tv Today NBC October 18, 2016 7:00am-9:00am EDT
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good morning. fight to the finish. >> people that have died ten years ago still voting. donald trump defiantly sticks to his claims of voter fraud even as high-profile members of his own that's nonsense. melania trump addressing for the first time those accusations against trump and that hot mike. >> sometimes i say i have two young boys at home. i have my son and my young husband. >> did a state department official try to strike a quid pro quo deal with the fbi to have an e-mail sent to her marked unclassified. direct hit. coalition forces including the
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near mosul the size of a city block, as the fight for control of iraq's second largest city rages on. is this october? a record warm-up all across the eastern half of the country. temperatures set to soar into the 80s and 90s. what's behind it and how long will it last? and, what about bob? nobel officials announce they cannot find bob dylan after he won the nobel prize for literature. every effort to contact him failing. the award ceremony set for be there? "today," tuesday, october 18th, 2016. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. good morning, everybody. welcome to "today" on a tuesday morning. just three tuesdays, it is going to be election day. >> it seems like it's been a long time coming. and it has been. that's right.
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decide, of course, the next president. key senate races as well. let's get right to the state of the race today. melania trump speaking out defending her husband against those allegations by multiple women of sexual misconduct. she says this is all part of a media conspiracy and she also dismissed trump's comments on that leaked 2005 tape as "boys talk." just out this morning, our latest nbc news/survey monkey online tracking poll shows hillary clinton with an eight-point lead among likely voters. 51%-43%. that lead was six points two weeks ago. >> once again, clinton is off the campaign trail today preparing for tomorrow's final presidential debate. donald trump heading west with two rallies in colorado. our decision 2016 team will break it all down. we'll start with nbc's hallie jackson. good morning to you. >> reporter: hey there, savannah, good morning. donald trump making this westward swing before tomorrow's debate here in las vegas. he's unleashing a new line of
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nation's top republican and continues to take aim without evidence at what he calls a rigged system. >> reporter: instead of backing down in the face of fact checks about voter fraud, donald trump's doubling down. >> more than 1.8 million deceased individuals right now are listed as voters. oh, that's wonderful. >> reporter: that stat, from a 2012 pew research center report with experts at the time finding lead to fraud on election day." still, trump insists -- >> this is tremendous voter fraud. and how republican leadership doesn't see that is beyond me. >> reporter: the comments come as more republicans are speaking out against trump's claims, including his former rival, marco rubio. >> this election's not being rigid. and i'll explain to you why it is not being rigid in florida and why i hope he stops saying that. why he should stop saying that. we have 67 counties in the state. each of which conduct their own
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67-county conspiracy to rig this election. >> reporter: trump, taking shots at his own party while campaigning in wisconsin, the home state of house speaker, paul ryan, suggesting ryan does not want him to win the white house because of his own political ambitions. >> well, maybe not, because maybe he wants to run in four years. or maybe he doesn't know how to win. >> reporter: the gop nominee also taking shots at his democratic rival pushing his latest line against hillary clinton. >> quid pro quo. >> reporter: trump seizing on newly from 2015. they suggest an fbi employee claimed a colleague discussed quid pro quo with a top state department official regarding classification of a hillary clinton e-mail. "in exchange for marking the e-mail unclassified, state would reciprocate by allowing the fbi to place more agents in countries where they are presently forbidden, specifically if iraq." >> this is worse than watergate. but we're going to put an end to
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department and the fbi deny the account, saying no quid pro quo deal ever took place. the e-mail was never marked unclassified, and it was in fact an fbi official who originated the question of placing agents overseas in a totally separate discussion. that's not stopping republicans from pouncing. democrats calling it a non-story. but, still a story -- fallout from vulgar audio recorded in the presence of others in a 2005 "access hollywood" bus tour, a show owned by nbc universal. >> he was lead on like, egg on, from the host to say dirty and bad stuff. >> reporter: trump's wife, melania, for the first time speaking publicly about her husband's behavior. >> it's kind of two teenage boys actually they should behave better. right? >> he was 59.
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boys at home. i have my young son, and i have my husband. >> reporter: on the campaign trail today, donald trump trying to make a play for colorado as the clinton campaign considers expanding their map in places out west like arizona. and while trump trails clinton nationally in most recent polls, in a new poll out today, the cnn/orc polls shows while he may be trailing her by two points in nevada, he's ahead by four in a di battleground -- ohio. >> hallie jackson already in place for the debate in vegas, thank you. nbc news announced last night that billy bush would be leaving the "today" show effective immediately. noting that he was a valued colleague and long-time member of the broader nbc family. a statement billy released separately last night read, in part, i look forward to what lies ahead. all of us here at "today" wish billy the very best. let's get back to our analysis of the race. we've got nicolle wallace and
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>> can we start by talking about this alleged quid pro quo between the fbi and the state department? i'll start with you, nicolle. both of those entities denied anything like this happened. they said these were parallel discussions. but what, at least, are we learning about the way the clinton team worked to lessen the fallout from these e-mails based on what we're hearing? >> well, you asked me a question last week about how all of these stories reinforces her back to the beginning of the democratic primary, was that people had a feeling that they couldn't trust her. yesterday in ohio i met with undecided voters. that follows her around. that is the burden that she carries. all politicians carry a burden. that is hers. this story underscores it. if donald trump had the capacity for discipline, this could really be damaging for her. >> let me just follow up and say, so you don't believe that the words clinton and e-mail have run their course in this election cycle? >> not only have they not run
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against someone who had the capacity for any sort of sustained disciplined campaign against her, they really could have proven fatal. but because she's running on someone who steps on his own message every 15 minutes, i don't think this will ever sort of dominate the news as it would if she were running against someone other than donald trump. >> meanwhile, donald trump is fighting a two-front war, certainly against hillary clinton and he is saying a lot about this alleged quid pro quo, he's also going against paul ryan, leaders of the republican party and the election this country at large. now we're seeing top republicans, including marco rubio just last night in a debate, visibly irritated about this notion that our system is problematic or corrupt. >> this is example number 1,500, i think in this campaign, of donald trump putting republican leaders in a very uncomfortable position, forcing them to make that choice, do you want to be loyal to your party's nominee and go very, very, very far out on a limb on an issue, or do you want to stay truer to sort of
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you can see that clip you played from marco rubio, he is making them squirm, he is making them very uncomfortable. there is also evidence some of these republican candidates out there, when they try to distance themselves from trump in the interest of helping themselves in the general election, they might be hurting themselves with trump's voters. >> melania trump went out last night and defended her us had on two fronts, one saying he was egged on in that taped conversation with billy bush. the other that these women who have now come forward accusing him of sexual misconduct are guess that's the best way to put it. >> yeah. >> did she help or hurter had husband with women voters last night? >> spouses are always net positive. spouses are usually held harmless from even sort of the dirtiest sides of their spouse's campaigns. i think that holds mostly true for melania. the problem with what melania did last night was the timing. it took so long. it might have been helpful the weekend that the tape broke. but ten days out i think we saw a poll that 90% of americans were aware of the tape or had
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ability or potential to change hearts and minds with her message last night. >> you ready to take a little walk? >> let's do it. >> we want to talk about something now. we've talked a lot about polling with three weeks to go until election day. so steve is going to help us out by looking back at some past presidential elections. we'll look at where the polling was three weeks out from that election, and where it ended up. start in 2012. >> the most recent election. look, three weeks out, barack obama was ahead five points in our nbc news/"wa what happened in the election, pretty much right there. 51%-47%. basically three weeks out, that was the result. >> showing the people make up their minds and three weeks usually doesn't change much. does the same hold true when we go back to 2008, mccain and obama? >> this is a little interesting. right now our poll in this race has double digits. this poll in '08 had it at double digits three weeks out. it was a solid win for obama but if you look at the final result, it did tighten a little bit. so what you saw in the final
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some of those republican voters came home in the end. that might be something to look for in the homestretch here. >> let's go back to an election that we'll talk about in schools for decades to come, 2000, bush and gore. >> three weeks out we had bush ahead six points. this was one of the bigger margins he had but he did lead down the stretch. interesting thing to remember -- this is forgotten because of the recount -- in the final days of that race, there was that story about george w. bush and a dui from years earlier. a lot of people think that's why gore caught him in the end in the popular te >> there is possible there can be a late october surprise. >> or early november surprise. >> steve, thank you very much. savannah? again, the debate is on wednesday night, 9:00 on nbc. we move on now to other news. the fierce military campaign that's under way to retake iraq's second-largest city from isis. one official there already calling it a turning point in the war against terror. nbc's chief foreign correspondent richard engel just south of mosul this morning.
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of mosul is now in its second day. we have advanced to a front line position that iraqi troops have taken up. we are just outside the village of hut. this village has mostly been cleared overnight by iraqi soldiers of isis. isis had been holding this town for the last two years or so. you can see some villagers have been leaving this town. they are afraid because there is still a small isis presence si snipers, some suicide bombers. that's why i'm wearing a helmet right now. but in general, iraqi troops and american commanders that we've been speaking to are quite pleased with the progress that they've been making. this is how the operation is unfolding. iraqi troops advance to a village like this. we are now some 30 miles south of mosul. they try to clear isis out of this village. once they feel they have it
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leapfrog on to the next one, and to the next one. and if this progress continues and momentum certainly does seem to be with the iraqi forces right now, commanders believe that they will reach the urban areas of mosul in perhaps just a few days or a few weeks. savannah? >> richard engel right there. thank you very much. thousands of mourners joined olympic sprinter tyson gay last night at a candlelight vigil in honor of his daughter, trinity, who was shot and killed over the weekend. crowd gathered at 15-year-old spent time following in her father's footsteps. trinity was hit by a bullet early sunday morning outside a lexington restaurant. police say that she was caught in the crossfire between men in two cars. on monday, three men pleaded not guilty in connection with that shooting. if you tried booking a flight online last night but were unsuccessful, here's why. a computer issue prevented customers from booking domestic flights on southwest airlines, jetblue and virgin america.
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the same third party airline reservation system so that explains the problem. international flights were not affected and the airlines say this technical issue has now been fixed. booking system is back up and running. this one is a little bizarre. an odd development in bob dylan's nobel prize for literature. apparently the academy can't seem to find that legendary musician. nbc's keir simmons has the latest on this. keir, what's happening? >> hey, matt, good morning. i guess the problem with rock stars is that they behe well, rock stars. the nobel foundation confirming to nbc news that they have not heard from dylan whether he will accept the award or attend the ceremony. >> bob dylan. >> reporter: when the surprise announcement came, there were cheers and there were questions. did bob dylan really win the nobel prize in literature? congratulations tweeted. others not as kind. i totally get the nobel committee.
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as for the music legend's response, complete and total silence. not known for his respect for authority, dylan accepted the presidential medal of freedom in 2012, but nobel officials say they've been knocking on dylan's door for at least five days now. right now we're doing nothing, the academy's permanent secretary, told a radio station. i've called and sent e-mails to his closest collaborator and received very friendly replies. for now, that is dylan was on stage in las vegas when the announcement was made. he didn't acknowledge the accolade, ending his set with sinatra's why try to change me now. that same day, there were questions about whether he would perform at the ceremony. >> no. i think there will be a speech but i don't know. i haven't talked to him yet. >> reporter: now it seems he may not turn up. or even accept the award. the answer still blowing in the wind. i guess most folks wouldn't think twice about accepting an
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dylan, it's all right. it's not as if he is missing or anything. he does have until december when this certainly takes place. by the way, there is a $900,000 award and a gold medal to go with it. >> might want to show up then. thank you very much. appreciate that. >> who was racking their brains for other dylan lyrics right now? >> "blowing in the wind request the is as good as it gets. we found dylan. >> i'm right here. i'll take the $900,000 and the medal. >> we'll take the forecast. >> which doesk nice. we have record breaking heat expected across the country again today. 44 places hit record highs yesterday. we'll do it again today. we'll do it again tomorrow. we've got just this warm air pumping in from the south. we've got this cold front that's going to slide in and eventually start to cool things down a bit. we are looking at perhaps more records breaking today. nashville, the forecast is 89. the record is 87. louisville should tie the record at 86. same goes for atlanta. in the mid-atlantic and across the upper northeast, we should
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york. good chance we'll break the record with a forecast high of 83 degrees. same goes for baltimore with a forecast high of 84. tomorrow will likely crush records. in philadelphia, the old record is 80 degrees. we're forecasting a high of 85. and back across parts of the ohio and tennessee river valleys, temperatures should get well up into the 90s with the record being 89 degrees. we will start to see things cool down and become more seasonal which is really low ? at walgreens, you're free- on medicare part d. from one-dollar copays on select plans to rewards points on all prescriptions, it's easy to save big at walgreens. ? just stop by walgreens. ? then sit back and enjoy the savings.
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everybody. i'm meteorologist bri eggers in for chris lambert. wet weather from earlier this morning working on out, but it might take a while to scour out the clouds. we have a warm front that eventually will move to the northeast and pump in warm air. near record highs in store for us today, but i think the warmest temperatures will be for southeastern massachusetts and the sunshine really ensured for later parts of today. here's a look at the 7 on 7 forecast. again, warm tomorrow, and we hole off on the rain until thursday a >> and that's your latest forecast. >> all right, dylan, thank you very much. coming up, much more from melania trump addressing the sexual assault accusations leveled against her husband for the first time. and is it worth it to splurge on designer makeup or do drugstore cosmetics work just as well. with the help of some identical twins, our "rossen reports" team will put our eyes to the test. but first, this is "today"
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now, ayotte suddenly claims the opposite-- a political calculation just to re-elect herself. so, what else has kelly ayotte done to get re-elected? she's voted with the koch brothers 90% of the time, and corporate special interests like the kochs spend millions to re-elect ayotte. kelly ayotte. doing what's right for herself is just wrong for new hampshire. i'm maggie hassan, and i approve this message. spent 21 yearsie hassan, in the navy, defending america. if i only showed up half of the time, i'd have been court-martialed. kelly ayotte did. she missed nearly half of her homeland security hearings. vo: on critical homeland security hearings, ayotte was mia... even missing a hearing the same day she went to a washington fundraiser. for ayotte collecting campaign cash comes first. bob hillery: when it comes to fighting terrorism, fifty percent doesn't cut it. afscme is responsible for
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chris sununu's family gave him a famous name and the top job at the family resort. but then things went, well, downhill. over the years, chris cut jobs. chris cut workers' hours to deny them health insurance. and now he opposes the minimum wage. chris has never had to work for anything. by put new hampshire first and has not been authorized by any candidate. >> this is 7news now. >> christa: good morning, everyone. 7:26. it's been a bit gloomy out there. here's bri eggers with a check of your forecast.
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and areas of fog to follow it. once it does, warming things up this afternoon, near record highs. closer to 80 degrees, even the low 80s not out of the question for southeastern mass. >> christa: headlines in boston, police are looking for a person who stole a car with a nine-month-old baby girl inside. officers say the honda accord was stolen from a business in roxbury last night. police later found the vehicle on west walnut park. the child luckily is doing okay today. and a teacher at a merrimack, new hampshire, high school is off the job andin after police say he sale sexually explicit pictures and videos to one of his students. officers arrested robert wiley on monday. he's accused of sending the images to a 16-year-old girl over the course of the past year. we're back in another half hour with another news update. now back to the "today show." have a good day. narrator: planned parenthood provides many kinds of healthcare. woman: i depend on planned parenthood for birth control. woman: i had my annual physical there. woman: the cancer screenings at planned
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deciding vote to eliminate state funding for planned parenthood. chris sununu put partisan politics above women's health care. colin van ostern: i'm colin van ostern. i fought to restore funding for planned parenthood and got it done, because women's health care should always be above politics. interviewer: what would you do with five minutes to kill and a smartphone? man: check the scores. woman 1 : uh, probably post a pic. woman 2: text a friend. interviewer: how about register to vote? galvin: you can. five minutes online and a massachusetts driver's license is all it takes to register so you can vote for our next president. go to register to vote m-a dot com. it's that easy. woman 2: done. i just registered. man: that was easy. galvin: register by
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7:30 now on a tuesday morning. it is the 18th day of october, 2016. going to get close to breaking some record high temperatures in the new york area today. and in a lot of other parts of the country, dylan i be here with the forecast in just a little while. >> don't see any hat or scarves out there this morning. inside studio 1a, we have a check of today's headlines. an unmanned rocket loaded with research equipment and food is on its way to the insurance space station. it was launched from virginia late last night. it is expected to reach the station some time on sunday. hillary clinton's lead in the presidential race is growing according to our nbc news/survey monkey poll. she's now up by eight points among likely voters.
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and during a rally in green bay, wisconsin, donald trump stepped up his unsubstantiated claim that the election is rigged. using a 2012 report to suggest fraud is taking place now. >> you ever hear these people? they say there's nothing going on. people that have died ten years ago are still voting. illegal immigrants are voting. >> trump also proposed a five-step ethics reform package because, in his words, it is time to drain the swamp in washington, d.c. le g campaign moment." an unprecedented proposal from donald trump, then mocked by the white house. on monday press secretary josh earnest was asked what he thought about trump's suggestion that the candidates take a drug test before tomorrow's debate. >> seems not only that the candidate who snorted his way through the first two debates is accusing the other candidate of taking drugs? that's a curious development in the campaign. that's my response. michelle? >> are you saying just now that you think that the sniffling or
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might have been related to -- >> not at all. >> so what were you saying? what were you trying to get across? >> i'm trying to have a little fun. you guys are so serious today. >> so far, no response to that from the trump campaign. as we mentioned, melania trump is now speaking out for the first time since several women accused her husband of misconduct. nbc's stephanie gosk is here with more on what she had to say. hi, good morning. >> good morning, guys. in this interview with cnn, highlighted as her husband's biggest defender, taking on his accusers, the media, and painting a picture of what her role will be in the white house. melania trump speaking out and defending her husband. >> he apologized. i accept his apology. i hope the american people will accept it. >> reporter: opening up in her first interview since a 2005 audiotape came to light in which donald trump is heard making lewd comments about women. his words recorded in the
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"access hollywood" bus tour, a program run by nbc universal. like her husband, melania trump dismissed it as locker room talk. >> i heard many different stuff, boys talk. the boys the way they talk when they grow up and they want to sometimes show each other, oh, this and that and talking about the girls. but, yeah, i was >> reporter: mrs. trump also accused the media of working in collusion with the clinton campaign, including nbc news. >> it was the media. it was nbc. it was "access hollywood." it was left wing. you could see that. and the way it comes out was everything was organized. >> reporter: now nine women have come forward accusing trump of inappropriate sexual contact. something both donald and
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>> i believe my husband. i believe my husband. this was all organized from the position. >> reporter: the latest nbc news/"wall street journal" poll shows hillary clinton ahead, 55%-35% with women voters. and while she is keeping a low profile, melania trump says she still offers her husband advice before debates. >> i always say to him, be you, be yourself, be calm, be focused, stay on the issues. >> reporter: the former model also shared her frustration at the campaign's tone. including how photos she had taken years earlier were splashed on the cover of a new york tabloid. >> i'm very proud i did those pictures. i'm not ashamed of my body. >> reporter: mrs. trump also shared what she hopes to accomplish as first lady. fighting negativity and bullying online. >> the social media, it's very damaging for the children. >> reporter: and delivering her
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her. >> i'm very strong. people, they don't really know me. people think and talk about me like, oh, melania, oh, poor, melania. don't feel sorry for me. don't feel sorry for me. i can handle everything. >> melania trump has kept a lower profile than other members of the trump family, but she will once again be out in public tomorrow night when the candidates face off for their final debate in las vegas. >> steph, thanks very much. reminder, you can watch that debate right here on nbc. let's swing it over to dylan with another check of the weather. >> morning, guys. talking about record breaking high temperatures not just in the south and northeast, but tomorrow across southern california we could see some record highs, too. this area of high pressure is setting up producing these santa ana winds. some gusts in the mountains and valleys could be up to 50 miles per hour. since it is moving over nothing but land, it is a very dry wind
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develop spread very rapidly because of the relative low humidities and also the warmer temperatures and that dry wind. we do have some red flag warnings, including santa barbara and l.a., also down into san diego. we also have some fire weather watches across the border of nevada, too. that's going to be the threat out that way. a little farther north, it is all about the rain that continues and temperatures well below average. then of course, those record high temperatures across the >> bri: good morning, everybody. i'm for chris lambert. wet weather from earlier this morning working on out, but it might take a while to scour out the clouds. we have a warm front that eventually will move to the northeast and pump in warm air. near record highs in store for us today, but i think the warmest temperatures will be for southeastern massachusetts and the sunshine really ensured for later parts of today. here's a look at the 7 on 7 forecast. again, warm tomorrow, and we hole off on the rain until
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forecast. >> all right, dylan, thank you. coming up, is the fever real? why doctors say they actually fearful moons. and we are out to save you a little money on a new "rossen reports." >> hey, good morning, i'm jeff rossen. coming up, women spend so much money on makeup and people on tv. but is it worth it? can you get that fancy glamorous look for a fraction of the price? this morning, we're putting it to the test with ? eat up, buddy. you'll get it this time. yeah
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start strong with the lasting energy of 100% you're doing it! whole grain quaker oats. and off you go. [ "on the road again," by willie nelson ] ? on the road again ? [ rear alert sounds ] [ music stops ] ? just can't wait to get on the road again ? [ front assist sounds ] [ music stops ] [ girl laughs ] ? on the road again ? ? like a band of gypsies we go down the highway ? [ beetle horn honks ] no matter which passat you choose, you get more standard features, for less than you expected. the 2017 passat s for just $199 a month. ? we promise you the perfect match. french's mustard is 100% natural, and our ketchup has no high fructose corn syrup. we promise. real ingredients. we invited women to a spa to test a new body wash. dish soap. you may not feel it,
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it has only the gentlest cleansers. it just made me feel good. this is dove. gary, gary, gary... i am proud of you, my man. making simple, smart cash back choices... you're earning unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. like on that new laptop. quicksilver keeps things simple, gary. and smart, like you! and i like that. i guess i am pretty smart. don't let that go to your head, gary.
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>> our special "rossen reports" series, "is it worth it." >> on monday we put bottled water to the test against tap water. this morning the question -- should you splurge on makeup or can you still save and get a great look. "today" national investigative correspondent jeff rossen has been looking into this. >> straight out of the makeup chair myself. all right, ladies at home, and some men, too. some of you getting redsdy for the day right now and applying your makeup. you will want to stop what you're doing and watch this.
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all know they can get expensive. women spend around $15,000 in their lifetime on makeup alone. but is it worth it? do you really need to spend the small fortune to get a flawless look? this morning the beauty brand face-off. designer high-end beauty brands can cost you big. some say they have better ingredients that go on easier and last longer. but does all that money really buy you a better look? or can makeup from the drugstore less? to find out, we enlisted identical twins. >> hi. >> yep. those twins. from the discover card commercial. >> awesome sauce. >> lisa? >> julie? >> you sound really different on the phone. >> reporter: today, something a little different. you are going to be wearing the fancy stuff. we are talking about foundation, blush, mascara, eyeliner, lipstick. the whole gamut. and yours is expensive.
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you chose the good straw. you are going to be wearing drugstore makeup. cover girl. it is going to be the similar shades, all the same stuff. yours only costs $60. so a real affordable bargain. we'll see if people on the street can tell the difference, they know which is which. you ready to get glammed? >> yeah! >> let's do it. >> reporter: from their eyes, to their lips. >> i love this look. >> yeah. well, we'll see who wore it better. >> reporter: our "today" show makeup artists transforming the makeup. >> okay. you're all set. >> thank you! >> reporter: and, voila. can you tell who is wearing the expensive makeup and who's wearing stuff from the drugstore? still can't tell? that's expensive on the right, drugstore on the left. time to take their looks to the street with a handful of people. which look do you like better? >> i'm not going to lose on this one somehow. no winning. >> some choose the pricey makeup. >> i will see the one on the
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>> yes. >> well that's the expensive stuff. you have expensive taste. >> that's the way my wife usually goes. so yes. >> reporter: some can't tell the difference at all. >> they look the same though. >> they look the same to you. >> reporter: but the overwhelming majority -- >> i'm going to go with probably the left. >> on left. >> yes. >> reporter: 78% choose the drugstore stuff. >> i like her look better. >> her look better. >> on the left. >> that's drugstore makeup. cost $60. the one you d >> wow. that's amazing. >> her. it's still very clean. >> they both look good though. >> well, they do. they both look good. yeah. >> reporter: person after person. >> you chose the keep stuff. >> the cheaper the better. >> that's what i always say. >> reporter: picking the bargain brand. >> oh, i believe in that. totally. proving you don't have to spend big bucks to look like you did.
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by the way, we have mel and cc with us. stare at their faces and their makeup. find out which is designer and which is drugstore. >> we've been staring at them. it must be awkward for them. i'm going to say i think you are wear ig the designer makeup. >> i'm going to say the same thing. >> they both think you are wearing the designer makeup. >> i'm wearing drugstore. >> oh, well, who knew? you both look gorgeous. >> we can save nbc a lot of money. >> a ton of money! just have it professional applied. >> is exactly. >> thanks, guys. >> which are you? >> cheap stuff always. coming up, the price was definitely right. wait until you see the game show history that was just made.
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chaos. tamron will explain that right tamron will explain that right ? americans are buying more and more of everything online. and so many businesses rely on the united states postal service to get it there. because when you ship with us, your business becomes our business. that's why we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. the united states postal service.
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i'll call you back. is this my car? state farm knows that for every one of those moments... what? this is ridiculous! there's one of these... sam, i gotta go... is this my car? what? this is ridiculous! this can't be happening! this can't be happening! oh, it's happening sweetheart. oh, it's happening sweetheart. shut up! shut up! that's why state farm is there, what a day... with car insurance, for when things go wrong. but also here with car loans, to help life go right. state farm. what a day!! in our house, imagination runs wild. but at my table, i keep the food real. like country crock's recipe made with real simple ingredients. and no artificial flavors or preservatives. real country fresh taste
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wh only new alka-seltzer plus free of artificial dyesf. and preservatives liquid gels delivers the powerful cold symptom relief you need without the unnecessary additives you don't. store manager: clean up, aisle 4. everyday millions of women worldwide trust tena with their bladder matters. thanks to its triple protections from leaks, odor and moisture. tena lets you be you
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tamron is over in the orange room for mr. daly and she's got that. >> this time you can't blame canada. canadians across the internet are highlighting all of the things they like about the united states. the campaign consists of videos, a twitter page, a trending hashtag filled -- filled, guys -- with warm praises for our great country. here we go, some of that's what makes america great. see, i can get these things working again on live tv. mike has a message to america. he says, your passion for exploration, and pushing the boundaries of scientific knowledge is a constant inspiration. emily wrote to america -- america, you gave the world cherry coke, the internet and the golden girls. don't let anyone tell you you're not great. another one coming in. sharing an image of al roker's
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even americans have taken to the hashtag to say things that are great about the people across the border. this one says from chris, you know what is a major part of making my country great again? having a neighbor like canada. so the agency behind this movement said they wanted to cut through the negativity of this election cycle and it looks like they are off to a positive start. just notes of inspiration. wouldn't say it is political necessarily, it is more about uplifting. what do you guys think? >> i love it. >> it is so sweet. than call me. >> we should take a road trip to canada with a bucket of mcribs. >> that's great! >> they said they like us. they didn't say come here. >> i used to love that tourism campaign they had that said america borders on the magnificent which i thought was really nice. it is a magnificent country. tamron, thank you. just ahead on "trending," we are celebrating an icon of american food.
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the honey in honey nut cheerios likes to take its sweet time. [sighs] that's why we make them for you. my moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis made a simple trip to the grocery store anything but simple. so i had an important conversation with my dermatologist about humira. he explained that humira works inside my body contributes to my symptoms. in clinical trials, most adults taking humira were clear or almost clear, and many saw 75% and even 90% clearance in just 4 months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure.
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kelly ayotte did. she missed nearly half of her homeland security hearings. vo: on critical homeland security hearings, ayotte was mia... even missing a hearing the same day she went to a washington fundraiser. for ayotte collecting campaign cash comes first. bob hillery: when it comes to fighting terrorism, fifty percent doesn't cut it. afscme is responsible for the content of this advertising. we dance on the salsa team together, and it's like a lot of power in what we wear. when we're practicing if i don't feel good in what i'm wearing i don't look good. t.j.maxx has that variety. i can get a lot for my money. it's like "yay t.j.maxx!" if you're feeling it, just go for it, don't wait. maxx life at t.j.maxx. imagine if your child were trapped in a failing school. imagine if your child couldn't read or write at grade level. imagine if your child were stuck on a waiting list. 32,000 kids want to go to a public charter school. but they can't. if you like your public school, question 2 won't affect you.
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question 2 will let parents choose something better and give all our kids hope. please vote yes on question 2. >> this is 7 news now. >> christa: good morning, everyone. 7:57 your time right now. a gray and gloomy-looking day. hopefully things will improve. here's bri eggers. >> bri: a flashback to summer. it will take a minute to get there because the cs while the wet weather has moved out, it will take a while for the cloud cover and even the patchy fog to erode. once it does, though, we're in for very warm temperatures, coolest to the northeast of boston. 74 to 81 for your highs this afternoon. >> christa: bri, thank you. now checking your top stories, boston police are looking for a person who stole a car with a nine-month-old baby girl inside. officers say the suspect took the hon this accord from a business in roxbury. police found the vehicle on west walnut park about ten minutes after that, and the child is
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back behind bars this morning on rape charges. police arresting 31-year-old charles lovejoy on monday after they say he raped a child. lovejoy was convicted ofen decent assault on a child back in 2010. he's being held now on $1 million wail. back to the "today show" after this quick break. this quick break. have a good day. great price on this boneless chicken! yeah. we love low prices. no bones about it. [ laughter ] thousands of blue tags. thousands of low prices. it's not uncommon for autistic kids to flap their hands. and so when i saw that, that was completely disqualifying. i'm a republican, but this election is so much bigger than party. my son max can't live in trump world. so i'm crossing party lines and voting for hillary. i don't always agree with her, but she's reasonable. and she's smart. she can work with people to solve problems.
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i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. ? ? ? with simply right checking from santander bank, just make one deposit, withdrawal, transfer, or payment each month to waive the monthly fee. and there's no minimum balance. you're alright with simply right checking from santander bank. ? are you feeling alright, baby? ? from santander bank. this price is so low. trying to make me eat my greens? no, just trying to save you some green. whaaat?! thousands of blue tags. thousands of low prices.
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it's 8:00 on "today." coming up -- trump unleashed. >> this is worse than watergate. >> the republican nominee says hillary clinton's e-mail scandal is corruption on a historic level, as his wife melania defends her husband against misconduct. >> all the allegations should be handled in a court of law. plus, energetic entrepreneur. natalie introduces us to the woman behind the fashion empire that began on ebay and is now a multi-million dollar global brand. >> i'm pretty fearless and i'm always going to keep getting up and trying again and trying to inspire a generation of girls to do the same. and, the famous couple
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chip and joanna gaines sit down to talk about failure and first dates. >> he knew how to drew me out. i'm more introverted. i remember leaving that conversation thinking, man, a lot of that stuff was thought provoking. >> i was attracted to her hotness. they'll join us live in studio "today," tuesday, october 18th, 2016. first time in new york from tennessee --wo to celebrate our wedding anniversary. we're back today. >> we dreamed of this for ten years and we're finally here! woo! ? >> girls here from tallahassee, florida!
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>> it's her sweet 16! woo! >> nice to meet you. it's 8:00 on "today." it's tuesday, october 18th. a beautiful day out on our plaza. i'm not going to say it feels like an october day but it certainly feels beautiful. it is 67 right now, going up to 82. >> i like that i didn't have to squeeze into a coat. i have to squeeze in a lot. coming up, you cook, you >> they cook. what's the one gadget you can't live without in a kitchen? >> cast iron skillet. >> my butcher knife. >> take-out menu. >> siri daley is in the kitchen, revealing her pick. then she will put it to good use. >> she loves us. but first, this morning's top stories. time for the "news at 8." we begin with the race for the white house. i'm kristen welker in washington with one day until the third and
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our latest nbc news/survey monkey online poll shows hillary clinton is leading donald trump by eight points, trump remains defiant ramping up his unsubstantiated charge, the fix is in for clinton. >> reporter: in wisconsin monday, donald trump doubling down. >> we're competing in a rigged election. >> reporter: the gop nominee vowing to crack down on government corruption and opening a new line of attack over hillary clinton and her e-mails. >> this i what's going on. >> reporte >> reporter: giving trump fresh fodder, an e-mail suggesting a quid pro quo. the alleged deal, lower the e-mail classification of a certain e-mail from clinton's private server in exchange for allowing fbi agents in countries where they are presently forbidden. >> the quid pro quo. in other words, a deal. >> reporter: the problem -- the
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say it never happened. >> any really assertion that this was somehow tit for tat or quid pro quo, exchange of -- in that manner really, frankly, is insulting. >> reporter: both agencies insisting an fbi official raised the issue of more agents overseas and the request was separate from the discussion over classification. >> it's not acceptable. >> reporter: meanwhile, melania trump speaking out for the first time since nine women accused her husband of groping them, has not independently verified. on fox news -- >> that all the allegations should be handled in a court of law. >> reporter: also weighing in on cnn on that 2005 "access hollywood" tape. >> melania said this was okay. >> i said to my husband that, you know, the language is unappropriate. they were kind of a boy talk and
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from the host to say dirty and bad stuff. >> reporter: the audio recorded in the presence of others by "access hollywood," an nbc universal program. in an exclusive interview with kelly o'donnell, new jersey governor chris christie standing by trump but also saying he was disappointed by trump's lewd remarks. >> can't defend them and i felt that his apology was inadequate. >> in a show of confidence, hillary clinton is increasingly eyeing traditionally deep red the state and sending first lady michelle obama the clinton team believes winning big on election day would help blunt any of trump's talk that the system isn't fair in she wins. tonight, president obama and first lady michelle obama host the 13th and likely last state dinner at the white house. 500 guests have been invited to the event which honors italy's prime minister. the dinner will be held in a lavishly decorated tent on the south lawn.
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be the cook for the four-course feast featuring italian cuisine using american ingredients and gwen stefani will perform after the dinner. here is a tough lesson for a tucson man. if your last name isn't claus, then stay out of chimneys. the 22-year-old forgot his keys and thought this was the best way to get back inside the house. he was stuck for four hours. luckily for him a neighbor heard his screams for help. when firefighters found him his floor but the space was too tight to squeeze through. >> that looks like a quite unpleasant situation. coming up, an unexpected accessory. why surgery masks are a must-have to go on these particular blind dates. then meet the contestants who just spun their way to the most incredible moment ever on "the price is right." and the college drop-out with an eye for fashion who is now one the richest self-made women in the world.
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woah! you're not taking these. hey, hey, hey! you're not taking those. woah, woah! you're not taking that. come with me. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. mom, i'm taking the subaru. don't be late. even when we're not there to keep them safe, our subaru outback will be.
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i had a wonderful time tonight. call me tomorrow? i'm gonna send a vague text in a couple of days, that leaves you confused about my level of interest. i'll wait a full two days before responding. perfect! we're never gonna see each other again, will we? no-no. wouldn't it be great if everyone said what they meant? the citi double cash card does. it lets you earn double cash back. 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay. the citi double cash card.
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it's 8:00 something. we're doingen "trending" outside because the weather is so awesome. but the only thing that could make it even better is that natalie morales is here! >> so good to see you guys! i miss the baby bump. >> she means that i used to always bump her when i tried to siex so happy to have you back. >> you came back on a really good day, too. >> i know. >> matt has circled this date on his calendar for several months now. it is national meatloaf appreciation day, everybody. and nothing says 80 degrees in new york city like meatloaf and mashed potatoes on the plaza. but when it comes to meatloaf, as we dive in here, do you guys believe in having ketchup on your meatloaf?
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>> yes. >> you looic like it plain? it's so dry that way. >> i don't like sweet meatloaf. >> this is really good, right? >> you know why it is extra good? >> why? >> because we eat the food and it is a little cold. but cold meatloaf is okay. >> and i think it reminds us of family and home. monday meatloaf. it's kind of that comfort food of family. >> and because the next day thinly sliced >> that's a happy dance. happy meatloaf dance. show of hands here. who here would consider themselves to be superstitious? >> me. >> you know what people say about full moons, right? they're bad luck and they're linked to all kinds of spooky behavior. it is a silly superstition. right? take a look at this. an article in today's "wall street journal." hospitals and the people who work in them believe that bad things happen on a full moon.
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paper they've noticed an uptick in weird things on those days like psychotic episodes, bizarre injuries and women -- and women going into labor under unusual situations. >> like during "trending"? >> mark your calendars. the next full moon legislated for -- >> when? >> november 14th. >> when is your due date? >> we're two days apart, mid-december. >> i think it is interesting. the tides are all adjusted by the moon. think of how much water we're made up of. so i feel like the water kind of is unsettled. i think it just messes us up. >> dylan gave us the science explanation. how about this video from japan that caught our eye this morning. take a look. what do you think these folks are doing? >> it looks like a hospital -- doctors convention.
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no. it is actually people on blind dates. it is a dating service that it decided that it would be a good idea to have people engage in speed dating wearing those surgical masks. it is not because they're all feeling under the weather. it is to give the daters a chance to get to know each other without focusing on looks. only personality. >> but they say your eyes are the most alluring part of your body. >> i like the concept. it is kind of like "the voice," you contrait smarts. but the surgical mask is kind of weird. it screams "i have a communicable illness." >> at least you know you won't get sick. >> how about "popstart!"? >> let's get to it. you ready, buddy? let's do this. first up, speaking of "the voice," carson is back in l.a. working on the show. right now it is 11th season, but he just sent us some big news about what to expect in the
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guys. we are revealing the coaches who will fill those four red chairs in the seasons ahead. you ready, audience? next season here's who we'll see. adam levine. lake shelton. and they've been there since the beginning but there's also alicia keys coming back, marking her second season as a coach. and -- look who else is coming back. gwen stefani. she is right now she's in the middle of her tour. as we just mentioned, she is performing tonight at the white house but gwen will be back on the show to kick off-season 12 in february. that's not all, ladies and gentlemen. so many people love seeing miley cyrus on the show. there's no reason to worry. miley has already signed to be a coach for season 13 which starts next fall. the other coaches for that season will be announced soon. reminder, "the voice" airs tonight at 8:00, 7:00 central here on nbc. i feel like the whole season
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wedding. >> good prediction there. >> the moon told us. >> are they engaged? >> no. i'm just guessing. love is in the air. next up, speaking of love, someone all the ladies here loved growing up, luke perry. he was one of the biggest heartthrobs of the '90s making us all swoon on the nighttime soap "90210" with the character defining the teenage bad boy. that landed luke plenty of covers. his >> why "matt"? >> luke turned 50. can you believe that? 50 years old. by the way, when luke played a high schooler on the show, he was actually 24 years old. >> wow. >> and i had a huge crush on him. >> people often think you are named after his character. >> makes no sense. how could i be named after dylan mckay when the show -- i was already born. >> we've got something else for
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contestants are known for their exuberance. check out what happened when three made history on monday's show. here is the first contestant. her two spins added up to $1 so she won $1,000 and went absolutely crazy. the second contestant got two spins that also added up to $1 so he, too, wins $1,000. and the third contestant, guess what? th making it the season's first seasons. the gentleman in the yellow walked away the big winner. that's your "popstart!." >> i spun $1. it is easy. i don't know why people can't do it all the time. >> oh, my. >> that happened on the eve of national meatloaf day? did it really? >> and a full moon. >> and luke perry turned 50. it's magic. magic in the air. now to our special series
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natalie, you had a great profile yesterday. who do you got this morning? >> this morning, the founder of the women's retailer called nasty gal. she went from hitchhiking and odd jobs to creating a fashion empire online. it has made her one of the richest self-made women in the world and the voice of an empowered generation. ? >> nasty girl is a brand that really represents fearlessness, like women just dressing for themselves. >> reporter: edgy with rock 'n' fashion empire with a loyal fan base. >> describe your customer. who is nasty gal? >> she's ambitious. she's outspoken. she's like a really cool girl. >> reporter: but she was not always the cool girl and didn't always know what she wanted. working all kinds of jobs. >> oh, gosh. i've worked at a dry cleaners scrubbing ring around the collar off men's shirts. my first job was at subway. i was a gardener at one point.
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in my early 20s. didn't know what i loved to do but i loved photography and i loved vintage clothing. >> and now here he are $280 million, valued, later, which is an incredible rags to riches story. >> yeah. it's been a wild ride. >> reporter: it all started on ebay when she was 22. she started off selling vintage and designer clothing. she styled and photographed each piece. her brand name, nasty gal, comes from the 1975 betty davis. >> i guess i was inspired by her but i was choosing an ebay name, which i was 22 years old. didn't think i would be talking about nasty gal a decade later. >> reporter: and it led to the nasty gal retail website in 2008. when did you realize i've got something here? >> oh, man. i think i'm still realizing it. >> reporter: nasty gal has 5 million followers on social media and the company grew from
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>> we're doing red bull coming up. >> reporter: she also has her own nasty gal label, as well as two stores in los angeles. what does your family think of your success? >> my mom is very proud and very, very active on facebook. it borders on gloating, but i think moms are allowed that. >> what challenges have you had to face along the way. >> there's been a lot of challenges. scaling a company for ten years is really tough. >> reporter: in 2015 she stepped down as ceo of nasty gal. >> i don't want to s qualified, but it just wasn't what i wanted to spend my time doing. i don't think i was playing my strengths. >> reporter: and her strengths aren o the creative side. i got to experience that firsthand. >> there's something i had in mind for you. >> oh, that is adorable. jump suits are so in right now. i love it! that's perfect. >> cool. maybe a jacket. >> yes! oh, i love it. that gives it sort of that nasty gal edge.
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here we go. trying it on. all right. the reveal. >> you look amazing. >> wow. >> i feel very rocker chic. little modeling session. look at us. >> reporter: but she's more than about fashion. her first book, "girlboss, a ma memoir," launched a social media movement. the million times. >> are you a voice of the millennial generation then? >> i think i'm one of them. the intention of girl boss is really to inspire people to make decisions for themselves. i want people to be their own role models and compete with themselves. >> reporter: she now has a netflix series coming out next year, "girl boss." her podcast and her foundation which helps female entrepreneurs. and now a new book, "nasty galaxy," featuring inspiring
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32. >> the point of view of nasty gal is just to dress for yourself. if you like what you're wearing, your day is different. >> what do you think makes you cutting edge? >> i think that i'm pretty fearless. i'm always going to get up and try again and try to inspire a generation of girls to do the same. >> she is such an incredible person and a woman. she's really inspired this nasty gal movement. girl boss, women have really seized. >> i like that idea that she knew at some moment that this had potential to g >> she believed in herself which is something we need to be doing more. >> incredible. all she's done and she's 32. >> and tomorrow i have another incredible young woman named phoebe robinson, on the cutting-edge, also. one of the top-rated podcasters around now. >> natalie, thanks. dylan, check of the weather? >> yes. it is going to be a hot one today. we're also keeping an eye on
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a 70% chance of it developing into some sort of tropical disturbance in the next five days. that's something we will keep and eye on, though as of right >> bri: good morning, everybody. i'm meteorologist bri eggers in for chris lambert. wet weather from earlier this morning working on out, but it might take a while to scour out the clouds. we have a warm front that eventually will move to the northeast and pump in warm air. near record highs in store for us today, but i think the warmest temperatures will be for southeastern massachusetts and the sunshine later parts of today. here's a look at the 7 on 7 forecast. again, warm tomorrow, and we hole off on the rain until >> and that's your latest forecast. hoda? all right, dylan, thanks so much. now to our special series "one small thing." it is all about the changes that can have a big impact on your life. this morning, we're talking about exercise moves that are so simple, you don't even need to
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the way from australia to show us how it's done. she is a popular fitness trainer with more than 10 million viewers on social media. it is your first time on the "today" show? >> it is. i'm very happy to be here with you. >> emily. i love your accent. so these are things we can do every morning that will help us get toned. right? >> it is all about those small changes that you can implement into your lifestyle. at first we're going to start doing some brushing your teeth. >> we're at the sink. what should we do some calf raises. 20 reps. or you can do one at a time like this if you want more of a challenge. >> will you all do it with us? up and down. up and down. >> this is really good because it strengthens your calves and the arches of your feet which a lot of people neglect. >> it's so easy because you are already spending two minutes
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>> we're taking our dog -- charlie, charlie, charlie. here you go. good boy. >> pick something in the distance and say to ourselves, i'm just going to lunge there. >> one and down. two and down. oh, it's easy. look at this. what are we working here? is. >> we're working our legs and our gluts. it burns a lot with this exercise. you get to the park bench, pick something in the dise keep doing 20 lunges. >> what else are you toning there? >> your whole body really. but i love it for your legs and gluts. that's what we love, who i? tight gluts. >> let me get charlie back. now let's pretend you're lazy and you're watching tv. >> oh, yeah. >> but you want to do something in the commercial breaks during that time that will tone your body up. >> we're going to lie down here and do some russian twists. >> what are they called? >> russian twists. then you can grab objects around
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bottle. russian twists like this, come around to the side and down. >> what are we toning here? >> this is about strengthening our core which is really important. >> how many of these should we be doing. >> you can do these four times. either 30 reps in one commercial break or wait for the next one and do one each break. it is about how much you want to challenge yourself. >> you've got water bottles here. can you do it with no weight or -- >> no weights, yep. or you can be eating a chocolate -- >> emily, you rock. i would get up but i have a spanx issue. for more on this, sign up for our newsletter a small thing. chip and joanna gaines from the wildly popular "fixer upper." they are here.
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>> this is 7news now. >> sarah: good tuesday morning, everybody. 8:27 as you take a live look at boston. let's send it over the bri eggers with more on your forecast. >> bri: a spooky start there, sarah. at least wet weather has worked out. it will take a bit for those clouds and the fog to also scour out, as well. we are going to warm up, that's normal for everyone, and nearing 80 degrees, especially for southeastern massachusetts. sarah? >> bri: all right. thanks, bri. now to our top stories, a teacher at a merrimack, new hampshire, high school off the job and facing charges. police say robert wiley sent sexually explicit pictures and videos to one of his 16-year-old students over fast year. officers arresting him on monday. a level-three sex offender is behind bars this morning on rape charges.
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they say he raped a child. lovejoy was convicted of indecent assault on a child back in 2010. he's being held on $1 million bail. revere police are accused of excessive force. during an investigation over the weekend, the swat team is called after someone reported that there were gunshots fired inside a home on francis street. police say two people refused to come out of the home for two hours, forcing them to use tear gas. "today in new england" returns
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narrator: planned parenthood provides many kinds of healthcare. woman: i depend on planned parenthood for birth control. woman: i had my annual physical there. woman: the cancer screenings at planned parenthood are so important. narrator: still, chris sununu cast the deciding vote to eliminate state funding for planned parenthood. chris sununu put partisan politics above women's health care. colin van ostern: i'm colin van ostern. parenthood and got it done, because women's health care should always be above politics. capital one believes your bank should work for you, not the other way around. so capital one reimagined banking... ? with a place that feels nothing like a bank. and helpful people that talk to you...not sell to you. with free checking accounts that are actually free...
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what's in your wallet? it's 8:30 now on a tuesday morning, october 18th, 2016. playing hookie from the studio because it is so beautiful here in new york city. temperature going up into the mid 8 the plaza. >> remember when you used to ask your teacher, can we do class outside today? a movie classic that's landed on broadway, "holiday inn." and the cast will be here to perform a very special medley coming up. you'll love these two. "fixer-upper f
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than tomato soup and grilled cheese? yum. siri's going to show us how you can take it to a whole new level. i don't know how you improve on greatness. >> we should mention when we decided to do tomato soup, we thought it would be 45, 50 degrees out there. >> and didn't know we'd have an appetizer of meatloaf. it is going to be more like late august than mid-october. that's for sure. record high temperatures from the northeast to the mid-atlantic down through the we are looking at lots of sunshine, too. couple of spotty showers and storms with that cold front that will help to cool things down back through chicago and up through the midwest. tomorrow we could see some isolated severe storms. there you see northern park aar. southern missouri. could break high temperatures in southern californiaals the santa ana winds kick in. the pacific northwest, two to three inches of rain between today and tomorrow possible with temperatures only topping out in
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everybody. i'm meteorologist bri eggers in for chris lambert. wet weather from earlier this morning working on out, but it might take a while to scour out the clouds. we have a warm front that eventually will move to the northeast and pump in warm air. near record highs in store for us today, but i think the warmest temperatures will be for southeastern massachusetts and the sunshine really ensured for later parts of today. here's a look at the 7 on 7 forecast. again, warm tomorrow, and we hole off on the rain until >> that's your latest forecast. guys? >> all right, dylan. thank you. now to the "it" couple of reality tv, chip and joanna gaines. jenna caught up with the stars of the hit hgtv show "fixer-upper" to talk about the secret of their success. >> i went back to my home, waco, texas. it may not seem like the epicenter of one of most popular shows on tv, but each week up to 35,000 visitors travel to this
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favorite couple. and now mine. chip and joanna gaines. >> we're chip and joanna gaines. >> reporter: at first it seems like a picture-perfect movie. boy meets girl, starts a family and lives happily ever after. >> come on, mama! >> reporter: but this isn't hollywood. this is waco, texas. and this is chip and joanna's reality. as the star of hgtv's "fixer upper," the show follows homes with raising their four young children. viewers are wowed with stunning transformations. >> yes! >> yes! >> oh, my god! >> reporter: combining chip's construction job with joanna's distinctive designs and offering a window into their sometimes goofy -- >> wow. >> reporter: -- always loving marriage. >> i really love you, jojo. >> i paid him 10 bucks to say
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highest rated show in hgtv's history. >> people say, is this an improbable story? what would you say? >> i think really, it's bordering on impossible. >> reporter: their rise from home flippers to tv stars is the focus of their new book. "the magnolia story." the first time you met was at your dad's tire store. >> yes. >> super romantic. >> very romantic. he knew how to draw me out. i'm more introverted. i remember leaving that conversation just thinking, plan, a really thought provoking. >> i was a lot more superficial. i was attracted to her hotness. >> oh, right. >> then when she started talking, i was like, and she's got gorgeous lips. >> stop. >> i didn't realize that. >> reporter: chip and joanna got married and moved in. but their first home as husband and wife was in desperate need of some love. >> as far as design, i had no idea what i was doing. our first fixer upper together, we really learned how to work
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goods store. at first joanna was hesitant but chip jumped in. >> i have a very high fear tolerance. when i think about starting a business, i would call that, on a scale of 1 to 10, like a 1. first thing that happens, you go start a store, it didn't work. best thing that happens, you go start a store, you are picked up by a reality television show, you become a multi-millionaire. >> oh, don't say that! >> and you move to the bahamas. >> reporter: the store became a massive success andt so the two started a business flipping homes. but like most, the housing crisis hit chip and joanna hard. >> we're just some sleepless nights. >> when you are tested at that level, i think the stuff that you learn and what you get out of it is i think the stuff that gets you to the long haul. >> reporter: they came out on the other side stronger. and then -- they got an interesting call. somebody came calling and said, we have a crew. let's shoot a show. >> he was like it is a scam.
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back. >> no way, jose. >> reporter: but joanna did call back and the rest is history. "fixer upper" is now a bona fide national hit and chip and joanna are quickly expanding to a full-fledged lifestyle brand, including an online store, furniture line, bakery, magazine, and more. but at the heart of all they do is the love for the town they call home. so within the last year, they purchased a landmark of the waco skyline. a pair of rusty silos. they store, magnolia market. and the town has seen a revival from dallas to dubai, people from around the world come to the silos. with up to 35,000 visitors a week, it is quickly become the biggest tourist attraction in waco. >> when you see these folks, especially the ones that have traveled so far to get here, it is hard not to fall in love. >> want people to know that we're just a normal couple from waco. we're passionate about what we do. we love the business of home and
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>> chip and joanna just wrapped up shooting season four of "fixer upper" which premiers in november. i have to say, it is quite addicting. it is a favorite show of mine. i will disclose, also my mother's. >> we heard. big family. you guys have really shown people how it's done. here's my question. what's it like to work together as husband and wife? because a lot of people might be thinking, i don't know if i could d we joke, it's not for everybody. we have just somehow -- the cards were dealt and jo and i love to work together. we love to be together. but we joke to some of our friends that if we hadn't have gotten so lucky, we probably would have killed each other by now. >> when you guys first started out, did your dad say to you, chip, like why don't you get a real job? you were just flipping houses and doing your own thing. >> yeah. it is really funny.
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"flipping houses" is kind of like a thing. i have become a rock star. i know y'all don't know exactly who i am. back in my hometown, people go bananas every time they see me. but back in 2003, nobody knew about flipping houses. that was a little bit before the craze. so my father-in-law thought that i didn't have a job. so for the first two years of our marriage, i owned rental properties, i was in a construction business, we were rocking and rolling, at least on asking me on a weekly basis, so, have you found a job yet? how you doing? >> joanna, you have four children, i think between 11 and 6. i'm going to go with five children because you also have to deal with chip who can be a little bit of handful. >> yes. yes. >> she calls me the triplets. >> you're off by two kids there. >> i would rather take all four kids to the store than just chip. for sure.
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>> ten years. >> i've never seen you this animated over a story or a couple. >> i definitely have a major marriage crush. is that a thing? can you have a crush on a couple? >> i'm telling you, it is mutual. we met jenna for the first time a week or two back in waco, texas. since then, her nickname back home is long legs. >> you want to hear some of her nicknames around here? >> oh, look at the time. >> y'all, they have changed this place because of them. i mean that's the best of america. >> i know it is near and dear to you guys, for sure. thank you so much. we're just getting started with you, chip and joanna. you'll be back in our next hour. we should mention, the new book is called "the magnolia story." you can also see jenna's full interview at coming up next, a comfort food classic. another one. siri is whipping up the ultimate tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwich. yum. but first, this is "today" on
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months of degrading women and vulgar insults, and kelly ayotte supported donald trump through all of it, even calling him a role model. now, ayotte suddenly claims the opposite-- a political calculation just to re-elect herself. so, what else has kelly ayotte done to get re-elected? and corporate special interests like the kochs spend millions to re-elect ayotte. kelly ayotte. doing what's right for herself is just wrong for new hampshire. i'm maggie hassan, and i approve this message. i'm maggie hassan, c'mon in, pop pop! happy birthday! i survived a heart attack. i'm doing all i can to keep from having another one. and i'm taking brilinta. for people who've been hospitalized for a heart attack.
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welcome back to "today food." this week we're all about some of those kitchen tools that you can't live without. siri daly is here, she is a "today" contributor and creator of seriously delicious. she's going to talk about her favorite tool and make a great recipe. siri, good to see you. >> happy to be here. >> good to have you. immersion blender. that is your favorite. >> we'll get to it in a second it is -- i use it all of the time, especially for soups. i'll talk about it in a second. >> life changing. >> life changing. on this nice cozy day we're going to make tomato soup. >> it is 80 degrees. >> i'm going to make roasted tomato soup. super simple. five ingredients. tomatoes, onion, carrots, some vegetable stock and garlic. i love to use fresh tomatoes but canned tomatoes are fine, too.
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on-the-vine tomatoes. drizzle with some olive oil. salt and pepper. then we roast it in a 400 degree oven for half-an-hour. >> why is roasting so important bringing out this really yummy roasted flavor. 400 degrees for about a half-hour. in the pot, some onions and carrots that i just like to saute for five to then add some garlic. always garlic with tomatoes in my world. we'll only cook that for another minute or two because you don't want it to burn. then we will add our tomatoes. you want to grab that? then i'm going to add some vegetable stock. you can use chicken stock. this will keep it vegetarian. >> how long is that going to cook down? >> we want to boil it, then let
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>> are you enjoying it? >> yummy. >> look how great this looks after it is simmered down a little bit. >> usually if you want to puree something you take it out, put it in the blender. that's kind of annoying. with this immersion blender, you can do it all here. stand back. sometimes it gets a little -- look at that. >> what's consistency you are looking for here -- i'm >> i was too quick for it. i got out of the way. i'm not so sure our camera guys fared as well. the trick with the immersion blender is you keep it immersed. >> you keep it inside. you want like a little velvety texture. did you guys get it? thank you. i'm done. good night. >> we've got to move on quickly to the three-cheese grilled cheese. >> my trick, put a little bit of
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it gives it a little salty crust. i like to add bacon. this is pancetta. then some mozzarella, and some chedd cheddar. five minutes a side. i don't think i can make a mess with this. >> if anything explodes -- >> just until nice and golden. great thing to dip in your soup. >> lyle and jeannine in do you want to wear an apron? i say, no, it is siri. >> siri's things always have a little touch. the grilled cleheese is real go. >> delicious, siri. >> i have to say real quickly, the soup is delicious. it is really good. siri, thank you. >> you're welcome. >> for these recipes and much
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spent 21 years in the navy, defending america. if i only showed up half of the time, i'd have been court-martialed. but that's what senator kelly ayotte did. she missed nearly half of her homeland security hearings. vo: on critical homeland security hearings, ayotte was mia... even missing a hearing the same day she went to a washington fundraiser. for ayotte collecting campaign cash comes first. it comes to fighting terrorism, fifty percent doesn't cut it. afscme is responsible for
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>> announcer: the citi concert series on "today" is proudly presented to you by citi. we are back with the cast of "holiday inn," this is the classic 1942 movie, it starred bing crosby and fred astaire. it follows an entertainer named jim who quits the business and moves to a farm in connecticut. there he falls for a teacher named linda. they turn a farmhouse into a club. but jim's ex-partner, ted, steps in and threatens everything. form er "high school musical" star is here with his co-stars. good morning to all of you! we all remember you from "high
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level for this. >> i grew up tapping, i grew up watching fred astaire. when you watch him, he is just effortless and makes everything look so easy. i think that's what's really been captured within this incredible musical. >> i think it hearkens back to that classic broadway. is that what kind of attracted you guys to the roles? >> oh, absolutely. >> yeah. irving berlin wrote these songs in 1942 when our world and our country needed an injection of joy. we felt like we wanted to bring that back to broadway. it is perfect time to do it. >> having an awesome time. >> it is a blast to sing these songs and dance with this fabulous ensemble, we're just so lucky. >> we're so excited. people loved the movie. hopefully if they don't know it, this will revive the interest. we're doing a medley. let's let you take it away. >> how would you all like to make a contribution to the fresh air fund? all you have to do is help me move to midfield, connecticut.
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? nothing but blue skies ? ? nothing but blue skies do i see ? ? blue days all of them gone ? ? nothing but blue skies nothing but blue skies nothing but blue skies ? ? shaking the b ? unhappy news away ? ? if you are blue it's easy to shake 'em away ? ? i do not shake your body soul to and from with every shake a lucky break ? ? to chase our cares away ? note if you would lose your we areally blues shake 'em away ?
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i prayed that call would never come. [ radio chatter ] self control may be all that keeps these missiles from firing. [ sirens blearing ] i would bomb the [ beep] out of them. i want to be unpredictable. i love war. the thought of donald trump with nuclear weapons scares me to death. it should scare everyone.
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harry connick jr. is back with us. dylan back with us. ethan hawk and more chip and joanna gaines. a packed house. >> we've got a lot. >> did you see the jump roping that just went on? >> dancing and jump roping. >> that's a new workout trend that we won't try. >> exactly. if we jump rope right now, the earth would quake. that's another story.
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and hillary clinton e-mail worries just will not go away. what's inside some new doouments. n 1/2 plates off the job. what police say he sent to one of his student. >> it will take a little while to kick off the cloud cover and patchy fog. ooebtly we will warm things up for this afternoon. >> we have all that the outside corporate interests bankrolling question two are trying to deceive you. here's the truth: every time a new charter school opens, it drains money from the existing public schools. according to the state's own data. which means real cuts to our kids - in arts, technology, ap classes, pre-school, bus service and more. that's why question two's opposed by the massachusetts pta and school committees all across the state.
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a car stolen with a baby inside. and now police are on the lookout for a suspect. rocksbury. standing up for her husband. trump speaks out after comments made by the republican candidate are leaked. and a sex offender back behind bars. the rape charges that have him locked up this time. good tuesday morning everybody. thanks for joining us. it's 9:00 a.m. it's sarah french. it's we have some minor inconvenience. looks kind of warm. >> maybes, 80s, bri. could be in the cards for some of us. i think the near records are even record-tying temperature are out of question here and i'll explain why. you see the clouds all around. in throughout connecticut through providence, rhode island you've got clearing and sunshine breaking out. it will take a while to really erode the low cloud cover and the fog that set up. worcester reducing visibility to underneath a mile.
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