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tv   Today  NBC  March 15, 2016 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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@vo5o5 co &| em^o1*a6?of%'( em^o1* ides a6?of%'(
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&| em^o1*a6 spanky ?of%'( plus &| one of our em^o1* favorite a6?of% chefs, '(> we f%'(
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no! > we're co &| allowed. last night em^o1* was the final a6 episode of ?of%'( em^o1*a6?of%'(> put it h6g&tu$ @vo5 co way. >> &| anyway, em ^o1*a6 here's ?of%'(
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two ladies last < night. >> s ke$ef)qjm/ h6g&tu$@vo5 co &| em^o1*a6?of% jo-jo and '(> and lauren. he said < he s ke$ef)qjm/h6 loved them g&tu$ both. @vo5 that's the issue. he went to his co mom and &| dad. >> oh, em^o1* boy. >> talked to his mom a6 and ?o f%'(> doesn't that say > i ring, '( & every >> first woman out
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&|&| em^o1*a6?of%'( i didn't know if ^o1* i a6?of%'(
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co '( very xd
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yes. f%'(
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em ^o1*a6?o amanda, we're going to f% miss '(
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co &| em^o1*a6?of%'(
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be? h6g&tu$@vo5 >> co 91. >> &| lucky number em^o1* 91. a6?of%'(< dairy queen 51&xd raised > give &| leah a em^o1*a6?of%'( i $ef)qjm/h6 will. >> she's having g&tu$@v a little o5 co bit of a &| procedure but she's all em ^o1* good. a6?of%'(> all &| right. >> em^o1*a6?of%'(
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minutetes. >> those are all em^o1*a6?o lies that f% people tell '(< that aren't so 51&xd bad. > i always a6 wash my ?of%'( and co the &| worst one is em^o1* -- a6?o >> f% what? '(> i'm xd on > that is horrible. that is em^o1*a6 ?of%'( everybody > there ke$ef)qjm/h6g&tu$@vo5 co you &| em^o1* a6?of%'( she has the answer to everything. >> yes, she a6 ?of%'( ke$ef)qjm/h6g&tu$@v hoda, o5 you're into all co &| kinds of things. tell us em^o1* what this a6?of% '( is. >> a
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>> yeah. ten a6?of%'( one of the h6g&tu$ perks @vo5 of being co a &| em^o1*a6?o devoted fan f% -- '(> find out if you're a
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walmart. there's a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. try phillips' fiber good gummies plus energy support. helps support regularity and includes b vitamins to help convert food to energy. mmmmm, these are good! nice work, phillips! the tasty side of fiber, from phillips'. what brand of makeup is better for your skin than wearing no makeup at all? neutrogena cosmetics. powders, concealers and foundations in new shades for more skin tones. with vitamins and antioxidants. your skin will look beautiful when you wear it neutrogena cosmetics see what's possible. at nature made vitamins, you're supposed but nature made adult gummies are one part of your health routine you'll
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mmmm, mango. nature made adult gummy vitamins and supplements. there are a lot of ways to pack your breakfast with protein. but the most delicious way is to just add milk. new nature valley cereals. at least 10 grams of protein with milk, and a touch of sweetness for three new ways to power you through your day. i'm lucky to get through a shift without a disaster. my bargain detergent, it couldn't keep up. so i switched to tide pods. they're super concentrated... so i get a better clean.ean. voted 2016 product of the year. if it's got to be clean, it's got to be tide. i don't know if you've ever taken the time to learn a little tiny bit of somebody else's native tongue? that opens up the doors to trust. my name is kanyon. i'm a technician here in portland oregon. every morning, i give each one of my customers a call to give them a closer eta. and when i called this customer, i discovered that he was deaf.
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i've known american sign language since i was about 8 years old. it's like music for your eyes. and i thought that was an amazing gift to have, to be able to communicate with the deaf. me to help him appointment will go. he was noddiding his head and giggling a little bit.t.
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em^o1*a6?of%'(> > how s ke$e about f) that qjm/ in h6g&tu$@v o5 stereo? >> i'm co &| good. i'm very em^o1* good. a6?of%'( happy. love my
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on what you xd might have done or who you > can tu$ it @vo5 be co &| confusing? >> em^o1*a6?of%'( who s ke$ef)qjm/ knows. but i h6g&tu$@vo5 have an explanation co &| em^o1*a6?of%'(
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a6?of%'(> they would call up p and say f%'( i don't know him but billy connelly is hysterical. > hysterical. tu$@vo5 co &| em^o1*a6?of%
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$ef)qjm/h6 co em^o1*a6?of%'(> yeah.
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rehearsal. all i i could think of was i'm going to drop the hat in steamed heat. &| em^o1*a6?of% and i did. '( do you like them or don't't? >> love them.
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we give yoyou relief from your cold & flu. you give them a case of the giggles. tylenol cold helps relieve your worst cold & flu symptoms... you can give them everythingng you've got. tylenol at hillshire farm, spice is the spice of life. that's why our craftsmen season every sausage perfectly. so you can coax out great flavor effortlessly. p hillshire farm. because it's worth doing right. at hillshire farm, there's a reason our slow roasted turkey taste so fresh seconds after carving, we not only seal every slice, we double seal it.
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savor. hillshire farm. because it's worth doing right. with ingredients like roasted hazelnuts and cocoa, the delicious taste of nutella takes pancakes to a whole new level. make any day a pancake day with nutella.
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people, three generations spanning over 60 years. they don't believe in artificial this or superficial that. they know that in a world of over-processed there's no substitute for a piece of real. real cheese people believe deserves a shred of authenticity, every sandwich a slice of legit. natural cheese off-the-block, 100% real. sargento, we're real cheese people. a6?of%'(
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>> co &| em^o1*a6?of%'(
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skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. for supple, hydrated skin. hydro boost. from neutrogena there's something to be said for exploring the world around you. why should snacking be any different? discover all nine flavors of our creamy cheese and tap into your curiosity. the laughing cow. reinvent snacking. em^o1*a6?of%'(
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co em^o1*a6?of%'(
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engagemement to > she 51&xd is. the
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em^o did it co &| >> co em^o1*a6?of%'(> very ^o1*a6?o f%'(<
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i h6g&t @vo5 co &| right. because if there isn't snow em^o1*a6 or ?of%'(< it doesn't rain when it 51&xd < needs to s ke$ef)qjm/h6g&tu$@vo5 co &| em^o1*a6?of%'( o5 co yeah. &| i guess. em^o1*a6?of%'(< because, you 51&xd know,
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new fructis grow strong. the power to make hair up to 10x stronger. one, grow strong shampoo and conditioner with a powerdose of active fruit concentrate reinforce hair. two, the treatment injects strength from root-to-tip. every inch is 10x stronger, for long, longer, shinier hair. new grow strong. fructis. stronger hair. stronger you. garnier bleeding gums? you may think it's a result of brushing too hard. it's not. it's a sign of early gum disease.e... listerine(r) can help reverse... early gum disease in just two weeks. listerine(r). power to your mouth ! for the past three monthths, we've been quietly selling kraft macaroni & cheese with no artificial flavors, preservatives or dyes. and guess what? kids didn't notice. neither did dogs. kraft mac & cheese. it's changed. but it hasn't. (rebecca) i've struggled with depression. i thought i needed
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i was able to quit smoking. and then i started running. now, i feel a lot better. (announcer)you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. introducing the fusion of exceptional taste with the benefits of our probiotic yogurt. new activia fruit fusion, with the exclusive probiotic bifidus regularis. delicious and good for you. new activia fruit fusion. life as spokesbox is great. people love me for saving them over half a grand when they switch to progressive. so i'm dabbling in new ventures. it was board-game night with the dalai lama. great guy. terrible player. go paperless don't stress, girl i got the discounts that you need
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what they want -- more box. any words for the critics? critties gonna neg. the what?! [ laughs ] now becomes skinactive. new garnier skinactive the active daily moisturizer with antioxidant vitamin c that smoothes, boosts radiance and protects. see brighter skin in just one week. new clearly brighter from garnier skinactive. your baby's chubby little hand latches ononto your finger so hard, it's like she's saying i love you. pthat's why aveeno's oat formula is designed for your baby's sensitive skin. aveeno . naturally beautiful babies. so my kids don't have to forage,
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and i've also got a brain. life's short, talk is cheap. i'll be working while you sleep. still don't think i'i've got a brain? you think a resume's enough? who'll step up when things get tough? don't you want that kind of brain? a degree is a degree. you're gonna want someone like me. but only if you have a brain. (clulucking noises) everyone wants to be the cadbury bunny because only he brings delicious cadbury creme eggs. while others may keep trying, r nobunny knows easter better than cadbury.
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> pork 51&xd chops, > apple em^o 1*a6?of%'( > on theion. >> i know, @vo5 co the &| flavor. pork em chops and apple ^o1*a6?of% sauce, as you heard '( couple of
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>> and the pork &| chops em^o1*a6?of%'(> i've preheated this xd > em^o1* amazing. a6?of% get them really nice and '( that's just h6g&tu$ &| em^o1* &xd two, we start to make our sauce. you were on '(
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> plum &| apple u$ @vo5 co &| juice. thank you. apple sauce might em^o1* not help a6 you too ?of%'(> what is this, > raw for em sweetness, and some ^o1*a6?of%'(
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h6g&tu$ >> there's so many great @vo5 co smells. >> you're &| doing great with that. em^o1* you're a6?of%'(< doing 51&xd great. >> oh, my > this $ef)qj is m/h6 good to g&t make u$@vo5 because it's good the co &| next day as em^o1*a6 breakfast, ?o f%f%'( with some g&tu$@vo5 co grilled &| em^o1* -- a6 >> ?of%'( maple > s ke$ef) serve qjm/ it with h6g&t u$@v cheese, o5 co &| fruit and cheese em^o1* platter, and a6?of%'( this > >> you &| em^o1* a6?of%'(> like &| high >> for the go em^o1* a6?of%'(
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why let someone else have all the fun? the sometimes haphazard, never boring fun. the why can't it smell like this all the time fun. the learning the virtue of sharing fun. why let someone else have all the fun? that's no fun. unleash the power of dough.
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of applebee's fan favorites quesadilla burger? inside a quesadilla. hot... cheese. fresh... woah. mind blown. everyone's a fan with applebee's 2 for $20 fan favorites. does your makeup remover take it all off? every kiss-proof, cry-proof, stay-proof look? neutrogena makeup remover does. it erases 99% of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. need any more proof than that?
12:46 pm
you don't always get what you pay for. with excellence from l'oreal you get more. no one cares more, covers more. and now there's 5 times more conditioner. super rich care for super rich color. and absolutely no grays. excellence from l'oreal haircolorist paris. happy anniversary dinner, darlin' can this much love be cleaned by a little bit of dawn ultra? oh yeah. one bottle has the grease cleaning power of two bottles of this bargain brand. a drop of dawn and grease is gone. you can find a recipe for almost anything... baby cousin's gonna love that isn't she. oh my gosh. ... and gather all the right ingredients. we're gonna make the same meal this year. i wish sarah was here. i know, mom. but the happiest moments in life don't always come from a cookbook. look who's joining us. happy easter. they come from the heart. find low prices every day on fresh food for your easter meal.
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little lily is over there. based on a true-life story juicier than any fiction. filled with rivalries, temptations. i told you months ago it was my favorite thing. it's incredible, this book. >> revolves around the most beautiful woman in the world. >> no. >> the australian hungarian empire whoho became a larger than life icon. >> from best-selling author, allison pataki called "sisi: empress on her own." you sent it to me inn its raw foform. kno what a huge fan i am of her historical novels. beautifully written. she tells a story like nobody.
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her own rite. >> exactly. she was known as the princess diana of her time and captured the love of ththe people and was ththis fashion icon, was involved in these tumultuous love stories, changed the course of history. yet for some reason we don't know about her in modern days. and i think this makes for the best type of historical fiction, the best novel. we can crack open this really juicy, dysfunctional family saga and see this beautiful woman. >> a lot of people read these books, and we've read your books. we wonder what part is the real thing and what part are we adding a little bit to. >> you're great at saying at the end. you have history that's dramatic, this cast of characters and the backdrop is beautiful palace, castles and world war i. >> and the hair. >> floor-length hair. you h have the raw material that's good from the history, you couldn't make it up. it would be too outlandish for fiction. you really can't believe it as you're reading it.
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>> hungarian. pataki is a hu las name. when i go back to hungary, they still worshship her. she captures the imagination. i thought i would really want to read a b book or see a movie about this woman and nothing exists. i think i need to write the book. >> i'm so happy for you. >> are we going to talk about your other project? >> the other one. >> how old is she, sweetie? >> she's five months, the new empress. i can't stand it. >> and your beautiful husband, dave, who has been going through an incredible year of his own. >> it's been a big year fs been the benevolent ruler and has come in to take over. >> i understand how you found sisi, but how do you find some of your other characters? >> the traitor's wife, benedict arnold's wife, peggy. >> she was a mink. so was sisi.
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we know the men's stories, but these are significant women. and the sisi story was hungarian, the peggy story was from upstate new york where the revolution story happened. when you find these women and think, gosh, why don't i know about her? >> exactly. i know benedict arnold's story or the emperor's story. >> you cannot put this book down, i'm warning you. if you pick it up, hopefully it's for a nice, long weekend because youou will miss it the minute you leave it on the table. thayou. we love you, allison. than soef much. >> say hello to your mom and dad for me, too. sisi. we love it. looking for a novel way to start your day? >> you'll want to see what we're giving away.
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oh, yes! >> i think he's my twitter friend. i think he is. >> before we say good-bye on
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to make five viewers very, very happy. b it is time to give away give it away. >> almost 10,000 of you have entered for this week's prize which is -- >> delonghi. >> one touch simplicity is all it takes to enjoy espressos, lattes and macchiatos. okay. gu first. >> and our first winner is -- >> who? >> betty pritzel, reedsville, wisconsin. katie rogers from jacksonville, florida. love her. and donna powell from lynn, massachusett okay. hold on. i've got -- hold on. diane thomas from minott, north dakota. what?
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from hurricane, west virginia. >> wow! >> we want to explain to people, though.. you have to enter every week. for complete rules and regulations go to klg . r that, hit the connect button. and then tomorrow, we have actress rita wilson, who has a performance for us. and more people. plus the very funny father and son, eugene and daniel levy. we love them. >> shopping bags with gadgets.
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1:00 pm
[soft sic] > brady: hi. >> maggie: hi. >> brady: you should be at abigail's wedding right now. >> maggie: i should, but victor's sick, and you know how that goes. >> brady: oh, yeyeah, i do. >> maggie: i'm on my way to get his prescription now. > brady: maggie, tell him-- tell him i hope he feels better. >> maggie: i will. how is your friend summer? >> brady: : she's okay. i think she feels terrible abouout blowing her interview with you. i know she was nervous, and... actually, would you mind giving her another shot? please? >> maggie: why is this


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