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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  February 24, 2016 11:35pm-12:37am EST

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my kimmel live."from hollywood, it's " jimmy kimmel live" ! amsay from " underground" jurnee smollett-bell and music from wolfmother with cleto and the objects --
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>> jimmy: i'm jimmy, i'm the host. thank you for watching. thanks to all of you for coming.e to hollywood. home of the oscars, which are right across the street. home of the walk of fame which is right in front of our of dozens of homeless spider men who live literally on those ttention to the elections? how can you not? it's donald trump against all reasonable expectation -- he's now the no kidding around he republican nominee for president. he won the nevada caucuses last night. he didn't just win, he destroyed. he got more votes than ted cruz combined. it's yuge. it's humongous. it's humiliatingly close to
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trump won in every dem he won white men, white women, white rich people, white poor people. rural whites, urban whites. he got one vote from aas nice. [ laughter ] trump actually even won the latino vote. which is amazing. it's amazing, right, guillermo? crazy. >> jimmy: i have to say it makes me wonder if people really come here from mexico for a better life? or if they come to get away from theire they want the wall to keep their in-laws out. [ laughter ] you would support a wall that kept yourother country, wouldn't you? >> guillermo: yes. >> jimmy: this was trump's third straight victory following wins in new hampshire and south carolina.e spoke passionately to an enthusiastic crowd of supporters.up stories! they should never say no
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>> jimmy: hold on, hold the wrong clip. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that was not donald trump? okay. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: sorry. kidding, of course. that was kanye west speaking at his church. [ laughter ] this is donald trump. >> we won the evangelicals, we won withith old, we won with highly educated, we won with poorly educated. i love the poorly educated. >> jimmy: well, they feel the same way about you. [ laughter ] he loves the poorly educated. them. in fact, the poorly educated love him so much, they made him this advertisement.n dangerous times, america needs a leader. someone who is tough enough to stand up to the terrorists.
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stand up to dictators like little kim of north korea.of russia. and chinese president 11. donald trump believes in the constipation and will ps under the second commencement. let's make america great again. donald trump. paid for by this guy.[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: so i was -- i grew up in las vegas. i'm pretty suremp won nevada. so this is a campaign sign supporting ted cruz. this is a sign supporting marco is the one for donald trump. [ laughter ] so it's really hard to top. i don't care how nice your lawn is. it's not going to beat that. dr. ben carsonstant fourth in nevada. he only got 5% of the vote. but for some reason he's still
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he's promised to continue on. he said, this is a quote, s are starting to happen here." you know it's time to drop out when it has been weeksrump even bothered to call you a moron. while trump was at his big victory party, carson was in a conference room at the embassy suites where he laid out a clear and campaign going forward. >> right now we're sort of in the ancient rome stage. where everybody wanted to go to the see a colosseum, bring on the lions and tigers and let's see them eat the people. i mean, this was cool, that's whatme was burning. and, you know -- right now we're in that stage, okay, but -- we have a bunch of fireshers. and we are going to put the fire out.
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in our bellies. wait, what? we're going to put the fire out? and in our bellies? and if we're in ancient rome, how do we get ahold of a bunch of fireu know, i was thinking about why he was still running today. and my first guess is he's retired and he's bored. he has $10 million in the bank. why not run?s another possibility. i want you to think about this. maybe he's sleep walking. you know? people do crazy thingsep walking. they cook, they get in their car and drive, they climb out windows. maybe ben carson is running for president in his sleep. all the signs are half shut. he barely speaks above a whisper. most of what he says makes little to no sense. i really think he could be im in pajamas, you wouldn't know the difference. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ]e needs to lead him gently back to bed is what
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here's a guy who could help beny up. new england patriots rob gronkowski. in case you've been worrying about whether or not rob has been enjoying his een cruising the bahamas with 2,500 of his biggest fans on the gronk party ship. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy:him but 85 you've got to love him. how would he have celebrated if his team had won? facebook has new features to lead us farther awayn interaction. facebook today rolled out a new thing called reactions. they tested this in ireland and in spain. i guess it did well. because it's now available and here they are. there's like, which we had.
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there's wow. there's sad.ugh with the baby photos already. now instead of liking when a friend's dog passes away, which is weird. you can bel and sensitive posting a sad emoji with a giant tear squirting out of its face. soon all languages of the world will be boiled down to two y face and a poop. on that day we will have peace. yeah. facebook launched another new feature this week. it's lets you record a 15-second video wish someone a happy birthday, a voice mail and who doesn't love voice mail. now instead of getting birthday messages from people you don't know you'll also get birthdayou don't know. i barely have the energy to type "happy b-day" on someone's
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new and exciting ways to let strangers bother us. if this birthday cam proves to be a success, another be their most popular upgrade yet. >> birthday cam created a new way to send friends a nice cial day. now another service that lets you send your facebook friends a new kind of message. >> happy birthday, bud day.up? who the [ bleep ] are you? >> the facebook who the [ bleep ] are you cam. this new app allows you to go to your friends then send a short video message are. >> did we go to camp together? hot [ bleep ] are you? i notice you liveah who the [ bleep ] are you? i understand you ran a marathon, who the [ bleep ] are you? and why are you asking me to play games? your profile picture is a a baby? who the [ bleep ] are you? who the [ bleep ] are you? >> the facebook who the [ bleep ] are you cam.
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know who the [ bleep ] they are. >> wait. announcer are you? >> announcer: didn't we meet at cynthia's party? >> i don't know cynthia. >> announcer: who the [ bleep ] are you? >> i'm me, who the [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we're going to take a break. when we come back a guy fromsons unknown did something funny, he threw eggs -- one egg every day at his mother for a year. >> no! no! oh! >> jimmy: there are a lot more. and it gets much funnier from there. we tracked the guy down. his name is jamie. when we come back we'll chat with jamie and his mom live from stick around, we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ] 't have to forage, got two jobs to pay a mortgage,
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life's short, talk is cheap.ile you sleep. still don't think i've got a brain? you think a resume's enough? who'll step don't you want that kind of brain? a degree is a degree. you're gonna want someone like me.f you have a brain. hi, i'd like to make a dep-- r: rescan item. rescan, rescan. rescan item. vo: it happens so often o it. phone voice: main menu representative. representative. representative. vo: which is why being put first... relax, we got this. e getting used to. join the nation. nationwide is on your side representative. eep his wheels spinning. nice shorts, dad... they don't make 'em in adult sizes?
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look at the lines... -uhhh... look at the other line... -mm-mhh..starts his day with those two scoops in deliciously heart healthy kellogg's raisin bran. ready to eat my dust? too bad i already filled up on raisins.towards a healthy heart, jay knows he'll be ready for the turns ahead. hey, don't forget to put up your kickstand. (bike bell) (sighs)in bran. and try tart and sweet kellogg's raisin bran with cranberries. dad, you can just drop me off right here. oh no, iof the school. that's where your friends are. seriously, it's, it's really fine. you don't want to be seen with your dad? no, it' oh, there's tracy.horn honking ] [ forward collision warning ] bye dad! it brakes when you don't. volkswagen passat. right now you can get a $1,000 presidents' day bonus on new 2015 or 2016tta, or
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i'm savin' you five hundred coming soon from progressive, it's "savin' u," the new hit single from the dizzcounts. cash money biggest discount and understand... the dizzcounts. safe driver, paperless, paid-in-full, multi-car and joey five hundred i'm savin' you five hundred we have auto-tune, right? oh, yeah. all: yeah! since 1961, pearle vision has provided the neighe care. that was dr. stanley pearle's vision and we still pcy. today, doctors like lisa hamilton perform eye exams that can help detect diabetes.e for you... and your eyes. this is genuine eye care,
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi, there. welcome back to the show. gordon ramsay, jurnee rom wolfmother is on the way. i love a good prank. i love it when it involves a family member. so i mentioned before the break there's a guy in with a unique way to mess with his mom. for a year he recorded himself tossing an egg to/at her.n she least expected it, chuck an egg. he recorded it and posted the video for all the world to enjoy.h no! no! ahh! no! oh! no!
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no! oh! oh! no! no! no! every [ bleep ]ing day. ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: pretty good. we went to great lengths to find this kid. we searched the world. we located him in london enjoying us on our big cisco say hello to jamie keith and his mom carol. hello, jamie and carol. how are you? >> hey, jimmy. >> jimmy: thank you for joining t there right now? >> 20 past 1:00. >> jimmy: a.m., so it's almost ggs ready, i
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>> jimmy: what inspired you to throw eggs at your mother? >> god. well, i guess when we were growing up. we lived in back country, destroy it and that would be half developed. we can't always have that way of life, just make it easier -- >> jimmy: i know we both speak but i didn't understand one word of that. when you did this the first time did you know you were going to do it over and over again? >> no, i di enjoy the reaction first time, so from there i thought it could be something that would be worth developing. >> i see. >> c what happens when you see the egg in the air? because you have very, very good reflexes. does time slow down? like "the matrix"? lot of the eggs. >> well, i've had some good practice over the years.
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so if someone's passing they tempted to throw the butter and say, could you pop it in the fridge? to be honest the eggs was was a whole new irritating. >> jimmy: have you ever thought about screaming anything other than "no" every single time an egg is coming at you? >> yeah, worse. >> jimmy:e you ever considered throwing bacon at your mother to even things out? >> i think the burns if it lands irritating. with eggs. >> you do have some kind of a conshouldn't. carol, do you blame yourself for this? do you blame did raise this monster? >> yeah. yeah, i do. i take full blame in that -- i grew up in a house with threeo what you did was you did the washing-up at the sink and literally toss the plates or
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standing nearest the cupboardot a bunch of tossers in the family is what you have. and i seemed to have created my own. >> jimmy: yeah, you definitely did create your own. you know, easter is coming up in a couple of months.pecial planned? >> yeah, big-time with all those eggs. >> heavy footage being captured that month. thought the video was very, very funny. i enjoyed it immensely. jamie, thanks for taping it. i know carol was probably annoyed but i will all a good laugh. did you catch it? >> yes! >> just about. >> jimmy: she caught it again. unbelievable. carol, thank you guys very much. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: cheerio! all right.know, the oscars are sunday night.
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11th annual "after the oscars" working on a project we hope will get recognized by the academy. so far it hasn't. i've been developing family-friendly versus of so tonight we took the audio from the quentin tarantino "the hateful 8" and combined it with a scene from a looney tunes happens when sam jackson meets yosemite sam. >> if you lying then you killed you intend to murder me based on a far-fetched theory? can you prove it? >> how long you say you been working for me? >> for you'd have been here two and a half years ago you'd know about that sign used to hang up over the bar. you want to know what that sign said, senor? no dogsowed. you know why she took it down? >> no.
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[ cheers and applause ]t on the show we have music from wolfmother. jurnee smollett-bell is here. and we'll be right back with gordon ramsay. so stick around!icky: portions of " kimmel live" are brought to you by la-la yogurt smoothies. yogurting. this stuff up. bravo-niner, in pursuit of a toyota prius. over. how hard is it to catch a prius? over. this thing is actually pretty fast. over. very funny. oh look, a farmer's market. we should get some flowers for the car. yeah! holly! yota. let's go places. shop kohl's... this thursday through monday!... because yes2you take an extra 20% off!... and earn triple points!
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earn and redeem rewards points and kohl's cash throughout the store!nyone can - it's quick and it's easy! kohl's.
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back. tonight, from the new show " underground," jurnee smollett-bell is here.iddle of a tour of the united states. this is their album. it's called " victorious," wolfmother from the samsung outdoor stage. tomorrow night, kelly ripa is in town. she will be here tomorrow. from " how to get away with murder" we'll have music from tinashe and snakehips featuring chance the rapper and a new edition of "mean tweets.", the oscars here on abc. my tux comes out of storage for our 11th it's our biggest show of the year. this time around with ben affleck, chris rock, mons, mike tyson, matthew broderick, nathan lane, henry cavill,
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galore. please join us for that. our first guest tonight is a very talented and volatile person. he should not be working with knives, but he does. season 15 of his show " hell's wednesday nights on fox. please say hello to gordon ramsay!lause ] my: you look well. >> thank you, good to see you. >> jimmy: you still have a crushing handshake, a handshake that is designed to humiliate other men, yes?d a very stern message. a warm welcome, don't [ bleep ] with me. >> jimmy: let me ask you, why is it -- i was thinking about this today. i think this why is it okay to scream and yell at people who work for you in a restaurant -- i'mou specifically.
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why is it accepted in that workplace and not accepted at, say, the mall?all, [ bleep ], right? from 6:30 to 11:30 at night it's pandemonium pandemonium. you've got to get that message across. fully booked, immense pressure.'s that level of camaraderie, banter, communication. and then you need some donkey to throw the spanner in the works and the whole thing goes -up. not good. you're right, it's the energy in the kitchen, you can feel it, right? >> jimmy: yeah, sure. >> you think, wow, what's going on in there? i want to get in: no, i want to stay out of there if you're in there. are you able to at a nice restaurant, michelin star restaurant, able to joke around? is that allowed?mes. with your boys behind the line -- i go back to my time in paris when i started working at
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you come in say hello,xt minute you're peeling shallots. you get behind the line, you get this big, beautiful, white french hat. i don't know what it is with the >> jimmy: maybe they're short? seems taller if you have a big hat on? >> or elsewhere. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: . >> i was excited about keeping this hat clean. wednesday night, middle of service. one of these french [ bleep ] comes along, literally top of my hat. i'm standing there cook recognize are i could feel all this [ bleep ] -- >> jimmy: cracked it into your hat? >> i was so pissed off. days was to sling pigeons. both fingers into the back side, pull out the hearts and livers. they're delicious, come on.things. i stored them outside. these things are getting slimy and green. i thought, right, you little bastard.ngs wrapped up --
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>> no, the livers and the hearts. i went up, bang, on top of his head. you could see this french guy's hing. >> jimmy: did he ever mess with you again? >> no, no, he left a week later. >> jimmy: he did. you drove him out of tooking altogether. his kids haven't had a meal in whoyears. how are your kids doing? >> great. expensive. >> jimmy: yeah, they are. yeah, kids are expensive. how old are your children?ow expensive they were going to did be. 17, twins are 16, matilda's er zone there. or are they in the danger zone with you as a dad? do you embarrass them? >> they are, and any guy that comes within 500 meters of them. >> jimmy: oh, oldest started driving. as you, do i couldn't wait, go crazy. we bought her a car. i got the lessons. i feel bad. >> jimmy: i'm sure.
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lesson.nto the house. he was going through the manuals. i sneaked into the car. >> jimmy: into the back seat? >> into the back seat. this tiny [ bleep ] car.t down. got my son to lock me in. meg came out 25 minutes later. sat in.or, left, right, horn, et cetera. and then, right, megan, start the car, we're about to go. she said, no, i want to pull my seat back.the nuts. >> jimmy: was she driving a car or a karma? [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> she got really immy: she got upset? that she hurt you? >> no. upset that i was in there. >> jimmy: oh, right. >> i was just trying to give some back-so well. she didn't pass the test, i don't know. >> jimmy: probably not a good idea when your daughter's learning to drive to scareack seat. they say startling people while
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>> i wanted to help her. speed this lesson license up. she's got the passed the test. meg, come on you're nearly 18. the car's getting dust on it. >> jimmy: give her time. you don't want her out going >> she said, dad, chill, relax your sack, i'll get an uber. >> jimmy: seriously? >> that's right. [ laughter ] [ applause ]eat the uber. >> then the boyfriends. >> how many boyfriends come around? >> well, not many. >> jimmy: not many, yeah. >> jimmy: yeah. >> you're sort of getting used to the sort of things happening cetera. i say to jack, he's my son, look, re's 100 a week, keep me updated, photos online and et cetera -- >> jimmy: you're teaching jack to be a rat? $100 a week, i'll stalk your a week.
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i said to meg, look, you're our first princess. the earlier you tell me the more it. what do you mean, dad? log this in your mind. >> jimmy: you're our oldest princess and jack is our >> there was a shot, skiing in germany on half term. jack said, good news, they're in a nightclub. i said, there's two guys. who's that big -- i sent a message to megan. meg, who's the big german giraffe with the bent nose with his hand around you? it's a friend of mine. a friend? tell him when he wants his nose straight i'll [ bleep ] do it for him. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you should definitely not have children. gordan ramsay is here. we'll take a break, be right
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pay half. hey siri, what's oh, i don't think that siri can... right now, switch to at&t for
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yes. that is the current offer from at&t. okay siri, you don't to call you the at&t okay, shut her down. turn it off. get another one free when
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>> jimmy: we're back. jurnee smollett-bell and music from wolfmother. this is your 15th season of "hell's kitchen" which is incredible. i just wish they could [ bleep ] cook. >> jimmy: are there any good cooks left? or just people showing up who like to be abused? >> there are some good -- when you get ten, top five, it goes up a level. $250,000 prize. an amazing job this year. become good. they freeze in the middle of service. >> jimmy: what separates a good cook from a great cook? you see so many people who work in a kitchen, they chop things, make great. what is it? what separates a guy like you from a guy that maybe we've never heard of? >> i think that level of vision and understanding when to saylso i have a different method, i teach them how to
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if you don't know what it tastes like you should not be cooking it. year and 14 of those years have been three michelin stars so we can't get any higher. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i'm glad you mentioned taste. i learned something about you.ou spend here in the united states, you've never tasted girl scout cookies.amazing cookies with girl scouts. >> jimmy: this is almost sacred territory you're entering. >> okay. >> jimmy: there's the american flag and there's willie nelson irl scout cookies. [ cheers and applause ] those are the things we care about. okay?get you run out of the country. but these are girl scout cookies. girl scouts, you know what the girl scouts are. >> like the guides. >> jimmy: no, they're little girls. they sell them outside the i'm surprised you haven't seen them in action. they're everywhere. these are three kinds.
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take -- this is the visually they look like dog business kits. >> jimmy: visually they do look like dog biscuits, yes. >> yeah, they're that's a tag-along. it's got like peanut butner there or something. >> the name? tag-along? >> jimmy: indian word, it means "dog business kit."immy: this is the samoa. it's got a coconutty thing -- here's milk in case you want nk you. >> jimmy: guillermo always has a glass of milk handy. he's logic actating so it's natural. [ applause ] >> are they always this small? >> jimmy: they're always that small. i feel they were bigger. maybe i was smaller when it started out. >> that's a bit on't like those, those aren't my favorite. these are my favorite. you need mill income. >> yes. >> jimmy: go ahead. these are my favorite.the thin mints. now whale
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in a freezer, then pull out a sleeve and eat all of them in one sitting. >> that's like aer eight dinner mint. >> jimmy: so you like -- [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: well. visa just expired. the final season of "hell's ay nights at 9:00 on fox. gordan ram day, everybody! be right back with jurnee smollett-bell. a blade. many blades. sharp blades. blades here, blades there. some more over there... whoa! that's not another blade. this is shielding. with lubrication here and here.ette with proshield lubrication before and after the blades shields from irritation for a close, comfortable shave.from gillette. the best a man can get. and one proshield refill gets
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life as spokesbox is great. people love me for saving them over half a grand when they switch to progressive. so i'm dabbling in new ventures. ght with the dalai lama. great guy. terrible player.
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don't stress, girl ts that you need it's a balancing act, but i got to give the people what they want -- more box. the critics? what can i say? critties gonna neg. [ applause ] the what?! [ laughs ] hi... i love your pants. thanks. these pants are really speaking to me. can i look at the back? ooooooooooooooh!know what you have back there? give me your pants. you should go to old navy. all pants are on sale up to 40% off. ahhhhhh! you guys!get
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alright, what do you think boys? we could do tacos. we could do some thai. ooo... how 'bout sushi, eh?ueak] why not? [dog yawning/squeaking] no, we're not, we're not having barbecue... again. [quiet dog groan] why?four legs, and i'm on two... and i'm driving. that's why.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi, there, we are back. we still have wolfmother. our next guest's acting career began at age four with a recurring role on "full house." she was the third olsen twin. you can see her next in the " underground," it premieres march 9th at 10:00 on wgn america. please welcome jurnee
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>> wow, wow! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i'm going to say off the bat, you seem so much bubblier than gordon ramsay for sure. >> i have toy younger brother jake's cooking idol. my brother's a chef. he came backstage and he was ll, you don't want to get to know him too well. >> really? >> jimmy: well, he's mean, yeah. >> oh. scout cookies all over the floor what kind of a monster does that? >> that guy, come on what's the matter? >> jimmy: your first in my opinion is jurnee. yeah, it's like if my name wasn't weird enough my parents had to spell it differently. >> jimmy: that has to be a pain. >> it is. pronounce it jur-nay. >> jimmy: like rene. >> no. >> jimmy: rur-nay.jake. >> jodo, jazz, jesse, jurnee, jake --
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that too.n and jim -- >> there's more strange parents that do the t to the extent of jurnee but yes. my sister's jill, my brother's jonathan. it does form a bond in thehe same -- you know. did they expect you to marry a guy who's got a "j" in his name? >> my husband's name ise you go. [ applause ] that's great for the towels and everything, monograms. >> it's great, we've just got "jb." >> jimmy: very nice. how long have you been married? >> five and a half years. >> jimmy: when you were a little girl you were on "full house." we got a picture. >> oh my >> jimmy: there you are. [ cheers and applause ] do you know which of the olsen twins? >> no, sorry, i long were you on this show?
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then i was offered a spinoff. and my mom said no. such a crush on her, you remember her? [ laughter ] your mom said no to the spinoff? >> yeah she was tired. allere working, all six of us. >> jimmy: as actors? >> yeah, five of us were. she was like, i'm not doing another television show until all of them are on the same so the producers of "full house" were like, there's more? bring them all in. >> jimmy: oh, you guys -- what was the name of this though? >> it was on abc. it was >> jimmy: wow. >> we went into -- >> jimmy: these are your real brothers and sisters? >> except for him. >> jimmy: yeah.s crazy. wow. that's convenient for mom, first of all. but was that fun for you to be on with your brothers and sisters?uch fun. it was criminal they even gave us a show. we had like our rap group, okay? >> jimmy: you did?
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we were huge public enemy fans. >> jimmy: what? >> i was flavor flav. >> jimmy: wait, how old>> 7. i had a big clock hanging around my neck, i'd swing it. all i had to do is chime in and be like, yeah, boys!being an adult what songs would you do? >> when we met with abc, like these amazing executives ate in to try to decide and we performed "shut 'em down" by public enemy. >> jimmy: do you remember any of that song? >> the first -- yeah. it. >> how did it go? i testified my mama cried black people died when the other man lied lause ] >> ladies and gentlemen, that's why i'm not a rapper. but really, my main job was tr flav. >> jimmy: wow.
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that's very, very strange. by the way, i watched your new it was really >> thank you. >> jimmy: it's very different. expect. >> jimmy: not at all. especially the opening scene. like rap music. >> kanye west yeah. it opens with kanye's "black skinhead." >> jimmy: i never want to ruin what people >> i just gave it away? >> jimmy: can you describe your character? >> "underground" is about theilroad, the first civil rights movement. >> jimmy: imagine that with kanye west -- >> rosalie has neverantation and is forced to make this choice, do i run or not? do i run 600 miles, leaving my family behind? and really, you know, the approach it's audacious. it's shocking. and it's really what you wouldn't expect. >> jimmy: it is. >> but we have so many amazing people.
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so he chose -- >> jimmy: he did a good job. i watching it, what is it like when most of the african-american actors are slaves on the show, and most of the white actors are slave lot of them are pretty bad? what's it like at lunch? [ laughter ]honestly, i have to say -- like the actors who had to do like the really bad things, they were the sweetest to y were. i bet they were! i would be too! >> oh, yeah, they were. no, like p.j. who plays bill, he's one of the plantation -- >> jimmy: he's terrible. >> he does awful things to me. and he was like my best friend on set. overcompensation. [ laughter ] >> you think so? >> jimmy: definitely worth watching.
12:30 am
america.jurnee smollett-bell! be right back with wolfmother.mmel live concert series is presented by
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life as spokesbox is great.aving them over half a grand when they switch to progressive. so i'm dabbling in new ventures. it was board-game night with the dalai lama. terrible player. go paperless don't stress, girl i got the discounts that you need it's a balancing act, e people what they want -- more box. any words for the critics? what can i say? critties gonna neg. e what?!
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icky: the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by samsung. >> jimmy: i want to thank my guests and apologize to of time. "nightline" is next but first, the album is called ious." here with the title-track, wolfmother. it seems the competition is riding on her tail
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the town hasr goddess to the sun but she will prove herself worthy she will be the one she will be victorious and won't get the battle loss ways are mysterious cause she will be victorious it seems that they are plotting out on
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that they have made around their and can't you see that we are all the masters of our destiny and she wont be called the victimour faded memory she will be victorious battle loss victorious don't you ever get tired
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don't you ever get tired of wondering what's wrong or right ou ever get tiredp t seems that i just thought they could take their sweet time
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she can't wait to unleash unleash all her ragewith an electric guitar and blow them off the stage she will beorious and won't get the battle loss her ways are mysteriouscause she will be victorious cause she will be
12:37 am
this is "nightline." >> tonight, apple versus the fbi. it is an abc news exclusive. one on one with company ceo timy he is refusing to comply with a federal demand to unlock the iphone of one of the san bernardino killers. >> this case is not aboutthis case is about the future. >> how it feels to be in the eye of the storm in a fierce national debate over security versus privacy. >> it's not just about privacy, about public safety. >> and what he has to say about donald trump's call to boycott apple. plus dalia dippolito made national headlines after she wasg to have her


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