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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  January 20, 2017 2:10am-2:40am EST

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after a hero rescues a little girl from the water, see the moment the miracle is caught on camera. >> wow. some amazing video after scientists decide to -- >> put ten cameras on some polar bears. >> the project that begs a very good question. >> who's going to put the cameras on the polar bears? i'm not doing it. a hiker's enjoying sunny skies until -- >> what happened? >> the moment he realizes the flakes are about to fly. and a guy who pulled a opportunity at the white house answers questions from the secret service. >> he's nervous.
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>> but see why it's big brother and a band of pranksters he should really fear. ♪ >> don't forget to breathe as you are watching this video from a beach in brazil. that is a 4-year-old girl that's just been pulled from the water. she had been swimming in the water with her older brothers and her siblings when a really strong wave came in and dragged them deeper into the ocean. that is when mom and dad chased after them and as they tried to rescue them, they too got swept into the ocean by this strong wave. you see that there are people there working with the little girl. she seems to be unconscious. a triathlete, carlos, happened to be training on the beach, saw what was going on, and single handedly was able to rescue all five members of this family.
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>> wow. >> so the little girl we see seems to be in the worst condition but everybody had to be rescued? >> it turns out that he's also training to be a lifeguard. >> just think about that. like literally when it comes down to it, there's only one person that could have saved that family. a triathlete who lives in the ocean and also just so happens to be a lifeguard. >> especially because there weren't any other life guards on duty. so had this guy not decided to go out training that evening. >> the whole family. >> this could have been a different story. as they continue working with the girl, we see suddenly that her stomach starts moving and then there's a moment when you realize she's back. >> wow. you hear her now too. oh, wow. [ applause ] >> this video was shot last april and the southern beaut sea. they put ten cameras on polar
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bears to study their behavior and the shrinkage of ice in the arctic. >> who is going to put the cameras on the polar bear? i'm not doing it. what about jake, the intern? >> oh, yeah. >> it's pretty amazing what they picked up on this girl. these polar bears getting some food to eat and jumping in the water, having a good time. check that out. that small little hole in the ice. that polar bear is you know what, i think i can find my food in there. i love that you get a close-up of polar bears from another polar bear. they can get closer than we can without using a tran gun. >> we have a beautiful little red baby panda. her name is maya. two months old. she's been cared for by this woman, tamara gilles.
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>> she's so cute. >> i like there's a woobie. >> she was taken from her parents because she suffered a neck injury while her mom was carrying her in her mouth. it's very common. mom and dad were doing a very good job. we really need to take her away from them because she needs to heal up. >> i want to help. >> she will eventually be slowly reintroduced to her parents, but that toy red panda basically comforting her and being mom right now. weather can change just like this, but this, my friends is extreme. we've got a hiker in a region of nepal. we can see how beautiful and blue the sky is. the sun is shining right over his shoulder. moments later, though, i'll show you a different part of the video. >> is that snow? >> it is snowing on this man's head. seconds later, let me show you the bit in between.
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>> the moment he realized it was about to snow. he's hiking along, hiking along and suddenly -- [ speaking foreign language ] >> take cover. run quick. those aren't clouds that you see in that valley. >> an avalanche? >> yep. an avalanche. way off in the distance, you see this snow boiling and tumbling down the mountain, the clouds of snow kicking it up as it approaches it. it's a distance away. here now, you can see it closer, right over that ice, it has lost a lot of momentum and steam. but all that snow as been kicked up in the air and raining down on his head. >> that's the way he's walking. >> isn't that the thrill of going on these hikes? the fact that they are so unpredictable and it's a challenge for you. so awesome. >> you got what you came for, right? you got what you paid for. adventure.
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♪ there's that self-proclaimed nerd. what better way to celebrate their love with a it. rex. >> hi, everybody, we're getting married. did i mention, they did it on facebook live? >> somebody actually willing to be married by an inflatable dinosaur. >> oh, she's totally excited. skip the kiss. let's go straight to the high five. >> i like how they did it outside the county courthouse as though t. rex's aren't allowed. >> this is the first time that they have been together for about a month. she lives in phoenix, he lives in san francisco and is in the process of interviewing for jobs internationally. here they are saying their vows.
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>> i promise to be your partner and to advocate for myself, but also for what's best for you. >> will you bring out the best in one another? share your happiest moments together and love each other honestly through whatever may come next in life? >> yeah. >> yeah. >> promise? promise? >> i mentioned at the beginning of this story that they are self-proclaimed nerds. look at the rings. >> you win. >> that's what princess leia and hans solo said to each other in "empire strikes back." >> i love you. >> i know. >> they are "star wars" fans and they announced it on the day that carrie fisher died that day. they decided to lift everybody's spirits. it's a daddy-daughter challenge.
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>> dads are essentially a big moving barbie that our daughters like to dress up and do hair and make up. >> i can't believe they are doing hundred layers of mascara. >> yes, they are. and we're headed over to pig island. >> it's not where all of charity's ex-boyfriends have been banished to. >> a look at the scary, yet romantic encounter for this couple. >> that should be called shark island. it's got a menthol burst. you can feel it right away. wow, that sort of blind-sided me. and it clears my terrible cold symptoms. ahh! this is awkward. new mucinex clear & cool. feel the menthol burst. while powerful medicine clears your worst cold symptoms. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. diswith new tastes ofter side, the mediterraneanen recipes that put a fresh spin on traditional italian
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2:22 am
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♪ closed captioning provided by -- act® restoring™ mouthwash with fluoride. it restores minerals to enamel for 40% stronger teeth. act®. smile strong. let's head on over to pig island. it's not where all of charity's ex-boyfriends have been banished to. it's where this couple are vacationing. big island down in the bahamas. it's where you can have all
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kinds of different animal experiences and encounters. >> surely it should be called shark island. >> those are sharks. >> i got you. >> his new wife does not like these gentle sharks nibbling at her feet, so he's got to hoist her up and carry her out of there. >> hey, that's all right, girl. >> after the sharks, more awesome shots of their vacation. then to the iguanas, where you can hand feed the iguanas. >> that looks like fun. >> birds join in on the action. but the reason why it is called pig island -- >> yeah, i want to do this. >> lots of people want to do this. this is an experience you can have. all the pigs that live on the island have now become a tourist attraction. they give you some carrots to feed and attract the pigs. i get a little picky about splashing around in water that pigs swim in. >> you do know there are other animals in the ocean.
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t there's one or two of them in there. >> i know. something is different about this for me. super cute though. they're having a blast. those pigs look good and gentle. two families got together for a daddy-daughter challenge. >> today we're doing the 100 layers of the makeup on our dads. >> yeah, dads are essentially a big moving barbie that our daughters like to dress up and curl our hair and do your makeup. >> so the little ones are up first. they're in charge of lipstick. after a while, dad has lipstick all over his mouth, not just on his lips. yet, he gets on his chin. he starts to look like joker once they hit 100. >> can you imagine having all of that goopy lipstick on? i love lipstick but that is -- >> serial killer. >> and both dads did it at the same time side by side for their channels. >> 100 lipstick layers.
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>> for teeth layers, lipstick on teeth. >> he looks thrilled. >> all right. up next. we've got the eye shadow and you see after a while, dad starts to look like a raccoon. >> and i will say that purple does make green ice stand -- green eyes stand out. >> he definitely stands out. >> up next, eye lashes. >> that's only 10. >> i can't believe they are doing 100 layers of mascara. >> 100 layers! >> he's going to be so thrilled to take a shower right after this. >> all the layers are on dad's lips. let's show the family. >> time for the big reveal. >> three, two, one! [ screaming ] [ laughter ] >> yeah! ♪ sometimes you feel like a nut. sometimes you don't, sometimes you want one to eat because it's wintertime and you may not have
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put enough away to eat. like this squirrel. >> where did it go? >> is this from ice age? >> is winter over yet? no. is winter over yet? no. >> come on out! >> not the only squirrel giving humans something to laugh at. this next one, you got to give it to the squirrel for trying. they took the bird feeder down. that didn't stop this girl from going in to try to steal something. >> i go up to the pole. never mind. >> i love how this gives the person taking the video the biggest laugh. that's the worst thing. there's no treat up there. i feel bad because eventually the squirrel does make it to the top, and then once it gets to the top, they realize i think the bird feeder is not here anymore. >> the squirrel does acrobatics and nails the landing. >> the thing is putting on a performance. it's hoping people that watching will give him a treat.
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circu didn't de squarely -- squirrel-le. >> the squirrels do take advantage of the feeds. >> right. we get bummed about it and when a bird turns up, oh, that's a nice coincidence. >> no, you can't rename this one the squirrel feeder. it's determined but it's denied. this baby is a pro when it comes to handling a bottle. >> bottle flipping. >> what? >> check it out. >> see his impressive skills. >> come on, lucky, lucky. plus it's a fun sled ride. >> how fun is that? he made his own slide. >> a creative way to have some fun in the snow. >> all we need to do is have one of those magic sheets and voila. >> voila. >> i never have to get on a list again.
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what's it like to be in good hands? like finding new ways to be taken care of. home, car, life insurance obviously, ohhh...
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if you can't shut down at bedtime... you're not alone. get non-habit forming unisom to fall asleep fast. unisom a stressful day deserves a restful night. dry mouth can effect and how you feel.feels discover act® dry mouth. specially formulated to soothe and moisturize your mouth. act® dry mouth. picture yourself winning an ipad mini. it happened for these folks and it could happen for you. all you have to do is watch "right this minute" starting monday january 23rd. we'll have all the details for you. take it from me, when you are a parent, when your kids are growing up, it's all about mile stones. it's almost a little bit of competition about it. when your son or daughter start walking or crawling or bottle flipping. what! check it out. come on. lucky, lucky. two is the charm, nick. >> three. oh, no, that's right, the brother is freaking out.
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four. keep going. how about we set a record? boom! five in a row. >> i love this. and this brother is cheering him on. he saw his brother's reaction but i'm going to do it again. >> this is the time to start it, too. he's a baby. he's probably taking his bottles and thrown them on the floor for a while now. >> the kid got skills. >> for example, when was the first time your child started talking, face time, conversations in general? [ unintelligible ] >> babies face timing. [ unintelligible ] >> makes total sense. they are already talking about nonsense all day. >> i love the look the camera the baby gives. >> they are speaking in their own special language. >> it make the parenthood even harder. there's other sorts of mile stones to keep up with.
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every year, i learn something new you can do in places like colorado, where this video comes from because i didn't know you could take a sled and do this. ♪ >> no big deal, right? find a little slope. this one keeps going. >> how fun is that? >> they take the sled on a journey through gates and every time you cross a gate, the light changed. >> it's not only the gates. >> it took them about five days to record this pretty awesome video. they set up all of these different gates in different areas. i want to believe that they did it all in one shot. i don't know. >> you are telling me i don't need to waste the money on a lift ticket.
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all i need to do is get one of those magic sheep? >> uh-huh. >> and voila. i'll never have to get on a lift again. transported to the next slope. >> good to colorado and get as high as possible and enjoy the ride. >> right. >> it's creative and funny and original. >> it was a super clever video. the movie makers recorded this on a go pro sport. ♪ jake slept in the white house overnight and went unnoticed, but the next day -- >> got a little call from the secret service. >> that sounds weird, because how do you decide you are going to sleep at the white house without anybody noticing? >> see what happens when secret service shows up at his door. >> anything you say from here on out is a federal offense if you lie to it us. >> it's real and palpable.
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stretched. >> the amount of force it took to do that. now you understand why they use this to reinforce concrete. this is logan. he and his brother jake are popular bloggers. jake decided to go to the white house. left at 3:00 a.m. and the next day got a little call from the secret service. >> that sounds weird because how do you just decide you are going to sleep at the white house without anybody noticing or sneak out of it? >> he says he was invited and after investigation, they deemed him a nonthreat. fast forward and logan got a little something up his sleeve. >> my brother did a prank where erls an overnight challenge in the white house. slept in the white house overnight. then the next day he gets a call from the secret service, like actual secret service and they are like hey, we need to interview you, we need to come
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to your house. why don't i just hire my own secret service? >> he hired some guys to dress up like secret service agents and they are about to execute a plan. >> hi. >> he's nervous. >> i was invited to the white house, and basically i had this idea like, on youtube where you do overnight challenges. you try and stay overnight. >> oh, okay, then. since it's a youtube challenge trend, you are cool. >> you real that staying over in the white house is a federal offense. >> yeah, brother, you can't do that. >> did you did take anything from the white house? did you remove anything from the property or the residence? >> i didn't move anything. i didn't talk to anyone. >> this poor kid is going to have a heart attack. >> sweat it out, son. sweat it out. you know what else is a youtube trend, prank videos like that? >> ask him if he has any ties with isis. >> do you have any t


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