tv Today NBC December 7, 2015 7:00am-9:00am EST
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good morning. we will prevail. in a rare oefg office address to the nation, president obama vows to destroy isis. >> the threat from terrorism is real, but we will overcome it. >> but doesn't offer any new strategy to respond to the threat. his political rivals pouncing. will the psident be able to stay the course on staying the course? searching for answers. the fbi interviews the mother of the san bernardino gunman as his father speaks out for the first time. were wrrng signs s
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not far from the scene of the san bernardino shootings robbers shatter jewelry cases. the suspects still on the loose. and changes when it comes to your children's health. some of them may surprise you, monday, december 7, 2015. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. and good morning, everyone. welcome to "today" on a monday morning. after a long nice weekend, how about the panic that must have taken over that shopping mall out in california? >> if that's not a sign of the times, the smash and grab jewelry heist and people who heard it think it's gunshots. they react running for their lives. one of the reasons why the president knew that this country needed to hear something about the war on terror. >> that takes us to our top story on a monday morning.
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the oval office to a nation yes, on edge in the wake of the shootings in san bernardino and the other terror attacks around the world. the president saying that they highlight a new phase in the terror threat facing the united states. we have complete coverage, including swift reaction from the republican presidential field, but first nbc national correspondent peter alexander. he's at white house. peter, good morning to you. >> reporter: matt, good morning. a majority of americans are dissatisfied with this president's handling of terrorism, but there he was, president obama, trying to reassure anxious americans and in fact saying stay the course against isis, promising to destroy the terrorist group, arguing the u.s. will prevail by being in his words strong and smart, resilient and relentless. just days after the massacre in san bernardino, a full-scale declaration in primetime from president obama. >> this was an act terrorism designed to kill innocent people. >> reporter: president said there's no evidence the.
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by a terrorist group overseas. instead, arguing they had gone down what he called the dark path of radicalization, embracing a perverted version of islam. islam. they are thugs and killers, part of a cult of death. >> reporter: comparing last week's attack to mass shootings at ft. hood and in chattanooga, the president argued that the terrorist threat has evolved into a new phase. >> i know that after so much war many americans are asking whether we are confronted by a cure. >> reporter: in only his third oval office address in seven years, mr. obama, who faces growing criticism that his campaign to defeat isis is failing, vowed the u.s. will hunt down anyone plotting attacks against this country. >> the threat from terrorism is real, but we will overcome it. >> reporter: noticeably absent any major shift in strategy, the president calling on congress to ban assault weapons and to bar anyone on a no-fly list from
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>> what could possibly be the argument for allowing a terror weapon? it's a matter of national security. >> reporter: while insisting he identifies with americans' fears, the president said the west is not at war against islam, cautioning americans not to singl out muslims. >> it is the responsibility of all americans, of every faith, to reject discrimination, because when we travel down that road we lose. >> reporter: and a senior administration official tried to punctuate progress being made against isis citing stepped-up air strikes that have destroyed at least 116 oil tankers since paris, but the lack of any new policy announcements last night really says as much about the president's confidence in the current plan to beat isis as it does about his sense that there really aren't any better alternatives. matt and savannah? >> peter alexander at the white house, peter, thank you. >> before the president even finished that speech some of the republican presidential candidates were weighing in. nbc's andrea mitchell is here with that piece of the story.
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>> good morning, savannah. well, not surprisingly it didn't long at all for the republican candidates to pan the president's speech. donald trump was first out of the box on twitter. >> may god bless the united states of america. >> reporter: it took only 990 seconds after president obama finished speaking for donald trump to tweet is that all there is? we need a new president, fast! later trump tweeted, well, obama refused to say, he just can't say it, that we are at war with radical islamic terrorists, though that's a phrase george w. bush also refused to use. marco rubio on fox. >> people are scared not just because of these attacks but because the growing sense that we have a president that's completely overwhelmed by them. >> reporter: other republican ted cruz. if i am elected president, i will direct the department of defense to destroy isis. ben carson called it strange that it took four days from the attack to respond. and even more strange that
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proof his policies are working. since the san bernardino massacre, the republican criticism has been fierce. >> we have a situation in our country where we have a president who is out of control. he's out of control. >> reporter: even hillary clinton is sounding alarms. >> i know that americans are anxious and fearful, and we have reason to be. the threat is real. the need for action is urgent >> reporter: white house wanted to reassure a jittery nation, but in the middle of a political campaign, that is a tall order, especially as terrorism becomes a major concern increasingly for a large segment of americans. >> all right, and iia. stand by there. we want to bring into this conversation mark halperin, managing editor with "bloomberg politics." >> president don't do this often, go into the oval office and address in primetime. this president hasn't done it since 2010. these are moments of importance and crisis. because that have are you surprise that had in this speech
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terms of strategy or policy, that it was basically stay the course? >> i'm surprised by that. i'm also surprise that had he didn't do a good enough job or maybe any job of reaching out to republicans. this is a time when we need national unity. we're in the middle of a presidential campaign, leaving office in a little over a year. reaction from republicans, as andrea said, uniformly bad, not just the presidential candidates by the capitol hill leaders. i think nothing new and no sense of bipartisanship, not good for the country. >> mark, the white house will be quick to say this is not a speech that is for the political class. it's not for you. not for us sitting at table. it's for regular americans who might just be tuning into this issue. the problem with that, as i see it, number one, it acknowledges that they need reassurance, that up to this point they haven't gotten it and number two, they don't know what our strategy is. shouldn't they? >> they need to know what the strategy is. again, i think americans look -- look, this is fundamental responsibility of washington, to protect the country, to protect american interests abroad, and when the president comes out and gives a speech and then it becomes just politics, it
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class, i think that's a failure of leadership of both parties, but the president's got the primary responsibility now, and you would like a world, like after 9/11, where the president addresses the country and says the we're in crisis and republicans say we'll put partisanship aside for a moment and work with him. that's not what we're seeing. >> using the president's own words, early in the speech americans see the threat of terrorism as a cancer with no immediate cure. based on what you heard from the president last night should americans feel like at least there is a cure down the road? >> no, and i thought that was actually a bad metaphor to use because people think of cancer in one way and what he needed to project, as mark was saying, that we have solutions and in fact with no new strategy to announce, having elevated this to a sunday night primetime speech from the oval office which is, you know, incredibly -- >> rarified air. >> rarified air, us a point out, and to not have a new strategy, to not explain new military
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or to embrace some sort of unifying vision really is a problem. our new poll is indicating that there are real concerns about terrorism, and there is a partisan divide on this, but so many people are now after it and san bernardino bringing it home. he needs to speak after paris. wrong for him to not correct the imagery of jv >> the press conference doesn't convey that sense of it. he needed to address the nation sooner, his own critics of his own party say, and in fact he came to this position last night because of democrats as well as republicans but primarily democrats in the leadership who are up for senate seats saying you've got to deal with this. the country is really scared. >> this isn't a business as usual moment. >> right. >> and too much of what he's done, including last night, using the oval office, was business as usual. a repeating basically what he
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nothing new and no sense of urgency which is what a lot of americans are feeling. >> mark halperin and andrea mitchell, good to have you both. thank you. >> more now on the investigation into the san bernardino rampage. as authorities interview family and friends of the gunman syed farook's father who is now speaking out. nbc's miguel almaguer is in san bernardino. miguel, good morning to you. >> reporter: matt, good morning. the fbi is still processing crime scenes. they are looking for evidence overseas and here at home as the investigators question the gunman's mother, and we hear from his father for the first time. his massacre claimed 14 lives and left 21 wounded by syed farook is described by his father as a momma's boy born and raised in the u.s. speaking to an italian newspapers syed farook sr. says his son became obsessed against israel and shared isis leader al bahardi's ideology to create an islamic state.
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>> reporter: farook with his wife tashfeen malik carried out the deadliest act of terror in the u.s. since 9/11. at their home they raised their 6-month-old daughter with farook's mother. the house of bomb factory stockpiled with explosives and ammo. the fbi also raided the home of syed farook's childhood friend enrique marquez, agents blowing up a garage door and hauling away evidence and was unable to interview marquez because officials say he sought mental massacre. marquez bought the assault rifles used in the shooting three to four years ago later acquired by farook. >> seemed like normal everyday americans. >> reporter: every day in san bernardino they pray for the victims as families prepare to sierra clay sierra claiborne was 27. she will always be her daddy's little girl. >> i give god all the glory for
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for her short time here. we weren't ready for this. >> reporter: after spending several hours interviewing farook, the shooter's mother, they will also likely question her several more times, we're told, by fbi officials. meantime, matt, we should also say this investigation continues here and abroad as they look for more clues about this case going evidence. matt and savannah? >> miguel almaguer out in california, miguel, thank you. let's talk about that international part of the investigation t.stretches all the way to pakistan where tashfeen malik was born and returned for college before she eventually iride of to the u.s. on a special fiance visa. bill neely has traveled to islamabad, pakistan this morning. bill, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. tashfeen malik is a mystery to her family and to authorities here, all of whom are trying to work out why a young mother
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of so many others the way she did. locked. her family, including her father gulzar malik, have fled, but not not before pakistani officials extremists. at the college where she studied pharmacy for five years they insist she was not radicalized there >> the radical-minded culture, not like that. >> reporter: she was a deeply religious and private woman, destroying any photographs that showed her without a veil. never revealing her face to men in pakistan. investigators here have little idea why she turned terrorist. there is no link says its interior minister, between her and extremists in pakistan. at the country's most radical mosque, clerics denied any link to her. some women students from this mosque pledged allegiance to isis last year.
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them, but she was close to some hardline students in pakistan, and she, too, declared her loyalty to isis just before the massacre. her friend say she was devoutly muslim but no supporter of islamist violence. they are shocked. >> anyone who knows her can't expect that she can do such things. >> reporter: and she stressed malik grew up in conservative saudi arabia. saudi authorities, too, are looking into her. it's not clear whether she radicalized her husband or vice versa. what she did though was very clear, very deadly and deliberate. and it's clear from survivors of the mass killing that she took a full and active part in it, and say police she fired at them later. what no one knows is where she learned to use and fire a weapon with such deadly force. matt? >> all right.
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bill neely thank you. nbc's justice correspondent pete williams is working the investigation from washington. pete, what has the fbi been able to learn? >> reporter: matt, good morning. the president spoke mostly about isis sunday night, but the justice department and the fbi say they can't be sure what the source of radicalization actually was. attorney general loretta lynch said sunday that investigators don't yet know which terror group's propaganda the couple was following. even though tashfeen malik posted a statement of support for isis to facebook around the time of the attack. members of the family in pakistan have told american reporters that before she came to the u.s. she was putting up pro-jihadist comments on social media. officials say they see no indication yet that once she was here either she or syed farook were in direct contact with any terrorists overseas, and investigators say there's no sign the couple was part of a larger terror cell or that anybody else was involved. the fbi hopes the answers to those questions will be found on the computer hard drives and the
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behind, but agents say farook and malik smashed those devices. they say they are trying to extract what's on them but that's taking much longer than it usually does, although they say this morning they are having some success. so far officials say their conclusion that the couple was radicalized it based on the things they left behind, the guns, the bombs, the way they tried to cover their tracks and the extensive preparation burks what the fbi wants to know is what they were thinking and those answers, they hope, are on those devices. matt in the. >> all right. pete williams in washington. pete, thank you very much. we'll shift gears and take a look at weather. dylan is in for al. what are we looking at in the. >> the pacific northwest cannot catch a break. every single day there's been a major weather system, the typical el nino pattern, all this moisture streaming in off the pacific and eve been seeing round and round of heavy rain. jet stream in the upper levels of the atmosphere moving at 200 miles per hour and all of these
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the pacific northwest will get slammed with heavy rain and gusty winds through thursday. winds have already gusted up to 60 near 80 miles per hour, and as we go through the day today, we'll seat heaviest rain across southwestern oregon and on tuesday it moves back into northwestern washington state. we will see some mountain snow but mainly above 6,000 feet. it's really the rain that's our biggest issue where we could see another 5 up to 7 to 9 inches of rain. this could lead to some minor flooding in the river. this part of the country can handle all that rain and, of course, this is very good news when you talk about mountain snow. it gets you through the winter months and eventually through to the summer. we're looking at significant rainfall over pretty much the next week. that's a look at the weather isn't it funny that the people you're closest to are also the hardest to shop for. but if you know where to look for inspiration, you can find the perfect gift for everyone on your list. low prices on everything you
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walmart >> jeremy: good morning. another mild day with a mix of clouds and sunshine. very little wind out there, as well. temps between 53 and 58. boston later today at 56. fitchburg 54. south coast middle and upper 50s. now, for tomorrow, cloudy skies. much cooler tomorrow. temperatures only in the lower 40s. boston tomorrow 42. plymouth at 45. but 40s. that's actually where we should be for december. 40s again on wednesday. thursday a few isolated rain showers, back into the 50s. >> and that's your late forecast. >> all right. dylan, thanks very much. coming up, we are going to get into that story we told you about at beginning of our show. a jewelry heist causes chaos at a mall near san bernardino. the panicked moments as shoppers
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glass for gunfire. and then firearms flying off store shelves as america's gun debate rages on in the wake of last week's attack. we'll look into it. nbc. on-the-job training for benghazi, beheadings, on a commander-in-chief with experience, who understands the world. time is of the essence. negotiation, ambivalence or delay, are not acceptable. the first with a plan to destroy isis? john kasich. new day for america is responsible for the content of
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coming up, it is being called the holy grail of shipwrecks. an inside look at what the could be the biggest sunken treasure every found worth billions. >> and one-on-one with adele. what the superstar is revealing there are some people you should give underwear to this holiday. and there are some people you shouldn't . people you should. shouldn't. janice! should. shouldn't. yes. no. should. no way. should. no. definitely not. ha ha, nay. you shouldn't give underwear to everybody. but for those you do, give them fruit of the loom.
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downtown boston. j.r., coming off a nice weekend. how will it look for today? >> jeremy: pretty good. mission of clouds and sunshine. 20s and 30s. the city at 38. bedford at 28. still mild through the day with temps this afternoon between 53 and 58. 7 on 7 forecast, back to reality tomorrow. clouds, cool, raw, low 40s tomorrow. >> christa: now to your headlines this morning and a motorcyclist is dead after a serious crash in dorchester. a motorcycle collided with a car. the rider was pronounced dead at the hospital after being take therein with very serious injuries. the driver of the car suffering minor injuries. security will be stepped up again at schools throughout officials investigate several threats that were made last week at a community meeting last warned them about threats to shoot up the schools could be the same person who made the threats in the first place. they're investigating. and we're back in about half hour.
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>> they should be happy. it's going to be 50 today and maybe 60 by saturday. >> you were saying that's bikini weather. >> did i say that? >> let's take a look at some of the stories making headlines right now. in a very rare primetime address from the oval office, president obama tried to reassure nervous americans in the wake of the san bernardino shootings and other
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he vowed to destroy isis and other terror organizations to try to harm the u.s. but he did changes. the president also called on congress to pass tougher gun control laws. >> london police are adding patrols this morning after a station. videos show the 29-year-old suspect being tased after he allegedly attacked a man with a knife reportedly yelling this is for syria as he did it. and our new msnbc telemundo marist poll puts hillary clinton ahead of all republican candidates in a hypothetical general election. she leads trump by the widest margin, 11 points and marco rubio by three and ben carson came closest trailing clinton by just a point. >> as we've been talking about this morning, saw a clear example last night of the nervousness a lot of people are feeling after san bernardino, and natalie's got that part of >> that's right. you guys showed that video at top. show and many shoppers were at a mall in southern california and confused the sound of a robbery
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to chaos and the mall being locked down. panic overnight in a crowded southern california mall as holiday shoppers heard what sounded like gunfire. >> sounded like two large bangs. >> police launched a massive response at the tyler mall in riverside, california. just about 17 miles away from last week's terror attacks in san bernardino. that city's police chief tweeting officers were called to riverside incident as a mutual aid shooting call, shooting unfound. the sound that startled shoppers caught on tape in this vine video turned out to be three men who entered a jewelry store and began smashing a display case with an ax in an attempt to steal the jewelry. >> just a massive stampede out of the food court. grabbed my daughter, and i was just screaming run, run, run >> the community on high alert after the terror attacks that left 14 dead. >> i told myself i wasn't going to go to any malls or any movie theaters with all of this thinking of the potential for
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but i told myself i wasn't going to threat stop me and decided to go out to the mall tonight and then this happened so, yeah. i think tensions are high. >> after a sweecht mall, officers were unable to locate the three masked thieves. they did, however, recover the suspect vehicle nearby. but certainly nerves are very frayed right now, especially in that community. >> understandable. >> natalie, thank you. more now about the gun control debate sparked by the san bernardino attack and other attacks. regardless of where you stand one thing is cleerk the business of guns is booming. nbc's stephanie gosk is in san bernardino this morning good morning, stephanie. >> reporter: good morning, matt. after a deadly shooting like this, there's a collective digging in of heels in the gun debate as there are calls for do the sales of guns no. official numbers after the shooting, but there are signs that in some places guns are following one of the worst
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2012 attack on sandy hook school where 20 children and 6 adults were killed, the head of the nra famously said this. >> the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. >> reporter: that week broke the record for firearm background checks, the first step in buying a new gun and the record still stands. among spike in sales were purchases of ar-15 rifles, like the one adam lanza used in the rampage. now, anecdotes from around the country suggest the attack in san bernardino which is being investigated as an act of terrorism is having a similar effect. nearby get loaded gunshot is basically sold out of fireballs and ammo. 35,000 rounds on saturday alone. >> my dealers and distributors will love me on monday when i
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>> reporter: they were uneasy about buying a gun but not anymore and in upstate new york a sheriff wrote on facebook i want to encourage citizens of ulster count who are licensed to carry a firearm, please do so and the president of liberty university sparked controversial we these comments. >> if more and more people had concealed carries, we could end the muslims before they go off and kill us. >> reporter: falwell later clargfying telling the "washington post" he meant islamic terrorists when he said those muslims. joining the chorus for more gun control was the "new york times," publishing its first front page editorial since 1980 and radio talk show host eric erickson posted his response on line. i shot holes in the "new york times" editorials are and he did, literally. for like-minded gun owners there will be a brand new place to turn on tv.
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network brings to life a vast awry of firearms. >> reporter: and gun-tv is set to launch in january, eventually becoming the first 24-hour network dedicated to firearms. one in three americans already owns a firearm and the number of firearm background checks has been on the rise for months. black friday actually broke the record for a single day this. holiday season guns are on a lot of people's gift list. guys, back to you. >> stephanie gosk in san bernardino this morning stephanie, thank you. all right. someone just got an e-mail message, i don't know who it was. heard the little ding and miss dylan has a check of the weather. >> and there could be some travel delays because of fog this morning, especially out near detroit and chicago where the fog is pretty dense. we're not seeing widespread freezing fog because temperatures have been really so much above average, but look at our visibility in chicago, in toledo, in lancing. zero mile visibility in parts of the northeast as well. got this jet stream all the way to the north. this is a very unusual pattern, especially as we continue through december here and look
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week. we're going to stay about 5 to 15 degrees above average today. kansas city about 60 degrees and chicago about 46 and then on tuesday we're staying in the 50s and 60s further south and 71 in dallas which is 12 degrees above average. wednesday the warm weather continues, new york city about 53 and raleigh about 63 and then inching closer and closer to 60 degrees even up into boston, ten degrees more than average and memphis 15 degrees by average by the end of the week. do have an air of high pressure that's keeping the sunshine out and very messy in the pacific northwest where rain and high elevation snow and very gusty winds will re >> jeremy: good morning. another mild day with a mix of clouds and sunshine. very little wind out there, as well. temps between 53 and 58. boston later today at 56. fitchburg 54. south coast middle and upper 50s. now, for tomorrow, cloudy skies. much cooler tomorrow. temperatures only in the lower 40s.
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plymouth at 45. but 40s. that's actually where we should be for december. 40s again on wednesday. thursday a few isolated rain showers, back into the 50s. and that's your latest forecast. >> all right, dylan, thank you. coming up, the brother of reality star kristin cavallari missing, his car found hundreds of miles from his home. the late on frantic search to find him. >> and up next a remarkable find worth billions. the mystery surrounding the discovery of what could be the largest sunken treasure ever, right after this. one, two, three, four, can i have a little more? five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, i love you sail the ship chop the tree skip the rope look at me everything cuddl duds for everyone and every home.
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surprise!!!!! developer! its official, i work for ge!! what? wow... yeah! guys, i'll be writing a new so planes, trains, even hospitals can work better. oh! sorry, i was trying to put it away... got it on the cake. so you're going to work on a train? you're not gonna develop stuff anymore? no i am... do you know what ge is? shot of the tree and the crowd. we're back at 7:4. we've got the discovery of what maybe the world's larrest sunken treasure. >> the colombian government says the wreckage of a ship called the "san jose" and as nbc's kerry sanders explains it could be worth billions. >> reporter: this debris
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coast of colombia may not look like much, a few cannons, pottery and a handful of coins but treasure hunters say it's the holy grail of shipwrecks. colombia's president juan manuel santos calls it the most valuable treasure that's been found in the history of humanity. it's from the spanish galleon "san jose" sunk off the coast of caragena in a battle with the british navy and all but six of its passenger and crew were lot. the "san jose" was also carrying a treasure trove of gold, silver and jewels said to be worth more than spain's annual income at the time. in today's money, billions. >> the incredible thing about the "san jose" find this is a virgin shipwreck. years. >> reporter: it took the treasure-hunting schmidt family 16 years of hard work to finally get lucky and find the historic
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>> you hate to say it's a dream come true, but it's a dream come true. >> reporter: months ago they hit it big, finding more than 350 spanish gold coins worth $4.5 million. the exact location of the "san jose" wreck is a closely guarded secret, and there will likely be years of court fights to determine who is entitled to what, but treasure hunters say it's about more than money. >> everyone thinks in treasure hunting of the gold and silver, but it really comes down to the amazing artifacts that tell a bigger story, provide a great bounty of information for mankind. >> reporter: for "today," kerry sanders, nbc news, miami. >> amazingled conversation that story sparked here on this set. a lot of budding treasure hunters. >> exactly. >> and i confess to watching "titanic" over the weekend. >> that turns into a whole other story. >> she went out and bought a snorkel. >> some place to keep this stuff?
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la vie est belle, the eau de parfum, lanc me. now at macy's, your fragrance destination. [meow mix jingle slowly and quietly plucks] right on cue. [cat meows] meow, meow, meow, meow... it's more than just a meal, it's meow mix mealtime. with great taste and 100% complete nutrition, it's the only one cats ask for by name. to feel this special... need to eat this special. i love it start your day... ...with 150 nourishing calories in a bowl of special k. eat special, feel special. (music) woman: i' ll never remember all the projects, presentations, or meetings i gave up my nights for. (music' s drums intensify) but days like this, i' ll never forget. get out there, in the 2016 ford escape.
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back at 79 :49. all the debate, who would you select at "time" magazine person of the year. tamron is here for the short list. >> a few days to debate this. the criteria for person of the year is someone for good or for ill, has had the most impact on the world and the news for this year. as savannah mentioned this sets off a huge debate so here we go. no particular order, guys. here is "time's" short list.
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black lives matter activists, angela merkel, chancellor of germany, caitlyn jenner, travis kalanick and abu bakr al baghdadi, leader of russia, vladimir putin, president of russia and the president of iran. that's the short list to start debating now. who do you think should be "time's" person of the year? head to "today" or "time's" person of the year. we'll reveal the choice on wednesday selected by "time" right here on the "today" show and for a little fun here's what we would look like as a bitmoji. >> i had nothing to do with this. >> i do love bitmojis but had nothing to do with it. >> savannah caused me to create a bitmoji account and convinced "time" magazine to do this for us.
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dylan and i don't know who that person is down at the bottom. >> what do you think the people are going to say when we ask for this? >> i think it will be trump. >> i could see -- >> you can't deny his impact on politics whether you like it or don't like it. it's huge >> you hope it's not al baghdadi. >> i think it will be trump and caitlin neck and neck. >> he doesn't win the internet polling, but to your point, what he's done for the political discourse and the conversation as well. >> you note good thing? we'll find out first here wednesday morning thanks to the folks at "time." >> thank you, coming up, a new recommendation that could mean extra screening for your kids during their next checkup. >> and our chat with the woman of the moment, adele y.isn't she on the cover of that magazine? >> yeah. >> she says her new album is taking her by surprise at well,
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and choosing unitedhealthcare can help make it simpler by letting you know when your claim has been processed. yo, adrian. still not funny. unitedhealthcare just fifteen minutes and a little imagination are all you need to make holiday magic. (microwave) ding! chex party mix. it's what the holidays are made of. there are some people you should
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and there are some people you shouldn't . people you should. shouldn't. janice! should. shouldn't. yes. no. should. no way. should. no. definitely not. ha ha, nay. you shouldn't give underwear to everybody. but for those you do, give them fruit of the loom. fact you won't find the brand pharmacists recommend most for cold and flu relief at the shelf. advil cold & sinus is only behind the pharmacy counter. ask your pharmacist for fast, powerful advil cold & sinus. relief doesn't get any better than this. should we put a jelly bean on the top? purple? absolutely. [singing] on the third day of christmas my true love sent to
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the only way to get better is to challenge yourself, and that's what we're doing at xfinity. we are challenging ourselves to improve every aspect of your experience. and this includes our commitment to being on time. every time. that's why if we're ever late for an appointment, we'll credit your account $20. it's our promise to you. we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit into your life. not the other way around. jeb bush: here's the truth you will not hear from our president: we are at war with radical islamic terrorism. it is the struggle that will determine the fate of
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should not delay in leading a global coalition to take out isis with overwhelming force. their aim is our total destruction. we can't withdraw from this threat or negotiate with it. we have but one choice: to defeat it. vo: right to rise usa is responsible for the content of this message. >> this is 7news now. >> jadiann: good morning, everyone. it's 7:57 on this monday morning. kind of hazy out there, j.r. what is all that? >> jeremy: mix of clouds and sunshine. filtered sunshine through those high thin clouds. 38 in town. bedford at 28. through the day, much like yesterday, a nice, mild day between 53 and 58. more clouds around tomorrow. more like december. chilly breeze. only in the lower 40s tomorrow. >> jadiann: all right. thank you, j.r. the prosecution will wrap up cross-examination of a mental health expert in the philip chism murder trial. on friday psychiatrist richard
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from psychosis, a severe mental disorder. chism is accused of killing colleen ritzer, his math teacher at danvers high school in 2013. six people arrested at a home in peabody are expected to appear in court today. investigators say they found heroin and cocaine inside that home during a raid on saturday. officials say the suspects were also involved in human trafficking. we'll be back in 25 minutes with another update. hope you're having a great morning. for lynn's family, the big stress is paying four hundred dollars a month
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for aidan. for other families it's higher deductibles, premiums and co-pays that keep adding up. that's why we've got to crack down on price gouging, cap out-of-pocket costs, and fast track approval of less expensive generic drugs. because we've got to get health care costs under control for lynn's family and for yours.
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it's 8:00 on "today" and coming up, checking up on your kids' checkup. new recommendations just out this morning that could mean big changes at their next doctor's visit. then from "dynasty" to gamehood, legendary actress and author joan collins will stop by live to preview an auction of some of her most prides possessions and to remember her late sister jackie. plus, adele one-on-one. the music superstar opens up ahead of her big radio city concert talking fame, family and the baby boy who changed her
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has he made you a more emotional person? >> yes, in every single way possible. >> today, monday, december 7th, 2015. >> here for the "today" show from texas. >> good morning, north dakota! >> we're visiting the "today" show! we're back now. 8:00 now on a monday morning. it's the 7th day of december, 2015. we have a huge christmas-type crowd here on our plaza this morning. >> festive. >> and we've got wrangler hanging out. >> beautiful. >> looking --
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>> where are my liver treats? >> coming up, we've got a legend in our house. we've got dame joan collins. we can't wait to talk to her. we'll talk about some of the treasures from her time on "dynasty" that she has brought along. lots to talk to dame joan collins about. >> she is absolutely beautiful. >> yeah, she is. >> first a check of the top store thinks morning with natalie at her post this morning. natalie, good morning. >> good morning to you once again. in a rare primetime speech from the oval office, president obama vowed that america will defeat isis as well as a new kind of enemy threatening the homeland from within. nbc national correspondent peter alexander is at the white house. peter, good morning. >> reporter: natalie, good morning to you. significantly this was the president's first oval office address in more than five years. the threat against the u.s. he says it's evolved into a new phase, and for the first time he called the san bernardino massacre a terrorist act that was likely inspired by isis. president obama defended his administration's efforts to
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his strategy to defeat isis overseas while trying to reassure anxious americans. >> let's not forget that freedom is more powerful than fear, that we have always met challenges, whether war or depression, natural disasters, or terrorist attacks, by coming together around our common ideals as one nation and one people. >> reporter: still, not surprisingly the president's critics were unimpress the. they say he's almost disengaged. within literally minutes of his speech many of them pounced insisting president obama isn't offering any new strategies or policy and no severance urgency. there is? natalie. >> all right, peter alexander at peter. mean while fbi has interviewed the mother of san bernardino gunman syed farook.
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son along with his wife accomplice tashfeen malik and their infant daughter. agents want to know if the mother knew about the bomb-making workshop in the family garage and the gunman's father tells an italian newspaper farook was fixated on israel and shared isis ideology and investigators also raided the homes of a friend to bought the assault rifles use in the the attack. two male college students were found safe sunday night after being forcibly be a duct over the weekend. police say the university of rochester seniors were last seen early saturday morning. a s.w.a.t. team was launched on sunday after police figured out where they were being held. both students are now in the hospital. they are expected to be okay. one of the victims had a gunshot wound in his leg. four people are in custody in connection to the kidnapping. police say the abduction was a targeted attack. police are asking for the public to help them find brother
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layer who lives in california and hasn't been seen since the day after thanksgiving. officials are looking for reality tv star kristin cavallari's older brother after his car was found apan donned on a southeastern utah road. the honda civic was found 100 feet off interstate 70. it was still running and the air bags deployed. his cell phone and laptop were inside, but there was no sign of michael. >> there's really no signs much of anything. the vehicle was just abandoned. >> reporter: credit card receipts led investigators to a convenience store about 100 miles south where the store surveillance video helped police positively identify michael. he hasn't been seen since making that purchase. kristin cavallari rose to fame on the 2004 mtv reality series "laguna beach" and its spinoff "the hill." >> i know. works. >> reporter: yet to make any public comments about her
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days before he went missing cavallari, who is married to chicago bears quarterback jay cutler, gave birth to her third child, posting this photo of the newborn on instagram last week. meanwhile, police continue their search for michael. >> at this point in time there is no signs of foul play that we can tell. we're still piecing everything together. >> and police are hoping that anyone with information or knowledge of michael cavallari's whereabouts will come forward. university of houston is investigating video of security guards tackling and hitting a fan who rushed on to the field after houston's victory over temple on saturday. the school athletic official says he's extremely disappointed and angered with the actions taken by the guards, as you see there, and he promised swift action which could include terminating the security company's contract. well, some good news this morning from former president jimmy carter and his battle with cancer. carter told worshippers at his hometown church in plains,
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mri revealed the cancer appears to be gone. the 91-year-old had several melanoma spots in his liver and brain. carter still plans to receive regular three-week immunotherapy treatments. well, nearly one month after the terrorist attacks in paris, irish rock band u2 returned to the city to play the concert it was forced to cancel following the shooting rampage. >> seems like the whole world is in paris. tonight we are all parisiennes. [ cheers and applause ] >> lead singer bono paid respected to the 1230 people killed in paris on november 13th, and the he told the audience we stand together with the families of those killed in paris. the arena is not far from the site of the terrorist rampage. the band will play a second show in paris tonight. you're up to date right now. let's turn it over to savannah. >> natalie, thank you so much. next time you take your kids to the doctor there may be a few
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today the american academy of pediatrics releases its recommendations for more preventive testing from everything to hiv to cholesterol, and dr. natalie contributor. doctor, good morning. >> good morning, savannah. >> the stuff your kid will be asked about when going to the doctor. >> depending on what age they are. >> let's start with the first thing we're talking about, cholesterol screening, a little controversial. what do they recommend? >> the rationale for this is atherosclerosis, the process that increases your risk for lessens. the important thing to remember is although they are recommending universal screening, that is, every kid between the ages of 9 and 11, they are stopping very short from saying everybody needs to be treated in their cholesterol is high. rather they have a very complex algorithm that takes in account family history, their age and what the lipid profile looks like. a very small percentage of children are candidates for statin therapy if they have something called familial hypercholesterol meaning their numbers are sky high, not overweight necessarily. the justice department tonight
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know, the development ultimate life heart disease. >> more screening means potentially more treatment. we'll see how it develops. cavities, a big one for people with little ones like me. >> yes. the new change here is that we for a number of years, the recommendation was to do something called a fluoride varnish. my kids have been getting this for a number of years at dentist office. put a layer of flor imptd the kids don't have to blush or floss at night and used to only make this recommendation if you lived in an area that did not now recommending it universally for children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years and recommending flouride tooth pavement talking about this before the segment. talk to your doctor about this kids. adolescents. the recommendation here, the cdc actually has a recommendation out that there should be universal screening between the ages of 13 and 24 ant american academy of pediatrics is recommending a screening at least once between the ages of
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they say that one out of four cases of new hiv infection a cures in children or youth between the ages of 13 and 24 know. >> another biggie. adolescents. >> yes, depression screening. >> yes, i absolutely lot. we know we always hear about teen suicide and how depression rates are on the rise. very, very significant portion of depression starts in at lessens amptd very complex tool and when you look into it what kind of screening these doctors can do, but it's quick and efficient and they can refer out for further therapy if needed. they are recommending this annually from the ages of 11 to 21. >> these are the questions that need to be asked and finally, more questions about drug and alcohol use. >> this is great. ion if we have the mnemonic up here but it's called c.r.a.f.t. and basically stands for have you ever been in a car with someone under the influence of alcohol or substance abuse?
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and does it make you feel alone and the mnemonic goes down and a great way for pediatricians to intervene early and identify children who might need therapy or referral. >> thanks for breaking it down, natalie. coming up next, ryan gosling hosts "snl" and breaks out into an epic case of the giggle. more and that in "pop start" and adele opens up about why she struggled to write new album, her son and what she thinks her place in music highs tre try is. matt. >> >> we've got allotted to talk about with the legendary joan collins. so happy to have her back
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i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer. my psoriatic arthritis caused joint pain. just like my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. and i was worried about joint damage. my doctor saidr joint pain from ra can be a sign of existingt joint damage that could only get worse. he prescribed enbrel to help relieve pain and help stop further damage. enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders
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have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplace where fungal infections are common, or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. joint pain and damage... can go side by side. ask how enbrel can help relieve joint pain and help stop joint damage. enbrel, the number one rheumatologist-prescribed biologic. from the big gifts that mean a lot, to the little ones that mean everything. get the perfect gift for everyone and share wonder on christmas day.
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8:14. only one thing to do right now, "trending." >> you know what starts two weeks from today? >> christmas? >> winter. >> winter starts. >> way to go, natalie. that's right. >> it's in the prompter. >> cnn is busting some of the top myths about your health during the winter months. myth number one. cold air makes you sick. >> that's not true. >> yeah. >> it's a myth. >> i'll take your word for it. >> cells to fight infection actually increase when you go
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take that one to the side. in freezing temperatures, not good to work out. >> that's just an excuse. >> don't skip the gift. experts said gold could actually help you race faster and burn more calories. >> working out outside is okay in the cold. >> your mom would always say when you're young, wear a hat because you lose most of your body heat through your head. >> right. >> true. >> that's true, right? >> you know when you have no hair, that feels true. no, no. doctors say no. in fact, if you go outside with gloves you lose more of your body heat through your hands than you do through your head. >> my ears are cold and my feet are cold rest of me is cold. >> i think a hat is more comfortable in the win thor. >> you may ask this, does mcdonald's food real last long after you bought it? take a look. this burger and fries was bought in ice land six years ago.
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>> one of the last mcdonald's meals ever served in that country before all the stores closed so one guy decided to sake. >> where did he keep it? >> check it out. >> wow. >> this is the burger and fries, right now. >> is that like -- >> is that fridge rated. >> is that hermetically sealed? >> mcdonald's on its website explained why this haps happened and you're on to something, matt. bacteria and mold may not grow on the food without moisture, according to mcdonald's. >> i'm surprised there's still fries left. >> the nothing about that made me feel good. >> no, not at all. >> all right. you girngs happen to watch "jaws" this weekend? it was on. i'm not talking about the original movie but the intense surving competition in hawaii.
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sports super bowl calleds s jaws and with waves as high as 60 feet high. wipeouts were spectacular and terrifying. take a look at this jetski. who does this? >> some brave people. >> ever tried surfing and get held under by a wave, can be absolutely terrifying. >> look at that. >> those two are happy to be alive. >> the surfers look this big. and a scary home invasion to simon cowell's home and twitter best this week. invasion. a burglar broke into his home on friday when he and his girlfriend girlfriend and 20-month-old baby boy slept. simon is pragz one of his security guards who reportedly chased down the thieves and
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simon's passport. simon called thens dent nerve-racking, can certainly understand that, but says it all could have been much worse. very scary. next to twitter and its top moments of the year. the most re-tweeted tweets comes from harry stiles reacting to the news that zane malik was leaving one direction. harry wrote simply all the love as always, and that got more than 719,000 re-tweets and guys, get this. five of the top ten most re-tweeted tweets are from -- >> one direction. >> one direction, wow. >> not shocked. >> so the rule is put one direction in your hashtag. >> all right. president obama managed to make the list at number four with his responsed to the supreme court gay marriage ruling. he tweeted today is a big step in our march toward equality, hashtag lovewins and caitlin jern introducing herself to the world tweeting welcome to the world caitlin. can't wait for to you get to know her/me.
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ryan gosling this week and he hosted "snl" for the first time and here's the sketch people are talking about sharing over and over. about three friends who have a wild encounter with aliens. ryan and "snl" cast members could not keep it together. here's the sgloemt perhaps they were collecting biological data. >> no. >> no, no, that fell off the books. there was one gray alien, i think he was the lookout. look, it wasn't my worst wednesday night. >> how did the aliens return you all to earth? >> i was carried down gently. he's crying. >> he's crying. >> lorne michaels says he doesn't like it when cast members break character to laugh, but i guess they could not control themselves and we
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gosling is natalie's boo. that's your "pop start" and savannah refers to him, want to explain. >> he cracks me up. >> he's so hilarious. >> that's exactly what i meant. >> the way you were describing it. >> it was not. >> thank you, tamron, for outing me. >> dylan, let's get a check of the weather. >> looking at pretty weather across most country except in the southeast and northwest. in the southeast we do have a stalled front down through southern florida that's been bringing rain to the area for days and through south carolina this morning we're seeing some of the heavier rain and then it's going to move through north carolina, especially as we go into later this afternoon and tonight and tomorrow. we could see most of this low pressure staying offshore but just enough to produce up to a >> jeremy: good morning. another mild day with a mix of clouds and sunshine.
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temps between 53 and 58. boston later today at 56. fitchburg 54. south coast middle and upper 50s. now, for tomorrow, cloudy skies. much cooler tomorrow. temperatures only in the lower 40s. boston tomorrow 42. plymouth at 45. but 40s. that's actually where we should be for december. 40s again on wednesday. thursday a few isolated rain showers, back into the 50s. >> and that's your late forecast. smait. >> killian, thank you very much. now to one of hollywood's most glamorous stars. joan collins is an award-winning actress, accomplished producer and best-selling author. one of her most famous roles, the vixen alexis colby carrington on the beloved classic "dynasty" and now joan's personal collection from that show. some items hitting the auction block. joan, it's always good to see you. i should say now dame joan. >> yes. >> it's great to have you here. >> thank you, matt. nice to be here. >> how are you been?
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lovely to be in new york in this gorgeous weather. >> we have allotted to talk about. >> let me ask why now? why did you decide to part with some of these items? >> well, first of all, i absolutely love auctions. half my apartment in london has got stuff in it from auctions, and frankly i can't fit into any of these dresses darling, anymore, and i thought it would be rather nice for people to have these amazing gowns, some of them are so beautiful. some from "dynasty" and some from other movies that i did, and some of them are things like, for example, this one i designed myself and i will wear them begin because if you're an actress you wear it one and you can't times square again. >> some of the items are very personal. behind me are some letters, love letters written to you by warren baity. >> yes. >> back if i think it was 1960. he was in the national guard and he wrote you some pretty steamy letters. >> yes. >> tell me about what's the back story? >> the back story is we were
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engagement ring is in a safe, by the way, that's not in an auction, and we -- this is before people texted and sent messages so we used to write letters every day. >> and i like the fact that you kept them, one line from one letter jumped out at me. joan, being away from you is becoming unbearable. >> well, yes, he was right. i have another 50 of though the, those are only two. i didn't want to flood the market. >> let's talk about fashion. so much a part of show "dynasty." >> the i know. >> lots big shoulders. >> still wearing them a bit. >> what's your favorite memory of doing that show? >> my favorite memory is the first day on the show when i was working with the wonderful actor brian dennehy and hi this wonderful black and white outfit on with the big hat and veil and glasses and when i took off the glasses everybody said, oh, my god, because i did look pretty
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entire cast of "dynasty" who are all sitting there staring at me and actors can be a little judgmental and here it is. england. let's see what she can do, and i said there for i think 15-minute scene which we did over and over again while i felt i was being judged and some of them were looking at me angrily but they were in character >> you make fun your age and you look beautiful still. >> thank you. agree. lots of great jewelry, costume jewelry i'm imagining. >> yes, yes, this ring is amazing, this ring. i wore that so many times and in fact elizabeth taylor saw it once and the she said i know it's not real but it's beautiful. >> it is gorgeous. >> that is a rock. behind you said you designed this dress here? >> the white direction i wore that in march when prince charles bestowed on meet damehood which is the female equivalent of the knighthood, and i can't wear it again because i was photographed in
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wear so i love white and love scream so i design it had myself. design a lot of my clothes myself. >> beautiful. >> it is nice. >> can i take a second here. you haven't been here in a while and certainly haven't been here since september when your sister jackie passed away after a battle with breast cancer. she was, joan, i hope you know one our favorites around here. she was on this show so many times and we used to say she brought something to the party. >> i know. she was most wonderful person. she was kind and loving. she was the best mother in the world. i mean, she brought up her children while she was writing books, and we were all devastated. we're all going to be together at christmas. we were all going to go to hawaii but, of course, we're not now and we'll all be in london and there's millions of us. jackie had three children, six grandchildren and i've got three children and six grandchildren and they all have partners and boyfriends and so we're all going to be together at my sister-in-law's house. >> turns out she was a very private person.
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lot of people. >> she did not. wanted to keep it secret the. she said i don't want to be on the front of trash magazines saying jackie collins is ill. she was very brave. >> our condolences. >> thank you. >> wonderful to have you back on the show. >> always good to see you, matt. >> you too, joan. thank you very much. she will be back lade meet the new, 3rd generation nest learning thermostat. it's proven to save energy. and you could get a $100 rebate from your energy company.
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>> jadiann: good morning on this monday morning, everybody. let's get caught up with jeremy and forecast. >> jeremy: the city at 38, through the day a mild day. temps between 53 and 58. tomorrow not so much. a lot of clouds. chilly breeze. temps tomorrow and again on wednesday seasonal, in the 40s. >> jadiann: >> jadiann: thank you, j.r. a motorcyclist is dead after a serious crash in dorchester. it happened just before midnight when a motorcycle collided with a vehicle. the rider was pronounced dead at the hospital after being take therein with serious injuries. the driver of the car suffered
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security will be stepped up at schools throughout cambridge this morning as officials investigate several threats that were made last week. at a community meeting last night, police said the anonymous person who warmed them about the threat to "shoot up the schools," could be the same person who made the threats in the first place. and the patriots are now 10-2 after dropping their second straight game. new england lost to the eagles at home 35-28. tom brady accounted for four touchdowns, but he also threw two picks. one of the interceptions was returned 99 yards for a philly touchdown. don't need to remind you of that. "today in new england" returns at 9:00.
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for lynn's family, the big stress is paying four hundred dollars a month in medical and drug costs for aidan. for other families it's higher deductibles, premiums and co-pays that keep adding up. that's why we've got to crack down on price gouging, cap out-of-pocket costs, and fast track approval of less expensive generic drugs. because we've got to get health care costs under control for lynn's family and for yours. i'm hillary clinton and i
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they are doing the honors this morning. we'll be chatting with them about the show. >> yeah, the big show this week, but obviously a lot of other things. they will take time-out during a very special week to help us collect toys for tots in need or children in need. >> also, by the way, i want to mention the collection of dame joan collins. we just talked about will be at jillian's auction house. the auction takes place on december 16th. >> got it. >> okay. >> what else is coming up? >> also ahead, adele blew us away when she was here performing not long ago. she has got a huge show coming up on nbc, one-night only performance at radio city music hall. had a chance to sit down. we'll sit down and talk about her family and son and the song we can't get out of your ears. >> back in your bearded days? >> in november. >> and i took my first trip out to "the voice" and my time with
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did not disapoint. they were on fire. we'll get into that coming up. of course, first a check of the wet we are dylan in for al. >> not so bad this december and actually this whole week is going to be well above average for most country. we are looking though at some very messy weather in the pacific northwest. up to 5 to 7 inches of rain alone and then at the end of the week as well. we'll see a few showers through the ohio and tennessee river valleys as we get closer to the end of the week and more mountain snow through the rockies. as for the temperature it's going to remain very warm. 15 to 20 degrees above average through most of the plains and into the northern plains and midwest. most of the country country is going to see temperatures well above average and into the latter half of the week and into the weekend should be approaching 60 degrees in the neefrkts but the cool air starts to work back into places like california and into nevada where temperatures will actually be a little bit below average as we get closer to thursday and >> jeremy: good morning.
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clouds and sunshine. very little wind out there, as well. temps between 53 and 58. boston later today at 56. fitchburg 54. south coast middle and upper 50s. now, for tomorrow, cloudy skies. much cooler tomorrow. temperatures only in the lower 40s. boston tomorrow 42. plymouth at 45. but 40s. that's actually where we should be for december. 40s again on wednesday. thursday a few isolated rain showers, back into the 50s. >> and that's your late forecast. matt and savannah? >> all right, dylan, thank you so much. adele is more than a singer, a phenomenon at this point. her album "25" easily the best-selling album of the year. >> that's right. a week from today adele's one-night only concert at radio city music hall airs right here on nbc. we're happy about that. i had a chance to sit down with her as she prepared for that highly anticipate return to the stage. last time we were together, adeal, you said were you in a
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you had been through some tough times. >> you were kind of scratching your way back but you weren't now. where -- >> i've never been happier and i've never been healthier. i'm good. hello, it's me >> adele is a living legend. after a four-year break to focus on her son she's made a triumphant return with her album "25" in the an unforgettable one-night only performance from radio city music hall hello from the outside >> i never said this to the woman sitting across from me but can i hold your hand for a second. >>age lo. >> kind of out there. >> and kir see the other. >> paradise. >> yes. >> one referring to the other. >> yeah, exactly. >> a bad day and tough time of the day or missing him, can that make you feel better? >> he is my emotional place but
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it was boring for everyone else. everyone's own child is like the light of their lives, but not the lives anyone else. >> has he made you a more emotional person? >> yes, in every single way possible. when we were young >> her soulful signature voice sun mistakable, but she says getting the words down wasn't easy. wh you sat down to write this album and write songs for this album it was a bit of a block. >> mm-hmm, huge block. >> how bad did it get? >> i found it impossible for a while and i didn't know what i wanted to write about. what's wrong is i wasn't sad. >> were you overthinking it? >> yeah, yeah. >> saying it gingerly, because in the past you've always just written what you felt at that moment. >> i was always thinking everything and whenity chilled out it came. so hello from the other side >> so the song "hello," what the is it about? >> it's about reconnecting with
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to tell you i'm sorry for everything that i've done >> emphasized how hard it was to make this report. i couldn't get over my guilt to leave my kid to write record and getting on the other side, it's just like in general, it's like hello to everyone. >> i'm back and here we go. >> i'm still here and letting myself, like, i haven't change. literal lit meaning of "hello." >> you said on an occasion or >> yes. >> can you song still do that after you've sung it 100 times? >> is that your cry song, a go-to cry song? >> another one "when we were young" and literally every time i sing that song i'm re-mined of something amazing in my life. reminds me when we were young >> i have a cry song. >> what is it? >> "killing me softly" by roberta flack.
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i love her but i try to avoid her if i'm feeling sad. tubes. rumor has it >> so "billboard" magazine time. >> and i'm beyond grateful, but it's a bit ridiculous. >> number one. do you know what was number one? >> i know what was number one, "21" was number one. "i think "free love." >> the that's number three. >> what was number two, the sound track to "the sound of mrieux." >> i feel like it should be the other way around. >> just own it. >> i own it. and i'm afraid of people showing up throwing rotten fruit at me. >> there's always that little bit of doubt. everything just puts me back to when you were there >> last thing i want to pick on you about. you were 19 when you released
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made it when you were 19. >> i was 20 and i turned 23 shortly after. >> so you should be 26. >> i should be but i'm 27 and i'll be 28 next week. >> what? >> it took me a long time to make this record. >> i'm 45, shall i tell you that. >> i'm forever 21. >> "21" the best album of all time. >> i didn't think she could love her anymore and she said hello. >> such a great personality. >> so awesome. >> and, again, catch adele live in new york city next monday, 10, 9:00 central time right here on nbc. coming up next, the season of kindness. jenna bush hager touches a holiday surprise for several
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season of kindness on "today" is brought to you by jimmy dean, shine on. >> we are back now, 8:40 with more of our comcast season of kindness. >> and this season a remarkable group taking on the role of santa's little helper here in norbert and "today's" jenna bush hager couldn't wait to join them. >> on three, team. >> it's a team ready to spread some christmas cheer. >> that's it. >> reporter: pay await layaways, an all-volunteer charity group which raises money to pay off lei away account for the holidays and this sneaky group with goodwill set up a surprise at a bronx k smart store and collected toys on lists and readied the gift wrappers. our nbc crew had cameras above candy land and toy drones and while the charity's founders paid the bill.
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organization has grown in the last couple of years. >> the last year we actually raised over $60,000 and this $100,000. that in itself has allowed us to pay off layaways at so many countries in the country? what's the most rewarding part about if? >> authenticity. >> and seeing their smiles. >> the smiles run believable. >> and so we were ready. after inspecting some interesting toys i kept a lookout, waiting to surprise some unsuspecting parents. >> yes, my name? ian bel, i'm from pay aye wait layaway and this is jenna bush hager from the "today" show. >> got a surprise for you. >> we're actually going to pay today. everybody is going home with all their presents on layaway. >> happy holidays! >> here we come. >> she thought she was coming in to pay her bill. >> and 6-year-old tristan just liked being in the toy section. >> i got new games. >> you got new games. >> high 5 and santa is coming to
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>> what does it mean you can get presents for your son? >> it means to me that i'm grateful, appreciated. thank you. >> you're shocked. >> yes. >> you basically work very hard to make ends meet. >> and does this help a little bit out? >> a whole lot. >> merry christmas. >> merry christmas. >> anna has five kids to care for this christmas. >> i'm so excited. like oh, my god. >> what is this like that these people have come together to make sure your kids get what they want? >> grateful, thankful. exciting. i want to cry. like oh, my god. it's touching. that there are nice people out there who help people like me. what do you want for your children? >> happiness, for them to be grateful and work hard and be better. >> linda came to the store with lilleyia who is celebrating her very first christmas. >> what toss it mean that everybody came together to help you out this season? >> a lot.
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it's okay. >> what's christmas morning going to be like in your house? >> going to be special this year. >> going to be special? >> yeah. >> happy holidays. >> special for so many here. one little guy wants to make double triple sure that santa has his list. >> green dinosaurs and a pig with sandwiches. >> a pig with sandwiches? >> yeah. it's on there. >> the pig with sandwiches right there. >> things are looking pretty good for tristan this christmas and for lilleyia, too. >> she likes it. >> mm-hmm. >> you can get this on christmas morning. >> and so in the season of giving, a store filled with joy and tears, too. a lesson learned once again. it's always so much better to give than to receive. >> you're excited for christmas morning. >> yes, yes, i am. let be it tomorrow. >> happy holidays! >> oh.
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back at 8:47 with "the voice" on today. it's crunch time with tonight's live semifinals. >> and natalie got to experience the bitement firsthand last week. how did it go? >> well, you'll see. it's show that centers on the contestants, of course, but this season it seems the coaches are grabbing all the headlines, and when we sat down with adam, blake, gwen and pharrell let's just say they were in a raucous mood. >> you guys getting all this? >> check. >> this was the mood for my first ever trip to visit "the
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getting to hang with you guys. >> i'm sorry. >> i know. >> i'm sorry, too. >> feel bad for you already. >> i feel bad for you guys. >> i'm going to warn you. i would be really scared if i were you right now. they are in a really good mood. >> don't frighten our new guest. >> i'm getting a sense already. let's talk first about the show and the success of the show. you're season nine now. you guys are rocking it, week after week. look at the itunes charts and your artists are all in the top ten for the most part. what does that say about this slow? >> i think it's not just a karaoke contest this show. i mean, these are artists or they are performing their versions of these cover songs but they are making it their own. >> is it about the artist or the coaching? you have a little ownership and pride in it, foo? >> only about the coaching when we're talking about the four of us going against each oh, but when we're bragging on the artist, we brag on everybody's artists except, you know, when they are adam's. >> like when you're right you're right.
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like this all the time? >> i was going to interject and say welcome to my world. >> it's so beautiful and emotional and a perfect platform to showcase your incredible singing. >> your second season, gwen. what does it mean to give back to young artists? >> so rewarding in so many ways and i'm getting so much out of it as well because because around so much music. >> let's talk about the bromance. >> okay. >> you, two. >> bromance with a "b." >> you seem to be as much in each other's business like a marriage. >> i hate his face. >> if you could put a song to your relationship with make, what would it be? >> "that smell." you know the song like "that mel?" and what about "lick it up" by kiss. >> wow. >> this is going so well. >> you're doing great. hang in there.
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you're right. you warned me. jokes aside and what is clear is they are a tight-knit bunch and when it comes to their personal lives, especially the new romance between gwen and blake they turned protecting each other into its own form of entertainment. gwen and blake, all know what's going on with you guys. is it good to just be out in the open now? >> a nice segue. >> next question, next question, please. ask the next question before it gets awkward >> so while they clearly rather focus on coaching than courtship there's no denying their chemistry. >> you guys are still having as much fun. >> oh, my goodness. >> as you showed week after week. >> there's nothing better, seriously. >> you can see they are still having a lot of fun together. season nine and still going strong so -- >> you have your work cut out for you. >> oh, my gosh. >> can i tell you, after that interview i was sweating from everywhere.
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>> great job, nat. >> you can catch "the voice" tonight and tomorrow at 8:00, 7:00 central right here hon nbc. inspiration. we'll catch up with a couple of angels from victoria's secret, burks first, this is "today" on nbc. my name is 208 ridge road. and i've... seen things. like the sock rampage of 2010. and the babysitter makeout of 2014. gross. but now with nest cam, these guys can check in 24/7. so they can see the crazy things i see. hey ya little thief! did he have thumbs? okay, now i've seen it all. nest. welcome to
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let's say hi to victoria secret models. ladies, nice to see you both. >> mice to see you. >> thanks for doing that outside. >> you're very welcome. >> those toys go to deserving children all around the country. >> i saw some of the toys i used to have as a kid. >> the little ponies, my little ponies. >> you had those as a girl. >> a smaller version, but i like the big version. >> even in south africa. >> you grew up in namibia where we did the show not too long ago. >> you're from south africa. >> what's it like transitioning to this uncan try? >> exteamly. >> it's very different, but i think we both also wanted to get out and kind of experience the world and see something else other than south africa and namibia so it's an honor living here. >> it seems sometimes like it was a dream, my childhood, but, yeah, we've got to experience so many amazing things that i never south africa. >> i was reading the newspaper
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story about one of the newer models in the victoria's secret show being discovered i think in a shopping mall in ohio. yeah. how were each of you discovered? >> it's crazy. most of the girls you hear about, we were all discovered in the most random, smallest little places ever. >> a lot in shopping malls as well because that's like where cute girls hang out. >> note to guys out there, go shopping. >> i know. i was in a shopping -- well, like a food or like a grocery store with my grandparents in south africa when i got scouted. >> and i was at a flea market, so, yeah. >> and i think what's nice about victoria's secret, a little bit like spoths ilstraight you get great name recognition. not just seen as a face or a body. who has being involved in the show done for both of you career-wise? >> that's changed our career and lives for the better. >> and i'm seeing it just with the new girls, the small changes it's immediate.
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>> just because the show is seen in so many different countries and respected all over the world, so your name goes everywhere. >> but they really know how to make like -- like how to create a household name by, you know, putting yourself out there and kind of -- and i think it is true when you see the young girls, you realize how your life changed back then. >> and i'm sure -- >> very interesting. >> and congratulations this week for the victoria's secret fashion show and look forward to seeing new, that and appreciate you again coming and collecting toys for us this morning. >> thank you. >> thanks for having both. >> nice to see you both. let's go outside to dylan >> announcer: season of kindness on "today" is sponsored by amazon smile, you shop and amazon gives. thanks, matt, and continuing with our season of kindness campaign, we have a huge announcement here on the plaza. amazon smile is one of our sponsors, and today we are
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people on the plaza $50 gift cards to amazon. [ cheers and applause ] >> everybody here is getting one, but it does cam with a catch. this is catch, and that catch is you have to pay it forward. so you get the $50 gift card but you have to spend it on someone else, so here's your $50 gift card. >> thank you. >> and who will you be spending your $50 gift card on. >> the six of us have decided to pool ours together and we're going to purchase toys for needy children, mak what if the holidays were about people again? and the four-letter word that defined the season was l-o-v-e, and not s-a-l-e.
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chaos last week. and now the suspect heads to court. president obama addresses the nation pledging to fight isis and take out terror groups worldwide. we'll have reaction to his oval office address. what number two had to say about the second straight loss. it's monday. it's time for who did it better. this time i take on a patriots star at the aquarium. >> another mild day. the forecast for the week the big stress is paying four hundred dollars a month in medical and drug costs for other families it's higher deductibles, premiums and co-pays that keep adding up. that's why we've got to
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