed you, your reached -- you are out to reach out to orange police. ben: a pretty ra car, a corolla wagon. governor baker is trying to control the damage from highly publicized problems with dcr. last friday, matthew sisk resigned from that job when this video surfaced showing him using lights and sirens to cut through traffic in his state vehicle. in august, sisk and his boss leo roy were both suspended when 5 investigates started asking questions about a vip party on july 3 where guests were driven to the hatch shell in
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two other high ranking members of dcr also resigned or were fired this week. maria: breaking news -- on your video from a 2005 video surfaces of donald trump talking about women in vulgar terms. hear what he said that has him apologizing. >> this is not right. >> this is not normal. ben: plus, a massachusetts granny fighting back after state troopers plant in her backyard. harvey: and matthew starting to do a number of georgia and south carolina. we will be talking about that and our local forecast. ben: and finally, time for tom brady to get back.
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interviewer: what would you do with fand a smartphone?ll man: check the scores. woman 1 : uh, probably post a pic. woman 2: text a friend. interviewer: how about register to vote? galvin: you can. five minutes online and a massachusetts driver's license is all it takes to register so you can vote for our next president. go to register to vote m-a dot com. it's that easy. woman 2: done. i just registered. man: that was easy. galvin: register by
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hurricane matthew all week and storm surge is a huge issue. harvey: it always is. usually the single biggest issue. storm surge along with the damaging winds and torrential rain that causes flooding, all big issues. jacksonville northward -- below that, the wind is not coming off the ocean anymore, it's coming up the land. jacksonville, a four to eight foot surge. then you get into brunsck we continue to take you up the coast. charleston, south carolina, four to seven feet. myrtle beach, three to six feet. that is still all to be played out, along with additional damaging winds to the same area and five to 10 inch plus rainfall amounts -- definitely three major factors that will
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difficult. we will have more on that soon. maria? maria: breaking news on republican presidential candidate donald trump. "the washington post" releasing a 2005 recording of trump as he prepared for a cameo appearance on a soap opera. wearing a microphone for the "access hollywood" show, trump makes lewd comments about his pursuit of women. here's an edited sample. mr. trump: i moved on her like a [beep] co now she has the big [beep] you can do anything. grab them by the [beep] you can do anything. maria: trump released a statement saying this was locker room banter, adding, bill clinton has said far worse. trump says he apologizes if anyone was offended.
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after all of that was released -- "this is horrific. we cannot allow this man to become president." ben: the national guard and state police to send on an 81-year-old massachusetts woman fell home. woman fell home. maria: special interests that oppose question 2 claim district schools lose money to charter schools. that's "absurd," says the boston herald. "outright lies," reports the lowell sun. charter schools "don't siphon off state dollars" from traditional schools, says the boston globe. in fact, public schools get more money. the truth is question 2 will give parents more choices and result in more funding for public education. please vote yes on question 2. for stronger public schools. ? dylan: i was un-athletic and very sedentary in my lifestyle. and then i found parkour and something about it clicked. then i stopped drinking soda
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ing to be heavier and i'm not going to be able to jump as far. my name is dylan polin and blue cross blue shield keeps me healthy. maria: let's take a live look right now. this is atlantic beach, florida.
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still going strong. now let's go to daytona where wind swept debris and storm surge flooding is wreaking havoc. harvey, of course, will have the latest track from matthew and a couple minutes. ben: a fall river man arrested for wearing a clown mask and harassing people including 3-year-old boy. 26-year-old ryun coleman is charged with disorderly conduct and disturbing the peace. this comes in the wake of a number of scares involving people dressed as clowns or wearing a mask. the so-called creepy clown phenomenon. poliay drove around wearing the masks last night harassing other , drivers, and a mother and her 3-year-old son. police say they had several knives in the car. maria: drug officers using a helicopter and several vehicles to raid a massachusetts granny's garden all to take out a single , pot plant. new at 6:00, the 81-year-old amherst woman tells newscenter five's diane cho, that is a violation of her privacy and constitutional rights.
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>> here is the stump. diane there's an empty space : next to the raspberries where her marijuana plant once was. holcomb, who goes by peg, says she's outraged after authorities removed the plant from her backyard last month. >> i am a reponsible and mature citizen. this was a violation of my rights. diane the 81-year-old : grandmother says she uses marijuana for medicinal purposes and believes it has helped with her glaucoma. >> it isn't right. diane: she was not there when it happened, but her son, tim holcomb, was at his mother's property here in amherst when he heard the helicopter overhead. it wasn't long before he says state troopers were standing outside. >> i asked if they had a warrant and they said they could get a warrant, if i chose to escalate. they just one of the contraband.
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diane: the law makes no distinctions about the reasons of circumstances that marijuana plants are grown. it says -- once it we see them, we have to seize them. strippers say that the marijuana's were outside in plainview, including holcomb's adding that none of the property , owne in amherst, diane cho, wcvb newscenter 5. ben: now let's go back to matthew and our weekend weather. harvey? harvey: the colors are peaking up north and where they are peaking, sunday and monday, the weather looks great. sunday, a little questionable down here. decent color as well. basically central and western new england, or central and
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a lot of good patches of color here locally. the patriots in cleveland sunday. looks great. clear skies. the red sox game three will be here on sunday and it looks like it will be in the 50's. it looks like there will be rain , but i think it will be over by game time. hopefully game four, which would be monday evening. both will be cool, with monday temperatures may be dropping into the 40's moving north. a steady 12 miles per hour, on his way to making a very close pass to savannah, georgia and was a gets to the georgia coast line is going to continue to be a few miles offshore of the south carolina coast as well. look at the track. look at the weakening, and it
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way to south carolina, might be close to wilmington, north carolina. you can see this horrendous rainfall, really, really torrential that works its way all the web to the carolinas. this entire area that gets the heaviest rain, five to 10 inches plus, enough for freshwater flooding, will also undergo storm surge and damaging winds me, and i do expect a lot of issues. it is called -- it is calm, gorgeous. tomorrow, increasing clouds, but i think the daylight hours will be dry. a little piece of moisture may combine with this front, which may slow the front down or create rain behind it and that could affect us on sunday, especially southeastern mass,
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monday, a sparkling, gorgeous day. much of next week looks like it will be pretty nice. in our local weather, the thing to keep an update on is sunday from forecast, a little tricky locally. farther south and east, maybe deterioration north and west. see you next hour. i am meteorologist harvey leonard. >> now here is josh brogadir with sportscenter 5, powered by xfinity. maria: josh: a tough loss last night for rick porcello, and an even rougher start for david price today. the red sox need a rally to stay in this game after their starting pitching has been failing them. inning is where price unraveled, second giving up an rbi single to brandon guyer and a 3 run homer to lonnie chisenhall. red sox only have 1 hit through three innings. they trail 4-0. the rangers are in serious trouble. to low get started the blue
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three solo shots in the fifth inning. kevin vallarta the left. that will be 3-1. is he keel carrera, known for his speed. this one is out to right and gone. and edwin encarnacion. out to left. the jays when it 5-3. jacoby brissett on list after reportedly having some -- having thumb surgery. making room on the roster for tom brady. also listed as limited on the injury report, julian edelman, questionable to play sunday with a foot injury. and running to budget to is back from a four-game suspension.
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>> it is similar to what we teach at cincinnati -- unbalanced line, spread formations, a mixture of big people runs, two tight ends, three tight ends, a fullback, all of the things in between. >> lots of un they go a lot of players. but they just fly around. they are all over the place. you have got to outwork them. they are going to hustle the ball and try to make as many plays as possible. josh: tiger woods's golf comeback will officially begin next weekend, his first tournament since a year ago august at the wyndham championship. he had 2 back surgeries and a long recovery. the former #1 golfer in the world, now 40-years-old, will play at the safeway open in
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we will have our friday night lights high school game of the night later tonight. guys, back to you. ben: thanks. time now to flash forward to newscenter 5 at 7:00 and eleven -- 11:00. maria: the boston startup customizing dna. and the new at 11:00 -- it's the best seat in fenway park, and the man whose had it for years is retiring. he looks too young to retire, but he i
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joe plaia: every three days, someone in new hampshire is killed with a gun. mothers, sons, friends. and yet kelly ayotte continues to play political games instead of making new hampshire safer. when she has the chance to strengthen background checks, she voted no, backing the washington gun lobby instead. then - on a bill to keep suspected terrorists from getting guns, ayotte flip flopped. kelly ayotte's become another typical washington politician narrator: independence usa pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. ? at blue cross blue shield of massachusetts, we offer a variety of medicare plans to fit your budget and your lifestyle. with plans starting as low as $0, you'll have zero things stopping you from really doing what you love. so call now to learn more about our plans that offer everything from annual wellness visits
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maria: a few seconds left. let's talk about matthew. harvey: it will be moving up the coast kelly: you know me. nfalse, negative ads- but as your first female attorney general- appointed by republican and democratic governors. as your senator, i'm fighting for equal pay and against workplace discrimination,
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and i reached across the aisle to protect access to mammograms. i approve this message because after all the false, negative ads, i'm still the kelly ayotte you know-
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tonight, breaking news. hurricane matthew slamming ashore. right here in jacksonville. the monster storm battering florida right now. the dangerous winds, blinding rain, downed power lines. the storm sparking fires. this home completely destroyed. more than a million people plunged into darkness. a possible hit on georgia and south carolina next. the life threatening storm surge. waves smashing right into homes. >> so please evacuate even if it's to a shelter. tonight, we fly you right into the eye of the storm with the hurricane hunters. inside the cockpit. their new warning tonight for millions in florida, georgia, and the carolinas. and the other breaking story tonight. explosive new audio discovered of donald trump. what he says about women. >> when you're a star, they let you do it. >> you will hear it for


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