tv Action News 11pm ABC September 13, 2016 1:35am-2:11am EDT
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?a john deere 1 family tractor with quik-park lets you attach and go. imatch quick-hitch gives you more time for what you love, so it takes less work to do more work. autoconnect drive-over mower deck? done. they're not making any more land. but there's plenty of time if you know where to look. now you can own a 1e sub-compact tractor for just $99 a month. learn more at your john deere dealer. fourteen americans killed in a san bernardino mass shooting... but after this tragedy - when pat toomey had the chance to ban suspected terrorists from buying guns - he voted against closing this loophole for terrorists - and with the gun lobby. katie: we have to do everything in our power to keep guns away from terrorists who threaten our way of life. i'm katie mcginty and i approve this message because we can't risk our families' safety on a loophole.
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and story is breaking news from chopper six a grinding crash in hamilton township and two people are hurt and happened a half hour ago of intersection of south broad street and west park avenue the car flipped over and officers have not said what led up to the accident. in other news tonight how did a two-year-old boy get his hands on a gun, a gun that tragically ended his young life in this bucks county home and continuing investigation in the death of a toddler named benjamin austin smith and police believe it was a tragic accident the search continues how it happened and who is responsible. action news reporter dan is live from the state police barocks tonight with the very latest on the investigation, dan? >> rick, the small hamlet left shaken by the death of a two-year-old and investigated on the premise it was an accidental shooting it has left a
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collection of question marks on how a two-year-old managed to get his hands on a loaded gun. the scene of the tabling tragedy is this moment in millford township and 11:00 this morning that rescue crews responded to a toddler shooting himself with a gun and the child was rushed by ambulance to the quaker town campus where he later died and commander for police troop m. says nothing prepares you for scenes like this. the trooper on scene had a two-year-old and we have children and something like this is that much more difficult. >> the child is two-year-old benjamin austin smith he lived hear with his father nicholas wilie and paternal grandparents and wilie was the only person in the house with the child at the time. the mother lives elsewhere and the incident is being investigated as an accidental self inflicted shooting search warrants served on the property for any signs of foul play as the investigation continues some neighbors were left wondering how a two-year-old managed to
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get ahold of a loaded gun. >> loaded guns should be kept locked up. i mean children watch t.v. you know and they think it's a play gun or whatever and it happens. >> we are not, you know, the roughest area of philadelphia and even then you should not have a gun at your bedside or anywhere that a child could get but this area definitely on. >> tonight detectives continue to investigate to see if this was the case of negligence or something worse. they, specific to have an updated statement on this case tomorrow morning. live at the state police dublin barocks in bucks county i'm dan channel six action news. >> dan thank you dramatic moments at valley forge military academy early this evening and the lock down and report of a shooting here was not the result of gunfire but rather bubble wrap, a woman called 911 saying she heard at least four shorts fired and police responded to the campus in wayne with guns
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drawn and tensions high as they patrol to dorms and they were asked to stay indoors but after a thorough investigation officers figured out the noise was from bubble wrap being popped. meanwhile students from delaware first state academy were injured in the school bus crash this afternoon and troopers say it was a chain reaction a dodge pickup hit the bus and went forward in a delivery truck at sum met and bear and five of 18 students were taken to the hospital for minor injuries, the pickup driver was cited. it is a sore subject for many residents of lower merion township and says the school direction has been using fuzzy math and trying to over charge them, tonight the taxing issue is coming before the school board and action news reporter jeannette covered the story when the ruling first broke and back on the case tonight as parents have their say, jeannette.
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>> well rick this meeting wrapped up a few minutes ago and never got loud or argumentative but it was tense all the way through and clear divide for those who support the school district and those paying more in taxes given the quality education and those who say the district is not to be trusted when it comes to finances. >> it said that basically someone who goes to a public school does not have the right they expect of a private education, that astonishs me because i always thought the dream of american since brown versus board of education was that the goal of every american was to have the opportunity to get the very best education possible. >> it was a parent early on in tonight's meeting not everyone was on board with the ruling but found the lower merion school district lied about budget deficits of nearly 8 million dollars when, in fact, it had 50 million in the bank.
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>> didn't address that the judge found that the school district purposefully and intentionally repeatedly for ten years said there were deficits in the budgets when really there were surpluses. >> superintendent robert coleman says the surplus is mostly due to good budging and to protect the district in the long run and says in part in the case of a school district a decreasing fun balance reduces to generate income to pay for emergency building repairs or cover unexpected interruptions in revenues like last year state budget impasse. the district repeatedly argues that it saw a 40% increase in enrollment in the last 20 years and this is one of the few ways they could cover those extra costs. now they are currently appealing this decision reporting in lower merion jeannette with action news six rick. >> meanwhile a delaware school district will head to court in philadelphia tomorrow to take on
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the state department of education over school funding. members of the william penn school district held a rally outside of city hall and tomorrow they will hear arguments from school district officials saying what is pennsylvania's unfair distribution of funds. william penn is one of six school districts listed as plaintiffs in the lawsuit. monday night football returned to televisions across the country tonight and less than an hour ago the l.a. rams took on the san francisco 49ers and once again there was a silent protest by niners quarterback colin kaepernick as he did in the preseason tonight colin kaepernick kneeled during the national anthem a protest that ignited controversy across the u.s. and also solidarity from nfl players and coaches yesterday. and now a local high school has joined in the movement against racism and police brutality. action news reporter christie has the story from camden tonight. ♪ all but two woodrow wilson
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players knelt for the national anthem. >> it was all over twitter. >> what students were talking about monday. >> i don't think it's wrong. i think they should just stand. >> the school district tells action news we strongly respect our students experiences and exercising of our country's first amendment right. whether our students choose to stand kneel or otherwise we are proud of their engagement what is more broadly a very important social issue and colin kaepernick started the movement last month with his silent protest during the national anthem to push awareness to racial oppression and police brutality. >> shouldn't do it. >> i don't think they are trying to make anyone up set and trying to get people to talk about things. >> easily the most disrespectful thing i have ever seen. >> goes to bishop eustis where the camden die sister sent this to school administrators reiterating that free speech and all demonstrations including protests is not a guaranteed right.
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and could result in disciplinary action. >> you know when is it going to stop? it's a respectful thing you do to you know for our country. >> now some critics say the silent protest is just a distraction from the real issue and other ways to take a stance, no word on if the team will be taking a knee at their next game. reporting in camden christie channel six action news. a rough summer for septa tonight the transit organization is dealing with yet another problem with its regional rail line train cars that were considered fixed are now being pulled out of service because of a new issue steel pins on the equalizer beams were showing unexpected wear after less than two weeks of use. those pins apparently rub against the current frame already in place. 14 cars that were put back into service have since been pulled off the rails and septa is now working on a modification. ♪ presidential politics tonight and tonight abc washington post
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poll shows a tightening race but with hillary clinton maintaining her lead over donald trump among voters nationally and up 46-41 and johnson has 9% and green party jill stein has 2%. knowing how key pennsylvania is to prospects of winning donald trump will be visiting our area tomorrow and having a campaign event in as ton delaware county and was in north carolina and continued to hammer his opponent hillary clinton on describing half of trump supporters as a basket of deplorables. trump invited several supporters on stage to criticize clinton. >> hillary clinton spoke with hatred in her heart for these working class americans absolute hatred in her heart. never in history has a major party presidential candidate so viciously demonized the america
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voter. >> one of trump supporters appears to have gotten in a scuffle with two protesters at the rally as they are escorted out one tried to punch the male protester and slap the woman, the alleged assailant was not rejected hillary clinton is resting at her home after being diagnosed with pneumonia and not appearing in fundraising events scheduled for today and tomorrow in california yesterday clinton left a 9/11 ceremony in new york city after becoming over heated. video appeared to show her stumble. but tonight she called into a cable network show saying she is already feeling better. >> i felt dizzy and i did lose my balance for a minute but once i got in, once i could sit down, once i could cool off, once i had some water i immediately started feeling better.
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>> clinton is scheduled to attend a campaign event in las vegas on wednesday put her campaign has not said whether she will make that trip. meantime president barack obama will be coming to philadelphia tomorrow afternoon to stump for hillary clinton in front of the music of art and several detours will take effect in the area at 7:00 a.m. all roads leading into the oval will be closed by 9 and the primary is tomorrow from 7:00 and stay open until 8:00 and represent a governor and lieutenant governor a democrat candidate for congress and democrat mayor of wilmington. ♪ there was a security incident during tonight's premier of dancing with the stars and appears two men rushed the stage after olympian swimmer ryan lochte's dance and according to witnesses security was able to reach the men before they could
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get to lochte and during the show the cameras were focused on a judge and split screen of lochte performance and row can see what looks like look security guards passing in the back and wearing shirts with lochte's name crossed out and other people in the audience were wearing similar shirts and comes after lochte's controversial stay in rio in the olympics where he claims to be robbed at gunpoint. still to come a child porn suspect busted for allegedly stealing his neighbor's wi-fi and this well-known building on the schuylkill trail will get a complete transformation to the global headquarters of a fortune 500 company. also do you think you know how to measure out a child's medication correctly, new research shows that most parents cannot. >> 68 in philadelphia tonight some areas dropping into the 50s, i got a taste of fall but also some summer warmth in the accuweather seven-day forecast.
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aramark one of philadelphia's most visible employers plans to move its world headquarters to the banks of the schuylkill river the company will transform the industrial structure rat at 2400 market that recognized with the whale mural with a 600,000 office building and will mark it with a billboard unveiling today. the company's lease will be up in 2018 on its current high rise headquarters on 11 and market, the state and state offered more than 20 million in grants and incentives to keep the global food services giant based here. >> there is a private sector organization that is going to be
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investing millions and millions of dollars in this area, we wanted them to stay here and continue to do that and we are excited because it's going to continue to give us the ability to attract some amazing employees, not only now but in the future in a very vibrant city in a beautiful state. >> aramark gave 100,000 today to continue improvements on the schuylkill trail which runs right next to the headquarters and aramark plans to start moving in the fall of 2018. business owners in philadelphia could soon be punished for their customers' bad behavior this afternoon mayor jim kenney had a ceremonial signing for a responsible business owners bill, under the new law business owners responsible for loitering prostitution and gambling. if an owner does not deal with the issues and is cited three times in 60 days they can be fined or even shut down. a camden county man accused of pirating his neighbor's wi-fi so
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he could download child pornography and detectives went to the wrong house and realized the residence dealts residents had no knowledge of the crime and their wi-fi was not protected and they charged the neighborhood louis la sale and had 3,000 images and 700 video os videos on a community and held on 200,000 bail. threatening to go on strike and includes west chester, cheney and working without a contract since june of 2015 when they say a strike is the last resort. a spokesman for the state schools say they are also determined to negotiate and prevent a disruption to students. health check tonight a new study warns most parents can be giving their children more medication than they need and researchers tested 2000 parents to see how
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much they would measure out 85% of subjects made at least one dosing error with liquid medication one in five measured out an overdose than twice the recommended amount and parents four times more likely make a mistake with a dosing cup than an oral syringe and they recommend not using kitchen spoons for measuring at all. well the new miss america made a splash in atlantic city today literally caring are out a jersey shore tradition and the order of business was to take the ceremonial dip in the atlantic this morning 21 arkansas native drew wide attention last night calling on democrats and republicans to learn to compromise with each other again. her platform is eat better, live better. boy. >> temperatures 74 so it's not real bad. i think miss america needs to come back in january for one of the polar plunges and then, yeah, when it's a little bit
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colder. >> we might have less contestants. >> that would be impressive. beautiful weather today. yeah. >> tomorrow nice again and we have one day of heat and increased humidity wednesday but except for that the week is looking nice. >> wear shorts on that day and pants the rest. >> storm tracker six live double scan it's here isn't it showing we have rain free conditions out there tonight and just spectacular weather. i want to share this photo with viewers, john wood junior posted this on my facebook page from the delaware beaches and really capturing the moment a great evening to do some fishing as the sun is setting and the sun sets now at 7:14 so yes our days are getting shorter as we head towards fall and it's finally starting to feel more like late september, mid september i should say. yesterday 85 degrees. today 84. quite a bit more comfortable than the four days we had in the 90s last week and over the
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weekend, normal high though is 80 and temperatures still running slightly above normal. right now 68 philadelphia, the same in allentown and reddening 60, wilmington 68 millville 62 and cape may near the ocean is 70 degrees and satellite six with ab radar providing the clear conditions and temperatures will be cooling off into the 60s and 50s overnight so the day planner tomorrow showing we start the day 8:00, 66 degrees. look at the load of sunshine and fair weather and 82 by 2:00 and 85 degrees at 5:00 and a little bit warmer than today with the wind generally out of the southwest and then this bubble of high pressure will be moving to the east on wednesday ahead of this cold front and we do get a one-day spike of summer time heat. 91 degrees for record high, 92 setback in 1995 so it's going to be close and it will be slightly more humid, dew points in the
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mid 60s and slides through wednesday and likely dry and behind that system we have a real taste of fall on thursday and friday. so the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast beautiful again tomorrow and sunny and warmer and low humidity 86 and wednesday near record warmth with a high of 91 but it's one hit wonder by thursday bright sunshine a little bit breezy in the morning and the winds calming down and 80 for the high and friday should be gorgeous and cool start to the day with a morning low of 60 and by the afternoon 82 and heading into the weekend saturday looking to be the better of those two days this weekend mixture of sun and clouds with a high of 84 degrees on sunday it clouds up with a possibility of some rain showers 82 and that front could kind of get hung up on monday morning with a possibility of few more rain showers with a high of 84 degrees, i had somebody tweet to me they don't want rain on sunday because of the rock and roll half marathon and don't
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need the rain and ideal over the weekend but we can take what we can get. >> that was me who tweeted you back. >> out of the rain. >> i will be back. >> yeah, right. >> all right and she didn't buy it and still the philadelphia finest showing off their musical talents tonight. ♪ nearly two dozen police officers have formed a cop choir and tonight they rehearsed at the baptist church in south philadelphia, they are getting ready for their first community concert which will be next
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ducis rodgers here and still talking about the eagles win yesterday and you win some and you lose some. >> oh, my gosh see what i did there. >> wesley can you grab him please? kick him out of here. it's past your bedtime. some win sweet and others bitter sweet and the eagles victory with the browns had a price and tight end zach is week to week with a first rib displacement around the collar bone area and stresses and not broken and suffered it in the first quarter
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and will monitor the injury closely. >> this is dangerous situation with a displaced bone because there is a lot of you know you are talking up around the neck and head area so any type of blow again could do further damage to that, that is why it's a week to week deal to see how it heals and recovers. >> that is for the game and doug pederson could not have asked for a better outcome and carson wentz was poised and the run game effective and coaches are not robots and have feelings and pederson enjoyed the moment from beginning to end. >> standing there holding the flag and just looking around the stadium and just kind of soaking everything in was a great feeling for me you know to stand here and see the people what a great crowd we had. >> i thought he called a great game and did really good things offensively and it was fun out there >> sometimes coach pederson don't got to say much and feel the vibe and want to win for him and that is his best asset.
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>> next up monday football against the bears aweek from tonight and teaming up with phl17 to bring you the game in a live pregame show from soldier field at 8:00 and browns suffered more than a loss and lost their quarterback robert griffin the third broke a bone in the shoulder when he collided with eagles jay lynn mills the browns say rg3 will miss at least eight games. still ahead the steelers helped the birds taking out the redskins plus the phillies rookie will remember this night
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ship kellie remember him making his day because at the 9ers and san francisco hosting and the niners lead 14-0 in the second quarter redskins and shaun jackson with 102 yards and pittsburgh steals the show and 300 yards and two touchdown and antonio brown you can't cover him hello i thought this was a family show and crushed washington 38-16 not me. the phillies had a season to forget but one of their players has the night of a lifetime and phillies and 23-year-old roman quinn called from reddening yesterday and gets major league stolen base and had 36 stolen bases and in the first continued in the second inning and welcome to the big league and first is an rbi double and phillies 4-1 and save that baseball for him
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and 5-1 in the six and quinn again another rbi double he goes two for four with pair of rbi and phillies win 6-2. >> feels good to get the first one out of the way and it's great and days at home it's really a great job to hear it's incredible. >> and that is sports all right. >> thank you ducis and finally tonight some of the eagles players are celebrating their big victory yesterday giving back to the community tonight the players helped spruce up the nonprofit organization summer search and were joined by teens and volunteers and painted the organizations meeting rooms and hallways and this was the team's first community care event of the season and jimmy kimmel live is next on channel six followed by night line and for seth
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