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tv   Local News at Ten  ABC  January 20, 2016 10:00pm-10:35pm CST

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your forecast james/wx wall weather adlib: snow in the metro but that was still enough to make the roads very slick and dangerous. overnight tonight we're going to fall
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thursday will be very overcast with highs in the mid 20s and a few flurries that night. friday is going to be a mostly cloudy day with highs a bit cooler in the mid to low 20s. saturday is going to be back towards 30 degrees, with a little more sun, and we'll likely climb to the mid 30s by sunday! next monday we have a small snow chance but after that we keep temps fairly close to average. have a great night! jack: also coming up...earlham schools say they need a new gym. but not everyone in town is on board with the new and now more expensive plan. stephanie: then--tragedy strikes the campaign trail ... a carson campaign volunteer..killee d in a car wreck. tonight we hear from another person in the car when it happened. jack: but first... after a month, police have an arrest in the hit and run death of an i-s-u freshman on her way to an early morning final. " local 5 news at 10 in hd starts now. we are iowa" stephanie/2shot tonight, an
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in ames. good evening. i'm stephanie angleson. jack/2shot and i'm jack miller. it's been more than a month since 18 year old emmalee jacobs was hit and killed on her way to her first final at iowa state. some worried this case may never be solved. but today, ames police arrested a cy-ride bus driver -- 23 year old benjamin clague from gilbert. for right now, he's only charged with leaving the scene of an accident and failure to obey a traffic control device. jack: local 5's nikki davidson has more from ames on why the investigation led to him. nikki: ames police say they had no suspects in this case until a few weeks ago... when they recieved a crucial piece of evidence from a cyride supervisor... (nat bus passing) as dozens of cyride buses make their way through ames at any given moment... there are cameras onboard... recording their every move... and even every sound the bus makes. and it's the audio from the empty bus 23 year old benjamin clague was driving that morning near the intersection of lincoln way and ash avenue that led to his arrest... 5:59 you don't see the impact on video... you
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from the bus what we believe is striking emmalee turning the corner... police say clague had a yellow turn arrow as he turned off lincoln avenue... meaning he should have yeilded to pedestrians... but they believe on the dark and rainy morning... the front bumper struck 18 year old emmalee jacobs in the crosswalk police say what happened next in the video was another clue... 5:23:11 after the intersection of the next stop, you can see him getting out of the bus, in the rain doing a walk around, a visual inspection which is not normal behavior. they say clagues route later that morning took him right past the accident scene... and they believe he had to know he was the one that had hit jacobs... 2:54:02 if he would have stopped within minutes of the accident and reported it, it would be totally different. it's been an emotional day at the cy ride office... 3:23:14 particulary for cyride, this shakes us to the core, the biggest fear for a transit system is have something happen like
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supervisors say they considered clague a good worker.. 4:17 he's been employeed by cyride since oct 2013, a little over two years, hes been a good driver for us. and hope to do anything possible to prevent this from happening again... 2:59:00 once we understand what happened we'll look into the internal processes and see if theres anything we can do to make our service safer. nikki: ames police are still looking for people who may have witnessed it to come forward, if you have any information you are urged to contact them. in ames nikki davidson local five news we are iowa. jack: local 5 talked with emmalee's father on the phone today from urbana. he says the family didn't know until today that a cyride bus was allegedly involved. they sent us a statement thanking police for their help, and told us while today's news doesn't ease their pain, it does help
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as for benjamin clague, he's already bonded out of jail after being booked this morning. he'll be in court tomorrow morning at 11, and local 5 will be there too. stephanie: tragedy on the campaigntrail... a carson volunteer died yesterday after a car crash. 25 year old braden joplin ... a volunteer from texas .. was here to canvas for dr ben carson. the crash happened on an icy road tuesday morning on i-80, near atlantic. tonight, local 5's sabrina ahmed talks to a young volunteer sitting just feet from joplin during the crash. for about a week now, aaron ohnemus, and three others have been canvasing the state for dr. ben carson. tuesday morning, the exhausted crew was headed out into a storm glenwood. 6:52:14 "as we're sleeping, everything's peaceful and suddenly i hear drew and ryan both scream." the van hit a slick spot on the interstate. 7:10:25 "at that point we staeted spinning a little bit and my seatbelt had been off at the time because i was grabbing a glove and i remember just flying to the side
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metal stands and i thoguht that was the end of it but as we're spinning i didn't feel the collision i heard a really loud sound which ended up being a truck that t boned the back end of our van." 7:51:28 "eventually i was able to regain consciousness and i looked up and i could see ryan in the front and andrew in the front seat but i didnt see braden at all." 25 year old braden joplin was the one closest to the truck's impact. 8:14:11 "he wasn't responding at all" 10:11:11 "i just kept thinking this cant be how it goes, this is out of a movie, this has got to be pretend right?' aaron and the two others were taken to a nearby hospital. but joplin had to be air lifted to omaha... where he passed away that day. dr carson and his team cancelled that day's events got there as quickly as possible.. they flew his parents up from texas as well. 2:31:01 "bradens mom, bradens family said he loved this and he wanted to help and he was truly inspired to do this and he was really happy." aaron says they spent every waking moment together.. 11:35:12 "when you do that like i did for over 100 hours, i felt like i knew him since kindergarden. even if i only knew him for a week." aaron says he wants only knew him for a week." aaron says he wants people to know who braden really was. 11:53:02 "dr carson said it really well. braden was the most cmopassionate man i knew." for your local election headquarters, sabrina ahmed local 5 news, we are iowa. stephanie: aaron ohnemus
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the crash he's staying on the campaign trail in braden's memory. carson will resume his campaign events tomorrow. he'll hold a prayer rally in sioux city saturday dedicated to braden. jack: the town of earlham is divided tonight on whether or not to aprrove a 5 million dollar addition to the high school. it's promised that the changes would come with no extra burden on tax payers. but this same project has been voted down twice before. local five's jacob peklo has more from earlham. jacob peklo, reporting: "it's a story of determination for the earlham school district. advocates for the project say the time is right to transform this old gym into the new practice facility. but those against it, say it's better to wait and be more fiscally responsible. mary jobst, earlham resident: "i just have not heard any compelling argument or reason why this project cannot wait three years." the community gathered wednesday
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third proposal to add classrooms and expand the gym at the school. michael wright, superintendent: "the amount that we get is great, but it's not at a level that we could actually do this, so we need the voters to approve it." district leaders say it all could be done without raising property taxes. but some in the community believe it's a dangerous proposition to take on more debt now. heather stancil, earlham resident: "if our school was bursting at the seams and we were kicking butt in education, i would not be here at all." payments for the football stadium won't be done for another three years. but school officials say with low interest rates and potentially higher constructions costs, the school should act now. michael wright, superintendent: "our mission and vision is to provide the very best that we can for our kids." that would begin with transitioning away from the gym built in 19-57. basketball players say it's hard to a place to sit at games...or to operate along the sidelines. canyon hopkins, earlham senior: "you always have that thought in the back of your mind, ah, i better be careful because if i
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for this game, but i might have a really bad injury." city leaders believe the addition to the athletic program would be a boom all around. jeff lillie, earlham mayor: "that's a big part of our infrastructure, as streets and everything else that the city provides. without a strong school, the town would not be what it is." still, the questions linger over when...not if this should happen. heather stancil, earlham resident: "i'm not opposed to it at all, i'm just saying we should wait, especially if we have the opportunity to do it, without a tax increase. i think we should take it." jacob peklo, reporting: "this is the only public meeting ahead of the february 2nd election. school officials say the details of this plan are very similar to the first two. reporting in earlham, jacob peklo, local five news. we are iowa." jack: if approved, work would start in the spring. we want to know what you think? let us know, we may use your comments on-air. you can post you thoughts on twitter and facebook. or send us an email or give us a call . we'd love to hear what you think! the contact information is on your screen. stephanie: the death toll continues to rise in indiana as a new strain of the deadly avian flu hits more poultry farms. stephanie:
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just one county in indiana. the first outbreak hit a turkey farm on the 14th, since then...10 more farms have been infected. officials say more than four hundred thousand birds have been killed to stop it from spreading. there have been no new cases since saturday, and no cases outside dubois county in indiana. jack: it appears iowa will be deciding state when it comes to whether the bakken pipeline project will be built. jack: today the north dakota public service commission approved it. the pipeline would carry north dakota through south dakota and iowa into a refinery in illinois. all the other states have approved it. the iowa utilities board is they're holding public meetings next month. stay with local 5 on this project. coming up on local 5 news at 10...donald trump endorsement, but how much does that mean to voters? jack: die-hard are camped out in front of
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for a game that doesn't start until monday night. stephanie: and...uni men look to take on the wichita state shockers. jon has the highlights later in sports. james: ((ad lib weather toss)) take sot tomorrow on good morning iowa... for the early risers....or night rare sight in the early we'll explain what's lining up high above. and sam has a look at that's tomorrow on morning iowa! "your watching local 5 news at 10 in hd with iowa's most accurate
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meteorologist brad edwards and local 5 sports with sports director jon schaeffer. this is local 5 news at 10. we are iowa." james: weather adlib: snow in the metro but that was still enough to make the roads very slick and dangerous. overnight tonight we're going to fall cold again with lows in the mid teens. thursday will be very overcast with highs in the mid 20s and a few flurries that night. friday is going to be a mostly cloudy day with highs a bit cooler in
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back towards 30 degrees, with a little more sun, and we'll likely climb to the mid 30s by sunday! next monday we have a small snow chance but after that we keep temps fairly close to average. have a great night! james: stephanie: jack: we're going to fall cold again with lows in the mid teens. thursday will be very overcast with highs in the mid 20s and a few flurries that night. friday is going to be a mostly cloudy day with highs a bit cooler in the mid to low 20s. saturday is going to be
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more sun, and we'll likely climb to the mid 30s by sunday! next monday we have a small snow chance but after that we keep temps fairly close to average. have a great night! james: stephanie: we're going to fall cold again with lows in the mid teens. thursday will be very overcast with highs in the mid 20s and a few flurries that night. mostly cloudy day with highs a bit cooler in the mid to low 20s. saturday is going to be back towards 30 degrees, with a little more sun, and we'll likely climb to the mid
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small snow chance but after that we keep temps fairly close to average. have a great night! james: stephanie: jack: jack: coming up on local 5 news at
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ten, it's cyclone fever. as the team finds its stride, you might not believe how long these co-eds say they'll camp out for tickets to the kansas game. stephanie: next.... it's a high profile endorsement for donald will sarah palin's support end up helping the republican front runner? "your watching local 5
10:17 pm " " stephanie: a powerful endorsement for donald trump during his time in ames this week tops your local election news tonight. stephanie: welcome back...alaska governor sarah palin has officially endorsed trump, and experts say this could be big for his campaigh. endoresements in general are a show of support, but some carry more weight than others. whether it's a huge celebrity endorsement, like katy perry for hillary
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endorsement - lindsey graham announcing support for jeb bush... endorsements make a statement. rachel 32:04 more than anything an edorsement signals to voters what your positions are and the level of comfort that somebody has with your candidacy. stephanie: it used to be that newspaper endorsements carried a ton of weight... not as much anymore. still - they can be significant, many people are curious about who their hometown paper will endorse. stephanie: speaking of paper endorsements, one republican and one democratic candidate can expect a boost, when the des moines register puts out thier official endorsements this weekend. the register's editorial board met with each of the candidates, with the exception of donald trump and ted cruz, who declined an invitation, before making their decision. jack: as iowans gear up for the caucuses... future voters are learning how it all works. jack: 7th graders at mc-combs middle school held a mock caucus for both parties today to learn about the process. so who do you think 7th graders prefer this time around?
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classes chose hillary clinton as their democratic candidate. on the republican side -- ben carson and ted cruz won the republican vote. students were taught how both parties approach the caucuses. "students want to inform their parents, those who are not informed about this. they take what we teach them and go home and they talk about it. and, as a result of that, the parents will get interested and they will want to go out and represent and caucus." jack: schools across iowa have been hosting mock caucuses for the past few months to educate students about our first in the nation status and how it all works. stephanie: a chilly day to be camping... but that's just what these crazy iowa state students are doing outside hilton coliseum today. and they're going to be out there... for several more days, waiting to be the first ones in for the iowa state-kansas game on monday. we'll have a lot of blankets hopfully getting some heaters as well and we also have some friends that bring us food and hot choclate anything we need so stephanie:
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not til monday. and some of these students started camping this past monday night, right after the cyclones knocked off number one oklahoma. stephanie: jon here now and northern iowa has a knack for knocking off big name teams for knocking off big name teams this year. jon: yeah jack they have another shot tonight against wichita state coming up on local 5 sports would we see the giant killers or the tame panthers that's the question... we'll show you next. " now, local 5 sports
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are iowa sports" jon: welcome back. the northern iowa panthers shocked the shockers last season at home. tonight they come in a little less hot-- but have been a giant killer this season. just ask iowa state or north carolina. they're looking to do the same tonight against wichita state. out to the mcleod center we go-- the panthers 2-4 in conference play. u-n-i looking alright in the first half-- paul jesperson hits and panthers are then they work the movie-- although this some joy triple. but back come the shockers inside the paint-- shaq morris looking like shaquille o'neil out there with the two handed flush. but matt bohannon has a rebutle-- drilling the trey
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panthers tonight in the first half-- ron baker heaves up a half courter as the buzzer sounds-- count it-- shockers up 12 at half go on to win by 19 points on the road-- northern iowa moves to 10-10 on the year. we head over to drake hosting missouri state in more m-v-c action. reed timmer gets us started with a pull up floater that falls in drake out to the early lead. graham woodward follows suit drives the lane and floats it to the bottom of the basket. bulldogs trying to get some distance early but the bears have an answer jarred dixon off the dribble pulls up for the really long two.-- then camyn boone drives and gets his shot to fall and he's fouled but he'd miss the and one opportunity. back come the bulldogs-- kale abrahamson from the corner-- nails the trey with a hand in his face. drake back up two. karl madison following in his teammates footsteps with a trifecta of his
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the twine lead stretched to 5. drake raining threes in the first half-- timmer adding one off of the screen. the bulldogs getting some scoring from all over the court.. ore arogundade getting his name called. the long two drake was up 10 at half only to see it slip away. 79 to 70 missouri state the big come back win tonight at the knapp center jon: the iowa womens basketball team has been uncharacteristi cally inconsistent. the hawkeyes come into tonight's contest against penn state sitting 3-3 in conference play. the nittany lions just 6 and 11 overall in the 2015-2016 campaign. the hawkeyes fall big 82 to 69 against a penn state team that just happened to be hitting all of their shots tonight. back to back losses for the hawkeyes. coley-- with 16 points and 4 rebounds. ally disterhoft 13 points and 7 rebounds in a game that penn state controlled all night. the iowa state women were also in action tonight. they fall 79 to 76 in overtime. seanna johnson one rebound off of a double- double . bridget
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up in a big way tonight with 13 points and 10 rebounds. but it was kaylee jensen leading the way. the oklahoma state center had a game high 27 points and 4 blocks. jon: as for the iowa men they're getting ready for a road trip out to new jersey where they'll visit rutgers. the scarlet knights are 0-6 in the big ten and just got blown out by purdue. but fran mccaffery refuses to read into that too much. the hawkeyes jump into the ap top ten this season for the first time since 2014. but once again fran mccaffery and his players saying all the right things. paying any rankings until tournament--- tournament out. " "most of us would say rankings this time of year are incredibly meaningless. and i mean that sincerely. we have a game thursday if we win that then that'll be another one on sunday at the end of the season we'll look and season we'll look and say ok where are we. (wrap sports)
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back... you're watching local five news at 10.
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cold again with lows in the mid teens. thursday will be very overcast with highs in the mid 20s and a few flurries that night. friday is going to be a mostly cloudy day with highs a bit cooler in the mid to low 20s. saturday is going to be back towards 30 degrees, with a little more sun, and we'll likely climb to the mid 30s by sunday! next monday we have a small snow chance but after that we keep temps fairly close to average. have a great night! stephanie: jack: thank you for spending your time with us tonight.
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