tv Channel 3 News Today NBC March 7, 2016 6:00am-7:00am EST
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@red sox together and play this @thing today. @ get me a hot dog and a side @of nachos and i'm ready. @we got the weather for it. @that's for sure. @good morning, temperatures are @in the 30s to 40 degrees @already. @we are about 50 minutes away @from what should be a really @pretty sunrise today. @upper 50s for highs, that is @warm for march. @we should be in the low 40s. @the warming trend is going to @continue through the week. @sit going to the people like a @taste of spring. @we have got middle and upper @30s, low 40s downtown, @sandusky, 42 degrees, aleria in @the upper 30s. @ashtabula, upper 30s. @this is really mild. @we should be 20s to start. @everything is quiet on radar @around here for now. @we have rain showers that are @showing up to our west, we will @track those and see when they @show up around here. @we think we will have the @possibility of a few rain drops
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@danny is checking the commute @this morning, grab the sun @glass. @ always nice to have the @sunglasses in march. @we have one traffic alert to @tell you about. @i have been on this throughout @the morning, west 122nd remains @closed. @if you need to get around this, @take west 123rd or west 120th. @i have posted those on twitter @at danny wkyc. @we are green and clean on the @traffic map. @here is the picture outside on @71 at 1271, where everyone, @they are getting by just fine @and the roads look perfect. @ we continue to follow our @breaking news, it was a busy @early morning for cleveland @firefighters, two house fires @about the same time, just about @3 miles apart from each other.
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@122nd and tris tris cut. @the fire caused damage to a @house next door, neighbors had @to be evacuated. @no injuries reported. @cleveland police had to help @people get out of their @apartment after the building @caught firing police were @responding to another call when @street. @this was at a 2-story apartment @house on cross burn avenue near @west 130th when police got @theres residents were coming @out of the apartment but some @people who lived on the second @floor didn't know the building @was on fire. @police ran up stairs and @knocked on everybody's doors, @everyone got out safely. @so far in word on what started @the fire. @. the trial begins for a @cleveland man accused of @murdering his wife, back in @september, henry ashley was @arrested after he walked in to @a police station and told @police i killed my wife.
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@she tried to leave he stabbed @her with scissors. @police found the body of @francis davis ashley at the @home on martin luther king @boulevard. @ashley is held in the cuyahoga @county jail on million dollars @bond. @ surgeons at the cleveland @clin lick discuss the first @ever uterus transplant @performed less than two weeks @ago. @>> will ujek joins us live with @details. @>> reporter: medical @breakthrough, a few weeks ago, @this is meant to give women @without a uterus or a damaged @womb the possibility they @thought was never possible to @carry a baby and give birth @when this happened a few weeks @ago, the news reached far and @wide, the surgery took 9 hours, @doctors transplanted a uterus @from a woman who died to a 26- @year-old woman who didn't have @one. @little information about the @surgery has been released. @the surgeons will discuss the
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@past with sweed p reporting the @first successful birth in 2014, @far. @clinical trials. @one of the things we are hoping @to learn is when the next one @we may expect, all that @information will be here, @channel 3 on the website, as we continue the @coverage here throughout the @day. @ now to akron, later today, @full time professors at the @strike authorization vote, this @does not mean that the @professors will strike but @gives the union the authority @to call one. @according to, the @latest contract proposal does @not include any raises, but @includes decreases in health @care, and retirement benefits. @ let's head to maurine with @the morning news feed.
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@shooting spree and a 6-hour @standoff with police was found @dead inside a sydney business. @he shot and killed a person and @wounded two others, hiding out @in a sign making business, once @police went inside, they found @the 33 year old man dead. @investigators are not sure what @prompted the shooting, which is @rare in australia, where gun @laws are strict. @ the virginia police officer @who was shot and killed on her @first day on the job will be @laid to rest today. @people paid respects to gwendon @who was killed while responding @to a domestic dispute. @massachusetts. @ after a long drought, the @west coast is getting pummeled @with heavy rain and causing @mudslides and dangerous driving @conditions. @this is video out of san jose, @drivers had white knuckle @and standing water. @a number of trees were knocked @down from the winds. @this is the first wave of
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@ the world famous eye dit @rod dog race in australia, 1000- @mile race to gnome. @a problem is buffalo crossings, @they have to be careful with @those, too. @>> what are you supposed to do? @>> this is the way they used to @deliver mail back in the 1920s. @>> sometimes it feels like my @mail takes that long. @>> you see sled dogs outside @the house you will understand. @ picture here, this is @bernie, the mascot for the @miami heat. @he is lovable. @for a stunt he tried to pull
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@the biggest loser. @mascots will back me up. @ @ pain at the pump, gas @prices again on the rise. @what is to blame this time. @maybe good news on the horizon, @we will have that for you, too. @ good news in the forecast. @spring warm up, in the 30s now, @50s today. @partly sunny sky, more cloud @cover towards dinnertime. @we will track the weather. @as we take you to break, a live @look outside, a breeze, 10- 15 @miles an hour, sustained @southwest winds warming things @up as we wake up this monday. @6:08, up on twitter, let us @know how your weekend was, we
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@ @ prices at the bump are @going up. @the average price of regular is @up $0.07 in the past two weeks. @$1.84 a gallon. @crude oil prices rise and @demands is increasing across @the country. @gas is $0.70 cheaper than last @year. @prices projected to start @dropping again. @ the new chip enabled @credited debit cards, 37% of @businesses are able to accept @them according to a survey of @almost 4 million retailers. @stores and credit card @companies were supposed to @adopt the new technology by @last october 1st or face @penalties. @it appears many delayed @implementing the technology @until after the holiday season @to prevent confusion in the
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@ let's talk weather, spring @has sprung. @>> we were talking about, are @we going to break records. @>> it could happen this week. @we are going to see warm, the @warmest in months going back to @december. @the warm up around christmas @time. @starting with bus stop weather, @in the 30s, this is mild for @this time of the day. @we should be in the 20s now. @we are close to where we should @be for highs. @you need your jackets but don't @need to bundle up like the @blizzard is coming. @6:13, we will be in the 40s at @9:00, the 50s at lunch today. @upper 50s for highs. @up to 40 degrees hopkins. @we will have partly sunny @skies, the spring-like warm up @through the week, wait until @you see, rain chances, no snow @flakes in the forecast at all.
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@across the region, we are @seeing mild air, these are all @current temperatures, 50s, 60s, @lots of 40s, closer to home @here, many of you are 30s to @near 40 degrees, this really @resembles what the picture @should look like today. @not starting off. @we are doing good. @we have rain showers to our @west. @we will track these through @today. @totally dry and seeing breaks @in the cloud cover. @i think it should be a @beautiful sunrise, up a few @minutes before 7:00 today. @notice 10:30 this morning, @mixed clouds and sun, lovely, @in to the afternoon, recess @looks great, getting the kids @from school, 3:00, 3:30, partly @sunny sky, filtered sunshine. @look at the temperatures in the @upper 50s to low 60s around @dover today. @this evening, seeing the rain @chances, in to tonight, passing @showers, as a warm front moves @through the region. @this is going to trigger
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@heading in to tomorrow. @tomorrow we will start with @cloud cover. @transitioning to mostly sunny @skies tomorrow afternoon, 4:30 @tomorrow, mid to upper 60s. @66 degrees akron, canton, 67 @showing up in dover, low 60s @downtown, beautiful as can be. @the trend continues in to the @middle part of your workweek. @today's high 50s, again, this @is not a record, but it is way @should end up. @76 by the way, record high for @today's date. @65 or so tomorrow. @the chance of a shower tonight @in to early tuesday. @cloud cover to start the day. @upper 60s to near 70 degrees, @middle of the week, scattered @showers around, later in the @weekend, as we spring ahead an @hour on sunday, and turn the @clocks ahead, we cool off and
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@this time of the year. @6:15, let's check the drive. @ thank you for allowing us @to start your monday. @the traffic map, looking good. @a little bit of slow traffic @heading west on u.s. 224, as @you are in summit county, @adding 3-4 minutes to your @commute. @the picture of 77, 21, everyone @is getting by fine, 77 at 480, @the interchange, getting busy, @no problems there. @if you drive 77 between 21 and @480, a 19 minute commute north @and 20 minutes south. @those are normal drive times. @after 6:30, we will get updates @on detours to the west 122nd
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@lorain, tune in to our @partners. @ biggest winners and biggest @losers in sports. @biggest loser, i'm going to @pick on a mascot. @the fuzzy furry crick tares @that bring so much joy to the @faces of young fans. @if you are going to try a @stunt, your calculations have @to be right on. @i'm looking at you, bernie the @mascot from the miami heat. @here is what he tried do. @attempted to flip over all his @buddies for his birthday party @and missed the landing. @stanley panther from the @florida panthers. @look at this, he gets up and @starts celebrating like he @landed this thing, i don't know @the condition of fun ship @freddie right now. @condition report.
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@he needs a little practice. @they were feeling the bernie. @my biggest winners are @champions on and off the court. @basketball team. @during the 7th and 8th grade @school years, a combined record @for basketball and volleyball, @74-2. doesn't stop there, they @collected gifts for families @over the holidays. @they are champions in the @classroom. @the gps is 3.6. @incredible group of young @ladies. @my thanks to coach mike for @sending in the pictures. @congratulations. @if you would like to nominate, @email them to mes morning show @at or tweet them to @me, at john wkyc. @ fun ship freddie will not @be cruising for the next 6 @months.
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@he had no comment. @he has no mouth. @>> none of them are talking @which is the best part of the @whole story. @ @ the presidential candidates @get ready for the next round of @primaries and there is one big @topic they will be talking @about in michigan. @we will have that coming up in @a live report from washington. @>> weather out the window time, @this is quite a capture, jody @says the horses were telling @each other a secret. @that or a little smooch. @it's adorable. @thank you for sharing with us, @jody we love it. @we hope you are having a great
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talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, scream. only one guy's done more than talk. kasich. he'll do for america what he's done for us. create jobs. four hundred thousand jobs here in ohio. brought 'em back from mexico and china. turned our deficit into a surplus. more jobs? an america that works? let's loan 'em john kasich. new day for america is responsible for the content
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@ @ we will look ahead to @florida, good morning, tracy. @>> reporter: and ohio of @course. @they are having an impact, @especially for the republicans @now. @before that, moving up your way @to the midwest, stop the @michigan, where the voters are @very concerned about water and @jobs. @>> i voted to save the auto @industry. @he voted against the money that @ended up saving the auto @industry. @>> reporter: auto jobs and and @the flint water crisis. @topics if the michigan primary. @>> people are not paying a @water bill for poisoned water. @>> reporter: both democrats @want michigan's governor to @resign. @our nbc wall street journal @poll shows hillary golston with @a 17 point lead there, and far
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@after last weekend. @donald trump's topping polls in @michigan, already tarting @florida, marco rubio's home @state. @rubio won puerto rico this @weekend. @>> i won 70% of the vote. @>> reporter: trailing back @home. @>> i vnts given up on florida @yet. @>> reporter: ted cruz is @closing in on delegates and @doesn't want a contested @convention. @>> trump thinks republicans @will unite, behind him. @>> i'm a unifier, very much a @unifier. @maybe people don't see that. @>> reporter: the next test, @tomorrow in michigan. @ @in addition to michigan, we @also got mississippi, idaho, @and hawaii coming up, all of @them coming up tomorrow, @looking forward to florida and @ohio, several others next @tuesday. @>> all the visits before then. @thank you. @ president jimmy carter no @longer needs cancer treatment @and made the announcement in @georgia yesterday.
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@the good news and began @treatment in august when a @lesion on his liver and four @small ones in his braining were @discovered -- brain were @discovered. @ @ 40 degrees outside. @hang on. @holly, you have a great warm @up. @>> it's going to feel like @spring all week. @beautiful weather today and @great to get out and do @exercise outdoors for a change. @partly sunny skies, cloud cover @towards dinner, we are 25 @minutes away from what will be @a pretty sunrise this morning. @upper 40s for highs. @so much warmer, we were in the @30s yesterday. @it was a nice end to the @weekend. @we got a few scattered showers @up to the west, a passing @sprinkle overnight. @chances will be small, though, @scattered if anything at all. @looking at forecast highs @across the country today, @beautiful, all along the east
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@charlotte *6 7. 77 orlando with @sunshine. @it's getting to be the spring @break time. @weather has been trending @towards really warm and lovely. @we got a look ahead to how warm @we get this week in minutes. @ this morning, former first @lady nancy reagan is being @remembered across the country. @a look back at her life and @legacy. @ @ coming up in the morning @news feed. @two virginia firefighters are @suspended. @what they did, a father says
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@ @ welcome back. @i'm john anderson. @>> holly has the forecast @coming up in a bit. @as you are waking up, here is @what is happening. @two back to backfires in @cleveland, we begin with one @person -- in a moment. @one person was taken the @hospital after a serious car @accidents overnight. @this is a look at the @accidents. @the car flipped and hit a pole. @one person had to be cut out by @the fire department. @no word on their condition this @morning. @ police are searching for @the woman who stole a car
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@police chief calvin william's @son. @the car was left running while @the 25 year old went inside to @pay and a suspect took off. @reports say the car was stole @within a loaded gun side. @the car is a silver 2011 chevy @impala. @ surgeons performed the @first ever uterus transplant. @the history making 9-hour @surgery was performed on a 26- @year-old woman who received the @uterus from a deceased patient. @it's meant to allow women @without a uterus or those with @a damaged womb to carry a baby @and give birth. @ @ forecast is about spring, @holly, it has 70 in it, @correct? @>> yes, it does. @not today. @we will get there this week. @perhaps you are pouring your
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@what is your favorite? @upper 50s for highs, that is @impressive. @we should be in the low 40s @this time of the year. @it's going to feel great. @we will see sunshine, sun is up @at 6:52. @30s to near 40 degrees already. @we should be in the 20s this @time of the morning. @you need a coat. @my gosh, it's quite @comfortable. @we got a few scattered rain @showers to the west. @far away in illinois. @tracking those throughout the @day. @a sprinkle passing by in to @early tonight. @that would be the extent of it. @as a warm front lifts through @the region, temperatures are @warmer as john and lena @mentioned through the remainder @of the week. @wait until you see. @danny is checking the commute. @see how things are moving along @so far. @>> i do have an accident @reported at east broadway @avenue or broadway at east mill @street in akron. @i saw that pop up. @we are looking good on the
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@see the traffic on 71 north @before the inner belt bridge. @the picture, west 25th. @not seeing stop and go traffic. @let's look at the drive time on @71 north between 480 and 490, @the normal 9-minute commute. @commute. @west 122nd is shutdown north of @lorain avenue because of a @house fire. @lena told you about that one. @the detours to get around that, @back to you. @ tributes are pouring in @from around the country, after @the death of former first lady @nancy reagan. @>> tiffany tarply joins us to @explain how she is being @remembered. @>> funeral services are @pending. @her final resting place will be @next to her husband at the @ronnel reagan presidential @library -- ronald reagan @presidential library in @california.
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@library where members of the @public will be able to pay @their respects before the @funeral service. @reagan died at her home from @congestive heart failure at the @age of 94. @she brought old hollywood @glamour to the white house, @known for her extravagant style @and say no to drugs campaign. @john kasich served in congress @during the reagan years. @>> she was an incredible lady, @very strong, total class act. @>> it's like the end of an era. @it's sad, it's bittersweet. @>> during the debate, there was @a moment of silence, coming up @how reagan is honored in ohio. @ thank you. @we are a little over a week @away from the ohio primary on @march 15th, candidates continue @to make their push. @governor john kasich will hold @a town hall meeting tomorrow.
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@endorsement, arnold @schwarzenegger. @they spoke in front of hundreds @of nem columbus over the @weekend. @schwarzenegger said he @campaigned since the 80 and @boasted about management and @job creation in the state. @kasich hopes the rallies and @his new endorsement will give @him the support he needs to win @ohio. @ democrat hillary golston @will be campaigning in @cleveland this weekend. @last night, clinton's campaign @got a boost from lawmakers. @ohio congresswoman, marsha @fudge and nearly 40 black @elected officials and community @leaders announced their @endorsement for clinton and @site her work for the black @community and realistic plans. @toboggan shoots. @safety inspectors were there
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@place needed to close down @because of this. @ thank you, two virginia @firefighters are suspended @after taking an 18 month old to @the hospital in a fire engine. @the father says the move saved @his daughter's life. @the firefighters were the first @to responds when the child was @having a seizure and couldn't @get an answer on how close the @medic was to the seen so they @took matters in to their own @hands. @the two are suspended. @ investigators are piecing @together a train accident in @north carolina on saturday, one @person is dead, after injured @after hit by a train. @the group of five including a @child was walking along the @bridge when a train came along, @three of them were able to get @out of the train's path, a 51 @year old woman was struck and @killed. @officials said it can take a @loaded train up to a mile to @stop.
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@health organization declared @the zika virus an international @emergency, the olympic @committee will hold a hearing @over the virus. @the virus has raised concerns @for the 2016 summer olympic @games in rio rio de janeiro. @ @they have begun inspections of @olympic venues. @ if you are having a baby, @the music streaming service @spotify wants to be there to @help in the delivery room. @we are not talking about @holding your happened. @they released a birthing play @list, they say it is designed @to help with the anxiety of @women in labor. @the play list has 30 songs with @appropriate titles like under @pressure by david bow wii, @don't pangic from cold play and
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@if you want to come up with @your own, pick songs with @strong instrumentals and make @it 10- hours long. @if you are like me, 24 hours @long. @ @>> if you get led zeppelin, the @long version of stairway to @heaven, that will take 20 @minutes. @ @>> gail said it should include @i'm coming out. @ @ lots to come. @>> we are going to check in @with mat granite. @he has the 3 things you should @never buy new. @ @ it's going to be a great @day, spring is in the air, @that's the buzz as we get in to @the new week. @warmer today.
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@ @ a special guest of honor at @the calves game. @the lebron james foundation @invited a man name walter to @come to the game. @he suffered a stroke. @when the noun dation found out @about his love for the game and @lebron, they invited him and @gave him one of lebron's @practice shoes. @great souvenir. @ peyton man willing walk @away from the nfl in what @should be a emotional news @conference. @>> four years ago today he had @the emotional good-bye when he
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@he left his mark on the game. @two super bowl titles and list @of records, he changed the @game. @he left as the first ballot @hall of famer and kept adding @to record career. @his announcement is at 1:00 @p.m., our time. @ it is a rare glimpse never @seen by the world. @britain's royal family released @home movie footage of prince @charles as a toddler. @it's from 1949. @charles was 1 years old and @will shows him playing with his @mother, queen elizabeth the @second. @the material was released by @the royal family to mark @mothering sunday in britain, @their version of mother's day. @>> zootopia has been frozen in @one category, they had the best @3-day opening for animated
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@it brings in 73.7 mill whereon, @beating out frozen by $6 @million. @we know the success that frozen @had. @and the song is still in our @heads. @families made up 73% of the @sales, you would almost think @it would have been higher as @far as the numbers of families @that went. @fans love it and the critics @have been giving it great @reviews. @new and refurbished. @>> mat granite has the 3 items @you never need to buy new. @>> reporter: as you know, i @almost never feature any type @of deal or savings tied to @refurbished product. @there are three categories @where buying a refurb will @benefit. @apple, when you buy a mac or
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@warranty and casing and you @have a brand new apple device @at 30% off. @you get the same customer @service, same with vieta mick. @a 5- year warranty, no risk @guarantee and substantial @savings. @dyson also a product, buying @refurbished gets you strong @savings. @big fan of not only the @customer service on the @refurbish, but shark matches @the deals. @if you want to buy either new, @there are huge deals coming up. @happy savings, back to you. @ holly, we talk about the @warm up. @sunshine, too. @ a beautiful start to your @week. @here is bus stop conditions, @which upper 30s, mid upper 30s.
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@it is not that cold this @morning. @should normally be in the 20s. @you are about 10 degrees or so @above normal already. @it's 40 degrees now hopkins. @we will be mid 40s at 9:00, @partly sunny skies through a @lot of today. @low 50s at noon. @recess time, amazing. @mild with highs today upper 50s @to near 60 degrees. @seeing cloud cover later. @it's going to be the spring @vibe through the week with rain @chances here and there. @the big chat is just the shift @in temperatures, we are already @morning. @looking to our west, 47 degrees @now, chicago, st. louis is 60. @these are current numbers. @we will continue to see that @warmer air move in, 30s to near @40s, is what we are reporting @at the moment. @scattered rain showers well to @the west, one thing i can tell
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@going to have snow in the @forecast this week. @we will keep things warm enough @for only rain chances and as we @look on future view, see 11:00 @a.m. @today, everything looks good. @partly sunny skies, nice and @bright, temperatures already @in the low 50s. @recess should be fun, jim @classes outside and stuff like @that this week, 50s to near 60 @this afternoon, more fillerred @sunshine later -- filtered @sunshine later. @a passing shower tonight. @tomorrow starting with cloud @cover as the warm front lifts @through, we will start to see @sunshine galore tomorrow @afternoon and then in to the @60s for your tuesday. @middle and upper 60s for highs @tomorrow. @warming trend continues on in @to the middle of the week. @a look at the window nation @seven-day forecast, upper 50s @today. @partly sunny skies, slight @chance of a shower tonight and @tomorrow. @most of you won't see rain.
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@early in the day, we are @nothing but sunshine for the @afternoon. @upper 60s to near 70, middle of @the week, we got scattered rain @chances for thursday and friday @in to the weekend. @chances for showers and rumbles @of thunder. @sundays sunday we spring ahead @one hour. @molly, look at sweet molly. @she loves playing in the snow. @enjoys sleeping with her @humans. @phil and stephanie from @grafton. @thank you so much for sending @in the picture of molly. @ @ after the break, your @morning rush. @>> let's check in with will. @>> few weeks after the first @successful uterus transplant in @the united states , the @cleveland clinic, the doctors @thatter with formed the surgery @are expected to discuss the @detailing of how it was @possible. @that story is coming up after
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@122nd and tris cut. @the roof caved in making it @dangerous for firefighters. @the fire did cause damage to a @house next door. @an officer saw smoke across the @street on cross burn avenue, @near west 130th, when police @got there, some people on the @second floor didn't know the @building was on fire. @police went up stairs and @knocked on doors and got @everybody out safely. @no word on a cause. @ later this morning, the @team of surgeons that is @responsible for the first ever @uterus transplant in the united @states, at the cleveland @clinic, a few weeks ago, will @discuss the details about the @surgery. @little information has been @released.
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@questions, surgery took 9 @hours, doctors transplanted a @uterus from a woman who died to @a 26-year-old woman that didn't @have one. @ @other countries tried the @transplants. @sweden reporting the first @successful birth. @five baby babies so far. @we are hoping to learn when the @next one will be later today as @well. @ international news, we have @been following overnight, awe @vailian man suspected of @shooting three people and @having a 6-hour standoff with @police, was found dead inside a @sydney business. @police say the man shot and @killed one person and wounded @two others. @he was hiding out in a sign @making business, once police @went inside, they found the 33 @year old man dead. @investigators are not sure the @what prompted the shooting.
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@australia where gun laws are @strict. @ funeral services are @pending for former first lady @nancy reagan, remembered across @the country and here in ohio. @rob portman says nancy reagan @lived a storybook life that @took her from hollywood to the @white house, the statement says @her devotion to our country and @to her husband was @extraordinary, i was honored id @that opportunity to meet her. @ohio attorney general says in @part, while we mourn her loss @and express sympathy to her @children and grandchildren k we @take comfort the ray gaps are @reunited this -- reagans are @reunited in hoch. @she died at her home in @california at 94 years old. @ @ coming up on today, @democrats have one of their @most fiery debates in flint, @michigan, trading bars from @trade to the auto bailout and @the crisis right here.
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@candidates had to say. @and sanders has new momentum @but clinton still has the math. @all that and more coming up on @today. @ two accidents reported in @summit county, ridge wood road, @south miller road. @east of 77. @no road closure, the other one @near downtown, south broadway, @east mill street. @no road closures, slow traffic @in to downtown on 71, north, @clears once you get to the @inner belt. @normal drive times, holly. @look at the sunshine in the @picture. @>> grab the sunglasses and @coats. @30s to 40s, we will be warmer @today, upper 50s to around 60 @degrees. @as we look ahead, we will @continue to see the warming @trend, 60s to 70. @we are jumping in to spring. @forget the, looks like by this
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good morning. paying respects. police officers salute the hearse carrying former first lady nancy reagan from her home. a funeral being planned for later this week at the reagan presidential library, where she'll be laid to rest next to her husband. a woman being remembered as a devoted wife and a political force who redefined the role of first lady. we look back at nancy reagan's extraordinary wife and talk exclusively to her son ron today, monday, march 7th, 2016. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is a special edition of
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