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tv   CBS Overnight News  CBS  September 19, 2016 2:00am-4:00am EDT

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us momen t kel an py. and the major sai "troopers advance." i said "major, may have word?" he said, "there will be n words. nigh sic ueating uwi w hit i t hea by sta trooper from nig stick i had oncussion at th bridge i thought i wa goi t d weeks later we walke fr sel montgomery, areside johnson ma one of the mos moving speeches i t mde times on the whole question o voting rights a civ right t end o tha speech h said, "a w sha overcome. >> dickerson y recentl wrote piece i t huffingt post about tha mar fro sel to montgomer you sa there's a w t tal about where we are today tell me little bi abo tha
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cange america forever there were hunre a thousand o peop comin fro al aro america priest rabbis nuninister lawyer doctors tachers white, aoming togethe it was lik ho w and there's still nee f people to protes we should nev the righ protest what i righ >> dickerson: yontione non-violence martin luther king and t montgomery story, that com book tha ispir you whe y were growi u in tha com book talk about lovi t neighbor, strong part of t non-violen message, tha eve w peopl are hitti y a beati y deserve your lov where is tha message now t messag i stmbedd in man o u
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not so young tha te way o love is bett way just respect t dni a t worth every human being we need to continue te i out ther if w g i right, i w g i right merica, mayb i c serve as mde f t rest o th world >> dickerson: is tha messag of lovin t neihb bei lost a littl b >> i thi the a aom forces inerica trying t take us ba t we must no l tha happe >> christa: do you s that th presidential campaign th year >> s i ver muc so there are forces tha wan t divide us, a mus n b divide we've come s far we have ma urogre working a building together too many of m friend too man m clleagues, young peopl th knew ' a ' whi
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together we must no l the death b vain >> dickerson: thank you, sir tha you, sir >> dickerson: an we'll
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announcer: it's time to join forces... ...get energized... ...and fuel up right. because starting today... ...every kid in america... ...has a mission... bring out... the action hero... in you.
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show us how you train and eat like an action hero. join in at more of our conversation with john lewis on our weitea th that's it for thi wee fo captioning sponsored by cb captioned by media access group at wg media access group at wg access.wgbh.or [doorbell rings] [doorbell rings] [doorbell continues]
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[car horn beeps] [whistles] ??? ???
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airplane crashed into a home in gilbert. no one was hurt. mireya villarreal explains. >> reporter: from the front of the home it may look like the garage took the brunt of the plane crash. from the sky mag ni tufd the damage. a home destroyed. the skydivers aboard were to land at a festival three miles away. >> ear plane. >> reporter: the plane caught fire forcing them to make an emergency exit. four passengers and the pilot all parachuted safely. you can see them here. their parachutes illuminated moments after diving out of the burning plane. the people who live in the home were watching tv when the unpiloted plane smashed down. gilbert fire captain gary hilldebrand says the flames spread from the garage to the rest of the house. >> they didn't receive any injuries or anything at all.
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and for it to just hit one house. that's also, prett when it's time for lunch, a sandwich is a quick and easy choice. and with the right ingredients, it can be good and good for you. so i'm here today to see who can build the ultimate sandwich. all right, when the time is up, our judges will give you their scores. ready. set. go! okay, jason starts out with ??e multigrain roll. ooh. alyson's stuffing her pita with, yes, spinach!
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looks like alyson's putting the finishing touches with crispy red bell peppers for a dose of vitamin a. (buzzer blares) time! (bells ding) it looks like we have a tie. we'll need to call in our special guest referee. oh! now these are what i call quick, delicious lunches. whole grain breads, a whole variety of ingredients-- there are so many different ways to build delicious, healthy sandwiches. these two get high marks in every category. i'd say you're both winners. yeah! (laughs)
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with the election seven weeks away a cbs poll shows hillary clinton and donald trump tied in 13 key battleground states. errol barnett has the the latest from washington. >> i will consider it a personal insult, an insult to the legacy if this community lets down the guard and fails to ak v in this election. you want to give me a good send-off, go vote. >> president obama making a passionate plea at congressional black caucus gala saturday night as cbs polling shows the race to succeed him is essentially tied in battleground states. hillary clinton's lead overall in 13 states has vanished. with 42% preferring the democrat. and an equal number favoring
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momentum in this campaign is really overwhelming. it is because donald trump has been focussing on issues the american people really care about. >> reporter: the cbs poll reveals when it comes to whom is more trusted to bring change to washington -- trump leads clinton substantially. by 27%. while clinton is only slightly more trusted to handle the perez den presidency well day today. boost trust. >> i would trust her with my son's life. he demonstrated he shouldn't be within ten time zones of commander in chief. >> beth campaigns are preparing for the upcoming debates. last shot to shift public opinion. clinton and trump face off week from monday. first of three tussles with pence and kane meeting in a debate moderated by elaine quijano. >> errol barnett in washington. thank you, errol.
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tragic for a junior college team headed to their first game. four people were killed and more than 40 others injured when their bus crashed on interstate 74 near rockingham. >> reporter: the charter bus was carrying members of a club football team when the front left tire blew out. sending the bus careening into a guardrail. four passengers including the bus driver were killed. 42 others injured. >> i was out of nowhere. >> quarterback was sitting in the back of the bus. >> soon as it stopped. we jumped up paramedics came and all that. that's when they, my friend, tito, calling his name. what is going on. i want to the other side. he was dead. >> among the deceased. tito hamilton, 19, devonte gibson, 21.
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the 10-year-old son of a coach was also killed. investigators are looking into the bus company safety record. the driver's history. as well as the the speed. lieutenant jeff gordon with the north carolina highway patrol. >> i have been doing this job for 23 years now. i have seen my share. this is probably one of the worst. especially when you have a, a group of students, just starting their lives. >> reporter: injured players returned to the small private college today. devastated by the tragedy. the nt crash. clinton college released a statement saying their top priority is to offer support to the traumatized student body, faculty and staff. reena, all classes are canceled tomorrow. thank you, omar. coming up next, a gasoline pipeline spill threatens fuel
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question, and be honest. are my teeth yellow? have you tried the tissue test? the what? tissue test! hold this up to your teeth. ugh yellow. i don't get it. i use whitening toothpaste. what do you use? crest whitestrps. you should try them! whitening toothpaste only works on the surface. but crest whitestrips safely work below the enamel surface to whiten 25x better than the leading whitening toothpaste. you used the whitestrips. i passed the tissue test. oh yeah. would you pass the tissue test? they are the way to whiten. ahh...still sick, huh? i'll take it from here. i'm good. i just took new mucinex clear and cool. ah! what's this sudden cooooling thing happening? it's got a menthol burst. you can feel it right away. wow, that sort of blind-sided me. and it clears my terrible cold symptoms. ahh! this is awkward. new mucinex fast-max clear & cool. feel the menthol burst.
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ditch the misery.
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fuel supplies in five states are threatened by a spill in alabama. tony dokoupil has the story. >> reporter: the pipeline carries fuel from houston to new york carrying gas tanks of millions of people. when it is not working this happens, long lines, mammoth price spikes and dry pumps in georgia and tennessee. all because of a massive fuel spill in central alabama. at least a quarter billion gallons of gas erupted from an
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shut down since the spill discovered september 9. now six southern states are under emergency orders allowing fuel trucks to work longer hours in hopes of averting a crisis. >> we have a pipeline burst. shortage. >> station down the street didn't have any gas. a senior petroleum analyst at gaus bu gas buddy. >> i don't think we have seen such a large disruption to fuel supply since hurricane >> reporter: the broken pipeline end in northern new jersey over the river behind me. right now in alabama, crews are working on excavating the pipe and fixing it. ree reena, with no timetable for return to service, the east coast of the united states is being served by truck and tanker ship. >> thanks. up next, we'll hear from secret
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president obama arrived in new york for the start of the united nations general assembly. as always, the president is accompanied by hundreds of secret service members watching his every move. margaret brennan met some of the sharpshooters in charge of protecting him. the secret service's elite counter sniper team is trained
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we have to be ready to drop down and take that shot. or in the worst case scenario, put themselves in the line of fire. travis has been on the force for a decade. >> 600 yard. >> reporter: you signed up to take a bullet for the president. >> yes, ma'am. >> reporter: that's a lot to sign up for. >> it is. absolutely. wherever the president is, counter snipers protect him from above. they work in teams of two. armed with high-powered assault es assassins hundreds of yards away. the key to an active hit is the win caller. here it is travis. telling his partner, terry precisely how to aim to counteract the wind. so you really have to trust the partner. >> absolutely. completely. >> you can take the shot. you can make the call either way. >> if i see the target. i will drop down. start calling. if he sees the target.
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and wind caller. thinking about pressing the treger. >> reporter: most complicated scenarios are in crowds overseas in unfamiliar terrain. during a recent presidential trip to poland, dennis, a ten year veteran of the team was concerned about how a sniper might conceal himself among the buildings lining the mow tr kad route. >> the president is going to come around here. assume all the people are looking out their windows. you essentially could have 1,000 open windows here. >> reporter: in the age of windows are not the only concerns. >> worried about suicide bombers, car bombs, go to the car, suspicious. or a guy walking down the streeten july, a heavy coat on. doesn't make. looking for unusual. >> reporter: remarkably, no sniper team member has had to fire a shot since the unit was formed in 1971. it is a record they're determined to maintain. margaret brennan, cbs news, laurel, maryland. the cbs overnight news will
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new research shows cancer death rate for children continues to decline. daniel notti ingnottingham intr to a little boy from california beating the disease. >> reporter: 3-year-old brandon cramer is bursting with energy.
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know. >> reporter: less than a year ago in the hospital, battling leukemia. most common cancer in children. >> that's the worst thing you could possibly thing is, i have zero control over this. and i could very well lose my child. period. >> reporter: a new government study says the chances of surviving childhood cancer are imprufovi improving. a 20% drop in cancer deaths among children and adolescents. >> immune therapy. cell therapy. these are going to be brought to ar progress. such that, we expect continued steady decline in deaths from childhood cancer. >> the study found leukemia is no longer leading cause of cancer deaths in children and adolescents. 3 of 10 cancer deaths are now from brain cancer. >> the progress lagged behind in brain tumors. we have to redouble our efforts to improve the outcome for the children. >> after five months of chemotherapy, aiden is now cancer free and giving back to
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>> other kids at the hospital. >> chances of relapse are high. he has regular checkups. >> you look at aiden. my goodness you would never know he was sick. i'm grateful every day. >> reporter: this family is making every day count. >> two, three, go. >> danielle nottingham. >> what a force that little aiden. up next, he barely survived a wildfire. then his life took a turn he
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announcer: there is a place not so far away. a place where you don't have to keep the volume down... or clean up your room. a place where you don't have to make time for free time. [splash] you don't have to do anything but show up. announcer: you'll find all sorts of creatures in this place without "have to." [laughing] the silly you. the proud you. [children laughing] you may even meet the curious you. it's tickling me. you! you! you! announcer: there are lots of yous to catch up with. ask your parents to take you to this not so far away place. come to the forest.
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but first, stop by finally tonight the story the sole survivor of a battle against a wildfire last year in central washington state. carter evans tells us about his long road to recovery. >> in this fire, daniel lyon faced the unimaginable. in blinding smoke, the engine he was riding in, crashed. >> all you see at that point is flame. intense, feeling that your entire body was burning. he was the only one to make it out of the crash alive.
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barbara, vividly remember the phone call from another fire fighter. >> he says, looked like -- daniel came as an angel came running out of the flames of hell. >> this is what daniel looks like a year after the fire. burns over 75% of his body. thank god i can still see. the site saved by the sijed sun glasses. the watch still working is another reminder off the awe i kind of have a natural tattoo on my wrist now. >> that's where the watch was. daniel has undergone 14 surgery as seattle's harbor view burn center off the awe i feel like i have come a long ways. but i also got a really, really long ways to go. >> reporter: did you feel guilty for surviving? >> of course you do. survivor guilt is a real thing. you ask yourself. why am i here. and they're not. why was i given a second chance. they didn't get that second
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about than just survival. >> did you have a girlfriend before you got burned? >> no, i did not. >> your friend is in a fire you want to be there for him. >> but the friendship turned into something more. >> even after all he has been through. he has a smile on his face. just super strong. really good person. >> the biggest thing that she does for me is, is helps me ee ooe motionally. mentally. shows me love. he is the best boyfriend. >> fire can destroy. but it can also, regenerate. and here out of the ashes, something special has bloomed. carter evans, cbs news, washington. that's the overnight news for this monday. for some of you the news continues. for others check back a little while later for the morning news and cbs this morning. from the broadcast center here
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welcome to the overnight news. i'm reena ninan. world leaders gathered in new york for the opening of the u.n. general assembly. president obama will address the u.n. for final time in office. this year's meeting will focus on worldwide refugee crisis. as well as the the 5-year-old war in syria. but the threat of terrorism will have bombing went off in new york city's chelsea neighborhood saturday night. injuring 29 people. all have been released from the hospital. but the investigation into the bombing and a second unexploded device, found in area, just beginning. it happened hours after another home made bomb went off at jersey shore. before a 5 k race benefiting sailors and marines. and islamic state claiming responsibility for knife attack in minnesota. we begin in new york with anna
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reveals the white flash of the explosion as the blast sent people running. still unanswered. who set off the bomb and why. it was intentional, a violent act. a criminal act. the blast injured two dozen people. and just a block away driving west on 23rd street when he felt it. >> massive shock wave. like your whole body k. my right ear. specifically. >> reporter: two hours after the bombing a pair of new york state troopers canvassing the area noticed something next to a dumpster. new york police commissioner jim o'neal in his second day on the job said they probably saved more lives. they circled their vehicle. walked down the block.
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was taken by the bomb squad and analyzed for clues as to its origin. authorities are sifting through surveillance camera individually looking for a suspect and are asking for the public help. >> for new yorker, central message we want to give is be vigilant. be vigilant at this point in time. >> two law enforcement sources tell cbs news that components believed to have come from a pressure cooker have been recovered at the scene of the explosion behind me. those and parts from a cell phone. a federal source is said to believe to have set off the device. >> anna werner, thank you. >> the fbi is calling a stabbing spree at a minnesota mall saturday night a potential act of terrorism.
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>> reporter: armed with a knife and dressed in a private security uniform, police say the attacker, inside this minnesota mall, left nine people wounded in his path. the ordeal sent shoppers at the saint cloud mall scrambling for safety. and investigators trying to determine if it was carried out by an isis connected or inspired terrorist. >> we will try to sort of peel back the onion and see what motivated the individual. >> reporter: islamic state run news agency calling the attacker a soldier of the islamic state. law enforcement forces described him as a 20-year-old minnesota man. officials say he mentioned allah during the spree and asked people if they were muslim before deciding whether to attack. authorities are crediting an off-duty pole saving lives, who shot and killed the man as the the attacker was coming at him. >> he again, protected others from being injured. and potential loss of life. a hero. authorities have not publicly i identified the attacker, leaders of the somali american community in minnesota have, they said as far as they know he never had any sort of violent history. >> we hear that so often. kenneth. thank you.
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pegues talking to law enforcement sources about the cases in new jersey, new york and minnesota. jeff, what can you tell us? >> investigators have not definitively made the connection between the bomb in manhattan and one in seaside park, new jersey. but law enforcement sources say both used similar components. a clearer picture is i merging abut what happened in saint cloud, minnesota and the motive behind the attack. witnesses tell police the man in that attack, who stabbed nine were muslim. those who replied that they were not were stabbed. sources say that the man has had recent run-ins with police and lives in minnesota. an isis related website is claiming that the attacker was an isis soldier. but investigators are still trying to confirm itch that is accurate and the nature of the attacker's connection to sources. and all the evidence in the
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they will be scrubbing his electronic devices to see who he was communicating with with before the attack. >> jeff pegues, thank you. john dickerson of face the nation discussed the attacks with peter king sits on homeland security and intelligence committees. congressman, governor cuomo said there are no links to international terrorism, do you think that's the case? >> we don't know. in many of the cases we don't know, two, three, four days te link. whether or not connected overseas. whether or not it is home groechblt the fact there is no evidence right now. doesn't mean much. times square bombing in new york, 2011, guess it was. and there was no, took several days before, to realize that that was coming out of the, taliban in pakistan. boston marathon bombing we didn't know for several days for certain if, if that was terrorists. so i think you have to assume from the start, terrorism is a real possibility. and go from there.
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not. you know we don't know. certainly would not even think of ruling out terrorism at this stage. >> what's the best way to react for the public and law enforcement officials in incidents like this. we now are so connected. the minute something happens, there is a kind of a rush to, to, name it right away. one thing or another. what's the proper way to respond to these? let the nypd and fbi handle it. they're the best in the world what to and also to realize as we go forward. and that terrorism and type of attacks from overseas or home grown or whether they're just malcontents, we are always vulnerable to these type of attacks. it is so important the police be allowed to do their job. we have to have surveillance. we have to monitor. we can tell in advance when these are going to happen. at least have a better grip on when they, when they could be happening.
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we put them in the recesses of the mind. whether this is everstaez terrorism. domestic terrorism, any terrorism at all. a whack krupp call another one as to how vulnerable we are. so important for the police, fbi to be given the tools and be able to do what nay need to do. >> if new york can bea city on top of the issue, obviously since 9/11. what more can be done. just these kind of things will happen. part of the new normal? >> i didn't think we can accept it as being part of the new the nsa is important. surveillance is communities, where the threat can be coming from is important. why key canwe can't allow overc of civil liberties get in the way. let's not let political correctness to stop the police and fbi from doing investigations they have to do. use the example many times. going after the mafia you go to italian. irish, communities when looking for the westies. and right now if the threat is
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muslim communities. don't look for the ku klux klan in harlem. 40% fewer calories than butter. i can't believe it's made with real, simple ingredients. i can't believe we're on a whale. i can't believe my role isn't bigger. oh, it's real. real ingredients. unbelievable taste. go ahead, enjoy. real ingredients. unbelievable taste. ahh...still sick, huh? i'll take it from here. i'm good. i just took new mucinex clear and cool. ah! what's this sudden cooooling thing happening? it's got a menthol burst. w, that sort of blind-sided me. and it clears my terrible cold symptoms. ahh! this is awkward. new mucinex fast-max clear & cool. feel the menthol burst. and clear your worst cold symptoms. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! s?? polo! marco...! polo! scusa?
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with marco polo? surprising. ragazzini, io sono marco polo. s?, sono qui... what's not surprising? how much money amanda and keith saved by switching to geico. ahhh... polo. marco...! polo! fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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earth was rocking in oklahoma this weekend. the u.s. geological survey recorded 13 small quakes including magnitude 3.5 near fairview. 3.2 outside oklahoma city. oklahoma now the most earthquake prone state, in the continental u.s. wasn't always like before 2009 an average of two earthquakes a year magnitude 3 or higher. last year, there were nearly 1,000. all most all were man made. bill whitaker has the story for "60 minutes." >> reporter: the vast majority of earthquakes are small causing little or no damage. but what they lack in punch. they make up in sheer volume. this tally from the u.s. geological survey shows the number of earthquakes in
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with more than 2,000 magnitude 3 and above. that means more of the bigger ones. the 4.3 magnitude quake in edmond, oklahoma. >> i wok up scae up scared to d. >> melinda and kathy matthews are neighbors in edmond. >> what quake app do you use? >> they to check earthquakes around the state all day long. >> look at that. cherokee, enith, medview. >> all in one day. >> 24 hour period. >> must be unnerving. >> no way to live. no way to live. >> cornell university seismologist, katie kerrinan was teaching in oklahoma when the increase in quakes began. she says the situation is
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here in oklahoma has never been seen before. >> number of earthquakes is astounding. how fast it grew is perhaps more astounding. >> caller: karen and her student katherine lambert set up equipment to detect extremely small quakes in an area where there haven't been any. hoping small quakes may provide warnings of larger ones. >> so far looked at data from four days of recording. we see small earthquakes in the area. >> even over four days. >> over four days we see doz >> many dozens? >> she was among the first scientists to link the earthquakes to oil and gas production. >> these are man made earthquakes? >> most people feel that the majority of these are linked to this water being disposed. >> the water that is causing the earthquakes is not from fracking. which is water and chemicals pumped under ground to free up oil and gas. this is naturally occurring water. that's been trapped below ground
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of years. this is the oil being pumped out. >> oil, gas, water. >> gary is president of petrol warrior, a small independent oil company that operates 14 wells in oklahoma. what happened in the cylinder happens in a grand scale in wells across the region. oil, gas, water naturally separate. so the bubbles. >> salt water here. gas up here. the gas. >> here is the oil. >> oil. the region big and small, larue's oil wells produce more water than petroleum. gas and oil are collected in tanks for sale. but the water is too briny to be recycled or used. it's considered waste. >> awful this is, salt walter. >> salt water. awe hautz to -- getting rid of water means sending it down a
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freshwater to prevent contamination and zone where it came from. >> this is it? >> this is it. >> what the talk is about. >> well in the ground. >> larue's disposal well is one of 3,000 in oklahoma. the state created a website to explain the earthquakes. this map shows disposal wells as blue dots. orange dots are earthquakes. when the price of oil went over $100 a barrel in 2008. oil and gas production increased water. and earthquakes. what's causing these earthquakes? >> what we have learned in oklahoma its that the earthquakes that are occurring in enormous numbers are result of waste water injection. mark zobach, professor of g geophysics at stanford. zobach says two factors behind the earthquakes. one is the large volumes of water being disposed and the
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deep down into a layer of earth called the arbuckle. >> what makes this such a good place to dispose of all that water? >> well it is very thick. it's porous. permable. it can accommodate very large injection rates. >> reporter: the only problem with the arbuckle its that it sits directly on top of the crystaline basement. a rock layer riddled with earthquake faults. >> this water is seeping into the faults. >> water prush oessure. fault is clamped shut. the water pressure pushes two side apart. and allows slippage occur today when it might not occur for thousand of years into the future. >> earthquakes are now a daily occurrence in oklahoma. it was three quakes in november, 2011 near the town of prague that caught everyone's attention. one was magnitude 5.6.
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>> having an earthquake. >> toppled a spire at saint gregory's university. and severely damaged 14 houses including the one where john and jerry loveland lived with their two children. >> our bed was shaking. all you could hear was glass. >> earthquake insurance is stug you don't think you are going to have. >> reporter: like most of those in oklahoma, the lovelands didn't have earth quake insurance doing their own repairs to save money. more than four years after the quake, jerry simply hiding the damage. doesn't that concern you. you have a crack like this. >> afraid if we went in and fixed these. there was another earthquake. even a little. going to crack it all. then you have done all that work for no reason. >> not sure covering is fixing it. >> it's not fixing it. that is our only choice. not like we have the money to bulldoze the house and start over. that would be great. not going to happen. we have a mortgage. we live on one income. and, i realize that is our
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great. when somebody else didn't screw up our house up. so, that's proven fact that somebody did. not a natural disaster. >> you can see the full report on our website. cbs the overnight news will be right
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ahh...still sick, huh? i'll take it from here. i'm good. i just took new mucinex clear and cool. ah! what's this sudden cooooling thing happening? it's got a menthol burst. you can feel it right away. wow, that sort of blind-sided me. and it clears my terrible cold symptoms. ahh! new mucinex fast-max clear & cool. feel the menthol burst. and clear your worst cold symptoms. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. as the national park service celebrates its 100th birth day.
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gems. tonight we are taken to denali park in alaska and introduces us to furry residents. >> this is cupcake. >> hey, cupcake. >> oh. it hurts. it hurts so much. >> if you are anything like me, you are going to need a minute here. it is okay. take your time. get it out of your system. take a deep more puppies. all the puppies. i want all right puppies. these adorable little guys and girls. five of them total, were born in july at the denali national park. cupcake, happy, party, pinanta and hundo named in honor of the 100th anniversary of the park
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mckinley. turns 100 next year. and the pups are just the latest additions to a legacy of alaskan sled dogs as old as the park itself. denali's first superintendent was a veteran dog musher, harry karstens, who used sled degrees to patrol the back country looking for poachers. as the park grew it needed the supply of well trained dogs. kans and only working kennel in the national park. we joke they're the happiest government employees you will ever meet. really, really true. >> it is true. >> the yard stays between 30, 35 dogs. >> jennifer rafielli is the current kennels manager at denali. hi, handsome. looking after the stable of canine rangers. and while a dog team may seem like a throw back to another
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today. >> really amazing thing about dog teams in alaska is that some times they still prove to be the most reliable and effective means of transportation. andwinter conditions. 50 below. the sm 50 below the i go out. these guys jump up. ready to go. >> in the frigid winter, the dogs run well shuttling supplies and trails. they come with a built in gps. navigationally do they help you at all? >> incredibly so. the dogs have brains and hearts. memories better than most rangers. perhaps most importantly they do all of this, quietly. in 1980, two million acres were designated as federally protected wilderness. that means, no forms of
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these dogs were bred to sled. during summer presentations, they show off their skills around the kennel track. dogs run, pull a sled. the highlight of every program for them. >> reporter: all summer long the canine rangers meet their adoring public. volunteer walkers help them stay in shape. and the staff takes small groups out to play. let's go! eventually, after nine years or so of service, it's time for retirement. the park matches the dogs with active owners, like the winter family. we still go for two mile runs. >> aurora ran over 7,000 miles at denali.
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adopted a few new routines. does that feel good. for nose who can't bring a sled dog home with them. the park has a popular puppy-cam. 24 hours a day. visitors can log on and see what the gang is up to. eechl one has his or her own fans. i may be partial to pinata. >> you are stay dog whisperer, you have him pretty comfortable there. >> but, you know what nay say -- before long, these dogs will join their relatives out on the trail. carrying gear. and carrying on a tradition. more than a century old.
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announcer: it's time to join forces... ...get energized... ...and fuel up right. because starting today... ...every kid in america...
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preparing for life without its oldest resident. steve hartman found the story on the road. >> reporter: at the basking ridge presbyterian church in new jersey, they dent need stained glass to make their windows breathtaking. parishioner john klippel says for the 300 year history of this church one of the most mag nif tent oak trees known to man has
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built beside the tree and the town grew around the church. any body who ever lived here has recognized that tree as sort of a symbol of home. >> reporter: george washington walked past it. some of the soldiers are buried under it. the tree predates america, columbus, pretty much everything we know came after this 600-year-old oak. but now, our matriarch is fading. after decade of leaning on cables and crutches,er the oldest white oak tree in north america is on its last limbs. local residents can't believe it. >> it just kind feels like a part unfortunate the town is dying wit it. >> nobody thought about the tree dying. one of the things that was going to go on forever. >> that's what a lot of people thought it is always going to be here. but apparently it is not. >> reporter: for the folks of basking ridge it is very much a grieving process. >> loss.
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i think people have to go through their own steps of wreck reconciliation with it. >> reporter: for centuries the tree has been an ever-present metaphor for preachers at this pulpit. whether the lesson was pare pa ens, creation, and soon will come its final lesson. maybe a sermon about the psych of life. or maybe they will take a to stare out the window one last time. at the finest stained glass picture god ever created. steve hartman, on the road, in
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a weekend of terror. bombings in new york, new jersey, a stabbing spree at a mall in minnesota. are these cases connected? also tonight the u.s. apologizes for an accidental air strike on syrian troops. what caused the deadly crash of a charter bus carrying a football team? have five states running on empty. and the incredible stories of survival after a skydiving plane crashes into a house. welcome to the "overnight news. "i'm reena ninan. all 29 people injured saturday niegt when a bomb went off in new york's chelsea neighborhood have been released from the hospital.
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unexploded device found in the area is just beginning. it happened hours after a home made bomb went off at the jersey shore before a 5 k race benefiting sailors and marines. we begin in new york with anna werner. >> reporter: surveillance video reveals the white flash of the explosion as the blast 8. 8:30 saturday night sent people running. unanswered. who set off the bomb and why. new york city mayor bill de blasio. >> it was intentional. a violent, criminal act. [ sirens blaring ] >> reporter: the blast injured more than two dozen people. baba hikokian was just a block away driving west on 23rd street with his wife when he felt it. a massive shock wave. look your whole body shook. and my ear was sort of numb. my right ear specifically. so, yeah, it was pretty traumatic. >> reporter: about two hours after the bombing, a pair of new york state troopers canvassing the area noticed something next to a dumpster. new york city police
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and his second day on the job, says that they probably saved more lives. >> they circled the block. they parked their vehicle. and actually walked down the block. that's how they found it. they did a great job. >> reporter: the pressure cooker they found was taken away by the bomb squad and now analyzed bre clues as to its origin. authorities are sifting through surveillance camera video looking for a suspect. and are asking for the public's help. >> for all new yorkers, a central message we wan g today is be vigilant. be vigilant at this point in time. >> reporter: now two law enforcement sources tell cbs news that components believed to have come from a pressure cooker have been recovered at the scene of the explosion behind me. those along with parts from a cell phone that a federal source says is believed to have been used to set off that device. reena. >> anna werner, new york. thank you. the fbi is calling a
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act of terrorism. kenneth craig has the story. >> reporter: armed with a knife and dressed in a private security uniform, police say the attacker, inside this minnesota mall, left nine people wounded in his path. the ordeal sent shoppers at the saint cloud mall scrambling for safety. and investigators trying to determine if it was carried out by an isis connected or inspired terrorist. >> we will try to sort of peel back the onion and see what motivated the individual. >> reporter: islamic state run news agency calling the attacker a soldier of the islamic state. law enforcement forces described him as a 20-year-old minnesota man. officials say he mentioned allah during the spree and asked people if they were muslim before deciding whether to attack. authorities are crediting an off-duty police officer for saving lives, who shot and killed the man as the the attacker was coming at him. >> he again, protected others from being injured. and potential loss of life. a hero.
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identified the attacker. leaders of the somali american community in minnesota have, they said as far as they know he never had any sort of violent history. >> we hear that so often. kenneth. thank you. justice and homeland security correspondent jeff pegues talking to law enforcement sources about the cases in new jersey, new york jeff, what can you tell us? >> investigators have not definitively made the connection between the bomb in manhattan and one in seaside park, new jersey. but law enforcement sources say both used similar components. a clearer picture is i merging abut what happened in saint cloud, minnesota and the motive behind the attack. witnesses tell police the man in that attack, who stabbed nine people was asking people if they were muslim. those who replied that they were not were stabbed. sources say that the man has had recent run-ins with police and lives in minnesota. an isis related website is claiming that the attacker was an isis soldier. but investigators are still
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attacker's connection to sources. and all the evidence in the case. they will be scrubbing his electronic devices to see who he was communicating with with before the attack. >> jeff pegues, thank you. we are following a developing story in syria. saturday a u.s. coalition air strike targeting isis, mistakenly took out syrian government troops. it threatened a cease-fire, broke end by the u.s. and russia who have been fighting on opposite side of the war. under the cease-fire, isis can be targeted. elizabeth palmer has more from the war torn city of aleppo. >> reporter: air strikes have put extra strain on the cease-fire which is in its sixth day now and broadly speaking it is holding. although, here in aleppo, the sound of the artillery is louder and more sustained tonight than
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the pentagon says a tank and several vehicles near the airport had been identified as an isis target. that was wrong. when the russian called to say, coalition strikes had actually hit the syrian army instead, the mission was pe more than 60 of their soldiers were dead and more than 100 wounded. on the streets of aleppo, people who get their news from syrian state tv believed the strikes are proof of a great conspiracy. mohammad attal isn't shy about saying it. of course the u.s. its sa prgt isis, he tells us. using the arab word for the group. so why have americans been dropping bombs on isis? >> oh, he says, that's just for show. >> reporter: crazy as it sound, that's what syrian soldiers who wouldn't go on camera told us too.
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investigating trying to figure out how it could have got the targets so wrong. reena. >> liz palmer reporting from aleppo. outside phoenix, a burning airplane crashed into a home in gilbert. no one was hurt. mireya villarreal explains. >> reporter: from the front of the home it may look like the garage took the brunt of the plane crash. from the sky magnitude of the a home destroyed. the skydivers aboard were to land at a festival three miles away. >> airplane. that thing is crashing. >> reporter: the plane caught fire forcing them to make an emergency exit. four passengers and the pilot all parachuted safely. you can see them here. their parachutes illuminated moments after diving out of the burning plane. the people who live in the home were watching tv when the unpiloted plane smashed down. gilbert fire captain gary hilldebrand says the flames spread from the garage to the rest of the house.
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with the election seven weeks away a cbs poll shows hillary clinton and donald trump tied in 13 key battleground states. errol barnett has the the latest from washington. >> i will consider it a personal insult, an insult to the legacy if this community lets down the guard and fails to activate itself in this election. you want to give me a good send-off, go vote. >> president obama making a passionate plea at congressional black caucus gala saturday night as cbs polling shows the race to succeed him is essentially tied in battleground states. hillary clinton's lead overall in 13 states has vanished. with 42% preferring the
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donald trump. republican vp nominee mike pence today. >> well, let me say that, the momentum in this campaign is really overwhelming. it is because donald trump has been focussing on issues the american people really care about. >> reporter: the cbs poll reveals when it comes to whom is washington -- trump leads clinton substantially. by 27%. while clinton is only slightly more trusted to handle the perez presidency well day today. democratic vp tim kain tried to boost trust. >> i would trust her with my son's life. he demonstrated he shouldn't be within ten time zones of commander in chief. >> both campaigns are preparing for the upcoming debates. last shot to shift public opinion. clinton and trump face off week from onday. first of three tussles with pence and kane meeting in a
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quijano. >> errol barnett in washington. thank you, errol. >> in north carolina the start of a football season turned tragic for a junior college team headed to their first game. four people were killed and more than 40 others injured when their bus crashed on interstate 74 near rockingham. >> reporter: the charter bus was carrying members of a club football team when the front left tire blew out. sending the bus careening into a guardrail. four passengers including the bus driver were killed. th >> i was listening to music. out of nowhere. >> quarterback was sitting in the back of the bus. >> soon as it stopped. we jumped up paramedics came and all that. that's when they, my friend, tito, calling his name. what is going on.
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he was dead. >> among the deceased. tito hamilton, 19, devonte gibson, 21. students at clinton college in rockingham. the 10-year-old son of a coach was also killed. investigators are looking into the bus company safety record. the driver's history. as well as the the speed. lieutenant jeff gordon with the north carolina highway patrol. >> i have been doing this job for 23 years now. i have seen my share. this is probably one of the worst. especially when you have a, a group of students, just starting their lives. >> reporter: injured players returned to the small private college today. devastated by the tragedy. the ntsb is looking into the crash. clinton college released a statement saying their top priority is to offer support to the traumatized student body, faculty and staff. reena, all classes are canceled tomorrow. thank you, omar. coming up next, a gasoline pipeline spill threatens fuel supplies across the southeast.
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and it clears my terrible cold symptoms. ahh! this is awkward. new mucinex fast-max clear & cool. feel the menthol burst. and clear your worst cold symptoms. start the relief.
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fuel supplies in five states are threatened by a gas pipeline spill in alabama tony dokoupil has the story. >> reporter: when it is working the colonial pipeline company line one carries fuel from houston to new york filling the gas tanks of millions of people. when it is not working this happens, long lines, mammoth price spikes and dry pumps in georgia and tennessee. all because of a massive fuel spill in central alabama. at least a quarter billion gallons of gas erupted from an underground pipe. shut down since the spill
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now six southern states are under emergency orders allowing fuel trucks to work longer hours in hopes of averting a crisis. >> we have a pipeline burst. shortage. >> station down the street didn't have any gas. a senior petroleum analyst at gas buddy. >> i don't think we have seen such a large disruption to fuel supply since hurricane katrina. >> reporter: the broken pipeline end in northern new jersey over the river behind me. right now in alabama, crews are working on excavating the pipe and fixing it. reena, with no timetable for return to service, the east coast of the united states is being served by truck and tanker ship. >> thanks. up next, we'll hear from secret service sharpshooters assigned
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president obama arrived in new york for the start of the united nations general assembly. as always, the president is accompanied by hundreds of secret service members watching his every move. margaret brennan met some of the sharpshooters in charge of protecting him. the secret service's elite counter sniper team is trained to hit targets dead-on. in the forehead. we have to be ready to drop down
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or in the worst case scenario, put themselves in the line of fire. travis has been on the force for a decade. >> 600 yard. >> reporter: you signed up to take a bullet for the president. >> yes, ma'am. >> reporter: that's a lot to sign up for. >> it is. absolutely. wherever the president is, counter snipers protect him from above. they work in teams of two. armed with high-powered assault rifles that can hit would be assassins hundreds of yards away. the key to an active hit is the wind caller. here it is travis. telling his partner, terry precisely how to aim to counteract the wind. so you really have to trust the partner. >> absolutely. completely. >> you can take the shot. you can make the call either way. >> if i see the target. i will drop down.
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i will become the communicator and wind caller. thinking about pressing the trigger. >> reporter: most complicated scenarios are in crowds overseas in unfamiliar terrain. during a recent presidential trip to poland, dennis, a ten year veteran of the team was concerned about how a sniper might conceal himself among the buildings lining the motorcade route. >> the president is going to come around here. assume all the people are looking out their windows. you essentially could have 1,000 open windows here. >> reporter: in the age of frequent terror attacks, open concerns. >> worried about suicide bombers, car bombs, go to the car, suspicious. or a guy walking down the street in july, a heavy coat on. doesn't make. looking for unusual. >> reporter: remarkably, no sniper team member has had to fire a shot since the unit was formed in 1971. it is a record they're determined to maintain. margaret brennan, cbs news, laurel, maryland. the cbs overnight news will
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and acne won't last forever. just like your mom won't walk in on you forever. stephen! stephen! stephen! stephen! stephen! see what i'm sayin acne won't last. but for now, let's be clear. clearasil works fast. this back to school, get clearer skin for free. limited time offer in stores now. ahh...still sick, huh? i'll take it from here.
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mucinex clear and cool. ah! what's this sudden cooooling thing happening? it's got a menthol burst. you can feel it right away. wow, that sort of blind-sided me. and it clears my terrible cold symptoms. ahh! this is awkward. new mucinex fast-max clear & cool. feel the menthol burst. and clear your worst cold symptoms. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. new research shows cancer death rate for children continues to decline. danielle nottingham introduces us to a little boy from california beating the disease. >> reporter: 3-year-old aiden cramer is bursting with energy.
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>> reporter: less than a year ago in the hospital, battling leukemia. most common cancer in children. >> that's the worst thing you could possibly thing is, i have zero control over this. and i could very well lose my child. period. >> reporter: a new government study says the chances of surviving childhood cancer are improving. from 1999 to 2014, there was a 20% drop in cancer deaths among children and adolescents. >> immune therapy. cell therapy. these are going to be brought to bear to improve on this progress. such that, we expect continued steady decline in deaths from childhood cancer. >> the study found leukemia is no longer leading cause of cancer deaths in children and adolescents. 3 of 10 cancer deaths are now from brain cancer. >> the progress lagged behind in brain tumors. we have to redouble our efforts to improve the outcome for the
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>> after five months of chemotherapy, aiden is now cancer free and giving back to other patients. >> other kids at the hospital. >> chances of relapse are high. he has regular checkups. >> you look at aiden. my goodness you would never know he was sick. i'm grateful every day. >> reporter: this family is making every day count. >> two, three, go. >> danielle nottingham. >> what a force that little aiden. up next, he barely survived a wildfire. then his life took a turn he
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[doorbell rings] [doorbell rings] [doorbell continues] [knocking on door] [growling] [car horn beeps]
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finally tonight the story of the sole survivor of a battle ai central washington state. carter evans tells us about his long road to recovery. >> in this fire, daniel lyon faced the unimaginable. in blinding smoke, the engine he was riding in, crashed. >> all you see at that point is flame. intense, feeling that your entire body was burning. he was the only one to make it out of the crash alive.
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barbara, vividly remember the phone call from another fire fighter. >> he says, looked like -- daniel came as an angel came running out of the flames of hell. >> this is what daniel looks like a year after the fire. burns over 75% of his body. thank god i can still see. the site saved by the singed sunglasses. thwa another reminder. >> i kind of have a natural tattoo on my wrist now. >> that's where the watch was. daniel has undergone 14 surgery as seattle's harbor view burn center off the awe i feel like i have come a long ways. but i also got a really, really long ways to go. >> reporter: did you feel guilty for surviving? >> of course you do. survivor guilt is a real thing. you ask yourself. why am i here. and they're not.
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they didn't get that second chance. >> daniel's recovery is now more about than just survival. >> did you have a girlfriend before you got burned? >> no, i did not. >> your friend is in a fire you want to be there for him. >> but the friendship turned into something more. >> even after all he has been through. he has a smile on his face. just super strong. really good person. >> the biggest thing that she does for me is, he helps me emotionally. mentally. shows me love. respect. he is the best boyfriend. >> fire can destroy. but it can also, regenerate. and here out of the ashes, something special has bloomed. carter evans, cbs news, washington. that's the "overnight news" for this monday. for some of you the news continues. for others check back a little while later for the morning news and cbs "this morning." from the broadcast center here
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welcome to the overnight news. i'm reena ninan. world leaders gathered in new york for the opening of the u.n. general assembly. president obama will address the u.n. for final time in office. this year's meeting will focus on worldwide refugee crisis. as well as the the 5-year-old war in syria. but the threat of terrorism will hang over the gathering, a bog city's chelsea neighborhood saturday night. injuring 29 people. all have been released from the hospital. but the investigation into the bombing and a second unexploded device, found in area, just beginning. it happened hours after another home made bomb went off at jersey shore. before a 5 k race benefiting sailors and marines. and islamic state claiming responsibility for knife attack in minnesota. we begin in new york with anna werner. >> reporter: surveillance video,
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people running. still unanswered. who set off the bomb and why. it was intentional, a violent act. a criminal act. >> reporter: the blast injured more than two dozen people. and just a block away driving west on 23rd street when he felt it. >> what did it feel like? >> mas s my ear was sort of numb. my right ear. specifically. >> reporter: two hours after the bombing a pair of new york state troopers canvassing the area noticed something next to a dumpster. new york police commissioner jim o'neal in his second day on the job said they probably saved more lives. they circled their vehicle. walked down the block. that's huh they found it. they did a great job >> reporter: the pressure cooker
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is now being analyzed for clues as to its origin. authorities are sifting through surveillance camera individually looking for a suspect and are asking for the public help. >> for all new yorkers, a central message we want to give is be vigilant. be vigilant at this point in time. >> two law enforcement sources tell cbs news that components believed to have come from a pressure cooker have been recovered at the scene of the explosion behind me. those and parts from a cell phone. a federal source is said to bee device. >> anna werner, thank you. >> the fbi is calling a stabbing spree at a minnesota mall saturday night a potential act of terrorism. kenneth craig has the story. >> reporter: armed with a knife and dressed in a private security uniform, police say the attacker, inside this minnesota mall, left nine people wounded in his path. the ordeal sent shoppers at the saint cloud mall scrambling for safety. and investigators trying to
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by an isis connected or inspired terrorist. >> we will try to sort of peel back the onion and see what motivated the individual. >> reporter: islamic state run news agency calling the attacker a soldier of the islamic state. law enforcement forces described him as a 20-year-old minnesota man. officials say he mentioned allah during the spree and asked people if they were muslim before deciding whether to attack. authorities are crit saving lives, who shot and killed the man as the the attacker was coming at him. >> he again, protected others from being injured. and potential loss of life. a hero. authorities have not publicly i identified the attacker, leaders of the somali american community in minnesota have, they said as far as they know he never had any sort of violent history. >> we hear that so often.
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justice and homeland security correspondent jeff pegues talking to law enforcement sources about the cases in new jersey, new york and minnesota. jeff, what can you tell us? >> investigators have not definitively made the connection between the bomb in manhattan and one in seaside park, new jersey. but law enforcement sources say both used similar components. a clearer picture is emerging about what happened in saint cloud, minnesota and the motive behind the attack. witnesses tell police the man in that attack, who stabbin were muslim. those who replied that they were not were stabbed. sources say that the man has had recent run-ins with police and lives in minnesota. an isis related website is claiming that the attacker was an isis soldier. but investigators are still trying to confirm itch that is accurate and the nature of the attacker's connection to sources. and all the evidence in the case. they will be scrubbing his
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was communicating with with before the attack. >> jeff pegues, thank you. john dickerson of face the nation discussed the attacks with peter king sits on homeland security and intelligence committees. congressman, governor cuomo said there are no links to international terrorism, do you think that's the case? >> we don't know. in many of the cases we don't know, two, three, four days later whether or not a terrorist link. whether or not connected overseas. whether or not it is home grown. the fact there is no evidence right now. doesn't mean much. times square bombing in new york, 2011, guess it was. and there was no, took several days before, to realize that that was coming out of the, taliban in pakistan. boston marathon bombing we didn't know for several days for certain if, if that was terrorists. so i think you have to assume from the start, terrorism is a real possibility.
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not. you know we don't know. certainly would not even think of ruling out terrorism at this stage. >> what's the best way to react for the public and law enforcement officials in incidents like this. we now are so connected. the minute something happens, there is a kind of a rush to, to, name it right away. one thing or another. what's the proper way to respond to these? let the nypd and fbi handle it. they're the best in the world what to do. and also to realize as we go forward. and that terrorism and type of attacks from overseas or home grown or whether they're just malcontents, we are always vulnerable to these type of attacks. it is so important the police be allowed to do their job. we have to have surveillance. we have to monitor. we can tell in advance when these are going to happen. at least have a better grip on when they, when they could be happening. some times once they're over with. we put them in the recesses of
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these threats are real. they will continue. whether this is overseas terrorism. domestic terrorism, any terrorism at all. it is a wake-up call another one as to how vulnerable we are. so important for the police, fbi to be given the tools and be allowed to do what they have to do. >> if new york can be hit, a city on top of the issue, obviously since 9/11. what more can be done. just these kind of things will happen. part of the new normal? >> i didn't think we can accept it as being part of the new normal. go to the debate. why do we feel the nsa is important. surveillance is communities, where the threat can be coming from is important. why we can't allow overconcern of civil liberties get in the wra of solid enforcement. let's not let political correctness to stop the police and fbi from doing investigations they have to do. use the example many times. going after the mafia you go to italian. irish, communities when looking for the westies. and right now if the threat is from islamist terrorism, go to muslim communities.
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ahh...still sick, huh? i'll take it from here. i'm good. i just took new mucinex clear and cool. ah! what's this sudden cooooling thing happening? it's got a menthol burst. you can feel it right away. wow, that sort of blind-sided me. and it clears my terrible cold symptoms. ahh! this is awkward. new mucinex fast-max clear & cool. feel the menthol burst. ditch the misery. let's end this. red 97! set! red 97! did you say 97? yes. you know, that reminds me of geico's 97% customer satisfaction rating. 97%? helped by geico's fast and friendly claims service. huh... oh yeah, baby.
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earth was rocking in oklahoma this weekend. the u.s. geological survey recorded 13 small quakes including magnitude 3.5 near fairview. 3.2 outside oklahoma city. oklahoma now the most earthquake prone state, in the continental u.s. wasn't always like that. before 2009 an average of two earthquakes a year magnitude 3 or higher. last year, there were nearly 1,000. all most all were man made. bill whitaker has the story for "60 minutes." >> reporter: the vast majority of earthquakes are small causing little or no damage. but what they lack in punch. they make up in sheer volume. this tally from the u.s.
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oklahoma has increased every year since 2009. with more than 2,000 magnitude 3 and above. that means more of the bigger ones. the 4.3 magnitude quake in edmond, oklahoma. >> i woke up scared to death. >> melinda and kathy matthews are neighbors in edmond. >> what quake app do you use? >> they check their phone apps to check earthquakes around the state all day long. >> look at that. cherokee, enith, medview. >> all in one day. >> 24 hour period. >> must be unnerving. >> no way to live. no way to live. >> cornell university seismologist, katie kerrinan was teaching in oklahoma when the increase in quakes began. she says the situation is unprecedented. >> reporter: what's going on in
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seen before. >> number of earthquakes is astounding. how fast it grew is perhaps more astounding. >> caller: karen and her student katherine lambert set up equipment to detect extremely small quakes in an area where there haven't been any. hoping small quakes may provide warnings of larger ones. >> so far looked at data from four days of recording. we see small earthquakes in the area. >> even over four days. >> over four days we see dozens of earthquakes. >> many dozens? >> she was among the first scientists to link the earthquakes to oil and gas production. >> these are man made earthquakes? >> most people feel that the majority of these are linked to this water being disposed. >> the water that is causing the earthquakes is not from fracking. which is water and chemicals pumped under ground to free up oil and gas. this is naturally occurring water.
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with the petroleum for millions of years. this is the oil being pumped out. >> oil, gas, water. >> gary is president of petrol warrior, a small independent oil company that operates 14 wells in oklahoma. what happened in the cylinder happens in a grand scale in wells across the region. oil, gas, water naturally separate. so the bubbles. >> salt water here. gas up here. the ga >> oil. >> like any other operator in the region big and small, larue's oil wells produce more water than petroleum. gas and oil are collected in tanks for sale. but the water is too briny to be recycled or used. it's considered waste.
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getting rid of the water means sending it down a disposal well, deep below the freshwater to prevent contamination and zone where it came from. >> this is it? >> this is it. >> what the talk is about. >> well in the ground. >> larue's disposal well is one of 3,000 in oklahoma. the state created a website to explain the earthquakes. this map shows disposal wells as blue dots. orange dots are earthquakes. when the price of oil went over $100 a barrel in 2008. oil and gas production increased dramatically. so did the amount of waste water. and earthquakes. what's causing these earthquakes? >> what we have learned in oklahoma its that the earthquakes that are occurring in enormous numbers are result of waste water injection. mark zobach, professor of geophysics at stanford.
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the earthquakes. one is the large volumes of water being disposed and the other is where it all goats. deep down into a layer of earth called the arbuckle. >> what makes this such a good place to dispose of all that water? >> well it is very thick. it's porous. permable. it can accommodate very large injection rates. >> reporter: the only problem with the arbuckle its that it sits directly on top of the crystaline basement. a l earthquake faults. >> this water is seeping into the faults. >> water pressure. fault is clamped shut. the water pressure pushes two side apart. and allows slippage occur today when it might not occur for thousand of years into the future. >> earthquakes are now a daily occurrence in oklahoma. it was three quakes in november, 2011 near the town of prague that caught everyone's
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one was magnitude 5.6. the largest in oklahoma history. >> having an earthquake. >> toppled a spire at saint gregory's university. and severely damaged 14 houses including the one where john and jerry loveland lived with their two children. >> our bed was shaking. all you could hear was glass. >> earthquake insurance is stug you don't think you are going to have. >> reporter: like most of those in oklahoma, the lovelands didnav insurance doing their own repairs to save money. more than four years after the quake, jerry loveland, resorts to simply hiding the damage. doesn't that concern you. you have a crack like this. >> afraid if we went in and fixed these. there was another earthquake. even a little. going to crack it all. then you have done all that work for no reason. >> not sure covering is fixing it.
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that is our only choice. not like we have the money to bulldoze the house and start over. that would be great. not going to happen. we have a mortgage. we live on one income. and, i realize that is our choice, but, our choice is great. when somebody else didn't screw up our house up. so, that's proven fact that somebody did. not a natural disaster. >> you can see the full report on our website. cbs the overnight news will be right back. ahh...still sick, huh? i'll take it from here. i just took new mucinex clear and cool. ah! what's this sudden cooooling thing happening? it's got a menthol burst. you can feel it right away. wow, that sort of blind-sided me. and it clears my terrible cold symptoms. ahh! this is awkward. new mucinex fast-max clear & cool. feel the menthol burst. and clear your worst cold symptoms. start the relief.
3:48 am
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call for your information kit and gift. both are free, with no obligation. don't wait, call this number now. ? as the national park service celebrates its 100th birth day.
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america's national gems. tonight we are taken to denali park in alaska and introduces us to furry residents. >> this is cupcake. >> hey, cupcake. >> oh. it hurts. it hurts so much. >> if you are anything like me, you are going to need a minute here. it is okay. take your time. get it out of your system. take a deep breath. and say, oh. more puppies. all the puppies. i want all right puppies. these adorable little guys and girls. five of them total, were born in july at the denali national park. cupcake, happy, party, pinanta and hundo named in honor of the 100th anniversary of the park service. denali, formerly, mount mckinley. turns 100 next year.
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additions to a legacy of alaskan sled dogs as old as the park itself. denali's first superintendent was a veteran dog musher, harry karstens, who used sled degrees to patrol the back country looking for poachers. as the park grew it needed the supply of well trained dogs. karstens established the first and only working kennel in the national park. we joke they're the happiest government employees you will ever meet. really, really true. >> it is true. >> the yard stays between 30, 35 dogs. >> jennifer rafielli is the current kennels manager at denali. hi, handsome. looking after the stable of canine rangers. and while a dog team may seem like a throw back to another era, they're very much in use today.
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dog teams in alaska is that some times they still prove to be the most reliable and effective means of transportation. and winter conditions. 50 below. if you are out at 50 below and fry to start the snow machine. it may, may not start. but at 50 below, i go out. these guys jump up. ready to go. >> in the frigid winter, the dogs run well over 1,000 miles. shuttling supplies and trails. they come with a built in gps. navigationally do they help you at all? >> incredibly so. the dogs have brains and hearts. memories better than most rangers. perhaps most importantly they do all of this, quietly. in 1980, two million acres were designated as federally protected wilderness. that means, no forms of
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during summer presentations, they show off their skills around the kennel track. dogs run, pull a sled. the highlight of every program for them. >> reporter: all summer long the canine rangers meet their adoring public. volunteer walkers help them stay in shape. and the staff takes small groups out to play. let's go! eventually, after nine years or so of service, it's time for retirement. the park matches the dogs with active owners, like the winter family. we still go for two mile runs.
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in her retirement, she has adopted a few new routines. does that feel good. for those who can't bring an actual sled dog home with them. the park has a popular puppy-cam. 24 hours a day. visitors can log on and see what the gang is up to. each one has his or her own fans. i may be partial to pinata. >> you are a dog whisperer, you have him pretty comfortable there. >> but, you know what nay say -- kids grow up so fast. before long, these dogs will join their relatives out on the trail. carrying gear. and carrying on a tradition. more than a century old. >> cbs overnight news will be
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when it's time for lunch, a sandwich is a quick and easy choice. and with the right ingredients, it can be good and good for you. so i'm here today to see who can build the ultimate sandwich. all right, when the time is up, our judges will give you their scores. ready. set. go! okay, jason starts out with ??e multigrain roll. ooh. alyson's stuffing her pita with, yes, spinach!
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looks like alyson's putting the finishing touches with crispy red bell peppers for a dose of vitamin a. (buzzer blares) time! (bells ding) it looks like we have a tie. we'll need to call in our special guest referee. oh! now these are what i call quick, delicious lunches. whole grain breads, a whole variety of ingredients-- there are so many different ways to build delicious, healthy sandwiches. these two get high marks in every category. i'd say you're both winners. yeah! (laughs)
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preparing for life without its oldest resident. steve hartman found the story on the road. >> reporter: at the basking ridge presbyterian church in new jersey, they don't need stained glass to make their windows breathtaking. >> it was built in 1717. parishioner john klippel says for the 300 year history of this church one of the most magnificent oak trees known to
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built beside the tree and the town grew around the church. everybody who ever lived here has recognized that tree as sort of a symbol of home. >> reporter: george washington walked past it. some of the soldiers are buried under it. the tree predates america, columbus, pretty much everything we know came after this 600-year-old oak. but now, our matriarch is fading. after decade of leaning on cables and crutches, experts say the oldest white oak tree in north america is on its last limbs. local residents can't believe it. >> it just kind feels like a part of the town is pdying wit it. >> nobody thought about the tree dying. one of the things that was going to go on forever. >> that's what a lot of people thought it is always going to be here. but apparently it is not. >> reporter: for the folks of basking ridge it is very much a grieving process. >> loss.
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i think people have to go through their own steps of reconciliation with it. >> reporter: for centuries the tree has been an ever-presen tree has been an ever-present metaphor for preachers at this pulpit. whether the lesson was perseverance or patience, creation or resurrection, the tree helped teach it all. and soon will come its final lesson. maybe a sermon about the psych of life. or maybe they will take a minute to stare out the window one last time. at the finest stained glass picture god ever created.
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captioning funded by cbs it's monday, september 19th, 2016. this is the "cbs morning news." it's still unclear who was behind a weekend bombing york city. >> it was intention, it was a violent act. it was certainly a criminal act. >> police and the fbi are chasing leads in the city and in new jersey where at least one other homemade bomb exploded. an isis claimed responsibility for a knife attack at a minnesota mall. the suspect wounded nine people before he was shot dead by police. good morning from the studio 57 newsroom at cbs news headquarters here in new york.


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