tv Nightline ABC September 3, 2016 12:47am-1:17am EDT
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>> jimmy: that's a solid coach to have. >> he coached me like for high jump and stuff. and i was like the best high jumper in my class. >> jimmy: you were. can you still high jump? >> i haven't done it since. i'm not too sure. >> jimmy: can you jump over guillermo? >> maybe. [ laughter ] we could try. >> jimmy: this magazine is heavier than you, i think. are you happy with the way it came out? >> i'm so happy, honestly. like -- i can't even believe i'm here. like doing this right now for this magazine for this like month and issue and everything. it's the craziest thing. >> jimmy: i didn't know that thing about the month that one month was a bigger month than the other months. >> crazy. feels like a dream. >> jimmy: this is an honor in the modeling industry and the pictures are really beautiful photographs. what are you thinking when you're posing for a photo like that? what's going through your head at this very moment? >> honestly, i shot with some amazing photographers. merton marcus shot and it they are so awesome and make every woman feel so amazing and beautiful and powerful. so when i got this photo, when i was taking this photo, it was an
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all-gucci outfit, i felt so sick in it. i felt really good -- >> jimmy: you were sick? >> sick in a good way. >> jimmy: remember i'm old, i don't know -- i vomited all over that jacket. sorry, gucci. >> no, no. i felt so good in it. and i had just cut my hair. that was the day i cut my hair. i was feeling out the vibe. >> jimmy: why would you cut your hair on the day you have your "vogue" photo shoot? >> they wanted me to and i wanted the change. i was ready for it. i had talked about cutting my hair super short. >> jimmy: do you get to decide what your hair is going to look like in that situation? or people around you, no, you have to do this, your hair is a national treasure, we must protect it? >> what was really nice about the situation is we collaborated. so they kind of wanted something and i looked at the idea and i was like what if we did this? we kind of all collaborated. there's a few obstacles i had to get through to approve it with certain people and stuff like that. >> jimmy: right, yeah, that's weird. >> i really like it. >> jimmy: it looks great. you realize how strange that is to be in a position in your life
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where people weigh in on your hair and what it's going to be like. usually you just go to the supercuts and that's that. [ laughter ] so you recently moved in directly across the street from me. >> we're neighbors. >> jimmy: i mean, like we're closer than guillermo and i are right now. and you haven't visited yet which you're welcome to come. >> so sorry. i heard you're a chef. >> jimmy: i do some cooking. >> i want you to make some food, i'm really offended you haven't invited me over yet. >> jimmy: are you allowed to eat when you're on the cover of "vogue"? [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] we'll invite you over to the house to eat something. >> now i feel like it's a pity invite. >> jimmy: it is a pity invite. [ laughter ] but our neighbors were up in arms when you moved onto the block. >> what do you mean? >> jimmy: there was a whole thing with e-mails that went on. >> no! bad? >> jimmy: yeah, bad. >> no! >> jimmy: no, before you got there. >> it caused a lot of ruckus on our street. >> jimmy: you caused quite a commotion. >> stalkers and -- there's a lot
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going on. >> jimmy: the neighbors all seem to blame me for this development. >> really? >> jimmy: somehow. >> it's so strange. when i moved in, my mom was like super nervous about me moving into a home by myself, for whatever -- i'm like, no, it's okay, jimmy kimmel lives across the street. maybe if anything ever goes down he'll save my life. >> jimmy: yeah i'm the captain of the neighborhood watch. [ laughter ] [ applause ] don't worry. i will shuffle down in my underpants and take care of whatever is going on. are you setting in? >> yeah, i am. yeah. >> jimmy: do you like having your own house and not having the family around? >> it's a lot. i lived in a condo by myself before. and that was just smaller and a lot less than what i have now. >> jimmy: right. >> it's different. but it's fun. i really like it. i wanted like space and a pool. >> jimmy: right, yeah. do you keep the place clean? are you a slob? >> i'm ocd, i'm the biggest neat freak ever, i'm cleaning with my
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maids when they come over to clean, scrubbing the floors. >> jimmy: that must tickle them to death. [ laughter ] you can come over to clean our house if you need to clean house. >> i'd love to. i'm not kidding. i go over to my friends' houses and clean. >> jimmy: do they like that? or find it insulting? >> some like it. my little sister, she thinks -- she's like organized messy is what she calls it. >> jimmy: that's what i call myself. but it really means i'm a slob. >> yeah, right. so she hates it but that's a sister. >> jimmy: with your family, your sisters, everybody's famous in the family, everybody in the whole family is famous. i can't imagine how embarrassing it would be to not be famous in your family. >> no. >> jimmy: but when you share news about like the "vogue" magazine, for instance, did they -- do you have to tell them right away before it's announced? do people find things out from other sources? >> this i actually really wanted to keep a secret from like everyone. i think my mom was the only one who knew. >> jimmy: really? >> i snuck up on kim. i told kim. >> jimmy: did you not want to tell kim? because why? >> i wanted it to be a surprise for not only everyone but also my family.
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>> jimmy: i see. >> i wanted it to be super special. >> jimmy: do they get annoyed if they learn something, find something out that's important in the life, in your lives, that you didn't know about personally? >> you can't really blame everyone. there's so many of us that it's hard to like -- sometimes you want it to be personal and you don't want to send it in a group chat, whatever's happening in the news, whatever. so i think that it's hard for everyone to get to every single family member. so when the issue or the storyline or whatever is not that big, i feel like it's just whatever. >> jimmy: i see. do you ever wish there were fewer kardashians so you would get more attention? >> never. i love having a big family, it's the best thing in the world. you always have someone to talk to. if you have this kind of an issue, you can go to this person, whatever. >> jimmy: this is why you moved into your own place when you were 12. [ laughter ] >> it can be a lot sometimes. i like to have space. >> jimmy: welcome to the neighborhood. if you need navigation, let me know. are you available for babysitting? you still are only 20 years old. >> yes. of course. >> jimmy: that would be wonderful. good to see you. congratulations on the magazine. kendall jenner, everybody. "vogue" is on newsstands now.
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he's making it up. of course, anyone who commits a violent crime needs to be prosecuted -- and put behind bars. narrator: katie mcginty will keep us safe -- more police on the streets, better training and equipment, and take on the gun lobby for gun safety laws. katie: i'm the daughter of a police officer, and the mother of three. i'll stand with law enforcement to fight crime, and protect our families. i'm katie mcginty, and i approve this message.
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>> dicky: "the jimmy kimmel live concert series" is presented by samsung. >> jimmy: his debut album is called "down in a hole." here with the song "can't stay away," kiefer sutherland! ♪ ♪ ♪ walking in the wrong direction ♪ ♪ ♪ walking in the wrong direction know i should be walking home ♪ ♪ smart enough to know much
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better ain't tough enough to be alone ♪ ♪ oh - i --- can't stay away ♪ ♪ got me wrapped around your finger pulling strings to play my heart ♪ ♪ you fill the night with conversation then turn the daylight dark ♪ ♪ oh - i can't stay away oh - i can't stay away ♪ oh i can't stay away ♪ ♪ there you go laughing at me watch my wheels fall off track ♪
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the man's talents know no bounds. thank you very much, kiefer. thanks. the album is called "down in a hole." i'd also like to thank bob odenkirk, kendall jenner, miles brown, thanks to the band, you sounded great. apologies to matt damon, we did run out of time for him. "nightline" is next. good night, thanks for watching! this is "nightline." >> tonight, early release. former stanford swimmer brock turner convicted sex offender, walks out of jail after serving less than half his short sentence for sexual assault. igniting fresh controversy. new details from that night which continues to haunt the
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survivor. >> every time she sees a tall blond man with short hair from behind, she's going to be fearful that that's him. >> how this may change california's criminal laws. ♪ everybody was kung fu fighting ♪ >> plus the tradition of kung fu fighting didn't start with the 1974 karl douglas song. bob woodruff takes us to a village in fighting where all the adults, children, even the elderly are skilled in the deadly discipline. and rex in the city. these goldendoodles are living the life. brunches. tastings. when you have hundreds of thousands of instagram followers there's always work to be done. first the "nightline 5." >> put distance between you and temptation with meta appetite control. clinically proven to help reduce hunger between meals. new from metamucil the number
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good evening. thanks for joining us. yet another high-profile campus sexual assault. a former stanford swimmer convicted of three felonies after attacking an unconscious young woman. but it was his six-month sentence that provoked national outrage. now after serving just half his jail term, he's free. here's abc's matt gutman with the fallout. >> reporter: it may have been a short jail sentence, but brock
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turner's walk to freedom seemed long. opening the jailhouse door with a bang, the former stanford swimmer hustling through the gauntlet of reporters hurling questions at him. >> brock, brock! >> are you ready to apologize? >> what do you have to say to your victim? >> do you wish you had a longer sentence? >> reporter: then whisked away in this car. he'd served just 90 days of a six-month jail sentence. but look closely. he's not leaving jail empty-handed. you mentioned hate mail. what do you mean are we talking about? >> large amounts of mail. >> large amounts? >> are you ready to apologize? >> what are you going to do with the mail? >> release to it him. >> reporter: turner is out of this jail cell, his time behind bars is ending. but for the survivor of the assault, a new fear is just beginning. >> every time she sees a tall, blond man with short hair from behind, she's going to be fearful that that's him. no matter how unlikely or
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improbable that is. that is a part of life. >> reporter: in march, turner pleaded not guilty to sexually assaulting emily doe who was passed out drunk behind a dumpster after a party on the stanford university campus. it was right there that january night in 2015 that graduate students karl friedrich arndt and peter johnson stopped when they saw two people on the ground. >> she wasn't moving. >> the man on top of her was? >> yeah. my friend said, what the [ bleep ] are you doing? he later said, i didn't do anything, when he was laying down on the ground, for example. tried to seem like nothing happened, essentially. >> reporter: according to him, when turner ran, he and johnson ran out of reserve after him, pinning him to the ground. >> you saw her lying on the ground, was it pretty obvious what had happened? >> yeah. she was half naked. yeah. >> reporter: soon after police arresting turner they took these images showing abrasions on his face, hands and torn flannel shirt. in an initial interrogation he
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told police he'd been drunk but functional. >> we watched that interrogation video not once is brock turner emotional. in it he says, "my intention was not to try to rape a girl without consent, i was trying to hook up with a girl." and he says they were intimate but he never did get her name. for his victim, this was no hookup. from the letter she read in court, "my breasts had been groped, fingers had been jabbed inside me along with pine needles and debris. my bare skin and head had been rubbing against the ground behind a dumpster." brock turner was convicted of sexual assault. he was sentenced in june. he faced 14 years in prison. the prosecution asked for six years. he received only six months. and served half that time. the judge assigned to his case, aaron persky, saying he feared the severe impact the prison term would have on a star college swimmer.
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>> what was this judge thinking? i don't know what he's thinking but i know what we can do about it. we can try to get him off the bench. >> hey, hey, ho, ho, judge persky has to go. >> reporter: that sentence setting off a firestorm. he's received death threats. following the backlash, last week he removed himself from all criminal cases. is what's happening to judge persky a witch hunt? >> yes, 100% witch hunt. because what is being spread about him is absolutely factually and legally incorrect. who isn't against sexual assault? it's like being against puppies and rainbows. i mean, i as a public defender since 1990, i don't like crime any more than anyone else likes crime. i don't like sexual assault any more than anyone else likes it. everything that's being spewed forth is absolutely wrong. >> reporter: but professor michelle dauber says judge
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persky displayed a pattern of leniency in sexual assault cases. >> this judge seems to have a misunderstanding about the role of alcohol in sex crimes. >> could this just be about judicial discretion and a judge trying to be progressive and lenient in a society where most often prison doesn't actually help rehabilitate offenders? >> well, no. if you look across this judge's cases, he has consistently bent over backwards in favor of white, privileged defendants in sex crime cases and in cases involving violence against women. >> reporter: and just this monday the california state assembly passing a bill inspired by turner's sentence to impose harsher penalties for similar assaults. if signed into law an offender convicted of sexual assault would serve a mandatory minimum of three years behind bars. santa clara county sheriff laurie smith says it's time for that change. >> i don't think that anybody who's convicted of rape should serve time in county jail,
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especially when they only serve three months. i think the law is wrong. no woman should have to go through that and he should be in prison. >> reporter: tonight the stanford campus still seething over jumpersky's ruling. >> it wasn't taken seriously as a problem. i think that's what happens when violence is committed against women. >> reporter: the outrage over the sentence echoed last month in massachusetts when 18-year-old david becker, charges with raping two classmates, walked out of court with two years' probation after pleading to the lesser charge of indecent sexual assault. becker's two female classmates told police they were at a house party with the star athlete in april. they said they'd been drinking and had gone to sleep. body claimed they woke up at different times to becker sexually assaulting them. according to police reports, becker told investigators that when one of the girls didn't protest, he assumed it was okay. and he denied having any physical contact with the other alleged victim. the 18-year-old's lawyer arguing he had no criminal record, did
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community service, and deserved to go to college. the judge in the case seeming to agree. >> i think that given mr. becker's position in life, to find him guilty at this point would slam a lot of doors. >> reporter: thousands of online petitioners calling for the removal of that judge from the bench. some calling the similarities to the stanford trial striking. with one tweet reading, brock turner and now david becker. privilege is a lethal thing. tonight turner's on his way back to his home state of ohio where they're already protesting his arrival. >> to have somebody like that in our neighborhood who isn't very friendly to young women -- i just have an issue. >> reporter: he'll have to register as a sex offender every 90 days for the rest of his life. should people be concerned that brock turner's being released? >> no. he's going to be watched. he's going to be on present bob. there's nothing that indicates brock turner was any kind of a
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monster. it was a bad mistake on that night and he will suffer the consequences for the rest of his life. >> reporter: that is small consolation for the survivor. >> she underwent a very, very, very traumatic and serious sexual assault. of course it's very upsetting to her to think that he is now going to be wandering around out in the world and even though she knows that he's going to be primarily living in ohio, you know, he could be anywhere. >> reporter: for "nightline," i'm matt gutman in san jose, california. coming up, a village in china where just like in the karl douglas song, everybody is kung fu fighting. ♪ everybody was kung fu fighting ♪ ♪ those dudes were fast as lightning ♪ and these dogs are using instagram the same way humans do. making people jealous of their fabulous lives.
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we're about to show you how to do battle with a tiger in hand to hand combat. this should go without saying, do not try this at home. in america the ancient art of kung fu is mostly a movie plot device or a hobby. but in this chinese village it is a sacred way of life. here's abc's bob woodruff. ♪ >> reporter: tucked away in the misty hills of southwestern china, there is one village you
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don't want to mess with. that's because everybody in the village -- man, woman, young and old -- seems to know kung fu. everybody. even on the road to the village in the town market, we start to see signs. >> kung fu? kung fu? >> reporter: they all know more than me. this man starts to show off his moves in the middle of a busy street. ♪ here we meet 14-year-old tao chin fan, who like the others could probably have kicked my butt too. >> do you know how to do it? really? can you show us? >> reporter: but was too polite to beat me up. >> okay, so we have to go into the village because this is too much competition here.
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>> reporter: when we finally reach gong hu -- >> kung fu land, we have arrived. >> reporter: it is straight from your imagination. wooden houses perched on steep slopes. old masters dressing the part, still ready to demonstrate their skills. kung fu has been part of the culture here for centuries. but only became popular in the u.s. in the last 40 years. thanks to the rise of kung fu movies like "way of the dragon." with those amazing stunts. >> we're going to tear this place into little pieces! >> reporter: outlandish plots. >> tell your boss we need some more time. >> reporter: and truly terrible dubbing. >> dragon whip! >> reporter: which despite my improving chinese might have been helpful as we interviewed gong hu's preeminent kung fu master tao.
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