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tv   WGN Midday News  CW  November 8, 2010 12:00pm-1:00pm CST

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wgn's judy wang is live at the boy's high school in des plaines with the latest. counselors are visiting every
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classroom today. the teen's family says it is grateful to the witnesses who have come forward and provided police with a description of the vehicle involved. that is a dull red or maroon semi-tractor. >> reporter: students paused for a moment of silence. they will miss seeing choice taylor's smile and hears his laughter fill the hall ways. >> his mission was to walk around and make everybody else happy. so when we think about him, we do smile and remember him that way. >> the 17-year-old honor student was president of the chess club, member of the an may club and bass fishing team. he was walking home from the jewel store where he worked at 6:20 friday night when he was hit. taylor was found lying on west bound algonquin road near south third avenue. he was pronounced dead minutes later. >> given the leads the police have, i think it's just a matter of time that they find this person.
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so i would rather i wish the person would just step forward. >> volunteers this past weekend posted fliers and police set up an electronic sign where the hit-and-run happened seeking information that could lead to the driver responsible. witnesses who came forward told police the driver stopped to check for damage to the semi before taking off. and investigators think the driver may not be aware he hit a person. at main west high school, counselors will remain on campus all week. >> we need to look out for chance who is his twin and his best friend and we need to offer our support to the family as they go through this difficult time and support for each other because he is part of our family and we lost one of our seniors. just to look out for each other and come together. des plaines police say a steady stream of tips continues to pour in. if you have information that might help, call 847-391-5400 or send in an anonymous text. start the message with i care,
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send the tip to crimes or 274- 637. visitation for choice taylor is friday at good news christian center. that is here in des plaines. the funeral is scheduled for saturday morning. in des plaines, judy wang, wgn news. a chicago man is set to appear in bond court today. 36-year-old jeremiah thompson is charnled with dui, hitting a pedestrian in a roadway and driving without insurance. among others. police say thompson struck 35- year-old man in the 7300 block of south racine. she was taken to hospital and died a short time later. investigators are trying to determine what caused an extra alarm fire on the south side. the fire broke out in a home near 60th and la salle late last night. and the flames spread to another house next door. more than 100 firefighters eventually brought that blaze under control. no one was hurt but both buildings were destroyed. neighbors are pitching in to help a pilsen family left
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homeless after a weekend fire that killed a young child. three-year-old michael cruise died in the fire saturday in a three story apartment building at comerten and wood. the boy's father, one-year-old sister and two firefighters were injured. this weekend neighbors collected money, clothing, bedding and toys for the family. and fire officials are trying to figure out what sparked this extra alarm fire in rogers park that left 55 people homeless. it happened yesterday afternoon at three story apartment building near new guard. firefighters say the fire started in a stairwell and flames shot as high as 20 feet from the roof. took firefighters about 100 of them to get the blaze under control. one firefighters was injured. a woman from north riverside is jailed and charged to endangering her baby boy. chicago police say when they arrested jaime reilly saturday, she was drunk and carrying her three month old son like a football while trying to pick up his stroller. she is charged with endangering
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the health and life of a child. reason she was drunk was she was celebrating a dcfs decision to call off an investigation against her. now dcfs has taken custody of her son. the crimes left them with deep physical and emotional scars. today two women who survived acid attacks went to chicago city hall to fight for a measure they hope will prevent similar crimes from happening again. wgn's muriel clair is live at city hall now with more on the story. >> you know, as it stance right now, any person can walk into most any hardware store and purchase sulfuric acid with no questions asked. that came out during a hearing of the chicago city council finance committee where committee chairman alderman ed burke sponsoring a proposal to crack down on the sale of dangerous substances like sulfuric acid. sulfuric acid and other caustic liquids are regulated under the municipal code but amendment if approved by the city council
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will place restrictions on the sale and purchase of sulfuric acid. now sulfuric acid and tough fines on violators would be a part of it. helping drive home the message, 50-year-old espiranza me dawn who was brutally attacked by three teenagers who doused her with sulfuric acid outside her home in 2008. the teenagers you may recall were recruited by two women who had a previous relationship with medina's then boyfriend. the acid left her permanently disfigured. scarred over 30% of her body. >> try to -- i thought i was better off dead. i don't think anybody deserves anything like this. >> also addressing the committee was --
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>> and i feel that-- >> reporter: also addressing the committee was carly butler. carly butler was an acid attack victim back in 2006. and both women, both women are on a mission to have the laws changed. muriel clair, wgn news. governor quinn says an increase in the state's income tax should take priority over any plans to approve more casinos in illinois. in the next few weeks democrats in the state senate are expected to push legislation that will approve four new casinos for illinois and increase gambling machines at existing casinos. governor quinn tells the "sun- times" he says he hasn't seen that legislation but he feels an increase in the income tax should take precedence over anything else. quinn says he is open to looking at anything that would help fill the state's projected $15 billion deficit. quinn says his proposed 1% tax
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increase would raise roughly $3 billion. potential candidates for mayor of chicago have one week until they submit their signed petitions to get on the ballot. rahm emanuel has several city aldermen helping him. a coalition of african-american officials clergy and businessmen picked congressman danny davis as candidate they will back. gary chico says he plans to organize the hispanic community to make him first latino mayor and carol moseley braun got financial boost with the endorsement of a millionaire manager. dollars put before safety? coming up next, the findings of an independent commission. investigating the disastrous bp oil spill. qantas airways won't put its fleet of 8380 jumbo jets back into service right away. troubling findings in some jet engines. >> he is a motown legend. talking with smoky robinson about his new album.
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♪ uh oh. sorry, son. you still have too many of 'em. [ female announcer ] you can't pass inspection with lots of pieces left behind. that's why there's new charmin ultra strong. its enhanced diamondweave texture is soft and more durable versus the ultra rippled brand. more durable so it holds up better for a dependable clean. fewer pieces left behind.
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looks good son! [ female announcer ] new charmin ultra strong. enjoy the go. for an extra clean finish, try charmin freshmates. president obama has come out in support of india for permanent membership on the united nations security council. mr.obama is in new delhi today. he gave a wide ranging speech to parliament to endorsing india's bid to the council seat. the president called the u.s. and india, quote, indispensable partners and he said both countries can do a better job of jointly combating terrorism as well as securing the world's nuclear materials. >> we can make it clear that even as every nation has the right to peaceful nuclear energy, every nation must also
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meet its international obligations and that includes the islamic republic of iran. after india, president obama will travel to indonesia and then to the g20 meeting in south korea before heading to japan. a volcano export is warning that indonesia's mountain could erupt again at any time. 141 people have died since the volcano started erupting two weeks ago, shooting clouds of gas and debris up to 3,000 feet. thousands of people have evacuated the area near the volcano. and concerns about ash prompted many airlines to cancel weekend flights to indonesia's capital. but flying again today. president obama is expected to stop in indonesia tomorrow. the european union may start black listing airports as part of a plan to tighten cargo security. the proposal comes after authorities intercepted two package bombs in britain and dubai sent from yemen and addressed to two chicago synagogues.
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european interior ministers will consider putting suspected controls on suspected parcels and high rick airports will be banned from sending in freight. the u.s. and several other countries have already banned all freight from yemen. qantas airlines has grounded a fleet of airplanes because of oil leaks in the plane's engines. australian based carrier grounded its six double decker a380 after an engine burst minutes into a flight from singapore to sidney last week. head of qantas says engineers have found oil leaks in the turbine area on engines of three different 380 lz planes will be grounded for three days. bp oil spill didn't happen because of decisions based on, quote, dollars over safety. independent commission investigating the leaks said today that there is no evidence anyone made a decision to sacrifice safety to cut costs. now these findings conflict with congressional democrats who claim bp cut corners triggering the spill. the southern member commission have until january 11 to report
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its findings to president obama. the spill spent 200 million gallons of oil into the gulf of mexico. the worst such leak in u.s. history. people who were exposed to toxic dust at ground zero must decide by today if they will join a legal settlement. more than 10,000 people sued new york and several companies that handled clean up after the september 11th attack. the lawsuit claims that they weren't given the proper equipment to protect their lung's one lawyer says 90% of their plaintiffs agree to take a deal worth $815 million. but 95% support is needed for the settlement to become effective. a new warning about the link between eating red meat and certain types of cancer. ahead in the medical watch. a shocking number of drivers admit to having done it. just how big of a hazard drowsy drivers are on area roadway. rich slow cooked bean stew originating in the south of france. we are making casso lay ahead
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in lunch break. aren't you sick of these airline credit cards
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that advertise flights for 25,000 miles? but when you call... let me check. oh fudge, nothing without a big miles upcharge. it's either pay their miles upcharges or connect through mooseneck! [ freezing ] i can't feel my feet. we switched to the venture card from capital one -- so no more games. let's go see those grandkids. [ male announcer ] don't pay miles upcharges. don't play games. get the flight you want with the venture card at [ loving it ] help! what's in your wallet?
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have you ever fallen asleep or nodded off while driving? julian crews is live with details on a new study concerning tired driving. >> reporter: good afternoon. drunk driving and driving while texting have gotten a lot of attention in recent years. but now comes startling news from triple-a that drowsy driving has become a major problem. >> people who spend a lot of time on the road say it's not that unusual. seeing a sleep deprived driver nod off on the highway. >> you can just tell when they go back and forth through different lanes. and on the interstate. >> you seen someone actually falling asleep? >> certain. wakes up and realizes he is moving on to another lane. >> just out. just out and not get enough
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sleep at night. nobody sleeps any more. >> new study seems to confirm. it triple-a foundation for traffic safety says 40% of drivers surveys admit to dosing off behind the wheel at some point during the course of their lives. an estimated 16 1/2% of traffic fatalities across the u.s. can be traced at least in part to the problem of drowsy driving. >> one in ten admit to this. sometime within the last month. so it's a big problem out there. >> a lot of people spend time on the road. and, you know, sometimes you get tired behind the wheel after a long day's work. >> study fines that sleep deprived drivers have reduced reaction time as well as impaired vision and judgment. when sleepy driving accidents occur, the study says, half the time the vehicle swerves into another lane or runs off the road entirely. triple-a says of those who were surveyed, 11% of drivers
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admitted to driving while drowsy or sleep deprived just in the last year. so gives you an idea of the magnitude of this problem. at the o'hare oasis, julian crews, wgn news. a "chicago tribune" probe on pollution caused by metro train -- metra trains have prompted a response by senator dick durbin. investigation found that riders are breathing in strikingly high levels of toxic diesel exhaust every day called plaque carbon. considered among the most dangerous forms of air pollution. in light of the report, senator durbin is asking the environmental protection agency to review its past findings on air quality and increase funding to upgrade aging mass transit equipment in u.s. cities. i'm bloomberg's angie lau live at the cme group in chicago. some tasty profit news from mcdonald's. world's largest restaurant train based here in illinois say sales in restaurants opened
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a year climbed 6.5% last month compared to a year ago and that beat wall street expectations as well. this as more customers coming in to buy those new menu items like frappes and fruit smoothies. meanwhile at google, google helping travelers stay connected this holiday season. google announced a deal today with della. air tran and virgin america to provide free go-go inflight i would fly internet service to passengers. free inflight surfing deal starts november 20 and runs through until january 2 on all the do ms be flights -- domestic flights. and kraft hiring reformed hollywood bad boy to give voice to mr. peanut. the popular mascot for its plantar's peanuts. that voice is robert downey, jr. kraft says its animated commercial will debut officially tomorrow on sphaisback. -- facebook. in another sign of the times now you can find queen
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elizabeth 2 on facebook. the 84-year-old british monarch will be featured in videos, photos and news items on the site starting today. but you won't be able to friend the queen. according to the associated press. it's a corporate account and not a personal one. people won't be able to request to become friends with the queen. so far more than 65,000 people like this. on wall street right now, we see seeing stocks fluctuate all morning today as analysts and money managers tell bloomberg news that investors may have gotten ahead of themselves. the thinking is weak economic growth is the reality at least for now. live at the cme group in chicago, angie lau, bloomberg news. retailers are hoping for a boost in holiday shopping this year. and you can get a sneak peek at some of the big deals they are offering on black friday. the shopping site black fridaydat info has posted black friday ads for macy's, sears, wal-mart and walgreens. these ads were leaked to him by
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some of the sites 2 million subscribers. we have a real treat coming up next. we are talking with motown legend smoky robinson about his new album. also live music this midday from chicago's fifth house ensemble. chamber music ensemble kicks off their new season next week with their performance piece the weaver's tale. maybe you don't think you're at risk for heart attack or stroke, but if you're over 50 with diabetes or risks for heart disease or have pain or heaviness in the legs, i want to talk to you. you may have heard of poor leg circulation, which could be peripheral artery disease, or p.a.d.
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with p.a.d., if you have poor circulation in your legs, you may also have poor circulation in your heart and in your brain, and that can more than double your risk for heart attack or stroke. now ask yourself: am i at risk for p.a.d.? [ female announcer ] if you're not sure, call for this free information kit and find out more about p.a.d. -- how p.a.d. increases your risk for heart attack and stroke, because poor circulation in your legs could also mean poor circulation in your heart or brain. call the toll-free number on the screen. you'll get a 7-point checklist that will help you identify the risk factors for p.a.d. you'll also find out about a simple test your doctor can do for p.a.d. remember -- you don't have to have symptoms to be at risk for p.a.d. and you can read about lifestyle changes and treatment options that can help reduce your risk for heart attack or stroke if you have p.a.d. we've even included a doctor discussion guide that helps you focus the conversation about p.a.d. and make the most of the time you have with your doctor.
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call the toll-free number on the screen now and learn what you can do to help reduce the risk. the risk is real. take the first step. call today. don't want to deal with a lot of flibbity-flab or mumbo-jumbo. sounds like you need to name your price. no gobbledy-gook? never. do i still get all the dagnabbit coverage i need? sure. we give you a quote and you can adjust your price up and down to find something that works for you. ♪ this thing is okey-mcsmokey skiddly-doo. great! i think. diggity. oh! still not sure. the "name your price" tool. only from progressive. call or click today.
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what a magnificent voice. you can't help but identify it. the beautiful voice of the fabulous smoky robinson. and after all these years in music, smoky is still keeping it up on a national tour, new releases and smoky robinson is our guest this morning. smoky, how are you? >> i'm good. how are you? >> i am great. especially now that i hear your voice. i have been one of your biggest fans. i grew up in detroit so i always been into all things motown. and i want to know what are you up to now? i know you a new tour and new
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cd. >> well, yeah. i'm actually in nashville right now. i'm here the cracker barrel headquarters because i have a new cd out with them called now and then. >> right, the first african- american artest to do this. to team up with cracker barrel? >> yes, i am. the first black artist they carried in their exclusive music program and i'm proud of that, too. and we have a great association. i'm here like i said in nashville and i was here a few weeks back to meet the executives and employees. they have a diverse hiring program here. and there are people of all races working here and people of all races frequenting the restaurant. so i'm happy about that. and the now and then cd that is what they have is exclusively for cracker barrel. and it's made up of six songs. my time flies when you are having fun and six of my vintage songs. i regarded -- recorded them
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during my concerts this year. six live cuts and six of my songs from my new cds. now and then is only available at the cracker barrel stores. >> that's wonderful. it's awesome to hear that being the first black artist with cracker barrel. what keeps you motivated? where do you get the near gee to do this at this point? you have been in this for decades now. >> allison, i love my life. i'm blessedded. i get a chance to live the life that i dreamed of as a child. so it keeps me going. i mean, i just absolutely love every minute of it. and that's why i do the concerts because the concerts are the only place i get a chance to go and one-on-one with the fans and have a good time with them and make new fans. and enjoy being with the fans and the concerts last from two and a half to three hours every night and a two and a half to three hour party for me. and it never gets old. i was going to say because everything that you have
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accomplished, the grammy, lifetime achievement awards, what am i leaving out here? the star, two stars on the walk of fame. one just for being smoky and one for being with the miracles. you have done everything that a music artist could want and you have been called apo the -- poet by some of the great music artists. what's left out there for you to achieve? >> gosh, i think there is always something in show business to achieve. i would love to great role in great movie. not necessarily a starring role but a great role and a great movie. i would love to do that. >> all you have to do that is make one phone call. that's to tyler perry and you will get that movery appearance that you want -- movie appearance so much. >> i'll try that. >> smoky robinson, thank you so much for taking your time out for the wgn midday news. and we look forward to all of thicks to come from -- things to come from smoky robinson. thank you.
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all right, nice weather is hanging around this week. paul konrad has the forecast next. and the bears squeak out a win over the bills. highlights ahead in sports. host: could switching to geico really save you fifteen percent
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or more on car insurance? do woodchucks chuck wood? (high-pitched laughter) man: hey you dang woodchucks, quit chucking my wood! vo: geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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we are honored to have one of the stars. you are moving up in the world. >> been there. >> on the midday. >> can't get a ride home they put you to work. good to be with you. we are in store for beautiful weather today and the streak will continue on with a lot of sunshine across chicagoland. over the next several days. there you can see the skies are nice and clear and temperatures are warming up nicely. already we have a temperature reading of 69 degrees at buffalo grove high school and itasca at 67. oswego 68 degrees and lincoln park at 66 degrees and we will see plenty of sunshine across
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chicagoland here today. winds out of the southwest at about 3 to 5 miles per hour. at o'hare right now at 63 degrees and midway it's 63. in wheeling we are at 64. 66 for waukegan. and currently in aurora it's 62. winds out of the southwest at about 3 to 7 miles per hour. and we will see abundant sunshine. 67 degree reading in champagne. 71 in st. louis. and des moines at 65. and minneapolis at 59. this is just beginning of some real pleasant conditions around here. we were nine degrees warmer right now than 24 hours ago. and we will top out probably in the mid-60s across the great majority of chicagoland. some of our southern suburbs will make it into the upper 60s. warmth to the west of us. skies are nice and clear and heating taking place through the central plains. this is a look at satellite imagery. not a cloud in the sky across the immediate chicagoland area. clouds to the north of us and open the picture up more and see dry conditions through the central plains. big ridge of high pressure keeps our skies nice and clear. to the west of u.s. is a big storm system out in the wasatch
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mountain range. 10 to 20 inches of snowfall there. that's it. here in the mid west and through the central plains quiet, dry conditions. eventally that storm system will bring cloud cover back to the mid west here by looks like thursday. but our forecast models show pretty clear conditions through the mid west here. this is today, tonight and into tomorrow. looks like by maybe thursday we will see the clouds begin to increase and chance of rain around here late into the day on thursday. up until that time unseasonably pleasant weather with a lot of sunshine and temperatures well above what you expect this time of year. full sunshine around here this afternoon. unseasonably mild. these temperatures are 10 to 15 degrees warmer than what you expect this time of year with the daylight saving time changes. sun sets this afternoon at 4:37. and then look for day time high readings into the mid- to upper six with southerly wind at 5 to 10 miles per hour. for tonight clear skies. mild. still stay about ten degrees above what you expect this time of year with overnight lows into the 40s and then for tomorrow more sunshine and
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still warm tomorrow in the upper 60s. sunrise tomorrow morning at 6:34. it will be a little cooler tomorrow along the lakefront as the winds are southeasterly. we will show you the full seven- day forecast in a couple minutes. sun goes down at 4:30. you have the entire studio crew staring at you while you did weather. star power thing. >> bring energy into this job. >> waiting to see if i was going to fall. bottom of lake michigan for decades but a world war 2 era plane is seeing the light of day again. >> robert jordan is live at walk har-- walk harbor where salvage crews raised a piece of history. >> reporter: that's right. a piece of world war ii history. and it's a course air. a beautiful plane. they just pulled it out of the water this morning. it was used as a trainer during world war ii to teach pilots how to take off and land on the backs of aircraft carriers. and of course many of the pilots put the planes into the
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drink. first president bush put a plain down in lake michigan. this was found 33 miles off the coast of waukegan and 250 feet of water and that's where it's been in a cold sandy grave for almost 70 years. >> only f-4u-1 in the world. and it's right here. >> reporter: slowly it rose from the coal murky water of lake michigan. encrusted with zebra muscle and sea weed. it lifted into the air again as it did 67 years ago. that's when its pilot ensign carl johnson flew the f-4u1- fighter -- >> there were hundreds of in the water here from these training exercises. >> so many planes crashed because the pilots were green and the conditions on lake michigan were awful. >> ship was bucking in the waves. you know how lake michigan is ten miles out. and here is this guy landing
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the airplane on a pitching deck like that. unbelievable. >> most people don't know that lake michigan was a huge training area for aircraft carry pilots during world war ii. >> they were trained to land on aircraft carriers. this is where they would conduct their initial carrier qualifications. >> reporter: the pilot of this plane ensign carl johnson survived this crash but unfortunately he died a couple months later in a mid-air collision over hawaii. we were told that there are about 80 other planes still on the bottom of lake michigan out there. none as rare as this one. so since they are planes that are -- many have been salvages, it's unlikely that those will be brought to the surface. still they are down there covered completely and zebra muscle as this one was. from waukegan, robert jordan, wgn news. and now here is our trivia question today.
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in what year was the first black woman elected a judge in chicago? was it 1962? 1969? or 1975? the answer is still ahead on the wgn midday news.
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[in hindi] and it's like, girlfriend... if you're gonna go with sanjay, what's the problem? i'm okay with it.
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[in hindi] [crowd cheering] if you're really serious about entertainment... conan, you're on. [whispering] conan. every detail counts. [crowd cheering] bears return to the win column after heading north of the border to take on the winless buffalo bills in toronto. bears score first when jay cutler found greg olsen for the touchdown. bears took the lead again in the third. when chester taylor finds the end zone from one yard out. the defense needed to create a turnover in the fourth after the bills took the lead and they would get that turnover a tim jennings interception. set up the game winning touchdown when cutler finds earl bennett in the corner of the end zone. greg olsen spoke about the benefit of the defense creating turnovers. >> the a turnovers that our
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defense forces at key moments to give us good field position this last week was prime example. we got two, one about mid-field on the fumble on third and one and tim's big interception. you know, for an offense that's huge, having the short fields and you have to convert touchdowns and fortunately we did. it's pretty nice for an offense when you come running on the field after a big turnover especially when you have the ball in their territory. search of the next nine games for the blackhawks will be on the road and may to be their benefit. hosting the oilers last night, fernando fires a wrister passed bowland up 1-0 and then curtis foster ties the game at one. less than 15 disekds later sam granger finds net to put the oilers up 2-1. the hawks lose by the same score and drop their sixth game at the united center this year. that's a look at sports. your live illinois lottery drawing is next. to keep in balance after 50,
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i switched to a complete multivitamin with more. only one a day women's 50+ advantage has gingko for memory and concentration plus support for bone and breast health. a great addition to my routine. [ female announcer ] one a day women's. soars been another egg recall in the u.s. after evidence of salmonella cropped up in a farm in ohio. cal main foods is recalling 300,000 eggs bought from ohio fresh eggs. cal main distributes eggs here in ilskim seven other states. no illnesses were traced to the ohio farm so far but one of the financial backers owns two iowa egg farms linked to a recent salmonella outbreak that made 1600 people sick. parents beware, your preschoolers is seeing more ads
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these days for unhealthy fast food. researchers at yale university found that the fast food industry spent $4.2 billion in advertising last year. that's 21% increase from 2003. nation's 12 top restaurant chains offer more than 3,000 kids meals combinations. but the report found only a dozen of those meals met nutritional guidelines for precoolers -- preschoolers. on the medical watch, red meat lovers may have a greater chance of developing certain cancers of the throat and stomach. researchers followed half million older u.s. adultds for ten years and only a small number of them developed cancers of the esophagus or stomach. but those who ate the most red meat were 79% more likely to get cancer of the esophagus. and the chances of getting stomach cancer were also increased for men and women who ate meat that was cooked at high temperatures like grilled meats. if you are using your laptop computer and you want to
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start a family, you may want to put it on a table. new research from the state university of new york at stony brook suggest that using a laptop may lead to low sperm quality. researchers say when the men in the study placed laptops on their knees, it caused the laptop area or the lap area to overheat without even real idahoing it. and after 10 to 15 minutes the temperature rose enough affect sperm quality. using a laptop cooling pad did not solve the problem. the american urological association says that one in six couples has problems conceiving and 50% of the time it's due to low sperm quality. now that we have turned back the clocks an hour, experts say it's a great time to improve our sleep habits. while you probably enjoy that extra hour on sunday, it didn't do much to fix chronic sleep deprivation. the amount of sleep you need varies depending on your age, preschoolers neat 11 to 13 hours a night.
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school age kids ten to 11. teens at least nine. and the adults need 7 to 8 hours. constant struggle. >> you bet. >> here we are holding poor paul, he can't get his little nap in. lunch break is next. chef dirk flannigan will show us how to make a french favorite with american style. more live music with fifth house ensemble and the performers from their piece a weaver's tale.
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[ woman ] alright, so this tylenol 8 hour lasts 8 hours. but aleve can last 12 hours. and aleve was proven to work better on pain than tylenol 8 hour. so why am i still thinking about this? how are you? good, how are you? [ male announcer ] aleve. proven better on pain.
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it is time for a lunch break and dirk flannigan is the executive chef. highly acclaimed. and now on rerestaurant. did i say that right? >> that's a fancy french restaurant. >> it's a french restaurant. and i have to say ux that i haven't seen a chef this concerned about the presentation of his food in a long time in lunch break. what are you making for us? >> we have what is essentially a casserole of sorts from from the south of france. and what we do is we start with white beans. and if you can't get that then you can get great northern beans that are available in any grocery store. soak those overnight. then cook them in stock and
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what you end up with is stock. the onions. just trying to get some background going on your -- >> what about the meats you have going? >> we have the sausage. it's the capital of the area. we have the sauce thaj we make. and a little hot. it's a duck leg that's been cooked in its own juices. then a big piece of slab bacon or pork belly whatever you want to use. >> pork belly as we call it. in the mid west. pork belly or bacon. so you want to get some of that into your beans. i got some in here just to flavor your beans. i have a little bit of charred onion to see. then we all these are cooked ahead of time and at henri we
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take it a step further. at home you would take this, cook your beans. sear them off and then throw it into a casserole dish and put a little bread crumbs on top and into the oven. >> with the beans? >> with the beans. beans are cooked. everything and then what you get is this kind of you can see how thick this is here. >> and it's really good. smells so good. >> and we have a lot of herpes in here. margeroom. you can use thyme in place of it. we use a lot of duck fat and use some butter. just to really give this a background and it's a great fall dish. you can come -- i prefer you come and check it out. >> that's what i'm going to do this weekend. >> there we go. >> thank you. >> and put this over. while we have a minute, can you tell me about this tasting party coming up tomorrow night?
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>> yeah. amanda did a great cookbook from archives in the "new york times." and it's fantastic. it's a huge book. and i have chosen some of the recipes that we are doing out of there are very classic but one of them is from like 1820 or 1890. and i found that things were that were -- there is still not so commonplace but they were and they are still delicacies this day and not much has changed. so what i'm going to do is change it up a little bit and the sauce that we are using is going to be what they call a major sauce and it was whatever you threw in the pan. had to have a little lemon and caper and little bit of wine. so we will do the same thing and i will charge it up with an isi container. and instead of serving the brussel sprowtds as roasted brussel sprouts we will blend
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them and make it into a bure puree. i'm honored to be involved in it. it's a great book and "new york times" is great archive. >> folks, this is high end cooking. this is not your about a loney sandwich -- balogna sandwich. >> pretty close. we have everything here. it's a peasant dish. >> that's what steve sanders was saying. he doesn't know much more about food than i do. he is on his way to mcdonald's, too. the "new york times" cookbook tasting party is tomorrow night from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at kendall college. the event is open to the public. get educated on food. tickets are only $15. let me go over to your restaurant. henri located at 18 south michigan avenue and the gauge at 24 south michigan. >> right across from millennium park. >> and here is the finished product. >> this would be not so traditional that you will find at henri. >> so pretty. you want information on today's
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recipes if you are that brave and want to check it out, go to chef, thank you. >> thank you very
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all right, first we start with the answer to our trivia question and what year was the first black woman elected a judge in chicago? was it 1962? 1969? or 1975? turns out, steven got it right and knew the name of the judge. answer is a, 1962. edith sampson was elected associate judge. >> you don't think i cheated on that one? >> your knowledge of black history is just impeccable. >> thank you very much. >> you have to taste this. >> thank you. good to be here. here is what's happening with our weather. nice looking weather over the next couple of days. outside we have sunshine. we were at 63 at o'hare and midway. lakefront at 65. and then west chicago at dupage airport we are at 62 degrees. mid-60s already and we look for these temperatures to hold fairly steady through the early afternoon hours and peak out
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around 2:30 or so but make it to 64 to 68 degrees today. more of this here tomorrow with abundant sunshine and wednesday as well. then looks like thursday and friday the clouds will be on the increase. slight chance of a shower late into the day thursday and more likely on friday with a high of 63. then cold uer -- colder and autumn like temperatures and then shot at rain showers. 45 for a day time high reading on sunday. >> wow. awesome. >> enjoy. >> all week long. >> not going to be a morning show fan and ask for your autograph or anything. i have to tell you it's rm cool to sit next to paul mall. >> thank you. >> likewise. >> thank you for joining us today. >> great afternoon and we will leave you with more live muse scng live performance from fifth house ensemble. kicking off their first show. their 2010, 2011 season next week with two performances. enjoy.
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