tv Channel 3 News Today NBC March 11, 2016 6:00am-7:00am EST
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@ @ right now at 6:00, a fire @rips through this home in bay @village, killing a woman @inside. @coming up, why it may have been @difficult for her to get out. @john? @ tiffany plus ohio's primary @is now just days away many @candidates are making last @minute stops in north east ohio @this weekend. @>> we'll have a look at where @the candidates will be rallying @and will has a closer look at @the national spotlight that @this campaign is bringing. @ on msnbc just started
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@wood with chris january en @behind me coming up i'll take a @closer look at how this is @affecting the local economy but @first get a look at the weekend @forecast. @>> thank, will and we are @talking about half and half @weekend we've been all week @long saying that it's going to @be that sort of give and take, @so i'm going to let you know @the best times to get out and @maybe the times you go see a @movie. @we've all been talking about @that zootopia here in the @studio. @haven't seen it yet. @i heard it's really great. @let me know on twitter if you @have. @cloud cover through this @morning so it's stubborn to @start because we had the cold @front move through and all that @rain yesterday, upper 30s to @near 40 as you wake up this @morning 6:01, 38 at hopkins, @peaks of sunshine by noon and @by 5:00 i think we'll have @pretty bright skies, @temperatures around 50 degrees, @now there is an exception to @this. @if you are along the lake shore @today i don't think you'll make @it out of the 40s and you'll @probably have cloud cover a @little bit longer. @these are current temperatures @if you aren't looking at the tv
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@putting on the lip stick drying @your hair everything else. @upper 30s to near 40 degrees is @where we're situated at the @moment but there is rain to @track for the weekend and @there's also a warm up so we're @going to talk about how warm @and when the rain moves in. @first danny has a look at your @can we just emphasize friday @commute? @>> friday we have made it and @we're looking good on the @traffic map to the south we're @all green and clean, accident @free ride and here is i77 at @arlington road just south of @akron central interchange and @everyone getting by just fine, @those drive times are normal. @to the north same picture all @green and good to go just wait @for the traffic map to catch @up. @we're green here 271 at @mayfield road here is the @picture and as you can see @everyone getting by just fine. @those drive times on 271 @between 422 and i90, 12 minutes @headed north 12 minutes headed @south john perfect commute. @>> danny thank you. @ new overnight a cleveland @police sar again was taken to @the hospital after being @assaulted police say a man was
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@marathon gas station on @moreland boulevard near shaker @square when police tried to @calm him down, he attacked the @officer. @police had to taser the man @before putting him in handcuffs @and the officer is expected to @be okay. @ the bay village fire @department is investigating @after an elderly woman died @when her house caught fire. @this is video from the scene @last night. @a man was able to make it out @but firefighters say they've @collected a lot of stuff over @the years but they aren't going @so far as to calling this a @hording situation. @fire started on the first @they still aren't yet sure what @we'll have more on this story @6:30. @ an update to that propane @tank explosion at crocker park. @all stores and restaurants are @morning. @investigators are still looking @into what caused that propane @to explode at a construction @site for american greetings. @amazingly no one was injured.
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@parking deck behind trader @joe's will remain closed today. @ police in north ridgeville @are asking for help to solve an @armed robbery and carjacking @this video is from last friday @at the bp on lorain road. @police say a woman entered a @victim's vehicle while she was @pumping her gas. @the suspect took out a gun and @ordered the victim to drive @down the road before she got @out and ran away. @the suspect left her bicycle at @the bp. @if you have any information @call north ridgeville police. @ we are just days a we from @ohio's primary election an the @candidates are hoping campaign @rallies across our area will @swing voters their way. @toledo. @tomorrow front runners hillary @clinton and donald trump will @be in cleveland as clinton @visits the church and trump @stops at the ix center. @the governor will also be @making stops in mansfield @tomorrow and then strongsville @on sunday. @and of course all of this is @bringing the national spotlight @to our area.
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@msnbc is broadcasting this @morning. @will? @>> reporter: john, msnbc just @started morning joe about a few @minutes ago here live from the @root cafe in lakewood. @they are all set in there @getting things going. @they got in town yesterday @straight from michigan where @they voted on tuesday and now @their focus moves to ohio. @they got everything prepared @ready to go right along the @broadcast, business continues @as usual. @customers serving as the back @drop in the atmosphere for the @shows they will relocate to the @urban farmer from the root cafe @at the westin on monday. @they will bring ingests, talk @about key issues for our state @all while getting the vibe from @voters, leading up to tuesday's @primary. @>> kind of get the political @conversation going and to see @how people are feeling and what @their issues are and their @concerns. @>> this giant crew in town with @the guest in town will be @spending a lot of money here @and that means big money for @the region and the state we've @heard a lot about the rnc
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@forgot the swing state of ohio @also knows how to bring in the @money as well john. @>> will and our decision 2016 @coverage continues this @morning. @we recap last nights gop @debate. @what was so different about the @candidates last night? @and also the big endorsement @one front runner is expecting @today that's coming up in a @live report at 6:00:20. @now let's check in with lena @with the morning news feed. @ john breaking overnight, @two teenage sisters from new @york who went missing almost a @year ago have been found. @kylie forner and her sister @were reported as teen runaways @last april. @the firms then ages 15 and 13 @have been living with a foster @family when they disappeared. @now, a family acquaintance has @been arrested in their @disappearance. @less say 29 year old amanda @helman is charged with @kidnapping. @it's not clear how she knew the @girls or how the teens were @found but police say they have @received several tips in this @case. @ staff members at an alabama
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@heros after a portable goal @post came in contact with a @live power line during track @practice. @three students were injured one @of them went into cardiac @arrest, but athletic trainers @and the schools resource @officers performed cpr and used @the defibrillator to recess it @tate him. @his condition is not available @but friends say he is @improving. @ apple has filed for a new @patent that could end up saving @your life. @insiders say apple's working on @new technology for the apple @watch that can detect if it @thinks you're having a medical @emergency. @they say it could detect a @change in your body or your @environment and then it would @send a signal to your phone to @call for help. @no one knows if this feature @will actually make it to the @watch zone. @john? @ it's 6:07 here we go. @we see birds and eagles on the @golf course but foxes? @what this little guy stole from
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@video biggest winners and @losers coming up. @little thief. @ but first, another state is @trying to raise the legal @smoking age. @we'll tell you where and why @lawmakers are one step closer @to making it happen. @holly? @>> we're checking our commute, @happy friday by the way. @you did it. @so we're 30s to near 40 degrees @right now. @it's a cooler feeling morning @there's no question but it's @dry. @we just got a lot of this @overcast skies. @we'll see sunshine towards the @evening drive, most of you @should end up 50 or so but if @you're by the lake it's going @to be a little cooler today. @weekend weather we've got rain @to track, a warm up going to @let you know how warm and went @rain arrives all coming up, @closing and delays and those @are instant. @the beauty you don't need to @think about a thing. @we'll do all of the thinking @you just make coffee and go @about your morning routine.
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@ @ coming up on 6:12 right @now. @changing the smoking age in the @state of california is now @another step closer to becoming @law. @the bill passed by a state @senate would raise the legal @age to buy tobacco products @from 18-21. @the bill is now headed to the @governor's desk. @hawaii became the first state @to raise the smoking age in @january, about 100 cities @across the country have similar @restrictions. @ we need to tell you about a @recall from nestly this morning @involving big name brands that @includes millions of boxes of @frozen pizzas, and lien @cuisine. @customers found pieces of glass @in the food and nestly says the @glass may have come from @spinache used in the meals and @no injuries reported. @we have a full list of the @items on your recall posted on @our website and you can find it
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@plans, weather is going to be @nice, holly? @>> even the second half @although we've got rain in the @forecast we're still really @mild for the weekend itself. @as we take a look at your bus @stop forecast welcome to @friday. @kids it's a cooler feel. @cookie monster and friends are @out of the bus stop around 40 @degrees and i do think upper @30s to near 40 is a really good @estimate so jackets for sure @you you need them. @maybe a sweatshirt under the @wind breaker if you aren't into @putting the winter coat on @again. @6:13 right now so this is one @of our computer generated @forecast models we look at @several different things to @compile a forecast for you and @i disagree with this one. @i don't think that we're going @to have mostly sunny skies at @8:00 a.m. @so i show it to you, mainly to @prove a point here that as we @head through the day, things @are going to warm into the 40s @midday but as far as sunshine i @do think it's going to be a bit @delayed, so one of the things @that we're talking about is not @only the cooler weather today
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@rain on sunday, 50 degrees is @still above normal. @the other thing about todays @weather that's a little @different and this is why @sometimes forecast models is @all about when you've been in @cleveland, you all know how @unique our weather is because @of the lake. @if you're downtown and if you @live close to the lake shore in @general, you're not going to @make it to 50 today. @you'll be 40s with a lot more @cloud cover hovering into the @afternoon so there's a bit of a @change. @so the forecast is pretty @dynamic today in several ways. @we have the front that rushed @through and the warm weather is @now to our south and east, the @cooler weather has moved in but @cooler, you know kind of in @quotes because it is still @going to trend a few degrees @above normal. @upper 30s to near 40 rain is @out of here, high pressure will @be building in so although @cloud cover stubborn through @the morning hours, by midday, @most of you see sunshine but @notice here at 3:00 this @afternoon there's still that @bit of cloud cover hovering @along the lake.
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@50s inland so it's going to be @a split forecast today. @we're pretty much clear through @tonight great for your evening @plans, and then tomorrow looks @like a really nice day and it @will be a cool start but we @recover into the 60s and then @we're tracking that rain for @sunday. @by sunday morning, showers @around this is 6:00 a.m. @sunday and as you wake up @having your coffee, you're so @good you'll have already turned @those clocks ahead an hour, and @maybe heading out to church and @things sunday morning there @will be wet roads to deal with. @window nation seven day now 50 @today, 40s near the lake 60s @tomorrow, that's the day to get @those kids out and maybe sunday @is the day to watch the movie @and have a day inside. @we're 60s to start next week @but it will get cooler towards @the end of next week with 40s @and more seasonal thursday. @time check at 6:15 here is a @look at your commute. @ good morning to you.
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@bridge because we have a broken @down pick up on i90 eastbound @that's blocking the right lanes @so right now we're starting to @see stop and go traffic in that @area. @i spoke to cleveland police and @they are responding to this as @you can see here again that @right lane is blocked and so @we're starting to see 90 east @over the inner belt turn orange @which means slow traffic, we @take a lock at that drive time @over the inner belt and it's @typically two minutes so @between 490 and 77 currently @it's a three minute commute so @hopefully they can get that @pick up truck cleared out very @soon so that we are not having @big delays there. @and if you take rta, don't @forget that rta buses replace @trains east of tower city @through the morning rush. @other than that we're green and @clean on the traffic map. @back to you. @ it's almost 6:17 so it's @time now for my biggest winners @and losers in sports and for my @biggest loser there was a theft @caught on cell phone camera. @you can clearly see who the @thief is in the video but he's @not my biggest loser.
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@cell phones taking the video. @take a look at this group of @golfers in england when this @fox comes and joins them guy @pulls out the phone but watch @the fox. @he goes right into the golf bag @and steals the guys wallet. @now in the hot pursuit he @eventually drops the wallet @with the golfer after him but @this should be a lesson to all @you golfers. @foxes are sly. @they can outsmart you, smarty @pants and if you're too busy @grabbing your cell phone they @may grab your wallet like this @little guy and then take off. @>> [laughter] @>> that is fantastic. @>> a great video right there. @that will show you. @ my biggest win turpitudes
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@ @e-mail it to or tweet @them to me at john wkyc. @i've always learned too you @should not chase a fox. @>> [laughter] @why? @>> well, i think they can be @mean and cranky. @i don't know. @>> i can't believe he went for @the wallet instead the snacks @in the bag. @i mean-- @>> there was an american @express card in there. @he knows what he's doing. @he is teaming up with a raccoon @and they're good to go. @time is 6:18. @we recap the latest republican @presidential debate. @what set this one apart from @all of the others. @plus an important endorsement @could be coming for donald @trump. @that's all coming up in a live @report.
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@ 6:18 you have to look out @your window so this is one of @the several photos that we've @received over the past several @days with all of this warm @weather. @diana from canton i'm calling @it buzzing around. @you'll see the bees? @>> oh, yeah. @right to the left. @>> this is like literally this @week. @unbelievable. @beautiful flowers, diana. @6:19 thanks for sending it in.
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@ @ 6:22 right now and some are @calling last nights gop debate @in florida miami nice as the @candidates went after the @issues more than each other. @>> they tackled immigration, @taxes and education. @tracy potts has been following @every move and tracy you have @to be asking yourself what's @going on here.
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@going on because it was civil @on the stage, not so civil @though at some of these rally @and that's become an issue this @morning. @we have new reaction from @donald trump on reportedly an @audio tape out there that @caught a one on one between a @disputed incident between @donald trump's campaign manager @campaign. @>> [applause] @donald trump expecting a moved @carson. @and late last night, defending @his campaign manager saying a @reporter fabricated claims that @he roughed her up leaving @bruises. @>> how did it get there? @do you know how they got there? @>> not much rough in this @debate. @>> i can not believe how civil @its been up here. @>> they stuck to issues often @three against one with trump @alone on social security, cuba, @taxing china, banning muslims, @and a two state solution for @israel. @>> he's right about the @problems, but his solutions @don't work.
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@florida holds a pro israel @morning. @>> i'm not interested being @politically correct i'm @interested being correct. @trump too soon. @to go. @>> there are only two of us @to get there. @>> a moment in what continues @to be a tense race. @>> and let's talk ohio, because @all roads go through ohio @right. @today. @bernie sanders starting out in @north carolina ending up in @illinois but going through ohio @today and of course hillary @clinton is hoping to get her @midwest come back there in ohio @at that devastating loss she @had in michigan. @>> right. @people are still curious @though. @i know that marco rubio @expressed some regret fighting @fire with fire with donald @trump, throwing out those @personal attacks. @he later did express some @regret, is that the reason why @we saw a lighter tone in the @debate? @>> you know you've got to @wonder about that. @when marco rubio was asked
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@said well look they threw out @poll think questions and we @gave policy answers that's what @you get when you don't try to @pit the candidates one against @the other but you've got to @wonder too if he toned it down @because clearly that was not @working for him. @now, it's worked for donald @trump so far some of the @personal attacks obviously his @numbers are supporting that, @but now he's getting a lot of @questions about whether some of @these events and some of the @violence and attacks of people @at his rallies are stirred up @by his tone so now he's being @questioned about whether or not @he needs to tone it down at the @rallies, looks like everybody @decided to town it down last @night. @they're behaving. @ former first lady nancy @reagan will be laid to rest in @southern california today. @hundreds of people including @politicians and celebrities @along with family and friends @are expected to attend the @private funeral. @over the past few days, more
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@casket during public viewing. @services will take place at the @ronald regan library. @regan was 94 years old. @ time right now it is almost @6:26. @let's talk about our weather @here getting into the weekend @so it's kind of a hit and miss @weekend. @>> yes. @we'll go half and half. @you'll have plenty of time to @get outside and we'll talk some @really good things too. @today is cooler but still @trending a few degrees above @normal even with the cool down. @lots of cloud cover through @this morning and we'll @transition to some sunshine @this afternoon. @now if you're along the lake @shore i think it's probably the @most delayed for you but around @50 degrees and 40s near the @lake. @on the travel maps there's a @lot of rain, john so we'll be @tracking more of it for the @weekend. @i'll let you know exactly what @part of the weekend this has an @impact on coming up. @coming up at 6:30 bed ford @police won a cold case from the @80s back in the headlines the @update just ahead. @and we are just four days a we @from the ohio primary and today
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@shot outside the alibi @nightclub and another person @was injured. @both taken to metrohealth @medical center with non-life @threatening injuries. @no word on what lead up to the @shooting. @today bed ford police will hold @a news conference about a cold @case from the 80s. @police got a tip that lead them @to reopen the investigation @into the murder of a 23-year- @old found with stab wounds at @the alamo apartment in march @1987. @she was the night manager at @the complex on broadway avenue. @bed ford police say the reward @in the case has gone up to @$10,000 and stay tuned for @updates on this later today. @ in local economic news, @plans are in the works to build @an outlet mall off of i480 in @garfield heights . the outlets @at cleveland will be located at @transportation boulevard and @grainger road. @no word yet on exactly what @store will be included or when @the outlet mall may open. @ so the kids challenged me @to a driveway basketball game @this weekend. @loser buys ice cream.
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@>> so i'm guessing saturday is @the day for the big game. @>> yeah plan the game on @saturday. @>> you'll have to lose. @>> it's two against one. @what do you mean i have to @lose? @i don't have to lose anything. @>> i'm just thinking ice cream. @>> yeah. @>> you had her at use cream. @>> who cares winners or losers @you all get ice cream. @we're taking a look at the @forecast which does include @cooler temperatures but we're @putting it in perspective @around 50 degrees is nice this @time of the year. @upper 30s to near 40 degrees @currently we'll kind of hover @in there through 9:00 a.m. @lots of overcast skies here to @start the day but as i @mentioned, we're definitely @going to start to see at least @some sunshine as we get into @midday. @notice at noon, i'm @highlighting just that @particular area because most of @you by noon are going to see @some sun and then those along @the lake, we'll talk and track @rain and warm up but first
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@>> good morning to all of you. @i'm keeping track of the slow @traffic on the inner belt @bridge because here is what's @going on. @this is a picture i90 as @kennelworth avenue as you you @head east into the bridge. @a broken down pick up truck @before east 9th vote has your @right lane blocked so that's @why we are starting to see that @red stop and go traffic on 90 @east as well as backing up on @to 71 north. @that drive time on 490 in i90 @between 490 and 77, five @minutes about a three minute @delay if you take 71 into the @inner belt that's about a five @minute delay. @also your right lane is blocked @77 north before the ohio @turnpike because the crash @reported in the area. @stop and go traffic was about a @10 minute delay from 271. @john and lena, back to you. @ it's 6:33 this morning an @elderly woman is dead after her @bay village home caught fire @and now investigators trying to @figure out how this started. @>> channel 3 tiffany tarply
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@fire marshals office is @involved here. @>> reporter: lena and john it's @unclear exactly how long it's @going to take for them to @figure out exactly what caused @this fire but in the daylight @here we're getting a better @look at the home you can see it @is boarded up this morning @pretty significant damage out @here caution tape surrounding @the home. @let's show you how intense @these flames were last night. @we had cell phone video. @we learned an elderly couple @likely in their 80s lived at @this home. @the man got out safely but the @woman did not and firefighters @say they've collected a lot of @stuff over the years but they @aren't calling this a hording @situation. @still, witnesses are stunned. @>> the flames were above the @chimney and it was very hot and @it was just scary that @something like that could @happen so close to my house. @>> and still there's so many @questions this morning, of @course we want to know more
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@the woman who died and the @medical examiner's office will @have to determine exactly how @she died. @her cause of death. @lena? @>> tiffany thank you. @ ohio's primary election is @on tuesday and we could see a @ruling as early as today on @bernie sanders lawsuit against @the ohio secretary of state. @sanders is suing to allow @ohio's 17 year olds to vote in @the presidential primary. @second of state john houston @says the law allows 17 year @olds who turn 18 in november to @vote on nominees and not for @delegates. @five north east ohio 17 year @olds are also named as @plaintiffs in the lawsuit. @one of them is emma shubert @from cleveland heights. @>> i will be extremely @disappointed. @i think that not being able to @vote in the primary election @will make me much more @dissolutioned with the way our @political system is heading.
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@arguments in the case in @columbus yesterday. @today. @ meanwhile nbc's chuck todd @was in north east ohio last @at mount union. @the meet the press anchor @believes the governor will beat @donald trump here in tuesday's @primary and there is a lot on @the line for john kasich or @marco rubio to win their home @state. @>> it is the difference between @whether this race ends before @the cleveland convention or @where cleveland becomes @chaotic. @>> todd also said the governor @is running his campaign the @best he can here in the buckeye @state and in fact just @yesterday, ohio state football @coach urban meyer gave john @kasich his endorsement citing @the governor's leadership in @ohio and personal friendship. @another big endorsement is @expected next monday when @youngstown state president and @ohio state former ohio state @coach jim trussel appears at a @town hall.
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@full election coverage and a @delegate count all for you on @our website, @now let's head over to john for @the morning news feed. @ 6:37. @the search is on this morning @for two prison escapees in new @mexico. @the department of corrections @says the prisoners escaped when @a van they were being @transported in stopped for gas. @32 year old joseph cruz is a @convicted murderer and 29 year @old lionel kwa is a convicted @armed robber who also shot a @police officer during a chase . @the two were spotted on @surveillance camera from a @hotel yesterday and now police @set up roadblocks and are @searching vehicles. @ last hour we tomorrow you @about flooding in louisiana but @this is now video we just got @from sonoma county, california @where heavy rain caused @widespread flooding and @landslides. @several roads and schools @closed in the area and many @homes are also threatened as @the river continues to rise. @another eight to 10 inches of @rain is expected there this @weekend. @ a new device hitting the
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@a lot of talk. @a lot of praise too. @samsung's latest phone will hit @store shelves today. @don't be surprised now if you @start seeing videos of people @dropping their phones in sings @and pools. @don't think wow! @what are they doing? @well the new samsung galaxy s7 @promises to be water resistant @but not waterproof. @samsung says the s7 can @withstand up to five feet of @water for up to a half hour. @well don't cry over it. @the phone, you can cry over the @price though maybe. @>> right. @>> so you waste perfectly good @show them. @>> but it's so cool. @ still lots to come at 6:38. @>> we'll tell you what's cool @ways to save coming up.
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@that seems a little too good to @be true? @>> every single day. @>> well hang around here. @you have no other choice. @fakes. @>> that's important. @6:39 right now. @happy friday. @taking a look at your forecast @for today, sunshine eventually, @okay? @it's all cloud cover right now @but what's really important to @note on this map is how right @along the lick shore high @temperatures staying in the @40s, notice more cloud cover @downtown even later today and @then we're 50s inland, so @spectacular. @cooler though is the definite @vibe compared to much of the @week. @we'll get to your weekend @weather coming up tracking rain @so you'll want to stay tuned. @ and listen to this one. @if you want to troy a special @lunch this weekend you need to @head to the rail burger. @they are featuring a burger @dedicated to our very own greg. @greg is the best at seeking out @lunch, dinner, breakfast.
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@at the white house as canadian @born celebrities helped to @welcome canada's prime @minister. @the president and mrs. obama @hotted the state dinner in @honor of the prime minister and @his wife. @ryan reynolds, sandra o, @michael j. fox and mike meyers @were there. @the two leaders talked about @the important issues. @it was the first time in 19 @years a canadian prime minister @made an official state visit to @the u.s.. @>> that surprises me. @i mean they're right there. @ big congrats to the voice @coach and march on 5 front man @adam levine and his wife model. @the two are expecting their @first child. @she is three to four months @pregnant. @the singer and victoria's @secret angel married back in @2014 and again, it will be @their first child for both of @them. @>> how beautiful will that baby @be my goodness. @uh-huh. @>> all babies are beautiful.
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@ now we have to talk about, @i don't know why i threw that @out there. @>> because you had to say it. @>> i'm going to save you from @scams now. @some of the best scams are @often disguised as deals. @>> today money man matt granite @separates it out. @>> great to be with you. @i have already showed you some @great apps and resources that @uncover fake reviews on @legitimate websites but a lot @of you have had questions about @determining what website is @actually legitimate. @say hello to scam @take a look. @it's the most simple reputable @way to narrow down what @websites you should and may not @want to be shopping with you, @simply type in whatever website @you're curious about and then @on websites like this one here @which was quickly presented @with a low trust rating and @also a reminder that the site @pretending its american may @actually be in china, you get
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@you shop. @on a website many of us know it @simply alerts you to the fact @that the site has a lot of @negative feedback. @well on websites like target it @shows you this is not only very @popular but on other resources @like it has the @highest safety and trust rating @of any other website you can @shop at. @very simple process, scam, happy savings. @back to you. @>> we will be happy as we save, @matt thanks. @let's get to the bus stop @forecast. @happy friday and it's right @around 40 so upper 30s to near @40 degrees for the bus stop @this morning, this is @definitely a cooler feel @compared to much of the week @and it's going to be a cooler @day in general, but it's going @to be a dry day after all that @rain we had yesterday. @here is a lock at your @headlines and we're saying near @50. @if you live cross to the lake, @you won't make it out of the @40s today. @a better saturday, and then @we're still talking rain on @sunday.
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@that here but first things @first starting with today. @cloud cover through this @morning and i think it hovers @and we start to see some peaks @now if you're close to the lake @it could take even longer. @around 50 degrees if you're @further inland could be more @like low to mid 50s but if @downtown you won't make it out @of the 40s today and we'll go @sky. @front pushed through, the @cooler air has moved in and the @milder air is now to our south @and east and as i did mention, @it's anywhere from say 37-38 @degrees to around 40 and this @is still pretty mild for this @time of the day so even though @we've cooled off, we've just @been so so warm so much of this @week. @rain is out of here, high @pressure is building in we'll @see the clouds fade into the @afternoon, sunshine here we @come and it locks like a @beautiful saturday at least @through the day. @by tomorrow night rain chances @return and we're going to
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@into sunday. @this is sunday morning and @a.m. @so as you're heading out to @maybe church or breakfast with @the family on sunday, we very @well could have wet roads to @deal with. @don't forget about springing @our window nation forecast. @it's early sunday so just do @that before you go to bed @saturday. @we're 60s to start next week @but john by thursday it's a @little cooler a little more @seasonal. @>> okay. @i can go find a friend this @weekend. @these pictures let's start with @kipness. @three year old long haired cat @looking for a home at the @adoption center intire mounted. @very playfull, loves people. @that's very good. @ then we have basil, whose @eight years old. @now this was found by a good @samaritan who noticed him and @other cats left in the @neighborhood so they turned him @in and so basil is looking for @a home in the adoption center
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@a little bit on the shy end but @will still make a great pet. @morning rush. @>> let's check in with danny. @>> good morning. @if you take 77 north through @richfield, be prepared to have @a lot of time added to your @drive, a 25 minute delay @currently because of an @accident, coming up on your @morning rush i'll let you know @what happens when we return
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@we have your forecast coming up @and danny with another check on @the roads. @>> and our reporters are @standing by. @first here is tiffany. @ lena, an investigation is @under way this morning to @figure out how a fire at this @home here in bay village began. @it was a fatal fire that kicked @up around 7:00 last night here. @the flames were very intense @from this fire, shooting high @into the air on three sides of @the home. @firefighters tell us an elderly @couple lived here likely in @their 80s. @the man made it out okay but @the woman did not. @of course we are waiting to @learn more about this woman, @her identity and exactly how @she died. @back to you. @ thanks, primary season is @heating up. @all of the candidates in town @and national media putting a @spotlight on cleveland behind @me and msnbc's morning joe on @the air ready to kick thing off @here. @they moved here from michigan @where they voted on tuesday and
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@move to the urban farmer at the @westin on monday bringing @ingests talking key issues for @our state all the while getting @a vibe from voters loading up @to tuesday's prix marry @alongside the broadcast. @business continues as usual. @customers getting served and @serving as the back drop in the @atmosphere for all these @broadcasts of course ohio votes @on tuesday with all eyes on it, @john. @ all right will. @new overnight a cleveland @police sar again was taken to @the hospital after being @assaulted police say a man was @causing a disturbance at the @marathon gas station on @moreland boulevard near shaker @square when police tried to @calm the man down he attacked @the officer. @police had to taser the man @before putting him in handcuffs @and the officer is expected to @be okay. @also new overnight cleveland @police are looking for a @suspect who shot a man outside @of a midtown cleveland @nightclub. @we know that at least one @person was shot outside and the @alibi nightclub on rockwell @after now and east 21st and @another person was injured both @taken to metrohealth medical @center with non-life @threatening injuries.
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@ huntington bank announced @plans to consolidate or close @more than 100 locations, nearly @half are in northeast ohio. @in january, huntington acquired @akron based first merit bank, @the closures will impact both @huntington and first merit @locations. @the closures will happen over @the next year. @here is what the today show is @working on. @ i've got an interesting @story coming up on today. @s. a.t. @prep courses families all over @the country spend a whole lot @of money getting their kids @ready for the big test but is @everyone paying the same price? @turns out not so much. @some families paying thousands @of dollars more than others @according to a new @investigation. @we're going to explain to you @whose getting charged more and @why this is happening. @that's all up ahead on my @series undercoverred on today. @ thank you very much. @we'll be looking forward to @that story now for those of you @who take 77 north through @richfield, be prepared for stop @and go traffic because of an @accident before the ohio
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@blocked five mile per hour @average speed and here is the @picture outside in the area, @stop and go traffic and you are @not going to like this drive @time, 77 north between 21 and @480, 58 minutes currently. @it's usually a 20 minute @commute. @consider taking route 8 into @cuyahoga county instead of 77. @back to you, holly i'd consider @taking the whole coffee pot on @that one. @forget the travel mug. @ okay so your forecast for @some sunshine. @cooler along the lake. @most of you are going to be 50 @nice. @we've been spoiled we had a lot @of 70s this week and 60 @yesterday and we'll be 60s this @weekend, tomorrow looks like @dry during the day we've been @emphasizing it is the day to @get out with those kids. @let them ride their bikes @around the neighborhood, run @around, toss the football @around, sunday we have rain @showers don't forget we spring @ahead an hour this weekend. @>> thank you for the reminder.
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good morning. playing nice. >> i cannot believe how civil it's been up here. >> the republican for shl presidential hopefuls abandon nasty insults and stick to the issues at last night's debate. while donald trump addresses accusations of growing violence at his campaign events. is he doing enough to discourage it? states of emergency. rescues in the south as the death toll rises from the flooding. rivers swelling to all-time highs. no relief in sight. final farewell. nancy reagan's funeral being
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