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tv   Today  NBC  March 15, 2016 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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michelle: and look for news updates anytime inside the wesh 2 mobile app. jason: thanks for joining us. get out and vote. have a great day ahead. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] good morning. make or break. key contests in five states today. trump wins in florida and ohio would knock most of his rivals out of the race. >> if we win ohio and florida, it's pretty much over. >> if hillary clinton sweeps the day, will it be the end for bernie sanders? >> i feel good about where i am in this campaign. >> our team ways s weighs in on what could be the most decisive day of the race. admission. >> the answer is yes. >> the nfl acknowledging a link between football and brain disease.
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here, and what does it mean for the future of america's most popular sport? weighing in. oj simpson and the mini series. >> people are, oh, the acting is riveting and this is a great plot line. i'm thinking, this is murder. >> this morning, what they say you're not seeing on the show. rose garden rap. the creator of "hamilton" enlists the help of the president for a free style performance performance. >> you think that's going viral? >> one for the history books 2016. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie, live from >> good morning. welcome to "today."
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free style rapping seems hard by itself. in front of the president -- >> "hamilton" taking over the white house. you said this reminded you of 1965, when bob dillon came out with subterranean home sick blues. >> you mentioned '80s ripping off on that. we'll talk about that in a moment. election day, presidential race, voters in five states are heading to the polls today. headlined by the winner take all contests in florida and ohio. we'll break that down and talk to donald trump live. first, peter alexander is in the buckeye state. good morning. >> good morning. this is the day that so many republican candidates had circled on their calendar for months. so much riding on the state of ohio. what was today will go a long way in determining whether this race becomes a coronation for donald trump or we're headed to a contested convention in the
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>> we'll have a great day. we'll have a phenomenal day. >> reporter: donald trump, confident and undeterred. >> get him out of here. >> reporter: dismissing protesters in tampa with the help of sarah palin. >> what we don't have time for is all that petty [ bleep ] thuggery stuff that's been going on with these quote, unquote, protesters. >> reporter: the former alaska governor heading home to be with her husband todd, seriously injured in a snow machine accident. for kasich and rubio, it's d day. win their home states or stay home. >> i win ohio and continue to take this program forward, it's going to send a positive message to the world. >> it comes down to florida. this state will elect 99 delegates to one person. and i want it to be me, and i need you to help it to be me. >> reporter: rubio later backtracking, insisting he could
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>> i never said my campaign is built on the outcome of any special state. >> kasich alongside mitt romney, looking for his first win. hoping his popularity with ohio republicans translates into an ohio victory. >> why is it neck and neck with trump here? >> i don't think it is. we're ahead. >> reporter: what he calls a toxic environment at trump rallies. >> it's lowering a bar and creating a bad image for america. >> reporter: a north carolina sheriff's office told nbc news it won't file charges against trump after an investigation into whether trump's statements at a rally last week where a protester was sucker punched, constituted a riot. but it keeps coming. >> bimbo. dog. fat pig. real quotes by donald trump about women.
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>> reporter: still, the rhetoric is con stage tagious. >> sir, one difference between this and a donald trump rally. i'm not asking anyone to punch you in the face. >> for mainstream republicans, the so-called establishment, this is the last stand in ohio and florida. i was struck by what mitt romney said campaigning alongside john kasich yesterday. he said to his supporters, america is counting on you. matt and savannah? >> peter alexander, thank you. donald trump joins us by phone now. good morning to you. >> morning. >> tim used to have a saying about elections. he'd hold up the board and it'd say, ohio, ohio, ohio. if you win florida and ohio, you could be on your way to the nomination. you're going against the sitting governor, john kasich. he's never lost a statewide election. could he ruin your night? >> well, he's 22-0 in terms of
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he has lost every single state he's been in. i'll tell you what -- in terms of the presidential, he's done very, very poorly. i've spent a lot of time in ohio. i was there last night in youngstown. he is not a popular guy. he approved nafta. he's trying to approve tpp, which is a total disaster. nafta destroyed ohio, took the businesses out, and he voted for it. look what he's done. in favor of common core. he's just now come out in favor of amnesty and open borders. i think the man is not very i don't. he has not won one race in terms of presidential. i guess he's 0 for 22. i don't see it happening. i've been with the people of ohio. they hate the fact their coal and steel industries are gone. in ohio. >> mr. trump, if you are able to win in ohio, win in florida, have a big night tonight, and it
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get the 1,237 delegates, do you expect republican leaders, the republican party, to fall in line behind you as the presumptive nominee? >> i do. they're already calling. i have the biggest people in the party, if there is such a thing because i'm not sure whether to use the word establishment, what it means. mitt romney, by the way, ran the worst race perhaps in the history of presidential politics. >> who is calling? >> he's campaigning now for kasich. i think people are not digging mitt romney too much. that's for sure. they'll send him the signal. the biggest people in the party are calling. they want to sit down. they want to make things right. a lot of people are calling because they see what's happening. savannah, we brought millions of people, millions -- it's the biggest story in politics worldwide -- we brought millions of people in, and they're voting in the primaries.
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the democrats are down 35%. there's no enthusiasm for hillary, especially. i mean, no enthusiasm. >> let me jump? >> millions of people are going to give us a tremendous victory in november. >> let me ask you about the comment on the ad running in many states. it's an anti-trump pac. basically, it takes real women, and they repeat some of the things you have said about women over the course of the last several months or year or so. it's very difficult to watch. would you like to take back any of these comments you've made? >> let me just say about that, it was an ad put up by mitt romney's people. mitt romney is a sour guy. >> it's an anti-trump pac. no question. >> let me tell you, every single poll of every single state i've won, of which i've won, you know, a vast majority, but every
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polls, i lead with women. i lead with the military. i lead with the vets. i lead with virtually everyone. >> would you take back any of the quotes, anything you've said that you think in the light of day, well, maybe that wasn't the greatest thing to say? >> i have not seen the ad, so i'd have to seen it. i've heard about it but i have not seen the ad. >> donald trump, a huge day for you and the other candidates on both sides of the spectrum. thank you for your time this morning. >> thank you very much. let's turn to chuck todd, moderator of "meet the press." let's do the republicans before we turn to the democrats. we've seen where the delegates stand right now. lay it out for us, the various scenarios. >> most likely, basically, this is the if the polls are right. trump would win 3 of the 5. cruz with missouri. kasich with ohio. this is where we could stand.
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delegates but can't get to 1,237. under this scenario, what happens is, i'll go through it, you assume he wins 50% of the delegates for the remaining states. he comes up, at least -- this is the rosiest scenario if he loses ohio -- about 50 short. that's why ohio is important. he gets ohio, they can't stop him. if he loses one of them, i think they stop him. just being 50 short, i think, is a problem right now for him. >> if john kasich wins his home state of ohio, does it propel him or just allow him to hang around? >> i think it could propel him. next week, you have utah and arizona. kasich win in ohio, he could win in utah. cruz could win arizona. it's about puncturing the balloon of trump. i feel like we say, trump could lose this. it's like lucy and the football for the anti-trump forces. oh, this is the night they're going to get them. football is yanked away, trump wins 4 of 5 and can't stop them.
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the democrats in a second. first, nbc's kristen welker is in miami to set the stage for us there. good morning. >> good morning to you. could be a turning point in the democratic race. secretary clinton feeling confident here in the delegate-rich state of florida and also north carolina. senator sanders liking his chances in missouri and also clinton's home state of illinois. ohio could be the state to watch. polls show clinton with a comfortable lead. both campaigns think it's closer, particularly after sanders' surprise win in michigan, which showed his message on trade and the economy is resonating with voters in the midwest. to counter, clinton has been touting her plans to bolster the manufacturing sector. the two have been take ing jabs. last night at town halls, both saved their sharpest attacks for the gop front runner donald trump. >> he's been building this incitement. he has been leading crowds in
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he has been talking about punching people in the face. he's been encouraging the man handling of both, you know, people who are attending, as well as journalists. >> this guy has insulted mexicans, muslims, women. he's insulted veterans. john mccain, a war hero. the american people won't vote for somebody like that. >> we're getting a snapshot of the race this morning according to the latest nbc news/surveymonkey poll. clinton topped sanders nationally. it's a 13 point lead, down slightly from the 17-point lead she had the last time the poll was conducted. if clinton has a strong night, she could all but put this race out of reach if . if senator sanders has a big night, he could have more momentum. >> thank you. that sets the table nicely for chuck todd. there is suspense on the democratic side.
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states. >> take away the super delegates and you're down to a 200 delegate lead here. in the states tonight, we assume states. she could win by enough where she could lose the midwestern states here to sanders and still win the night on delegates. ohio and illinois. first, the illinois stuff, there is a subplot here. mayor of chicago, rahm emanuel, so unpopular. sanders has been attacking him. she could lose chicago and that's why she could lose illinois. missouri looks like oklahoma, which is a state he won. he's definitely in comfortable shape. this is the pivotal one, in ohio. moe mentum wise, if he wins 3 of 5, there's the sense of, look at this. after michigan, winning big states. even if he loses the night on delegates, the next seven contests, bernie sanders could win all seven and the momentum could get serious and she could be in trouble. >> where would be her best chance to gain momentum back or
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you have to wait until april, pennsylvania, new york, connecticut, maryland. it could be a while. arizona and utah next week, she could lose both. that's why tonight, she needs to win ohio and illinois to truly put this race away. >> what i take away, ohio, ohio, ohio, on both sides. >> yes. >> chuck, thank you. let's turn to major news out of washington and a first for the nfl. a high-ranking, league official acknowledging a link between football and a brain disease. willie has more on that. >> good morning. c.t.e. is a degenerative brain disorder linked to head trauma. while the league settled a class action lawsuit tied to conclusions, it never acknowledged the link definitively. that changed on monday. >> reporter: a landmark admission from america's biggest league. for the first time in its history, the nfl admitting a link between the brain disorder c.t.e. and the repeated head trauma football players suffer.
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congressional committee from the nfl's senior vice president for health and safety, jeff miller. >> mr. miller, is there a link between football and degenerative brain disorders like c.t.e.? >> research shows a number of retired nfl players were diagnosed with c.t.e. the answer is yes. but there are a number of questions that come with that. >> reporter: that research dating back to a study released last september found c.t.e. in 87 of 91 former pro players. the autopsy shows former players like those who committed suicide, had the disorder. >> the broader point and the one your question gets to is what that necessarily means and where do we go from here with that information? >> reporter: the admission is a departure from years of league policy. in 2013, the nfl settled a class action lawsuit with former players, paying $765 million.
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but the league did not admit any wrongdoing. nor that football was the cause of the retired players' disorders. in a statement to nbc news overnight, the league reiterated miller's point, that a lot more questions needs to be answered. adding, we want the facts to develop better solutions. that's why we're committed to advancing medical research on head trauma, including c.t.e., to let the science go where the science goes. >> c.t.e. can only be diagnosed after death. with many athletes suffering diseases like early on set dementia and als, this is looked at as a positive sign for people hoping changes come to the game they love to watch. this is a question parents have been asking, do i let my kids play football? now that you have the nfl talking about that link, that becomes a more difficult question to answer. >> willie, thank you. also this morning, disturbing story. we're learning more about this
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detained in northern iraq. richard engel is on that story for us. good morning. what can you tell us? >> good morning. as far as we can tell, this is the first time ever that an alleged american isis member surrendered on the battlefield. it's unclear what will happen to him next. >> reporter: kurdish fighters say this is a video of an isis fighter just after he surrendered to their position in northern iraq. when they asked where he was from, to their surprise, he said, united states. the kurds say they found the 26-year-old's virginia driver's license on him. an uncle confirmed his identity to nbc news and said the family thought the young man was traveling in europe. but there was a different reaction at the family home in alexandria alexandria. >> i'm not talking to nobody. leave the area.
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drive reporters away. angrily insisting -- >> wrong information. >> reporter: all their wrong. a kurdish news agency reported that he crossed the turkish border a few months ago and joined isis. when the kurds asked where he'd been, he answered, mosul, an isil stronghold in iraq. the kurdish fighters say he was trying to leave isis when he territory. a bizarre desertion. >> u.s. officials say isis is facing growing pressure to keep its fighters loyal, as the group is facing pressure and military attacks from the united states, russia, iran and a whole host of back to you. >> richard, thank you very much. let us make a turn now and get a look at the weather. al is off today and dylan is? >> hi, guys. we haven't seen much rain in louisiana and texas, but the
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the rivers are still cresting right now. this is some of the worst non-hurricane related flooding ever seen. homes are underwater, entire towns are underwater. even though we are starting to see the skies dry out, it'll take at least another week before these rivers come below the flood stage. they're so high above it, with record flooding in situations, that it is going to be a problem for at least the rest of this week. you can see all these red diamonds. that's where we still have major flooding occurring, as the water trickles through the rivers. we're looking at the pearl river. current level, 19.37 feet, more than hurricane isaac produced way back when. that's why we're seeing this as worst than the flooding we've seen. in the sabine river in texas, still above the record flood stage. we still have the chance, perhaps this week with a couple of isolated showers and storms, seeing another 1/2 up to an inch
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area of stronger storms, including overnight, isolated tornadoes. biggest threat is hail and damaging wind gusts, including chicago. it could cause delays at the airports later tonight. that's a look at the weather across the country. amy: good morning central florida, happy tuesday. we are starting up a little cloud cover but our temperatures they will climb thanks to
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we will have breez >> that's your latest forecast. >> thank you very much. just ahead, prosecutors move to revoke the bail of the former prep school student convicted in a sex assault case. will he end up behind bars? plus, why the goldman family are slamming the popular "people versus o.j. simpson" mini series. first, this is toad on "today" on
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if you're doing everything right but find it harder and harder to get by, you're not alone. while our people work longer hours for lower wages, almost all new income goes to the top 1%. my plan -- make wall street banks and the ultrarich pay their fair share of taxes, provide living wages for working people, ensure equal pay for women. i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message we can make a political revolution and create an economy and democracy that works for all
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coming up, sarah palin on live in our own reality. with our heads in the clouds. like a bunch of space cadets. huh? what? i've drawn a blank. what's my line? [director]: reset!
7:24 am our own little bubble. just hangin' out! as if we're not completely down to earth. but just a bunch of dreamers? no way! we're just like everyone else. you know, average joes. start dreaming big at the yogurt made from your milk, is delicious.
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it' s a taste so bold, yet so smooth, it could only be called, black silk, from folgers. a taste you could enjoy, fresh brewed, or one cup at a time. black silk, from folgers. i never really gave much thought to the acidity in any foods. never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. it never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. he told me to use pronamel. it's going to help protect the enamel in your teeth. it allows me to continue to drink my coffee, r
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tswitch to make. brandon thinks hellmann's that's because our ingredients come from... farmers committed to responsibly sourced oils... blended with ingredients like cage-free eggs. mmm. heaven. that's how we're working to
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>> local, live, late-breaking, this is a wesh 2 news update. jazmin: good morning. i' m jazmin walker. brett: and i' m brett connolly. it' s 7:26. alex villareal is looking at a crash with major delays on i-4. alex: the crash scene is now clear. two people were killed, the drivers of a van and a taxi. they collided head-on. both victims were men. fhp says the van was going the wrong way in the westbound lane when it crashed into the taxi, around 3:20 a.m. a witness said the van rate of alcohol. police believe it was drunk driving related. ted: good news that there are no more delays i-4 westbound, with the crash being cleared. a nice drive now. we' re done with a crash on 192,
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a slow down, you might want to consider neptune to get around that one. and goldenrod north, another crash. amy: clouds, fog, hayes in central florida today. as our temperatures climb, this will live. sunshine as we head through the day. visibility reduced in a few spots. three miles in cocoa beach. fogginess in melbourne. four miles in sanford. five miles in orlando. temperatures, upper 60' s, lower 70' s, a warm start. a warm afternoon. well above our average of 78. 10 degrees warmer than average. upper 80' s, even if you 90' s today. very warm for the middle of march. wind out of the west, five to 15 miles an hour. warm and dry again tomorrow.
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-- hanging out in north florida 7:30 now on a tuesday morning, 15th of march, 2016. some drizzle still in the area. not too bad because you can see, we don't have a lot of umbrellas out there. nothing like yesterday, when we had a deluge at exactly the wrong moment. coldplay was taking the stage. >> but chris martin never stopped smiling. amazing. >> toughest band we've ever had here. i will say that. hats off to them. >> absolutely. let's get a check of the headlines. another crucial day in the presidential race. five states voting today. florida and ohio are the big ones.
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republican side. they could be make or break moments for marco rubio and john kasich, as well as the democratic side. the three other states voting, illinois, missouri and north carolina. three chicago police officers were injured in a shooting overnight. they witnessed an alleged drug deal taking place. when they confronted the suspects, the men opened fire. one of the officers returned fire, killing one of the suspects. the other fled on foot. officials investigating the derailment of an amtrak train in kansas. they're trying to determine if an earlier car crash damaged the track. the train's engineer noticed a bend in the rail before he hit the brakes. at least 32 people were injured when several of the cars derailed. owen labrie, the former prep school student convicted of sexually assaulting a 15-year-old is in the headlines. he violated the terms of his bail and it's wanted revoked.
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latest. >> good morning, matt. this latest twist in the case came from the a chance encounter, when a reporter who covered his trial stumbled upon labrie on the train. she struck up a conversation and posted it on the internet. >> guilty or not guilty? >> reporter: new trouble for owen labrie, convicted of sexual assault on a 15-year-old classmate in a trial last year. he's been out on bail while his conviction is being appealed. prosecutors say a series of tweets by a journalist show what they call clear and convincing evidence that labrie violated the conditions of his release eight times. now, they want his bail revoked. >> i was caught off guard at first. >> reporter: the tweets posted by a reporter who covered the trial for "vice." she was shocked to run into him on the subway in boston two weeks ago where they struck up a conversation.
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his girlfriend at harvard university and had taken her out to brunch. >> reporter: labrie had a curfew curfew. he was on the train at 1:30 and was nervous about the time. the train is shall talled. he has to be home by 5:00 p.m. to make curfew. his accuser's emotional accusation accusation. we're disguising her voice and not showing her face. ways. >> reporter: labrie maintains it was consensual. >> was there any indication whatsoever at that point that the [ bleep ] did not want you to take her pants off? >> no. >> reporter: he was guilty of using a computer to lure her and of misdemeanor sexual assault. labrie has spoken out once since sentenced to a year in jail,
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deal. i walked out of the courthouse with my chin up, and i'd do it the exact same way. he never got locked up and remains free on bail, pending his appeal. labrie's lawyers declined to speak on camera but told the local newspaper that zalkind's tweets indicated he was worried about meeting his cower phu urfew and he was in compliance. >> he has ten days to answer these allegations in court but a hearing date hasn't been set. he can walk into the court a free man and come out a prisoner. >> dramatic turn. thank you. now to something we touched on earlier. sarah palin's husband hospitalized after a snowmobile accident. she's saying more about his injuries. gadi schwartz is in palmer, alaska, north of anchorage. >> the palin family is rallying around todd palin, still in intensive care after the violent
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all of that after, as he's expected to undergo surgery for a long list of serious injuries. >> reporter: he's among the world's best snowmobilers. a four-time champion of the iron dog, one of the most grueling snowmobile races on the planet. this morning, palin is in the hospital about 40 miles outside of anchorage, recovering after a bone-breaking crack. overnight, sarah palin updated her husband's condition in intensive care with injuries including multiple broken and fractured rips, broken shoulder blade, clavicle, knee and leg injuries and a collapsed lung. >> when you have an accident that affected so much of your body like this, you have to really be concerned. >> reporter: todd palin's father telling us it happened near a family cabin during a weekend ride. >> my understanding is he hit a stump or something that knocked him out of the kilter. >> reporter: stumping for trump, sarah palin cancelled appearances on the trail to return to alaska, but not before dashing to one last rally.
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machining. thank you, guys, for your prayers for my husband, who is recovering right now in icu after a wreck on a snow machine. so thank you. big wreck. >> reporter: trump mentioned todd palin in his speech while sounding off on gun rights and who he thought might have stopped terrorists if they'd been in san bernardino with a gun. >> if todd palin were in the room, frankly, sarah palin, forget about todd, especially now. if somebody were in that room that had a gun of some kind attached to the hip, to the ankle, where bullets could fly in the opposite direction, you wouldn't have had this. she's going to go back to alaska. her husband is a tough cookie. >> reporter: sarah posting a family photo of her husband and dubbing him the toughest guy i know. >> this is not the first time that todd palin has been involved in a serious snowmobile accident. back in 2008, during a race, he
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he hit a barrel at very high speeds. somehow, he was able to get up, get back on the snowmobile, finish the race, coming in at fourth place, all with a broken arm. >> he is tough. gadi schwartz in alaska, thank you. let's get another check of the weather from dylan in for al. >> we have storms possible through eastern iowa. two rounds. the first is moving through now. you can see a lot of cloud-to-ground lightning. this is going to move through northwestern illinois. a second line of showers and storms will redevelop. those could be severe with isolated tornadoes possible. it's more the hail and the wind threat. watch what happens as this area of low pressure moves to the north. it is going to strengthen and intensify as the lines get closer together. they indicate the stronger, gustier winds picking up. combine that with snow that'll fall in minneapolis late wednesday evening. eventually, the heaviest of the snow moves to the north. duluth, minnesota, 6 to 8 inches.
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accumulation. mostly because it'sse amy: good morning central florida, happy tuesday. we are starting up a little cloud cover but our temperatures they will climb thanks to afternoon. we will have breez >> that's your latest forecast. >> i wanted to say sorry for the song playing in your weather cast. >> i liked it. >> i couldn't make it turn off. >> thanks for paying attention to the weather though. >> it was nice, how you didn't give me a dirty look. matt was like -- what are you doing? >> we're working here. >> sorry. coming up next, kato kaelin
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what they say the wildly popular "people versus o.j. simpson min " mini series is missing. "hamilton" and the garden. first, these messages. jay knows how to keep his wheels spinning. nice shorts, dad... they don't make 'em in adult sizes? this is what the pros wear. look at the lines... -uhhh... look at the other line... -mm-mhh.. that's why he starts his day with those two scoops in deliciously heart healthy kellogg's raisin bran. ready to eat my dust? too bad i already filled up on raisins.
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a healthy heart, jay knows he'll be ready for the turns ahead. hey, don't forget to put up your kickstand. (bike bell) (sighs) kellogg's raisin bran. and try tart and sweet kellogg's raisin bran with cranberries. nivea in-shower body lotion. first i wash... then i apply it to my wet skin. it moisturizes with no sticky feel. i quickly rinse off. and i'm ready to go. nivea in-shower body lotion -- in the body lotion aisle. when heartburn hits fight back fast tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue and neutralizes stomach acid at the source tum, tum, tum, tum
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7:43 am
someone's hacked all our technology. technology... say, have you seen all the amazing technology in geico's mobile app? mobile app? look. electronic id cards, emergency roadside service, i can even submit a claim. wow... yep, geico's mobile app works like a charm. geico. expect great savings and a whole lot more. year's most talked about series on television. >> fx's kpt "people versus o.j.
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not sitting well with key players from the actual case. natalie has more on that. >> millions of people have been tuning in every week to watch the star-studded series that reenacts the trial of the century. ron goldman's family and kato kaelin are lashing out at the production. >> i know what you're going through. >> do you? do you have a son who was murdered? ron is dead! it's like no one even cares. >> people are, oh, the acting is riveting. this is a great plot line. i'm thinking, these are -- murder. it's very confusing to us. >> i got you. >> this is not entertainment. >> reporter: kim goldman, her father fred and kato kaelin, speaking out today on the "steve harvey show" about the "people versus o.j. simpson." >> i want him to pay for what he's done. >> reporter: the series dredging up old pain. >> it rips the band aid back off.
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leave us to be. >> they seem to be on a fishing expedition at my client's expense. >> this is routine. >> reporter: they have concentrated so much on the attorney's side of it. ron and nicole appeared as dead bodies in the beginning, and that's it. >> reporter: it's been 20 years since the goldmans lost their son and brother ron, and sat through the horrific details of his murder at trial. >> i had a man offer me a high powered rifle. he said it was not traceable. i could take him out. and i said, you're talking to the wrong guy. just walk away. >> reporter: kim reveals her wish to confront o.j. in prison. >> my brother was found with his eyes open, and that's always haunted me. that -- that my brother watched his killer leave him there. i just -- i wanted to be the last face that the killer saw
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>> then it was, oh, my god. >> reporter: kato kaelin speaking out about his portrayal of an air head and freeloader. >> i'm not an official person. i just kind of live back here. simpson. >> there is a lot of inaccuracies. i was nicole's friend more than o.j. the kids. it was pure friendship. >> we're going to get him. >> you better. >> reporter: the goldmans hope the show won't be the last word after what really happened behind the scenes. >> there's going to be a whole generation of people who never knew anything about this trial that will see this series and take it as gospel. when, in fact, it won't be. >> we reached out to fx but they declined to comment. see more of the interviews with
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today's "steve harvey show." it is a fascinating re-telling of the events. however, it is still a tv series. important to remind people. there are a lot of liberties you can see throughout. >> not a documentary. >> exactly. >> imagine it's your family they're talking about. >> exactly. >> natalie, thank you very much. coming up, the deal that just made michael jackson's family $750 million richer. and the cast of "hamilton" takes over the white house. leading to one epic rap in the rose garden. carson has the story after this. alright, let's do this. i got minds to twist and values to warp. mr. tyler, your skittles portrait. that is e to the z oh twiddly dee-sgusting! you haven't heard me sing diddly-ding yet. dream on! higher. dream on! i think a little higher! dreammmm onnnnnnnn! dreammm onnnn! rock the rainbow.
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frustrated with your overactive bladder medicine not working? can't handle the side effects? botox treats symptoms of leaking, going too often, and the strong sudden need to go. ask your urologist if botox can help calm your bladder and reduce your daily leakage episodes. the effects of botox may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, loss of bladder control or muscle weakness can be a sign of a life-threatening condition. don't take botox if you can't empty your bladder on your own or have a urinary tract infection, or uti. side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, fatigue, uti, painful urination and difficulty emptying your bladder. tell your doctor your medical history. muscle or nerve conditions, medications including botulinum toxins, antiplatelets and blood thinners, may increase the risk of serious side effects. ask a urology specialist pif botox can help pcalm your bladder. pvisit pand learn how botox
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seresto makes it easy to help protect your dog or cat from fleas and ticks. with the performance you expect from a monthly topical in a non-greasy collar... seresto kills and repels fleas and ticks for 8 continuous months. seresto
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before it was honey in these honey nut cheerios, it was honey being collected. and honey getting made. just beginning. this is the all-new 2016 chevy malibu. wow, it's nice. let's check it out. do any of you have kids? pi do yes. this car has a feature built in called teen driver technology, which lets parent's see how their teens are driving. oh, that's smart. it even mutes the radio until the seat belt is fastened. will it keep track of how many boys get it in the car? (laughter) this is ahead of what my audi has for sure. wish my beamer had that. i didn't even know that technology existed. i'm not in the market for
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back at 7:50. carson is in the orange room with the rap everybody is talking about. hey, carson. >> that's right. "hamilton" the musical has taken over broadway, taken over the country. now, it's taken over the white house. on monday, the cast took a trip to d.c. and participated in a q&a with local students and put on a performance in the east room. then the show's creator, lin-manuel miranda took it to the rose garden for a free style rap with the president. take a look. got the job done it's so fun it's the oval office, i can't believe i'm there so much more intimidating than times square opportunity knocks and i can't stop here with the president and my pops yo, the mic drops
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you think that's going viral? that's going viral. >> president holding up the words as the creator was picking up the words like "opportunity" and working it into the free style. the cast shared their experience on social media. fun to follow. from the rest stops to posing with the historical figures they'd played. hamilton in the middle. their performance was streamed live on the white house's youtube channel. it was great. the president said we wanted to share this musical with folks who might otherwise not get the experience. and said, we hope the remarkable life of alexander hamilton will show our young people the possibilities within themselves. it was awesome. check out the free style if you haven't already. >> remember the "today" show musical? >> i think i know where this is going. >> gets us back to the white house, i'll do it. this is today and just like every day >> my bad. we'l know how you earn the title ... world's best mom? by starting each day with a perfectly balanced mug of... i've got this.pmom!
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will >> local, live, late-breaking, this is a wesh 2 news update. brett: good morning. i' m brett connolly.
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time now is 7:56. pulled it out open for the florida primary. they go be a make or break day for marco rubio. as for democrats, bernie sanders trailing hillary clinton. polls close at 7:00 today. ted: two patrol car crashes. you might need two years old winter garden together on one, and in osceola, a landlocked on what i did too. -- lane blocked on 192. from kaley avenue drive and no, you will be hitting the brakes. amy: hazy and foggy in spots, and as we get more sunshine, that will lift. afternoon. visibility down in ocala. four miles in orlando. it is a little gray to start.
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low-to-mid 60' s in the north, upper 60' s and lower 70' s in the metro area. it is a warm start, and a warm afternoon. upper 80' s in most of the area, and a few of us will even hit 90 degrees today. well above our average. that is 78. warm and dry tomorrow, and a front approaches for signature to say. scattered showers and storms. along with more clouds and cooler air. once if you're doing everything right but find it harder and harder to get by, you're not alone. while our people work longer hours for lower wages, almost all new income goes to the top 1%. my plan -- make wall street banks and the ultrarich pay their fair share of taxes, provide living wages for working people, ensure equal pay for women. i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message because together, we can make a political revolution and create an economy and democracy that works for all
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this is a letter from someone who's here. she has to take a brand name drug. been taking it since the early 1980's. at that time it cost approximately $180 for 10 shots. the latest refill was $14.700 for the same 10 vials and the company is called valeant pharmaceuticals.
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we're going to make sure it is stopped. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. it's 8:00 on "today". coming up, do vaccines expire? the study suggesting the vaccinations you got as a child could wear off. do you need booster shots as an adult? dr. natalie azar weighs in with the answer. ever go to the store with a short list and come home with a full cart? the savvy ways grocers get you to spend money without realizing it. what will they wear? >> winners are -- kaitlin and john! >> congratulations.
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in our big fat today wedding. now, you'll choose what they wear when they walk down the aisle. today, tuesday, march 15th, 2016. >> we're on the "today" show. let's get on it, don't you leave me brokenhearted >> birthday girl. >> 84-year-old grandma woke us up to be here. >> it's 8:00 on "today". that is an adorable little baby. tuesday, march 15th. great day on our plaza. the crowd is wild and loud. spring break rolls on. it's kind of a rainy one out here. >> what's that? >> drizzly and rainy.
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and now we're back into those days where you realize it's not quite spring yet. >> it is still warm, so this is okay. >> true. >> could be worse. >> did you say something? just kidding. by the way, folks at home, you have important work to do this week. our couple in the big fat today wedding is getting ready. this morning, you get to vote for what ladies will say is one of the most important decisions, besides who to marry. what to wear, the dress and the tux, as we count down to the big day. first, a check of the top stories. >> voting is underway in a day of presidential primaries that could make or break campaigns. illinois is one of the states taking part. hallie jackson is on the trail in chicago for us. good morning. >> natalie, good morning. illinois is one of the states where donald trump is looking for a win. more importantly, he wants one in ohio. the state where there is the most at stake for both democrats
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>> reporter: today, all eyes on the buckeye state. >> i love you, ohio. you can make the difference. >> reporter: where donald trump, for the first time in days, didn't hear a peep from protesters. but his crowd heard plenty about john kasich. >> kasich cannot make america great again. >> reporter: trump is upping the attacks as kasich is neck and neck with him in ohio. trump wants to win. kasich has to. >> we can't unite america by dividing america. >> reporter: the governor getting back up, though not an endorsement, from former nominee mitt romney. >> unlike the other people running, he has a real track record. >> reporter: 367 delegates up for grabs across five states and a u.s. territory. the winner takes s s all in ohio and florida, where marco rubio is making his last stand. new polls show him headed for what could be a campaign killing loss, though he is looking to pull off an upset. >> we don't just get 99 delegates.
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they will not be able to stop. >> ted cruz focusing on illinois. where he was interrupted by a pro-trump protester. >> one difference between this and a donald trump rally. i'm not asking anyone to punch you in the face. >> reporter: the republicans duking it out. the democrats, too. >> turnouts have been and i'm proud of that. >> reporter: bernie sanders predicting a win in ohio, the biggest battleground, hoping to cut into hillary clinton's commanding 20-point lead. >> i've gotten more votes than anyone running on either side. i feel really good about what i am in this campaign. >> both democrats in the msnbc town halls saved their sharpest attacks for donald trump, who is insisting this morning to matt and savannah that he has the support of the gop, saying he's getting calls from some of the biggest names in the party, natalie. if he wins ohio and florida,
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thanks. we have breaking news this morning from berlin. police there say an explosion that damaged a car and killed the driver during this morning's a bomb. it happened on a busy street leading into the heart of the german capital. police say the source of the explosion was either inside or on the vehicle. blast. for the first time, a top nfl official has publicly acknowledged a direct link between pro football and a long-term brain disorder. the league's senior vice president for health and safety, jeff miller, appeared monday before a congressional committee, committee,. he said there is a link between football and degenerative brain disorders like c.t.e. however, in a statement to nbc news overnight, the nfl reiterated miller's caution that more questions need to be
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clothes make a man. imagine what they do for a horse. mccoy wanted to make a statement at a horse festival in england today. he had this tweed suit made for the horse. took four weeks of measurements and taylor i tailoring to get the fit right. the results are smashing. we know how the horse wears the pants and a suit now, too. matt, over to you. eye-opening new study tied to your health. recent outbreaks like the measles are caused by vaccinations expiring over time. do we need boosters? kids get the vaccines and time passes, they do wear off. what's the headline here? >> in addition to adolescents, there is a reminder for adults
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>> you revealed, it may be time for you to get booster shots. >> yes. known as whooping ing ing cough. it's preventable. >> it is. a newer recommendation from the cdc in the last couple years is every woman who is pregnant could get the tdap. the pertussis is only available in combination with the tetanus and diphtheria. a woman should get it in the third trimester. when a baby is born, it harbors the mom's immunity. infants don't get vaccinated for pertussis until two months. it takes two weeks for the mom to develop antibodies. that's why it's recommended in the third trimester. >> tetanus, what's the recommendation? >> every ten years for tetanus. given in combination with diphtheria, which is also
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>> will you remind me what diphtheria is? >> it's an infection caused by a bacterium. it can cause severe disease. it can cause mild disease. generally disease of the upper respiratory tract. neck, swollen throat. >> measles is one a lot of people are letting go. >> yes. here's the important number to remember. if you were born before 1957, you are in all likelihood immune because you were exposed and had measles. the dose, in 1989, they introduced the second booster for school aged kids. that was before my time. i received one vaccine. you can get a blood test. you can check your mmr, but it's probably not that big of a deal if you're unsure, to get
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the booster, second dose, will confer 97% inl mmune ity immunity. >> also important to consider it if you're traveling overseas. >> there are exceptions having to do with your age, profession, if you travel. little nuances to the recommendations. it's not a one size fits all. >> good information. thank you very much. coming up, gradual or cold turkey. which is the best way to drop vices? for example, smoking. plus, the investment michael jackson made years ago that's landing his family $750 million now.
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nfidential, introducing the fusion of exceptional taste with the benefits of our probiotic yogurt. new activia fruit fusion, with the exclusive probiotic bifidus regularis. delicious and good for you. new activia fruit fusion. i can't believe it has 40% fewer calories than butter. i can't believe it's made with real, simple ingredients. i can't believe... we're on a whale. i can't believe my role isn't bigger. real ingredients. unbelievable taste.
8:11 am
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it's about time the taco...came out of its shell. unleash the power of dough. give it a pop. if you're looking to save money on your medicare part d prescriptions, walgreens says, carpe med diem. seize the day to get more out of life and medicare part d. just switch to walgreens for savings
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of your day. now preview the cost of your you can even get one-dollar copays on select plans. i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer. my psoriatic arthritis just like my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. and i was worried my doctor saidr joint pain from ra can be a sign of existingt joint damage that could only get worse. he prescribed enbrel to help relieve pain and help stop further damage. enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplace where fungal infections are common, or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. don't start enbrel if you have
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joint pain and damage... can go side by side. ask how enbrel can help relieve joint pain and help stop joint damage. enbrel, the number one rheumatologist-prescribed biologic. we're back at 8:13. time for what's trending today. that is no lie. >> raise your hand if, from time to time, you tell little lies? >> i never do. that was a lie. i do sometimes. >> yes. >> little white lies. >> some are worse than others, right? >> yes. >> a new survey, people are spilling the truth about the lies they tell, ranking them from the worst of the worst to harmless lies. the top three worst of the worst were all related to intimacy. about the number of romantic partners you've had, about love making and birth control. >> okay. >> those are bad lies.
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>> other lies deemed more harmless. my phone died. let's keep in touch. i'm on my way. there were a lot of white lies that made the list. they're designed to spare someone's feelings. these are called the good lies. for example, this meal you made is delicious. >> yeah. >> i'm really bad with names. >> yes. >> and your baby is so cute. we all agree we've done that? >> people don't mean it when they say that? >> no, your baby is really cute. >> i'm really bad with names though. >> do you use it sometimes to get out of bad situations? >> we all do. >> by the way, that dress is really pretty. >> it is. >> okay. >> what's your worst white lie? anyone want to fess up? >> this is not new. of course not. >> i'm on my way. really, really close, and still nowhere near. >> my ringer was off. sorry.
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>> when i downloaded my upgrade software, it dropped a lot of my contacts. >> i like that. moving on. what is the best way to quit smoking? or quit anything. that was the question at the heart of a revealing survey. included people who quit smoking cold turkey, verses those who weaned themselves off over the course of two weeks. who had the most success? guesses? >> yeah. >> cold turkey. >> go cold turkey. >> 25% more likely to kick the habit. bottom line according to the research, if you're going to do it, rip off the band aid and do it. >> unfortunately, i smoked and it was a combination of both that helped me. 80% of the cigarettes you smoke, if you smoke a pack a day, are frivolous. you don't need them. i weaned off those and narrowed it down to the four or five i felt i had to have. from there moment, i went cold turkey. that worked for me. >> i'll go with 100% of the cigarettes you smoke, you don't need. time. quitting is the important part.
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>> drinking problems, talked about that. we'll drink one day a week. you know what happens? next thing, it's like, every night this week. >> i know. true. >> we don't have a drinking problem. >> now the blockbuster music deal that involves michael jackson. gwen stefani makes a return to the "voice." a deal worth $750,000 and involving big names. michael jackson's estate, $750 million price. the deal covers 3 million songs, including works by the beatles, taylor swift and eminen m but not from himself. the long awaited sequel. matt, your prayers have been answered. the wheels are in motion for "princess diaries 3." the director confirmed he and
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shooting will wait until anne has her baby and returns from maternity. it helped anne become a big star. let's get to the "voice." battle rounds. each coach had a celebrity mentor. guess who blake shelton picked. gwen stefani. have a look. >> here you are. i knew you were back for season ten. >> thank you for having me back, blake. >> if there is anybody who understands what a battle round is, it's somebody who has been a coach. she knows what it takes to win this thing. >> you did so good with jeffrey austin last year. got him to the finale. will you get some of my people to the finale? >> i would love to help you because i think you need a lot of help, blake. >> what does that mean? >> likes her a lot.
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>> you can see more on the "voice." ladies and gentlemen, more "voice" on this network tonight. 8:00/7:00 central. >> i was watching. it was good. >> combination of blake shelton and forrest gump. >> sounds like that. one more item related to the "voice." while the artists are on stage during the blind auditions, we know that you, carson, are backstage with the families. cheering them on during the nail-biting moments. >> i love it. >> the "voice" sent us this clip, showing you, car son son daly, in action. >> right there! all right, baby. that's our girl! she made it. come on, blakey. [ cheers and applause ]. >> we got it! high-fives. >> i love those moments. i took that kid home. i'm raising him. adorable. i love it. i get caught up in there. i get wrapped up. families from all over the
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i want to make sure they're well-taken care of and it's fun to be there. i feel silly watching it but yeah -- >> i've take it a thousand times. you don't get enough air time and credit on that show. i mean that. >> thank you. it's fun. >> carson, thanks. dylan, how about a check of the weather? >> little chilly outside. the warm upis come up is coming. we are looking at perhaps record-braking temperatures in some areas with highs running 20 degrees above average. let's look at some of the highs that are in jeopardy. st. louis, nashville. 2012 was a warm day back then, and we could see a record-breaking 83 in memphis. also in nashville. tupelo tupelo, record in the southeast. also record highs. top out in the mid to upper 80 amy: good morning central florida, happy tuesday.
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cloud cover but our temperatures they will climb thanks to getting lots of sun by the afternoon. we will have breez >> that's your latest forecast. savannah? >> dylan, thank you so much. this coming on "consumer secrets. wonder why you go to the store with the short list and come home with a mountain of stuff? martin, author of "small data, the tiny clues that uncover huge trends," is here and will help us save money. good to see you. >> likewise. >> these are decisions we make before he even go. right? >> that's true. you have to remember, every second we leave these clues behind us, it's called small
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the first thing is our choice of shopping cart. >> i get the big cart. >> you're wrong. you have to choose the smaller one. this makes you spend, in some cases, up to 40% less. we want to stack this one so we feel she achieve this one. >> pick the back ket sket. if you go back twice, it's okay? >> exactly. >> the kind of music at the store that's played matters? >> the most important thing is sound. you're spending between 7% and 8% less if you're listening to music. >> and the market plays the music, the slow tempo, because you buy more? >> slower than the heart beat rate. you spend more time. >> listen to electronic dance music in your headset? >> exactly. >> store design is key. how do they set it up, and what
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>> feel the ripple effect here in this is the new flooring material supermarkets are wearing because it makes your shopping cart vibrate. you look around and wake up from this slumber state and buy more. be careful. >> okay. also, counterclockwise. should you shop in a different direction? >> most are designed so you go counter clockwise. most of us are right-handed. we grab more and spend around 7% more. >> should you do the opposite? >> it's hard. you're into a pattern. >> they use lighting to make it look good. >> it's fantastic. >> very yellow. >> we now know, this is from one of the manufacturers of bananas. we know today that the warmer the color, the more i spend, the more bananas i'll buy. the greener, the less i'll
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there is a color coding system, to make sure to always have the right color. of course, it's influenced by the light, as well. >> they do the light not just on the stuff, but between the aisles, right? >> they do. also, they have something called the shadow line. you see, when you are in a supermarket, there is always a shadow above the products. can't see the products. now they're putting light above it so you can see the entire product and it makes you buy around 5% more. >> another trick. the handwritten sign. that makes me buy more? >> well, it certainly does. not only that, if it says maximum, six cans or whatever per customer, you buy more. we're afraid of losing out on a deal. handwritten signs almost double as efficient as a preprinted sign. it's how we're hard wired. >> a lot of us look at the circulars or get a coupon or something. are those good deals, generally? >> no, they're not. >> are there certain days that are good to buy certain things?
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if you want to buy fresh meat, choose monday or tuesday. typically, you get a supply. fish, great for tuesdays. you have to remember, also there are different trends. the first and second week are appealing because that's where people get the coupons, the food stamps. the supermarkets are designed around giving the great offers in the beginning of the month. >> we have to get to the last thing. i come to the stuff and i'm like, i want to put it back. now the grocery stores are getting better at not allowing you to do that. >> they designed the aisles so narrow, you can't off load anything. it's embarrassing to off load it. people are forced to buy more. >> martin, eye-opening. >> i'm sorry about all this. >> i'm overspending. by the way, tomorrow we'll look at gym memberships. what you need to know before signing the contract. thank you. matt, to you. look, three generations of
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shirley mclain, nia and announcer: local, live, late breaking.
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brett: good to -- on brett connolly. it is 8:26. things are getting back to normal this morning the lanes along i-4. the lanes along kirkman road have reopened. all lanes in the area were shutdown overnight after two drivers collided head-on. both of them died. authorities say one of the cars involved reeked of alcohol. ted: more trouble on the roadways. it' s not i-4, state road 50 at colonial -- state road 50. we are blocked off at good holmes road. good holmes is completely closed down in both directions. use old winter garden for 50 and/or sure road -- torture road -- a little fog and hayes we are dealing with. once that lets we will end up with lots of sunshine.
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a mile and a quarter in the villages. a couple of spots for ef4 and five mile visibility. that will continue to improve this morning as we get more sunshine, our temperatures will climb. 71 in melbourne, 69 in sanford and 61 in ocala. headed to the upper 80' s, even a couple spots that hit 90 today. well above our average of 78. wind will be out of the west and that will send the heat over to
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warm we're back now at 8:30 on a tuesday morning. the 15th day of march, 2016. that's ansel elgort, one of the stars of the new "divergent" movies. he plays caleb, a character fans didn't like in the second installment. >> there was a squeal that let out. i thought it was for you and carson. then i saw ansel.
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maclaine here, talking about the experience she had on the set of her latest movie. >> she's probably one of my top guests of all time, by the way. i love her. tomorrow, we'll be joined by jennifer garner. >> fantastic. >> also, our wedding couple. now they need clothes for the big day. we're going to give you a few choices. guess what, guys? you get to make the picks for them. all beautiful choices. >> all right. >> also, a no-brainer dinner recipe. it's one of our favs, steak. >> how about a check of the weather? >> improving conditions in the northeast. still unsettled across new england, where we have clouds and scattered showers. also, a risk of stronger storms back through iowa and the chicago area. then this storm system will try to spread to the east tomorrow. as it does, it'll intensify and bring heavier pockets of snow
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couple of scattered showers in the interior northeast. also watching storms in louisiana, where the flooding continues. we've got members of the naval academy here. i know there's a big dance coming up. what's your name, sir? >> caleb. >> what do you want to ask on live tv? >> well, since we're speaking about weather, it would warm my heart if you, danielle holt, would go with me to the dance. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> you just melted my heart. you have to let me know what she says. >> i definitely will. thank you. >> thank you so much. amy: good morning central florida, happy tuesday. we are starting up a little cloud cover but our temperatures they will climb thanks to
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we will have breez >> that's your latest forecast. matt? >> dylan, thank you very much. we're joined now by an oscar winner, shirley maclaine. she's out with a new book, shooting a recent movie and what she learned in the process. it's called "above the line, my wild oats adventure." >> good to see you. >> you, too, matt. >> it's been a while. how have you been? >> very good. learning to live with growing older. interesting experience. >> you look great, by the way. can i say that? no stuff done. >> great. all natural. >> i think i gained ten pounds on that movie. >> first of all, most of the time, an actor or actress comes to promote the movie. this movie isn't out yet.
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experience of shooting it was so interesting to you and consequential, you wrote a book why? >> okay. we were doing the movie really for nothing. you know how independent film making is now. >> right. >> it's a real exercise in how you react to materialism. we deferred our salaries. we got paid something and deferred the rest, so the company would give us an okay to begin. then it all started happening. these experiences. >> your agent didn't want you to do the movie. >> nobody did. >> it was shot on location in the canary islands. what did you know about the there? >> i didn't know anything. as i was on the airlines going to do this movie, i knew we had no budget for, the only flight that flies to the lost continent of atlanta is is.
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you are someone who truly believes you have lived past lives. >> no question. >> one of the past lives -- >> in atlantic. >> when you got off the plane, did it feel like going to any airport, or did something strike you? >> struck me later. let me just say, matt, when you get older, the short-term memory has its problems. i've got an incredible long-term memory. now, it's going not only to my childhood this time around, it's going to other lifetimes a long time ago. >> help me understand. when you start to have these feelings or these thoughts, connecting with a past life, are they subtle moments, or do they hit you like a brick? >> with me, it's subtle. it's kind of emotional picture of facts. you know you felt this somewhere else. by the way, i've had past life experiences in nearly every country i've been do. i'm a girl of travel.
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streets in india. temples in russia. i can't even think of all the places. that's why i travel. i was so interested in understanding who i am, what i come from. it's very important to me to know that i have been to other cultures. >> there you are in the canary islands shooting this movie. each day, you didn't know if the movie could continue shooting because the finances were so tough. what did you learn and remember or feel about your past life in atlantic lan lantis while you were there? >> a lot of things happened not just to me but the other cast members. you'd be holding a glass, and it would break. we had trouble adjusting to the time change. i went on a little trek on one of the mountains there. turned around and there was this huge human, about over 8 feet tall.
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i'm looking at him, and i'm thinking, this is what hit me, i'm looking at another sense of time. he is confused about where he is. i don't know what he is. i'm not confused about where i am, but i know he came from another time. that happened to me. >> when you connect with a past life, shirley, can it comfortable, or can it be upsetting? >> if it's a past life for which you are trying to balance your karma today, it can be upsetting. if you killed somebody in a past life and you feel guilty about shall. >> has that ever happened? >> yeah. >> that's a whole other interview. before i let you go, you're a news junky. >> yes. >> you love keeping in touch with what's going on. >> don't ask me about him. >> no, no. election. but the last thing i want to say is, you don't like being called
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everyone refers to you that way. >> well, it's because i've lived a long time. i've done a lot of stuff. been recognized in a lot of ways. but i'm just -- well, i might not be like everybody else, but i'm just happy being myself. frankly, don't want a lot of frills and bells and whistles. like to be alone. love to sit with my dogs as a regular person. eat when i want to. stuff everybody kind of really wants in their life, and those are my same ambitions. >> at the risk of upsetting you as we end the interview, you are legendary, and you are iconic. one of my favorite people to talk to. >> thank you, matt. >> pleasure, as always. >> terrific. >> she'll be back with kathie lee and hoda. the book is "above the line." what will they wear? your chance to pick the dress and tux and other stuff for our wedding couple. this is "today" on nbc. go pick out a white dress
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to get by, you're not alone. while our people work longer hours for lower wages, almost all new income goes to the top 1%. my plan -- make wall street banks and the ultrarich pay their fair share of taxes, provide living wages for working people, ensure equal pay for women. i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message because together, we can make a political revolution and create an economy and democracy that works for all
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we're back at 8:40. more of our big fat today wedding. you picked our couple last week. now, it is time to plan the big event. we're going to start with the all important fashion choices. >> reporter: wedding dresses. today, there is something for everyone. from barely there lingerie inspired dresses to a resurgence in sleeves for a modest approach. >> five year ago, we were talking about trends and they would have been strapless, strapless and more strapless. in 2016, you have every option in the world. >> reporter: the top trends, floral for a glow flowy look. little white dresses. brush, skirts and plunging necklines in the front, back or both. it's all about finding a dress that reflects you. >> i've been in the business for 40 years.
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you. >> reporter: let's not forget the lucky guy. black tuxes rule but with a modern twist. adding a bright pocket square or socks. suits are in a variety of shades. grooms adding their own touches to this once in a lifetime experience. >> we're ready to shop in our makeshift salon. we have nia from "my big fat greek wedding 2," and we have our stylist and the couple of the hour. >> it's like christmas morning. >> picking the wedding dress is a big deal. >> it is. >> it's going to be the photo album you bore people with for the rest of your life. >> we have our wedding pictures. it's actually my anniversary. happy anniversary, honey. >> do you still love your dress, nia? >> i do. i wore my mother's. look at my husband.
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miller dress. >> your movie husband right there. >> uh-huh. >> let us go through three options, right? >> we do. >> first one is the timeless beauty with the twist. let's have the models come on out. >> this couple is so beautiful. >> wow. >> our bride is wearing a beholden gown. it's anthropology's selection. this one is special. it's got a really traditional silhouette, but kind of lightweight. it's almost a little flirty. don't you agree? >> yeah, very flirty. >> it's a popular trend, these 3d flowers that almost seem like they're dancing off the fabric. a gorgeous plunging front and allusion neckline. >> what do you think, nia? >> the fact it s
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is great. >> what about the groom? >> this is your classic black tuxedo. elegant, never going out of style. i have to tell you, the key if you're going to go with this tux, tailor it. it makes it special. >> we'll bring the next couple out. this is an elegant affair. let's have our models, jessica and scott, come on out. >> i have to tell you, this is so sophisticated and chic. our gorgeous bride jess is wearing a pronovias gown. mermaid silhouette. we're loving the back v. so hot on runways now. embellished sleeves give it sparkle but not too much. >> is that a navy tux? >> you watched the oscars, right? >> nia goes to the oscars. >> i don't get invited, just go. >> navy was the hot color for men's ware.
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flattering. it has detail on the pocket and the pant leg. this is your iconic new york city wedding. >> thank you. the next is what we'd call a show stopper. >> yeah, we like sexy and i'll tell you why in a moment. this gorgeous dress is a lace bodice in a blush tone. it's popular with style me pretty brides right now. we have this full body tool skirt. the very best part about the dress is the skirt detached. >> oh, wow. didn't show. >> hello. >> mini dress. >> nia didn't know where we were going with that. >> i've seen this. you show up at the brie dal party and dance in the little thing. >> our groom has vera wang from men's warehouse. >> is this the first time you've
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>> yeah. >> i would ask your opinion but actually, it's up to the viewers to decide. >> yeah. >> don't want to tip the scales. >> the wedding is march 24th. let's run through the choices again. the timeless beholden gown and the black tux. the elegant gown and navy tux. if you want fun, we have the detached gown paired with the gray tux. voters, it's now up to you. make your selection. you have until 5:00 eastern time today. >> see anything you liked? >> i did. >> john? >> i feel i shouldn't have been seeing that. >> very true. i feel like none are as big as the dress i wore in "my big fat greek wedding." i'm disappointed but go with what you want. >> "my big fat greek wedding 2" hits theaters the day after your wedding, march 25th. >> thank you.
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hollywood is here next, ansel elgort.
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this is a letter from someone who's here. she has to take a brand name drug. been taking it since the early 1980's. at that time it cost approximately $180 for 10 shots. the latest refill was $14.700 for the same 10 vials and the company is called
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i'm going after them. this is predatory pricing and we're going to make sure i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. mendously well-liked in real life, but in the "divergent" series, his character caleb doesn't have a lot of fans. in the third installment called "allegiant," one moment gives take a look. >> i'm sorry. beatrice, please! >> deal with this one. you think i'm asking permission? >> no, please. four! >> ansel elgort, good morning. good to have you back. >> thank you. >> belated happy birthday. it was your birthday yesterday. how did you celebrate? >> i was at the premiere yesterday. >> good way to celebrate a birthday.
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i said, listen, guys, i'm in new york and it's my birthday. i need more tickets. i ended up getting 22 tickets out of them. it was good. >> you had your own premiere. >> it was like my own birthday party. theo and shailene started a big happy birthday song for me. it was a surprise before the movie started. >> good for you. >> it was fun. they brought in an opera singer who started singer. happy birthday >> don't stop. go ahead. to you >> you had a good voice. we'll talk about that later. everybody hated caleb. the fans of this movie are vocal. >> yeah. >> they hated him after the second installment. is this moment that we just saw going to make them think differently about you -- or him? >> not that moment. caleb does redeem himself. especially young people, everyone makes mistakes and i think he starts to regret them. especially since the only thing he has left is his family. beatrice is his only living family member left.
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to make it up to her and make it up to everybody. he does. everyone last night was saying, it's nice you were finally a nice guy in this. you saved the day. it was really nice. >> it's nice to have a positive feedback for a while. >> oh, you're a great guy but i hate your character. >> in the movie, you guys climb the wall that closes in the ruined city of chicago. >> yeah. >> everybody makes it up the wall. i see lots of good stunt work there. your character struggles. the weird part about that is you're a rock climber. >> yeah. >> why didn't you say to the director, this doesn't work, i >> it's acting. you have to be in character. can't break character just baez because i like to rock climb in real life. >> you'll shoot the fourth installment later this year, right? >> yes. >> i know it's been great to you. but are you looking forward to putting the series in the rear-view mirror? >> of course. this has been really fun, and what i will miss a lot is the cast members and everyone who i
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it's really fun to create that relationship. for example, last night at the premiere, we're all there and so friendly. we're all friends. it's something we've built over time. but i'm working on a lot of great projects now. i just finished "billionaire boys club." i'm working in atlanta right now. i have to fly back tonight to shoot "baby driver." i'm a get away driver with jamie foxx and kevin spacey and john n hamm. >> good to see you and happen by birthday again. >> thank you. >> "allegiant" opens on friday. steak recipe is coming up.
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if you're doing everything right but find it harder and harder to get by, you're not alone. while our people work longer hours for lower wages, almost all new income goes to the top 1%. my plan -- make wall street banks and the ultrarich pay their fair share of taxes, provide living wages for working people, ensure equal pay for women. i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message because together, we can make a political revolution and create an economy and democracy that works for all
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we're back at 8:54. time for our no-brainer week on today food. why did they pick me for this? get you out of the kitchen in a hurry. we have the host of "simply laura," which just launched its second season. good to see you. >> good to see you. good morning. >> we're making something everyone loves, steak, and you have a delicious butter to go with it. >> no-brainer recipes, i feel like, is the theme of "simply laura." everything i make is simple and ease y easy. herb butter is fabulous. add instant flavor from steaks
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>> this is a simple list. >> you need steak, of course. a good rib eye. 1 inch ribeye will win me over every time. i have butter softened to room temperature. if you would, take the four and drop them? >> our tasters are downstairs. >> if you would, add a little lemon zest. it adds such lovely brightness to the butter. then once you kind of give it a nice -- >> enough? >> perfect. small pinch of salt. pepper. then if you would -- >> yes. >> -- you want to mix that. you don't have to use these herbs. if you want, you can do chili or cilantro. put it on plastic wrap. >> we have a few seconds left. how are you getting that on to
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you roll that, pop it in the fridge so it gets nice and hard. then you'll want to salt the steak liberally. chopped rose mare mary. pepper, as well. add this to a hot cast iron skillet. >> guys, how is it tasting? >> really good. great flavor. >> let it cook for four minutes on each side. you get it out, let it rest, which is really important. then you go ahead and slice it. green beans and toss it with butter. >> the butter works with the beans, as well. thank you. announcer: local, live, late breaking. this is a wesh 2 news update. brett: good morning, i' m brett connolly. jazmin: i' m jazmin walker. primary day in florida and we are hearing of motor problems.
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jason: several calls and tweets have come into our newsroom this morning from people saying they were told they couldn' t vote. it' s happening at orange county precinct 425. that is at bear creek park in the south part of orange county. workers told us the internet was down and they did not know when it would be fixed so they could not vote. orange county supervisor of elections as his office is looking into the problem. he says there is a book that can be used as a backup to internet and he is not sure why it wasn' t used. leave a crew there. look for live updates in the mobile app. but it to ted. ted: the 408 eastbound getting onto the 417 north and southbound, take traffic jam because of a crash that is basically closed that ramp there. you' re displeased by on the shoulder. it is affecting the northbound 417 approaching the 408. crash on colonial drive at good holmes road. amy: visibility improving and most of the area although we
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marion county down to the recorder of the mile. the rest of those numbers coming up. fog in the clouds will go away and we will keep climbing. temperatures in the lower 70' s and a lot of the area. we are headed to the upper 80' s near 90 today. mostly sunny skies once the clouds without this morning. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy.
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(donkey sound) (elephant sound) there's a big difference between making noise, (tapping sound) and making sense. (elephant sound) (donkey sound) when it comes to social security, we need more than lip service. our next president needs a real plan to keep social security strong. (elephant noise) hey candidates. enough talk.
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plus, the big dance is right around the corner. we have the hottest prom dress for 2016. all next from "live." [captioning made possible by disney-abc domestic television]


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