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tv   Action News  ABC  September 7, 2014 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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it feels like football weather. yesterday was hot and humid, the humidity as is dropped off. we have cloud cover at the shore, most of us are seeing sunshine and it promises to be a nice day. here's a look at the high temperatures around the area. this was the second warmest day for philadelphia. in the northeast they climbed up to 95 degrees, these are actual air temperatures. philadelphia, 93. glassboro, middletown, allentown, 92. felt like 1 oh, -- 103. philadelphia allentown, 9 degrees. today it will feel like 78 degrees by 1:30. the cool, canadian air starting to rush in. 80 degrees by 3:00 p.m. it will feel a degree or two cooler than the actual air
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temperatures. increases clouds and there could showers east of philadelphia, turning cooler as an area of low pressure right side up the coast bringing unsettled weather to south jersey and delaware. i'll have the details in just a bit. >> police are looking for the gunman who robbed a convenience store. it happened at a 7-eleven in lower merion. the gunman entered the store and demanded money and ran off with an unknown municipality of cash. >> the tables were turned by a would-be robber at a chinese takeout restaurant on lehigh avenue at 11:00 p.m. when officers arrived they found the intended victim had wrestled the gun away from the suspect and shot him in the neck. the suspect was taken to temple university hospital in critical condition. >> the search continues this hour for the gunman in a deadly double shooting at a cobbs creek home. police found marijuana plants growing inside the duplex.
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they removed the plants from andora terrace. kenneth moten has more. >> reporter: homicide detectives and drug officers were on the scene in cobbs creek. police got the call at 8:00 p.m. investigators say there was a confrontation in the doorway of the house between two men when one pulled out a gun and shot the other who lived at the home. the man in his 30s was shot in the chest and once in the armpit. he was pronounced at the scene and they found a gun under his body. the bullets hit a 24-year-old man in the head and on the right side of his body. he was discovered on the steps of the second floor and transported to the hospital of the university of pennsylvania in critical condition. during the search police say they found more than 30 marijuana plants in the house, they don't know if the shooct was drug re-- shooting was drug
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related. but there are witnesses give details about the deadly shooting. >> sources on the scene indicate that the shooter came to the scene to confront the male who lives at the address. the confrontation occurred in the doorway, at which point in time the suspect produced a had an gun and fired multiple shots at the resident. >> reporter: the gunman ran on foot dropping evidence including a stack of money. police are hope to get an i.d. soon torched -- to find him. the names of the victims have not been release. kenneth moten channel 6 "action news." >> happening today a viewing will be held for the mainland regional high school student who was killed in an accident. she died on wednesday after being on life support for several days. her car was hit by a coming up truck on august 30th.
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she and four soccer teammates were on their way to the game. the viewing will be held this afternoon at our lady of sorrows church in linwood, atlantic county. >> a former state trooper is suing the delaware state police claiming she was forced to retire because of her weight as a woman. a 16 year veteran filed the gender lawsuit last week. she was forced to retire because she was noncompliant with the weight control program. the suit said she was granted two years of and he thinkses to comply. >> here at the "action news" big board, flowers have been laid outside joan rivers apartment in new york, funeral services will be getting underway soon for the comedian. the legendary sharp-tongued rivers wanted an over the top funeral, but it will probably be more muted.
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>> reporter: joan rivers daughter melissa kissing her mother's casket ahead of the funeral. an emotional goodbye to one of the most ground breaking. >> here's joan rivers! >> reporter: outrageous. >> that dress has more creases than my face did before botox. >> reporter: and beloved comedian of our time. >> the force and power of her comedy was overwhelming. >> there was no one like joan rivers. >> reporter: joan rivers died at mount sinai hospital in new york after a routine procedure at a diagnostic clinic. >> reporter: the state health department and city medical examiner investigating the circumstances of the 81-year-old's death as the memorial grows outside her home.
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melissa rivers touched by the outpouring of loved as she spent the past few days planning her funeral one rivers joked should be an elaborate affair. >> i want publicists making a scene, i want it to be hollywood all the way. >> reporter: not many details have been released, but many of her famous friends will be here for the private service sent to begin at 11:30 this morning. abc news new york. >> the u.s. this morning has expanded its air campaign against isis in iraq. isis militants in the area has been closing in on the dam in iraq. today's airstrike moves u.s. fighter jets closer to the syrian border, so far war planes have not hit targets in syria.
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there was pomp to welcome home 288th support aviation battalion returned to new castle yesterday. families and loved ones were there to greet them. >> tomorrow is the first day of school for philadelphia public school students they will join students from chapter schools in the city who started classes last week. superintendent william hite will open a new high school in north philadelphia. 130 students are in the public school system. tune into "action news" to help get your kids out the door on on time for the first day of school. the morning team is on at 4:30 with all the traffic and weather information you need to know and follow them on twitter for back to school tips with the hash tag 6abc bts. >> we're just four hours away
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from the eagles season and home opener at lincoln financial field. sky6 live hd taking a live look inside the link. final preparation being made against the jacksonville jaguars. kickoff is at 1:00 p.m. when the birds take the field, many fans will be watching darren sprolls. early this morning, we talked to birds fans in center city. some believe the jaguars will not be a test for the eagles. >> the jaguars not that strong of a team, so you know, i think it's a nice easy win. i love our chances. >> >> this is my first year in a fantasy draft. nick foles is my number one quarterback, i think we're going to have a great season we're going to kill it and go to the super bowl finally.
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>> at 11:30 a.m., ducis rogers brings you game day kickoff live from the link all the latest news on the birds just before "action news" and the game. and eagle game day final recaps week one. ment entire "action news" sports team has you covered. >> you can get to the eagles game and back home again for free on septa. septa is offering free rides to the linc on the broad street subway line. from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. the freebie is thanks to a partnership with miller light. >> there's more to come on this morning edition of "action news." plan to do some tailgating at the linc. we have tips before you head out to insure your food stays safe. >> how recycle plastic bottles were used to create beautiful flowers.
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a live our dad's a plumber.
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a business manager. and a stickler for homework. i'm john kane running for state senate. dad says the road to a good job starts in the classroom. [ lori ] he's a great dad who sees taxes going up but schools not getting the funding they need. [ john ] so i'd put back the billion dollars corbett cut from education and make sure corporations and natural gas drillers paid their fair share. time to close the loopholes for the tax cheats. dad thinks a lot about education. i'm john kane and it's about time harrisburg did too. wicked winds and rain and lightning pounded the boston area last night. two women were hit by lighting at a beach and taken to the hospital in critical condition. grmplets in michigan strong winds brought down a 200-year-old oak tree. look at that. it handled on top of a home, nobody inside was hurt.
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in western virginia heavy rain caused flooding and power outages. in california an evacuation order has been lifted for the homes near yosemite national park. the blaze is 60% contained. it started on friday afternoon in central california and threatened 300 homes. >> chris sowers is here, and positive giddy. >> reporter: i've got to be honest. what would we do without football. think how happy it makes everybody. there's the view, this is making everybody happy. lots of sunshine, and low humidity levels. it feels like it should for this time. year. yesterday was warmed and humid, temperatures in the 90s and triple digits in some locations. 70 degrees right now in philadelphia. 68 in trenton. 65 in allentown, reading and
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lancaster, both also at 65. dover, 70. sea isle city, 67. on the boardwalk in atlantic city, 67 degrees. biggest change is right here, dewpoints the way we measure the amount of moisture in the air, everybody was over 70 yesterday, there were some areas that were 74, 75. close to what usually happens in places like houston, and new orleans. we've dropped these numbers into the 50s. they will continue to drop off as the day wears on. it will feel comfortable. you'll pick up a nice, little breeze out of the northwest at 5 to 10 miles per hour. that will add to the comfortable feeling of the day. storm tracker 6 live double scan yesterday we started out with all that heat and humidity. wet a lot of sunshine. as the front pulled through, these storms developed. some of these were strong we would winds in excess of 55 even 60 miles per hour with some of the storms north and west. we had severe thunderstorm warning to the south of philadelphia. minor irs in terms of wind
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damage. but, again, some of the storms produce the strong gusty winds and drenching rains. now all of it is out to sea. high pressure buildings in from the north with winds circulating around the high in a clockwise fashion that means a northwesterly breeze for us today. today is a good one. the same front that clearing our humidity out today will start to push back toward the delaware valley in the form of a warm front. an area of low pressure will develop along the front and move slowly up the eastern seaboard. it's just off the coast, but close enough to where north and west see suns and south and east you'll be stuck in the clouds and showers from time to time and the winds will pick up, as well. mostly sunny skies, later this afternoon, the high, thin clouds march back in overnight tonight. tomorrow morning, lots of gray from philadelphia points south and east. maybe a little bit of sunshine north and west, this particular model is not showing much in the
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way of moisture. accuweather feels as if this will be a better call. a couple of showers hugging the coastline. it will be breezy, winds probably 25, 30 miles per hour. this will not be an all day soaking rain. it will be cloudy down there, you pick up the occasional shower with an easterly breeze, north and west, you'll see more sun than clouds. today is a good one if you want to lay on the beach do it today. morning clouds, partial sun by afternoon, 77 degrees, low humidity levels. it may be breezy, so you may get sandblasted from time to time. back in the city, cooler, less humid, combination of sun and clouds, overnight tonight, partly cloudy, maybe chilly for some, 53 degrees outlying suburbs, 63 for center city. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, nice and comfortable, at least temperature-wise over the next several days. the humidity starts to creep back up as we get into wednesday and thursday, look at the numbers, 80 degrees today.
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76 tomorrow. tuesday we're down to 73. we're about ten degrees above average yesterday. we'll go ten degrees below average by tuesday. wednesday, sun and clouds, 79. thursday, turning a little more humid, up to 84. friday is quiet and saturday, 72. sunday and monday could be in the 60s for highs. le that's nice. >> chilly. >> don't forget you can take with you. the new smart design fits any device you have, whether it's your tablet or smart phone, no matter how large or small that screen. check it out by visiting anytime anywhere. >> the city of austin, texas got very creative with use plastic bottles. 1500 plastic bottles made this exhibit to encourage people to be respectful of the environment. they are turned into 800 colorful flowers. they are turned into 800 colorful flowers. they are are
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well, not that kind of fresh. on the freshness of our chicken. but i can guarantee the freshness of our chicken because we go beyond what the usda requires... with extra inspections in american family owned farms, refrigerated trucks that deliver daily and everywhere in between. that's what it takes to bring your family a fresh tasting chicken. perdue. we believe in a better chicken. tom wolf. he'd be a different kind of governor. he served in the peace corps in india. and then got a phd from mit. and as a businessman he gives between 20 and 30 percent of his profits back to his employees. when he served as pennsylvania's secretary of revenue. he turned down the perks. and donated his government salary to charity
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he refused take a state car, he drove his old jeep instead. can't argue with that. tom wolf. he'd bring a fresh start to pennsylvania.
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>> welcome back on this sunday. sky6 live hd taking a live look at atlantic city. it is 9:19, 70 degrees. it's starting to feel like fall. "healthcheck" this morning, a new study finds that those who use a c pap are more apt to wear if it if they see a video of themselves. participants saw them struggling to breathe and gasping for air without it. breast feeding has life long benefits for infants. reachers compared 6 year olds, children who were breast fed drank more water and lower
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obesity, the lower the odds your child would have ear throat and sinus infections. women who breast fed she had weight faster than those who didn't breast feed. if you're going to the eagles tailgating, a good offense is a good defense. >> one in 6 people get sick from food borne illness every year. >> remember to take extra plates for the raw and cooked meats to avoid cross contamination, and meat thermometer and follow the two hour rule. don't leave anything out for more than two hours, if you do, it's time time toss it.
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>> meteorologist chris sowers takes a look at the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast in just a moment. >> we'll be right back. sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering so, i'm walking down the street, sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering just you know walking, sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering and i found myself in the middle of this parade honoring america's troops. which is actually quite fitting because geico has been serving the military for over 75 years. aawh no, look, i know this is about the troops and not about me. right, but i don't look like that. who can i write a letter to about this? geico.
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i gotta have that bag. italian leather? for an amazing deal. [ shopper ] you paid how much for that? [ female announcer ] two stores. two amazing ways to score. t.j.maxx and marshalls.
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>> we have a scheduling change to tell you about, beginning with football season, eagles game plan airs at 9:30. inside story at 10:00 a.m. this week with george stephanopoulos 10:30 and eagles game day 11:30. >> coming up on "action news" at 11:30 is inside story. here's a preview. >> reporter: coming up on inside story, congressman shock can a
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if a -- saying he should resign. >> nude photos ends occupien the internet why is everybody blaming celebrities? is this 1984, and public taking the place of big brother? we'll have predictions of the eagles season, 10:30 a.m. eagles open the new season here at home against the jacksonville jaguars. sky6 live hd taking a live look at lincoln financial field. this is chip kelly's second season with the birds, nick foles starts as quarterback, kickoff starts at 1:00. and inside story at 10:00 a.m. >> reporter: yesterday, oppressive hot and humid, today
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a breath of fresh air. forecast for the birds, 77 degrees, that's it for the kickoff temperature. pleasant, combination of sun and clouds and new humidity at all and 80 degrees in the 4th quarter. the humidity starts to increase as we move along over the next several days. 76 tomorrow, 73 tuesday, both days feature more clouds south and east, more sun north and west, there could showers especially right there on the beaches. 79 degrees as we get into wednesday, 84 thursday, friday and saturday nice and quiet temperatures below average. >> this week with george stephanopoulos is coming up at 10:30. among the topics, the fighting the isis militants in iraq. >> reporter: a companion of the air campaign is revealed overnight and the president announced his new strategy. plus all the fallout from president obama's decision to
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put off executive action on immigration reform until after the midterm elections. we have midterm forecast, and we take you on a stunning tour of one of america's national treasures. it's coming up on this week, eva and nydia back to you. >> eagles game plan is next. "action news" continues at noon. the new healthier school lunches are getting higher marks from kids. we'll have the new report card. >> a mystery in trenton who defaced a prominent statue and why. for chris sowers, eva pilgrim and the entire "action news" team, i'm nydia han. have a great morning! we'll see you at noon.
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welcome to eagles game plan presented by verizon wireless, yes, football is finally back. eagles jaguars and the chip kelly era guys, year number two has come upon us. i was saying i wanted some short guys, which one of these things opportunity fit in the middle. there's a lot to get to, on today's show we'll look at the eagles offense, how different it will look without desean jackson and we'll look out at the standout players in the preseason on both sides of the football. chip kelly will join us in studio to dive into the tapes. eagles game plan presented by verizon wireless starts now!