tv Today NBC November 4, 2016 2:38am-3:31am EDT
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all, just be good at something. like quentin tarentino looks like the devil, okay. the devil. [ laughter ] his face is a characature of his own face. [ laughter ] but he makes the best movies ever, so now he gets to have sex with every -- i mean, it's just incredible. like if you are man and no one wants to sleep with you, you're worthless. there is really no two ways about it. and don't be mad at women, you get better. because if you're man and no one want to sleep with you, that means you're not funny, smart, you don't have a good personality. successful, rich, athletic, artistic, creative, handy. i mean, can you learn a trick on a skateboard? can you figure that out? [ laughter ] can you figure it out? can you mow a lawn? like what are you doing? [ laughter ] what are you doing? women are waiting for you to be good at something. like i saw man walk a dog with no leash. i was like, "oh, that dog respects him. i'm sure he's got a lot going on." [ laughter and applause ] like that is how easy it is. even murderers get letters in
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you can be a great serial killer and women are like, "oh, a day job and hobby, i'm listening." [ laughter ] like the world is there for you. and i know that's harsh. but like, i just cannot stop thinking about gender and relationships and -- maybe it's because i majored in sociology. i don't know if there are other receptionists tonight, but like -- [ laughter ] i just -- i can't stop thinking about it and i annoy myself. because i know is so annoying to complain about dating at all. especially because my grandparents, they met in a concentration camp. i' you know, but -- damn, grandpa, how much game did you have? [ laughter ] you know, pretty good. all right, thanks so much, you guys. [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: that was fantastic. liza treyger, everybody.
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this is mike's office. if he doesn't show up, he doesn't get paid. too often marco rubio didn't show up and failed us when he did. i am patrick murphy. work together. whether it's protecting social security and women's health care or growing the economy, we've got to start solving problems instead of pointing fingers. i am patrick murphy and i approve this message
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[ cheers and applause ] >> seth: my thanks to vince vaughn, george stephanopoulos, liza treyger! hanna welson, the 8g band! stay tuned for carson daly. we'll see you tomorrow. [ cheers and applause ] ? ? ? >> carson: good evening. this is "last call," with me, carson daly. 97.1 amp radio is our backdrop tonight for the show, and we do have a great one coming your
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we're gonna do that from the fonda. the spotlight is on the legendary writer/director, paul schrader. but first, we kick things off with one of the stars of the new time- travelling sci-fi series here on nbc called "timeless." let's go to exchange l.a. this is matt lanter. ? >> i fully expected flying cars by now, and i'm really angry about that. i wake up every day with the chip on my shoulder that i'm not getting into a flying car to go to set. >> where do you file that complain >> where do you take that anger? >> with the studio, with the studio. we can all sit here and think we're gonna have flying cars in 20 years, but again, i'm gonna wake up, and we're gonna be driving in cars that are on the road with rubber tires. >> it's "timeless," season 21, and you're still gonna be -- >> yeah, still in a frickin' suzuki. [ chuckles ] ? >> my name's matt lanter. i'm from nbc's "timeless." ? [ clears throat ]
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>> you couldn't land any more out of the way? >> you'd rather i'd park on a strip. >> "timeless" is a show about a team -- a historian, a scientist, and a solider, played by myself. we've been assembled by the government. we've had a guy, a big billionaire, think of, like, richard branson and elon musk-type guy -- created a time machine, didn't tell anyone, but the time machine got stolen. so then, he had to come out and tell the government that he had a time machine. it got stolen." and now, we need to, like, take care of this guy. so, the government assembles this team to chase this criminal back in time. >> you okay? >> i'm claustrophobic and apparently about to travel through time, so -- [ sighs ] >> have you been drinking? >> i didn't know i was gonna be working tonight, ma'am. >> stop calling me "ma'am." >> my character, wyatt, reminded me a lot of indiana jones. it reminded me a lot of han solo. he's just kind of a badass that doesn't even have to try to be a
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they just are because they are. so, that all drew me to it. i mean, that was all in the script, and, you know, when i saw that, i was just, like, "i got to be in this project. i got to play this guy." >> you as an actor, do you see yourself -- you're like, "i'm made for badass roles." >> you know, i don't really think of myself as a badass, so when i have a role that i can maybe portray a badass and make people think i'm a badass, i'll take it. >> you will embrace it. >> yeah, yeah. i'll embrace it, you know? and then, people might actually think i'm a badass. ? >> i have never worked on a show quite this large in scale. it's so ambitious. wardrobe is new every week. all of this wardrobe is authentic. we're getting new guest stars every week. we're doing new sets every week. they're actually building these things. we're not doing that much via effects. we're building out the alamo. we're building out ford's theater.
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>> don't be noticed. don't change anything, understand? >> time travel can get really complicated really quickly. some of the rules we've established are we cannot double back on a time that we've already been. we can't go back to a time where we exist, because if you could double back on yourself, every single time, you can just be like, "well, let's go back and just do it again." we have a historian on board in the writer's room at all times to make sure we get it right, you know, as much as we possibly can, and then tell an amazing story within the historical accuracy o >> have you ever met a more attractive historian than abigail spencer? >> she's pretty attractive. i don't know that many historians, but i'm sure she's in the cr?me de la cr?me of historians. >> she's up there. >> yeah. m? >> i was living in atlanta. they were filming a movie called "bobby jones: stroke of genius." it was a period piece golf movie, and they selected me to be featured extra, which meant i didn't have lines, but i was on camera a little bit more than the other extras. it was doing that that i realized, like, people actually do this for a job and get paid
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and, i think at that point, i realized, like, movies aren't just something that watch and escape to, but you could actually be a part of it do it yourself. >> do people give you [ bleep ] when you started to get into this world, or are they like, "nah, he's off chasing this dream"? >> no, no, no. they give you a hard time for sure. i was working with the braves, and i was a bat boy/clubhouse guy. you know, these are all, like, dude's dudes. the atlanta braves, they had a magazine. they were doing a piece on, like, "what's it like behind the scenes?" and so, they did an interview with me, and i remember these guys giving a hard time about that. what's funny is i went back just last year, and my boss, him, and his kids, are, like, following my career now. and, they're like -- he's like, "i've seen every episode of 'star wars: the clone wars' and i saw 'csi:cyber.' i saw you were gonna be on it. i dvr'ed it. me and wife" -- and i'm like, "hold on, man. like, eight years ago, you were teasing for, you know, doing this on-camera interview with the braves." and, you know, now i've made a successful career out of it, and i'm having fun. ? >> carson: that was matt lanter,
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coming up, diiv is the music. they'll perform from the fonda. stick around. ? enjoy your phone! you too. (inner monologue) all right, be cool. you got the amazing new iphone 7 on the house by switching to at&t... what??.... aand you got unlimited data because you have directv?? okay, just a few more steps... door! get the iphone 7 on us and unlimited data when you switch to at&t and have directv. man, i'm glad aflac pays cash. aflac! isn't major medical enough? no! who's gonna' help cover the holes in their plans? aflac! like rising co-pays and deductibles... aflac! or help pay the mortgage?
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aflac! learn about one day pay at blurlbrlblrlbr!!! ? that's fun. ? it's already dry! no wait time. this is great. it's very soft. can i keep it? (laughter) all the care of dove... now in a dry antiperspirant spray. awarded best of beauty by allure. after dark, we come... the brave shirts and the still in work shirts, united against all dress codes. the glow gals, illuminated by a thousand likes. the lords of the playlist.
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? i was blind but now i see you made a believer out of me i was blind but now i see you made a river out of me ? ? i was blind but now i see you made a believer out of me my own private i dunno ? ? i was blind but now i see you made a believer out of me i was high but now i feel low my own private i dunno ?
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you life is short. that life is short. >> carson: that was diiv. "is the is are" is, actually, the name of the record, so go pick it up. coming up, the great paul schrader is going to talk "dog eat dog" in our "last call spotlight", next. ? i love that my sho p rely on that first cup and i wouldn't want to mess with that. but when (my) back pain got bad, i couldn't sleep. i had trouble getting there on time. then i found aleve pm. aleve pm is the only one to combine a sleep aid plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. for pain relief that can last into the morning. ? look up at a new day...? hey guys! now i'm back.
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simulation initiated. ? r that could stop for you. simulation complete. the new nissan rogue. rogue one: a star wars story. in theaters december 16th. this man can lift a 526 pound barrel of tennessee whiskey. these people can do everything else. ? this is lynchburg, tennessee. the home of jack daniel's.
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urants in boulder. (google assistant) i found a few places. (announcer vo) the only network than can power the first phone with the new google assistant, unlimited photo storage, and a stunning vr experience. how is this possible? (announcer vo) so buy a pixel, only on verizon, and get up to $400 back. and right now get 20 gigs and four lines for just 160 with no surprise overages.
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? >> carson: welcome back to "last call." as a writer and director, our next guest has made some of the greatest contributions to the world of cinema. his credits include "taxi driver," "american gigolo," "raging bull," "the last temptation of christ" and so on. well now he adds to that list his latest project "dog eat dog," which he's here to tell
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let's head over to local peasant, this is paul schrader. ? >> i said "you know, the bad news is we don't quite have enough money to do this right. the good news is i have final cut and we can make any [ bleep ] film we want." and we did. ? this is paul schrader, i am the director of a film called "dog eat dog." really been a nasty fun. and it's basically the story of, you know, three scuzzballs fighting their way to the bottom. >> there was me, there was diesel, and there was mad dog. we all did our piece at different times, and i was the last to come out. and once you were in, staying out is all but impossible. okay, so how would this work? >> well, it was written by a novelist named ed bunker, but his sensibilities started from the 70s, and the book was set in
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deconstructed it and it ended up being funny. it's a kind of a jazz riffy thing. it doesn't seem to have any form, it just sort of goes this way, that way. and my whole mantra in making it was, "let's never be boring." ? >> that's him. >> hey bro, look at this. this ain't no cop car. >> these chaps decided to throw me a welcome home party. >> i know where the -- he's got blood on my versace. >> versace. >> one day, i'm shooting a scene with nic. we're behind and we have to get out of this location, and he's talking to this woman who's baby he's just kidnapped. he has like, two scenes with her, and he said, "i don't know why, i'm being so nice to this woman." he said, "maybe i should rough her up a bit." i sai,d "why don't you shoot her?" he said, "yeah, that would be good." i said, "you know, just take out your gun, and say 'lady, i don't have the time.' and shoot her. then we'll be back on schedule. we won't have to shoot that scene afterward."
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her, you know, the producer came by and said "hey you're making good time. what happened?" and we said, "oh, we shot her." ? well, i wanted to surround myself with people, with what i call the "post rules generation." you know, there was a generation that made the rules and the generation that codified them and the generation that broke them, my generation. generation that laughed at them, tarantino's. now we have a generation that doesn't even know there were rules. y age of seven or eight making films with their phone. almost everything we've learned in the last hundred years no longer applied. and we don't know how long it is. three minutes or is it 72 hours? we don't know where you see it. how you see it. we don't know how to monetize it. i used to think that it was, going through a transition. i now think we have entered into a period of constant transition. by the time we think we've got something figured out, it'll become something else already.
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people don't look too kindly -- >> alright, take it easy. i ain't into abusing children, ya dig? kid's still a baby, he ain't never gonna know. if he was four or something, i'd never be doing that. >> he wouldn't do that. ? >> the first acting credit, i always refused to do it, because i was afraid i wouldn't like myself. and then i'd cut myself out of the movie. now i've gotten so [ bleep ] old, i don't even care. i thought, well you know, i may be bad but at least i'll be interesting. all i could afford was $900 for three scenes. co >> did you take the full $900? >> i took the full $900. when i first started, we were doing "taxi driver," and an actor had got hurt. and it was gonna shoot in a few days, and i said to scorsese, "who you gonna replace george with?" he said, "i thought i would do it myself." and i said, "oh no, no, no, no, no. please don't do it, marty." i feared that he would see himself on screen, not like himself and cut himself out of the movie.
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he saw himself on screen, he fell in love with himself, and he made the scene as long as he possibly could. ? people talk about the quote/unquote "golden age of hollywood." the late 60s and the 70s. the films weren't that much better. and we weren't any more talented. i think there's more talented people now, in fact. the only difference was that society was asking film makers and artists to explain these changes that were going on. gay rights, womens' rights, and black power, anti military, drugs. whenever a society turns to artists and says, "would you explain it for us?" great art will emerge. no one's asking that of artists anymore. movies aren't important that way anymore. but whenever art becomes important to a social life, you
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>> carson: that was the great paul schrader. "dog eat dog" opens in l.a. and new york on november 4th before it will expand into other theaters, vod, and be on digital november 11th. we'll be right back. ? 23rd times the charm. shhh. om. yes! 23rd time is the charm, cliff. yea, you showed me. yes, you did. (shelly thinking) this must be how odell beckham feels when he scores a game winning touchdown. touchdown! odell beckham jr. (crowd noise) (odell thinking) this must be how shelly felt when she won that purple bear. ? ? pepsi. remember 2007?
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it's time to snap out of it. hello moto. snap on a jbl speaker. a projector. a camera that actually zooms. it's a phone you can change again and again and again. hello moto. get excited world. moto is here. the new moto z with motomods. buy one moto z droid, get one free. only on verizon. at planters we know how to throw a remarkable holiday party. no matter who shows up. do you like nuts? sometimes, you feel the need to take... a smellfie. hanes wants to end the smellfie. those quick self check the ol' smell levels.
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loose grip on your tight ship ? ? and i left you with a very big mess then i watched it progress ? ? took a little time for your trip but i saw you starting to slip ? ? cause you always kept your eyes on every little hiding spot that you had forgot ? ? and i saw you after a decent spell ? and i told you i hope i live a thousand lives hope i live them well ? ? fought my mind to keep my life but my body's putting up a tougher fight ? ? yeah if it feels wrong you can go on along but once it feels right then you just lost the fight ?
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and that's where our very own lilliana vasquez caught up with country music's hottest stars. check it out. >> having a love fest here. >> this is history in the making. >> this is country music history. >> oh, sure, i know my cma history. >> is he a country history nerd? >> yes, and he knows every song. >> i think they tell great stories, simple stories of real people. with your wife because not everyone can do that. >> yes, ma'am is the key to working with my wife. >> there's one person on the bucket list to meet in this world, it's garth brooks. i don't know if i can make it to the interview without crying, you guys. oh, my gosh, okay. how important is tonight for country music? >> she is a doll. this is awesome. the cmas always about the greatest music of the year. this is about the greatest music
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? jolene jolene ? ? jolene jolene ? ? i beg you don't take my man ? >> wow, see, goose bumps. i heard that you got dragged into some interesting situations last time we were on the show. >> i did. we call it spanky tuesday. nailed it. >> going to be amazing, victory or loss, but i hope i win. >> and the cma award for new artist of the year goes to marin morris. >> this is so crazy. >> is there a particular line in "humble and kind" that speaks to you the most? >> you're going to make me cry. it's the last line. to help the next one in line.
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? always stay humble and kind ? >> the night is a huge night for country music. who are you most excited to see? >> beyonce. >> rumor has it that beyonce's here. >> if she could let me be a backup dancer. it would be amazing. >> i have a feeling if you asked beyonce to be her backup dancer, she would say yes. >> i just want a really long ponytail to swing. is that so much to ask? i'm a simple girl really. ? >> all right, let's talk fashion. this is a huge red carpet. what are you wearing? >> it's monique lulier which probably sounds funny with my accent, it's french or something. >> this is jay mandel. i was like, that's it. >> you are the third dapper gentleman in a green suit. >> really? >> yes. >> no way. >> traded in the jeans for the
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i dig it. >> this is beautiful, who are you wearing? >> it's mine, i bought it. >> so i'm going to ask you a question, who is most likely to buy the bar a round of whiskey shots? >> probably us. >> definitely, 100% us. >> most likely to stay on a mechanical bull the longest? >> miranda. i think she would be pretty good at that. >> who is most likely to karaoke their own song? >> luke bryan, 100%. >> the cma award for entertainer of year goes to garth brooks. >> this is the greatest night of my life. >> amen, sister. >> because i'm standing here with garth brooks, holding his award for entertainer of the year. and i got to take a picture with him. >> is that not the coolest. >> it's going to be hard to get her home. don't you think? >> by the way, i love her pieces at those things. that was awesome. >> she's a kid in a candy store.
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sweet and savory. >> a thanksgiving feast right after this. it's amazing out there means to me the wonder and the wow of weather. >> everything is amazing, it could be the smallest ice crystal. the biggest storm cloud. >> what does it's amazing out there mean to me? it means >> even if it's just straight up blue skies. how beautiful is that? >> that little burst of red that happens when the sun comes right over the ocean, when it comes up in the morning. >> watching lightning streaking across the sky from one side to another. >> in the world of thunder, it's just one of the most amazing things. >> that's what it's amazing out there is. >> and what it means to you mentally. and the memories you take away from that weather. >> how that absolutely affects our lives, our day to day,
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going to eat, what's everything going to cost. all those interactions that the weather has real influences on, that's why it's amazing out there means. >> it lets the world know what's happening at the weather channel. >> i think what makes the weather channel's coverage unique is that we are meteorologists. we know what's going on with the weather. and that makes a tremendous difference. >> somebody just walks up to you in the field and says, thanks for being take us through it. >> we have a charge, we have a responsibility, we have a drive to provide information to people, to help them, help the communities, help their families stay safe, it matters so much. >> when you start linking the people side up to the weather and the science and the data, it makes a real connection, it starts to drive home the importance of what we do. >> i love weather. >> i do love weather. >> i love the weather, and i
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love the weather. this is what we do. >> every single day is going to be something spectacular. it's truly amazing out there. whoa, this is awful, try it. oh no, that looks gross what is that? you gotta try it, it's terrible. i don't wanna try it if it's terrible. it's like mango chutney and burnt hair. no thank you, i have a very sensitive palate. just try it! guys, i think we should hurry up. if you taste something bad, you want someone else to try it. it's what you do. i can't get the taste out of my mouth! if you want to save fifteen percent or more shhh! dog, dog, dog. ve been on i'm bushed! my feel alyea me too. excuse me...coming through! ride the gel wave of comfort with dr. scholls massaging gel insoles. they're proven to give you comfort. which helps you feel more energized ...all day long.
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all this month on "today" food all-star thanksgiving, we are pairing up the biggest names in the food world to bring you the recipes you must have on your thanksgiving table. >> yes, we have a two-fer. today, we are focusing on sweet and savory pumpkin dishes. >> shay shull is making her pumpkin pie. >> to get us started, new orleans chef john besh is firing up a pumpkin soup with crab. never heard of that. that sounds so good. >> pumpkin's really versatile. think of -- you can do anything with a pumpkin. it can be butternut squash, acorn squash. treat it just like it's any other squash. if you don't mind adding a
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garlic, a touch of cayenne pepper. the great thing about the soup, it goes straight into the pan just like that. >> okay. >> stir it around. >> stick that in. >> ten minutes. >> look how beautiful that is. >> you cook the vegetables down. we add the pumpkin. add a little potato. the potato's just going to thicken it. cover with just a little bit of stock. once the potatoes are -- once they're nice and soft, it's time to puree. >> that's all you do? >> go ahead and give it a whirl, sister. >> ooh, i like it. >> yeah. >> perfect. >> okay. >> we're going to season with a little bit of salt and pepper. a little bit of cream. i like adding at home. a lot of times we'll just add a little bit of sherry. if you have crab, use it. >> what kind of crab? >> jumbo louisiana blue crab meat with some chives and it is phenomenal. >> do you want to try it? >> i do, i do. >> you do it.
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>> and the verdict is? >> she loves it. >> oh, my gosh, heaven. >> josh besh is the best. >> is it time to go to shay shull. >> come make a pie. we're making a streussel topped pumpkin pie. we'll have pumpkin, add sweetened condensed milk. >> hoda is in, decadent. >> sugar, pumpkin pie spice and some eggs. whip all that up with an electric mixer. so good. pour it into the pie crust. bake it at high heat. bring it out -- 15 minutes. i mean, you know. no judgments. >> oh, lucy. >> okay, kathie lee. brown sugar, cinnamon, add pecans. >> that looks yummy. >> we'll mix it.
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>> we'll bake it 15 minutes more after it's all in there. >> can we try shay shull's pie? >> pumpkin pie. >> i'm trying to serve you. you're our guest. besh and shay shull. >> shay this is incredible. >> amazing. >> for all these thanksgiving recipe, go to thank you, awesome. thank you, shay shull.
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is it okay or not okay for mothers and daughters to dress alike? >> celebrities like beyonce and her daughter blue ivy, kim kardashian and her daughter north and katie holmes and her daughter suri have all done the matchy-matchy. >> okay so here's what we had to say about it. >> of course it is, just don't do it when they're teenagers or you'll hear about it. >> i say it is definitely okay. #adorable. >> yeah, sometimes. >> you are adorable. >> you are. >> you're not that adorable but you are adorable. >> just when you think you've had enough of us. >> and you know you have. >> there's more or sirius xm 108. >> every monday and wednesday at 2:00. you can find hoda there. >> kevin james is here with his funny co-star andy garcia. >> and marcia marcia marcia, we
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