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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  February 20, 2016 9:00am-11:00am EST

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it's february 20th, 2016. welcome to "cbs this morning: saturday." a primary push and the countdown to caucus. with two contests to be decided today, the candidates try to make their cases to undecided voters. and borrowing the keys to crack the code. the justice department offers a compromise to apple over a gunman's cell phone. a single book, she changed american literature. a look being backat the legacy of harper lee. and saving the planet by drinking beer! meet the company that is turning unwanted bread into a beloved beverage! we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener." your world in 90 seconds. >> so it's crunch time, folks. it's crunch time. >> this election matters! >> primary day for republicans in south carolina. >> jeb bush getting help from mom.
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>> democrats caucus saturday in nevada. >> thank you! >> so let's go caucus. >> the big question in vegas is, will luck be a lady tomorrow? or will luck be a cranky old man in a ruffled suit? >> a funeral mass will be held for the late justice antonin scalia this morning. last week, he was found dead. he was 79. harper lee, the author of "to kill a mockingbird" died in her hometown in monroe, alabama. she was 89. >> pity does not extend so far. >> see what is happening in chicago, the windy city lived up to its nickname today. gusty winds 70 miles an hour construction sites. >> daytona. christopher bell! bell would walk away from this amazingly! >> all that. >> virgin galactic is back in the space race.
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new spaceship. >> and all that matters. >> goal! jones fires it down the ice and scores! >> well, i bet you if you ask him, he said he planned this. >> yeah, right he did! >> on "cbs this morning: saturday." >> the last shot here. vince puts it in!
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>> wow! "the big noise" and you'll hear that later in our saturday session. our top story this morning. a double kosdose to the race in the white house. the republican primary in south carolina and democratic caucuses today in nevada. a new poll shows senator ted cruz closing in on donald trump who is hoping voters there will hand him a second win. >> the rest of the republicans are just hoping to keep their campaigns afloat with a good showing. major garrett spoke with the front-runner and he's in charleston south carolina, this morning. good morning, major. >> reporter: good morning. we interviewed donald trump back stage before a noon rally in myrtle beach, the day before a primary trump believes could propel him to the republican nomination. on the other side of the
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5,000 waited and trump said he is eager to deal with those issues and the people who came to see him. >> i tell it straight. i tell it like it is and maybe why i'm doing so well. you see this is back. i think people want straightness today. >> reporter: that was in response to our question, can you promise voters you will never lie to them? >> i on would be very, very satisfied just to say i don't lie. > reporter: it's been a day. where do things stand between you and pope francis? >> i heard he made the nicest comment this morning and i was honored by it and i think he is a terrific person. it's about illegal immigration. if we don't have a border, we have no country. >> reporter: trump no longer refers to the holy father -- lacked christian charity. >> i think he was in a severe as the media let it be known, somewhat later. but this morning, he was so nice and i really appreciated it. >> reporter: we also asked about
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opposed the iraq war before it started. all publicly available comments sew show that didn't happen until the invasion began. karl rove called that a fabrication. >> i don't think karl rove has said anything about me. he is an incompetent person. >> reporter: the rest of the gop field is scrambling and bashing the front-runner. >> donald trump has shown no interest in anybody other than himself. >> it's easy to say you want to make america great again. you can even put that on a baseball cap. >> reporter: marco rubio, trailing trump and cruz, campaigned with south carolina governor nikki haley and u.s. senator tim scott. >> there he is! marco rubio! >> reporter: john kasich, gaining momentum here after a second place finish in new hampshire, met voters where they emotionally live.
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>> reporter: trump predicted victory here and said when other republicans drop out, he will be there to scoop up the votes. >> they always say the field will shrink and they add up 100% of everybody. i'm going to get a lot of those votes. >> reporter: trump also told us the size of the crowds he draws is an inspiration but also a burden. burdensome in this sense. he knows many of the people when audience have largely given up on politics and expecting him to accomplish things other politicians haven't. trump says he feels the treasure but, will, quote, not let these people down. >> major, thank you. in nevada, democrats are holding caucuses today and the outcome could be a squeaker. the latest poll shows hillary clinton and bernie sanders are neck and neck. clinton barely beat sanders in iowa and thumped by voters in new hampshire. nancy cordes has the latest. >> reporter: with time running out in nevada, clinton courted union workers in las vegas. >> i didn't wake up one day and
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being mistreated. >> reporter: while sanders stumped in rural nevada. >> let us go forward together. >> reporter: the state will be the first test of their appeal to minority voters. latino. clinton has tried to blunt sanders momentum here by portraying him as one-dimensional, focused only on income and equality. what do you think of secretary clinton calling you a single-issue candidate? >> well, obviously, she has not been listening to my hour and a half speech where i go over about 15 or 20 issues. >> reporter: both have campaigned here with one eye on the larger south carolina primary and democrats hold a week from today. >> she worked a reform juvenile justice in south carolina. exposed races in alabama schools. >> reporter: clinton released a new ad friday narrated by morgan freeman and won the backing of south carolina's james clyburn.
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democratic party and the united states of america will be best served with the experiences and know-how of hillary clinton as our 45 president. >> reportr: clyburn is a long time clinton backer but had been planning to remain neutral in the primary. he changed his mind after sanders trounced her in new hampshire and caught up to her in the polls here. for "cbs this morning: saturday," i'm nancy cordes, in las vegas. joining us now with insights into today's double-header is lauren fox, a reporter for the political website talking points. what has happened in nevada? hillary clinton had an early lead there and bernie sanders didn't open an office until october and now things have tightened up. >> certainly what we are seeing in nevada is across the rest of the country as hillary clinton has started campaigning. bernie sanders is gaining a lot of momentum with young people and he is starting to really
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who are key demographic in nevada and democrats especially. i think bernie sanders coming off of a win in new hampshire and has momentum and keep moving with that. i think tonight is close and as hillary clinton wins or loses in nevada, especially if it's a close win in nevada, she has to move to south carolina and really that has to be where her firewall is and where she definitively wins and be the leader in this race. >> you use the magic word momentum which is an important part of this. what do you think happens in south carolina depending on this outcome? >> well, i think that if bernie sanders starts to do well with latino voters and what we see tonight he does well among young people and latino voters then maybe some of the black voters in south carolina will give him a closer look. what we have seen is hillary clinton really has a lock on minority voters in south carolina so far. but that could start to change if bernie sanders does well in nevada. >> nevada is such a different race, right? it's a 24-hour cycle. >> it is a long slog. explaining how the caucus process works when you're going
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people to stand in line for a long period of time, it's hard. you know? it's a low turnout type situation. and that does tend to benefit someone like hillary clinton, so tonight might be close. polls might show it being maybe a little closer than it might actually be given the turnout we expect. >> in the south carolina race, we had trump butting heads with the pope. do you think that will have an impact? >> i don't think it will. with evangelicals in south carolina i don't think it would have the impact than if he was moving through the northeast right now. i think it shows donald trump is going head-to-head with anybody and he did start to soften his stance but i still think it was a major sort of moment in his campaign showing how willing he is to go head-to-head with others. >> we have been watching this second place spot. they are going head-to-head. are you surprised we are this far along? it seems like it's shifting from cruz and rubio. >> i think the narrow field, not
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this is a large field and why we are starting to see the volatility we are seeing but this is crucial for cruz or rubio and set up the race who is took taking on trump moving forward. >> what does south carolina mean for jeb bush at this point? >> i think a make or break moment for him. he says he has put a lot of money in resources and spending a lot of money in advertising in south carolina and this has to be the moment he shows he could break through. >> lauren, thank you so much. >> thank you. i appreciate it. on "face the nation" tomorrow morning, john kasich and the latest on the reports in the gop primary in south carolina and the democratic caucuses in nevada. funeral services set this morning in washington for supreme court justice antonin scalia. the funeral mass will be held at the basilica of the national shrine of the immaculate conception. jan crawford is there.
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you know, who days of public mourning for justice scalia started yesterday at the supreme court. the lines stretched around the block late into the night as thousands of people came to pay their respects. justice scalia arrived at the court for a final time. with his former law clerks there to see him up the steps of the institution he served for 30 years. his family looking on. waiting inside the great hall were his fellow justices. >> my brothers and sisters. >> reporter: the service was breven and brief and moving. his son paul led the ceremony. the family flanked the casket. the justices and their spouses stood silently and their faces etched in grief. none of the eight justices have served on the court than the larger than life scalia. his sudden death will up-end the
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decisions. as the president gets ready to nominate his successor he took time away from politics friday afternoon to pay his respects with the first lady. the couple paused as they left the great hall to stand before a painting of scalia. earlier in the afternoon two of the leading candidates to replace scalia, patricia mallett and sri srinivasan attended. scalia's death leaves the court divided 4-4. its future hanging in the balance. a family without its patriarch. now father paul, scalia's son, will lead the mass here for the funeral. justice clarence thomas will do a reading. he will be the only justice to speak. >> jan, thank you. in a case that could reach
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to fight orders to unlock the iphone of one of the san bernardino killers. the justice department now says apple could keep or destroy the software they would create to get into the encrypted iphone. apple has until friday to decide. a legal fight has reached the presidential cam as jim axelrod reports. >> reporter: the battle over access to the san bernardino shooters' cell phone is far from an isolated case. the manhattan d.a.'s office says it's investigating cases involving 175 apple products with encryption similar to
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child sexual base. manhattan's d.a. >> it is very difficult to explain to a victim of crime that we cannot get the evidence that may identify the individual who committed the crime because a cell phone company and designer has decided that they know better. >> reporter: apple's ceo tim cook says he is fighting the order to device away past the iphone's encryption system to keep his consumers safe. >> the reality is if you put a back door in, that back door is for everybody. >> reporter: john miller is deputy commissioner of the nypd. he says apple could develop a code to break into the phone genetic the information it needs and then destroy it. >> tim cook says i'm doing this for the safety of my customers meaning we have an impregnable phone. how many people who died on the floor in san bernardino and paris had iphones in their pocket as they were killed by
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they are tim cook's customers too. >> reporter: a senior executive told cbs news, the following. why is apple's cooperation necessary at all? mike morello is the former number two at the cia. isn't there somebody who currently works for the cia or the nsa who could do what the government wants apple to do? >> there has been so much advance in the last year, 18 months in the ability to protect information and these kind of devices, that the government has simply fallen behind in its capabilities. >> reporter: the next chapter in the legal battle in this case will unfold march 22nd, when a judge will hear arguments from both sides in a federal court in california. parts of the plains of the midwest are cleaning up from the damage from strong winds. 60-mile-per-hour winds battered chicago on friday and causing
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two downtown office buildings were evacuated and cars and trucks were damageded but no injuries were reported. high winds and temperatures fueled grass fires cross parts of oklahoma where 80 square miles burned. residents were asked to evacuate their homes and one firefighter was injured. fiji is in the cross-hairs of cyclone winston. gusts 220 miles an hour. fiji the residents are warned to stay indoors and airline service has been suspended and fiji prime minister said he is thinking some are not taking the warning seriously. the book "name of the rose", the author has died. humberto eco has decide.
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university of bologna in italy. eco was 84 years old. harper lee died thursday night in her sleep at the age of 89. president obama was a huge fan and so was his predecessor. >> reporter: when president bush awarded her the middle of freedom in 2007 harper lee was the author of "to kill a mockingbird." set in obama, a story seen through the eyes of young scout finch whose father defends a black man falsely accused of raping a white woman. >> what happened to you on the evening of august 21st of last year? >> reporter: she grew up in monroe, alabama, as she
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>> nobody had any money. we didn't have many toys to play with, so the result was that they lived in our imagination. >> reporter: that was the last extended interview lee ever gave. >> she is the most private woman i've ever known. >> reporter: friend wayne flint said lee's next project was helping her neighbor, truman capote capote, research a kansas murder for his 1966 book. >> i think you can make a very good case for the fact there would be no "in cold blood" were it not for the research she did. >> reporter: her only other novel appeared suddenly last year "go set a watchman" took her back to the top of the best seller list. all harper lee wanted, she said, was to be a chronicler of small town southern life. >> in other words, all i want to be is a jane austen of south alabama. >> reporter: her tale became what many say is the towering american novel of the 21st
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widely taught books in american schools. three-quarters of american schools have had it in their curriculum. >> i read it. a wonderful book. >> really wonderful book. time to show you some of the morning's headlines from around the globe. new york times -- wood fox and two other inmates became known as the angola three for their decades long confinement in isolation at the state penitentiary in angola. their cases drew condemnation from human rights groups. the times in london reports david cameron met with his cabinet this morning to endorse a deal that will keep britain in the european union. he is expected to introduce a referendum for voters to decide. he says the uk is better off being in the eu after a deal in
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skepticism from his party. they are shaken by immigration and economic issues. the star ledger of newark, new jersey, reports new jersey taxpayers have paid more than $10 million in legal fees in connection with governor chris christie's traffic jam investigation. two of the governor's former allies have pleaded not guilty to federal charges that they org straight the scheme to close lanes on a bridge as political payback. christie suspended his presidential campaign earlier this month. >> i was looking at this bill. 2.3 million to a frebsorensics firm. i would like to know exactly what that is. pop star lost her bid after claiming their top record producer abused her. a judge in new york says she has to honor her deal and pointed out she has been given an option to work with another producer. she is accused her producer dr. luke raping her and browbeating
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dr. luke has never been charged. entertainment weekly says comedy fans were treated to a double-header last night. for the first time in 35 years, actor and comedian steve martin returned to stand-up comedy by opening up for jerry seinfeld. martin kicked off his ten-minute set joking never lose a bet to jerry seinfeld. last time he did stand-up was 1981! >> that's a while! coming up, a judge tells the so-called affluenza teen who killed four people and got
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he'll face trial as an adult. it's illegal to bet on all kinds of sports in nevada and now other states want in on the action. is that a good idea?
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morning: saturday." she spent a lifetime making a difference for people. winning healthcare for 8 million children. benefits for families of reservists and the national guard. standing strong around the world for human rights and women's rights. hillary clinton. she'll raise the minimum wage. take on the drug companies to lower the cost of prescription drugs. and give everyone the opportunity to go to college without going into debt. she'll get the job done... for us. i'm hillary clinton
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we will shoate you this latest vehicle to bring tourists into orbit.
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on "cbs this morning: saturday." something is just fundamentally broken when african americans are more likely to be arrested by police, and sentenced to longer prison terms, for doing the same thing that whites do. ...when too many encounters with law enforcement end tragically. we need investments in education, health care and jobs, to counter generations of neglect. we have to face up to the hard truth of injustice and systemic racism. i'm hillary clinton,
tv-commercial tv-commercial
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newly released surveillance camera video shows an attempted robbery in seattle in a convenience store. the clerk fired a shot at the gunman but missed.
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striking the clerk in the abdomen but didn't injure any major organs. the woman's husband says her recovery is going well and describes her as a tough cookie. >> that is unbelievable footage. >> pretty striking. a texas judge ruled that ethan couch, the so-called affluenza teen, will face justice as an adult after he turns 19 in april. friday's ruling means couch could face jail time for a drunk driving crash that killed four people. >> ethan couch is accused of violating probation by fleeing with his mother to mexico last december. the crash happened when he was 16 years old. the case grabbed national headlines after couch avoided jail time when his defense argued couch's coddled upbringing left him without a sense of right or wrong. as david begnaud reports, his victims are still dealing with the consequences. >> reporter: for marieamaria, every moment she cares for her son sergio, she feels pain.
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quadriplegic after riding in a truck driven by ethan couch who crashed the vehicle into another stranded vehicle, limas was thrown out. >> it's not easy to see sergio this way when he was a player, a soccer player. now, you see him in one place. it's not easy. >> reporter: outings are rare but liamas wanted ethan couch to see him in a wheelchair so she took him to couch's hearing. alex is her older son. >> can you try to smile and tell them that no matter what happens, you're still here, you still got dreams of playing soccer, man? >> reporter: it appeared sergio lifted his leg. the family insists he was trying to speak for himself. >> i just want him back! i don't care about money. i don't care about anything. i just want my son back. >> reporter: ethan couch is now being held in solitary confinement for his own safety we are told here at the county jail in texas.
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was moved from the juvenile justice system to the adult jail, the seriousness of what he did to those people seem more real to him. for "cbs this morning: saturday," i'm david begnaud, ft. worth, texas. coming up, hacking for ransom. a california hospital is the most recent victim of cyber criminals who take vital data hostage. first, it's time to check your local weather. coming up next, medical news in our morning rounds. including a new report on sleep that shows 1 in 3 americans are shut-eye. we will tell you about the
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plus, jon lapook and holly phillips about reading in a book club could help you live longer. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." folks, you can't make this stuff up. four bandits chose a prius as their getaway car. bravo-niner, in pursuit of a toyota prius. over. announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota. let's go places. this thing is actually pretty fast. over. very funny. oh look, a farmer's market. we should get some flowers for the car. yeah! holly! toyota. let's go places.
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neutrogena hydro boost water gel. with hyaluronic acid it plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. for supple, hydrated skin. hydro boost. from neutrogena hello my love! the flame is out... the flame is out, tomorrow my attitude... your mother... antonio. antonio. que? the stove. it's not working. campbell's microwaveable soups. made for real, real life. in a world that's trying to turn you into someone new... hair color wants to help you keep on being you. nice'n easy. we only make the most real natural looking color. so even in revealing sunlight, it doesn't look like hair color at all. it looks like, it's a hundred percent you. and isn't that the most beautiful part?
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90 days juggling hectic schedules. 40 heavy comfort meals. no wonder our digestive systems can act up. enjoying activia twice a day for two weeks may help reduce the frequency of minor digestive issues. it works in two weeks or it's free. i think when people hear about memory care they're scared, they think that it's sad. i think it's important for everyone to know that there is so much more to memory support than the stigmas you hearabout. that these residents still have lives and their lives still matter and that they are still living their lives. that they're not locked away and that they still have a lot to live for, you know, that they have people that care about them and they have people that love them and i love them, so their lives still matter.
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tt0w!tx#hi!!%4 (> reporter: 30-year-old jessica is expecting twins in april and getting a blood test for zika virus, something she had never heard of a month ago. >> the zika virus adds an element of anxiety. this my first pregnancy, i feel things. >> reporter: last month, she and her husband drew took a vacation to puerto rico, not knowing it
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list of places with zika transmission. then a friend sent her this text message. jess, have you heard about zika? i don't want to scare you, but you should should mosquitoes. in brazil, zika virus has been linked with microcephaly, babies born with abnormally small brain and head and those have lifelong medical problems. this doctor says some of her patients are panicked. >> i think a lot of patients are very concerned that they could contract zika virus here in the united states. we don't have any patients here in the continental united states who have actually contracted the virus here. >> reporter: zika virus remains in the blood of an infected person for an average about a week. the cdc says based on current evidence of previous zika infection does not pose a risk of birth defect for a future pregnancy. and men who live in or have traveled to a country with a
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from sex or use condoms during sex with pregnant women. >> is there a chance that these mosquitoes could come to the united states? i think that is what so many people are fearing. >> the virus they say will come to the united states. the mosquitoes are already here. the aegee sqots are in florida and the south and in the panhandle. most experts i've spoken to think it's almost inevitable that the zika virus will come into the united states probably in the south and why it's so important that we have control efforts to eradicate the mosquito breeding grounds right now and do it now so we can prevent it. new sleep research from the cdc may not surprise some of our yawning viewers this morning. a report finds more than one-third of american adults are not getting enough sleep on a regular basis. the cdc recommends adults get
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holly, who are the most sleep-deprived among us? >> one of the greatest strengths of this survey was so many people were involved. right? more than 400,000 across the u.s. you could start to really identify patterns and groups that were at the highest risk of not gettingnonhispanic get that requisite amount. >> i'm shocked at why. the wonderful things you think of there. are there other factor that lead to the deficit? >> sure.
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marital status. we could see links and patterns among how much you sleep. people who are employed, who have a higher education level, college or above, and are married sleep more than people who are unemployed, less educated or are divorced, separated or widowed. these are simply associations in partners. we can't say that if you are unemployed that makes you sleep less or if you sleep less that unemployed. i think from a big public health perspective all of these things are important. it helps health care to identify who needs sleep the most and identify people at risk for employers and help with education and focusing people on the amount of sleep we need. >> how are we affected by a lack of sleep, jon? >> we used to think if you didn't get a good night's sleep you were tired and you were tired and need to recharge your batteries and so many things
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we are repairing our immune system and if you don't get enough sleep you have increased chance of infection and colds. you can also have the risk of the following if you have insufficient sleep. a lot of things are happening when you sleep. >> what do you tell your patients who are having trouble sleeping? >> energy, fatigue, hence, getting good sleep is really a big focus of both my research and my practice. single most important thing can you do is to establish sleep hygiene hygiene. a group of habits you use every time you go to bed. some of the most important, go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. even on weekends. try not to make the difference more than an hour. that helps to keep your cycles regular. create what we call a sleep sanctuary. your room should be cool, about 67 degrees, dark, quiet, minimal disturbances, if you can. perhaps most importantly,
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electronic devices. anything that has a light. that means cell phones, computers, and even the tv set. we are starting to understand that light from those devices can affect the melatonin levels secretion from the brain and slows it down and makes it harder for us to fall asleep. turn the devices off and keep them off overnight. too many people are awakened overnight by their cell phone. another new study suggests a new key to a longer life. this one might even be fun. the study showed membership in a social group after retirement like a book club or church group is linked to a longer life span. researchers say the health benefits are similar to regular exercise. >> i am not surprised by this. dan butener identified places around the world where people live longer and one of the things they all had in common was community and a sense of belonging.
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of dementia just being in contact with other peopleship it's so important in way we don't understand that you can't measure scientifically. >> a lot of research shows somehow retirement can be bad four health. and we often don't think what the workplace provides which is a social environment as well. if you're not work to create a social environment outside of work can have health benefits. >> as we always say, call your parents! >> thank you, doctors, so much. ahead the future of sports gambling. how states are suelooking for a piece of the action and how it could change big-time sports. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." know how you earn the title ... world's best mom? by starting each day with a perfectly balanced mug of...
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while not reported with entyvio, pml, a rare, serious brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections, or have flu-like symptoms, or sores. liver problems can occur with entyvio. if your uc or crohn's medication isn't working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. entyvio. relief and remission within reach. . at least a share of the
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five to shoot now. he knocks down a three! >> another win to their tournament resume last nightbeating oakland 86-84 and with the start of college basketball's march madness less than a month away, las vegas is gearing up for some action. last year, gamblers in nevada where sports betizing legal, placed an estimated $240 million on bets on the tournaments. could other states see a piece of that action? a court battle pitting new jersey against the ncaa and major pro sports league could determine just that. a federal court heard the case this week. let's learn more about this from mike mccarthy, reporter and columnist for "sporting news" and covers the business of sports. >> good morning. >> what law prevents states like new jersey from having legal sports betting? >> a 25-year-old federal law that outlaws legalized sports betting and only four states
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primary one nevada. new jersey chaledlenged this by passing its own law and the league and ncaa sued to make them imply. >> why are they suing? what is the argument? >> league are concerned game fixing and tony soprano will lean on a referee or a player who is a gambler will throw a game. this is a worry. game fixing scandals through the years. when you see how little money changes hands. some college kids are bought for a couple of thousand dollars or a free car. >> right. at the same time, these leagues support sports fantasy leagues essentially which is another form of betting, isn't it? >> it's getting lonely up on % that moral high ground. the same leagues that are against sports betting are actually investing in daily fantasy sports. they seem very similar to me. >> what exactly is new jersey's
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why do they feel they should not be included? u you say it's 49 states overall? >> why should nevada have it to themselves and get the excitement around sports madness and we can do it in atlantic city and rebuild tlnth cityatlantic city? >> there is a split among the ranks in the lead. adam silver has come out to change things on a federal basis? >> adam silver is very forward thinking. he has been out there saying that legalized sports betting would be better. and he has a good point. would you rather have the mob controlling sports betting or rather have the government? also, everybody wants revenue. this would be a new revenue stream for the leagues and it would be especially new revenue stream to the states. >> at present, is there any regulatory in place or is this all operating as a black market
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>> the federal law is in place that basically bans it everywhere, except nevada and three other states where it's basically limited to horse racing tracks. but if this law is overturned or if congress gets together and passes a new law, we could see las vegas style betting all around the country. >> so what do you think is going to happen in new jersey? >> it's a tough one. there was real heavyweights involved in the hearing on wednesday. it seemed like the judges were pretty skeptical. so i think new jersey has an uphill battle. i expect there to be a decision within six months. >> do you think ultimately a turnaround on this issue? >> i do think so. i think adam silver is right and i think sports petting is inevitable and too many people are betting on sports and too much money to be made. >> mike mccarthy, thanks so much. coming up, u.s. presidents may or may not be outstanding,
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they are outstanding standing on a field on a farm. we will tell you about it coming up on "cbs this morning: saturday." brandon thinks hellmann's is heaven in a jar. that's because our ingredients come from... farmers committed to responsibly sourced oils... blended with ingredients like cage-free eggs. mmm. heaven. real ingredients. that's how we're working to bring out the best. does your makeup remover take it all off? every kiss-proof, cry-proof, stay-proof look? neutrogena makeup remover does. it erases 99% of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. need any more proof than that? neutrogena.
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carved into south dakota's black hills. on everything from towering monuments to tiny license plates. even racing around nationals' park! >> the winner is the great emancipator. >> but you probably have never seen this. 43 presidents standing tall in the middle of a virginia field. and how they got there is an interesting tale. the giant heads were originally part of president's park, an outdoor museum in nearby williamsburg. when the park went bust in '10 the presidential busts were set to be destroyed. that's when this man howard hankins stepped in and moving the nearly 800,000-pound sculptures to his nearby farm. >> i did it all! >> reporter: right now they are just a unique personal collection, hankins hopes to find washington and the other former heads of state a new home.
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the kids and get them to learn some history and what the country is really all about! >> you could see there a lot of them are not in great shape. there is something interesting about seeing lincoln with the know? people with their noses gone. >> i love them sitting in that field. yieldcrop he yielded. >> i like it the way it is. might be spooky at night! coming up, mexico's deadly and ruthless drug gangs. the courageous new documentary called "cartel land" takes you inside the desperate fight to stop "tell them, to go **** themselves..." he's not a reckless blowhard, or a scripted robot. he's a conservative governor with proven results. he led the nation in job creation and beat the teachers union to enact massive reform. jeb bush. over 40 retired generals and admirals and 12 medal of honor recipients know he's the commander in chief we need now.
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jeb bush for president. right to rise usa is responsible for the content
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(donkey sound) (elephant sound) there's a big difference between making noise, (tapping sound) and making sense. (elephant sound) (donkey sound) when it comes to social security, we need more than lip service. our next president needs a real plan to keep social security strong. (elephant noise) hey candidates. enough talk. give us a plan. welcome to "cbs this morning: saturday." i'm anthony mason.
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this half hour, how hackerser data net sensitive files at a california hospital and got away with a big ransom. an increasingly common crime that is leaving law enforcement wondering what to do. virgin galactic gets back into the race to space. more than a year after a tragic crash, the space tourism company has a brand-new ride. how about a foaming mug full of bread? we will take you to a london brewery that is using fresh unwanted bread to make its ale. a double-header in the race to the white house. republican voters in south carolina and democratic voters in nevada caucuses will make their presidential choices today. donald trump has the lead in a new poll in south carolina. ahead of today's republican primary. but the survey shows senator ted cruz closing in on trump. >> major garrett is in charleston, you interviewed donald trump yesterday. he makes a lot of bold claims. did he talk about how he thinks
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there is so much gridlock in washington? >> reporter: yes, we asked him about what his bedeviled most american president? the fact you're the most powerful man in the world doesn't necessarily mean you can get things done rapidly. and congress can warning you and bureaucracies are slow moving. trump said i've dealt with politicians my entire life and i always get what i want. i said can you give me an example? ed here is one. there are trillions of dollars of corporate assets, part offshore in american because those american companies don't want to pay high corporate income taxes. a man who overpromises on the campaign trail which it comes to presidential power and the speed they can be used trump is, again, overpromising. >> major what is at stake for everyone not named trump in south carolina? >> reporter: a big day to ted cruz.
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a close second to donald trump would certainly be a big move for his campaign. he has been organized in the state for many months, spending a ton of money on direct voter contact, marledsilers, bow row calls and television ads. if he finishes a strong second he can head to the other primaries with something. marco rubio wants to finish close to ted cruz to continue to say i'm an establishment or pragmatic republican alternative. and for jeb bush, if he does not finish in that top three, this could be the end of his campaign. the road. john kasich just wants to defy expectations and since a week ago, they were about 1%, 2% in the poll and anything in the high single digits would be a good move for john kasich. >> major, thank you. on the democratic side, there are caucuses today in nevada. new poll shows candidates hillary clinton and bernie sanders are in a tight race. clinton had a narrow win in iowa caucuses.
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the hamp primary. while campaign in las vegas on friday, clinton spoke about taking action on immigration. >> i will immediately begin working on the priority legislation that i want the congress to deal with right away, and immigration reform will be among those issues. >> senator sanders spoke about immigrants who are concerned about income and equality. >> they should be concerned. in america today, people should not be working for nine or ten bucks an hour. >> the democratic primary in south carolina will be held next saturday. the republican caucuses in nevada are tuesday. democratic voters in nevada can head to the caucuses with more reading material from hillary clinton's tenure as secretary of state. the state department rah hahas released 500 more documents from her e-mail account. none was marked as classified at the time it was sent. the obama administration is
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clinton's e-mails public by february 29th, the day before the super tuesday primaries. bernie sanders' campaign confirms that an ar tif photo from the "chicago tribune" shows sanders being arrested more than half a century ago. the arrest in 1963 took place at a civil rights protest when sanders was a student at the university of chicago. the photo seems to support sanders' claim he was an activist for civil rights when he was young. the then 21-year-old sanders was charged with resisting arrest. the "chicago tribune" store said he was found guilty and fined $25. the funeral for supreme court justice antonin scalia is washington. the service will be a mass at the national shrine of the immaculate conception. cbs news chief correspondent jan crawford is there. >> reporter: thousands of people are expected to come to the funeral later this morning, including all of the justices and the vice president. two days of kind of public official mourning started
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as scalia arrived at that institution he has served for 30 years for a final time. his son, the father paul scalia, then led a brief and very moving memorial service inside the court's great hall. all of the justices, their spouses were there. and you could just see the grief on their faces. they have never served on this court without the larger than life scalia. now later in the afternoon, the president and first lady came by to pay their respects. the president met with some membersscalia's family but not attending the funeral today. as i said, the vice president and jill biden will attend here today instead. father paul scalia, scalia's son, will also be leading the mass here. the justices and retired justices, they will be here.
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however, be the only justice preventing additional lead pipe corrosion has not been completed and flint officials had no immediate access its own database. >> here to explain how it all worked and why it's worrying other institutions on who could be vulnerable is ryan kalembae of proof point, a leading data
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how were these hackers able to access the hospital? >> a simple three-step process. e-mail comes in. it purr purports to be maybe an vice you need to pay and everyone is worried they haven't paid their bills. it might be a package notification that you got something shipped to you. people click on that and they always click on that. there will be an attachment to that e-mail is usually something like a word document and something you expect to be working with day in and day out. by clicking on that word document it pops up enable content yellow bar. if you click on that that is the final click and it is over! it begins to lock your files within a key that only the have. and at that point, you're notified that you need to pay this ransom typically in a currency like a bit coin to get your files back. >> hospital officials have said no patient or employee information was at risk. do you believe that, to start with? and, you know, what is to prevent these people from stealing medical records? >> really nothing is to prevent them from doing that because they already had all of the access they needed on the
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the only reason they wouldn't have stolen information is because it didn't serve their purposes. if their purpose was solely to get a ransom. they wouldn't bother that. now i imagine the hospital is using forensic expertise on their own or outside party or perhaps the fbi to validate whether information was taken or not. >> the sad truth is we have all become accustomed to these hacks. i think what makes this nerve wracking is that it was a hospital. do you think they were targeted? is there a potential for hackers to want that personal sensitive information and to be able to >> absolutely. medical records are one of the most prized commodities on the black market and go for far more identity. >> why? >> medical fraud is lucrative. it's hard to change a health record after the fact. a credit card number is easy to change. >> why did the hospital decide to pay the ransom?
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>> it was the easy choice. i wouldn't say it's the right choice. when you pay this ransom you're funneling money to potentially organized crime and we have seen terror groups finance their operations like using cyber crime and ransomware and that is a questionable moral decision to make. that said, they had a duty to their patients and they needed these files. it affected actual clinical system so they might have decided to pay the ransom to provide care to their patients. >> was this hospital attacked randomly, do you think? >> i wouldn't say it was random. what we have seen over the past week or so is massive, massive what we call e-mail campaigns. the largest one of which we saw 11 million e-mails and we see a lot of the world's business e-mail but we don't see it all. 11 million e-mail campaign is going to catch a broad variety of organizations in its net. so it wouldn't say it was randomly targeted, but it was a very broad set of target going
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since cyber criminals have shifted so aggressively to randomware. >> that is scary. here is look at the weather. up next, an award winning new documentary takes movie-goers deep into the heart of mexico's brutal drug cartel. meet the filmmaker who risked his life to do it.
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he led the nation in job creation and beat the teachers union to enact massive reform. jeb bush. over 40 retired generals and admirals and 12 medal of honor recipients know he's the commander in chief we need now. conservative, proven and prepared. jeb bush for president. right to rise usa is responsible for the content of this message. it was very shocking when his wife died. during this week's visit to mexico, pope francis urged young people to resist the lure of easy money from drug dealers.
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of the country ravaged by cartel violence. matthew embedded in a vigilante group to stop a murderous drug cartel in mexico. [ speaking in foreign language ] >> his movie "cartel land" is nominated for an oscar and just refed a prestigious award for documentary film. the director joins us now. matt, good morning. i don't want to say unprecedented access. you had scary access. how did you get in so close? >> so much coverage of the drug world and media and glorified in tv shows and movies. i wanted to put a human face on that subject and not talk about it from the outside but in the middle of the action.
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leaders of these two vigilante groups and gained thank you trust -- thank you trust and spent live time down there. >> your initial plan was just be quick and get in and do this and get out. >> i thought i would be down there one or two weeks and it turned into nine months. at first, i thought a simple story of good versus evil of everyday citizens rises up against the cartel and, slowly, over time, they became ever more blurry lines. >> you suggest in the film toward the end that, in fact, what looked to be the good guys, a group of mexicans who create their own militia group to patrol the area, they get sort of infected? >> yeah. i think, unfortunately, what we see in the film, without giving away the end of the movie, you know, those who are fighting against evil start to become evil. they sort of cross a path and have power.
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and within this power vacuum, different forces started to come in and try to take over. >> there is such a genuine distrust of government also. it helps you understand the narrative more so of the people involved. >> yeah. when i first stepped foot in mexico i was struck by the suffering of the people down there living in this lawless world. a world in which government institutions have failed. you know, that is why this movement rose up is the government is failing to provide basic safety and security and allowing the cartels to operate with impunity. >> you also look at an american militia group on this side of the border in arizona. what sort of similarities did you see between the two? >> at the heart of this movie are two men. the leaders of these two groups, tim kneeler on the u.s. side and manuel on the mexican side and both 55 and both believe the government has failed them and they both, quote/unquote, taken the law in their own hands to fight what they believe in and
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mexico the violence is real and visceral. hundreds of thousand plus people killed and 25 thousand disappeared since 2007. in arizona that violence is not happening and much more of a fear that these mexican dug lords will seek their way across our border. detached? some scenes in this movie you're watching somebody get interrogated at gun point. there should be impulses should i get involved or record this and it must have been tricky trert for you. >> it was terrifying for me. i'm not a war reporter and never been in a situation like this before but the film led me into pretty intense shootouts and meth labs in the dark desert night and places of torture and places i never imagine being in. one scene i'm in the back of a car as a man is getting interrogated with a gun possess his head. as a human being all you want to
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stop the madness but my job was not there to police. frankly that would have been dangerous and stupid to intervene and broken all sorts of journalistic lines as well. my job was to document and i felt a huge duty and a huge obligation to do so. >> one of the mexican subjects in the film ultimately says you can't stop the cartel. do you come to believe that is true? >> you know, i think, unfortunately, this cycle will continue and we see that very vividly in this film. i wish hi a different answer to that question. but, you know, i think the elephant in the room is america's appetite for drugs. as long as there is a demand to fordrugs here and supply of drugs coming from mexico and - south america. with that the violence. it's more complicated than that obviously. decade have failed policy on the u.s. side and guns and money that we are sending south, you know, corrupt government and institutions in mexico.
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america's appetite for drugs. >> a thought provoking film and i can see why it's winning so many films. good luck at the oscars. "cartel land" is now available on itunes. back in the space tourism race. richard branson's galactic take off again replacing the one lost in a tragic crash. a look at the future of getting you out of this world is coming up next. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." jane likes to mix things up. that's why she loves new light & fit greek non-fat yogurt mousse. so fluffy and airy it's her new 80 calorie obsession.
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our next item is a genuine "name your price" tool. this highly sought-after device from progressive can be yours for... twenty grand? -no! we are giving it away for just 3 easy payments of $4.99 plus tax! the lines are blowing up! we've got deborah from poughkeepsie. flo: yeah, no, it's flo. you guys realize anyone can use the "name your price" tool for free on, right? [ laughing nervously ] [ pickles whines ] i know, it's like they're always on television.
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virgin galactic is one step closer to sending tourists into outer space. a similar craft broke aim part
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the past. it could take months and years testing before this new space plane takes off. >> reporter: this newly revealed spaceship could be the future of private space travel, helping ordinary citizens become astronauts. >> together, we can make space accessible in a way that only has been dreamt of before now. and by doing that, we can truly bring positive change to life on earth. >> reporter: virgin galactic founder richard branson's 1-year-old granddaughter was christianed friday at the star-studded event. unlike space x and blue origin test testing. branson is focused on tourism and the shuttle is designed to blast from this airplane and blast into suborbital space and 50 miles above earth passengers will be able to experience weightlessness.
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down deposits of $250,000 to reserve their seat. >> inside this space and cabin, hearts and minds will be transformed by the unique experiences that touches those who step away from earth's bands. and see our planet for the first time with their own eyes and new light. >> reporter: amid the celebration, the event also took a somber tone as the company addressed the deadly test flight in 2014. an ntsb investigation revealed the pilot unlocked part of the re-entry system too early. the company says the new ship has more fail-safes to prevent pilot error. branson says he questioned continuing the program after the crash, but felt that it was too important to walk away. >> what a great testament this spaceship is to what can be achieved against any background, when true team work, great skill, and pride are combined with a common purpose. >> reporter: for "cbs this morning: saturday," carter evans, los angeles. i'm not surprised to hear how many people are signing up
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>> even with that price tag. a lot of money but it's an extraordinary experience if it happens. >> you would go, wouldn't you? >> i don't know! >> really? >> well, it's -- look. yes, i would go. absolutely. >> i think at the end of the day, i would too. >> all right. coming up, it is a novel way to put unwanted bread to use to make beer. we take you to london where bread-based ale is giving new meaning to raise ago toast.
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going back to the old neighborhood can be hard sometimes. walls have been built invisibly around the old neighborhood and that police brutality is used to keep folks hemmed in, and frankly, opportunity locked out. i spent my entire life in the civil rights movement. i came up in the naacp like my mom came up in the naacp, like my father came up with the congress of racial equality, like bernie sanders came up with the congress of racial equality. black lives matter. we need to combat institutional racism from top to bottom in a broken criminal justice system. i'm supporting bernie sanders for president and all of us who have joined this campaign are there for the same reason. he's always fought for a populus position
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as if they are our own. i'm bernie sanders and i approve this message. i'm going to have myself a beer >> we divine thisbegin this half hour on a
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how about turning bread into beer? a group of young brewers and activists in london are doing just that. >> they are trying to prevent fresh bread being thrown away and turning it into beer. johnathan vigliotti reports from london. >> here is the brewery. >> reporter: inside a craft brewery in east london's hackney, good old-fashioned beer is paired up with another classic ingredient -- bread. >> beer is described as liquid bread. beer is made our grains and yeast and baked rather than bread is made out of grains and yeast. >> john swain and his partner trisstram stuart each getting a second chance of life for bread. each bottle contains one heel of bread. you know, the last slice of the loaf no one ever eats?
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of fresh heels away which got stuart thinking. >> they were throwing away 13,000 slices of fresh bread every single day of operation. the way we are doing it, that is 13,000 bottles of beer that could come out of that factory every single day! >> breaking it up. >> reporter: stuart is a global food waste activist. his organization feedback draws attention to the growing problem. one-third of the world's food goes to waste every year. bread is with one of the worst offenders and in the uk along 44% of good bread is tossed and use. smells like beer. swain took us on a tour of his brew house to tell me how toast is made. from the moment the fresh bread arrives and collected and weighed and direct from sandwich shop kitchens. after boiling the brew, which kills any bacteria. >> like a really hot hot tub. >> yes.
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hops and malt and yeast takes days to ferment with taste tests conducted along the way. i can drink it? >> yeah. very yeasty. >> reporter: yuck! that's a bad beer! toast takes six days to fully mature and the final product goes down much smoother. >> very early in the morning, it's still very nice. >> reporter: so it hits you first as a traditional beer. once it settles in, you taste the bread. you willall i want to do is drink beer for breakfast >> reporter: beer and bread. it is sold with all of the proceeds going directly to stuart's organization.
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peru, switzerland, czech republic, iceland. this works in so many different cultures. you have a culture that eats bread and one that drink beer and that is pretty much every why. >> reporter: toast has stuart dreaming up new ideas. >> we want to kick off a brewing craft revolution and at the same time kicking off a food revolution. >> reporter: a message in a bottle served up, one slice at a time time. all i want to do is drink beer for breakfast >> johnathan vigliotti, cbs news, london. >> i like that sentiment drinking beer for breakfast.
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a business idea is serve coming up next, "the dish." you can take chef kevin gillespie out of the south but you can't take the south out of the his award winning restaurant. great southern cooking is coming up next!
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try colgate enamel health. it replenishes weak spots with natural calcium to strengthen enamel four times better. colgate enamel health. stronger, healthy enamel. my opioid pain medication is slowing my insides to a crawl. that's opioid-induced constipation, oic, a different type of constipation. i'm really struggling to find relief... paint a different picture. talk to your doctor about oic
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kevin gillespie has a deep love of all things southern and especially the food he grew you. some of his earliest memories is standsing next to the stove in his granny's kitchen and watching her kick. he was well on his way to becoming the award winning chef he is today. >> he is now chef and owner of two of georgia's hottest restaurants gun show and reviveal and released his second cookbook "pure pork awesomeness." he is named a semifinalist this week in the best chef southeast category for the third time. we are thrilled to welcome kevin
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>> i giggle when he read that! >> the name came out, when it came out, i didn't a name. i went on a long rant about the awesomeness of pork and people said that is the name of the book. i created awesomeness and it's written down somewhere. >> is this a pork shoulder? >> yes. glazed in coca-cola. my mom loves that! >> wow! >> exactly. i had to do it for her. yeah, absolutely. >> what else do we have on the dish? >> so on the left here, we have some cashage dumplings and stuffed with farm sausage and glas glazed vegetables and creamy grits here. >> tell us about this delicious beverage this morning. >> that is what we are here for. we call this peach party liquor on which basically means we have made peach tea and put a bunch of moonshine in it. you are familiar with moonshine?
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>> the problem it goes down too smooth. actually, the last time i drank a bunch of this, i got shot with a dart gun! >> you declared your intention to be a chef when you were 7? >> it is early! >> it is! what is crazy when i told people i want to be a chef, no one was saying chef when i was 7. i don't know where i got that from. i proclaimed to my parents that is what i wanted to do. i think i watched too many pbs cooking shows at the time. they supported it and took me to the cia on vacation that year so i could see what being a chef looked like. >> you're our first chef i think that could have been a nuclear engineer. you were excepted at m.i.t. and could have had a full ride and it had to be difficult to say no and do this. >> it was challenging. my father was an engineer and i think my family was expecting me to follow that path. a lot of pressure to go to school, especially that regal. i quickly realized who facts
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if i went there i would be the stupidest person at m.i.t. and the coolest. i wasn't prepared for that eventuality so cooking made sense to me at the time. >> you said you carried a little bit of guilt from making that decision? >> there was a lot of pressure and i think self-induced up until this feeling it was my responsibility to break the cycle. no one in piemy family had gone to college, muchless graduated and people looked at me to make that happen. people said my intellect was going to waste in not going to a university. i always approached my career i was letting my brain help me to where i wanted to go and writing books was a natural outlet and building restaurants that kind of make you think about things. >> your restaurant are so interesting. i have not been to gun show. how did you come up with the concept? >> the idea for gun show is one i felt there was entirely too much pomp and circumstance in our industry.
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the food world was going in and i wanted a restaurant where cooks could actually connect with the guests themselves. rather than having that intermediary of the server why not the person who made the dish tell you about it themselves and it becomes a personal experience. the gun show model just happened frankly because we couldn't figure out any other way for people to keep leaving the kitchen throughout the night and able on serve anybody. now it's eight different chefs. joey ward who has been with me a decade and runs gun show for me. you see the person who created the dish and they come to you personally. they cook it and prep it and serve it to you as well. >> this dish lives up to the pork awesomeness. as i get your signature on your dish, if you have to have a meal with a real or not a real person, who would it be?
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homer simpson. who else would enjoy a giant table full of food and he seems like a pretty fun guy to me. >> i think he would enjoy it! >> i think he would. absolutely. >> kevin, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> for more, head to our website at >> just a few can go by their first name as a musician but wynonna judd is one of them. get ready for a rock 'n' roll session coming up on "cbs this morning: saturday." >> announcer: the dish is
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new album but the wait is finally over. she and her big band the big noise is out with a collection that ranges from hard electric blues to typical americana. >> it is called "wynonna judd and the big noise."
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nobody loves you like you do nobody loves you like i do nobody nobody nobody
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nobody loves you like you do nobody loves you like i do nobody nobody nobody down on the mountain hallelujah when the weather
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down on the mountain go down hallelujah
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>> that is a great band! we will be right back with more music from wynonna judd and the big noise. you're watching "cbs this morning: saturday." >> announcer: this is sponsored by blue buffalo. if you have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's, and your symptoms have left you with the same view, it may be time for a different perspective. if other treatments haven't worked well enough, ask your doctor about entyvio, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohn's. entyvio works by focusing right in the gi-tract to help control damaging inflammation and is clinically proven to begin helping many patients
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before we go, we have a little bit of exciting news. we wanted to say congratulation to our wonderful producer greg mirman and his wife and son dylan who have a beautiful new edition to their family mila! congrats! >> we leave you with more from wynonna judd and her band the big noise and with her husband
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this is "you're so beautiful." i've been thinking about you and all we have been through together just look at where we are and where we started oh how beautiful i can't get away you reel me in
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one glass and you can move me out oh how beautiful you are my shining star you are the light you are dazzle in my diamond my dream came true no doubt about it i'm in love with you and i'm learning how
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it's so beautiful you are my shining star you are the light you are dazzle in my diamond and i think it's love . coming up next on a special edition of news 19, we are on
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precinct hmm hmm hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm-hmm let us be lovers, we'll marry our fortunes together [ cheering ] i've got some real estate here in my bag counting the cars on the new jersey turnpike
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[ cheers and applause ] all come to look for america all come to look for america all come to look for america i'm bernie sanders, and i approve this message. you're watching news 19 saturday mornings. it is decision day in south carolina for republican voters. good morning and thank you so much for joining us for this
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morning. i'm andrea mock and we are with you with election coverage for the next hour and half. the falls -- the post have been open for about an hour and officials are expecting a turnout. officials say there was a record number of absentee ballots for both primaries. 78,000 ballots were returned and that is more than double the amount of early votes in 2008. we spoke over 600,000 who voted four moore this morning and he said they expect a turnout today, as well, at the actual polls. the gop expects about 650,000 voters today, which would easily eclipse the record of 600,000 who voted four years ago. moore says the increase is partially because of the constant dissension on social media and facebook and twitter, getting more people into politics this season.


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