tv Morning News 7 FOX February 19, 2016 7:00am-8:00am EST
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up. 3 lots of sun today.. with highs in the mid to upper 50s.even warmer temps are on the way for the weekend. 3 3 we are following breaking news out of spartanburg county. the roebuck fire chief says one person has died in a fire on summerland drive.we learned about this fire around 5:30 this morning.firefighters say they are still searching the home for more soon as we learn more we'll pass it along. 3 good morning.... it's friday, february 19.i'm ben hill.. here with nicole papay and chris scott.thanks for joining
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3 friday will be sunny with highs in the mid to upper 50s area-wide. tonight, lows drop into the 30s and low 40s. clouds increase this weekend, but highs return to the 60s on saturday and sunday. 3 ((wrap up)) 3 let's send it over to chris with traffic. 3 we're watching: watching: 3 here's a live look at the s.c.d.o.t. cam on-- 3
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3 in 24 hours the 3 first in the south republican primary will be underway and the candidates will be traveling all over south carolina and the upstate to get your vote tomorrow. carolina's ashley minelli is live in greenville county at the board of elections... and ashley- the candidates are going to be all over the state for the next day or so. 3 - sen. rubio in clemson tonight - sen. cruz in greenville greenvilleeveryone else focusing around the low-country polls paint one picture in sc:- trump on top... nearly 16 point lead- cruz and rubio neck and neck for second place... bush, kasich, carson endorsements:- jeff duncan endorsing cruz-
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bush- frontrunner trump, dr. carson, john kasich-- no endorsements from any sc leaderslatest match-ups- marco, trump: attacking cruz distorting records, abortion, immigration, healthcare- rubio: it's disturbing- trump: firing back threatening lawsuit over eligibility to run 3 for president 3 sc is a *key* primary state winner takes all in sc- that could send one candidate home with up to *50* delegates from south carolina... i'll explain more on that coming up
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3 as ashley said, the candidates are busy trying 3 to get their message to south carolina voters before they go to the polls. polls.3 they go to the voters before south carolina message to to get their are busy trying the candidates as ashley said, 3 the candidates are busy trying to get their message to south carolina voters before they go to the polls. polls.last night was round two of cnn's town halls with the candidates.jeb bush, john kasich and donald trump each sat down with anderson cooper at u-s-c in columbia.the event came just hours after another controversy erupted with donald trump.pope francis had
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to build a wall between the u-s and mexico.he responded by saying the idea was un- christian.last night.. trump and his opponent, jeb bush, both disputed the comment. 3 3 (gov. jeb bush/(r) presidential candidate) i don't think it's appropriate to question donald trump's faith. he knows what his faith is. if he has a relationship with the lord, fantastic. if he doesn't, none of my business. business.(donald trump/(r) presidential candidate)i think he was very much misinterpreted. i also think he was given false information. if he had heard our side --the side from people who live in the united states.(anderson cooper/cnn) would you like to meet with him and talk to him about it? (donald trump/(r) presidential candidate)i'll do it any time he other issues that came up last night included the iraq war.. legalizing marijuana.. and appointing a supreme court justice. 3 and ohio governor john kasich was asked about a moment he'd shared with an upstate voter earlier in the day.during a stop in clemson.. a young man told kasich he'd been through a rough time lately.. but had found strength in his faith. kasich went over and gave him a hug.and last night, he talked about that moment.
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candidate"we've got to slow down and then we got to carry out our god-given destinies and potentials and gifts" gifts"you know, i've learned so much from, listen, everybody here. you've got to celebrate other people's wins, and sometimes you've got to sit with them and cry." cry."we've learned governor kasich will campaign in the midlands and lowcountry today... but he won't be here on primary day.his campaign says he'll head up to vermont and massachusetts.. ahead of their primaries on "super tuesday." 3 another member of the bush family will campaign with jeb in the upstate today.former first lady barbara bush will make stops in spartanburg, greenville, and central to support her son's campaign. 3 and one day after the republican primary.. one of the democratic candidates will be in greenville. greenville.bernie sanders will have a rally at bon secours wellness arena on sunday.doors open at 3:00.the event is free and open to the public.. but you are encouraged to rsvp. 3 today, hillary clinton is expected to get a big endorsement in south carolina.
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clyburn will back clinton's campaign.clyburn is the highest ranking african american in the u-s house.. and south carolina's only democrat in congress.last week, clinton also got the endorsement of the congressional black caucus. 3 right now, the democratic candidates are focusing on nevada.that state's caucus is tomorrow.south carolina's primary is one week later.. on the 27th. 3 fox carolina has continuing coverage of the south carolina can find more on all the candidates' upstate stops on fox carolina dot com. and join us tomorrow for our team coverage of primary day. we'll be bringing you the latest results on air and online as soon as they come in. 3 3 time for weather 3 and traffic every 10 minutes. minutes. 3 friday will be sunny with highs in the mid to upper 50s area-wide. tonight, lows drop into the 30s and low 40s.
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crew traffic. 3 welcome back to the morning news on fox carolina.we're back with a live look at summerland drive in person has died in an early morning house fire. 3 we've learned new details about a deadly crash overnight in greenville county.we're told the coroner was called to saluda dam road near oba road around two this morning.. troopers say the driver ran off the road and hit a ditch. highway patrol says the driver was trapped in the vehicle-- and died on the scene.the name of that person has not been released. 3 3 this morning.. a man is behind bars in greenville county.. after a chase and crash killed an innocent driver. driver.the victim was identified as stephen burnett from easley.. who was on his way to work when he was killed.
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early thursday morning at the intersection of highway 81 and 153 in anderson county.we're told it all started in greenville county.. where deputies tried to serve a warrant on dexter reeves. reeves led them on a chase into anderson county..where investigators say he caused this crash.reeves is now behind bars in greenville county. 3 3 members of law enforcement.. fire departments and all first responders will be honored with a hockey game tonight.. tonight..the swamp rabbits are battling the south carolina stingrays..for heroes night.. carolina's joe gagnon is live from the well with more.. 3 3 3 swamp rabbits to 3 recognize the accomplishments of greenville businesses large and small and recognize several of greenville's great leadersswamp rabbits will wear unique military and first responders specialty jerseys online jersey auction following the game "touch-a-truck" event from
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saturday and sunday. late sunday into monday, scattered rain arrives with highs in the low 60s to start next week. rain becomes heavy on tuesday, with highs back in the 50s. a few showers linger wednesday, with the possibility for tennessee border snow, and then skies clear by thursday. friday will be sunny with highs in the mid to upper 50s area-wide. tonight, lows drop into the 30s and low 40s. clouds increase this weekend, but highs return to the 60s on saturday and sunday. late sunday into monday, scattered
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traffic 3 sponsored by kevin whitaker chevrolet cadillac! 3 3 3 now for a look at news you need to know..south carolina's republican primary is tomorrow. there are six candidates running for their party's nomination.the polls will be open from seven a-m to seven must bring a valid photo i-d to vote. 3 anderson county deputies are still looking for two men who robbed a gas station and shot the happened wednesday morning on highway 187.the victim's mother tells us he is still in critical condtion. 3 president obama has signed new sanctions against north korea. these sanctions come after the country launched several nuclear and missile tests.. as well as suspected cyber attacks. 3 this morning.. an activist group is protesting a gas tax hike.. by treating you to breakfast. breakfast.americans for prosperity is at hardee's in downtown gaffney this morning. we're told they are talking about how a possible gas tax
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people.the group says they are buying biscuits and juice for the first 100 customers who come into the restaurant, starting at 7:00 3 3 it's family and colleagues mourn antonin scalia.. there is talk about making some changes to the supreme court's rules.we'll fill you in.. next. 3 here's a live look over greenville--thee morning news on fox carolina is back in minutes.
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news on fox carolina.3 welcome back to the morning news on fox carolina.this is a live look over lake hartwell. 3 3 the supreme court will be filled today with mourners paying their final respects to justice antonin scalia.. scalia..scalia's casket will lie in repose in the court's great hall.his casket will be on public display starting at 10:30.scalia's former law clerks will stand by the casket throughout the day and into the night.the president and first lady will pay their respects today.scalia died while in texas on saturday. 3 political analysts are using scalia's death to consider limiting the terms of supreme court justices.scalia served on the court for nearly 30 years, which is longer than any of the current justices. analysts are proposing a single 18 year term to replace a lifetime term.presidents would appoint a justice every two years.texas governor rick perry proposed a similar idea
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3 time for weather and traffic every 10 minutes. 3 friday will be sunny with highs in the mid to upper 50s area-wide. tonight, lows drop into the 30s and low 40s. clouds increase this weekend, but highs return to the 60s on saturday and sunday. 3 ((weather hit)) 3 let's send it over to the pit crew traffic center. 3 we're 3 watching:accident involving a
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injuries are reported augusta rd @ old augusta rd rd 3 here's a live look at the s.c.d.o.t. cam on-- 3 3 3 it's ______.3 the republican presidential candidates are getting in their final hours of campaigning before the south carolina primary.we'll tell you where they'll be.. coming up. 3 we leave you with a live look over clemson--thee morning news on fox carolina is back in minutes. 3 3 good morning, i'm 3 cody alcorn.and i'm diana
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do you think when you are president you'll be paid as much as if you were a man-male... this is one of the jobs where they have to pay you the same. but there are so many examples where that doesn't happen. i'm going to do everything i can to make sure every woman in every job gets paid the same... the men who are doing that job. i'm hillary clinton
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3 3 we are now one day away from the first in the south presidential primary... and the gop candidates are working hard for your votes.we're live in greenville with more on what's happening on the campaign trail today. today. 3 lots of sun today.. with highs in the mid to upper 50s.even warmer temps are on the way for the weekend. 3 3 we are following breaking news out of spartanburg county. the roebuck fire chief says one person has died in a fire on summerland drive.we learned about this fire around 5:30 this morning.firefighters say they are still searching the home for more soon as we learn more we'll pass it along. 3 good morning.... it's friday, february 19.i'm ben hill.. here with nicole papay and
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3 we're watching: accident involving a school bus/no kids on businjuries are reported augusta rd @ old augusta rd i-85 north @ business 85 exit 68 68 3 here's a live look at the s.c.d.o.t. cam on-- 3 3 3 24 hours from now.. the polls will be open for the first in the south republican primary... and the candidates are *stumping* all over the state in hopes of racking up some last minute votes. 3 ashley minelli is live at greenville county square... and ashley- this primary is a little different than iowa and new hampshire.. the winner will walk away with a *big*
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3 winner walks away with 29 delegates... plus the chance to win 3 more from each of the 7 congressional districts in s-c.... meaning 50 delegates could go to one person... 3 and right now- 3 the polls are showing donald trump is in position to be that personpolls paint one picture in sc:- trump on top... nearly 16 point lead- cruz and rubio neck and neck for second place... bush, kasich, carson endorsements:- frontrunner trump, dr. carson, john kasich-- no endorsements from any sc leaders- rep jeff duncan endorsing cruz- sen lindsey graham endorses jeb bushlatest match-ups- marco, trump: attacking cruz distorting records, abortion, immigration, healthcare- rubio: it's disturbing- trump: firing back threatening lawsuit over eligibility to
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blamed their busy schedule and said they were running behind. ted cruz and ben carson did attend the forum.both made their case for why they're the best choice for south carolina. 3 3 3 "i hate political correctness with a vengeance. because there were so many people, who gave up everything, including their lives, so that we can have freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of religion, all of our other freedoms. we cannot give those away." away."3 3 "the question the men and women of south carolina are asking is who do i know beyond a shadow of a doubt, and i give you my word that every supreme court justice that i nominate and confirm will be a principled constitutionalist who will fight to protect the bill of rights." rights."3 both candidates also attacked the liberal records of bernie
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3 here's another look at all the candidates.we know donald trump will spend primary night in spartanburg.. and ben carson will be in greenville. greenville.the democratic primary is one week from tomorrow.. on the 27th.for more "you decide" coverage.. just head to fox carolina dot com. 3 3 covernig our counties--pickens county school leaders are providing grief counselors for students at easley high school after a teen was killed. killed.police say 17 year old "kejuan brown" was shot and killed at tri-city lanes bowling ally wednesday night. 3 easley police arrested four suspects including a 15-year old shortly after the shooting. we talked to the victim's great-grandfather who said he had just made kejuan dinner and thought he was in his bedroom.he was stunned when he found out he was dead 30 minutes later. 3 3 3 "someody said kejuan got shot.
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crying... i wish he come back" 3 3 18-year-old jamari fair, 19- year-old dennis gibbs and 22-year-old albert taylor all went before a judge thursday. they were all charged with murder as well as the 15 year old suspect.investigators say the suspects and kejuan were fighting on social media. 3 spartanburg county students are being encouraged to come forward if they are victims of inappropriate text messages. messages.r-d anderson school leaders say a parent of a student alerted them to the text messages.the parent says the teacher was texting their child.deputies are investigating... but because there are no official charges, the teacher's name isn't being made public.officials say the teacher resigned after they planned to recommend termination. 3 3 time for weather and traffic every 10 minutes. minutes. 3 friday will be sunny with highs in the mid to upper 50s area-wide. tonight, lows drop into the 30s and low 40s. clouds increase this weekend, but highs return to the 60s on saturday and sunday.
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3 you're watching the morning news with lauren elise, ben hill, meteorologist nicole papay, chris scott with pit crew traffic. 3 welcome back to 3 the morning news on fox're looking live over 85 and pelham road in greenville 3 3 five baltimore police officers will have to wait until next month before they find out if they will go on trial. trial.all five are accused in the death of freddie gray. maryland's highest court will hear appeal cases for all the officers.the result will determine if the officers will face trial.the court will consider if a sixth officer charged in the case should
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other five.freddie gray died last april, days after suffering a spinal injury that happened during a ride inside a police van. 3 it looks like president obama will not be meeting with cuban leader "fidel" castro next month. month.white house workers said the president will meet with president "raul castro" during his trip to cuba in march. president obama said he will only visit cuba if he's allowed to meet with groups who support and oppose the government.white house reps are adamant the president has "serious differences" with the current government in cuba. mister obama is also expected to visit argentina during his trip. 3 3 the upstate's finest and bravest..are going to have a front row seat to watch the upstates toughest.. toughest..first responders are going to be honored tonight at the swamp rabbits hockey game for heroes night.. carolina's joe gagnon is live from the well with a preview.. 3 3 3 swamp rabbits to recognize the accomplishments of greenville businesses large and small and recognize several of greenville's great leaders swamp rabbits will wear unique
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3 time for weather and traffic every 10 minutes. minutes. 3 friday will be sunny with highs in the mid to upper 50s area-wide. tonight, lows drop into the 30s and low 40s. clouds increase this weekend, but highs return to the 60s on saturday and sunday. late sunday into monday, scattered rain arrives with highs in the low 60s to start next week. rain becomes heavy on tuesday, with highs back in the 50s. a few showers linger wednesday, with the possibility for tennessee border snow, and then skies clear by thursday. friday will be sunny with highs in the mid to upper 50s area-wide. tonight, lows drop into the 30s and low 40s. clouds increase this weekend, but highs return to the 60s on saturday and sunday. late sunday into monday, scattered rain arrives with highs in the low 60s to start next week. rain becomes heavy on tuesday, with highs back in the 50s. a
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traffic 3 sponsored by kevin whitaker chevrolet cadillac! 3 3 time for birthday shout-outs, sponsored by urban nirvana... -truman from easley.-sy'eed from greenwood.-shamara from greenville.-gabby from greenville. greenville.-dorothy from greenville.-demarcus from greenville. greenville.weekend shoutouts-- -jason from greenville. -barbara from cross anchor. -kelly from greenville. greenville.if you'd like us to mention a birthday on the air, send the name, date, and hometown to *birthdays at fox carolina dot com.*and let us know if you'd like to see it in either the 7 or 8 o'clock hour. 3 we'll be right back, but first -- a look at yesterday's winning lottery numbers. numbers. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
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news.3 we're back with a live look over greenville 3 oregon's governor is expected to raise minimum wage to the highest mark in the nation. nation.lawmakers approved a measure that will raise wages gradually during the next six years.according to the legislation, at the end of six years -- metro portland business owners will have to pay workers at least 15 dollars an hour.smaller areas willave to pay workers less. 3 more than one million walmart workers will get a raise reps say it will boost their minimum wage from nine to ten dollars an hour.all hourly and a few supervisors will see the change.execs say the pay raises will cost the company
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3 chris is in the traffic center: 3 we're watching: watching: 3 here's a live look at the s.c.d.o.t. cam on-- 3 3 3 it's ______.the republican presidential candidates are getting in their final hours of campaigning before the south carolina primary.we'll tell you where they'll be.. coming up. 3 be sure to stay with fox carolina all morning long. we're bringing you the days top stories until nine o'clock. throughout our four hours of news you can catch live reports from the field, plus weather and traffic updates every 10 minutes. minutes.
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as if you were a man-male... this is one of the jobs where they have to pay you the same. but there are so many examples where that doesn't happen. i'm going to do everything i can to make sure every woman in every job gets paid the same... the men who are doing that job. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. the morning news starts now. now. 3 24 hours from now, the polls will be open in south carolina. coming up.. more on what the candidates are doing in those
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votes.3 the country is watching south carolina ahead of the "first in the south" primary.we'll show you highlights from last night's town hall event on cnn..coming up. up. 3 lots of sun today.. with highs in the mid to upper 50s.even warmer temps are on the way for the weekend. 3 good morning.... it's friday, february 19.i'm ben hill.. here with nicole papay and chris scott.thanks for joining us on the morning news.
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