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tv   Eyewitness News Morning Weekend  CBS  November 2, 2013 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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good morning. up next on eyewitness news. >> good morning, frightening at lax where a tsa agent is shot and killed and a suspect is in custody. i'll show you the dramatic pictures coming up. plus final farewell, family and friends of a fire firefighter killed in a murder suicide prepare to say their final good-byes. >> and the ravens get ready for a road trip to cleveland to battle the browns. i'm mark viviano, we'll look ahead to the game coming up. >> taking a live look outside, mostly cloudy skies outside this morning, will we see sub or more rain today.
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tim williams has the answer in his first warning weather forecast. eyewitness news weekend edition starts now. this is wjz tv, baltimore. >> from the city to the counties, to your neighborhood, now it's complete coverage. it's wjz, maryland's news station. good morning and welcome to eyewitness news weekend edition. i'm gigi barnett. >> and i'm tim williams. temperatures are in the 50s across much of the area. it's a very mild start to the day, comfortable. >> yes. >> a little cool still. >> yes, one of my favorite days of the year. >> why? >> because we fall back. >> yes, we do. we have to remind you. we fall back tonight. you get an extra hour of sleep. today is a good day to be out and about so you can get all tired up and enjoy that extra hour's sleep tonight before you go to bed. of course turn your clocks back
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and we'll remind you through the next few hours. still some clouds out there. temperatures in the 50s, and we have a front just off the coastline and a chance for another shower or so this afternoon. as you see, it's going to be widely scattered and just a shower in spots. it will be very brief this afternoon if we see anything at all. for the most part the state is clearing out. a few fronts moving through and they're going to wipe all that moisture out of here. right now 52 degrees at bwi marshall. 64 on the shore. 46 cold degrees, relatively speaking, 46 out in oakland and 43 in cumberland. it's going to be a nice day overall. 68 degrees, partly sunny with a shower this afternoon. we'll have your complete first warning forecast in just a few moments. now here's a look at stories people are talking about. a man with an assault rifle opens fire at an airport security in los angeles. investigators say he had a note in his bag that said kill tsa. wjz has complete coverage of
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the shooting. kai jackson shows us dramatic images from the airport as passengers ran for cover. first let's go to edward lawrence with the latest. >> investigators worked through the night at lax's terminal 3 processing the crime scene. paul ciancia pulled out a semiautomatic rifle and began shooting. >> i just saw the gun and i was just terrified and like everybody else was and we're all just on the ground. >> 39-year-old tsa officer jerardi hernandez was killed. federal agents brought food to the family's home and neighbors say they're shocked. >> my heart goes out to them, and i pray that the lord would give them peace and strength to go through this. >> the head of the tsa will arrive here later today. he'll be with hernandez's family and two other agents wounded in the shooting. >> in a note found in the 23-
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year-old's bag he called himself aed off patriot and said he believed his constitutional rights were being violated by tsa searches. ciancia's father told police about a suicidal text message from his son. >> the text message was a message to the little brother and the way it was written we had some concern about it. >> his former los angeles roommates said they never suspected he was capable of such violence. >> thank you edward. kai jackson continues our complete coverage now with more on the panic that travelers experienced. >> the rapid paced lax airport comes to a grinding halt after a gunman opens fire. people were hiding in bathroom stalls. others were evacuated. >> it was probably the worst experience i've ever been in in my life. it was the most terrifying and you always kind of imagine what would you do. you hear about these horrible incidents and you got to kind of and yourself what would i do
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in a situation like that and the only thing i could do is keep my eyes down the hallway to make sure he wasn't coming down and stay calm. >> police tried to move through the terminal with guns drawn. many were wheeled outside to waiting ambulances. >> people were running and people getting knocked down and there was luggage everywhere and mayhem is the best way of describing. >> some people who had just cleared security rushed on to the tarmac. others were stuck in restaurants and bathrooms during the lockdown and some travelers simply walked away from the airport on foot. the lockdown affected flights across the country. some were diverted to other airports. some weren't allowed to take off at all. i'm kai jackson reporting. >> stay with wjz for the very latest on the shooting at lax. for instant updates anytime log on to a baltimore city firefighter who was fatally shot in a murder suicide will
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be laid to rest a. funeral for andrew hoffman is scheduled for 10:30 this morning. hoffman and his girlfriend marie hartman were shot and killed early sunday morning at his glen glen burnie home by hartman's ex- boyfriend christopher robinson. after killing hartman and hoffman he turned the gun on himself and committed suicide. the fried plans to play a part in hoffman's funeral today. there may be as many as 9,000 victims of the gynecologist accused of secretly videotaping women during exams. this morning disturbing new details are i americaning in a class action lawsuit against john hop can i can i johns hopkins. >> investigators say gynecologist nikita levy used a pen camera like this one to record exams at johns hopkins east baltimore medical center and the fbi is sifting through thousands of images of his
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computers. there may be 9,000 victims and their lawyers are working to settle the class action case through a mediator. >> i think these women are in fear of getting their pap pap smears and examinations. >> did he behave strangely? >> he always smiled. every time he was checking my private he smiled. when i went for my appointments, it would never been another nurse in there. it'd just be him, like me and him. >> the lawyers say it went beyond videotaping, that dr. dr. levy would also say inappropriate unprofessional things in the exams. levy was well respected. wjz found his medical file showed no previous complaints. >> looks can be deceiving. >> those representing the victims compliment johns hopkins for moving the case forward and provide closure for the victims. >> our job is to make sure our
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clients are treated fairly, are fully compensated and the court ultimately will be the final determiner of whether we've done what we needed to do. >> lawyers for both sides are expected to sit down with a mediator before the end of the year. at the east baltimore medical center, mike schuh wjz eyewitness news. >> the case came to light back in february after one of his co- workers noticed something suspicious and alerted security. this morning a former baltimore county teacher is facing sexual abuse charges for allegedly harming children at the church where he was a youth leader. raymond fernandez is behind bars. he abused two teens in 199 197. they told him they were molested while he was a youth leader and at church events and in their homes. police say there may be more victims here. city police are marking a significant arrest this morning. officers made their 1,000 gun
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arrest last night in west baltimore. they spotted an orlando armed suspect, and that's when a chase began. the suspect was caught and the weapon recovered. so far this year more than 1800 illegal guns have been seized from city streets. turning now to sports, you could say the ravens have the browns out numbered. they have beaten cleveland eleven straight times. an injury to a starting offensive lineman and cleveland's improved play will make getting number 12 a lot harder. >> good morning. there have been concerns all season long about the ravens offensive line. starting left guard, caleche owe semi needs back surgery and will likely miss the remainder of the season. it is the latest shakeup to a team in need of a win as they fight to get into playoff contention. the ravens go to cleveland carrying a two-game losing streak and with that concerns about how they've been playing
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on offense. they've had extra time to address those concerns during the bye week, and they begin put those improvements to the test against the browns. >> we've got a long way to go. we haven't been operating the way we want to. we're heading in the right direction. i think we're starting to create an identity and go after something and you know, just excited about doing that. >> joe flacco has never lost to the cleveland browns. the ravens are going to face a browns team that has jason campbell as their qb. back to you. >> thank you, mark. the ravens will be heading to cleveland for a 4:15 game tomorrow afternoon. you can see it live right here on wjz 13. and speaking of the ravens, congratulations are in order for one of the players this morning. kicker justin tucker is now engaged. he proposed to long-time girlfriend amanda bass last night. tucker posted these photos to
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his instagram account showing the proposal with the inner harbor in the background. congratulations to justin tucker and amanda. >> candlelight everywhere. >> he did it right. >> very nicely done. torrey smith. >> that's right. >> got married and now expecting a baby and joe flacco with his second child. right down the line. lots of celebrations going on. hopefully they'll be celebrating tomorrow in cleveland after the game. pretty good weather, 42 degrees, partly sunny tomorrow. the weather should not be an issue and certainly not an issue for us today. >> oh, good. >> we're at 52 degrees. it's a comfortable start. we have clouds out there now. the 6:00 it feels have come in. we've got up 1 degree. it's going to be a nice day with a slight cans, a small chance of sprinkles widely
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scattered this afternoon. your outdoor plans overall are safeguarded. we're looking at 49 as your dew point. relative humidity at 80%. calm winds. it's a pleasant day really in store. we'll have a lot of sunshine. 29.68 you'll see the barometer going up over the next several hours. 43 in cumberland, 52 in elkton. 55 on the shore. we have around the immediate metro area everyone in that low to mid-50 range. 52 in westminster. 53 in columbia, 57 in annapolis. it moderates the temperatures on either side of the bay right there. what we have, calm winds now, just a light breeze coming in from the southwest out in oakland. about 10 miles per hour, and a northerly flow around the lower portion of the state from d. c. over to the patuxent river and over city. for the most part we're going to be tapping in with northerly winds to temperatures a little cooler than we are. detroit at 46.
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chicago at 40. we've had the southwest flow over the last few days. it took us up to the 70s yesterday even with the passing of a front sitting off the coastline. that front is sitting there because it's so close and with another very weak front that's going to be moving through here over the next several hours today into tomorrow. we have slight chance of rain. the one that's coming through really doesn't have a lot of moisture. we're keeping in the forecast a slight chance for sprinkles widely scattered this afternoon. because this disturbance is so close by, there is just again, especially on the lower eastern shore a chance we could see a little moisture in the area. when the front comes through, temperatures are going to take a hit. we got to 73 yesterday. we'll be down into the 60- degree range today. we go into the 50s. until midweek the cooler temperatures settle in and we go back in the upper 60s heading into the end of the five-day. sunrise today at 6:57. there's a small craft advisory because of that second front coming through this afternoon
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through tomorrow and 6:37 is your next high tide at fort mchenry. 68 degrees today, partly sunny, a shower this afternoon. don't let that ruin your plans. you know, that's going to be very widely scattered. the normal is down around basically 40 degrees, and then 50 for tomorrow, partly sunny, breezy, and cooler. we do drop down for monday and tuesday, 48 degrees and then 57 and look at the temperatures back up to 68 for wednesday and thursday with a chance of showers by the end of the week. >> looks good. still to come on eyewitness news weekend edition, a man's halloween costume catches fire. the frantic efforts here to save his life. >> a wedding they'll never forget. the unique place where one couple decided to tie the knot. the answer there is coming up. >> first here's a look at yesterday's winning lottery numbers. good luck. >> ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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welcome back to eyewitness news on this saturday morning. it is the second day of november, the first weekend of the month. we're looking at the day that a lot of folks look forward to. it's date that we set our clocks back before we go to sleep. of course we resume now to
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standard time. before you go to bed tonight put your clock back one hour. you get an extra hour of sleep or an extra hour to go out and whoop and holler at the moon. 2 a.m., clock falls back one hour. we always like to remind you to check the batteries and change the batteries in your smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors. 68 degrees today, partly sunny, and a shower this afternoon. you can see that widely scattered. it's not going to ruin your plans guaranteed. 44 degrees tonight, partly cloudy. tomorrow partly sunny, breezy and cool. we'll have your five day first warning forecast in just a few moments. first back to some of the headlines of this weekend. a frightening scene at a popular halloween carnival in west hollywood. this cell phone video shows a man in the streets whose costume caught fire. you can see him going into the crowd and ending up on the ground. it's not clear if everybody knew what was going on at the time. a group of people were able to
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put out the flames though. medics rushed the man to the hospital but his condition is not yet known. that halloween carnival is quite popular. about half a million people attend it every year. almost six months after the bombings in boston, new york police are now preparing to beef up security for tomorrow's new york city marathon. jim axelrod has more on the extra precautions underway. >> race organizers are spending twice as much on security this new york city marathon as the last one. the nypd has consulted with 20 members of boston's police department about the marathon bombing there that left three dead and more than 260 wound. here in new york, runners can't ignore what happened in boston, like jennifer beer among those picking up the race numbers they won through a lottery. >> when i told my 9-year-old that i had been selected, her first response was mom, is
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there going to be a bomb. >> have there been any credible threats is this. >> no, no, credible threats concerning the marathon. >> new york city police commissioner, ray kelly says 2,000 security cameras will provide video surveillance including 100 new mobile cameras. five choppers will patrol the air, 49 police dogs will be deployed including highly trained k-9s that can detect explosive materials moving through a crowd. in central park, these preparations are translating into confidence, the only threat facing runners is exhaustion. >> i haven't heard anybody express trepidation or concern about lining up for this race. >> you're not going to be running more in the middle of the road to avoid the crowds on the side. >> only if that's the most direct route. >> and for the first time in the race's history, spectators will have to pass through security check points to get near the finish line.
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the nypd will also conduct background checks on all 10,000 volunteers. an arizona couple's wedding is anything but traditional. >> thank you for always being by my side of the merry go round of life. >> i no pronounce you husband and wife. >> rachel and jake risinger said i do at the arizona state fair. the flower girls carried popcorn instead of rose petals. rachel says her fairy tail wedding came to life and she couldn't be happier. >> those are really popular right now, those carnival themed weddings. you may not have it at a carnival but the theme is really big now. >> yeah, i mean i guess popcorn and old books, is that fairy tale or is that honey boo boo. >> a little bit of both. >> okay. still to come on eyewitness news saturday morning.
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>> these high school students helped to corral a run away school bus after their driver had a medical ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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temperature today going up into the mid-60s. a chance of a sprinkle in the afternoon. 54 tomorrow, 48, 57, then 68 for wednesday and thursday with a chance of rain by thursday. >> statistics show that one of the safest forms of travel in
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the country is by school bus. that's comforting news for parents. >> some students students in rising sun found out they needed to take their safety into their own hands. >> a high school hallway so much energy confined in one space, but it's a different story on the way to school. >> and i usually just lay my head object window and listen to improving what happened to jessica die son and 32 other students has changed that forever. >> we hit the dirt and a branch hit my window. >> caleb and kristin sit up front. they noticed the driver. >> he didn't slow down to open the door for someone and that's when he went into the middle of the road, and a few people started noticing something was wrong. >> as we reached the intersection he was going really really fast. >> in fact the driver mr. rick was having a medical emergency. >> i'm trying to get up there as fast as i can. everyone's yelling mr. rick, mr. rick trying to figure out what's wrong. >> he tries to push the brake with his hand. >> and tristan, i grabbed his
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foot and i was trying to pull it off the gas. he was resisting me. after that i grabbed the steering wheel which he also fought me on. >> no one was hurt. jessica and robert get everyone off the bus and take role. >> it was almost like a dream. i'm kind of dazed. it was weird. >> it it all hits you what just happened. >> i think they are incredibly courageous. >> this is a sheriff's salute citizens award. >> the school officer gave each of them a citation. >> it was very quick action and the leadership of the seniors on the bus was really impressive. >> since that time do you sleep on the bus anymore? >> no. >> in rising sun mike schuh wjz eyewitness news. >> i wouldn't either. wjz has learned that the driver is recovering after an unspecified surgery. >> it's now known if -- it's not known if he'll be able to return to his job. still to come on eyewitness news saturday morning.
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>> tsa agents targeted, a gunman shoots threw security screeners at lax killing one of them. the chaos for travelers and what we're learning about the suspects is next. >> growing frustrations with washington. good morning i'm meghan mccorkell with more on the changes people want to see from leadership. >> she's doing miraculously well. >> speaking out, cal ripken junior talks about how he's dealing with the attack on his mother and how she's holding up. stay tuned. stay tuned. we'll be right back ,,,,
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complete coverage continues with gigi barnett and meteorologist tim williams. it's wjz, maryland's news station. welcome back to eyewitness news weekend edition. i'm gigi barnett. >> and i'm tim williams here at 6:30 on the dot. it is in the 50s for most of the state. we're in the 50s in central maryland. we're in the 40s out in far western maryland. 60s down on the shore. >> kind of all over a little bit. >> we are all over the place. a little cloud cover out there, but a comfortable start to the day. pretty calm. winds are calm, and the cloud cover will be with us through parts of the day. you'll see some sun as well as you take a look out over the city. we've gotten rid of the rain we had yesterday. that is now offshore. the front that was associated with that system has kept that rain now pushing off to the
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south and east. first warning live doppler radar shows the story there and we have another front moving through that will bring us the chance for sprinkles later in the afternoon. for right now here are those temperatures we talked about. 40s towards oakland and cumberland. 64 in ocean city. en route to a daytime high of 68 degrees. partly sunny with widely scattered showers this afternoon. your complete forecast is coming up in a few moments. now here's a look at the stories we're keeping our eye on this morning. police and the fbi are looking into the background of the suspect who they believe opened fire in the los angeles airport killing a tsa officer and wounding two others. edward lawrence has the latest for wjz from los angeles. >> investigators worked through the night at l.a.x.'s terminal 3 processing the crime scene. police say 23-year-old paul see ciancia walked into the terminal, pulled out a semiautomatic rifle and began shooting. >> everybody on the floor now!
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>> i just saw the gun and i was justified like everybody else was. >> gerardo hernandez was killed. federal agents brought food to the hernandez family home and neighbors say they're shocked. >> my heart goes out to them, and i pray that the lord would give them peace and strength to go through this. >> the head of the tsa will arrive here later on today. he'll meet with hernandez's family as well as two of the other agents wounded in the shooting. >> ciancia appeared to have a grudge against the security agency. he called himself aed off patriot and said he believed his constitutional rights were being violated by tsa searches. ciancia's father in new jersey told police about a suicidal text message from his son. >> the text message was a message to the little brother and the way it was written they had some concern about it and that's when they brought it to our attention. >> his former roommates say they never suspected he was capable of such violence.
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edward lawrence wjz eyewitness news. >> and stay with wjz for the very latest on the l.a.x. shooting. for instant updates anytime log on to an investigation continues this morning into a serious crash in baltimore county. sky eye chopper 13 over the scene in the 800 block of eastern boulevard in essex. firefighters say several people were injured here. police are still trying to figure out what caused this crash. this morning we're getting a better idea of the major failures of the affordable care act web site in the first 48 hours of the site's launch, just 248 people successfully signed up for insurance. that's according to a report turned over to the congressional committee. the health care debacle is part of what's driving the growing frustration with politicians. a slew of new polls showed approval of congress is at record lows. meghan mccorkell has been talking with marylanders who
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say they're losing their patience. >> good morning. people that spoke with wjz say they're worried about a lack of leadership in washington. >> back and forth bickering on capitol hill. >> we're through playing these little games. >> this is why people don't like washington. >> frustrations are building. >> i don't think any of them get along. >> that discord hit home during the 10-day government shutdown. >> by not keeping the government working, they just hurt themselves and shot themselves in the foot. >> glitches with obamacare also causing tempers to flare. >> you've got congress regulating programs that they're not subject to. >> and the blame game continues. >> this is not the way to run a government. >> the american people are worried about their jobs. >> members of congress should be worried, too. a cbs news poll shows just a 9% job approval with 85% disapproving. >> is that the highest disapproval number we've had
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since we began asking this question in 1977. >> political analyst matthew crenson while previous polls have been low, this is different. >> what people have typically said in the past is that although they hate congress as a group they like their own member of congress. this time even their own members are taking a hit. >> some say they hope the frustrations lead to action on the part of the american people. >> i hope that average citizens become more aware of what it means for them to vote. >> a vote that could mean change in washington. >> the president's approval ratings are also at an all-time low. meghan mccorkell wjz eyewitness news. >> according to the cbs news poll, a majority of americans say they don't feel they have much say in what the government is doing. plans to redevelop harbor point in downtown baltimore may have hit a snag. according to our media partner, federal and state regulators want developers to do more testing on the toxic chemicals
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at the former chromium plant. it's not clear how long the project will be delayed. targeted by criminals twice, the mother of cal ripken junior is first kidnapped, then nearly carjacked. kai jackson has the latest on the investigations. >> last month there was an attempted carjacking in broad daylight as 75-year-old vi ripken left the nbr financial bank on west bel air avenue in harford county. >> ms. ripken told them she was approached in the apartment as she went to her vehicle by a man with a gun. >> it was a frightening ordeal by vie rip din ripken who was kidnapped at gunpoint tied up, and driven around before being set free. she's the mother of cal ripken junior. >> it seems to be bizarre that
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a similar thing could happen to your mom two times in a year. i am concerned, but at the same time i take my concern from her. you know, how she deals with it. she swears that we're all more worried than she is. >> hi, i'm cal ripken. when we were kids. >> now also an author, businessman and public speaker says he's leaving the investigating to the police. >> part of the dealing with this personally is that you can get immersed into the whole investigation and process and have that run your life or you can pull back and let the professionals do their job. >> while ripken was unharmed, there has been stress to both her and her family. >> she's doing miraculously well, unbelievably well, and i don't know if each and every one of us would think about the things she's gone through, whether we would react in the same fashion. she's remarkable. >> a $100,000 reward is being offered for information that leads to an arrest in last
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year's abduction case. cal ripken junior says police have some leads in that case. i'm kai jackson reporting. >> thank you kai. john walsh host of americas most wanted urged the kidnapper to come forward. residents around baltimore are getting their appetites ready for this weekend. it's the annual dinner at st. leo's church. it's a fundraiser that draws about 2,000 people every year. it's $12 for adults, 6 bucks for kids and you get enough spaghetti, meet meatballs and homemade ravioli to fill your belly. the dinner's from noon to 6 tomorrow. you could say the ravens have the browns outnumbered, they have beaten cleveland eleven straight times but as mark viviano reports, an injury to a starting offensive lineman and cleveland's improved play will make getting number 12 a lot harder. >> good morning. well, there have been concerns all season along about the
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ravens offensive line. now starting left guard kelechi osemele needs back surgery. aq ship lee steps in as the starter. it's the latest shakeup to the team in need of a win as they fight to get into playoff contention. >> the ravens are carrying a two-game losing streak and some concerns about how they've been playing on offense. they've had extra time to address those concerns during the bye week and they begin to put those improvements to the test against the browns. >> we have a long way to go. we haven't been operating the way we want to. we're heading in the right direction. i think we're starting to create an identity and go after something, you know, just excited about doing that. >> joe flacco has never lost to the cleveland browns. the ravens are going to face a brown teams with jason campbell as their starting qb. back to you. thank you mark, and of course the ravens will be
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heading to cleveland for a 4:15 game tomorrow afternoon, and you can see it live right here on wjz 13. the season may be underway, but you can still sign up for the 2013 pro football challenge. to compete just go to and click on the link at the top of the home page. you must be over 18 to play. our contest runs through the regular football season. it's one entry per person and you're competing with people nationally for prizes. go to and sign up now. all right. who's winning? >> i have no idea. i just know it's not me. >> you wouldn't know -- >> we would all know. >> no, but the season's still young for all of us, including the ravens. still have time. >> that's right. >> so we'll see. hopefully -- you know, i do know that they will have good weather in cleveland. hopefully the weather will not impact them, but it won't. 42 degrees tomorrow, partly sunny, no real chance of any
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problems up there, even light breeze. so just comfortable football in cleveland off lake erie. pretty good day. >> i'm wondering if we'll be able to kind of do some far away tailgating. >> you could do that. and tomorrow of course, you know, the temperature's going to be a little cooler. tomorrow will be temperatures closer to the mid-50s. our normal high now is 62 degrees. the normal overnight low is 40. that puts perspective on temperatures as you're seeing them right now. we're starting off in the mild range, 53 degrees our temperature right now. calm winds, 29.68 the barometer. 49 is your dew point. around the state, 64 is one of the warmer spots down on the shore in ocean city. 52 in elkton, 45 in oakland, 41 up in cumberland. 52 in westminster. 51 in bel air. 57 in annapolis and kent island and 53 in columbia. winds are calm around most of
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the state. we have a bit of a wind from the southwest in oakland. we have a northerly component in dc, patuxent river and then you see zero readings across much of the state. we have neighbors to our north and west cooler than we are. so that northerly component is going to tap into some of that. what we'll see for the most part is a warmer -- we're in a slot where we're in a warmer air. the cooler air is settling in into wednesday or so. then we'll start to see another rise in temperatures. two things are happening. the front that brought us the rain is now associated with all that activity, and the cloud cover's pushing well off to the east and the south. another trough, a low pressure system around the great lakes is close enough it's bringing as you see a little bit of shower activity and just some light sprinkles to the region possibly this afternoon. while most of us will stay dry for the entire day, there are going to be a few spots to see maybe just a fleeting shower,
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just something very quick. it moves on out of here. just know that that could happen in the middle of the afternoon or so. and then cooler temperatures settle in for most of the week and high pressure takes over again and we'll start to get a flow that takes our temperatures back up to near 70 degrees heading into the end of the week before our next chance of substantial rain. through 6:37 is your next high tide at fort mchenry. 5:03 is your sunset. we'll remind you to set your clocks back one hour before you go to sleep. this is the day or the night we turn back to standard time. 68 degrees today, 44 degrees tonight back up to only 54 tomorrow and then that run of temperatures 57 on tuesday back up to 68 and 68 on wednesday and thursday. thursday a good chance of some steady rain heading our way. >> all right. still to come on eyewitness news saturday morning. >> he was just a happy go lucky kid. >> a house fire leaves a toddler dead. did police stop the child's father from possibly saving
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him? that question we'll answer coming up. >> pounds of pumpkins smashed to pieces, where this great ,,,,
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it's partly cloudy and 53 degrees in central maryland. the complete first warning weather forecast is coming up. first new details this morning about the death of a toddler killed in a missouri house fire. family members now say the boy's father tried to get back in the house to save his 3-year- old son but police stopped him. they say officers tased the boy's father several times and then put him in handcuffs. the child's aunt does not think police handled the situation correctly. >> it's just heartless. how could you be so -- how could they with so heartless and while they all just stood around and waited for the fire department. what kind of police officer wouldn't try to save a 3-year- old burning in a house. >> there is some evidence that suggests the fire originated in an electrical outlet in the
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room that the parents were sleeping in. the investigation into the fire is ongoing. >> convicted child sex abuser jerry sandusky is taking his appeal to pennsylvania's highest court. lawyers for the former penn state assistant football coach say the trial judge should have pointed out to jurors how long it took for the victims to come forward. sandusky's petition includes many of the same arguments that were rejected by a mid level superior court last month. penn state reached a $60 million settlement with 26 young men who say sandusky abused them. one person is injured after a powerful explosion destroys a missouri home. you can see that there isn't much left of the house in desoto, actually rubble. firefighters say one person was inside the home at the time of the explosion. that person was medevac today a local hospital. the extent of the victim's injuries is not known. the cause of the explosion is still a mystery. what does one pumpkin
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farmer in colorado do with the oversized gourds he grows? we can tell you he does not make pie. look at this. wow. gary grandy likes to drop pump kips from several feet in the air and watch them smash when they hit the ground. pumpkins are tugged, pulled and released. grandy says pumpkin growing is a hobby for him and he simply likes to grow legends and then smash them. you know, he's a big kid. kids like to break things and explode things and blow things up. pumpkin chunkin. pumpkin smashing. >> and the elephant smashed pumpkins, we have the zoo, an
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elephant smashed them. >> it's dangerous being a pumpkin today. >> when we come back there's much more on eyewitness news. >> a renowned collection of african art and artifacts makes its way into baltimore. i'm rochelle ritchie, the i'm rochelle ritchie, the history you didn't yñ ózç
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lost documents reveal a new story about the rich legacy and history of america, and now a part of that history is here in baltimore in the form of documents, artifacts and art. >> it is part of the world renown kinsey collection. rochelle ritchie has more on this amazing family and their incredible story. >> . >> a large crowd gathers at the reginald f. louis museum in
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downtown baltimore to take a history course. >> we have collaborated with the family to sponsor a yearlong tour. this is our third stop. >> the people behind the collection, bernard kinsey does when you come to our home, you have this connection to the family. >> his quite a few his son. for several years they have gone across the world collecting lost pieces of time to help bring to life the struggle and successes of african americans throughout the world. >> we were not supposed to be in the story, even though we were everywhere in the story. so when you can find us in the record it makes it more valuable. >> it showcases art that's never been seen in person. shackles that imprisoned a female slave and letters from such notable african-americans as malcolm x and alex hay hailey. the decision started with a home work assignment given to cleo when he was in the 3rd
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grade. >> the only difference is my classmates could go back a lot further in their lineage than i could. >> in the quest to know more, the family together set out on an unforgettable journey. >> to really see the artifacts is what blows us away. >> for 14-year-old carletta tyler she says it's time for the education system to revamp its history lesson. >> they don't go on that many field trips and they should go to places like this. it would really help them. >> rochelle ritchie wjz eyewitness news. >> and the collection is on display until march 2nd. >> okay. when we come back, we'll have the exclusive eyewitness news five day ,,,,,,,,
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[ male announcer ] progresso's so passionate about its tomato florentine soup, it took a little time to get it just right. [ timer dings ] at first, it wasn't the perfect amount of tomatoes. not ready. [ male announcer ] later it wouldn't be the perfect amount of spinach. not ready. [ male announcer ] then, the sausage and pasta. ♪
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not ready. [ male announcer ] but finally, it happened. perfection. yes! [ female announcer ] progresso traditional and rich & hearty flavors are five for $5.55 this week at giant. a chance of light sprinkles this afternoon. 54 tomorrow, 48 and 57 and back into the 60s for wednesday and thursday with a chance of rain by the end of the week. when it comes to diamonds, this
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one is the star of the show, and it will soon have a new owner. >> this 60 60-carat pink star diamond is on display in new york city. >> it's set to be auctioned on november 13th and expected to fetch a record $60 million. >> the diamond was a long time in the making. it took two years to cut and polish the gem. it's a spectacular gem, so 60 million, that's a million a carat. >> i wonder would you wear it? >> i don't think you could wear it unless you had armed guards around you the entire time ask some people would do it too. >> you'd wear something like that, no one would think it was real. you could probably get away with it. >> that's right. it's costume. >> that's the first hour of our saturday morning show. there's another hour of eyewitness news coming up. >> we'll be joined by the maryland zoo in baltimore to talk about the holiday festivities. use chase freedom at select department stores
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